Masonry Design Guide BOOK South Australia 4 4 Segmental Block Retaining Walls Updated September 2007 PAGE A2 PAGE 4 PAGE BOOK Contents Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2 Products @ a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A4 Fast Find Product and Application Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A3 About This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A6 A B Introduction Planning and Design An Introduction to Segmental Block Retaining Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B2 C Site Investigation — Preliminary Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B6 Gardenwall® Gardenwall Product Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C2 Curved Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C4 Selection and Construction Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C3 D Heathstone® Heathstone Product Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D2 Step Tread and Cap Unit Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D5 Gravel Fill Construction Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D3 Corner Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D6 Curved Wall Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D4 No-Fines Concrete Wall Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D7 Step Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D4 E Keystone® and Pyrmont® Keystone Product Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E4 No-Fines Concrete Wall Selection Construction Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E11 Pyrmont Product Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E5 Gravity Wall Selection and Construction Guidelines . . . . . . . E6 Typical Installation Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E8 F Geogrid Soil-Reinforced Wall Selection Construction Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E13 Typical Specification for Keystone/Pyrmont Block Retaining Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E15 Custom Engineered Wall Systems Engineered Retaining Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F2 Typical Terraced Wall Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F9 Keysteel Product Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F4 Typical Fencing Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F10 Typical Soil-Anchor Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F6 Typical Railing and Barrier Application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F11 Typical Rock-Anchor Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F7 Typical Seawall Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F8 The information presented herein is supplied in good faith and to the best of our knowledge was accurate at the time of preparation. No responsibility can be accepted by Boral or its staff for any errors or omissions. Users are advised to make their own determination as to the suitability of this information in relation to their particular purpose and specific circumstances. Since the information contained in this document may be applied under conditions beyond our control, no responsibility can be accepted by us for any loss or damage caused by any person acting or refraining from action as a result of this information. PAGE BOOK Fast Find Guide 4 A3 The quickest way to find a Boral Masonry Segmental Block Retaining Wall Solution. Simply follow the FAST FIND guide on the right hand side of the table. Surcharge Loading Wall Height (mm) Nil ≤ 1125 PR O D U G CT ar de nw H al ea l th st on Py e rm on t Ke ys to ne Ke ys te el Co re Fi lle d Bl oc k BORAL MASONRY SEGMENTAL BLOCK RETAINING WALLS Wall Type Set Back ≤ 5kPa ≤ 1600 D Vertical C Vertical D E Set Back ≤ 5kPa or ≤ 1:4 Sloped Backfill ≤ 3000 ≤ 25kPa > 3000 , , , , E E E E Property Boundary E# E# Vertical E# E# E# Vertical > 6000 Set Back 1 Select your application criteria from the left hand columns 2 Go straight to the book section indicated by the letter at the intersection of application rows and product columns (e.g. Section E in this example) , Not Boundary Set Back > 25kPa E , F F Fast Find a Boral Solution Requires ‘No-fines Concrete Backfill ’ or ‘Geogrid’ systems # Requiring ‘Geogrid’ systems , Please refer to Book 1, Boral Masonry Design Guide and Book 2, Boral Masonry Blocks & Bricks Guide For technical support and sales office details please refer to the outside back cover Max. wall heights disclaimer: The gravity wall heights are maximum heights calculated in accordance with CMAA MA-53 Appendix D guidelines and a qualified engineer should confirm the suitability of the product for each intended application. As such, due consideration must be given to but not limited to: • Cohesion, • Dry backfill: no ingress of any water into the soil behind the retaining wall, • All retaining walls are designed for zero surcharge. These walls are intended for structure Classification A walls only as defined in AS4678 Earth Retaining Structures as being where failure would result in minimal damage and loss of access. 4 PAGE BOOK Products @ a Glance A4 Landscape Retaining Wall Systems for low-height domestic and commercial garden beds and retaining wall applications • Gardenwall® Boral Gardenwall is ideal for gravity wall installations of less than 1125mm wall height. The blocks are laid with a slight set-back, and are located by a lug along the back edge. Gardenwall can also be used curved wall applications. • Heathstone® and Heathstone® Grande Boral Heathstone retaining wall systems combine the attractive impression of natural hewn stone, the elegance of a vertical wall and the simplicity of mortarless installation. Various installation formats cater for walls up to 0.97m height. Heathstone Grande double-length blocks are particularly effective in larger installations. Engineered Retaining Wall Systems for domestic and commercial landscaping, roadside and custom engineered retaining wall applications • Keystone® Boral Keystone walls have been proven time-andtime-again, by engineers, architects, councils, road authorities and landscapers throughout Australia. Keystone walls can cater for a wide range of applications from low height gravity walls to geogrid soil reinforced applications up to 12m wall height. Keystone walls can be constructed as near vertical with curves as tight as 1m radius, or set-back. Blocks are available in a wide selection of colours. 4 PAGE BOOK Products @ a Glance A5 • Pyrmont® Boral Pyrmont retaining walls are a modern-day link to our pioneer heritage. Pyrmont combines modern engineering versatility with the elegance of a vertical wall and the style of hand-finished natural stone. Pyrmont gravity or soil reinforced retaining wall systems can be engineered for applications up to 6m height and can accommodate gentle curves and step installations. • Keysteel™ Custom Engineered Retaining Wall Systems Boral Keysteel is a high performance engineered retaining wall system for applications requiring wall heights in excess of 6m and/or where critical surcharge loadings are present. Boral Keysteel is an internationally proven system that integrates the superior strength and durability of Keysteel blocks with steel-ladder soilreinforcement to provide engineered solutions for the most demanding retaining structures. 4 PAGE BOOK About This Guide A6 Boral Masonry Product Range Boral Masonry offers a comprehensive range of proven products and systems including Segmental Block Retaining Wall Systems, Segmental Paving Products, Masonry Blocks, Masonry Bricks, Masonry Fire and Acoustic Wall Systems. What’s in this Guide The Boral Masonry Segmental Block Retaining Walls Guide, (this book), details a comprehensive selection of retaining wall options ranging from low height gravity landscaping walls to critically loaded reinforced-soil retaining structures. This guide has been prepared as a comprehensive Boral Product Reference Guide. It does not attempt to cover all the requirements of the Codes and Standards which apply to retaining wall construction. All structural detailing should be checked and approved by a structural engineer before construction. Boral reserves the right to change the contents of this guide without notice. Please note that this guide is based on products available at the time of publication from the Boral Masonry South Australia sales region. Different products and specifications may apply to Boral products sourced from other regions. Additional Assistance and Information • Contact Details: Please refer to the outside back cover of this publication for Boral Masonry contact details. • Colour and Texture Variation: The supply of raw materials can vary over time. In addition, variation can occur between product types and production batches. Also please recognise that the printed colours in this brochure are only a guide. Please, always ask to see a sample of your colour/texture choice before specifying or ordering. • Terms and Conditions of Sale: For a full set of Terms and Conditions of Sale please contact your nearest Boral Masonry sales office. A Guided Tour of a Typical Product Information Page Product pages are laid out in a consistent manner to assist with easy selection and specification of Boral Masonry products. PAGE Keystone® & Pyrmont® BOOK Product Range, Book and Page Identification 4 E4 315 200 455 455 Standard Unit Product Icons with dimensions for products available in your region/state Product Name and other identifying features 315 200 275 275 100 100 455 455 Flushface Straight Sided Cap (made to order) 275 300 100 50 300 455 D-Cap Straight Sided Cap (made to order) the tail to 300mm width. INTRODUCTION Flushface Unit (Made to order) Standard Cap (made to order) Keystone® Retaining Wall Systems Boral Keystone is an advanced, highly versatile and thoroughly proven high performance segmental block retaining wall system which can be used as a gravity structure or it can incorporate geogrid soilreinforcement to cater for greater heights and surcharge loading situations. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS • Suitable for straight and curved wall installations with a minimum convex curve radius of 1800mm without trimming the tail width, or 970mm radius by trimming • Can be installed as near vertical, or for straight walls without curves or corners it can be installed with a 1-in-8 setback. COLOURS Keystone is offered in a range of colours to suit decorative and engineering applications. Please refer to colour swatch information for an indication of current colours. To reduce the possibility of staining and to enable easier cleaning, a masonry sealer can be applied to all visible surfaces after installation. Product information relating to features, applications, and accessories Pins Lifting Bars Keygrid Geogrid Soil Reinforcement Colour and Availability information for products distributed in your region/state Specifications Description Availability & Colours • No minimum order quantities apply. • Lead time 0-4 weeks. Almond Paperbark Tuscan HxLxDmm Wt kg N°/m2 Standard Unit 200x455x315 41 11 Straight Sided Cap 100x455x275 25 2.2/lin mtr Standard Half High Unit 100x455x275 20 22 Standard Cap 100x455x275 20 2.2/lin mtr Flushface Unit 200x455x315 41 11 100x455x275 26.3 2.2/lin mtr Flushface Straight Sided Cap Pins 2 pins per full unit (high strength pultruded fibreglass) Lifting Bars (Keystone units should be lifted by two people using the Keystone lifting bars) Product Specifications Masonry Design Guide BOOK South Australia 4 4B SECTION SEGMENTAL BLOCK RETAINING WALLS Planning and Design 4 PAGE BOOK Planning and Design B2 An Introduction to Segmental Block Retaining Walls Background Segmental block gravity retaining structure, drystacked against a soil slope For many years cantilever retaining walls have been constructed with reinforced concrete masonry stems (steel reinforcement grouted into hollow concrete block work) and reinforced concrete footings. (Refer to Fig B1). Segmental block gravity retaining structures, consisting of dry-stacked concrete units which resist overturning by virtue of their own weight and setback, were introduced into Australia in the early 1990’s, and rapidly became popular. This system provides an attractive and cost effective solution, but its stability is limited by the geometry of the units and wall heights. (Refer to Fig B2). In order to achieve greater heights, reinforced-soil walls (such as Boral Keystone) were introduced. These walls typically consist of geosynthetic materials, which are placed in horizontal layers in the compacted backfill and mechanically connected to the blocks. Such systems can be constructed several metres high, and accommodate significant loads. A further development of this system is the Boral Keysteel system which utilises steel-ladder reinforcement. Here the steel-ladder reinforcement is placed in horizontal layers in the compacted backfill and mechanically connected to the blocks. These systems are individually engineer designed, and are suitable for walls in excess of 6m high and for critical surcharge loadings. (Refer to Fig B3). Fig B2 — Typical Segmental Block Gravity Retaining Wall Segmental concrete gravity retaining structure, with reinforced soil Steel reinforced and concrete grout filled hollow concrete block wall Fig B3 — Typical Reinforced-Soil Segmental Block Retaining Wall Reinforced concrete footings Fig B1 — Typical Reinforced Concrete Masonry Cantilever Retaining Wall Behaviour of Segmental Block Reinforced-Soil Retaining Walls If unrestrained, a soil embankment will slump to its angle of repose. Some soils, such as clays, have cohesion that enables vertical and near-vertical faces to remain partially intact, but even these may slump under the softening influence of ground water. When an earth retaining structure is constructed, it restricts this slumping. The soil exerts an active pressure on the structure, which deflects a little and is then restrained by the friction and adhesion between the base and soil beneath, passive soil pressures in front of the structure and bearing capacity of the soil beneath the toe of the structure. 4 PAGE BOOK Planning and Design B3 • Adequate connection to the facing to provide local stability; • A drainage system that will relieve hydro static pressures for the life of the structure. Importance of a Geotechnical Report The design of a reinforced soil retaining wall includes two essential parts: • Analysis of the proposed reinforced soil structure and the adjacent ground for global slip, settlement, drainage and similar global considerations; and • Analysis and design of the reinforced soil structure itself. If water is trapped behind the retaining structure, it exerts an additional hydraulic pressure. This ground water also reduces the adhesion and bearing resistance. These analyses must be based on an accurate and complete knowledge of the soil properties, slope stability, potential slip problems and ground water. If massive rock formations are present immediately behind the structure, these will restrict the volume of soil which can be mobilised and thus reduce the pressure. Except in the case of simple structures, a geotechnical report by a qualified and experienced geotechnical engineer should be obtained. Reinforced-soil systems consist of a series of horizontal geogrids that have been positioned and pulled tight within a compacted soil mass, thus strengthening it and restricting its slump. The geogrids are strategically placed to intersect potential failure planes that are inclined from near the base of the wall, up at an angle (depending on the soil properties), to the top of the fill. The function of the geogrids is to ‘strengthen’ the soil mass and they are ‘anchored’ by compacted backfill beyond the potential failure planes. Such a report must address the following considerations, as well as any other pertinent points not listed. Local collapse and erosion of the front face is eliminated by fixing concrete segmental facing units to the exposed ends of the geogrids. However, the segmental concrete facing is not designed to ‘retain’ the strengthened soil mass, which should be able to stand independently of the facing except for local effects. The connection spacing (and the geogrid spacing) must account for the local stability of the facing, including bulging and rotation above the top geogrid. The top capping course is normally bonded to the course below using a concrete to concrete adhesive. A surface sealing layer and surface drainage system minimise the quantity of rainwater entering the soil mass. A sub-surface drainage system behind the segmental concrete facing and (sometimes) beneath the wall reduce pore water pressures and thus reduce the tendency for local or global slip. Thus, the essential features of a properly designed and constructed segmental block reinforced soil retaining wall are: • Geogrids with adequate length and strength; • Soil properties; • Extent and quality of any rock, including floaters and bedrock; • Global slip and other stability problems; • Bedding plane slope, particularly if they slope towards the cut; • Effect of prolonged wet weather and the consequence of the excavation remaining open for extended periods; • Effect of ground water; • Steep back slopes and the effect of terracing; • Effect of any structures founded within zone of influence. Safety and Protection of Existing Structures Whenever soil is excavated or embankments are constructed, there is a danger of collapse. This may occur through movement of the soil and any associated structures by: • Rotation around an external failure plane that encompasses the structure; • Slipping down an inclined plane; • Sliding forward, or • Local bearing failure or settlement. 4 PAGE BOOK Planning and Design B4 These problems may be exacerbated by the intrusion of surface water or disruption of the water table, which increase pore water pressures and thus diminish the soil’s ability to stand without collapse. The safety of workers and protection of existing structures during construction must be of prime concern and should be considered by both designers and installers. All excavations should be carried out in a safe manner and in accordance with the relevant regulations, to prevent collapse that may endanger life or property. Adjacent structures must be founded either beyond or below the zone of influence of the excavation. Where there is risk of global slip, for example around a slip plane encompassing the proposed retaining wall or other structures, or where there is risk of inundation by ground water or surface water, construction should not proceed until the advice of a qualified and experienced Geotechnical Engineer has been obtained and remedial action has been carried out. Global slip failure Soil retaining structures must be checked for global slip failure around all potential slip surfaces or circles. Designers often reduce the heights of retaining walls by splitting a single wall into two (or more) walls, thus terracing the site. Whilst this may assist in the design of the individual walls, it will not necessarily reduce the tendency for global slip failure around surfaces encompassing all or some of the retaining walls. Analysis for global slip is not included in this guide, but it is recommended that designers carry out a separate check using commercially available software. Differential Settlement The Concrete Masonry Association of Australia (CMAA) recommends that for dry stacked mortarless retaining walls employing masonry units (i.e. units with an area less than 0.2m2) on an aggregate levelling pad, the differential settlement should be limited to 1% of the length. Whilst it is permissible for the retaining wall to undergo differential settlement up to 1% of the length, it may be preferable to limit settlement to a lower figure giving consideration to aesthetics (i.e. keeping the bedding planes level), in addition to the structural considerations. Techniques to reduce or control the effects of differential settlement include: • Articulation of the wall (in discontinuing the normal stretcher bond) at convenient intervals along the length, • Excavating, replacing and compacting areas of soft soil, • Limiting the stepping of the foundation and bottom course to a maximum of 200mm. Unit Cracking/Gapping — Settlement Keystone modular retaining wall structures can tolerate a certain amount of settlement due to the flexible nature of the system and small individual unit size. Observation of a number of completed structures that have undergone settlement indicates that the wall’s tolerance for settlement without cracking is inversely proportional to the wall height. Lower height walls (H<5m) appear to have considerably more facial flexibility than taller walls (H>5m). This increased flexibility is due to lower confining forces and load transfer taking place on each block, which permits small individual movements to occur, accommodating the settlement experienced without facial distress. Taller walls place the lower wall units under considerable confining pressure, restricting unit movement and permitting shear and flexural stresses to build up to the point where a block cracks as a means of stress relief. Low wall settlement problems are typically observed in residential projects where soils adjacent to houses are uncompacted and the walls settle differentially over a short distance. Usually gapping or offset joints are visually noted and the settlement is obvious. Gapping and offset joints Downward movement Fig B4 — Typical Low Wall Settlement Tall wall settlement is not as obvious but occasional facial cracks can be observed in areas of flexural stress concentration, typically in small groupings in the bottom 1/3 of the wall. Settlement induced cracks are usually not structurally significant and are just a means of facial stress relief for the unreinforced dry-stack facing system. However, cracked units can be a symptom of other types of problems, so a review by an engineer is always recommended. Downward movement High confining pressure Flexural stress Facial cracks Fig B5 — Typical Tall Wall Settlement Importance of Drainage This guide assumes that a properly functioning drainage system is effective in removing hydraulic pressure. If this is not the case, the designer will be required to design for an appropriate hydraulic load. Based on an effective drainage system, it is common to use drained soil properties. For other situations, the designer must determine whether drained or undrained properties are appropriate. In particular, sea walls that may be subject to rapid drawdown (not covered in this guide) require design using undrained soil properties. 