CLAIM FOR MONEY OR DAMAGES TO: 1. Name of Claimant 2. Address: CITY CLERK .. City Clerk nothe later than 6 months 1? MflR 28 after date of incident. (see GoVetr'f~ ment Code Section 910 et seq) (Street) 7050 PH 2: I 7 N. Fresno Street, Suite 208 (State) CA Fresno (Zip Code) 93720 Claimant's Telephone (Home) (Work) Notices to be sent to: (if other than to above address) (559) 263-9667 a. Name: Law Office of Jacob J. Rivas b. Address (Street) 7050 N. Fresno Street, Suite 208 Relation to Claimant (City) 5. WARNING liODESTO Be sure your claim is filed with the' - Jane Doe ---------------------------- (City) 3. 4. r\ECEIYEu CITY CLERK CITY OF MODESTO PO Box 642 Modesto, CA 95353 (209) 577-5446 (State) Fresno c. Telephone: (Home) (Work) Provide information in detail regarding the claim: CA (559) 263-9667 (Other) _A_tt_o_m_e ..•.. y _ _ (Zip Code) _9_37_2_0 (Other) _ _ a. What damages and/or injury did you suffer - describe in detail: Please see Attached b. Date Claim For Damages. Time Location _ c. How did damage and/or injury occur: d. State why you believe City is responsible or involved: e. Identify City employee(s) causing damage or injury: (property damage) f. Amounts claimed (personal injury): $ 4,000,000.00 (Attach supporting medical bills, invoices, repair estimates, etc) _ $ _ 6. a. If your claim does not exceed $10,000 state the total amount claimed: _ b. If your claim exceeds $10,000 indicate whether your claim would be a limited civil case (if the amount claimed does not exceed $25,000 it is treated as a limited civil case): _________ The total claim does not exceed $25,000 X The total claim exceeds $25,000 7. List names, addresses, phone number of any witness: already in possession of the contact information Jane Doe and Lee F. Gaines, of all other witnesses. II. Defendants 8. List names, address, hospital, clinics, physicians: 9. List your insurance company, name address and payments made if any: Not applIcable. Note: 03/05 _N_ot_a_V_aI_l_ab_l_e_a_t _th_Is_t_Im_e_. Presentation of a false claim is unlawful (Cal Penal Code See 72) are _ 2 II 3 II 4 II 5 II Jacob J. Rivas, No. 208504 LA W OFFICE OF JACOB J. RIVAS 7050 N. Fresno Street, Suite 208 Fresno, CA 93720 Telephone: (559) 263-9667 Facsimile: (559) 263-9668 Email: Attorney for: Jane Doe, Claimant 6 7 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA 9 COUNTY OF STANISLAUS 10 11 12 13 14 ) Jane Doe, ) Claimant, ) ) ) vs. Lee F. Gaines, II, Modesto Police Department, and City of Modesto, Defendant. 15 CLAIM FOR DAMAGES ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 16 ) 17 Claimant Jane Doe hereby submits this Claim For Damages by and through her attorneys of 18 record as follows. 19 20 21 PARTIES 1. Claimant is identified as Jane Doe for purposes of this claim and any subsequent civil litigation due to the sensitive and personal nature of the allegations outlined herein. Jane Doe's true 22 identity is protected from disclosure by her right to privacy as articulated by the California 23 Constitution, California Evidence Code, Federal Constitution, and other pertinent statutory and case 24 25 26 27 28 LAW OFFICE OF RIVAS JACOB J 7050 N. Fresno St., Ste. 208 Fresno, CA 93720 authority . 2. Stanislaus. Jane Doe was at all relevant times herein a resident of the City of Modesto, County of 3. Defendant Lee F. Gaines, II was at all relevant times herein a resident of the City of 2 II Modesto and employed as a police officer with the Modesto Police Department, 3 II within the City of Modesto. 4 4. The Modesto Police Department 5 5. The City of Modesto is a local public entity as set forth under California 6 II 7 8 II is a political subdivision within the City of Modesto. proximately Defendants are legally responsible caused the damages to Claimant 7. Defendants for the events and happenings referred to, and as alleged herein. were and/or are the agents and/or employees of each of the remaining 10 II Defendants, and were acting within the course and scope of said employment 11 II perfonnance of the acts herein alleged. 12 8. 13 II 14 II 15 All acts perfonned from Defendant 17 II 10:45 p.m., Defendant 10. 21 II 23 II 24 25 Defendant Upon arrival, Defendant unifonn, including CA. in his department his department As Jane Doe was in custody with her hands handcuffed oral copulation Such sexual acts were involuntary, 27 28 LAW OFFICE OF JACOB J. RIVAS 2 issued badge and fireann. without her hands behind her back. behind her back, Defendant on him. forcible, and perfonned threat of grave bodily injury. call At approximately Lee F. Gaines, II entered Jane Doe's residence 26 7050 N. Fresno St., Sle. 208 located in Modesto, Lee F. Gaines, II arrived at Jane Doe's residence Lee F. Gaines, II forced Jane Doe to perfonn 13. II arrived at Jane Doe's residence consent, and without probable cause placed her under arrest, handcuffing 12. 