Baltimore, Maryland, USA. ISBN: 978,1,4214,0388,0

Journal of Mammalogy, 93(2):615, 2012
manatees. Conservation Biology 18, Cambridge University
Press, New York, New York, USA. ISBN: 978,0,521,71643,7
(soft cover), 521 pp, $65.
Feldhamer, G. A., and W. 1. McShea. 2012. Deer; the
animal answer guide. The johns Hopkins University Press,
Baltimore, Maryland, USA. ISBN: 978,1,4214,0388,0 (soft
cover), 200 pp, $24.95.
Linzey, D. W. 2012. Vertebrate biology. 2nd edition. The
Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
ISBN: 978,1,4214,0040,2 (hard cover), 608 pp, $110.
Marsh, H., T. 1. O'Shea, and 1. E. Reynolds Ill. 2012.
Ecology and conservation of the Sirenia; dugongs and
Notice: Persons wishing to review books listed above should
contact: William L. Gannon, Ph. D., Office of the Vice President
for Research, MSC05 3480, I University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, USA 87131. Email
Journal of Mammalogy, 93(2):616-617, 2012
The American Society of Mammalogists (ASM) seeks to
promote high-quality research by its student members and has
developed a number of mechanisms by which young scientists
can establish and further develop their careers in mammalogy.
The Grants-in-Aid of Research and the Latin American Student
Research programs provide students (usually graduate students)
with funding to conduct research in mammalogy at any stage of
their research projects; students are eligible for more than 1 grant
in successive years. The Latin American Student Field Research
Award explicitly recognizes the historical and contemporary
importance of field research in Latin America to ASM, and the
Society's commitment to promoting field work by promising
students from these countries. To acknowledge the highestcaliber research projects completed by its student members
(supported by Grants-In-Aid or any other funding sources), the
ASM offers the Graduate and Undergraduate Student Honoraria
Research Paper Awards. In addition to funds to support travel to
the Annual Meeting, Graduate Honoraria awardees have the
distinct honor of presenting their research as part of the opening
Plenary Session of the Annual Meeting, along with recipients of
other ASM awards. Finally, the Albert R. and Alma Shadle
Fellowship in Mammalogy and the ASM Fellowship are
designed to recognize contributions to the field of mammalogy,
service to the Society, and the potential to develop a productive
career in mammalogy. By providing funding for student
research (Grants-In-Aid of Research, Latin American Student
Field Research Awards), recognizing the highest quality
completed projects (Honoraria Research Papers), and honoring
individuals that have made substantial contributions to mammalogy through their research and service (Shadle Award and
the ASM Fellowship), the American Society of Mammalogists
assists students throughout the early development of their
careers. Submissions to these programs can be accomplished
The Board of Directors of the ASM provides a fellowship in
mammalogy for any graduate student member of the ASM
enrolled in a college or university for the forthcoming academic
year (FaU2012-Spring 2013). The stipend of$ 15,000 for 201 22013 has been approved. The ASM Fellow will be invited to
present the results of his/her research at the Plenary Session of
the 2013 Annual Meeting of the ASM.
The American Society of Mammalogists (ASM) and the
American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) are pleased
to announce the availability of an internship in the
Washington, DC. AlBS Public Policy Office. The internship
is open to ASM members who are currently enrolled in a
graduate program and who are engaged in research that will
contribute to our understanding and conservation of mammals.
The internship is for 3 months during fall 2012, and carries a
generous monthly stipend of $2,000. Selection criteria include
demonstrated interest in public policy process, strong
communications skills, and excellent academic record.
The AlBS Public Policy Office focuses on science and science
education public policy (e.g., federal R&D funding policy).
Additional infonnation about ASM and AIBS can be found on their
respective websites (,
The ASM-AIBS Public Policy Internship is an opportunity to
gain hands-on experience in public policy at the national level.
By working with the AIBS Public Policy Office, the intern will
learn how scientific societies, non-governmental organizations
(NGO's), executive branch agencies (e.g., NSF, USGS), and the
legislative branch interact to craft science policy. Duties may
include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Attending science coalition meetings, congressional and agency
briefings, hearings, press briefings and other relevant event'>;
• Assisting with tracking and analysis of relevant issues;
• Assisting with planning Capitol Hill briefings or press
• Preparing a written report on the internship experience; and
• Serving as the ASM representative to AIBS Council.
Applications are solicited for two graduate fellowships in
mammalogy for 20 J 2-2013. The fellowships are intended to
promote a professional career in mammalogy by allowing the
recipients greater freedom to pursue research, but are not
grants in support of specific research projects. These
fellowships are the premier awards given to graduate student
members of ASM, and are awarded in recognition of both
current accomplishments and future potential. Careers of
applicants should have progressed sufficiently (in terms of
publications, presentations, and development of their research
program) to clearly demonstrate the potential for productive
roles in professional mammalogy. Awards do not preclude
support from other sources.
Application requirements:
Letter of application describing applicant's interest in
science policy issues and detailing how this fellowship would
enhance hislher professional goals. Applicant should include
the names of two individuals other than their advisor from
whom recommendations can be requested. These individuals
April 2012
should be able to address the candidate's leadership, interpersonal, and communication skills.
A lwo-page resume that demonstrates the applicant's
leadership and communication experience. It should include
the following items: education (including relevant law or
policy courses), work experience, honors and awards,
memberships, and publications.
A statement describing the importance of federal support
for fundamental mammalian research (750 words maximum).
The statement should draw on the applicant's own experience and/or research area, and should illustrate how the
applicant would try to convince his/her own congressional
delegation to support federal research funding programs/
A letter of support/recommendation from academic advisor.
