Perfect Match Contemporary Street Art Program Guidelines for

Perfect Match Contemporary Street Art Program
Guidelines for Property Owners - Residents and Businesses
Marrickville hosts an outstanding collection of street art and Perfect Match brings artists,
residents, businesses and property owners together to foster innovative and contemporary
creative expression and fantastic art in public spaces.
Perfect Match is part of Council’s initiatives to prevent unwanted graffiti. Council recognises
that tagging and graffiti can be an issue for local residents and businesses. Since 2011, Council
has implemented a number of Anti-Graffiti measures as part of their Alternative Graffiti
Management Program.
Through Perfect Match, funding is available for residents or business owners to have a mural
painted on a wall that has been subject to recurrent graffiti and / or tagging. Artists are then
commissioned by Council to paint the artworks on walls at sites across Marrickville.
The aims of Perfect Match are to:
• reduce illegal graffiti on walls by removing blank canvases;
• support and provide opportunities for artists;
• grow Marrickville’s collection of innovative contemporary street art;
• build relationships between artists and local residents and/ or businesses;
• enable residents and businesses to be involved in the selection of artworks for their
• grow the LGA’s collection of innovative contemporary street art;
• use innovative art to highlight Marrickville’s unique places, history and assets;
provide opportunities for street artists to contribute to the creative economy; and
attract existing and new audiences to Marrickville through a program to celebrate the
area’s unique creativity, arts and vibrant culture.
To apply to have a mural painted on your wall:
• you must be the owner of the property wall or have written approval of the property
• the property must be within the Marrickville Local Government Area;
• the wall should be publicly viewable (eg. street facing);
• the wall must be a safe distance from electricity wires.
• you must be willing to work collaboratively with the artist and Council to develop the
artwork concept, methodology and installation schedule;
• you must be willing to liaise with your neighbours and notify them of plans to install the
Project Delivery
If your wall is selected, you will be responsible for:
• working with Council officers to select the artist and artwork appropriate for your wall;
• assisting Council and the artist to access the wall to deliver the mural;
• working with Council and the artist to ensure the artwork is not offensive and is
appropriate for the site;
• notification of your neighbours to advise them of the artwork concept and plans to install
the artwork.
Council and the artist will be responsible for:
• relevant insurances;
• artist fees;
• the cost of materials.
Council grants funds will be given directly to the selected artist for materials and artist fees.
If you are a business or commercial enterprise, Council may discuss options for you to
contribute minimal funds to cover some paint or associated costs.
Applications close 26 February 2016. The selection process will be completed by the end of
March 2016 with artworks to be installed late July / early August 2016.
9 December 2015
Applications open to artists and property owners.
26 February 2016
Applications close.
15 March 2016
Artists shortlisted.
Council liaises with property owners regarding artist submissions.
15 May 2016
Successful artists notified and contracted.
Artwork concept developed for approvals: artist working in
consultation with property owner and Council.
20 July to 1 August 2016
Artwork installed.
26 July - 1 August 2016
Perfect Match Contemporary Art Program –Street Art Tours and
Council’s Perfect Match funding covers a one off fee for the artist to create the artwork. As the
property owner, you will be asked to assist in maintaining the mural for as long as the mural is
in reasonable condition. The artist will provide a brief maintenance schedule which includes
details of paint and colours used and recommendations for maintaining the artwork. Once an
artwork is installed, there is not guarantee the artwork will remain untagged long term. Council
cannot resource ongoing maintenance of the artwork.
The Application Process
In order to apply, you will need to complete an online application and provide Council with the
A photograph of the proposed wall and surrounds.
Measurements of the wall.
Evidence or description of the history of tagging and graffiti on the wall.
A brief description of why you would like a mural on the proposed wall.
Two or more examples (web link or .jpg) of the kinds of art that you would like on the
wall. If you have a specific artist in mind please include samples of their work.
Confirmation that you are the owner of the wall or a letter of consent from the owner.
For further information, contact Council’s Arts and Cultural Development Unit on 9335 2280 or