Conversion and Constants

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Conversion and Constants
1. What does Java check before a value is stored in a variable?
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2. Explain the difference between a widening conversion, and a narrowing conversion.
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3. Which is the largest Primitive Data Type?
Choose an item.
4. Which is the smallest Primitive Data Type?
Choose an item.
5. Is this an example of a widening or a narrowing conversion?
double x;
int y = 10;
x = y;
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6. What do you need to do whenever you narrow convert?
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7. In the following code, what is the final value of piesPerPerson, and why?
Int pies = 10, people = 4;
Double piesPerPerson;
piePerPerson = (double) pies / people;
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8. In the following code, what is the final value of piesPerPerson, and why?
Int pies = 10, people = 4;
Double piesPerPerson;
piePerPerson = (double)(pies / people);
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9. Why does the following code produce an error?
short x = 5, y = 7;
short z = x + y;
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10. In Java, what do we call a variable that is read-only and cannot be changed?
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11. What keyword do we put in front of a variable name to make it a constant?
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12. What is a good suggestion to follow when naming constants?
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13. Give an example of a constant that is already declared and ready to use:
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