Copies of transcripts from each college or university from
which applicant received a degree and/or is currently enrolled.
If selected, official transcripts may be required.
Applicants are not required to be ASM members at the time
of application but, if selected, must join the Society prior to
starting the internship. The intern is expected to present a
poster summarizing the internship experience at the June 2013
ASM Annual Meeting.
All application materials must be received by 1 May 2012
and should be sent to Dr. Alicia V. Linzey, Evaluation
Committee Chair, 148 Double Brook Dr., Weaverville, NC
28787. Questions about the award can be addressed to Dr.
Linzey at
Journal of Mammalogy, 93(2):618-619, 2012
purposes worldwide. The present collection consists of
>1,500 images depicting >800 species, 440 genera, 100
families, and 27 orders. More than 110,000 images are now in
use at > 3,000 institutions in about 50 countries. Images
suitable for optical projection for nonprofit, educational
purposes may be viewed and obtained on the Society's
website at
Please remember to credit the photographer and the library
if images are used for optical projection.
In addition to optical projection for nonprofit instruction,
many of the images can be employed (with permission) for
other purposes, including commercial uses. For permission to
use images for purposes other than nonprofit optical projection,
contact the committee chair: David Huckaby, California State
University, Long Beach, Department of Biological Sciences,
1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach, California 90840-3702;; 562-985-4869; FAX 562-985-8878.
The Library continually seeks new images for the collection
and urges anyone having images to contribute them. For
information about contributing images, contact the committee
chair. The committee thanks the hundreds of people that have
contributed images thus far.
Journal of Mammalogy and Mammalian Species are
available online to all ASM members with back issues available
via ISTOR. Members will also receive print copies of the
10urnal for an annual membership fee of $75 for regular
members ($55 for students), or they may elect to receive online
only versions of both publications for an annual fee of $55 ($20
for members in developing countries). Institutions may
subscribe at a rate of $270 for print and online access to the
10urnal, $95 for online-only access to Mammalian Species, or
$325 for both publications.
PDF files for the first 823 Mammalian Species accounts (1969
to 2(08) are also available online via the URL below: http://
Approximately 24-26 accounts are planned for publication
in 2011. Each account is 2-14 pages in length and reviews the
biology of a particular species in a standard format.
Mammalian Species accounts are produced by assignment
only. Upon written request to the Editor for Mammalian
Species, exclusive privileges to produce an account will be
granted for 2 years; a I-year extension may be requested if a
manuscript is near completion at the end of the initial
assignment. At the Editor's discretion, assignments not
submitted at the end of this period may be cancelled. A
maximum of 5 species may be reserved at 1 time. No free
copies are given to authors; page charges may be paid on a
voluntary basis.
Mammalian Species is available online only to all ASM
members, as of 2006; print copies will no longer be published.
Orders for yearly sets of accounts within the past 5 years
should be sent to Christy Classi, ASM Association Manager,
810 East 10th Street, P.O. Box 1897, Lawrence, KS 66044;
785-843-1235; FAX -1274; Individual
accounts are no longer available for purchase. Requests for
assignment of species and other editorial queries should be
addressed to Meredith Hamilton, Editor of Mammalian
Species, Department of Zoology, 501 Life Sciences West,
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078, 405-7449685; FAX -7824;
The International Relations Committee has devised a
method of providing membership in ASM to mammalogists
from outside the United States and Canada who wish to
become members, but simply cannot afford to. Some
members already sponsor ASM membership for foreign
mammalogists on a continual basis. However, others who
are unable to provide a full membership on a continual basis,
may wish to contribute a partial membership or a full
membership during some years. Such is now possible through
contributions to the Sponsor Fund. The Fund will be handled
as follows:
From time-to-time, a form on which a member can state
his or her name, address, and amount of donation to the
Sponsor Fund will be printed in the back of the Journal of
Mammalogy and on the reverse of the mailing label that
accompanies the Journal.
b. When money in the Fund reaches any multiple of the
current amount for annual dues, dues for a mammalogist
in need of sponsorship will be paid. Contributions will be
used directly to sponsor foreign members: the Fund will
not be of the type from which only the interest is used to
pay memberships.
The Mammal Images Library is a non-profit educational
service of the American Society of Mammalogists. The goal of
the library is providing images of mammals for educational
April 2012
Money in the Fund will be managed through the
Secretary-Treasurer's office.
d. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be designated as the sponsor
of record.
e. At the end of 3 years members of the International
Relations Committee will verify that sponsored individuals still need and want sponsorship. Sponsorship from the
Fund could extend to a maximum of 5 years.
Members should submit names and mailing and e-mail
addresses of foreign mammalogists in need of sponsorship to
the chair of the International Relations Committee: Duane
Members and subscribers are advised that the Journal of
Mammalogy is mailed in February, April, June, August,
October, and December. Address changes MUST be in the
hands of Christy Classi, ASM Association Manager, 810 East
10th Street, P.O. Box 1897, Lawrence, KS 66044; 785-8431235; FAX -1274; by the 1st day of the
month of mailing. United Stales addresses must have zip
codes. Address changes are expedited if fonner address, with
zip code, is included.
ASM has a "buddy system" to assist authors who are not
native English speakers. "Buddies" are mammalogists who
have offered to preview manuscripts that need editorial
revision for English. Authors interested in having a manuscript
previewed should contact the lournal Editor or an Associate
Editor for Journal of Mammalogy. Individuals interested in
having their names added to the list of "buddies" should
contact Alicia Linzey (
We are now accepting proposals for Postdoctoral Fellowships at The National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent).