4 PAGE BOOK Planning and Design B5 4 PAGE BOOK Planning and Design B6 Site Investigation: Preliminary Design Date: _______________________ Report prepared by: _______________________ Client: __________________________________________________________________________ Project: _________________________________________________________________________ Location: ________________________________________________________________________ Use for which retaining wall is intended: _____________________________________________ Proximity of other structures to the face of the retaining wall: Structure or load Distance (m) Distance of live loads from top of wall (Dqi) _______________________ Distance of dead loads from top of wall (Dqd) _______________________ Distance of point loads from top of wall (Di) _______________________ Distance of other structures from base of wall (Ds) _______________________ Structure classification: _________________________________________________ For guidance refer AS4678, Table 1.1 Structure Classification Examples 2. 3. 4. Where failure would result in significant damage or risk to life Where failure would result in moderate damage and loss of services Where failure would result in minimal damage and loss of access Required design life: _____________________________________________________ For guidance refer AS4678, Table 3.1 Type of Structure Design life (years) Type of Structure Design life (years) Temporary site works Mine structures Industrial structures River and marine structures 5 10 30 60 Residential dwellings Minor public works Major public works 60 90 120 Wall geometry: Wall height above GL (H’) Retained soil data: ___________ m Soil density (gr) ___________ kN/m3 Internal friction angle (fr) peak ___________ ° ___________ kPa Embedment depth (Hemb) H/20 or 200mm ___________ m Cohesion (C*i) Wall slope (v) ___________ ° Loading data: Angle of backfill slope (b) ___________ ° Height of backfill (h) ___________ m Foundation material: Allowable bearing pressure Under reinforced soil block ___________ kPa Water profile: Water table depth within wall fill ___________ m Dead load surcharge (qd) ___________ kPa Live load surcharge (ql) ___________ kPa Horizontal line load (F) ___________ kN/m Vertical line load (P) ___________ m Width of bearing (b) ___________ m Masonry Design Guide BOOK South Australia 4 4C SECTION SEGMENTAL BLOCK RETAINING WALLS Gardenwall® PAGE BOOK Gardenwall® 4 C2 228 228 125 125 300 300 Standard Unit Straight Sided Unit Gardenwall® Retaining Wall System INTRODUCTION Boral Gardenwall is ideal for low landscaping walls and edgings in garden and communal areas. Gardenwall’s rockface texture, multifaceted face and setback construction produces an aesthetically pleasing feature for landscaped areas. Gardenwall is often used for garden edges and raised beds, terraces and to create decorative features such as around pools. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Depending on the foundation and retained soil characteristics, Gardenwall is effective as a gravity retaining wall structure up to 1125mm (maximum 9 courses). Never install where loads (e.g. buildings, driveways) will be located within 1125mm of the wall. For engineered walls (to AS4678) higher than 1125mm, or where a surcharge is present, Boral Keystone or Pyrmont walls should be considered. Availability and Colours ADVANTAGES • Gardenwall does not require concrete foundations. • Easy installation of straight walls and curved walls. • Durable, low maintenance, longterm landscaping. • Solid units — eliminates the need for capping and corner units. COLOURS Gardenwall is offered in a range of colours to suit traditional and contemporary settings. Please refer to colour swatch information for an indication of current colours. To reduce the possibility of staining and to enable easier cleaning, a masonry sealer can be applied to all visible surfaces after installation. • No minimum order quantities apply. • Lead time 0-2 weeks. Light Sands Tuscan Paperbark Hawkesbury Yellow Specifications Product Description Finish HxLxDmm Approx Wt kg No. per m2 Standard Unit Rockfaced 125x300x228 15.5 26.7 Straight Sided Unit Rockfaced 125x300x228 15.5 26.7 4 PAGE BOOK Gardenwall® C3 Selection and Construction Guidelines IMPORTANT: Please consult with the regulating council for local design requirements prior to the design and construction of a retaining wall. Councils in general require that retaining walls be designed and certified by a suitably qualified engineer where the wall is over 0.5m in height and/or where there is surcharge loading such as a roadway, house, or other structure near the wall. • Boral Gardenwall is only suitable for walls up to 1125mm in height and where no loads or surcharge exists within 1125mm behind the wall. Installation • Remove the retaining lug on the base of the unit on those Gardenwall blocks being used on the base course only (this makes levelling the first course much easier). To remove the lip, place at an angle on the ground and strike the lug firmly with a hammer (safety glasses should be worn). • As a safety precaution to avoid lifting or movement of the top units, it is recommended that the top course units are secured using a construction adhesive. This is also recommended in areas of possible vandalism. • Standard units can also be used to construct convex curves. Dish drain to direct surface run-off (if required) Gardenwall Unit No loads to be located within 1125mm behind wall Backfill should be no higher than the top of the wall Backfill placed and compacted in 250mm layers 150mm width of 12-20mmØ free draining granular material eg. blue metal Filter fabric to stop silt clogging drainage material 1 in 5 set-back H Drainage pipe (if required) First course to be buried below final ground level (to engineer's specification - 100mm min.) Native soil 100mm min. 350mm min. Compacted road base levelling pad on undisturbed inorganic soil Fig C1 — Typical Gravity Wall Construction Detail — Gardenwall Note: Refer to max. wall heights disclaimer on page A3 of this guide. The gravity wall heights are maximum heights calculated in accordance with CMAA MA-53 Appendix D guidelines and a qualified engineer should confirm the suitability of the product for each intended application. 4 PAGE BOOK Gardenwall® C4 Curved Walls m 0m um 10 0 e s im = in s ur M diu t co a s R r1 fo Fig C2 — Construction of Curved Walls • When designing Gardenwall for convex curves to the maximum height of 8 courses, it is necessary to begin with a minimum radius of 1000mm. It may also be necessary to remove the outer portions of the retaining lug from each unit to maintain a consistent setback. It is important that the entire lug is not removed. • When building curves, some blocks may also require trimming of the length to maintain a half bond pattern. Masonry Design Guide BOOK South Australia 4 4D SECTION SEGMENTAL BLOCK RETAINING WALLS Heathstone® PAGE BOOK Heathstone® 4 D2 280 Heathstone® Retaining Wall System 162 162 380 270 220 Standard Unit INTRODUCTION Standard Corner Unit 280 162 440 Grand Unit 300 300 50 50 300 300 Bullnose Cap Stoneworks® Cap Boral Heathstone is ideal for low, vertical landscaping walls in garden and communal areas. The rockface texture and bevelled edges add a formal and elegant element to a landscaped area. Heathstone is often used to separate and highlight entertaining areas, BBQ areas, paths, garden beds, hedges, or to create and differentiate levels. Heathstone is also suitable for constructing steps, planter boxes and for curved walls. • No minimum order quantities apply. • Lead time 0-2 weeks. Tuscan Almond Charcoal Paperbark Limestone Stoneworks Cap ONLY (made to order) Sandstone Stoneworks Cap ONLY (made to order) Convex curves as tight as 900mm radius can be constructed using the standard unit. The Curved Cap can be used to form curves of 1800mm outside radius and 1500mm inside radius. COLOURS DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Availability and Colours The range of Heathstone components is designed to optimise space, and includes a ready-to-install corner unit and a series of caps to accommodate single or double sided applications and curved installations. Depending on the foundation and retained soil characteristics, Heathstone is effective as a gravity structure up to 972mm, or up to 1600mm when installed with nofines concrete backfill. Heathstone should not be used where the base soil or backfill is not firm, or is of expansive clay. Never install where loads (e.g. buildings, driveways) will be located within 1000mm of the wall. For walls higher than this, or where a surcharge is present, Boral Keystone or Pyrmont walls should be considered. Heathstone is offered in colours which emulate natural hewn stone, and which contrast beautifully with soil, mulch, shrubbery and grassed areas. Please refer to colour swatch information for an indication of current colours. To reduce the possibility of staining and to enable easier cleaning, a masonry sealer can be applied to all visible surfaces after installation. Specifications Product Description Finish HxLxDmm Approx Wt kg No. per m2 Standard Unit Rockfaced/Smoothfaced 162x220x280 11.9 28.1 units/m2 Standard Corner Unit Rockfaced x 2 Faces 162x380x270 23 1/course/corner Grand Unit Rockfaced 162x440x280 26.2 14.05 units/m2 Bullnose Cap Smooth 50x300x300 9.4 3.3/linear metre Stoneworks Cap Rockfaced 50x300x300 22 3.3/linear metre Note: Refer to max. wall heights disclaimer on page A3 of this guide. 4 PAGE BOOK Heathstone® D3 Heathstone® Gravel-Fill Construction IMPORTANT: Please consult with the regulating council for local design requirements prior to the design and construction of a retaining wall. Councils in general require that retaining walls be designed and certified by a suitably qualified engineer where the wall is over 0.5m in height and/or where there is surcharge loading such as a roadway, house, or other structure near the wall. Dish drain to direct surface water or filter fabric to stop silt filling drainage layer No loads to be located within 1.0m of the wall 150mm min. of 12-20mmØ free draining granular material eg. blue metal Voids in and around Heathstone blocks to be filled (if required) with 12-20mmØ free draining granular material eg. blue metal Refer to Heathstone Gravel-Fill Selection Table for maximum number of courses Backfill (eg. excavated soil) to be placed and compacted as each course of blocks is laid Filter fabric to stop silt clogging drainage material Agricultural drainage line 100mmØ Blocks to be embedded a minimum of 100mm Native soil Compacted roadbase 100mm min. 350mm min. Fig D1 — Typical Construction Detail — Heathstone Gravel-Fill Table D1 - Maximum Wall Height — Heathstone Gravel-Fill Maximum Courses For walls without gravel fills to all voids and cores Maximum Courses For walls with gravel fills to all voids and cores Poor soils — including sands, gravelly clays, sandy clays and silt clays 2 (324mm) 4 (648mm) Average soils — including well graded sands and gravelly sands 3 (486mm) 5 (810mm) Good soils — including gravels, sandy gravels and crushed sandstone 4 (648mm) 5 (810mm) NOTES: Backfill retained by a retaining wall should be no higher than the top of the retaining wall. For engineered retaining walls to AS4678, refer to the Heathstone No-Fines Concrete Wall Guidelines. Refer to max. wall heights disclaimer on page A3 of this guide. The gravity wall heights are maximum heights calculated in accordance with CMAA MA-53 Appendix D guidelines and a qualified engineer should confirm the suitability of the product for each intended application. 