Interconnection Impact Study Report:
Beacon Generating, LLC - 850 MW
Connected to CP&L’s Sutton Plant – Delco 230kV and 115kV Lines
The following impact study results are from the CP&L internal power flow models that reflect specific conditions of the CP&L transmission system at points in time consistent with the generator interconnection request being evaluated. The cases include the most recent information for load, generation additions, transmission additions, interchange, and other pertinent data necessary for power flow, stability, and short circuit analysis. Future year studies may include transmission, generation, and interchange modifications that are not budgeted for and for which no firm commitments have been made. CP&L decides which generator requests in the Generator Interconnection Queue, with an earlier queue date than this request, will be included in the software models used to evaluate this request. For this analysis, earlier queued requests totaling 1,720 MW of generation interconnected at the Richmond 500 kV Substation were included.
Further, CP&L retains the right to make modifications to power flow cases as needed if additional information is available or if specific scenarios necessitate changes. For the systems surrounding CP&L, data is based on the most recent NERC MMWG model. The suitability of the model for use by others is the sole responsibility of the user.
The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of a generator interconnection request on the reliability of the CP&L transmission system with respect to short circuit, stability, and powerflow issues. Beacon
Generating, LLC and CP&L entered into this agreement on July 20, 2001.
The request is for establishing a generator interconnection of a generation plant with a summer capability of
850 MW, located near Leland, North Carolina, connected to CP&L’s Sutton Plant – Delco 230kV and
115kV transmission lines. The proposed in-service date is June 1, 2005.
The CP&L internal system analysis consists of an evaluation of the internal CP&L transmission system utilizing documented transmission planning criteria. Facilities which may require upgrade within the first three to five years of the service period are identified. Based on projected load growth on the CP&L transmission system, facilities of concern are those with post contingency loadings of 95% or greater of their thermal rating in 2005. The identification of these facilities is crucial due to the construction lead times necessary for certain system upgrades. This process will ensure that appropriate focus is given to these problem areas to investigate whether or not construction of upgrade projects is achievable to accommodate the requested transmission service.
Thermal Analysis
Based on 2004 study results, the following facility loadings were noted:
Transmission Facility Loading Contingency
Castle Hayne 230kV Sub - Wallace 230kV Sub 115kV Line 95% Sutton Plant - Wallace 230kV Line
Castle Hayne 230kV Sub - Jacksonville City 115kV Line
Havelock-Jacksonville 230 kV Line
Castle Hayne - Jacksonville 230kV Line
Jacksonville - New Bern 230kV Line
Sutton Plant - Delco 230kV Substation 115kV Line
Castle Hayne - Jacksonville 230kV Line
Jacksonville - New Bern 230kV Line
Sutton Plant - Castle Hayne 230kV Line
Sutton Plant - Castle Hayne 230kV Line
Brunswick Plant Unit 1 - Jacksonville 230kV Line
Havelock-Jacksonville 230kV Line
Sutton Plant - Wallace 230kV Line
Sutton Plant - Wallace 230kV Line 111% Sutton Plant - Castle Hayne 230kV Line
Sutton Plant - Castle Hayne 230kV Sub 115kV North Line 119% Sutton Plant - Castle Hayne 230kV Sub 115kV South Line
Sutton Plant - Delco 230kV Line (Sutton-Beacon section) 120% Sutton Plant - Delco 230kV Line (Delco Terminal)
Sutton Plant - Delco 230kV Line (Beacon-Delco section) 124% Sutton Plant - Delco 230kV Line (Sutton Terminal)
CP&L, A Progress Energy Company
March 6, 2002
Transmission Department
System Planning & Operations Department
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Interconnection Impact Study Report:
Beacon Generating, LLC - 850 MW
Connected to CP&L’s Sutton Plant – Delco 230kV and 115kV Lines
Stability Analysis
A stability study has been performed as a part of generation interconnection study. The proposed plant site is approximately 5 miles northwest of Leland. This request consists of two coal-fired units, the output for each unit is 458MW. The stability study was performed utilizing a 2005 summer stability basecase. The client had requested that their generation be connected to two transmission lines. The two closest lines in the area are the Sutton Plant –
Delco 230kV and 115kV lines. A 230/115kV transformer was included at the site in the model.
Stability studies showed that with the Brunswick units and the Beacon units at full output, the
CP&L eastern area system experiences some stability problems. Transient stability problems exist with the Brunswick units under these conditions. Additionally, dynamic stability problems (long term unit power oscillations) are present for both the Brunswick and Beacon units.
Based on the results of this stability study using Customer supplied data, the generation additions do not meet CP&L’s stability criteria. It should be noted that this conclusion is based on Customer provided generation equipment data and location. If any of the units’ technical data changes, this study will need to be updated.
Short Circuit
No short circuit problem is anticipated in this area.
CP&L, A Progress Energy Company
March 6, 2002
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Transmission Department
System Planning & Operations Department