Micro Energy Grid (MEG): Implementation of Smart Distributed Energy and Low Carbon Cities in Asia POWER-GEN Asia 2015 September 3rd 2015 Mark Cameron – Senior Consultant – Arup HK Building Sustainability Mark.Cameron@arup.com Background and Drivers - Macro Global action to limit GHG emissions to avoid catastrophic climate change Electricity generation responsible for 42% of global CO2 emissions Source: IEA, IPCC Global Response GHG limiting targets adopted internationally – China to limit to CO2 intensity by 40% by 2020 Supply and Demand side measures required Regulatory focus promoting Distributed Generation – United States, China, Korea, Japan 100+ designated Smart Cities to be developed in China What is a Micro (Energy) Grid? What are the Benefits? How to Implement? “Microgrids are electricity distribution systems containing loads and distributed energy resources, (such as distributed generators, storage devices, or controllable loads) that can be operated in a controlled, coordinated way either while connected to the main power network or while islanded” (CIGRÉ C6.22 Working Group). “A Microgrid is a group of interconnected loads and distributed energy resources within clearly defined electrical boundaries that acts as a single controllable entity with respect to the grid. A Microgrid can connect and disconnect from the grid to enable it to operate in both grid-connected or island-mode” (U.S. DOE Microgrids Exchange Group, 2010). What is a Micro Energy Grid? Traditional System Topology MEG System Topology 1. Improved Efficiencies Typical thermal power station is only ~40% efficient – large portion of energy lost as heat Local Distributed Generation over >80% efficiency ‘Waste heat’ can be harnessed Reduced transmission losses 2. Reduce Installed Capacity Summer peak day loading Winter peak day loading Combined load 3. Embrace the Smart City Distributed energy forms part of the Smart Grid – small districts of localized energy interacting with the grid – feeding and drawing from the Utility Data Analysis + Optimisation 4. Shifting Peak Demand – Demand Response Peak Peak Off-Peak Valley Price 4. Shifting Peak Demand – Demand Response Real time feedback to users / benchmarking Real time Incentives / pricing Internet of things Peak Peak Off-Peak Valley Price Hansung City, Qingdao, PRC Implementation Case Study Hansung City: K-MEG : Korea Micro Energy Grid Qingdao 青島 Hansung City, Huangdao 釜山市 Project Statistics Location – Hansung City, Qingdao, PRC Site size – 376 Ha (3.76 km2) GFA – 3.2M m2 Population - 100,000 Site use – Mixed use, Healthcare, Residential Objectives Create an integrated approach to energy masterplanning Reduce carbon emissions, peak demand & pollution Focus on Savings Through ‘Supply Side’ Measures & Energy efficiency Create a viable Business Model City Masterplan : City Composition Qingdao Climate Load Calculation : Daily Load Profiles Electrical load Heating load Cooling load Developing the MEG : Technology Selection Technology Technical and Environmental Performance Commercial Viability Occupant Satisfaction Noise Pollution, Air Pollution, Water Pollution, etc. Air and noise pollution (2) Proven Technologies Space Take Energy generation potential Greenhouse gas production Energy cascade potential Payback period Trigeneration High (3) Medium (2) Waste Heat to be reused (3) Medium (2) Photovoltaics Medium (2) Zero (3) Stand alone (1) Long (1) Zero Emission (3) Solar Hot Water System Medium (2) Zero (3) Waste Heat to be reused (3) Short (3) Zero Emission (3) Wind Turbines Medium (2) Zero (3) Stand alone system (1) Long (1) Possible noise & visual impact (2) Widely used and matured (3) Concentrated Solar Medium (2) Zero (3) Medium (2) Long (1) Zero Emission (3) Reliable (3) Large Area (1) Biofuels Low (1) Medium (2) Yes (3) Medium (2) Air pollution (1) Widely used and matured (3) Fuel Cells High (3) Zero (3) Medium (2) Long (1) Zero Emission (3) Early adoption. TBC (2) Waste to energy High (3) High (1) Yes (3) Medium (2) Air pollution (1) Widely used and matured (3) Storage space required (2) Sizeable additional space required (2) Sizeable additional space required (2) Algae Biofuel Low (1) Medium (2) Yes (3) Long (1) Possible air pollution (2) Relatively new (2) Building integrated (2) Medium (2) Zero (3) Stand alone (1) Long (1) Zero Emission (3) Widely used and matured (3) Large area under ground (1) N/A Limited (3) N/A Medium (2) Indirect influence (2) Widely used and matured (3) Minimal Space Required (3) N/A Limited (3) N/A Medium (2) Indirect influence (2) Relatively new (2) N/A Indirectly reduced (2) N/A Short (3) Zero Emission (3) Widely used and matured (3) Geoexchange System Electric Vehicles to grid (V2G) Vehicles Wireless Charging Energy Storage Technology selection matrix Reliability Relatively new (2) Large Plant (1) Widely used and matured (3) Widely used and matured (3) Building integrated (2) Minimal Space Required (3) Large turbine for reasonable energy generation (1) Space required along the vehicle routes (3) Sizeable additional space required (2) Score Replicability Commercial and business viability Operational complexity Geography dependencies Weighted Average Score Easily replicable (3) Medium (2) Widely applicable (3) 23 Easily replicable (3) Easy (3) Depends on solar intensity (2) 23 Easily replicable (3) Easy (3) Widely applicable (3) 29 Large capital investment (2) Easy (3) Depends on wind power density of the region (2) 20 Medium (2) Depends on solar intensity (2) 20 Medium (2) Dependent on Biofuel supply (1) 19 Payback to be explored. (2) Hard (1) Widely applicable (3) 22 Easily replicable (3) Hard (1) Widely applicable (3) 22 Large capital investment. Not easily replicable (1) Less commercially viable (2) Large capital investment. Not easily replicable (1) Large capital investment (2) Large capital investment. Easily replicable (2) Hard (1) Depends on solar intensity (2) 17 Medium (2) Region Specific (2) 20 Hard (1) Widely applicable (3) 19* Required large capital (1) Easy (3) Widely applicable (3) 19* Large capital investment. Easily replicable (2) Easy (3) Widely applicable (3) 21 MEG Infrastructure : Integrated Energy Masterplan Tri-Generation – 36 MW Energy Storage – 20 MW Absorption Chiller – 30 MW PV – 5 MW Solar Hot Water – 5 MW Shandong Electric Carbon Intensity : 0.81 kg.CO2 / kWh Hansung City MEG Carbon Intensity : 0.64 kg.CO2 / kWh 137,334 Equivalent Trees of Carbon Saved Operation : Model Output : Flow of Energy Solar Hot Water Producing Heat Make up from top up boilers Base load by Tri-Generation Battery discharge at peak demand Battery recharge when demand drops overnight Grid purchased power provides peak load Peak load by water cooled chillers Minimal cooling load over winter Base load by absorption chillers CO2 Reduction & Energy Reduction : Results Cashflow Analysis Breakeven Point Initial Capital Expenditure (Phase 1) Initial Capital Expenditure (Phase 2) Operation Expenditure Positive (income) : Revenue from sales, government subsidy Negative (outgoing) : Purchased power, maintenance, staff, equipment replacement (end of life) Lifecycle Cash Flow Analysis IRR 10% Payback Period 25 yrs Hansung City KMEG : Summary Reduces Carbon Emissions, Peak Power demand Provides clean, resilient, cost effective energy to the city Integrates with city management – support Smart city concept Promotes truly sustainable development – Technology and Behaviour change Improves maintenance – preventative maintenance, fault finding, optimisation The Future : Conclusion Micro Energy Grid – Cleaner, Smarter energy towards global goals Distributed Generation will form a key part of the future energy market South East Asia - great opportunity to take the lead in developing Distributed Generation for sustainable cities Open discussion needed on