’FA’ + ’FE’ - Splice ’FO’ ’SA’ + ’SE’ - Splice ’SO’ Face of Arm Base Plate at | Arm ’FE’ | Pole ’SE’ ’FA’ Vented Pole Cap ’SA’ with (3) Stainless Pole Connection See Steel Set Screws Sheet 3 of 5 (single arm) Mast Arm Splice (if necessary) 1’-6" or Sheet 4 of 5 (double arm) Vented Mast Arm Cap Mast Arm 0.14 in/ft Taper, Typ. with (3) Stainless Minimum or Sheet 4 of 5 (double arm) See Sheet 3 of 5 (single arm) | Mast Arm Steel Set Screws MAIN STREET Mast Arm Aluminum Identification Tag Not to Exceed 2" x 4". Secure to Pole by 0.125" Stainless Steel rivets or screws. Fabricators to provide details for approval. Identification Tag Located on inside Extension Provide 1/2 "dia. Weep Hole located at bottom of Arm, 1’-0" from Arm Base Plate. of Pole visible from handhole, or on outside of pole inside terminal Pole Type Pole Base Diameter (in.) Arm Type Pole Wall Thickness (in.) Manufacturer’s Name Arm Diameter at Pole (in.) Certification No. Arm Wall Thickness (in.) Pole Manufacturer’s Name MAST ARM ASSEMBLIES GENERAL NOTES 1) Signal Structure Materials shall be as follows: Poles & Mast Arms --> ASTM A1011 Grade 50, 55, 60 or 65 (less than 1/4 " ) or ASTM A572 Grade 50, 55, 60 or 65 ( 1/4 " and over) or 9) Sign Panels and Signals attached to the Mast Arm shall be centered in elevation on ASTM A595 Grade A (55 ksi yield) or Grade B (60 ksi yield) Steel Plates -> ASTM A36 Weld Metal -> E70XX Bolts (except Anchor Bolts) -> ASTM A325 Type 1 Anchor Bolts -> ASTM F1554 Grade 55 ksi Nuts for Anchor Bolts -> ASTM A563 Grade A Heavy Hex Washers for Anchor Bolts -> ASTM F436 Type 1 Handhole Frame -> ASTM A709 Grade 36 ksi or ASTM A36 Handhole Cover -> ASTM A1011 Grade 50, 55, 60 or 65 ksi Caps -> ASTM A1011 Grade 50, 55, 60 or 65 ksi or Nut Covers -> ASTM B26 (319-F) Stainless Steel Screws -> AISI Type 316 Threaded Bars/Studs -> ASTM A36 or ASTM A307 ASTM B209 2) Reinforcing Steel shall be ASTM A615 Grade 60 ksi. Top of the arm. Sign Panels shall be aluminum. Wire access holes shall not exceed 1 1/2 " in diameter. 10) Mast Arms and Poles shall be tapered with the diameter changing at a rate of ’UA’ Special Design Financial Project ID **’UB’ Standard Design Financial Project ID 0.14 in/ft Taper,Typ. compartment. Tag to be stamped with the following information : Grout Pad Top of Finished Grade 0.14 inch per foot. 11) The Pole shall be installed vertically. Camber shall be accounted for in the Mast Arm connection as detailed. Base Plate Connection and 12) If a Mast Arm damping device is required by the Engineer, it shall be installed ** NOTE: Contractor shall verify Handhole, See Sheet 2 of 5 this Dimension prior to within eight feet of the Mast Arm tip. fabrication of Pole. 13) Alternate Designs for Special Mast Arm Assemblies are not allowed. 14) Provide "J"-Hook at top of pole for signal cable support. 