We are looking to support innovative approaches to outstanding
problems in evolutionary biology. Proposals are due December 1.
For more infonnation, please see our website at https:!!www.!science!proposals.php.
Proposals for Sabbaticals, Working Groups and Catalysis
Meetings are now being accepted at The National Evolutionary
Synthesis Center (NESCent). We are looking to support
innovative approaches to outstanding problems in evolutionary biology. In particular, proposals that have a clear
interdisciplinary focus, or involve evolutionary concepts in
non-traditional disciplines, are strongly encouraged, as are
proposals that demonstrate international participation and a
mix of senior and emerging researchers, including graduate
students. Proposals are accepted twice a year, with deadlines
on July to and December 1. Proposals for Sabbaticals may
be for up to a full year. We also accept proposals for shortterm visits (2 weeks to 3 months; deadlines on January t,
April 1, July 1 and September 1). For more information,
please see our website at https:!!science!
NESCent is now including graduate training in its portfolio,
by offering one-semester fellowships for graduate students to
pursue research with a NESCent sabbatical scholar, a
NESCent postdoctoral scholar, or a NESCent Working Group.
Deadlines are January 1 (for a fall semester fellowship) and
July 1 (for a spring semester fellowship). For more information, please see our website at https:l!www.neseenLorg!
To be held in Rovaniemi, Finland, July 16-20, 2012. All
fields in rodent biology are welcome. For details, see http://!rsI3. For more info, contact Heikki.Henttonen@
Copies of classified announcements should be submitted to the
Advertising Manager, Allen Press, Inc., 810 East 10th Street,
Lawrence, KS 66044; phone 800-627-0932, ext 262; FAX 785843-1853; e-mail These announcements
must be received at least 2 months prior to the publication date
and should specify the number of issues the announcement is to
appear in. The charge will be $90.00 for 5 lines and $5.00 each
additional line. This charge will be billed after each insertion.
TRANSLATIONS of Czech, Gennan, Russian, and Slovak original
texts. Have them done by a fellow manunalogist! Dr. Emil
Kucera, 74 Deer Lodge Place, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3J
2B8, (204) 885-4071;
Journal of Mammalogy, 93(2):620-621,2012
Rick A. Adams, Gregory H. Adler, Salvatore J. Agosta,
Lois F. Alexander, Mariana Altrichter, Ticul Alvarez, Sergio
T.Alvarez-Castafieda, J. R. Anderson, Carlos D. Antenucci,
Brian S. Arbogast, Joaquin Arrollo-Cabrales, Victor Arroyo
Rodriguez, Maria Clara Arteaga, Keith Aubry, David Augustine, Jim Austin, Robert J. Baker, Alessandro Balestrieri,
Lianne Ball, Brian M. Barnes, Gary W. Barrett, Heather
Barton, Ludek Bartos, Brian L. Beatty, Erik A. Beever, Paul
Beier, Kacey Bell, Mathew Bell, Hichem Ben Slimen, K. A.
Bennett, Victoria Bennett, R. J. Berry, Annalisa Berta, Gabe
Bever, Dean E. Biggins, John G. Blake, Dimitri V. Blondel,
Mike Bogan, Frank J. Bonaccorso, Daryl Boness, Stan Boutin,
Gabe Bowen, Jake Bowman, Jeff Bowman, Terry Bowyer,
Justin Boyles, Christine A. Bozarth, Robert D. Bradley, Janet
K. Braun, Stewart W. Breck, Mark Brigham, Todd J.
Brinkman, Daniel Brito, Hugh G. Broders, David Broussard,
Janine L. Brown, Loren Buck, Christopher L. Burdett, Joseph
R. Burger, Marfa Busch, Steven Buskirk, John A. Byers, Brian
Cade, Henry Campa III, Juan Campos, Tim Caro, Bryan
Carstens, Tim C. Carter, Fernando Cesar Cascelli de Azevedo,
Isabella Cattadori, Rui Cerqueira, Michael Chaimberlain,
Andreas S. Chavez, Adriano Chiarello, Susan Chivers,
Philippe Christe, Elizabeth L. Clare, Jacqueline Codron,
Christopher E. Comer, Larry M. Conner, Richard Connor,
Chris J. Conroy, Rachel Cook, Susan M. Cooper, Luca
CorJatti, Leslie A. Cornick, Cecily M. Costello, John 1. Cox,
Shawn M. Crimmins, Margaret Crofoot, Kevin R. Crooks,
AriovaJdo P. Cruz-Neto, Paul Cryan, Catherine L Cullingham,
Jack Cully, Ana P. Cutrera, Guillermo D'Elia, Ben Dantzer,
Chris Darimont, Liliana Davalos, Randall W. Davis, Joao De
Oliveira, Miguel Delibes-Mateos, Stephen Demarais, James
W. Demastes, John Demboski, Andrew E. Derocher, Terry
Derting, Larisa DeSantis, Arnaud L. Desbiez, Albert D.