4 PAGE BOOK Heathstone® D4 Curved Wall Construction Curves as small as 900mm in radius can be constructed with Heathstone Standard Units. Concave (Internal) Curves • For concave curves use Standard Units spaced evenly to a scribed arc. Heathstone Standard Unit Convex (External) Curves • For convex curves, the tails of the blocks must be trimmed to suit the desired radius. Use a hammer and bolster on the back, top and bottom of the tail. Use light hammer blows first to trace the area to be removed, then a heavier blow on top. Repeat the tracing and final blow if necessary. C M onc in a im ve um Cu ra rve di us Rad 90 ius 0m m Bolster back of blocks to form convex curves Fig D3 — Forming Concave Curve NOTE: Premium Curved Caps have an outside radius of 1800mm Step Construction Fig D2 — Forming Convex Curve Bullnose Cap Fix cap units with construction adhesive Remove locating lugs before laying 255 162 25 45 Heathstone Units 1:10 Cement : Sand Native soil Fig D4 — Construction of Heathstone Steps Step Treads and Cap Unit Installation • Splitface Cap (225mm long) has a recess in the underside to allow for the lug on the Heathstone Unit. Removal of the lug is not required in this case • To allow for installation of the Double-sided Rockface Cap units and step treads, it is necessary to bolster locating lugs from the blocks. • Push the Heathstone split-face into sand for support. Trace along the back of the lug with a bolster and hammer, increasing the force of hammer blows until the lug splits off. All blows must be from the back of the block, with the bolster blade nearly parallel to the top of the Heathstone unit. Refer to the illustration. Any remaining high spots should be removed with a scutch hammer or an old screwdriver and hammer. Fig D5 — Bolstering Lug from Heathstone Units 4 PAGE BOOK Heathstone® D5 4 PAGE BOOK Heathstone® D6 Corner Construction Constructing Internal and External Corners • Corners are constructed using Corner Units and Standard Units or Grand Units and Corner Units. • Continue this step until the desired height of the wall is achieved. • Use a construction adhesive to secure corner blocks and caps. • Lay the Corner Units’ largest splitface in alternate directions in adjacent courses (see illustrations). Grand Unit cut to 330mm on site Grand Unit Standard Corner Unit 330mm Grand Unit Corner Unit Corner Unit Standard Corner Unit Fig D6 — Heathstone Standard External Corner (270°) 110mm Fig D8 — Heathstone Grand External Corner (270°) 220mm Grand Unit Corner Unit Standard Unit Grand Unit cut to 330mm on site Bolster lug to fit next course Bolster lug to fit next course Corner Unit Grand Unit NOTE: Internal 90º corners using Grand Units do not require corner units Fig D7 — Heathstone Standard Internal Corner (90°) Fig D9 — Heathstone Grand Internal Corner (90°) 4 PAGE BOOK Heathstone® D7 Heathstone® No-Fines Concrete Wall Construction No-Fines Concrete shall consist of cement, water and coarse aggregate. Cement will comply with the definitions for cement per AS3972-1991 — ‘Portland and Blended Cements’. The quantity of cement is specified as 210kg/m3 with a total water/cement ratio of between 0.45 and 0.55. The particle size distribution of the aggregate shall comply with the limitations for the nominal single sized 20mm aggregate specified in AS2758.1. NOTES: • Table D2 is based on AS4678 : 2002, Earth Retaining Structures. The code assumes a surcharge of 5kPa is applied to all retaining wall structures. • Global stability and all design considerations should be checked by an engineer in poor clay conditions. • Design assumes a dry excavation (i.e. water table is below bottom of footing level). If ground water exists in the excavation the wall is to be re-designed by a suitably qualified engineer. • These tables are supplied free of charge and do not form any part of any contract with the user. • 15MPa No-Fines concrete with a 6:1 ratio (Gravel : Cement). • Remove tail fins to allow “no fines” to connect block fill to back fill. T No loads above 5kPa to be located within 1.0m of the wall Cap unit Filter fabric or dish drain 15MPa ‘No Fines’ concrete. All voids within and around units to be completely filled. Retained soil Sub-soil drain connected to stormwater system or flood pit. Place loose aggregate around subsoil drain before pouring no-fines concrete. Filter fabric to stop silt clogging drainage of ‘no-fines’ material H (Refer to Heathstone No-Fines Concrete Selection Table) Pour no-fines concrete directly onto prepared foundation material Blocks to be embedded to engineer‘s detail (1 course min.) 25MPa concrete footing on 150kPa allowable bearing capacity material 150mm min. 600mm min. Fig D10 — Typical Construction Detail — Heathstone No-Fines Concrete Wall Table D2 — Heathstone Maximum Wall Heights — No-Fines Concrete Construction φ Wall Height ‘H’ (mm) Retained Soil CLAY φ = 26° (POOR) ‘T’ (mm) 972 670 570 570 1296 730 770 670 1620 1170 970 770 Denotes the internal angle of friction of the retained material SAND Retained Soil φ = 30° (AVERAGE) ‘T’ (mm) Retained Soil GRAVEL φ = 34° (GOOD) ‘T’ (mm) 4 PAGE BOOK Heathstone® D8 • The density of this product will vary with the density of the aggregate used. The density range may be from 1650kg/m3 to 2100kg/m3. • The void ratio of the mix is expected to be between 20% and 30% and should be free draining. • The compressive strength should generally exceed 10MPa for design purposes. • This product has no slump and exerts similar pressures on the soil and formwork, as does loosely poured aggregate. No-Fines Construction Steps Special purpose construction such as waterside walls, post fixing, earthquake zones, and terraces will require additional engineer’s design. STEP 2: Installing the First Course Lay the first course of Heathstone units side by side over the prepared base. Bolster off the tails so that ‘No-Fines’ concrete connects backfill to core-fill areas. STEP 3: No-Fines Concrete Backfill Backfill the first 21Ú2 courses of the wall with ‘No Fines’ concrete. All voids inside and between the units must also be filled. The vertical height of any pour of ‘No Fines’ concrete is limited to 400mm. For walls greater in height, each pour must be allowed to harden prior to pouring the next lift. Alternatively the wall may be propped to support the lateral load from the wet concrete. STEP 4: Installing Capping Units STEP 1: Excavation/Preparation of Levelling Pad Excavate a trench 600mm wide and sufficiently deep to allow a 150mm levelling base plus 1 course below ground. Install capping units and fix with construction adhesive. Masonry Design Guide BOOK South Australia 4 4E SECTION SEGMENTAL BLOCK RETAINING WALLS Keystone® and Pyrmont® 4 PAGE BOOK Keystone® and Pyrmont® E2 Keystone® and Pyrmont Retaining Wall Systems The Keystone Retaining Wall System is a world-wide success story, and since its introduction by Boral into Australia in 1992, hundreds of thousands of square metres have been installed along our highways, roads and transport corridors, and around our sports facilities, buildings, foreshores and open spaces. Boral Keystone retaining wall systems combine proven engineering capabilities with design versatility, cost effectiveness, lasting durability and an attractive dynamic appearance to provide total solutions for retained earth structures. Keystone® Boral Keystone systems provide infinite flexibility for design variation and individuality. The range of components and installation methods cater for straight, curved and terraced walls, level or stepped foundations and capping, and a near vertical or set-back face. Then there is a choice of standard or flushface, and a selection of popular standard colours or custom colours can be ordered for larger projects. Pyrmont® Boral Pyrmont retaining wall system retains all of the engineering characteristics of the Keystone system and combines them with a more traditional appeal of a bevelled-edge splitface block, and vertical construction to emulate walls built during Australia’s pioneering era. The range of components and installation methods cater for straight and gently curved walls as well as crisp 90º corners, while the rock-faced caps provide a finishing touch that completes the transformation into a masterpiece from the colonial era. 4 PAGE BOOK Keystone® and Pyrmont® E3 Proven Engineering Ease of Construction Various installation methods cater for simple gravity walls through to geogrid soil-reinforced retaining structures. Boral Keystone and Pyrmont systems can also cater for critical surcharge loads, enabling the construction of buildings or roadways close to the wall to optimise land usage. Boral Keystone and Pyrmont systems are designed to reduce construction time and cater for all locations. The modular blocks can be moved and installed without the need for heavy lifting machinery, and the dry stacked, mortarless installation provides less complex, more rapid construction. For high performance retaining walls, please refer to the section on Boral Keysteel Custom Engineered Retaining Wall Systems later in this guide. Durability Boral Keystone and Pyrmont systems combine the durability of concrete units and interlocking fibreglass pins to produce maintenance free walls with life expectancies of up to 120 years. PAGE BOOK Keystone® and Pyrmont® 4 E4 315 315 200 200 455 455 Standard Unit 275 275 100 100 455 Flushface Straight Sided Cap (made to order) Standard Cap (made to order) 275 300 100 50 300 455 Standard Cap Straight Sided Cap (made to order) the tail to 300mm width. INTRODUCTION Flushface Unit (Made to order) 455 Keystone® Retaining Wall Systems Boral Keystone is an advanced, highly versatile and thoroughly proven high performance segmental block retaining wall system which can be used as a gravity structure or it can incorporate geogrid soilreinforcement to cater for greater heights and surcharge loading situations. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS • Suitable for straight and curved wall installations with a minimum convex curve radius of 1800mm without trimming the tail width, or 970mm radius by trimming • Can be installed as near vertical, or for straight walls without curves or corners it can be installed with a 1-in-8 setback. COLOURS Keystone is offered in a range of colours to suit decorative and engineering applications. Please refer to colour swatch information for an indication of current colours. To reduce the possibility of staining and to enable easier cleaning, a masonry sealer can be applied to all visible surfaces after installation. Pins Lifting Bars Keygrid Geogrid Soil Reinforcement Availability and Colours • No minimum order quantities apply. • Lead time 0-4 weeks. Almond Paperbark Tuscan Specifications Description HxLxDmm Wt kg N°/m2 Standard Unit 200x455x315 41 11 Straight Sided Cap 100x455x275 25 2.2/lin mtr Standard Half High Unit 100x455x275 20 22 Standard Cap 100x455x275 20 2.2/lin mtr Flushface Unit 200x455x315 41 11 Flushface Straight Sided Cap 100x455x275 26.3 2.2/lin mtr Pins 2 pins per full unit (high strength pultruded fibreglass) Lifting Bars (Keystone units should be lifted by two people using the Keystone lifting bars) PAGE BOOK Keystone® and Pyrmont® 4 E5 275 305 100 20 0 455 455 Pyrmont® Vertical Retaining Wall System INTRODUCTION Standard Unit Straight Sided Cap (made to order) 275 100 455 Pyrmont Cap (made to order) Boral Pyrmont retaining wall systems integrate the engineering capabilities of the Keystone system with the versatility and pleasing aesthetics of a vertical wall. The Pyrmont unit is a split-face block with four chamfered edges, emulating the care, skill and determination of stone masons from Australia’s early settler period. Boral Pyrmont retaining wall system is also suitable for constructing steps, planter boxes, gently curved walls and crisp 90° corners. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Suitable for curved wall installations with a suggested minimum convex curve radius of 5m (resulting in a 5mm lip). COLOURS Please refer to colour swatch information for an indication of current colours. To reduce the possibility of staining and to enable easier cleaning, a masonry sealer can be applied to all visible surfaces after installation. Lifting Bars Pins Keygrid Geogrid Soil Reinforcement Availability and Colours • No minimum order quantities apply. • Lead time 0-4 weeks. Almond Paperbark Tuscan Specifications Description HxLxDmm Wt kg N°/m2 Standard Unit 200x455x305 42 11 Pyrmont™ Cap 100x455x275 20 2.2/lin mtr Straight Sided Cap 100x455x275 21 2.2/lin mtr Pins 2 pins per full unit (high strength pultruded fibreglass) Lifting Bars (Pyrmont units should be lifted by two people using the Keystone lifting bars) E6 Table E1 — Maximum Wall Height for Gravel-Fill Walls Retained Soil Descriptions Poor Soils Average Soils Good Soils Include fine sands, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty sands. Angle of internal friction ≥ 25° Include well graded sands, gravelly sands. Angle of internal friction ≥ 30° Include gravels, sandy gravels, crushed sandstone Angle of internal friction ≥ 35° NOTES: Pyrmont walls can only be constructed in near vertical format, and must be selected on the basis of data in the near vertical column from Table E1. Table E1: Refer to max. wall heights disclaimer on page A3 of this guide. The gravity wall heights are maximum heights calculated in accordance with CMAA MA-53 Appendix D guidelines and a qualified engineer should confirm the suitability of the product for each intended application. Surcharge Loading SETBACK No Surcharge Loading For low, non-critical walls, (i.e.. walls covered in the adjacent table) the Keystone and Pyrmont Retaining Wall Systems are effective as a gravity wall structure, utilising their weight and interaction of the units to resist earth pressures. 15° Sloped Backfill Gravel-Fill Wall Selection Driveway/Carpark Loading (5kPa) 4 PAGE BOOK Keystone® and Pyrmont® Backfill Type Wall Height H(mm) Near 1 in 8 Vertical Setback Poor 800 900 Average 900 1000 Good 1000 1200 Poor 600 900 Average 700 900 Good 800 1100 Poor 400 500 Average 500 600 Good 600 800 Gravel-Fill Wall Construction Guidelines IMPORTANT: Please consult with the regulating council for local design requirements prior to the design and construction of a retaining wall. Councils in general require that retaining walls be designed and certified by a suitably qualified engineer where the wall is over 0.5m in height and/or where there is surcharge loading such as a roadway, house, or other structure near the wall. • Near vertical installation must be used when designing walls with curves or corners. Refer to Keystone and Pyrmont ‘No-Fines Concrete’ Guidelines for engineered retaining walls to AS4678. • Two sets of pin holes are provided in Keystone units. • For near vertical construction, install pins in the front holes. • For 1 in 8 setback construction, install pins in the back holes. Fig E1 — Installation of Pins • For curved installations, leave a small gap between units for convex curves. Concave curves will require a small overlap of adjacent units. Refer to curve installation details on Page E9 of this guide. • If backfill is required behind the drainage zone, place and compact existing site soils in 200mm maximum lifts. Heavy clays and organic soils are not recommended due to water holding problems. 4 PAGE BOOK Keystone® and Pyrmont® E7 backfill if the type of backfill is likely to wash into the drainage layer and clog it. • Use only walk-behind compaction equipment within 1000mm of the wall face to prevent movement of the Keystone units. • In areas of possible vandalism, it is recommended that capping units be secured using a masonry adhesive. • Provide a filter fabric between the drainage layer and the Compacted backfill soil (if required) Drainage pipe Free draining granular material Compacted footing Native soil Fig E2 — Typical Installation Detail — Keystone Gravity Wall Granular material for drainage 300mm Cap Unit Keystone or Pyrmont units Optional 1:8 wall setback with Keystone units Backfill 12-20mm free draining granular material, fill all voids in and around units Filter fabric to stop silt from clogging drainage material Drainage pipe (if required) First course to be buried below final ground level (to engineer's specification - 100mm min.) 150mm min 600mm min. Compacted roadbase, crushed stone or gravel levelling pad Fig E3 — Typical Construction Detail — Keystone Gravity Wall H 4 PAGE BOOK Keystone® and Pyrmont® E8 Typical Installation Details FIRST COURSE SECOND COURSE Align centre of unit with face of adjoining wall No pin in overlapping unit No pin in overlapping unit Fig E4 — 90° Internal Corner — Standard Keystone Units FIRST COURSE SECOND COURSE Align face of unit with the centre line of adjacent unit Cut to suit on site Cut to suit on site Omit one pin only Omit one pin only Align face of unit with the centre line of adjacent unit Fig E5 — 90° Internal Corner — Pyrmont Units Adhesive fix corner units. Liquid Nails or similar Full mitre-cut Pyrmont unit 4 PAGE BOOK Keystone® and Pyrmont® E9 Half mitre-cut Pyrmont unit Half mitre-cut Pyrmont unit Full mitre-cut Pyrmont unit FIRST COURSE SECOND COURSE Fig E6 — 270° External Corner Detail — Pyrmont Units Use front pin holes for curves. Maintain a small overlap between units. Fig E7 — Concave Curve Use front pin holes for curves. Maintain a small gap between units. 3 unit 90 corner : r = 900mm 4 unit 90 corner : r = 1250mm 5 unit 90 corner : r = 1540mm 6 unit 90 corner : r = 1830mm Bolster backs as required Radius ‘r’ 7 unit 90 corner : r = 2120mm Fig E8 — Convex Curve 4 PAGE BOOK Keystone® and Pyrmont® E10 Drill and install fixing pin Keystone cap unit 225˚ corner unit – to be cut and bolstered on site from Keystone/Pyrmont Unit Next course is a mirror image. Keystone unit Fig E9 — 225° External Corner Flushface Keystone/Pyrmont Units Fig E10 — Stepped Capping Units Bolster backs as required 290mm Treads Fig E11 — Plan view of step through Keystone Tread approx. 290mm for 40mm pavers (30˚) Compacted bedding sand 40mm Boral Pavers 160mm riser 40mm 10mm mortar joint Keystone Flushface Caps 10mm 100mm 10mm Sand : cement = 6 : 1 Bedding sand – compact before laying treads Fig E12 — Keystone section through steps 4 PAGE BOOK Keystone® and Pyrmont® E11 ‘No-Fines Concrete’ Wall Construction Guidelines The ‘No-Fines Concrete’ backfill system increases the mass of Keystone/Pyrmont allowing the maximum heights in Table E1 to be exceeded without using geogrids. The particle size distribution of the aggregate shall comply with the limitations for the nominal single sized 20mm aggregate specified in AS2758.1. This is ideal for boundary walls where the geogrids would otherwise cross the boundary line. NOTES: No-Fines Concrete shall consist of cement, water and coarse aggregate. Cement will comply with the definitions for cement per AS3972 : 1991 — ‘Portland and Blended Cements’. The quantity of cement is specified as 210kg/m3 with a total water/cement ratio of between 0.45 and 0.55. • The density of this product will vary with the density of the aggregate used. The density range may be from 1650kg/m3 to 2100kg/m3. Table based on density of 2100kg/m3. • 15MPa No-Fines concrete with a 6:1 ratio (Gravel : Cement). • The void ratio of the mix is expected to be between 20% and 30% and should be free draining. T Cap unit Filter Fabric to stop clogging ‘No Fines’ material 15MPa ‘No-Fines’ concrete. All voids within and around units to be completely filled. Retained soil Keystone or Pyrmont unit Sub-soil drain connected to stormwater system or flood pit H Pour no-fines concrete directly onto prepared foundation material Blocks embedded to engineer's detail (10 0mm min) 25MPa concrete footing on 150kPa allowable bearing capacity material (see note below Table E2) 150mm min 60 0mm min. Fig E13 — Typical Construction Detail — Keystone No-Fines Concrete Mass Gravity Wall Table E2 — Maximum Wall Heights for No-Fines Concrete Wall Construction Wall Height ‘H’ (mm) Retained Soil CLAY φ = 26° (POOR) ‘T’ (mm) 1000 550 500 450 1400 750 700 650 1800 NA 1000 850 2200 NA 1250 1000 2600 NA 1350 1200 SAND Retained Soil φ = 30° (AVERAGE) ‘T’ (mm) Retained Soil GRAVEL φ = 34° (GOOD) ‘T’ (mm) φ Denotes the internal angle of friction of the retained material Non-shaded Area = Compacted Roadbase Footing Shaded Area = Concrete Footing as per Fig E12 If material below no fines concrete is of poor quality, then the material must be replaced with a 150mm thick layer of crushed sandstone. 