15) First and Second Arm Camber Angle = 2^. Drilled Shaft 16) Details for the Ground Rod, Signal and Sign Locations, Signal Head ELEVATION VIEW attachment, Sign Attachment, Pedestrian Head Attachment, and 3) Concrete shall be Class ?! (Drilled Shaft) with a minimum 28-day compressive Foundation Conduit are not shown for clarity. strength of 4,000 psi for all environmental classifications. (Single Arm Shown, Double Arm Similar) (Luminaire Arm Not Shown) 17) Manufactuers seeking approval of a steel mastarm assembly for inclusion on the 4) Grout shall have a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 5,000 psi and shall meet the requirements of Section 934. Qualified Products List must submit a QPL Product Evaluation Application along with design documentation and drawings showing the product meets all specified requirements of this Index and Index 17743. 5) All welding shall conform to American Welding Society Structural Welding Code (Steel) ANSI/AWS D1.1 (current edition). 18) If a grout pad is not installed, baseplates shall be secured with double nuts both above and below the baseplate. The locking nuts shall be half-height nuts. The 6) All steel Items shall be galvanized as follows: All Nuts, Bolts, Washers and Threaded Bars/Studs All other steel items -> ASTM A153 Class C or D depending on size -> ASTM A123 (including Pole & Mast Arm) 7) Locate handhole 180^ from arm on single arm poles or 180^ from first arm of double arm poles or see special instructions on Mast Arm Tabulation Sheet. standoff distance (the distance between the bottom of the full-height leveling nut and the top of the foundation) shall not exceed one anchor bolt diameter. In rural areas, the top of the foundation should be greater than 12" above finished grade. A vertically placed wire cloth screen between the baseplate and the top of the foundation shall be wrapped horizontally around the baseplate with a 3" min. lap. The wire cloth shall be galvanized steel standard grade plain weave 2x2 mesh 0.063" dia. wire. The screen shall be attached to the baseplate with stainless steel self-tapping 1/4 " screws with stainless steel washers spaced at 9" centers. 8) Except for Anchor Bolts, all bolt hole diameters shall be equal to the bolt diameter plus 1/16 " , prior to galvanizing. Hole diameters for Anchor Bolts shall not exceed the bolt diameter plus 1/2 ". TYPICAL ELEVATION AND NOTES 2006 FDOT Design Standards MAST ARM ASSEMBLIES Last Revision Sheet No. 07/01/05 1 of 5 Index No. 17745 E ’DB’ 1/4 " Dia. Stainless Steel ’DB’ Center of 11 Gage (M Handhole Cover Tack Welded E Cover Clip, Typ. 1/4 " thick Terminal Compartment frame cover. Bolt to frame with 5 3/4 " Hex Head Screws, Typ. p La in.) Drilled Shaft 7" Min. - 8 1/2 " Max. 11 ga. Terminal Compartment 2" 2’- (Height 2’-0" Min. - 2’-6" Max.) 4-1/4" stainless steel 10 3/4 " (’DB’-’BA’)/2 10" ’BA’ (’DB’-’BA’)/2 5" Note: Handhole Cover may be 4" x 3/8 " Handhole " with a Full Pen. Weld 1/ 2 A /8 27 R 6" R See Handhole Details A omitted when Terminal Frame made continuous =2 1’-6" Center of Handhole ’DB’ screws. " Compartment is provided. = Full Penetration 5/16 " Hole,Typ. Top of Grade Weld or Sidewalk C ’RB’ #’RA’ Bars C Handhole Frame #5 Tie Bars Handhole Cover (w/Terminal Compartment Omitted) Equally Spaced @1’-6" 3x’BC’ ’BF’ FOUNDATION PLAN Drilled Shaft