WANG Zhisong - National University of Singapore

WANG Zhisong, Associate Professor of Physics
Department of Physics
Centre for Computational Science & Engineering
NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences & Engineering
National University of Singapore
2 Science Drive 3, Singapore 117542
Tel: (65)-6516-2606, Fax: (65)-6777-6126 Email:
1. Motor protein biophysics & biomolecular mechanics
2. Biomimetic artificial nanomotors
3. Nanomechanics & -thermodynamics
4. Single-molecule optics and spectroscopy
1. W.W. Zheng, D. G. Fan, M. Feng, Z.S. Wang*, Intrinsic load-resisting capacity of kinesin. Phys. Biol. 6,
036002 (13 pp) (2009).
2. D. Fan, W. Zheng, R. Hou, F.L. Li, Z. S. Wang*, Modeling Motility of Kinesin Dimer From Molecular
Properties of Individual Monomers, Biochemistry (US) 47, 4733-4742 (2008)
3. J. F. Shao., Y. B. Lei, Z. Y. Wen, Y. S. Dou, Z. S. Wang*, Nonadiabatic simulation study of
photoisomerization of azobenzene: Detailed mechanism and load-resisting capacity, J Chem Phys 129,
16411 (9 pp) (2008).
4. Z. S. Wang*, Synergic mechanism and fabrication target for bipedal nano-motors, Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of USA 104, 17921-17926 (2007). Featured by Nature China(Nov. 28,
2007)and Chinese Newspaper “Science Times” (Dec. 20, 2007)
5. D. Li, D. Fan, Z. S. Wang*, General mechanism for inchworm nanoscale track walkers: Analytical theory
and realistic simulation, J Chem Phys 126, 245105 (11 pp) (2007)
6. Z. S. Wang*, M. Feng, W. Zheng, D. Fan, Kinesin Is An Evolutionarily Fine-Tuned Molecular Ratchet-
And-Pawl Device of Decisively Locked Direction, Biophysical Journal 93, 3363-3372 (2007)
7. Z. S. Wang*, H. A. Rabitz, M. O. Scully, The Single-Molecule Dye Laser, Laser Physics 15, 118–123
8. Z. S. Wang*, A bio-inspired, laser-operated molecular locomotive, Physical Review E, 70 (2004) 031903
(8 pp) (2004) Featured by AIP Physics News Update (#704), MIT Technology Review (Nov. 2004),
Photonics Spectra (Nov. 2004).