4 PAGE BOOK Keystone® and Pyrmont® E12 • The compressive strength should generally exceed 15MPa for design purposes. • This product has no slump and exerts similar pressures on the soil and formwork, as does loosely poured aggregate. Table E2 is prepared as per AS4678 : 2002, and is based on a 5kPa surcharge loading at the top of the wall. This table is supplied as a guide, and does not form any part of any contract with the user. • The maximum slope of the backfill behind the wall is to be 5% (1 vertical to 20 horizontal). • The vertical height of any pour of ‘No Fines’ concrete is limited to 600mm. Each pour must be allowed to harden prior to pouring the next lift. Alternatively the wall may be propped to support the lateral load from the wet concrete. • For higher walls or walls with a greater surcharge loading, Geogrid soil reinforced construction is required. • For walls founded on clay with a height greater than 2.0m, Geogrid reinforcement is required. • Global stability considerations should be checked by an engineer in poor clay conditions. • Design assumes a dry excavation (i.e. water table is below bottom of footing level). If ground water appears in the excavation, the wall is to be re-designed by a suitably qualified engineer. Construction Steps Special purpose construction such as waterside walls, post fixing, earthquake zones, and terraces will require additional engineer’s design. STEP 1: Excavation/Preparation of Levelling Pad For walls less than 900mm high, excavate a trench 600mm wide and sufficiently deep to allow a levelling base of 150mm +25mm height for each course. Spread coarse sand or 12-20mm gravel for the levelling base and compact. For higher walls or in poor foundation material, a footing as shown in Fig E12 may be necessary. Refer to Table E2. STEP 2: Installing the First Course Lay the first course of units side to side over the prepared base, with the 12mm pinholes on top and kidney holes on the underside. Maintain the required distance between pinhole centres of adjacent units. In straight walls, units will touch. In concave or convex curves, the units will overlap or require spacing respectively. Refer to Figs E7 and E8 for curve installation details. STEP 3: Installing the Pins Place the high strength fibreglass connecting pins into each unit. Use the front holes for a near vertical setback (corners and curved walls). Use the rear holes for a 1 in 8 setback (i.e. for every course the wall will set back 25mm for straight walls only). STEP 4: Additional Courses Sweep the top of the previous course of units clean of any loose gravel. Place the next course of units so that the kidney holes fit over the pins of the two units below. Pull the unit towards the face of the wall until it locks with the pins on both sides. Repeat steps 3 and 4. STEP 5: No-Fines Concrete Backfill Backfill the wall with ‘No Fines’ concrete. All voids inside and between the units must also be filled. The vertical height of any pour of ‘No Fines’ concrete is limited to 600mm. Each pour must be allowed to harden prior to pouring the next lift. Alternatively the wall may be propped. STEP 6: Installing Capping Units Lay capping units, backfill and compact to required grade. In areas accessible to public vandalism, it is recommended that the capping units be secured using masonry construction adhesive or epoxy cement. 4 PAGE BOOK Keystone® and Pyrmont® E13 Geogrid Soil-Reinforced Wall Construction Guidelines to a qualified professional engineer. These tables are supplied as a guide, and do not form any part of any contract with the user. For taller, more critical walls, the combination of Keystone units with geogrid soil reinforcement allows walls to be built to heights of 12m and greater, without costly structural footings. When placed between layers of compacted soil, geogrids create a reinforced soil mass, which essentially acts as a larger gravity wall structure. • Table E3 is based on foundation material with minimum 200kPa bearing capacity. Geogrids can be used with most existing site-soils and are not affected by water, micro organisms, alkali or acidic soils. Consult your engineer for design requirements of Keystone walls using geogrid soil reinforcement. • Where site conditions and loadings vary from those in the table, professional engineering advice should be obtained. • The minimum embedment of wall below ground level is assumed to be H/20, or 100mm, whichever is greater. NOTES: • The length of the 15° backfill slope is assumed to be equal to the height of wall, H. • Table E3 is prepared as per AS4678 : 2002. Suitability of the information contained in the table must be referred Table E3 — Maximum Wall Heights for Geogrid Soil-Reinforced Walls Surcharge Wall Geogrid Geogrid Height Above Geogrid Length Height Layers Levelling Pad L (m) Layers Soil Type (phi) H (m) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 25 30 35 15 Degree 1.1 2 0.2 0.8 — — — — — 2.2 2.0 2.0 Backfill Slope 1.5 3 0.2 0.6 1.2 — — — — 2.5 2.0 2.0 1.9 4 0.2 0.6 1.0 1.6 — — — 2.4 2.0 2.0 2.3 5 0.2 0.6 1.0 1.4 2.0 — — 2.8 2.4 2.0 2.7 6 0.2 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.4 — 3.6 2.7 2.4 3.1 7 0.2 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.8 4.3 3.0 2.7 5kPa 1.1 2 0.2 0.8 — — — — — 2.4 2.0 2.0 Driveway 1.5 3 0.2 0.6 1.2 — — — — 2.7 2.1 2.0 1.9 4 0.2 0.6 1.0 1.6 — — — 3.0 2.4 2.0 2.3 4 0.2 0.8 1.4 2.0 — — — 3.3 2.7 2.3 2.7 5 0.2 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 — — 3.6 3.0 2.5 3.1 6 0.2 0.6 1.0 1.6 2.2 2.6 — 4.0 3.3 2.8 *Geogrid with Tul=55kN/m2 4 PAGE BOOK Keystone® and Pyrmont® E14 Native soil Geogrid sections are located over pins at the front, pulled taught and staked at the back Compacted backfill soil Drainage pipe Free draining granular material Native soil Compacted roadbase footing Fig E14 — Typical Installation Detail — Keystone/Pyrmont Geogrid Reinforced-Soil Wall L Granular material 30 0mm Cap Unit Keystone or Pyrmont unit Filter fabric to stop silt clogging drainage material 12-20mm free draining granular material, fill all voids in and around units Compacted backfill material Reinforced Soil Zone Geogrid soil reinforcement to engineer's specification Drainage pipe (as required) First course to be embedded below final ground level to engineer's detail (10 0mm min.) Compacted roadbase or concrete footing 150mm min. 60 0mm min. Fig E15 — Typical Construction Detail — Keystone/Pyrmont Geogrid Reinforced-Soil Wall H Typical Specification for Keystone or Pyrmont Retaining Walls 1. Scope of Work 1.1 Extent This specification covers the works for construction of segmental, reinforced-soil retaining structures. The works include footing excavation, foundation preparation, drainage, backfill and compaction and related items necessary to complete the work indicated on drawings and as further specified. All retaining wall construction is to be carried out in accordance with the levels, distances and details as shown on the drawings and in accordance with this specification. The Keystone reinforced retaining wall system shall also be constructed in accordance with the manufacturers installation guidelines by a suitably qualified and experienced contractor. 1.2 Responsibilities The Contractor shall be responsible for carrying out the installation of all retaining walls in accordance with this specification and the associated contract documents. 2. Standard Specification Wherever reference is made to Standards Association of Australia (SAA) the requirements of the editions and amendments, shall apply to the relevant materials or operations and be deemed to be incorporated in this specification. In the case of a conflict between the referenced standard specification and code and this specification, the more stringent provisions shall apply. The following is a summary of standard specifications applicable to this subsection of the work: AS1012 AS4456 AS3600 AS4456.4 AS4678 AS1289 Methods of Testing Concrete Concrete Masonry Units Concrete Structures Masonry Units — Compressive Strength Earth Retaining Structures Methods of Testing Soils Materials or operations not covered by the above standard codes shall conform to the appropriate Australian Standard. 4 PAGE BOOK Keystone® and Pyrmont® E15 3. General Requirements 3.1 General Terms used in this specification shall have the meanings assigned to them as follows: ‘Approved’ shall mean approved in writing by the Engineer. ‘Or equal approved’ shall mean equivalent in performance, quality and price to that specified and approved by the Engineer. Where limits to the properties of soils are defined elsewhere herein these properties shall be determined by the methods laid down in AS1289. The term ‘construction area’ in this Part shall be defined as an area to be excavated or an area to be cleared and filled. 3.2 Regulations The Contractor shall comply with all relevant Acts, Regulations and By-Laws in respect of all work specified herein, including temporary timbering, strutting, guard rails and all safety measures to be adopted. 3.3 Certification The Contractor’s Geotechnical Engineer shall certify that the bearing capacity of the foundation is as per the foundation requirements specified on the drawings. The Geotechnical Engineer shall also inspect and certify that the Reinforced Soil Block material is as specified on drawings with regard to friction angle, and bulk density. 4. Materials 4.1 Masonry Units The retaining wall units shall be manufactured in accordance with AS4456 Concrete Masonry Units. Block types and sizes for Keystone retaining walls shall be as shown on the drawings or specified herein. 4.1.1 Tolerance Permissible tolerance in the manufacture of retaining wall units shall comply with AS4456.3 - 1997. In the case of Keystone units, the tolerance of ± 2mm shall not apply to profiled or textured faces. Non conforming concave distortions shall be rejected. 4 PAGE BOOK Keystone® and Pyrmont® E16 4.1.2 Strength Retaining wall units shall be manufactured with a minimum compressive strength of 10MPa. A minimum of ten (10) samples must be tested to obtain a mean compressive strength, tested to failure as per AS4456.4 — 1997 under normal compressive and laboratory conditions. 4.1.3 Colour The colour and texture of masonry units shall be as specified and shall remain consistent with the ‘sample range’ approved by the project Superintendent. 4.1.4 Handling/Storage/Delivery Keystone units shall be delivered on pallets to minimise damage during transportation. The Contractor shall store and handle units so as to prevent units from damage, which may affect the aesthetic quality or structural integrity of the finished wall. 4.2 Connecting Pins High strength pultruded fibreglass pins shall be used to interlock and align all Keystone units in a running bond pattern. Pins shall also provide an integral connection between the Keystone units and the geogrid. 4.3 Geogrids The reinforcing elements for the reinforced soil structure shall be as shown on the drawings. If required, each consignment of geogrids delivered to site shall be accompanied by a Quality Control Tensile Test Certificate from the manufacturer. 4.4 Approved Reinforced Soil Block Backfill Material for backfilling between geogrids for the Keystone retaining wall shall be ‘Approved Backfill’ defined as sand, crushed sandstone or broken rock obtained from excavations or approved borrow areas. Such material shall be • • • • Free of rock fragments greater than 75mm in size. Free of clay lumps retained on a 75mm sieve. Free of organic matter. Within the following grading requirements; Sieve Size % Passing by Weight 75mm 26.5mm 4.75mm 0.425mm 0.075mm 100 50 - 100 25 - 75 10 - 50 0 - 20 • Non-plastic in that the fraction passing 0.425mm has a Plasticity Index of not greater than 15. • Capable of being brought to a moisture content suitable for compaction as specified elsewhere herein, under the weather conditions prevailing on site. The ‘Approved Backfill’ shall be stockpiled on site, and inspected and approved by the Geotechnical Engineer that the material satisfies the specification above the design friction angle and dry density values as specified on drawings. Testing for dry density and friction angle shall be in accordance with section 6 herein. 