Dear X5 Users UAT has now been completed successfully and we

Dear X5 Users UAT has now been completed successfully and we are still on target for our anticipated upgrade date of Monday 7th December. X5 will be unavailable for use from 8:00am with the upgrade due to be completed by 13:00, confirmation will be sent out once the system is ready for use again. There are still places available on the X5 upgrade demo sessions, please refer to http://www.research‐‐and‐pricing‐research‐
proposal/x5/x5‐upgrade‐portal/x5‐upgrade‐demonstrations for more details and information on how to book your session. Please can you ensure that any costings checked out to yourself are checked in and that any costing that needs submission through Workflow with a Monday 7th December deadline is completed by close of business Friday 4th December. Regards Dawn Edwards on behalf of the X5 Upgrade Project Team Sent: Thursday 24th November 2015 at 09h14