Paying for your gas and electricity Help and advice to stay on top of your energy bills What to do if you’re having trouble paying If you’re struggling to pay your energy bills, it’s very important you contact us straightaway. We can only help if we know there is a problem. Just call us free on 0800 107 4984* – then together, we will consider your ability to pay and work through the different options available for you. Please let us know if: •You are over 60 or have a disability or long-term illness •You are over 60 and live alone, or with other people who are over 60 or under 16 years old •The bill is not in your name or you pay for your energy through your rent Special payment arrangements Instalments – you might be able to pay your overdue bill, and future bills, by instalments at an agreed rate. Paying direct from your benefits – the Department for Work and Pensions can pay for your energy bills directly out of your benefit under the Fuel Direct scheme if you receive any of the following benefits: • Income Support •Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance • Pension Credit •Income-related Employment and Support Allowance Pay as you go meter – we can fit a pay as you go meter free of charge which allows you to pay for your energy as you use it. We can also agree a weekly recovery rate with you to repay any outstanding debts. Call us now on 0800 107 4984* to discuss how you can pay what you owe What happens if you don’t pay us Choosing the best way to pay your bill There are lots of easy ways to settle your bill. you simply have to choose the best way for you. • P ay as you go meter – paying this way means you only pay for your energy as you use it • P ayment card – spread the costs with regular fixed payments at any PayPoint outlet or Post Office If you don’t pay your bill and we do not hear from you we may: •Insist that a pay as you go meter is installed • Ask you to pay a security deposit •Take steps to disconnect your supply • Take you to court Your contract with us allows us to access your property to disconnect your supply. We try everything possible to avoid disconnecting a supply. But when there is no other option we’ll give you at least seven days notice in writing. We will explain how to get reconnected. We may charge you for our reasonable costs in collecting your debt. We’ll advise you about these costs before we apply them to your account. You can find more information about the charges we may apply to your account in our Codes of Practice leaflet Lots of Ways to Pay just to go to or call 0800 048 0202 to request a copy. Its important to protect your credit rating We share information with credit reference agencies. This includes information on whether you pay bills on time or late. If you do not pay you bill in full and/or on time, you may find this affects your credit rating. A poor credit rating could affect the following: • The terms of a mortgage • The terms of a credit card •Your ability to get other products or services on credit e.g. a mobile phone • Direct Debit – you can choose one of the following: Monthly fixed payment, or variable payments monthly or quarterly. For more information go to – Direct debit customers receive a discount and are protected by the Direct Debit Guarantee** • Quarterly Payments – we’ll send you a bill each quarter which you need to pay in full. You can do this by direct transfer from your bank, with a debit/credit card, cash or cheque. You could also receive a Prompt Pay discount – for more details about Prompt Pay go to Where to pay • Online – at • A utomated payment line – call 0800 107 0224* • B y text – call us on 0800 048 0202* to register your debit/credit card and we’ll text you to authorise payment each quarter • T elephone or internet banking – quote our Sort Code 40-05-30, Account Number 71584685 and your customer reference number when you pay • A t your bank or by Bank Giro Transfer – your bank may charge for this service • B y Post – we include a pre-paid envelope with your bill • P ost Office or PayPoint outlet – free of charge, if you take your bill with you Getting further advice and help with your bills If you are worried about paying your bills, don’t struggle alone. There are lots of organisations like the Citizens Advice Bureau and National Debtline that can help. It’s important you do something straightaway to make sure you stay in control of your bills. Help with managing your money • Budget – our Budget Planner on page 7 can help you work out what money you have coming in, how much goes out, and what you have left each week or month • Benefits – check what benefits you are entitled to. You could be entitled to benefits you don’t know about or don’t think apply to you You can get independent advice from: • N ational Debtline – provides free, confidential advice. Simply visit or call 0808 808 4000 • C itizens Advice Bureau – you can find your local office by visiting or looking in your telephone directory • C itizens Advice consumer service – the Citizens Advice consumer service provides free, confidential and impartial advice on consumer issues. Visit or call the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 08454 04 05 06 Budgeting made easy Knowing how much money you have going in and out of your household is always a good step to managing your