4.5 Drainage All retaining walls are to contain drainage systems that prevent the build up of hydrostatic pressure behind walls. This is to include a 12-20mm free draining clean hard aggregate, used to fill all voids within the retaining wall units and to extend 300mm behind the units. Drainage is to be installed as per the drawings and as per the manufacturers recommendations. 4.6 Concrete Works All concrete for use in footings for retaining walls shall have a compressive strength after 28 days of 25MPa unless specified otherwise. The supply, placement, finishing and curing of reinforcement and insitu concrete shall comply in every respect with AS3600. 4.7 Hold and Witness Points The following shall be deemed a Hold Point: • Submission of test results and samples of all retaining wall components. The following shall be deemed a Witness Point: • On-site slump and strength testing of concrete. 5. Construction of Keystone/Pyrmont Retaining Walls 5.1 Foundations Excavation is to be to the lines and grades shown on the drawings. The reinforced soil block foundation size shall be constructed as per drawings unless alterations are made by the Geotechnical Engineer, who may require tests on the sub-grade material, to be carried out by a registered N.A.T.A. Testing Laboratory. The reinforced soil block foundation subgrade shall be proof rolled with a heavy steel drum roller (minimum applied intensity of 4t/m width of drum with at least 8 passes) without vibration. Any material which is soft, visibly deformed, unstable or deemed unsuitable by the Contractor’s geotechnical consultant shall be excavated and replaced with approved fill and compacted to achieve dry densities of between 98% and 103% of Standard Maximum Dry Density at moisture content of ±2% of Standard Optimum Moisture Content. The foundation shall be inspected and approved by the Geotechnical Engineer, who shall verify that the foundation bearing capacity exceeds the required bearing capacity as specified on drawings. The approval of the reinforced soil block foundation shall be deemed a HOLD POINT. Detailed excavation for the mass concrete footing shall proceed following acceptance of the foundation. The footing subgrade shall be inspected by the Contractor’s Geotechnical Engineer and any areas deemed soft, unstable or unsuitable by the Geotechnical Engineer shall be excavated and replaced as described above. The footing shall be constructed as shown on the drawings. It could be shown as compacted roadbase or concrete. For concrete, the footing shall be poured to the correct level using formwork edge boards, or other methods which ensure the correct level of the footing. The concrete footing shall be screeded flat. The level of the footing or first course of blocks shall be verified by survey methods, and approved by the Contractors QA representative. This shall be deemed a WITNESS POINT. 5.2 Unit Installation Foundations and all courses are laid level. Batters are achieved by inserting the fibreglass connecting pins into the appropriate holes. The Keystone retaining walls shall be constructed with batters as shown on the drawings. First course of units shall be placed side by side on the base levelling pad. Units shall be levelled side to side and front to back and checked for alignment. The accurate placement 4 PAGE BOOK Keystone® and Pyrmont® E17 of the first course is most important, to ensure acceptable horizontal and vertical tolerances. Two fibreglass connecting pins shall be inserted into the appropriate holes to interlock and align units. The front set of pin holes shall be used for near vertical setback. The rear pair of holes shall be used for 25mm (1:8) setback. All voids in units and between units shall be filled with drainage fill as specified in section 4.5. Drainage fill shall extend to 300mm behind units. Units shall be placed in a running bond pattern. Top of units shall be swept clean of excess material. Kidney holes of units above shall be positioned over pins in units below. Units shall be pulled toward the face of the wall to interlock the pins with units on either side. Levels and alignment of each course shall be checked. Each course shall be filled, backfilled and compacted prior to placement of the next course. The Keystone wall shall be surveyed for vertical level tolerance every 3 courses. This shall be deemed a HOLD POINT. 5.3 Drainage Installation The drainage measures shall be installed as shown on drawings. 100mm diameter agricultural pipe shall be used for subsoil drainage behind the first course of Keystone units. The subsoil drain shall be placed with a minimum 1% fall as shown on drawings. ‘T’ piece connection fittings shall be used at all outflow points to connect the subsoil drainage to a 100mm diameter pipe stub which extends 300mm past the face of the Keystone wall. The pipe stub material shall be UPVC or HDPE and shall be approved by the project Superintendent. The outflow points shall be at a maximum of 60m centres. The locations of the outflow points shall be determined by the Superintendent. The outflow pipe stub shall be supported on the concrete footing, and shall pass between two Keystone units with 60mm of the facing removed by sawcutting. The gap above the pipe in the first course shall be neatly patched with cement mortar. The drainage measures shall be inspected by the QA representative after the installation of the first and second course is complete. Inspection and approval of the drainage installation shall be deemed a HOLD POINT. 4 PAGE BOOK Keystone® and Pyrmont® E18 5.4 Placement of Geogrid The Geogrid shall be placed between Keystone units as specified on the drawings. Geogrids shall be cut to the required length. Geogrids may be longer than required, but shall not be shorter than the specified length shown on the drawings. The Geogrids shall be placed with the roll direction perpendicular to the face of the Keystone wall. Correct orientation of the geogrids shall be verified by the Contractor. After compaction, the layer of select backfill below each geogrid, shall be raked to a depth of 25mm to ensure good interlock between the geogrid and the select backfill. The Geogrid shall be laid horizontally on compacted backfill and connected to the Keystone units by hooking geogrid over the fibreglass pins. The geogrid shall be pulled taut against pins to eliminate slack from connections and loose folds. The back edge shall be staked or secured prior to backfilling to maintain tension in the geogrid. Each block shall be checked for level accuracy, as out of position transverse bars will lead to sloping blocks. If the course above a layer of geogrid is found to be not level, then the blocks shall be removed, and the geogrid repositioned to ensure levelness. For a straight length of wall, the geogrids shall be laid side by side without joints or overlaps. Where the wall is convex, the geogrids shall not be cut, but shall be overlapped with a minimum of 75mm of compacted fill between them. For a concave wall the position of the layers of grid shall be alternated between consecutive geogrid layers to cover the triangular gaps between strips of geogrid. Refer to Fig 5.4. The QA Representative shall inspect and keep records of the position of grid and the type of grid placed for each layer of geogrid. The number of courses between each successive layer of geogrid shall be noted. The QA Representative shall also check this. This shall be deemed a WITNESS POINT. 5.5 Placement of Reinforced Soil Backfill Prior to placement of ‘Approved Backfill’ in the reinforced soil block, the Geotechnical Engineer shall approve the material and confirm that the friction angle and dry density of the material is in accordance with the drawings for that particular section of the project. This shall be deemed a HOLD POINT. All backfill imported or otherwise shall be as specified on the drawings. Backfill shall be spread in a maximum of 200mm layers, in such a manner that minimises the voids directly underneath the geogrid. Fill should be deposited using suitable plant which causes fill to cascade onto geogrids. Placement of fill on top of the geogrids shall start from the wall face and work back from the wall face in order to minimise slack or loss of pretension from the grid. Care should be taken to not mix the reinforced soil block backfill material with the drainage material. If backfill material mixes with the drainage material, then the drainage material is to be removed and replaced with clean material. Compaction shall be to 98% of Standard Maximum Dry Density. Compaction shall start at the wall face and work back from the wall face. Compaction testing shall be in accordance with section 6 specified herein. Compaction testing shall be deemed a WITNESS POINT. Tracked construction equipment shall not be operated directly on the geogrid. A minimum thickness of 150mm of backfill material shall be placed prior to the operation of tracked construction equipment. Rubber tyred equipment may pass over the geogrids at very slow speeds. Sudden braking or sharp turning shall be avoided to prevent displacement of geogrids. Geogrid Construction plant and all other vehicles having a mass exceeding 1000kg shall be kept at least 1m from the back of the Keystone units. Compaction of the 1m zone behind the Keystone units shall be restricted to: • Vibrating rollers with a mass < 1000kg • Vibrating plate compacters with a mass < 1000kg Wall Face Fig 5.4 — Typical Geogrid Layout • Vibro tampers having a mass < 75kg Surface drainage during and after construction of the wall shall be provided to minimise water infiltration in the reinforced soil zone. 5.6 Hold and Witness Points The following shall be deemed a HOLD POINT: • Approval of foundation material by the Geotechnical Engineer. • Inspection and approval of ‘Approved Backfill’ for use in reinforced soil block by the Geotechnical Engineer. • Survey of the Keystone Wall every 3 courses. • Inspection and approval of the drainage installation by the QA Representative. The following shall be deemed a WITNESS POINT: • Survey verification that the first course is installed at the correct level, and inspection and approval of footing by the QA Representative. • Inspection of level and type of geogrid at each layer by the QA Representative. • Compaction Testing by the Geotechnical Engineer. 