Ditchfield, Katharina Dittmar, Laurie Dizney, Cristina Domingo, Bowen Don, Robert Druzinsky, Sylvain Dubey, Joseph
DuChamp, Colleen Duncan, Andrew J. Edelman, Judith Eger,
Lori Eggert, Mark Eldridge, Jacob Esselstyn, James A. Estes,
Wendy A. Estes-Zumpf, Karen Evans, Allowen Evin, W. Sue
Fairbanks, George Feldhammer, Laura Felicetti, Michael
Ferkin, Marco Festa-Bianchet, John Fieberg, Ted H. Fleming,
Robert Fletcher, David Flores, Mark Ford, Rodrigo Fomel,
Daniel Fortin, David Fox, Craig L. Frank, Kevin C. Fraser,
Trish Freeman, Shandra Nicole Frey, Winifred F. Frick,
Lowell Fritz, W. Fuller, Neil Furey, Joanna Furmankiewicz,
Karen Gaines, Kurt Galbreath, Sonia Gallina, Juan Pablo
Gallo, William L. Gannon, Andre Ganswindt, Dave Garcelon,
Tom Gehring, Fritz Geiser, Fabian Genin, Eric Gese, Lowell
Getz, Robin Gill, Daphne Gille, Robert Gitzen, Jacob R.
Goheen, Simon D. Goldsworthy, Manuela Gonzalez-Swirez,
Steven M. Goodman, John W. Gosse, Caitlin M. Graff, Lon L
Grassman, Renato Gregorin, Andrew J. Gregory, Jamin Grigg,
Melissa M. Grigione, Stefano Grignolio, Troy W. Grovenburg,
F. M. D. M. Gulland, Gregg Gunnell, Robert Guralnick, Luis
HUckstadt, Alexander H. Harcourt, Jim Hare, Matt W.
Hayward, Eric C. Hellgren, Cathy Herbert, L Gerardo Herrera
M., Pall Hersteinsson, David Hewitt, Grant Hilderbrand,
David A. Hill, Ben T. Hirsch, Anouschka R. Hof, Aleta Hohn,
Thor Holmes, Rodney L. Honeycutt, Wendy R. Hood,
Samantha S. Hopkins, Eva Horne, Jon Home, Angela
Hornsby, Peter Houde, Henry Howe, Kris Hundertmark,
Rafael Hurtado, Rainer Hutterer, Ray Iglay, Rolf Ims, Lucia
F. Jacobs, Joe Jacquot, Patton James, Tim Jardine, Pablo S.
Jarrin, Tereza Jezkova, Tracey Johnson, Tamara JohnstoneYellin. Kirsten Jung, Matina Ka1counis-Rueppell, William
Karasov, Brian Keane, Carol Keiper, Jeff Kelly, John G. Kie,
Andrew Kitchener, Gary Koehler, Klaus-Peter Koepfli, Joseph
M. Kolowski, John L. Koprowski, Gerhard Kortner, Burt P.
Kotler, Boris R. Krasnov, Paul R. Krausman, Charles J. Krebs,
Kellie M. Kuhn. N. S. Kumar, Kyran Kunkel, Carolyn Kurle,
Allen Kurta, Eileen A. Lacey. Thomas Lambert, Melanie
Lancaster, Winston C. Lancaster, Tomas Landete-Castillejos,
Peter A Larsen, Richard K. LaVal, Mary-Anne Lea. Nicolas
F. Lecomte, Runhua Lei, David M. Leslie, Jr., Damon B.
Lesmeister, Nathanael Lichti, William Z. Lidicker, Burton
Lim, Alicia Linzey, Christina Lockyer, Susan C. Loeb, Eric S.
Long, William S. Longland, Kathleen Longshore, Gislene
Lopes Gonr,;alves, Thomas R. Loughlin, Jim Loughry, Julien
Louys, Anna Loy, Daffin Lunde, Karen E. Mabry, Matthew
MacManes, Maria C. MacSwiney, Seth B. Magie, Chris
Maguire, Sean P. Maher, Salvador Mandujano, Janet Mann,
Theodore G. Manno, Hugo Mantilla-Meluk, Tapio Mappes,
Enrique Martinez-Meyer, Jill Mateo, Marjorie Matocq,
Sumiko Matsumura, Andrew G. McAdam, Robert A.
McCleery, Marshall McCue, Greg McDonald, John E.
McDonald, Betty A. McGuire, Liam P. McGuire, Andrew
McKechnie, Philip McLoughlin, Brock R. McMillan, J.
Weldon McNutt, William McShea, L. D. Mech, Marco A.
Mello, Jose Melo-Ferreira, Sarah Mesnick, Jackie D. Metheny,
Gail Michener, Jack Millar, David Miller, Jacqueline R.
Miller, James N. Mills, L. Scott Mills, Michael S. Mitchell,
Nancy D. Moncrief, Kevin Monteith, Kyle Monteith, Juan
Manuel Morales, Katie M. Moriarty, Alessio Mortelliti,
Mariana Munoz-Romo, Thomas Mueller, Lisa L Muller,
Karen E. Munroe, Atle Mysterud, Vilis Nams, Sean A.
Neiswenter, Chris Newman, Stewart Nicol, Karin Noren, D.
Ryan Norris, Tom Nupp, Joy O'Keefe, Holly K. Ober,
Agustina Ojeda, Madan K Oli, Kirk Olson, David Onorato,
Monik Oprea, Joseph D. Orkin, Jorge Ortega, Janis OzoliQs,
Thomas PUttker, Eduardo Palma, Eleni Papadatou, Ulyses
F.Pardifias, Robert Parmenter, Benjamin Passey, Bruce
Patterson, Martin Dehnhard, Roger W. Perry, David K.
