Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents Leonardo Pedro, October 16th 2014 1 Introduction 1.1 Particle Physics About the interactions between the particles (what are the EM waves? ⇒Maxwell: aether) Not about what the elementary particles are Experimental Physics [www.elab.ist.eu, H + at ] Theoretical Physics [Higgs mediated FCNC] Math./Comp. Physics [Real Poincare Reps, C++ software] Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 2/35 1.2 Standard Model and its limits the simplest to break spontaneously: SU (3)C × SU (2)L × U (1)Y → SU (3)C × U (1)em ⇒ One Higgs Doublet Ellis (2013) QCD, ElectroWeak, Flavour ⇒ Experiments ν masses and mixing, baryon asymmetry, dark matter, CMB fluctuations ⇒ New Physics gravity;cosmological const.(dark energy);hierarchy;strong CP; arbitrariness;meta-stability; accidental suppression of FCNCs,EDMs,p+ decay ⇒ Problems Beyond:Inflaton,SUSY,Seesaw,GUTs,Strings,(discrete) symmetries, axion, vector-like quark ... Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 3/35 1.3 Beyond the Standard Model: a modular approach “If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change.” — Il Gattopardo (1958) Physical constraints on the BGL models A contribution for the search for FCNCs (...) ⇒ Higgs mediated Flavour Violation Botella, Branco, Carmona, Nebot, Pedro, and Rebelo (2014) If time is enough... Real representations of the Poincare group & Position operator Position measurement as a Fock-space projection-valued measure (...) ⇒A localizable Spin-0 Poincare Rep is not a complex scalar Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 4/35 2 Higgs mediated Flavour Violation 2.1 Yukawa couplings in 2HDM LY = −Q0L ∆1 Φ̃1 + ∆2 Φ̃2 u0R − Q0L Γ1 Φ1 + Γ2 Φ2 d0R 0 − L0L Σ1 Φ̃1 + Σ2 Φ̃2 νR − L0L Π1 Φ1 + Π2 Φ2 `0R + h.c. Spontaneous symmetry breaking 1 0 hΦ1 i = √ 2 v1 eiα1 q ! , 1 0 hΦ2 i = √ 2 v2 eiα2 v12 + v22 = v ' 246 GeV , v2 ≡ tan β , v1 ! (α1 − α2 ) ≡ θ Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 5/35 • Quark Yukawa couplings + Mass terms LY ⊃ −u0L − d0L where and 1 Mu (v + H 0 ) + Nu0 R + iNu0 I u0R v 1 Md (v + H 0 ) + Nd0 R + iNd0 I d0R v √ 2 0 0 0 † uL Nd dR − u0R Nu0 d0L H + + h.c. − v 1 Mu = √ v1 ∆1 +v2 eiθ ∆2 , 2 1 Nu0 = √ v2 ∆1 −v1 eiθ ∆2 , 2 1 Md = √ v1 Γ1 +v2 eiθ Γ2 2 1 Nd0 = √ v2 Γ1 −v1 eiθ Γ2 2 Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 6/35 † • Mixing matrix (CKM), V = UuL UdL • The “drama”: † UuL Mu UuR = Du ≡ diag (mu , mc , mt ) † UdL Md UdR = Dd ≡ diag (md , ms , mb ) is fine, but † UuL Nu0 UuR ≡ Nu = ? † UdL Nd0 UdR ≡ Nd = ? gives flavour changing couplings with R and I, the non-SM neutral scalars! Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 7/35 2.2 Top-down and Bottom-up approaches Buras and Girrbach (2014) models (e.g. BGL) vs. effective field theory (e.g. MFV) For BGL: correlations between observables less sensitive to free parameters patterns of flavour violation may differ from the SM and MFV Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 8/35 2.3 Generalized Minimal Flavour Violation Two Higgs Doublets LY (quark, Higgs) = √ + 2H H0 ¯ dd − ū V Nd γR − Nu† V γL d − ūDu u + dD v 2v i h i I Rh ¯ d γR d + i ūNu γR u − dN ¯ d γR d + h.c. ūNu γR u + dN − v v Botella, Branco, and Rebelo (2010) flavour changing couplings dependent on VCKM : necessary & sufficient Nd = λ1 Dd + λ2i Pi Dd + λ3i V † Pi V Dd + ... Nu = τ1 Du + τ2i Pi Du + τ3i V Pi V † Du + ... Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 9/35 2.4 Minimal Flavour Violation only 2 spurions break the global flavor symmetry SU (3)Q × SU (3)U × SU (3)D Dery, Efrati, Hiller, Hochberg, and Nir (2013) D2 2 Nd = λ1 Dd + λ2 v2d Dd + λ3 V † Dv2u V Dd + ... 