finances. To use our simple household Budget Planner just enter your weekly or monthly income and add them up to give you your total income. Then enter how much you spend on each item a week or or month to give your total expenditure. Enter the totals in the box and subtract your outgoings from your income to see what is left each week or month. Income Payment £ Household income from employment (after tax) Household income from savings and investments Pension Benefits, including child benefit, child tax credits and income support Other income Income total £ Outgoings Payment £ Outgoings Payment £ Mortgage/rent Insurance (building/contents) Mortgage endowment Council Tax Second mortgage Maintenance/child support Housekeeping/food Childminding costs Ground rent/service charge Magistrates court fines Life insurance/pension School meals & meals at work Gas Travel costs Electricity Loan repayments Other fuel Home phone/mobile phone Clothes Water rates Prescriptions/health costs TV - Rental, Sky & Licence Fee Other (e.g. eating out, laundry) Outgoings subtotal A Outgoings subtotal B £ Outgoings A + B total £ £ Money left over Payment £ Income total Outgoings total Money left over (subtract your outgoings from your income) £ If you find that your finances are in good shape that’s great, but we could suggest ways that could help you save even more on your energy bills. If you Special requirements find that you’re spending more than you have coming in, look at your outgoings as there may be ways that you could make savings. If you speak a language other than English, tell us when you call and we’ll arrange for an interpreter to help you. Easy ways to save energy and money Here are just a few of our favourite energy saving tips^. • T urn your thermostat down by 1ºC – and save around £50 a year • A djust your timings – set your heating to go off 30 minutes before you leave home and come on just 30 minutes before you’re due back • B oil only the water you need – instead of a full kettle •Close your curtains at dusk to stop heat escaping through the windows and check for draughts around windows and doors •Take a shower – and use about 40% less water than a bath To find a number of ways that we can help you take control and manage your energy bills – just visit or call us free on 0800 072 8629*. Free home insulation* Insulation really is the best way to save money on your energy bills. You could save up to £175 a year with our free loft insulation and up to £135 a year with our free cavity wall insulation*. That’s quite a saving. Insulating your home isn’t just a one off saving either, it will keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, helping to save money on your energy bills year after year. For more information just visit or call us on 0800 068 0032 quoting IBGWTP1. Are you hard of hearing or speech impaired? Please call 18001 0800 072 8626. Want to receive this information in large print, Braille or audio? Please call us free on 0800 072 8625. Need more information or extra help? Practice leaflets go to codesofpractice or call us free on 0800 048 0202*. *British Gas install in mainland Great Britain only. Not all homes are suitable for insulation. Customers will only be eligible for the free loft and cavity wall measures recommended by appointed surveyor. Customers will only be eligible for free measures where we can insulate a minimum of two thirds of the total loft space or wall space (when applied to the whole property). Free insulation is subject to square meterage limitations. Home must be no larger than an average sized four bed detached. Insulation beyond these limits is chargeable. For loft insulation, offer only applies where the thickness of existing insulation is less than 60mm. Offer excludes scaffolding, vents and any specialist equipment. Tenants must seek landlords permission. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Limited availability. Offer is subject to change or withdrawal at any time. Savings figure source, November 2011. Actual savings depend on individual circumstances. MI310 (07/12) 29015538 ONLINE You can find out more about paying for your gas and electricity in our leaflet Lots of Ways to Pay. To get a copy of this or any of our Code of * Calls are free from a BT Calling Plan. Mobile and other provider’s charges may vary. Calls may be monitored and/or recorded for quality assurance and compliance purposes. ** The Direct Debit Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay by Direct Debit. If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit, British Gas Trading Limited will notify you ten working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request British Gas Trading Limited to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request. If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit by British Gas Trading Limited or your bank or building society you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society. If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when British Gas Trading Limited asks you to. You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify us. ^ All savings sourced from the Energy Savings Trust British Gas Trading Limited Registered in England & Wales: No 3078711 Millstream, Maidenhead Road, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 5GD 8