Weichung Wang

Weichung Wang
Curriculum Vitae
Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University
No. 1, Section 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 10617, Taiwan
Contact Information
‧. Telephone: +886-2-3366-2871
‧. Fax: +886-2-2391-4439
‧. Email: wwang@math.ntu.edu.tw
‧. Homepage: http://www.math.ntu.edu.tw/~wwang
Personal Data
‧. Male, born September 14, 1967, married, one child
Research Interest
‧. Scientific Computing, Numerical Optimization, Matrix Computation, Parallel Computing
Educational Background
•Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, University of Maryland, College Park, USA 1996
•B.S., Applied Mathematics, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan
Employment Background
‧. Professor
Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University
‧. Professor
Department of Applied Mathematics, National University of Kaohsiung
‧. Chairperson
Department of Applied Mathematics, National University of Kaohsiung
‧. Associate Professor
Department of Applied Mathematics, National University of Kaohsiung
‧. Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics Education, National Tainan Teachers College
‧. Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics Education, National Tainan Teachers College
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‧. Software Engineer
ITServ Inc., USA
‧. Research Assistant
Supercomputing Research Center, Institute for Defense Analyses, USA
‧. Teaching Assistant
Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland, College Park, USA
1990-92, 1994-96
(A) Journal
1. Weichung Wang, “Final iterations in interior point methods-- preconditioned conjugate
gradients and modified search directions,” Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society
Series B, Volume 41, pp. 312-328, 2000. (SCI)
2. Weichung Wang and Dianne P. O’Leary, “Adaptive Use of Iterative Methods in
Predictor-Corrector Interior Point Methods for Linear Programming,” Numerical Algorithms,
Volume 25, pp. 387-406, 2000. (SCIE)
3. Weichung Wang, Tsung-Min Hwang, Cheng Juang, Jong Juang, Chin-Yueh Liu, and
Wen-Wei Lin, “Chaotic Behaviors of Bistable Laser Diodes and Its Application in
Synchronization of Optical Communication,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 40,
Part 1, No. 10, pp. 5914-5919, 2001. (SCI)
4. Weichung Wang, “The Convergence of an Interior Point Method Using Modified Search
Directions in Final Iterations,” Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 44(3-4):
347-356, 2002. (SCI)
5. Tsung-Min Hwang and Weichung Wang, “Analyzing and Computing a Discretized
Semilinear Elliptic Problem with Neumann Boundary,” Numerical Methods for Partial
Differential Equations, Volume 18 (3), pp. 261-279, 2002. (SCIE)
6. Ming-Chih Lai, Wen-Wei Lin, and Weichung Wang, “A fast spectral/difference method
without pole condition for Poisson-type equation in cylindrical and spherical geometries,”
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, Volume 22 (4), pp. 537-548, 2002. (SCI)
7. Wenli Tsou, Weichung Wang, and Hong-Yi Li, “How Computers Facilitate Foreign
Language Learners Acquire English Abstract Words,” Computers and Education, Volume 39
(4), pp. 415-428, 2002. (SSCI)
8. Weichung Wang, Tsung-Min Hwang, Wen-Wei Lin, and Jinn-Liang Liu, Numerical Methods
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for Semiconductor Heterostructures with Band Nonparabolicity, Journal of Computational
Physics, Volume 190 (1), pp. 141-158, 2003. (SCI)
9. C. Juang, S. T. Huang, C. Y. Liu, W. C. Wang, T. M. Hwang, J. Juang, and W. W. Lin,
“Subcarrier Multiplexing by Chaotic Multitone Modulation”, IEEE Journal of Quantum
Electronics, 39(10), pp. 1321-1326, 2003. (SCI)
10. Tsung-Min Hwang, Wen-Wei Lin, Wei-Cheng Wang, Weichung Wang, “Numerical
Simulation of Three Dimensional Pyramid Quantum Dot,” Journal of Computational Physics.
Volume 196 (1), pp. 208-232, 2004. (SCI)
11. Tsung-Min Hwang, Wen-Wei Lin, Jinn-Liang Liu, Weichung Wang, “Fixed Point Methods
for a Semiconductor Quantum Dot Model,” Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Volume
40 (5-6), pp. 519-533, 2004. (SCIE)
12. Tsung-Min Hwang, Wen-Wei Lin, Jinn-Liang Liu, Weichung Wang, “Jacobi–Davidson
Methods for Cubic Eigenvalue Problems,” Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications.