2 Nu = τ1 Du + τ2 Dv2u Du + τ3 V Dd2 † V DU v2 + ... flavour changing couplings dependent on VCKM : necessary but not sufficient Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 10/35 2.5 Models • Discrete symmetries & Natural Flavour Conservation [Glashow & Weinberg, PRD 15 (1977), . . . ] – Type I: Φ2 couples to uR , dR , eR – Type II: Φ2 couples to uR , Φ1 couples to dR , eR – Lepton specific: Φ2 couples to uR , dR , Φ1 couples to eR – Flipped: Φ2 couples to uR , eR , Φ1 couples to dR • Aligned 2HDM: ∆2 ∝ ∆1 , Γ2 ∝ Γ1 [Pich & Tuzón, PRD 80 (2009), . . . ] – Effective alignment [Serôdio, PLB 700 (2011), Medeiros-Varzielas, PLB 701 (2011)] Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 11/35 • suppression factors from symmetries breaking [Joshipura & Rindani, PLB 260 (1991)] [Antaramian, Hall & Rasin, PRL 69 (1992)] [Hall & Weinberg, PRD 48 (1993)] ... • symmetry imposes small FCNC [Lavoura, Int.J.Mod.Phys. A9 (1994)] [Branco, Grimus & Lavoura (BGL), PLB 380 (1996)] [Botella, Branco & Rebelo, PLB 687 (2010)] [Botella, Branco, Nebot & Rebelo, JHEP 1110 (2011)] ... [Bhattacharyya, Das & Kundu, PRD 89 (2014)] – In the BGL case: FCNC proportional to fermion masses & mixings! Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 12/35 3 Physical constraints on the BGL models 3.1 Relating Nd with the CKM • Rewrite † UdL Nd0 UdR v2 v2 Dd − √ = v1 2 v2 v1 † iθ + UdL e Γ2 UdR v1 v2 † iθ • Problem with UdL e Γ2 UdR • Necessary and Sufficient conditions for BGL: ∆†1 ∆2 = 0; ∆1 ∆†2 = 0; Γ†1 ∆2 = 0; ∆†1 Γ2 = 0 “They [Branco, Grimus, and Lavoura (1996)] have developed the only possible implementation of a relation between FCNSI and the CKM matrix which uses abelian symmetries and is consistent with the sufficient conditions above.” —Ferreira and Silva (2011) Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 13/35 3.2 The abelian symmetry Q0Lj 7→ eiτ Q0Lj , u0Rj 7→ ei2τ u0Rj , Φ2 7→ eiτ Φ2 and j = 3, leading to FCNC in the DOWN sector Nu = − v1 v2 diag(0, 0, mt ) + diag(mu , mc , 0) v2 v1 md 0 0 v2 Nd = 0 ms 0 v1 0 0 mb md |Vtd |2 ms Vtd∗ Vts mb Vtd∗ Vtb md Vts∗ Vtd ms |Vts |2 mb Vts∗ Vtb md Vtb∗ Vtd ms Vtb∗ Vts mb |Vtb |2 − v1 v2 + v2 v1 Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 14/35 but we can as well choose j = 1 (or j = 2), then leading to FCNC in the DOWN sector . . . or start with this symmetry Q0Lj 7→ eiτ Q0Lj , d0Rj 7→ ei2τ d0Rj , Φ2 7→ eiτ Φ2 which would lead to FCNC in the UP sector Models: 3 up quark + 3 down quark × 3 ` + 3 ν = 36 (!) When V ≡ 1 the couplings still break the global flavour symmetry SU (3)Q × SU (3)U × SU (3)D ⇒ BGL is not MFV ...phenomenology Botella, Branco, Carmona, Nebot, Pedro, and Rebelo (2014) Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 15/35 |gµ /ge |2 Br(B + → e+ ν) Br(B + → τ + ν) Br(D+ → e+ ν) Γ(π + →e+ ν) Γ(π + →µ+ ν) − − − + Br(τ → e e e ) Br(τ − → µ− µ− e+ ) Re(∆d ) Br(KL → µ± e∓ ) Br(D0 → e− e+ ) Br(D0 → µ− µ+ ) Br(Bs0 → µ± e∓ ) Br(µ → eγ) Br(τ → µγ) S |gRR,τ µ| + Br(Ds → e+ ν) Br(Ds+ → τ + ν) Br(D+ → µ+ ν) Γ(τ − →π − ν) Γ(π + →µ+ ν) − − − Br(τ → µ µ µ+ ) Br(τ − → µ− e− µ+ ) Re(∆s ) Br(π 0 → µ± e∓ ) Br(B 0 → e+ e− ) Br(B 0 → µ− µ+ ) Br(B 0 → τ + τ − ) Br(B → Xs γ)NNLO SM FZbb̄ S |gRR,τ e| + Br(B → µ+ ν) Br(B → Dτ ν) Br(D+ → τ + ν) Γ(K + →e+ ν) Γ(K + →µ+ ν) − − − + Br(τ → e e µ ) Br(µ− → e− e− e+ ) Im(∆d ) Br(KL → e− e+ ) Br(D0 → µ± e∓ ) Br(Bs0 → e+ e− ) Br(Bs0 → µ− µ+ ) Br(τ → eγ) ∆T S | |gRR,µe + Br(Ds → µ+ ν) Br(B → D∗ τ ν) log C (K → π`ν) Γ(τ − →K − ν) Γ(K + →µ+ ν) − − − + Br(τ → e µ e ) |K |N P ∆mK Im(∆s ) Br(KL → µ− µ+ ) Br(B 0 → τ ± e∓ ) Br(B 0 → τ ± µ∓ ) K D 2|M12 | , 2|M12 | Br(B → Xs γ) ∆S Table 1: Constraints on processes mediated at tree level by H ± ; tree level by R, I; loop level by R, I, H ± Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 16/35 simplified scenario: H 0 , R (& I) are the mass eigenstates Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 17/35 Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 18/35 428 < MH + /GeV 493 < MR0 /GeV 493 < MI 0 /GeV 428 < MH + /GeV 488 < MR0 /GeV 488 < MI 0 /GeV 290 < MH + /GeV 305 < MR0 /GeV 314 < MI 0 /GeV 57 < MH + /GeV 97 < MR0 /GeV 97 < MI 0 /GeV 676 < MH + /GeV 641 < MR0 /GeV 641 < MI 0 /GeV 646 < MH + /GeV 597 < MR0 /GeV 597 < MI 0 /GeV 32 < MH + /GeV 97 < MR0 /GeV 111 < MI 0 /GeV 161 < MH + /GeV 245 < MR0 /GeV 265 < MI 0 /GeV 339 < MH + /GeV 359 < MR0 /GeV 369 < MI 0 /GeV 32 < MH + /GeV 57 < MR0 /GeV 57 < MI 0 /GeV 646 < MH + /GeV 621 < MR0 /GeV 621 < MI 0 /GeV 651 < MH + /GeV 602 < MR0 /GeV 602 < MI 0 /GeV 389 < MH + /GeV 443 < MR0 /GeV 448 < MI 0 /GeV 389 < MH + /GeV 443 < MR0 /GeV 448 < MI 0 /GeV 260 < MH + /GeV 265 < MR0 /GeV 280 < MI 0 /GeV 107 < MH + /GeV 126 < MR0 /GeV 126 < MI 0 /GeV 661 < MH + /GeV 606 < MR0 /GeV 611 < MI 0 /GeV 646 < MH + /GeV 582 < MR0 /GeV 577 < MI 0 /GeV 161 < MH + /GeV 166 < MR0 /GeV 191 < MI 0 /GeV 354 < MH + /GeV 384 < MR0 /GeV 394 < MI 0 /GeV 52 < MH + /GeV 116 < MR0 /GeV 121 < MI 0 /GeV 57 < MH + /GeV 67 < MR0 /GeV 67 < MI 0 /GeV 636 < MH + /GeV 606 < MR0 /GeV 611 < MI 0 /GeV 641 < MH + /GeV 587 < MR0 /GeV 587 < MI 0 /GeV 240 < MH + /GeV 265 < MR0 /GeV 285 < MI 0 /GeV 275 < MH + /GeV 295 < MR0 /GeV 314 < MI 0 /GeV 250 < MH + /GeV 245 < MR0 /GeV 265 < MI 0 /GeV 57 < MH + /GeV 107 < MR0 /GeV 107 < MI 0 /GeV 666 < MH + /GeV 611 < MR0 /GeV 616 < MI 0 /GeV 542 < MH + /GeV 483 < MR0 /GeV 473 < MI 0 /GeV 32 < MH + /GeV 97 < MR0 /GeV 111 < MI 0 /GeV 161 < MH + /GeV 240 < MR0 /GeV 265 < MI 0 /GeV 339 < MH + /GeV 359 < MR0 /GeV 369 < MI 0 /GeV 42 < MH + /GeV 102 < MR0 /GeV 102 < MI 0 /GeV 661 < MH + /GeV 611 < MR0 /GeV 616 < MI 0 /GeV 597 < MH + /GeV 542 < MR0 /GeV 542 < MI 0 /GeV Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 19/35 4 A contribution for the search for FCNCs 4.1 Next steps the analysis on flavour physics suggest that the CKM’s hierarchy makes some models competitive against NFC models (e.g. MSSM) No a priori reason to expect a worse performance then NFC against LHC data. It must be checked. Study the correlations among the observables, find interesting patterns (on progress...) Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 20/35 4.2 ...and more Porod, Staub, and Vicente (2014) Flavour Kit⇒ about a model: expressions for all involved masses and couplings renormalization group equations to get the running parameters at the considered scale expressions to calculate the EFT operators formulae to obtain the observables from the EFT operators Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 21/35 4.3 Software Giac and Ginac (C++ algebra systems) available (also Flavour Kit, etc.); Moreover, using LLVM the code generation of GiNaC can be improved; Library containing many known formulas for decays important for FCNC;(contribution) Library making global fits, from models, from formulas, from experimental data (contribution) Library containing the experimental data distributions. (CERN-based ROOSTATS-like package for FCNCs?) Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 22/35 4.4 A systematic treatment of the systematic uncertainties Systematic uncertainties are not good guesses the experimental results depend from each other and from the theoretical results. mean ± errors is ok to draw conclusions such as: was a Higgs boson detected in the CMS experiment? is a BGL pattern present in the data from many experiments? Not ok Output the data distributions as a function of the parameters which do not depend on the experiment. Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 23/35 Example: Charged Higgs searches at the LHC Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 24/35 Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 25/35 5 On the real representations of the Poincare group 5.1 Interesting facts The Dirac equation for a free particle is: (iγ µ ∂µ − m)Ψ = 0 In a Majorana basis: +1 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 +1 iγ 1 = iγ 0 = 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 −1 +1 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 iγ 2 = iγ 5 = 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 +1 +1 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 +1 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 +1 0 iγ 3 = 0 +1 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 −1 0 ≡ −γ 0 γ 1 γ 2 γ 3 Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 26/35 the 5 anti-commuting 4 × 4 real matrices are unique (up to isomorphisms) ⇒ η = diag(−1, 1, 1, 1) , but no euclidean metric η = diag(1, 1, 1, 1) The Fourier-Majorana transformation ψ(~ p) of a Majorana spinor Ψ(~x): ψ(~ p) ≡ Z p 0 /γ 0 + m p Ψ(~x) d3 ~x e−iγ p~ · ~x p Ep + m 2Ep Where m ≥ 0 p0 = Ep = p p~2 + m2 . ψ(~ p) ⊗ C is in a Newton-Wigner representation, obtained with a Fourier followed by a Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 27/35 5.2 Map from complex to real representations QM formulation on a real Hilbert space can be made equivalent to the QM formulation on a complex Hilbert space, using the density matrix. There is a map from the complex to the real unitary representations of a group. A reference for the energy positivity of a Poincare representation can be another Poincare representation: V ⊗ C → V1 ⊗ V2 , such that, (iγ 0 )(i) = −1 → (iγ 0 )1 (iγ 0 )2 = −1. Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 28/35 5.3 Localization A localizable unitary representation of the Poincare group verifies: 1) it’s a direct sum of irreducible representations which are massive or massless with discrete helicity; (related with the result Yngvason (1970)) 2) it respects causality; 3) if it is complex it contains necessarily both positive and negative energy subrepresentations; 4) it is an irreducible representation of the Poincare group (including parity) if and only if it is: a)real and b)massive with spin 1/2 or massless with helicity 1/2. Coordinates match the Dirac equation Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 29/35 6 Position measurement as a Fock-space projection-valued measure The (free) Dirac equation was deduced from the QM principles: unitary reps & projection-valued measure The previous results lead to a “solution” to the QM position operator Not a new solution: QM needs many particles We have the tools to build a relativistic Quantum Mechanics theory. (modest improvement of our knowledge about QFT, Consistent Histories play a role) Important for the deduction of quantum models from first principles (instead of classical model→ quantum model through quantization) Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 30/35 7 Conclusion Experimental results do not necessarily kill models with natural FCNCs at tree level, such as the BGL models, CKM hierarchy is enough. FCNCs may be the next candle towards New Physics, but a systematic/collaborative approach is needed Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 31/35 The complex Hilbert space do not generalizes a real Hilbert space, the localizable represntations of the Poincare group force us to consider real Hilbert spaces A relativistic Quantum Mechanics formulation using Fock-space projection-valued measures is being developed, important for the future deduction of quantum models from first principles Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 32/35 References J. Ellis. Summary of the Nobel symposium on Large Hadron Collider results. Physica Scripta Volume T, 158(1):014020, December 2013, 1309.3549. F. J. Botella, G. C. Branco, A. Carmona, M. Nebot, L. Pedro, and M. N. Rebelo. Physical constraints on a class of two-Higgs doublet models with FCNC at tree level. Journal of High Energy Physics, 7:78, July 2014, 1401.6147. A. J. Buras and J. Girrbach. 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Zero-mass infinite spin representations of the poincaré group and quantum field theory. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 18(3):195–203, 1970. ISSN 0010-3616. Higgs mediated Flavour Changing Neutral Currents | Leonardo Pedro 34/35 Danke schön