Plasmonics DOI 10.1007/s11468-014-9756-6 Normal-Incidence Photoemission Electron Microscopy (NI-PEEM) for Imaging Surface Plasmon Polaritons Philip Kahl & Simone Wall & Christian Witt & Christian Schneider & Daniela Bayer & Alexander Fischer & Pascal Melchior & Michael Horn-von Hoegen & Martin Aeschlimann & Frank-J. Meyer zu Heringdorf Received: 8 April 2014 / Accepted: 7 July 2014 # Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014 Abstract We introduce a novel time-resolved photoemissionbased near-field illumination method, referred to as femtosecond normal-incidence photoemission microscopy (NIPEEM). The change from the commonly used grazingincidence to normal-incidence illumination geometry has a major impact on the achievable contrast and, hence, on the imaging potential of transient local near fields. By imaging surface plasmon polaritons in normal light incidence geometry, the observed fringe spacing directly resembles the wavelength of the plasmon wave. Our novel approach provides a direct descriptive visualization of SPP wave packets propagating across a metal surface. Keywords Surface plasmon polariton . Nonlinear photoemission microscopy . Normal incidence Introduction The imaging of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) has attracted significant experimental attention over the past few years. SPPs are the combination of a collective oscillation of the free electron gas in the metal and an electric and magnetic field at P. Kahl : S. Wall : C. Witt : M. Horn-von Hoegen : F.<J. Meyer zu Heringdorf (*) Faculty of Physics and Center for Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen (CENIDE), University of Duisburg-Essen, 47048 Duisburg, Germany e-mail: C. Schneider : D. Bayer : A. Fischer : P. Melchior : M. Aeschlimann Department of Physics and Research Center OPTIMAS, University of Kaiserslautern, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany Present Address: S. Wall The Fraunhofer Institute for Microelectronic Circuits and Systems, 47057 Duisburg, Germany the interface caused by the moving charges. Hence, propagating SPPs are accompanied by a strong electric field of optical frequency that is created by the collective electron density oscillation. Motivated by the potential to use SPPs in future broadband and ultrafast nanophotonic devices, a variety of optical functional units for steering and manipulating guided SPP modes have been evaluated [1, 2]. Several sophisticated microscopy techniques were developed to reveal the reliability of passive and active plasmonic elements. In addition to several near-field microscopy methods, nonlinear photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM) [3, 4] has, in the last years, been shown to be an ideal method for the characterization of SPPs [5, 6] and even for an indirect observation of the time-dependent propagation of SPPs across a surface [7–10]. The simultaneous presence of the electric fields of a femtosecond laser pulse and an SPP leads to a time-dependent interference pattern, the temporal integral of which PEEM is able to detect. The PEEM approach, however, is hampered by the fact that conventional PEEM setups exploit grazingincidence geometries in which the incidence direction of the laser pulses and the surface normal comprise an angle of ~65–74° (grazing-incidence or GI-PEEM). The obtained contrast in these experiments depends strongly on the angle of incidence because an SPP and a laser pulse generally propagate in different directions and the grazing-incidence geometry breaks the symmetry. The resulting observed microscope images can be interpreted as a Moiré pattern [8, 11], and the periodicity of the pattern differs strongly from the SPP wavelength. For the case where light and SPPs propagate in the same direction (when projected into the surface plane), a pattern with micrometer spacing is observed [11–13]. In the other extreme, where light and SPPs propagate in opposite directions, the pattern spacing is about half of the SPP wavelength [12–14]. In the present work, we present a novel approach to image SPPs using normal-incidence photoemission microscopy Plasmonics (NI-PEEM). Under normal-incidence illumination, a cylindrical symmetry for the imaging conditions is obtained and a “direct” imaging of the SPP wave becomes possible, regardless of the propagation direction of the SPP. Unfortunately, this desirable situation is difficult to realize experimentally, since within the PEEM devices the optical beam path for normal incidence is usually blocked by electron optics. We will present two experimental concepts for the realization of normal incidence, and we will discuss the differences between conventional grazing-incidence GI-PEEM and normalincidence NI-PEEM. Experimental Setup In the past decades, two rather different types of PEEM concepts have been invented and commercialized. Both setups are sketched in Fig. 1. In one case (ELMITEC GmbH design, operated in Duisburg), PEEM is just one of many contrast mechanisms of a low-energy electron microscope (LEEM) (see Fig. 1a). The LEEM consists of an electron gun, a magnetic beam splitter (sector field), and an imaging column. In the PEEM mode, electrons are