ELECTRO-GRAF This will vary based on number and types of LEDs, circuit design and environment. You must supply the LEDs with = 3 volts DC power and each will draw 20mA of current. Depending primarily on the number of LEDs, you can use anything from a $2 9 Volt to a $50 dollar car battery to a regulated DC power supply from a lamp post or other outlet if the proper current limiting components are used. In the lab I use a regulated DC power supply. Vendor: Less EMF URL: http://www.lessemf.com/ paint.html Average Cost: $22 per can or $65 for a 250ml bucket. Notes: This is the secret weapon. 2. Spray-Paint, any color Vendor: Local hardware store Average cost: $22.50 for 6 cans Notes: Use what you like. 3. Magnet Paint Vendor(s): Less EMF for premixed indoor paint called Magic Wall Magically Magnetic, Inc. for paint additive. This additive can be mixed with indoor or outdoor primer sealer. URL: http://www.lessemf.com/ paint.html and http://lyt.com/ Average cost: Magic Wall @ $29.95/quart; Magnet paint additive @ $15/quart and primer sealer @ $8.50/quart Notes: We used Zinnser BULLS-EYE primer 1-2-3 primer sealer for the base paint on the outdoor electro-graf proto. It's the good stuff. Your local hardware store is sure to have a thick outdoor primer that will work. You can get worse paint for less money. 2nd Note: Don't believe the hype. The paint itself is not magnetic. It is just metallic and magnets adhere to it. 4. 10mm LEDs, any color. 7. Stranded Wire Vendor: Jameco URL: http://www.jameco.com Cost: $3 per roll Notes: any 18-24 AWG stranded hook-up wire will work. Solid core wire is too brittle. 8. 5 Minute Epoxy Vendor: Your local hardware store should have it. Cost: $5 dollars per tube Notes: This is some delightful shit. Get the kind in the two part dispenser. 9. Tape Vendor: Your local hardware store should have painter's tape and masking tape. Get both. Cost: $2-$5/ per 60 yard roll Notes: 3M painter's tape is blue and has less adhesive than masking tape. Both tapes are useful in different situations. 10. Stencil Materials: Acetate, Manila Folders, Cardboard Vendor: It's our crew at HB Electronic Components URL: http://www.hebeiltd.com .cn/?p=leds.9.10mm Avg. Cost: $0.20 per LED Notes: You can use smaller LEDs. FULL SCHEMATIC DRAWING ON FOLLOWING PAGE Vendor: Your local art store or office store. Avg. Cost: $10 for a 25 foot x 12 inch roll of acetate, folders and cardboard vary in price and are often found for free. 2. 3/4 Inch Foil Tape Vendor: Newark In One URL: http://www.newark.com/ Avg. Cost: $18 per roll 3. Conductive Epoxy Vendor: Newark In One URL: http://www.newark.com/ Cost: $32.00 MANUAL Notes: The epoxy is optional. It is used to attach magnets to electronic components and wire. 4. Electronic Components To create LED sequences, animation, solar power, etc. TOOLS A respirator, a multimeter, paint brushes, containers for mixing paints, X-acto blades, clay. RESOURCES Graffiti Resources Stencil Revolution http://www.stencilrevolution.com/ Electronics Resources Tom Igoe’s Physical Computing http://www.tigoe.net/pcomp/index. shtml Physical Computing In Print http://itp.nyu.edu/~dbo3/physical/ physical.html **All prices are in US Dollars and based on availability either from online vendors or local stores. Shipping abroad is likely to increase the cost of some products. **Units of measurement are Standard, unless otherwise noted. DIY Book by IminentDisaster and the GRL. 3D Modelling: Bryan Vaccaro. All work in the public domain 6. Power Supply WWW.GRAFFITIRESEARCHLAB.COM 1. Super Shield Conductive Spray and Bucket Paint Notes: Cost reductions for larger quantities The choice of resistor value will depend on your circuit. Vendor: Jameco URL: http://www.jameco.com Avg. Cost: $1 for 100 pieces . L . G.R PARTS LIST 1. 1/4 or 1/2 Watt Resistor O Vendor: Amazing Magnets URL: http://www.amazingmag nets.com/index.asp?Page Action=VIEWPROD&ProdID=42 Cost: $9.00 per 100 magnets OPTIONAL PARTS MUS SERIA QUAERA LUD 5. 1/8 Inch Diameter x 1/16 Inch Thick NdFeB Disc Magnet, Ni-Cu-Ni plated OT O AM The basic materials for building an Electro-Graf can be purchased using both online vendors and local hardware stores. A small (100 LED, 4 foot x 4 foot) Electro-Graf could run approximately $100. ELECTROGRAF MATERIALS LIST