Person, Leila Maria Pess6a, Rolf Peterson, Ronald Pine,
Sebastian Poljak, Roger A. Powell, Steven J. Presley, Laura
Prugh, Petra Quillfeldt, Alan Rabinowitz, Ute Radespiel, Chris
April 2012
M. Rafferty, Katherine Ralls, Euore Randi, Aaron W. Reed,
Marilyn Renfree, Eric A. Rickart, Andres J. Rinderknecht,
Charles T. Robbins, Lynn Robbins, Armando RodriguezDuran, Diego Rodriguez, Heiko Roedel, Gary Roemer, Jeff
Root, Steven Ross, Stephen J. Rossiter, James Roth, Hannah
M. Rowland, Amy L. Russell, Jens Rydell, Benjamin N.
Sacks, Richard Sage, Gillian D. Sales, Joshua Samuels,
Sharlene E. Santana, Ronald Sarno, Katsufumi Sato, Eric M.
Schauber, Gary D. Schnell, Jorge Schondube, Robert L.
Schooley, Carsten Schradin, Franz Schwarzenberger, Nina
Schwensow, Peter Scogings, Knut Seip, Yoshikazu Seki,
Jeffrey Seminoff, Melody Serena, Brent Sewall, James H.
Shaw, Gay Sheffield, Steve R. Sheffield, Susanne Shultz,
Aditya, H. S. Singh, Navinder Singh, Norman A. Slade,
Dennis Slate, Cynthia Smith, Douglas W. Smith, Joshua B.
Smith, Sergio Solari, Rahel Sollmann, Nancy G. Solomon,
Nueharin Songsasen, Don Spalinger, Paul Stapp, Donald T.
Stewart, Kelley M. Stewart, Michael Stoskopf, Jeffrey
Stratford, Olga Suarez, R. Sukumar, Jack Sullivan, Mel
Sunquist, Werner Suter, Mark Swanson, Linda Sweanor, Rob
Swiers, James Taulman, J. Mary Taylor, Tad C. Theimer,
Cody W. Thompson, Daniel Thompson, Paul Thompson,
Katherine Thorington, Christopher Thurbill, Robert M. Timm,
Thomas E. Tomasi, Ann-Marie Torregrossa, Maria Eugenia
Torres, Kathryn E. Townsend, Randall Tracy, Marco
Tschapka, Monica G. Turner, Thomas Turner, Frank Van
Breukelen, Ronald A. Van Den Bussche, Jaap Van Schaik,
Dirk H. Van Vuren, Paul M. Velazco, Emerson Vieira,
Maarten J. Vonhof, Lisette P. Waits, Faith M. Walker, Steven
C. Wallace, Eric Waltari, Peter Waser, Samuel K. Wasser,
Gideon Wasserberg, Trudi Webster, Richard D. Weir, Vera
Weisbecker, Christa Weise, Kenneth Welch, Howard Whidden, Gary C. White, Kevin White, P. J. White, Helen
Whiteside, Don Whittaker, John Whittaker, Shawn M. Wilder,
Kenneth T. Wilkins, Don E. Wilson, Kenneth Wilson, Laura
A. Wilson, Todd M. Wilson, Andreas Wilting, Samantha
Wisely, Blair Wolf, Michael Wolfe, Marianna Wood, Neal
Woodman, Michael C. Wooten, K. R. Yoganand, John
Yunger, John Zaharick, Andrzej Zalewski, Andreas Zedrosser,
Starn Zervanos, Shuyi Zhang, Jelle Zijlstra, Patrick Zollner,
Karol Zub, Gerald L. Zuercher
Ian Abbott, Kenneth Armitage, David Armstrong, Brad
Bergstrom, Marcelo Bordignon, Robert Bradley, Steven
Buskirk, Louise Emmons, Virginia Hayssen, Thor Holmes,
Robert Horwich, Luke Hunter, Tim Karels, Celia L6pez-
GonzaJez, Carolyn Mahan, Dennis Meritt, Ronald Pine, Duke
Rogers, Louise Roth, Julia Ruppell, John Scheibe, Marc
Snyder, Sergio Solari, Mariella Superina, Richard Thorington,
Jr., Katherine Thorington, Sarie Van Belle
A. J. Beck, N. J. Czaplewski, E. J. Finck, E. P. Lessa, Y.-T. Lin, K. McBee, R. K. Rose, M. A. Stevens
C. Iudica, A. Keuroghlian, M. S. Mattevi, I. M. Ortega (proofreaders); A. Carvajal, C. A. Iudica (translators)
Journal of Mammalogy, 93(2):622-625, 2012
The Journal of Mammalogy is a research-oriented, peerreviewed journal dealing with all responsible types of research
on biology of mammals. Papers of any reasonable length that
can be justified by their purpose, design, and outcome will be
considered. Manuscripts must be submitted online via AllenTrack at
Journal Editor: Joseph F. Merritt, Illinois Natural History
Survey, University of Illinois, 1816 S. Oak Street, Champaign,
TL 61820, USA. E-mail:; telephone: +1
217-265-7301; FAX: +1217-244-0802.
This document is divided into 3 parts:
• Introduction ... note: NO heading for "INTRODUCTION'·
• Materials and Methods
• Results
• Discussion ... note: NO "Summary" or "Conclusion"
sections, include relevant syntheses in the Discussion
Acknowledgments (note spelling)
A summary in another language, usually a translation
of the abstract, may be included at end of text if appropriate. Translations of abstracts in Spanish or Portuguese
are REQUIRED for all studies conducted in Latin
S. Literature Cited; references listed in alphabetical order by
author surname; put authors' names in SMALL CAPS.
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7. Appendix, if necessary.
8. Tables. Each table (.xLS .. XLSX .. DOC. or .DOCX
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COMMON PROBLEMS WITH MANUSCRIPTS common mistakes that delay the handling of manuscripts.
Double-check before submitting.
submit your manuscript via AllenTrack.