emitted at the surface and are deflected by a magnetic prism into the imaging column. In the LEEM, the realization of normal incidence is achieved by guiding the beam along the accessible beam path B of Fig. 1 Schematic LEEM and PEEM setups. The laser beams are sketched by blue dashed lines. In both experimental configurations, the GI geometry (beam paths A and C) is still possible. a In the LEEM, NI illumination (beam path B) is achieved by guiding the laser beam through Fig. 1a normal to the surface. Quite contrary, dedicated PEEM instruments are usually built in a linear fashion as shown in Fig. 1b (FOCUS GmbH design, operated in Kaiserslautern). Here, the realization of normal incidence is hindered by the geometry of the electron optics but can be achieved by inserting a small metallic mirror inside the electron optics column, as close as possible to the optical axis of the electron path. The mirror is located in the back focal plane of the objective lens where it has minimal influence on the PEEM image. With this geometry, an incidence angle of <4° with respect to the surface normal can be realized (beam path D of Fig. 1b). As a proof of principle for our approach and to demonstrate the potential of NI-PEEM, we imaged SPPs in epitaxial silver islands. SPPs are selectively excited at the edges of these islands because here the necessary momentum conversion from light to SPP can take place. The samples were prepared in-situ by self-assembly of Ag on a clean Si(111) surface [15] in the LEEM. The Ag was deposited from a home-built electron beam evaporator [16, 17]. One of the samples was then transferred to air and shipped to Kaiserslautern. For nonlinear photoemission experiments, ultra-short laser pulses from a Ti:Sapphire oscillator (LEEM setup: FEMTOLASERS, FEMTOSOURCE compact; PEEM setup: Spectra-Physics, Tsunami) were used. While the two laser the magnetic sector field; b in the linear PEEM, NI illumination (beam path D) is achieved by reflecting the laser off a small mirror, which is inserted into the back focal plane of the objective lens Plasmonics systems differ in pulse duration and peak power, the specific properties of the laser pulses are not crucial for the findings discussed below. In brief, both lasers produce <25 fs short laser pulses at a central wavelength of 800 nm with a repetition rate of 80 MHz. The pulses are frequency doubled in a beta-barium borate (BBO) crystal. The average power of the frequency doubled 400 nm laser pulses amounts to >75 mW. In all cases, the laser is focused on the surface, while the used focal lengths and the achievable minimum spot sizes are different for the PEEM setup and the LEEM setup; they also differ between NI illumination and GI illumination. As a rule of thumb, we achieve spot sizes of approximately 200 μm with focal lengths of the focusing lenses ≥200 mm, corresponding to power densities of >108 W/cm2 at the sample surface. For further details of the laser setups of the LEEM and PEEM configurations under grazingincidence conditions, see [18] and [19], respectively. Using femtosecond laser pulses of a photon energy that is smaller than the work function of the surface, SPPs can be imaged via a plasmon-enhanced two-photon photoemission process (2PPE) [4, 5]. Here, a part of the laser pulse is used to excite SPPs, while the remaining part of the laser pulse is used to probe the SPP state [5, 7]. At low pulse energy, 2PPE PEEM detects the temporal integral of the fourth power of the superposition of the light and SPP field. ! vector k M and the corresponding Moiré wavelength (or fringe spacing) λM : For calculating the Moiré wavelength, the in-plane !∥ ! component k L ¼ k L ⋅sinðθÞ of the incidence light wave vector ! k L is needed. Here, θ is the incidence angle of the laser pulse ! relative to the surface normal. For grazing incidence, k SPP and !∥ k L can point in different directions and comprise an in-plane angle α . The Moiré condition then yields a fringe spacing. λ∥L λSPP λM ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 λ∥L þ λSPP 2 −2λ∥L λSPP ⋅cosðαÞ This result, that λM depends on α , is, for instance, visible in Fig. 2a, where a narrow spacing of Moiré fringes is visible at the top and bottom of the Ag island. Figure 3 further analyzes the impact of θ and α on the fringe spacing λM . All possible values for λM from Moiré theory lie within the shaded area. For Fig. 3, λSPP and λM were calculated using dielectric constants from the literature [20] for SPP excitation with 400 nm laser pulses. For grazing incidence, patterns with a vastly different fringe spacing can Results and Discussion Figure 2 shows four examples for time-integrated 2PPE SPP imaging of Ag islands with the aforementioned beam paths A–D depicted in Fig. 1. In Fig. 2, panels a, b, and c each show a different Ag island, while the island shown in panel d is the same as the one shown in panel c. To mark the locations of the Ag islands, we indicated their outlines in Fig. 2 by black dashed lines. A direct comparison of absolute intensities between panels a and d is of no avail, since in GI the overall intensity is polarization dependent, the SPP strength depends on the specifics of the