Volume 12 (7), pp. 605-624, 2005. (SCI)
13. Tsung-Min Hwang and Weichung Wang. “Energy States of Vertically Aligned Quantum Dot
Array with Nonparabolic Effective Mass,” Computers and Mathematics with Applications,
Volume 49 (1), pp. 39-51, 2005. (SCI, EI)
14. Weichung Wang, Tsung-Min Hwang, and Jia-Chuan Jang. “A Second-Order Finite Volume
Scheme for Three Dimensional Truncated Pyramidal Quantum Dot,” Computer Physics
Communications, Volume 174(5), pp. 371-385, 2006. (SCI)
15. Wenli Tsou, Weichung Wang, and Yenjun Tzeng. “Applying a Multimedia Storytelling
Website in Foreign Language Learning,” Computers and Education. Volume 47 (1), pp.
17-28, 2006. (SSCI)
16. Huei-Li Lin and Weichung Wang, “A Palais-Smale Approach to Lane-Emden Equations,”
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 330(2):1220-1237, 2007. (SCI)
17. Tsung-Min Hwang, Wei-Cheng Wang, and Weichung Wang, "Numerical Schemes for Three
Dimensional Irregular Shape Quantum Dots over Curvilinear Coordinate Systems," Journal of
Computational Physics, 226(1):754-773, 2007/9. (SCI)
18. Tsung-Min Hwang, Wei-Hua Wang, and Weichung Wang, "Efficient Numerical Schemes for
Electronic States in Coupled Quantum Dots," Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,
8(9):3695–3709, 2008. (SCI)
19. Weichung Wang and Ray-Bing Chen, “Finding Effective Points by Surrogate Models with
Overcomplete Bases,” Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 217(1):110-122,
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2008. (SCI)
20. Yuen-Cheng Kuo , Wen-Wei Lin , Shih-Feng Shieh, and Weichung Wang (2009). "A
Minimal Energy Tracking Continuation Method for Coupled Nonlinear Schrödinger
Equations," Journal of Computational Physics, 228(21):7941-7956. (SCI)
21. Feng-Nan Hwang, Zih-Hao Wei, Tsung-Ming Huang, and Weichung Wang. "A Parallel
Additive Schwarz Preconditioned Jacobi-Davidson Algorithm for Polynomial Eigenvalue
Problems in Quantum Dot Simulation." Journal of Computational Physics, 229(8):2932-2947.
22. Yuen-Cheng Kuo , Wen-Wei Lin , Shih-Feng Shieh, and Weichung Wang (2010). “A
Hyperplane-Constrained Continuation Method for Near Singularity in Coupled Nonlinear
Schrödinger Equations.” Applied Numerical Mathematics, 60:513-526.. (SCI)
23. Tsung-Ming Huang, Weichung Wang, and Chang-Tse Lee (2010). "An Efficiency Study of
Polynomial Eigenvalue Problem Solvers for Quantum Dot Simulations." Taiwanese Journal
of Mathematics, 14(3A):999-1021. (Special Issue for Recent Advances in Numerical Methods
for Eigenvalue Problems). (SCI)
24. Tsung-Ming Huang, Wei-Jen Chang, Yin-Liang Huang, Wen-Wei Lin, Wei-Cheng Wang,
and Weichung Wang* (2010). "Preconditioning Bandgap Eigenvalue Problems in Three
Dimensional Photonic Crystals Simulations.”Journal of Computational Physics,
(229):8684-8703. (SCI)
25. Yueh-Cheng Kuo, Wen-Wei Lin, Shih-Feng Shieh, and Weichung Wang* (2011). "Exploring
Bistability in Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensates by a Quotient Transformation Invariant
Continuation Method." Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, (240):78-88. (SCI)
26. Ray-Bing Chen, Weichung Wang*, and C. F. Jeff Wu (2011). "Building Surrogates with
Overcomplete Bases in Computer Experiments with Applications to Bistable Laser Diodes."