Note: Partial Penetration Weld 6" min. cover on Shaft Reinforcement 1/4 " Pole Wall 1/4 " Stainless Steel Double Nuts (Typ) Hex Head Screws, Typ. | Mast Arm 1, 4" Anchor Bolt Tack Welded Cover Clip Typ. 1" and Handhole Pole Wall ’BA’ BASE PLATE AND ANCHORAGE ELEVATION Partial Penetration Weld Handhole Frame ’BA’-4x’BC’ (Reinforcement Not Shown) Center of Drilled Shaft, *Terminal Compartment is Base Plate, and Pole optional. See Mast Arm 1/4 " Terminal Compartment Frame * Tabulation for locations. 3/8 " 1/4 " Stainless Steel Hex Head Screws, Typ. ’DB’ Tack Welded D D 11 gage Terminal Compartment Cover Cover Clip | Drilled Shaft 6" ’BC’ Anchor Bolts 11 Gage Handhole Cover ( optional ) Typ. Edge of Equally Spaced 1" Base Plate SECTION E-E (thru Handhole & Terminal Compartment) SECTION C-C ’BD’ | ’BC’ Dia. Anchor Bolt NOTE: See Index No. 17743 and the plans for actual quantity ’DA’ 2x’BC’ 2x’BC’ 3/4 " Dia. Weep Hole One per Pole placed between Bolts or 3/8 " \ Threaded 8" min. all-cotton sash cord wick attached top and bottom of bolts. to interior of pole, extended beyond | Mast Arm 1, Anchor Bolt and Handhole grout pad, and installed prior to grouting. be 1/2 height ’Jam’ Nut. Provide individual Nut Cover (not shown) for each bolt. ’BA’ ’RB’ #’RA’ Bars Double Nuts, Top Nut may ’BA’-4x’BC’ ’BB’ 1/4 " Plate Washer Equally Spaced Center of Drilled Shaft, 1/2 " #5 Tie Bars @ 1’-6" (8 Anchor Bolts) 1.5x’BC’ 6" D D ^ 45 6" Base Plate, and Pole ’BE’ SECTION A-A Edge of Leveling Nut Base Plate ’BC’ Anchor Bolts Drilled Shaft Grout Pad Equally Spaced SECTION C-C SECTION D-D (6 Anchor Bolts) TYPICAL FOUNDATION AND BASE PLATE DETAILS 2006 FDOT Design Standards MAST ARM ASSEMBLIES Last Revision Sheet No. 07/01/05 2 of 5 Index No. 17745 The ’Slip Joint’ splice shall be a tight fit with no change in the Mast Arm slope due to the splice. ’FB’, ’FF’, ’UC’ - Tip Diameters ’FA’ ’FC’, ’FG’, ’UD’ - Base Diameters measured flat to flat. 3/4 " Dia. Threaded Bar/Stud Splice = 2’-0" (nominal) with Self Locking Nut | Pole Connection Plate | Mast Arm | ’FP’ Dia. Connection Bolt H ’FC’ 1" ’FL’ ’FF’ Center of Pole Center of Arm or Pole | Mast Arm ’FE’ ’FJ’ Inside Radius meas. center to flat. 0.6 x Wall Thickness ’FD’, ’FH’, ’UE’ H Typ. (see Note) Arm Splice Detail NOTE: Longitudinal seam welds within six inches of 1" Hole Wiring 2 1/2 " Dia. Wall Thickness Typ. ’FN’ Break Radius Typical circumferential welds shall be complete penetration Equal to Min. Break Radius welds. Longitudinal seam welds at telescopic field Mast Arm = 0.25 x (Inside Radius) splices shall be complete penetration welds Wall Thickness for the splice length plus six inches. ( 1/4 " min.) See Detail ’J’ For tubes greater than 70" in circumference, two longitudinal seam welds are allowed. SECTION F-F Edge of Mast Arm Pole Connection Plate SECTION H-H | ’FP’ Dia. Connection Bolt at | Arm G | of Pole ’FO’ ’FA’+’FE’-Splice Bottom Conn. Plate min 2x’FP’ Face of Arm Base Plate (Top Conn. Plate similar) ’FJ’ 1" 1" Six ’FP’ dia. Connection Bolts ’FT’ Typ. Top and (may vary for Special Design) ’FL’ F Bottom