particular island investigated, and the absolute intensity sensitively depends on the achievable laser intensity, laser spot size, and sample history. All images have thus simply been optimized for contrast of the fringe pattern. In panels a and c of Fig. 2, the micrometer fringe spacing (beating pattern) observed under GI condition is clearly visible. Under NI condition, the contrast in panels b and d is entirely different. In the following, the various aspects of the striking differences in the pattern formation between GI-PEEM and NI-PEEM will be discussed. For grazing incidence, the contrast mechanism for SPP imaging has been extensively discussed in the literature [5, 7, 11]. In brief, the observed periodic brightness modulation exhibits a pattern with a periodicity that depends not only on the used laser wavelength but also on the direction of the laser pulses and the propagation direction of the SPP. The contrast can be described by a Moiré pattern [12, 13] with the Moiré wave Fig. 2 2PPE PEEM images of SPPs propagating across Ag islands for all possible beam paths from Fig. 1. The outlines of the islands are marked by the black dashed lines. Note that the Ag islands shown in a, b are different from each other and also differ from the Ag island shown in c, d. LEEM setup: a GI illumination with Moiré pattern and b NI illumination where the fringe spacing resembles the SPP wavelength. Linear PEEM setup: c GI illumination, the contrast is comparable to a, and d NI illumination, the contrast is comparable to b. The illumination wavelength is λL =400nm in all cases. The color scaling and brightness of each panel have been adjusted individually to give optimal contrast of the fringe pattern Plasmonics !∥ be observed. For instance, if α=0°, i.e., when k L is parallel ! to k SPP , the fringe spacing amounts to several micrometers. !∥ In the other extreme, with α=180°, when k L is antiparallel to ! k SPP , the fringe spacing is approximately half the SPP wavelength. The latter has been referred to as “counter-propagation” geometry [14]. !∥ In normal incidence, θ=0° applies, and k L =0 as well. From ! ! !∥ ! ! the Moiré condition kM ¼ k SPP k L , it follows that k M =k SPP, ! and the fringe spacing λM ¼ 2π=j k M j mathematically becomes the SPP wavelengthλSPP ¼ 2π=k SPP . In Fig. 3, the data points for θ=0° and θ=74° were obtained with the LEEM setup (blue squares). The data for θ=4° and θ=65° was obtained with the PEEM setup (red triangles). The marked data points in Fig. 3 arise from an analysis of the various excitation edges of the Ag islands in Fig. 2. Apparently, the Moiré concept is suitable for explaining both the grazing-incidence illumination and normal-incidence illumination contrast. It is surprising, however, that the Moiré concept works so well. After all, the experimental data is the temporal integral of a nonlinear response of the superposition of rapidly varying electric fields. Figure 4 considers these electric fields at different times and illustrates that the superposition of the electric fields at the surface must yield the SPP wavelength. The blue arrows indicate the strength of the electric fields of the laser pulse. In normal incidence (NI-PEEM), the phase fronts of a linearly polarized Gaussian laser pulse are parallel to the surface plane. Accordingly, the electric field vector of the laser pulse must be the same for the entire illuminated surface area at a certain time (for each time, all blue arrows in Fig. 4 have the same length). For the propagating SPP wave packet, the electric field vector depends on time and position, as the SPP’s field is caused by the periodic displacement of Fig. 3 Pattern periodicity λM as a function of the incidence angle of light, θ. The blue square-shaped data points were acquired with the LEEM setup. The red triangle-shaped data points were acquired with the linear PEEM setup. The gray-shaded area within the black dashed lines indicates the theoretical possible values for the fringe spacing, depending on the angle α between SPP and light direction as projected into the surface plane electrons. The red areas in Fig. 4 represent positions with a lower electron density, while green areas indicate a higher electron density. The electric field lines (gray) connect the areas of different electron density. The red arrows in Fig. 4 indicate the local electric field strength of the SPP. Above the green and red areas, the field strength is minimal, while the maximum field can be found just on the border between the regions of opposite charge. For the following discussion, we assume that the strengths of the near field of the SPP and the near field of the laser are of the same order. If that is not the case, additional photoelectrons add incoherent background intensity to the SPPrelated contrast. Such photoelectrons are generated by that part of the stronger one of the two individual fields that cannot entirely be annihilated by the other field via destructive Fig. 4 Schematic explanation for the observation of the SPP wavelength in NI-PEEM. The blue arrows indicate the direction of the electric field of the laser EL, which is at any given time constant across the surface. The red