IIE Transactions (Quality and Reliability Engineering), 43(1):39-53. (SCI)
27. Jen-Hao Chen, I-Liang Chern*, and Weichung Wang* (2011). "Exploring Ground States and
Excited States of Spin-1 Bose-Einstein Condensates by Continuation Methods." Journal of
Computational Physics, 230:2222-2236. (SCI)
28. Weichung Wang, Ray-Bing Chen*, and Chia-Lung Hsu (2011). "Using Adaptive
Multi-Accurate Function Evaluations in a Surrogate-Assisted Method for Computer
Experiments." Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 235:3151-3162. (SCI)
29. Tsung-Ming Huang, Feng-Nan Hwang*, Sheng-Hong Lai, Weichung Wang, and Zih-Hao
Wei (2011). "A Parallel Polynomial Jacobi-Davidson Approach for Dissipative Acoustic
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Eigenvalue Problems." Computers and Fluids, 45:207-214. (SCI)
30. Yukai Hung and Weichung Wang*. (Accepted) "Accelerating Parallel Particle Swarm
Optimization via GPU." Optimization Methods and Software. (SCI)
31. Cheng-Ying Chou, Yi-Yan Chuo, Yukai Hung, and Weichung Wang*. (Accepted) "A Fast
Forward Projection Using Multi-Threads for Multi-Rays on GPUs in Medical Image
Reconstruction." Medical Physics.
32. Chenhan D. Yu, Weichung Wang*, and Dan'l Pierce. (Accepted) "A CPU-GPU Hybrid
Approach for the Unsymmetric Multifrontal Method." Parallel Computing.
Manuscripts Under Review
Yueh-Cheng Kuo, Shih-Feng Shieh, and Weichung Wang. "Rotational Quotient Procedure:
a Tracking Control Continuation Method for PDEs on Radially Symmetric Domains."
Weichung Wang, Tsung-fang Wu, and Chien-Hsiang Liu. "On the Multiple Spike Solutions
for Singularly Perturbed Elliptic Systems."
Ray-Bing Chen, Ying-Chao Hung, Weichung Wang, Sung-Wei Yen. "Contour Estimation
via Two Fidelity Computer Simulators under Limited Resources."
Tsung-Ming Huang, Yueh-Cheng Kuo, and Weichung Wang. "Computing Spectrum
Boundary Eigenvalues for Three-dimensional Photonic Crystals."
Ray-Bing Chen, Shin-Perng Chang, Weichung Wang, and Weng Kee Wong. "Optimal
Experimental Designs via Particle Swarm Optimization Methods."
(B) Conference
1. Z.-H. Wei, F.-N. Hwang, T.-M. Huang, and W. Wang (2011). "A parallel scalable
PETSc-based Jacobi-Davidson polynomial eigensolver with application in quantum dot
simulation." Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 78, pp. 157-164.
2. Yae-Lin Sheu, Weichung Wang, Yukai Hung, Pai-Chi Li. (2010) "Photoacoustic image
reconstruction for linear scanning geometry using particle swarm optimization with a K-space
simulation scheme." SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA
3. Wenli Tsou , Weichung Wang, Yannjiun Tzeng, “Applying Computer Multimedia
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Storytelling Website in Foreign Language Learning”, 3rd IEEE International Conference on
Advanced Learning Technologies, pp. 262-263, July 9-11, 2003, Athens, Greece
4. Pofen Wang, Wenlung Cheng, Weichung Wang, and Pi-hsia Hung, “An Elementary School
Mathematics Dynamic Learning System and Its Effects”, Computers in Education (ICCE
2002), 2002 International Conference, by IEEE Computer Society, pp. 806-807, 2002
5. Shuhsiang Wang, Weichung Wang, Qui-Ming Huang, “Using Computers as Mindtools to
Learn Time Concept in Elementary School”, Computers in Education (ICCE 2002), 2002
International Conference, by IEEE Computer Society, pp. 808-812, 2002
6. ChienhsunTseng, Weichung Wang, Yijinn Lin, Pi-hsia Hung, “Effects of Computerized
Advance Organizers on Elementary Chienhsun School Mathematics Learning”, Computers in
Education (ICCE 2002), 2002 International Conference, by IEEE Computer Society, pp.
838-839, 2002
7. Weichung Wang, Chienhsun Tseng , and Shiantang Huang, “Using Subsumption Theory
Based Computer Mindtools To Assist Pupils In Constructing Probability Concept,”
Proceedings of ICCE/SchoolNet 2001, Volume 1, pp. 106-113, 2001
8. Weichung Wang, Shuhsiang Wang, and Kunhui Lee, “The Effects of Learning Speed
Concept with Computers in Elementary School,” Proceedings of ICCE/SchoolNet 2001,
Volume 2, pp. 1097-1104, 2001
9. Weichung Wang, Pofen Wang, and Yinghsiu Chung, “Computer Based Situated Learning in
Elementary School Statistics,” Proceedings of ICCE/SchoolNet 2001, Volume 3, pp.
