M.Phil. GEOGRAPHY - Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur

Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur. (M.P.).
M. Phil. in Geography
Ordinance and Syllabus
M. Phil. in Geography Degree Course Examination 2010-2011 & Onwards
The Master of Philosophy in Geography degree course consists of two theory
papers one practical papers along with one dissertation and viva-voce in two
semesters as given below:
Semesters I
Research Methodology
100 Marks
GIS & Remote Sensing
100 Marks
Computer Application in Geographical Research & Statistics
100 Marks.
Semesters II
100 Marks.
Viva-voce of Dissertation
50 Marks.
Seminars, Writing test and Students participation in the Course
In addition to above, 100 marks are allotted for Seminars, Writing test and
students participation in the Course as per scheme given below 1.
Seminars Every student will be required to give three presentations on departmental
seminars of 30 minutes duration followed by 15 minutes discussion in the
department. The performance of the student will be assessed by the Head
and one teacher of the department. Total credit of 40 marks will be give for
Written test during semester Three Uniform allies distributed written tests each of one-hour duration will
be held. These tests will be conducted by the teachers conducting the
course. The total credit for such tests will be of 40 marks.
Students participation in the course Lure weight age will be given to the attendance as per the following scheme
06 marks if attendance is between 60% to 65%.
12 marks if attendance is between 66% to 75%.
16 marks if attendance is between 76% to 85%.
20 marks if attendance is between 86% and above.
The candidate whose attendance is less than 60% will not be allowed to
appear in the examination at the close of semester and he shall be declared
as having failed.
To pass the M. Phil. examination a candidate will have to secure minimum
of 40% marks in each of the three theory papers and a minimum of 50 %
marks each in the dissertation and in viva-voce and 50% marks in the
aggregate. No division shall be awarded.
In the Second semester the candidate will complete their dissertation and
submit then not later than 30th May, in every year failing which he will not
be considered eligible for M. Phil. Examination. He may however be
considered as a candidate for one subsequent M. Phil. Examination only if
he submits the dissertation after 30th May, but not later than 30th September.
The dissertation will be evaluated by one external export and the viva-voce
examination will be conducted by the external examiner, who has evaluated
the dissertation, head of the department and one internal examiner.
Scheme of Marks
Two theory papers
200 marks.
Three Seminars
40 marks.
Three written Tests
40 marks.
Credit for attendance
20 marks.
100 marks.
50 marks.
100 marks
550 marks
M. Phil. Geography
Semester I
Paper - I
Research Methodology
Unit - I
An over view, Meaning, significance and types of Research; Steps in
Research; procedure of Scientific Research problem; Review of
Literature- Need and Procedure. Research design/Format.
Unit - II
Hypothesis: Need and Procedure to formulate hypothesis sampling:
Concept and Need of Sampling, Size of sampling, method of
sampling-merits and demerits; Measurement in Research, Indicators:
Selection of Indicators, Selection of statistical methods.
Unit - III
Methods of data Collection: Nature, need and significance, Sources
of data in Geography, Types of Data, Methods of Fieldwork,
Methodology and tools of data collection, observation, questionnaire,
schedule and Interview. Procedure for designing
questionnaire/schedule, coding.
Unit - IV
Classification and tabulation, of data; Processing and Analysis of
collected Data: Editing; Cartographic presentation: Need,
significance, Selection of Cartographic methods-maps, diagrams,
combination of maps and diagram. Analysis of data: Measurement of
averages, ratios central tendency, and computer added
Suggested Readings :
1. Kothari, C.R. Research Methodology.
2. Kothari, C.R. Quantitative Technique.
3. Mishra, H.N., "Research Methodogy in Geography.
4. eq[kthZ] jk/kkjeu] lkekftd vuqla/kku ,os losZ{k.kA
5. Peter Haqqet " Quantitative Techniques in Geography.
6. Peter Hagget "Models in Geography.
7. Cole and King "Statistical Analysis in Geography.
8. JhokLro] oh-ds- ^^lkaf[;dh HkwxksyA
9. eqdthZ] jfoanzukFk & lkekftd 'kks/k o lkaf[;dhA
10. f}osnh vkj-,u- & fjlpZ esFkMkWykthA
11. Deshprabhu- Suchitra- Sociological research.
M. Phil. Geography
Semester I
Paper - II
Geographical Information system (GIS) and Remote Sensing
Unit - I
Remote Sensing: - Meaning, concept, scope, Basic principles of
thermal Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing system: Sensors and
radiation record.
Unit - II
Aerial photograph; Definition, classification. Difference between
map and aerial photograph. Technical terms and elements of
photographic system: types, scales and ground coverage.
Fundamentals of photogrammetric; Elements of vertical photograph,
relief displacement image parallax, stereoscopic, air photo
Interpretation of Remote Sensing in Geography.
Unit - III
Geographical Information system (GIS) – Introduction, History,
Interfacing Remote Sensing data with GIS. Relation of GIS other
Unit - IV
Elements of GIS, Data models, data structure data imputing method
and Editing. Application of GIS in Geography fields.
Suggested Readings :
(1) American Society of Photogrammetry : Manual of Remote Sensing ASP, Falls
Chukh , V.A. 1983.
(2) Barrett E.C. and L.F. Curtis : Fundamentals of Remote Sensing and Air Photo
Interpretation ,
Mcmillion , Newyork 1992.
(3) ’kekZ ts-ih- iz;ksxkRed Hkwxksy jLrksxh ifCyds’ku 2008&09 A
frokjh jke pUnz] f=ikBh lq/kkdj iz;ksxkRed Hkwxksy iz;kx iqLrd Hkou
bykgckn A
M. Phil. Geography
Semester I
Paper - Practical
Computer Application in Geographical Research & Statistics
Unit - I
Basic Concept, Cartography and Mapping.
Unit - II
GIS, satellite imagery
Unit - III
MS Office – Word, Excel, Power Point,
Unit - IV
Processing and analysis of data
Suggested Readings :
1 Elements of Practical Geography – R.L. Singh
2 Surveying & Leveling – T.P. Kanetar & Kulkarni (Part – 1 )
3 Surveying – N.P. Ayyer .
4 Maps & Diagrams, Methuen, London – F.J. Mohk house.
5 iz;ksxkRed Hkwxksy & ts-ih- ’kekZ jLrksxh ] esjB
M. Phil. in Geography
Semester II
Paper V
Paper VI
Viva - voce of dissertation