Plates min ’FL’ 2x’FP’ | ’FP’ Dia. Connection Bolt Equal to DETAIL ’I’ ( 1/4 " min.) ’FS’ G ’FM’ FT’ Edge of Top Plate ’FS’ Edge of Mast Arm ’FL’ Side Conn. Plate for Lamellar Tearing ’FT’ min 2 1/2 " Dia. Wiring Hole Provide Ultrasonic Testing ’FQ’ 2x’FP’ Center of Mast Arm and ELEVATION min 2x’FP’ 2x’FP’ ’FL’ Pole and Conn. Plate H 2 1/2 " Dia. Wiring Hole Typ. ’HT’ ’HT’ See Detail ’I’ ’FR’ Wall Thickness | Mast Arm H ’FK’ ’FT’ Mast Arm F ’FL’ Firs t Ar m Cam ber Ang le ’FL’ Arm Base Plate | Pole Connection Plate ’FN’ in Connection Plate when ’FR’ exceeds 1" | ’FP’ Dia. Connection Bolt | Pole SECTION G-G Arm Base Plate Pole Connection Plate ’FK’ ’FR’ (Single Arm Connection) DETAIL ’J’ NOTE: 1. Details shown on this sheet are for 12 sided pole sections. However, sections with more than 12 sides and round sections are permitted provided outside diameter and wall thickness are not reduced. 2. Mast Arm and Connection Plates shall be match marked to ensure proper assembly. TYPICAL SINGLE ARM CONNECTION DETAILS 2006 FDOT Design Standards MAST ARM ASSEMBLIES Last Revision Sheet No. 07/01/05 3 of 5 Index No. 17745 * Adjust width of top and bottom 2 1/2 " Dia. Wiring Hole Connection Plates to maintain Offset to avoid Side minimum clearance shown Connection Plates (Typ.) ’SB’, ’SF’ - Tip Diameters The ’Slip Joint’ splice shall be a tight fit ’SC’, ’SG’ - Base Diameters with no change in the Mast Arm slope measured flat to flat due to the splice. ’SA’ Splice = 2’-0" 3/4 " Dia. Threaded Bar/Stud (nominal) with Self Locking Nut 1" min. Typ. | Mast Arm | First Mast Arm Center of Arm Typ. ’SN’ ’SC’ ’SF’ Center of Pole Inside Radius 2 1/2 " Dia. 2 Wall Thickness Wiring Hole "* meas. center to flat ’SD’, ’SH’ Typ. (see Note) ’SE’ 0.6 x Wall Thickness | Connection Arm Splice Detail NOTE: Longitudinal seam welds within six inches of Bolt ’SP’ circumferential welds shall be complete penetration Break Radius Typical ’SL’ Plates (Typ.) F ’U For tubes greater than 70" in circumference, ’ 2" Min. ( 1/4 " min.) Typ. * Typ. See Detail ’O’ Edge of Mast Arm Full Penetration Weld (Typ.) Pole Connection Plate SECTION M-M | ’SP’ Dia. Connection Bolt Arm s | Second NOTE: ’UF’ measured counter Typ. ’FL’ - two longitudinal seam welds are allowed. le Be tw ee n Wall Thickness the splice length plus six inches. ’SL’ A n g Mast Arm splices shall be complete penetration welds for = 0.25 x (Inside Radius) See Detail ’P’ Equal to welds. Longitudinal seam welds at telescopic field Min. Break Radius Bottom Conn. Plate Mast Arm clockwise from First Arm (Top Conn. Plate similar) SECTION K-K DETAIL ’P’ Arm Base Plate Face of Arm Base | Pole | Pole Typ. Top and Plate at | Arm ’SR’ ’SO’ ’ST’ Bottom Plates ’SA’+’SE’-Splice DETAIL ’N’ 2x’SP’ min Provide Ultrasonic Testing for | ’SP’ Dia. Connection Bolt min L (may vary for Special Design) 2x’SP’ ’SJ’ Six ’SP’ Dia. Connection Bolts ’SK’ Lamellar Tearing in Connection Plate ’ST’ when ’SR’ exceeds 1" ’SL’ K K M ’SS’ ’HT’ Mast Arm See Detail ’N’ Center of First Mast Arm ’SR’ ’SM’ ’SK’ Se con d Arm Ca mb er Angl e ’SS’ min 2x’SP’ Center of Second Pole Connection Plate Edge of Top Plate M Equal to Mast Arm Wall Thickness Mast Arm and 2 1/2 " Dia. Conn. Plate Wiring Hole | ’SP’ Dia. Connection Bolt Side Conn. Plate | Second ( 1/4 " min.) L SECTION L-L ELEVATION 2x’SP’ Edge of Mast Arm Arm Base Plate ’SQ’ (Double Arm Connection) DETAIL ’O’ NOTE: 1. Details shown on this sheet are for 12 sided pole sections. However, sections with more than 12 sides and round sections are permitted provided outside diameter and wall thickness are not reduced. 2. Mast Arm and Connection Plates shall be match marked to ensure proper assembly. TYPICAL DOUBLE ARM CONNECTION DETAILS 2006 FDOT Design Standards MAST ARM ASSEMBLIES Last Revision Sheet No. 07/01/05 4 of 5 Index No. 17745 E 1/4 " Dia. Stainless Steel ’LB" (15’-0" max.) Hex Head Screws, Typ. 11 Gage Tack Welded Pipe Handhole Cover E ’LB’/2 ’LB’/2 | Luminaire Cover Clip, Typ. R /4 = 2 4 1/2 " OD x 1/4 " Wall Thk. " R Std. Pipe Handhole Frame =2 Pipe Handhole Frame Connection " 1 5/16 " Hole,Typ. Pipe Handhole Cover Luminaire Typ. for \ >= 60^ Luminaire Arm Partial Penetration Weld Typ. for \ < 60^ ’LD’ Wall Thickness 3" ’LC’ Luminaire Base Diameter 1" MC 10x33.6 Pole Wall Pipe Handhole Frame Mast Arm and Partial Penetration Weld 6" min 20" max See Luminaire Connection Elevation for Details 6" min Pole Dia. at Luminaire Connection Upright Pipe (Pole) 1/4 " Stainless Steel Hex Head Screws, Typ. 1/4 " ’LD’ Wall Thickness Rise/Run 0.14 in/ft Taper Center of Pole 0.14 in/ft Taper Slope ’LE’ ’LA’ 3/16 " R= \ ’LF ’ 1/4 " ’UG’ ’LH’ Luminaire Base Plate Thickness Pipe Handhole, see Details for dimensions Tack Welded 11 Gage Cover Clip Pipe Handhole Cover See Sheet No. 2 of 5 for Base Handhole Details. 1" Typ. Typ. | ’LG’ Bolts Typ. SECTION E-E (thru Pipe Handhole) SECTION A-A | Mast Arm | Mast Arm Handhole 7 1/2 " 1" B 5 1/2 " See Details 1" ’LH’ Luminaire Base Plate Thickness | Pole | Pole 1/2 " (10" < Pole Dia.< 18") 1 1/2 " (6" < Pole Dia. <= 10") ’LK’ Top of | Round Luminaire Shaft ’LJ’ 10" 5 1/2 " A A 7 1/2 " | ’LG’ Bolts Typ. ’LD’ Wall Thickness LUMINAIRE ELEVATION 1" 0.14 in/ft Taper Grout Pad | First Mast Arm L’ ’L (Typ.) 1" MC 10x33.6 | ’LG’ Bolts Typ. 1 1/4 " | Luminaire Connection Center of Round Luminaire Shaft | Luminaire Arm MC 10x33.6 2 1/2 " \ Conn. Plate Wiring Hole B ’LK’ SECTION B-B LUMINAIRE CONNECTION ELEVATION | Second Mast Arm NOTE: The Pole shown on this sheet is a 12 sided NOTE: The Fabricator may substitute a 1/2 " thick bent section. However, sections with more than plate with the same flange width, height, and 12 sides and round sections are permitted provided length as the MC 10x33.6 Channel section. LUMINAIRE ORIENTATION outside diameter and wall thickness are not reduced NOTES: 1. Luminaire type and Luminaire to Arm Connection Details can be found elsewhere. 2. Align Luminaire Arm with single Mast Arm or first Arm of Double Mast Arm unless indicated otherwise in plans. TYPICAL LUMINAIRE ARM AND CONNECTION DETAILS 2006 FDOT Design Standards MAST ARM ASSEMBLIES Last Revision Sheet No. 04 5 of 5 Index No. 17745