1 MINIATURE Die wesentliche Beschreibung des ökonometrischen Modells the basic description of the econometric model le formalisme du modèle économétrique descripción basica del modelo econométrico la essenziale descrizione del modello econometrico eine Minaturdarstellung eines Modells a miniature of a model une maquette d'un modèle maqueta de un modelo, una versión simplificada del modelo una rappresentazione a miniatura del modello, un modello semplificato A problem related to aggregation is the construction of miniature models. For expository reasons the really large models, say of 1000 or more equations, are condensed into smaller models, orders of magnitude smaller, say to 10 to 15 equations. They are supposed to be easy to explain and easy to comprehend. If one denotes the endogenous variables by Y respectively y, and the exogenous variables by X respectively x, then the miniaturizaton of model “S” to model “s” is a transformation RN ×RM: S(Y, X) → Rn×Rm: s(y, x) , N>>n, M>>m. The evident claim with respect to the miniature is the idea, that there are essential invariance properties, i.e. substantial properties of the model are maintained. Only messy detail is deleted. For almost all large models such explanatory miniature models are produced. For the basic idea of miniature models see e.g.: Gibbard A., Varian H.R., Economic Models, Journal of Philosophy 75, No. 11, 664-677. Dominique Bureau, Didier Miqueu, Michel Norotte, La maquette désir, Économie &Prevision, Paris, Numero 65, 1984/44-54 ... “Les maquettes constituent alors un intermediaire entre deux termes: des modelès empiriques, elles retiennent la pratique des simulation numeriques; leur nombre réduit d’equations permet de mieux les fonder théoriquement et leur assure une grande souplesse d’utilistion....” 2 Illustration 1: A simple GNP-type model of Project Link Klein L.R, Van Peeterssen A., Forecasting world trade within Project Link, Chapter 13 of J. Ball, ed., The economic model of Project Link, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1973. (1) private consumption C t = a1 + a2Xt + a3C t-1 + e1,t (2) accelerator; investment It = b1 + b2Xt + e2,t (3) exports Et = g1 + g2WTt + g3PWt /PXt + g4Et-1 + e3,t (4) imports Mt = d1 + d2Xt + d3Xt /XCt + e4,t (5) GDP identity Xt ≡ C t + It + Gt + Et - Mt (6) GNP - deflator Pt = ε1 + ε2Xt /XCt + ε3PMt + e5,t (7) Prices of exports DPXt = ξ1 + ξ2DPt + ξ3D(PW/R(T)) + e6,t (8) production capacity XC = f1 + f2t + e7,t There are 8 endogenous variables: C Real domestic consumer expenditure, I Real investment, including inventory change, X Real GNP, E Real exports of goods and services, P GNP deflator, M Real imports of goods and services, XC Trend of capacity output, estimated as line through historical peaks of X, PX Export price index; and there are 5 exogenous variables: PM Import price index, r $-exchange rate, G Real government expenditures on goods and services, PW Deflator of world trade, dollar index, WT Volume of world trade in constant $. Additional notation is given by D the difference operator; ai , b i , gi , di , εi , ξi , fi parameters to be estimated; ej,t (j=1,2,...,7) random variables. 3 Illustration 2: A Miniature of the NIESR Model of the UK Henry S. G. B., Karakitsos E., Savage D., On the Derivation of the "Efficient" Phillips Curve, Manchester School of Economics 50, 1982, 156-159. (1) Y ≡ C+I+G+X-Q-F (2) (3) (4) (5) C I X Q = = = = C(Yd,BLP/P,P), ∂C/∂Y, ∂C/∂L>0, ∂C/∂P<0 I(DY.CU,BLP/P,R,p), ∂I/∂Y, ∂I/∂L, ∂I/∂p>0, ∂I/∂R<0 X(WT,PX.e/WP), ∂X/∂WT>0, ∂X/∂RL<0 Q(Y,WP/e.P), ∂Q/∂Y>0, ∂Q/∂RL<0 (6) (7) (8) Yd T w ≡ Y-T = tY = W(Pe,U), ∂W/∂Pe>0, ∂W/∂U<0 or (8)' w (9) (10) P E = WR(Pe,W/P(1 - T/W)), ∂WR/∂Pe>0, ∂WR/∂T<0 = P(w,WP/e), ∂P/∂w, ∂P/∂WP>0 = E(Y), ∂E/∂Y>0 (11) (12) (13) U PX e ≡ L-E = PX(P,WP/e), ∂PX/∂P>0, ∂PX/∂WP>0 = e(WP/P,CA/P,R - Rw), ∂e/∂RL, ∂e/∂CA, ∂e/∂R>0 (14) (15) (16) (17) CA CR/P SD/P DB ≡ = = = (18) (19) DBLG ≡ G - T - DB - DCR - DFO D(BLP/P) = BL(R,Y,DV/P), ∂BL/∂R, ∂BL/∂V<0, ∂BL/∂Y>0 (20) DTD ≡ (21) (22) (23) DV DM R ≡ rB + Y - C - I - T ≡ DM + DB = DCR + DSD + DTD = R(r), ∂R/∂r>0 X.PX - Q.WP/e CR(Y), ∂CR/∂Y>0 SD(R,Y), ∂SD/∂R<0, ∂SD/∂Y>0 B(R,r,DV), ∂B/∂R<0, ∂B/∂r, ∂B/∂V>0 DBLG - DSD + DBLP 4 Glossary of variables: DZ = Zt - Zt-1 (difference operator) zt Y C I G X Q Yd P P BLP BLG T CU R p WT PX WP e CA Rw B CR FO M SD TD V Pe w PR U L E r F RL = = = = = = = = = dZt/dt (z= P,w; a dot over a variable indicates its time derivative) real national income real consumption real investment including stockbuilding real government expenditure real exports real imports real disposable income price level = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = inflation rate bank lending to the private sector bank lending to the government taxes capacity utilization market interest rate profitability index of world trade export prices world prices exchange rate current account world interest rate fixed price bonds currency held by the private sector overseas finance Money supply (M3) sight deposits time deposits private sector wealth = expected inflation rate = = = = = = = = wage inflation rate productivity unemployment labor force employment interest rate on government debt adjustment to factor cost relative prices 5 Beispiel / examples / exemples Exemple Example Beispiel Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Exemple Example Example Example Example Example Exemple 1 (UN MODELE ECONOMETRIQUE DE L'ECONOMIE FRANCAISE, Model France 69/1) 2 (Five miniature models of the ORANI model, Australia 75/1) 3 (Ein einfaches Modell im Project Link, simple GNP-type models) 4 (A miniature of the Danish model ADAM) 5 (A miniature model of the Cambridge Economic Policy Group) 6 (A miniature model of the U.S. economy) 7 (Miniatures of UK models: the LBS model and the NIESR model) 8 (Rappresentazione sintetica del modello, a miniature of the Bologna model (Prometeia, model Italy 72/1)) 9 (THE PACIFIC BASIN MODEL OF KINOSHITA ET AL) 10 (A simple neoclassical model of one-sector, one-occupation, one-region, one-age-cohort, two-factor inputs, and three-final-demand components in sixteen equations) 11 (Maquette représentative) 12 (Model Sweden 82/2, The equations of the one-sector version of the model) 13 (A miniature of the VARUNA-model) 14 (A miniature of the Bank of Italy quarterly econometric model) 15 (A linear/loglinear model for the U.K.) 16 (A miniature model of the economy, simplification of large scale macroeconometric models) 17 (La modelisation economique)