arrows indicate the electric field strength ESPP of the SPP which is modulated with the SPP wavelength λSPP. The SPP is in part a modulation of the electron density ρ. For different observation times (from top to bottom), the positions where EL and ESPP interfere constructively do not change. The black arrows indicate the propagation of the SPP Plasmonics interference. As this background intensity is integrated in time by the detector, it smears out, and any wave characteristic is lost. Therefore, such background does not influence the periodicity of the photoelectron yield modulation, which is discussed here. The result of the superposition of the near fields of the SPP and the laser can then be discussed as three principal cases. For the case of positions like the one marked by “A” in Fig. 4, the fields of the laser pulse and the SPP are always of the same phase, which will result in constructive interference. One will find the largest electron yield at these positions. In the case “C” of Fig. 4, the fields of the laser pulse and the SPP are always of opposite phase, which will result in destructive interference and minimal electron emission. All other cases, like the case “B” in Fig. 4, will fall between these extremes and result in an electron emission yield that is smaller than the one in case “A” and larger than the one in case “C.” The five scenarios in Fig. 4 show the situations at different times within a laser cycle T ¼ 2π=ωL . Interestingly, as the SPP and the laser pulse exhibit the same frequency ωL (but not the same wavelength) and are phase-locked, the overall electron yield changes as a function of time, while the maximum emission yield will always be at location “A” and the yield will always be minimal at location “C.” One can conclude from these considerations that in regions which can be found at x0 þ n⋅λSPP , n∈N , one finds maximum photoemission yield. In the regions at x0 þ ð2n þ 1Þ=2⋅λSPP , there is minimum photoemission yield. The spacing between successive maxima regions and successive minima regions is exactly λSPP . While the experimental signal is still a superposition of the electric fields of SPP and laser radiation, it nevertheless resembles a direct descriptive visualization of the phase fronts of the SPP pulse. The difference between normal incidence (NI-PEEM) and grazing incidence (GI-PEEM) does not just concern the modulated intensity pattern formation. For linearly polarized laser pulses of the same polarization, an SPP wave in normal incidence generally propagates in a direction that is different from the direction the SPP would have in grazing incidence. In both cases, the polarization of the laser pulses affects the edge of the island at which an SPP can be excited, as an electric field perpendicular to the island edge is needed. For grazing incidence, the direction of SPP propagation was found [11] to follow Snell’s !∥ ! law of refraction j k L j⋅sinðη1 Þ ¼ j k SPP j⋅sinðη2 Þ. As before, !∥ k L represents the projection of the wave vector of the laser ! pulses into the surface plane and k SPP describes the wave vector of the excited SPP wave. The incidence angle of the projected light vector ðη1 Þ and the “refracted” angle of the SPP ðη2 Þ are measured with respect to the normal of the excitation edge of the Ag island. The consequence of Snell’s law under grazing-incidence conditions is that the Moiré pattern is always parallel to the excitation edge, independent of the propagation direction of the SPP. !∥ In normal incidence, we already discussed that k L ¼ 0; with the consequence from Snell’s law that η2 must be zero as well: SPPs always propagate perpendicularly away from the edge at which they were excited. The polarization of the laser pulses is then the decisive factor at what edge of a Ag island an SPP is started. Figure 5 shows a Ag island under normal-incidence conditions for different in-plane polarizations. In Fig. 5a, the polarization of the laser is perpendicular to the horizontal edges of the island ϕ = 0° and is successively turned by Δϕ=30° in images b–f of Fig. 5. The excitation of SPPs is strongest when the polarization of the laser is perpendicular to the respective island edge. Contrarily, SPPs are not excited at edges which are parallel to the polarization. In addition to the difference in propagation direction between grazing incidence and normal incidence, another more technical Fig. 5 2PPE-PEEM images of a Ag island under normal incidence illumination. The laser polarization lies within the surface plane and is successively rotated with respect to the orientation of the Ag island. In each panel, the electric field direction is indicated by the black doubleheaded arrow. The SPP excitation strength is proportional to the projection of the electric field of the laser onto the excitation edge Plasmonics factor makes normal incidence the superior technique: Most of the plasmonic work is carried out on Ag or Au surfaces. The Brewster angle for illumination with λ¼ 400 nm light is 64.5° for Ag [20], and it is 67.7° for Au [20]. As such, the Brewster angles for these plasmonic materials are very close to the commonly used incidence angles in grazing-incidence setups. The