Mrs. Pumpkin’s Muffins has been a business for over 20 years! We are inspected by the NC Dept. of Agriculture for our chicken pie business and by the Health Dept. for our other food business. This Fundraising opportunity is as follows: We sell your organization the Chicken pies for $6.50. You then sell the pies for $12.00 (the selling price in the shop). You will make $550 for every 100 pies your sell! **You can sell 3 pies for $33 as an incentive for larger sales. This strategy has proved to double sales! The distribution of the pies can be handled by one of several difference methods, such as being picked up at our location or delivered to your locations. **More details will be given if delivery is needed I suggest a 2 week selling period for this fundraiser. Call us with the number sold and we will have them ready one week later. I suggest that the organization set a goal for the amount of money they want to make. Each person selling will then have a target to aim for. Money should be collected at the time of sale. Buyers should understand how their pies will be delivered to them. Someone should be responsible for tallying up the sales, collection the money from the salespersons, and calling Mrs. Pumpkins to report the sales number. We will distribute the pies to you according to the agreed upon method. Our chicken pies are reputed to be among the best made in this area and are very popular in the area We have a lot a repeat business from organizations that sell our chicken pies I am told repeatedly that the pies are easy to sell and that you can go back to the same buyers repeatedly and they are happy to purchase more pies. I will be glad to meet with you in person to discuss this further & answer any questions that you have. Don McEwan Mrs. Pumpkin’s Bakery 336.924.9797 FUNDRAISING DATA SHEET Name of Organization: ___________________________ Non Profit: YES NO (Circle One!) Contact Name: ____________________________________ Email Address: _______________________________ Cell Number: ( )____-______ $ Goal: ____________ # of Sales per Person: ____________ Fundraising Start Date: _________ End Date: ______________ Date to call in #’s: _______________ Delivery Day: _______________________________________ Delivery Time: ______________________________________ Delivery Location: ___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ **Please complete this short questionnaire, print it off, and fax it to us!