Your manuscript should include the following parts, in this
Text of manuscript
Title Page
• Contact information of the author to whom correspondence and proofs should be sent in the upper left
corner (single-spaced)
• Running Heading (a short identification, not a title,
:::;40 characters including spaces; use normal font)
• Title (Bold, left-justified text; capitalize only the
first word and formal names, taxa, geographic
locations, etc; restrict to :::; 15 words)
• Names of authors (Use SMALL CAPS, NOT ALL
CAPS!, left-justified text, with asterisk to identify
corresponding author)
• Affiliations of authors (Normal font in italics, Jeftjustified, with author initials in parentheses following the appropriate address)
• Abstract, no longer than 5% of the length of the text
(Introduction through Discussion; multiply number
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Abstract.. .longer abstracts will be sent back for
shortening) summarizing key findings ... note: there
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submission site in a separate file at the same time an
author submits the manuscript. Editors and reviewers will
check the file during peer review. However, the editor,
editorial staff and publisher will not copyedit, typeset, or
format supplemental material. The material must be ready
for e-posting when the manuscript is submitted for review.
• An e-only supplemental file should be referenced in your
manuscript, e.g., see Supplement 1 (or Video 1, Appendix
I, etc.) available online.
• Because e-only supplemental files are published separately
from the manuscript. they need to stand alone. If references
are cited in the supplemental material but not in the regular
article, the references should appear at the end of the
supplemental file. References that only appear in the
supplemental material should not be listed in the Literature
Cited section of the manuscript.
April 2012
• Following are guidelines for supplemental files:
o Submit text files in Times New Roman 12 pt. font with
one inch margins.
o An audio file, text, graphic, spreadsheet or PDF file
must be less than 5 MB.
o A video file must be less than 10 MB.
• If an author submits a video file, the author may submit a
still shot from the video (JPG, TIF or EPS) to use for a
thumbnail that can be placed in the article.
All parts of the manuscript, including Literature Cited,
should be written in English and follow the style and format
of papers in the most recent issues of the Journal of
Mammalogy. The Journal standard for style is the CSE style
manual (Scientific Style and Fonnat-The CSE Manual for
Authors, Editors, and Publishers. 7th ed. Council of Science
Editors, The Rockefeller University Press.)
ALL written and tabular material must be double-spaced (3
lines/2.5 cm) and in 12-point Times New Roman font. Text
pages should be numbered, and nonnal text (not headings)
should be left-justified. In general, 2 levels of organization are
used: primary headings (centered and in uppercase) and
secondary headings (indented at beginning of paragraph,
italicized, and followed by period and a long dash). Italicized
scientific names (genus and species) of all organisms other
than domesticated animals should be given with the common
name at first use, in the abstract and the body of paper. Use
Arabic for all numbers, even those < 1O.
In Materials and Methods, include a statement indicating
whether research on live animals followed ASM guidelines
(SIKES ET AL. 2011. Journal of Mammalogy 92:235-253, http:// 0.164411 O-MAMM-F-355.1) and was
approved by an institutional animal care and use committee. All
DNA sequences must be submitted to GenBank, and accession
numbers provided in the manuscript before publication.
Museum catalogue numbers for all voucher specimens
(including associated tissue) examined must be included in
the manuscript (in an Appendix if numerous). Consult recent
issues of the Journal of Mammalogy for examples.
Tables should conform to JM format: horizontal lines across
the top beneath the legend, bottom, and underneath column
headings. Do NOT use vertical lines to separate columns, add
extra horizontal lines to separate parts of the table, or use grid
cells. Tables need to be formatted as text for publication, thus
do not submit them as pdfs.
Figures will be reduced to 9, 13, or 19 cm in width for
publication, so lettering and symbols must be large enough to
withstand reduction and be legible. Put figure numbers on
figures. Do not present the same data in both graphs and
tables. There should be at least 2 (preferably 3) pages of text
for each figure or table.
Authors will be charged for color figures. Authors will be
charged $1,000 in addition to regular page charges for each
figure appearing in print. This charge cannot be waived and
must be paid in full before a paper is scheduled for
publication. Authors have the option of having figures printed
in black/white but produced in color online. If an author
selects this option, he/she will be charged $75 per figure.
Below are the formats of common types of references listed
in the Literature Cited. See a recent issue of the loumal for
other examples.
a. Journal Articles
analysis using radio-tracking data-a review of problems and
techniques particularly as applied to the study of mammals.
Mammal Review 20:97-123.
Starch gel electrophoresis of enzymes-a compilation of
recipes. Biochemical Genetics.
b. Books
HALL, E. R. 1981. The mammals of North America. 2nd ed.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York 1:1-600 + 90. [OR
... 2;601-1181 + 90.]
NEAL, E. G., AND C. CHEESEMAN. 1996. Badgers. Poyser
Natural History, London, United Kingdom.
c. Chapter in Edited Books
PATION, J. L., ET AL. 1977. Optimal habitat selection in twospecies competitive systems. Pp. 282-293 in Population
ecology (U. Halbach and J. Jacobs, eds.). Gustav Fischer
Verlag, Stuttgart, West Germany.
d. Technical Reports
HENDRIX, P. F. 1996b. Earthworms, biodiversity, and course
woody debris in forest ecosystems of the Southeastern U.S.A.
Pp. 43--48 in Biodiversity and coarse woody debris in southern
forests, proceedings of the workshop on coarse woody debris in
southern forests: effects on biodiversity (1. W. McMinn and D.
