viii. references - Town of Mammoth Lakes

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Personal Communication: Mike Schlafmann, U.S. Forest Service. July 5, 2006
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Personal Communication Tim Taylor, California Department of Fish and Game. 2006. Phone
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SWCA Environmental Consultants. November 18, 2006. Peer Review of Cultural Resources Studies for
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Trans-Sierran Archaeological Research. May 2006. Excavations at Snowcreek Site, Contributions to
Trans-Sierran Archaeology 58, Mammoth Lakes, California.
Trans-Sierran Archaeological Research. September 5, 2006. Technical and Cost Proposal Archaeological
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Trans-Sierran Archaeological Research. November 15, 2006. Preliminary Report of Survey and Testing
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Trans-Sierran Archaeological Research, December 2006. Cultural Resources Study for the Snowcreek
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August 2007
Resource Concepts, Inc. August 2005. Hilltop Site – Snowcreek Area 7 Wetland Delineation Report.
Sanders, D.R. and Associates, Inc. June 27, 2002. Identification/Delineation of Wetlands on a Portion of
the Snowcreek Resort Property in Mammoth Lakes (Mono County), California.
Town of Mammoth Lakes. January 17, 2005. Storm Drain Master Plan Update (90% Draft).
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Resource Concepts, Inc. August 2006. Hilltop Site – Snow Creek Area 7 Wetland Delineation Report.
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Harris Miller Miller & Hanson Inc. April 1995. Transit Noise Vibration Impact Assessment, Final Report.
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California Department of Finance. January 1, 2006. Demographic Research Unit, Table 2: E-5
City/County Population and Housing Elements.
Housing Collaborative, Inc. December 2004. Eastern Sierra Housing Needs Assessment.
Town of Mammoth Lakes. December 2003. Housing Element.
Town of Mammoth Lakes. October 2005. 2020 Draft General Plan EIR, Figure 4.9-1.
United States Census Bureau. Census 2000, website:, CAJA staff, March 14, 2006.
Demographics CAJA staff, April 9, 2006.
Caltrans D-9. Letter correspondence with Gayle Rosander, IGR/CEQA Coordinator. CAJA staff, October
24, 2006.
website:, December 6, 2006.
Mammoth Lakes Fire Protection District. Phone correspondence with Fire Marshal Thom Heller,
December 11, 2006.
Mammoth Lakes Police Department. Letter correspondence with Chief Randy Schienle, December 8,
Mammoth Lakes Police Department.Telephone correspondence with Chief Randy Schienle. July 9, 2007.
Mammoth Unified School District. Letter correspondence with James Maxey, Business Manager, October
23, 2006.
Town of Mammoth Lakes. CAJA staff,
March 2, April 14, December 7 and 11, 2006.
Town of Mammoth Lakes. Correspondence with Craig Olson, Senior Planner, July 10, 2006.
Town of Mammoth Lakes. CAJA staff, December 6, 2006.
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Town of Mammoth Lakes. Municipal Code Chapter 15.16 §15.16.085 part E. CAJA staff, December 11,
United States Census Bureau. Census 2000. CAJA staff accessed website:, December
8, 2006.
Inyo National Forest. Phone correspondence with Mike Schlafmann, Winter Recreation Specialist,
January 9, 2007.
Inyo National Forest website,, retrieved by CAJA staff on
December 11, 2006.
Inyo National Forest, Town of Mammoth Lakes, & CSP, with assistance from Center for Collaborative
Policy, and California State University, Sacramento. February 2005. Mammoth Lakes Region of the
Inyo National Forest Winter Recreation Needs Assessment Survey, Findings, Working Report,
Retrieved from by CAJA
staff on December 11, 2006.
Mammoth Lakes Municipal Code,, retrieve by
CAJA staff on January 16, 2007.
Mammoth Lakes Trail System Plan. May 1991.
Mammoth Lakes Visitors Bureau website,,
retrieved by CAJA staff on December 11, 2006.
Mammoth Unified School District. Correspondence with James Maxey, Business Manager, October 23,
Town of Mammoth Lakes. December 2003. Housing Element.
Town of Mammoth Lakes. Municipal Code Chapter 15.16, CAJA staff, December 11, 2006.
Town of Mammoth Lakes website:,
CAJA staff, December 11, 2006 and January 3, 2007.
United States Census Bureau. Census 2000, website:, CAJA staff, December 8, 2006.
Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). 2003. Trip Generation Manual, 7th Edition.
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LSA Associates, Inc. December 2006 and revised in January 2007. Traffic Impact Analysis.
LSC Transportation Consultants, Inc. August 2006. Mammoth Lakes Eagle Lodge Traffic Impact
LSC Transportation Consultants, Inc. November 2004. General Plan Update Traffic Analysis.
Transportation Research Board. Special Report 209, Highway Capacity Manual.
2005 General Plan Land Use Designations, CAJA staff accessed website:, December 2006.
Bauer Planning & Environmental Services, Inc. September 2006. Mammoth Community Water District,
Recycled Water Distribution Project, Subsequent Draft EIR.
CH2M Hill. 2000 Draft EIR for the Proposed Changes for Mammoth Creek Instream Flow Requirements,
Point of Measurement, and Place of Use.
Mammoth Community Water District. Multiple email correspondence with Ericka Hegeman, Public
Affairs and Environmental Specialist.
Mammoth Community Water District. Urban Water Management Plan 2005. CAJA staff accessed
website:, March 2006 and January 2007.
Mammoth Community Water District. October 2006. Water and Wastewater Generation Rates.
Mammoth Community Water District. September 2006. Study to Determine Revised Water and
Wastewater Connection Fees.
Mammoth Community Water District. January 23, 2006. SB 610 Water Supply Assessment for the 2006
Revised Snowcreek Master Plan.
PCR Services Corporation. September 2006. Eagle Lodge Environmental Assessment/Environmental
Impact Report.
Town of Mammoth Lakes. Correspondence with Jen Daugherty, Assistant Planner. December 2006.
Town of Mammoth Lakes. 1987 General Plan. CAJA staff accessed website:, March and December 2006.
Town of Mammoth Lakes. General Plan Draft EIR, website:, CAJA staff, December 11, 2006.
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California Regional Quality Control Board. Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region, North
and South Basins.
USDA Forest Service. Nature Watch Viewing Sites. CAJA staff accessed website:, August 18,
United States Census Bureau. Census 2000.
Wildermuth Environmental, Inc. November 2003. Investigation of Groundwater Production Impacts on
Surface Water Discharge and Spring Flow.
United States Census Bureau, Census 2000;, CAJA staff, March 14, 2006.
Town of Mammoth Lakes. Correspondence with Jen Daugherty, Assistant Planner. December 12, 2006.
Town of Mammoth Lakes. Correspondence with Bill Taylor, Deputy Community Development Director.
December 15, 2006.
Town of Mammoth Lakes. Municipal Code, Chapter 17.34, Outdoor Lighting Code.
Snowcreek Resort Conceptual Plan. December 2006.
Town of Mammoth Lakes Municipal Code Chapter 15.16 §15.16.085 part E, CAJA staff, April 14, 2006.
Town of Mammoth Lakes. 1987 Adopted General Plan.
Town of Mammoth Lakes. 2007 Adopted General Plan.
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