1267-1274, 2001
10. Weichung Wang,Yannjiun Tzeng,and Yuan Chen,"A Comparative Study of Applying
Internet on Cooperative and Traditional Learning" , Proceedings of the International
Conference on Computers in Education, 2000,Volume 1,pp. 207-214,2000
11. Weichung Wang,Shiru Chern,and Chiaming Liang,"Building Mathematics Collaborative
Learning Web Sites" , Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in
Education, 2000,Volume 1,pp. 294-297, 2000
12. Weichung Wang, Chienhsun Tseng , and Shiantang Huang, “Using Subsumption Theory
Based Computer Mindtools to Assist Pupils in Constructing Probability Concept,”
Proceedings of ICCE/SchoolNet, Volume 1, pp. 106-113, 2001
13. Weichung Wang, Pofen Wang, and Yinghsiu Chung, “Computer Based Situated Learning in
Elementary School Statistics,” Proceedings of ICCE/SchoolNet 2001, Volume 3, pp.
1267-1274, 2001
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14. Shuhsiang Wang, Weichung Wang, Qui-Ming Huang, “Using Computers as Mindtools to
Learn Time Concept in Elementary School”, Proceedings of the International Conference on
Computers in Education by IEEE Computer Society, pp. 808-812, 2002
15. Wenli Tsou , Weichung Wang, Yannjiun Tzeng, “Applying Computer Multimedia
Storytelling Website in Foreign Language Learning”, Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE
International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, pp. 262-263,, 2003
(C) Technical Report and others
1. Weiming Guo, Elaine M. Jacobson, and Weichung Wang, “Skew communication on the Intel
Touchstone Delta,” Supercomputing Research Center Technical Report SRC-TR-95-142,
2. Ruey-Lin Sheu and Weichung Wang, “A new variant of generation skills for large scale linear
programming,” (Preprint), 2003
Research Grants
‧. “Computational Methods and Applications for Derivative-Free Optimization”, National Science
Council, 2009-2011
‧. “Computing the Spike Solutions for the Coupled Schrödinger's Equations”, National Science
Council, 2005-2008
‧. “University Education Improvement in Computational Science and Mathematics”, Department of
Education, 2003-2006
‧. “Mathematical education program for gifted high school students in southern area”, National
Science Council, 2003-2006
‧. “Numerical study of the Schrödinger equations for 3D quantum dot physics”, National Science
Council, 2003-2005
‧. “Numerical Computation on Nanoscale Quantum Structure”, National Science Council,
‧. “On improvements of college basic mathematics education through networks information
multimedia construction plan”, Department of Education, 2002-2005
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‧. “The Development of Web Project-Based Learning Environments and a Dynamic Assessment
Model for Elementary Students”, National Science Council, 2001-2003
‧. “Exploring chaotic and synchronization behaviors of bistable laser diodes by numerical methods”,
National Science Council, 2001-2002
‧. “Project-based network learning environment and dynamic assessment”, National Science
Council, 2001-2002
‧. “Solving multiple linear systems in predictor-corrector interior point methods”, National Science
Council, 2000-2001
‧. “Combination and Separation of Number Concept on Network Computer Assisted Instruction”,
National Science Council, 2000-2001
‧. “Efficient iterative algorithm for the ill-conditioned linear systems arising in interior point
methods”, National Science Council, 1999-2000,
‧. “Solving linear system arising in interior point method for linear programming,” National
Science Council, 1998-1999
‧. University Outstanding Teaching Faculty Member, National Taiwan University, 2009
‧. Honor Researcher, Mathematics Division, National Center for Theoretical Sciences (Taipei
Office), 2008/8-2009/7
‧. Academic Research Performance Reward, National Taiwan University 2008, 2009
‧. Monthly Grant for Conducting NSC Research Projects, 2002-2011
‧. Research Paper Award, National University of Kaohsiung 2005, 2006
‧. Outstanding Project Award, Department of Education, 2003
‧. Research Paper Award, National Tainan Teachers College, 2000, 2001
Professional Society Memberships
‧. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
‧. American Mathematical Society
‧. The Mathematical Society of the Republic of China
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