A. Crossley, Jr., eds.). United States Department of Agriculture,
Forest Service, General Technical Report SE-94:1-146.
e. Theses or Dissertations
STEWART, P. D. 1997. The social behaviour of the European
badger, Meles meles. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Oxford,
Oxford, United Kingdom.
Submitted manuscripts or unpublished data cannot be
cited in the manuscript or listed in the Literature Cited.
Possible Cover Art
Authors who have illustrations of mammals that are
particularly attractive or interesting may suggest these be used
on the cover of the Joumal (l Mammalogy in which the paper
will appear. Submit possible cover images to the Journal Editor.
Title Page
• Contact information for corresponding author should be
• Effective 2010, only the first letter of major words in the
title should be capitalized (not in CAPS).
• Institutional affiliations should be in italics.
• Authors' names should not be superscripted; initials should
be placed after the author affiliation (in CAPS, italicized,
and in parentheses).
• Key words should be listed in alphabetical order.
Manuscript Text • In-text literature citations in strings should be listed in
alphabetical order by first authors' names, and multiple
dates for the same author(s) are separated by commas (e,g.,
Blake 2002; Heske et al. 2004, 2006; Leslie 1898).
• All text should be left-justified except for section headings,
which should follow the guidelines in Preparation of
Materials and Methods and Results • Statistical and other quantitative procedures used should be
mentioned and/or described and justified (with citations
and mention of statistical software used) routinely in
Materials and Methods rather than mentioning them for the
first time in Results when the outcomes are reported. For
example, mention of the use of 2-way ANOY As to assess
the effects of sex and season should be made in Materials
and Methods, and only outcomes of those analyses - F
(with d.f. as subscripts) and P values - in the Results.
• All details of statistical outcomes reported should be
provided, and degrees of freedom must be reported as
subscripts of test statistics. For example, for an ANOV A,
F, d.f. (as subscripts of F), and the P value should be
reported, not just the P value or F and P value. Degrees of
freedom are important for two reasons: in a) revealing the
possibility of pseudoreplication, and b) confinning (or
questioning) statistical significance of an outcome. Be sure
to report both numerator and denominator d.f. (in that
order) for F tests. Abbreviation style for statistics should
follow that in a recent issue of JM.
Literature Cited • Check carefully that all references cited in the manuscript
are included in the list of Literature Cited, and that there are
no entries in the Literature Cited that are not cited in the
text or legends.
• Authors' names should be written in SMALL CAPS, including the
word "AND". Use "ET AL." for references with 7 ormoreauthors.
• Spell out the names of journals completely.
• When the 1st author name is the same for consecutive
references, be sure that references are listed in alphabetical
order by 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. authors' surnames (this is
Vol. 93, No.2
especially a problem when letters are added after dates in
references published in the same year)
• Pay close attention to proper formatting for references that
are chapters in books [e.g., Pp ... .in ..... (D. E. Wilson and
D. M. Reeder, eds.)] and for references that are technical
reports, symposia papers, etc .. Provide city and state or city
and country for publishers of books.
• Do not cite or list manuscripts that are submitted but not
published or in press.
Tables and Figures • Be sure that ALL tabular material is in Times New Roman
12-point font and is DOUBLE SPACED.
• Be sure that all figures are legible and will be clearly
readable when reduced.
Manuscripts must be submitted online via AllenTrack at Direct concerns and questions to
the Journal Editor. Authors are infonned bye-mail of receipt
of their manuscripts and can track them on AllenTrack.
Authors who cannot submit copies electronically should
contact the Journal Editor.
The manuscript submission process is broken into a series
of 5 screens that gather detailed infonnation about your
manuscriPl and allow you to upload the pertinent files. The
sequence of screens is as follows:
- A long fonn asking for author infonnation, title, abstract,
and number of files.
- A screen asking for the actual file locations on your
computer (via an open file dialog). After completing this
screen, your files will be uploaded to our server.
- A screen requesting the order of files in the systemgenerated merged PDF.
- A completion screen that will provide you with a specific
manuscript number for your manuscript.
- An approval screen that will allow you to verify that your
manuscript was uploaded and converted correctly. You are
allowed to replace and delete files, as well as withdraw the
manuscript, on this page.
Buddy System: All manuscripts must be in English. If
English is not your primary language, you may request a
'buddy' who will volunteer their time to assist you. To be put
in contact with a 'buddy' please contact the Journal Editor.
Before submitting a manuscript, please gather the following
• All Authors
First Names, Middle Names or Initials, Last Names
Phone and Fax Numbers
April 2012
Street Addresses
E-mail Addresses
Title (::; 15 words) and Running Title (::;40 characters,
including spaces; you may copy and paste these from your
Abstract (::;5% of length of the text; you may copy and
paste this from your manuscript)
Key words, ::; 10 words, alphabetized
Manuscript files in Word, WordPerfect, or Text formats
(.doc or .txt)
Figures in .TIF, .BPS, .PDF, .lPG, .PPT, or .PPTX formats
(.tif, .eps, .pdf, .jpg, .ppt, or .pptx)
Tables in .xLS, .XLSX, .DOC, or .DOCX formats (.xls,
.xlsx, .doc, or .docx)
Tables may be included in word-processing document after
text and figure legends instead of being uploaded separately
(except for final accepted version of manuscript)
Cover Letter (if you wish to include one)
Names and email addresses of 2-3 independent potential
reviewers who could give a fair, objective assessment of
your manuscript
The manuscript submission process starts by pressing the
"Submit Manuscript" link. on your "Home" page. Please make
sure you have gathered all the required manuscript information
listed above BEFORE starting the submission process.