22 9:30 p.m., Jane Doe received a telephone Lee F. Gaines, II stating that he desired to visit her at her residence. patrol vehicle wearing his law enforcement 11. 20 under color of law and officials. On January 5, 2012 at approximately II II were perfonned and/or agency in FACTS 16 19 herein by Defendants pursuant to their duties as law enforcement 9. 18 Government Code §900A. 6. 9 Fresno, CA 93720 a political subdivision under severe duress and 14. 1 In perfonning 2 II and violated California 3 II prosecuted 4 II 1439804. 6 II 7 II 16. II extreme emotional acts, Defendant Court Case No. Lee F. Gaines, II violated Jane 18. cause of the acts of Defendants, and statutory law. Jane Doe has experienced cause of the acts of Defendants, As a further direct and legal cause of Defendant Lee F. Gaines, II's conduct, Jane Doe has been compelled 14 II therefore, 15 II which Jane Doe is entitled to reimbursement 16 II Doe is entitled to reimbursement for attorney fees pursuant to applicable 17 II California Code of Civil Procedure, to retain the services of counsel to protect and enforce Jane Doe's rights and, has incurred and continues Civil Code, California 19. Defendant to incur, attorney's fees, legal fees, expert fees and costs for in an amount to be established II cause injury to Jane Doe. Furthennore, 20 II and knowing 21 II despicable 22 II despised 23 II against Defendant Defendant Defendant as it was vile, base, and/or contemptible people. 24 25 26 27 28 .AW OFFICE OF IACOB 1 RIVAS 3 of the with malice and an intent to and in willful Lee F. Gaines, II's conduct was and would be looked As such, Jane Doe is entitled to punitive Lee F. Gaines, II. statutory provisions Lee F. Gaines, II's was despicable disregard of Jane Doe's rights and safety. by reasonable at the time of trial. Jane and other relevant authority. Lee F. Gaines, II's conduct was perfonned 19 insofar loss loss. II 18 severe and Jane Doe has suffered economic 13 St. St•. 208 'resno. CA 93720 Superior II is being distress and bodily injury. As a proximate and non-economic 12 7050 N. Fresno County Lee F. Gaines, but not limited to, federal and state constitutional As a proximate 17. II Defendant herein under Stanislaus the above-described Lee F. Gaines, II acted feloniously DAMAGEIINJURY 10 11 In perfonning Doe's civil rights, including 8 9 acts, Defendant Penal Code §§149, 243.4, and 288A. for the crimes enumerated 15. 5 the above-described damages down on and to be assessed 20. Jane Doe hereby submits this Claim For Damages 2 II damages for compensatory 3 II and attorney fees. damages, including economic and claims $4,000,000.00 and non-economic loss, punitive damages, 4 5 Dated: LA W OFFICE OF JACOB J. RIVAS March 27, 2012 6 7 . ~~vas, y for plaintiff above-named. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .AW OFFICE OF ACOB l RIVAS 1050 N. FrCYlO St, Stt "osno. CA 93720 208 4 as PROOF OF SERVICE 2 II 3 II 4 II the within entitled action; my business address is 7050 N. Fresno Street, Suite 208, Fresno, CA 93720. 5 II On March 28, 2012, I served the within CLAIM FOR DAMAGES on the interested 6 II 7 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF FRESNO I am a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to parties in said action, as listed below: PARTY ATTORNEY: 8 Lee F. Gaines, II, Modesto Police Department, City of Modesto, Defendants 9 and 10 11 12 13 [ ] [ ] VIA EXPRESS [] BY MAIL - I am readily familiar with the firm's practice of collection and processing of documents for mailing. Under that practice, it would be deposited with the United States Postal Service on that same day with postage thereon fully prepaid at Fresno, California, in the ordinary course of business. I am aware on motion of the party served, service is presumed invalid if postal cancellation date of postage meter date is more than one day after date of deposit for mailing in affidavit. [X] BY PERSONAL SERVICE offices of the addressee. 14 15 16 VIA FACSIMILE MAIL - I caused such envelope to be delivered by hand to the 17 18 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California, 19 is true and correct and if sworn as a witness I can competently 20 knowledge. 21 22 that the foregoing testify to the foregoing of my own Executed on March 28, 2012, at Fresno, California. "'- 23 24 25 26 27 28 LAW OFFICE OF JACOB RIVAS J 7050 N Fresno St., Ste. 208 Fre,",o, CA 93720 ·-JAWf~-~-A-S------