consequence is a strong dependence of the overall nonlinear photoemission yield on the polarization of the laser pulses. Small polarization-dependent contrast differences are thus hidden in a dramatic change of the overall intensity. This problem does not exist in normal incidence, as the surface reflectivity is independent of the polarization (for isotropic media). Conclusions and Outlook We presented a novel experimental approach for the imaging of SPPs with nonlinear PEEM. For most imaging cases, the NI setup provides improved contrast compared to the commonly used GI geometry. The main ramifications of the differences between NI and GI imaging are summarized in Fig. 6. The left column contains sketches of the two illumination geometries, while the three remaining columns illustrate the differences Fig. 6 Comparison of GI (upper panels) and NI (lower panels) imaging. The first column shows a schematic side view of a silver island under laser illumination (blue) for the specific incidence geometries. The second column shows the origin of the fringes observed in nonlinear between NI and GI imaging as discussed above. The upper row of sketches shows the situation for GI geometry while the lower images illustrate the NI situation. We find three major differences for the contrast. First, illustrated in the second column from the left, the fringe spacing in GI depends on the laser’s incidence angle relative to the surface normal. Typically, a fringe spacing of several micrometers is observed when the SPP and laser pulse (as projected into the surface plane) propagate in the same direction. In NI, however, the fringe spacing always directly resembles the SPP wavelength. Second, illustrated in the second column from the right, the propagation direction of SPPs is different for NI and GI. Furthermore, the interpretation of GI contrast is counterintuitive. For various angles between the projection of the laser pulses into the surface plane and the excitation edge, the Moiré fringes will always be parallel to the excitation edge. Different SPP directions are reflected in a changed fringe spacing of the observed pattern. The SPP propagation direction must be calculated from the measured Moiré pattern and the known laser incidence geometry and laser polarization. In NI, the fringes are still aligned parallel to the excitation edge. We showed, however, that the SPP always propagates in the direction normal to the excitation edge. This implies that the fringes observed in NI are photoemission microscopy. The third column illustrates when and why the fringe pattern is aligned parallel to the island edge. The fourth column indicates what happens when C60 is deposited onto the silver islands Plasmonics a direct descriptive visualization of the phase fronts of the propagating SPP and that, in NI, the excitation edge can be freely chosen by turning the polarization of the laser pulses. The right column in Fig. 6 illustrates the third major difference between NI and GI contrast and discusses an aspect that has not yet been addressed: while it is in many cases advantageous that in NI-PEEM the SPP propagation direction is always perpendicular to the excitation edge, it also removes one degree of freedom from the experiment. Kirschbaum et al. have manipulated the surface dielectric function of Ag by deposition C60 in GI-PEEM and reported a coverage-dependent change of direction of the SPP relative to the island edge [21]. Using the results and equation from the referenced work, we calculate that two monolayers of C60 can change the refracted angle of the SPP by up to 6°. This allows for sensor device concepts that depend on a particular SPP propagation direction. Such surface dielectric function-dependent propagation direction of SPPs does not occur in NI geometry, since the SPP propagation direction is always normal to the excitation edge. We conclude that for most investigations of SPP wave packets the NI illumination geometry is advantageous, since it provides an easily interpreted high-resolution “snapshot” of the SPP wave. In particular, for time- and phase-resolved measurements, NI will provide a rather direct imaging of propagating SPP wave packets by means of a cross-correlation signal. For other situations, however, the GI setup may be better suited, since it allows a coverage-dependent manipulation of the SPP propagation direction. Depending on the scientific question, the laser incidence geometry for a PEEM experiment must be carefully chosen. Our work constitutes the basis for such a choice. Acknowledgments Financial support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through SFB616 “Energy Dissipation at Surfaces” and SPP1391 “Ultrafast Nanooptics” is gratefully acknowledged. References 1. Ozbay E (2006) Plasmonics: merging photonics and electronics at nanoscale dimensions. Science 311(5758):189–193 2. MacDonald KF, Samson ZL, Stockman MI, Zheludev NI (2009) Ultrafast active plasmonics. Nat Photonics 3(1):55–58 3. Schmidt T, Heun S, Slezak J, Diaz J, Prince KC, Lilienkamp G, Bauer E (1998) Speleem: combining LEEM and spectroscopic imaging. Surf Rev Lett 5:1287–1296 4. 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