the role of DG & Traditional Utilities Technological breakthroughs will speed up adoption – particularly electricity storage & renewables for off-grid operation Thank You POWER-GEN Asia 2015 September 3rd 2015 Mark Cameron – Senior Consultant – Arup HK Building Sustainability Mark.Cameron@arup.com Access to Electricity in SE Asia (as % of population) Myanmar – 52% Vietnam – 99% Philippines – 87% Laos – 70% Thailand – 100% Cambodia – 31% Malaysia – 100% Singapore – 100% Source: Worldbank Indonesia – 96% Brunei – 76% Tariff Pricing Structure 3. Embrace the Smart City How does MEG fit into Smart Grid? Distributed energy forms part of the Smart Grid – small districts of localized energy interacting with the grid – feeding and drawing from the Utility Ensuring the Business Case : Financial Analysis Discount Rate (%) Scenario 1.1 Scenario 2.1 Scenario 3.1 Scenario 4.1 Scenario 5.1 Scenario 6.1 3% 5% 7% 10% 12% 15% Government Subsidy (RMB/kWh) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Scenario 1.2 Scenario 2.2 Scenario 3.2 Scenario 4.2 Scenario 5.2 Scenario 6.2 3% 5% 7% 10% 12% 15% 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 12.6% 12.6% 12.6% 12.6% 12.6% 12.6% 14.00 15.00 18.00 22.00 >50.00 >50.00 Scenario 1.3 Scenario 2.3 Scenario 3.3 Scenario 4.3 Scenario 5.3 Scenario 6.3 3% 5% 7% 10% 12% 15% 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 13.8% 13.8% 13.8% 13.8% 13.8% 13.8% 11.00 13.00 16.00 20.00 >50.00 >50.00 IRR 10% 10.1% 10.1% 10.1% 10.1% 10.1% 10.1% Discounted payback (yrs) 17.00 21.00 25.00 35.00 >60.00 >60.00 IRR Payback Period 25 yrs Operation : Power Quality Modeling Voltage: 220V (LV supply) Deviation: +7%, -10% Frequency: 50Hz Deviation: +/-0.5Hz Power Factor: >0.9 The user provides following devices for connection to Grid: Reactive power compensation device Harmonic suppression devices Automatic voltage control device Automatic low-voltage low-frequency load shedding devices, Load control device Power Quality Parameters for Hansung City MEG Benefits of Micro Energy Grid Approach Demand response reduces peak demand on local utilities & carbon emissions Utilise energy cascade to increase efficiency & reduce carbon emissions Centralised real-time monitoring & response Greater user understanding of consumption – reduced consumption through behavior change Resilience / reliability of supply to ensure no downtime Reduced utility infrastructure – Offset installed capacity for utility networks Export clean energy to city electricity grid Operation under Islanded mode Embracing New Technology Vehicle 2 Grid (v2g) Waste to Energy Wireless Charging The Role of Microgrid in a Regulated Power Market Structure Gen Co. Gen Co. Gen Co. Gen Co. Gen Co. Wholesale Market & Trading Transmission Retailer Consumer / Customer Consumer / Customer Consumer / Customer Consumer / Customer Consumer / Customer Deregulated Power Market Structure Gen Co. Gen Co. Gen Co. Gen Co. Gen Co. Wholesale Market & Trading Transmission Retailer / Microgrid Retailer / Microgrid Retailer / Microgrid Retailer / Microgrid Retailer / Microgrid Consumer / Customer Consumer / Customer Consumer / Customer Consumer / Customer Consumer / Customer Towards Successful Implementation 成功执行的基础 Utilities and state grid 公营事业和国家电网 Government 政府 Discussions and buy-in from government bodies needed Negotiation on contract Terms and Conditions Contractual 合约相关内容 Buy-in from Utility Negotiation of tariff for purchasing power Negotiation on maintenance cost of utility network (renting of transmission) Many forms of contract can be adopted - DBOT is most common Negotiate Terms and Conditions with government Setting of energy tariffs – responding to increased fuel costs Negotiate Government Subsidies (GS) and incentives Create contract for end users MEG Construction and operational risk MEG建设及运营风险 Increase in fuel costs Development Phasing Quality / ability of maintenance staff