After Submission
After the manuscript is submitted, you will be asked to select
the order of files for the merged PDF file that the system will
create for you. Next, you will be directed to a page that will
allow you to review your converted manuscript. If the
conversion is not correct, you can replace or delete your
manuscript files as necessary. You may also add additional files
at this time. After you have reviewed the converted files, you
will need to click on "Approve Converted Files." This link will
have a red arrow next to it. Throughout the system, red
arrows reflect pending action items that you should address.
- Clicking on the link for your manuscript tracking number
and abbreviated title
- Clicking on the "Check Status" link at the bottom of the
displayed page
This procedure will display detailed tracking information
about where your manuscript is in the submission, peer-review
Page charges.-Articles in Journal of Mamrnalogv and
Mammalian Species are subject to a charge of US$80.00/printed
page. As a benefit of membership, authors who are members of
ASM at the time of submission are eligible for a reduction or
waiver of page charges (at least one author must be a member). If
resources are available, members are strongly encouraged to pay
full or partial page charges, but nonmembers must pay
US$80.00/printed page.
Open access.-Charges to make articles open access are
$1,200.00 for authors who are members of the American
Society of Mammalogists and $1,500 for nonmembers.
Journal articles are posted at ASM Online Journals (www. and BioOne ( Authors who
opt for open access do not have to pay regular page charges.
Color charges.-Color figures cost $1,000.00 each, which
must be paid in full before a paper can be scheduled for
publication. An author may opt to have figures printed in
black and white but produced in color online. If the author
elects to have online color figures, the author will be charged
$75 per figure.
Fast Track New Species Articles.-Authors may opt to
have articles naming new species or other new taxa placed
on a fast track, which means that the article will take
approximately 2 months from submission to publication.
Authors interested in having their new species article fasttracked must pay a mandatory fee of $1,400.00. Details on
this fast track option can be found in author instructions
on the manuscript submission website, http://jmamm.
Getting Help
If you need additional help, you can click on the 'help'
signs spread throughout the system. A help dialog will pop up
with context-sensitive help.
Manuscript Status
After you approve your manuscript, you are finished with
the submission process. You can access the status of your
manuscript at any time by:
- Logging into the system with your password
Proofs must be corrected upon receipt, signed, and
returned to the Managing Editor, Emily Mueller: Allen
Press Inc., 810 East 10th Street, Lawrence, KS 66044-0368,
USA (+1 785-843-1235 ext. 129, FAX -1244, emueUer@ Authors will be billed $S.OO/revision for
changes in proofs (but not for corrections that occurred in
Reprints can be ordered via a link sent to the corresponding author at the time of publication. Send correspondence
about proofs to the Managing Editor (emueller@allenpress.
Journal of Mammalogy, 93(2):626, 2012
The long-tenn vitality and vibrancy of the American Society of Mammalogists depend upon the philanthropy of our members and
others interested in supporting our programs of research, education, and outreach. Consequently, we gratefully acknowledge the
generosity of those who have made monetary contributions to the Society over the past year. Such financial contributions have
been particularly critical in supporting the careers of the next generation of marnmalogists - our students. Funds to which
donations can be directed include: a) African Student Fund; b) Century Fund; c) Future Mammalogists Fund (including donations
from the annual auction); d) General Reserve Fund; e) Latin American Student Field Mammalogy Research Fund; and f) Oliver
Pearson Fund. Details about these funds can be found at
(#Donations made to the General Reserve Fund in support of the ASM Fellowship Award).
Terry Bowyer
Jacob Goheen u
Edward Heskec
David Leslie, Jrc
Alicia Linzey~
Michael Mares e
Janet Braund •c
Michael Willigc
Kenneth Armitageh •c
B. Diane Chepko-Sadcc
Adam Ferguson fl •C
Stephen Jenkinsc
Douglas Kelt c
Margaret O'Connell c
Barbara Shaw b
Richard Stevens"
DeeAnn Reeder c
Up to $100
Lowell Adams"
Tanya Aldredc
Fred Anderkac
Megan Baker"
Erika Barthelmess a.c
John Bassette
Brad Blood"
Paula Bohaskac
Jeffrey Bradleyc
Amanda Cheeseman c
W. A. Clemens f
Brandi Coyner
Peter Dalbi
Kristina A. Erneste
Brian Gaston C
Chris Habeckc
John Delton Hansonc
John Harrise
Yoskikazu HasegawaC
Michelle HaynieC
Kristofer Helgenc
Cecilia HenncssyC
Elaine Holmesc
Adam Hoped
Sarah Hossc
Sara Johnson c
Roland Kaysc
Nicholas Kerhoulas c
William Kilpatrick"
Brooks Kohli c
Peter Larsen d.#
Targe Lindsai
Kristen Lucia"
Karen Mabrl
Matthew Mauldinc
Molly McDonough a
L. David Mechc
Richard Merild
Lizette Mendozac
Kerry Nicholsonc
James Nonemand
Ryan W. Norrisu
Scott Nunesc
Bruce Pattersona
Stephen Peterson #
Suzanne Peurach c
Winnie Pipkinc
Jose Ramirez-Pulido d
Nathan Ramsay#
Shea Ramsel
Melissa RogallaC
Maria Rutzmoser c
Katelyn Schumacherc
Emily Scobie c
Robert Sikes c
Winston Smith b
William Stanlel
Scott Steppan a
Eli Swansonc
Zuleyma Tang-Martinez"
Brian Tanisc
Caroline Thorington C
Paul Velazco c
James Ward, Jrd
Stephen West C
Shawn Whitemanc
Evan Wilson c
Samuel Zeveloffc
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