6. Material Testing 6.1 Testing of ‘Approved Backfill’ Each source of ‘Approved Backfill’ shall be pretreated by 5 cycles of repeated compaction, and then tested for dry density and friction angle. Material for use as ‘approved backfill’ shall be inspected and approved for use by the Geotechnical Engineer. A stockpile at least equivalent to 5 days reinforced soil wall construction shall be maintained on site at all times. This will allow time for friction angle testing of the approved backfill should visual inspection of the material when it is received on site indicate that testing is required. Notwithstanding the above the following minimum testing shall be carried out: • Dry Density shall be tested at a frequency of 1 test per 400m3 of approved backfill. • Friction angle shall be tested at a frequency of 1 test per 2000m3 of approved backfill. If the dry density results are not within ±5% of the specified design value, then the Engineer shall be notified, and the material not approved for use until the design has been verified. 4 PAGE BOOK Keystone® and Pyrmont® E19 6.2 Testing for Compaction Compaction will be checked by standard maximum dry density test and field density test for materials other than sand or by the density index and field density tests for sands as specified on drawings and herein. Tests will be carried out in groups of at least three, and compaction of the layer concerned will be considered to be satisfactory if no single result falls outside the specified density range. Should the results not reach this standard the Sub-Contractor shall again roll the area, if necessary after scarifying, adding water, blading to reduce the moisture content and/or removing and replacing excessively moist fill as may be required. Should the Geotechnical Engineer consider that the depth of insufficiently compacted material is greater than can be effectively compacted from the surface, material shall be removed to a depth at which compaction is satisfactory and replaced and compacted in 200mm maximum layers. The standard maximum dry density referred to herein for materials other than sand shall be maximum standard dry density as determined in accordance with AS1289 - Test numbers 5.1.1. The modified maximum dry density referred to herein for materials other than sand shall be the maximum modified dry density as determined in accordance with AS1289 - Test 5.2.1. The field density referred to herein for all materials shall be the dry density of the material in place as determined in accordance with AS1289 - Test 5.3.1. The percentage of the standard maximum dry density (Dry Density Ratio) elsewhere herein for materials other than sand shall be calculated from the formula given in AS1289.5.4.1. The maximum and minimum densities of cohesionless materials shall be determined in accordance with AS1289 - Test E5.1. The Density Index specified elsewhere herein for sands shall be calculated from the formula given in AS1289.E6.1. 6.3 Frequency of Testing The following testing frequencies relate to acceptance on a ‘not-one-to-fail’ basis. The testing should be carried out in essentially randomly chosen locations and at the frequencies as given below. However, it may be appropriate to undertake testing in specific locations, based on visual appearance or past experience. 4 PAGE BOOK Keystone® and Pyrmont® E20 Where a test or group of tests is carried out on an area which has been subjected to essentially the same preparation and compaction procedures, the whole of this area is considered to be represented by this test or group of tests. The uniform area is generally known as a work lot. On this basis, if one or more tests indicate compliance with the specification has not been achieved, the whole of the area which has been submitted for testing is deemed not to comply, unless it can be demonstrated that the area in which the non-complying test result(s) can reasonably be separated from the whole. It should not be assumed a test result applies only to the area immediately surrounding it. Required frequency of testing, is not less than 1 test per layer of 200 mm thickness per material type per 400m3 which is 1 test per layer per 100 linear metres of wall construction. If different sources of ‘approved backfill’ are used within the 100 linear metre work lot, then 1 test per type of material is required. If the work is staged in sections of less than 100 linear metres, then 1 test per section is required. The testing frequency may be re-assessed to the approval of the Engineer, if a high degree of uniformity becomes evident during construction. Masonry Design Guide BOOK South Australia 4 4F SECTION SEGMENTAL BLOCK RETAINING WALLS Custom Engineered Walls 4 PAGE BOOK Custom Engineered Wall Systems F2 Engineered Retaining Wall Systems for domestic and commercial landscaping, roadside and custom engineered retaining wall applications Boral Keystone, Pyrmont and Keysteel Retaining Wall Systems provide a proven and versatile platform for the development of custom engineered high performance retained earth structures. Boral has developed alliances with a number of suitably experienced engineering companies that can provide professional assistance with the custom design and installation of Keystone, Pyrmont and Keysteel retaining structures. Please contact Boral Masonry in your region for assistance with your high performance, engineered retaining wall projects. Keysteel Custom Engineered Retaining Wall Systems • Gravity Retaining Walls • Mass Gravity Retaining Walls • Geogrid Reinforced-Soil Retaining Walls • Steel-Ladder Reinforced-Soil Retaining Structures • Bridge Abutments • Stream or Drainage Channels • Erosion Prevention • Tunnel Access Walls • Wing Walls • Embankment Stabilisation • Terraced Walls • Seawall Applications • Soil-Anchor and Rock-Anchor Walls • Fencing, Railings and Barriers 4 PAGE BOOK Custom Engineered Wall Systems F3 • Keysteel™ Custom Engineered Retaining Wall Systems Boral Keysteel is a high performance engineered retaining wall system for applications requiring wall heights in excess of 6m and/or where critical surcharge loadings are present. Boral Keysteel is an internationally proven system that integrates the superior strength and durability of Keysteel blocks with steel-ladder soilreinforcement to provide engineered solutions for the most demanding retaining structures. PAGE BOOK Custom Engineered Wall Systems 4 F4 305 305 200 200 455 455 Standard Unit 275 100 100 455 455 Standard Straight Sided Cap (made to order) Steel Pins (hot-dip galvanised) Keysteel retaining structures. INTRODUCTION Flushface Unit 275 Keysteel® High Performance Engineered Retaining Wall Systems Flushface Straight Sided Cap (made to order) Lifting Bars Boral Keysteel is an internationally proven, high performance retaining wall system that integrates the superior strength of Keysteel blocks with steel-ladder soil-reinforcement, and is ideally suited to retaining structures in excess of 6m high and for critical surcharge loadings. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Boral Keysteel installations are individually engineered to match the application criteria. Please contact Boral Masonry Technical Services in your region for assistance with Keysteel projects. COLOURS Boral Keysteel is made-to-order in the same range of colours as Keystone, allowing integration of the two products within the one project. Please refer to colour swatch information for an indication of current colours. Boral has developed alliances with a number of suitably experienced engineering companies which can provide professional assistance with the design and installation of Availability and Colours • All Keysteel products are made-to-order. • Lead times apply Please consult with the Boral Masonry sales office in your region. Specifications Tuscan Antique Copper Desert Sand Description HxLxDmm Wt kg N°/m2 Standard Unit 200x455x305 36 11 Standard Straight Sided Cap 100x455x275 25 2.2/lin mtr Flushface Unit 200x455x305 39 11 Flushface Straight Sided Cap 100x455x275 26.3 2.2/lin mtr Pins (steel) 2 pins per full unit hot-dip galvanised steel Lifting Bars (Keysteel units should be lifted by two people using the Keysteel lifting bars) 4 PAGE BOOK Custom Engineered Wall Systems F5 Typical Keysteel® Application Layout Keystone unit Cut ladder around pylon Where piles prevent installation of ladders refer to engineers detail. Pylon Fig F1 — Typical Construction Detail — Keysteel wall Wall face Keysteel unit Keysteel unit Soil reinforcing ladder Soil reinforcement ladder Keysteel unit Fig F2 — Typical Curved Wall Detail — Keysteel Fig F3 — Typical Straight Wall Detail — Keysteel PAGE BOOK Custom Engineered Wall Systems 4 F6 Typical Soil-Anchor Application Soil anchors Granular backfill Geogrid (if required) Stiff firm soil Galvanised steel pipe 1200mm cts nominal Galvanised pipe loop connector Keystone unit TYPICAL PLAN VIEW Top of wall stepped (optional) Galvanised pipe Galvanised pipe, loop connector and soil anchors (staggered installation) Footing step (optional) Finished grade TYPICAL WALL ELEVATION Threaded pipe coupling 300mm nominal Stiff firm soil Cap unit See connection detail 5˚ Keystone units Soil failure plane Keystone unit Geogrid 1 Galvanised steel pipe 8 Loop connector Soil anchors to site specific design Granular fill Drainage pipe Leveling pad to engineer's detail Finished grade Soil anchor to design details TYPICAL CONNECTION DETAIL TYPICAL SIDE ELEVATION Fig F4 — Typical Soil-Anchor Detail 4 PAGE BOOK Custom Engineered Wall Systems F7 Typical Rock-Anchor Application Layout Rock anchors Reinforcing bar to project specifications Drainage net Geogrid to project specifications Expansion joint material to design details Temporary face support and drainage system Concrete backfill Keystone unit TYPICAL PLAN VIEW Top of wall stepped (optional) Reinforcing bar to design details Geogrid Finished grade Soil Anchor to design details TYPICAL WALL ELEVATION Footing step 300mm nominal Drainage net to design details Keystone cap See anchorage detail Keystone unit Horizontal reinforcing bar to design details Temporary concrete and mesh facing support system with drainage to design details Vertical reinforcing bar to design details 1 8 Rock anchor system to design details Rock anchor to design detail 1500mm typical Keystone unit Concrete backfill to design detail Geogrid Geogrid at 600mm vertical centres extended to wall face between reinforcing bar Thread bar to design details Reinforcing bar to design detail Drainage pipe Concrete backfill Levelling pad Finished grade Steel plate and securing nuts to design detail Granular material wrapped in geotextile TYPICAL SIDE ELEVATION Fig F5 — Typical Rock-Anchor Detail TYPICAL ANCHORAGE DETAIL 4 PAGE BOOK Custom Engineered Wall Systems F8 Typical Seawall Application Layout Engineering Undermining of Foundation Wall All water application projects should be designed by a suitably qualified engineer. The Keystone Retaining Wall System has been used in numerous international projects where the blocks are subjected to high velocity flood water, wave action and tidal action. Greater embedment of units, concrete footings (piered or otherwise), Keystone units keyed to a concrete foundation are all means of preventing undermining of the wall foundation. Rip-Rap in front of the wall will also help to prevent erosion. Spacing of Geogrid Filter fabric used behind the 300mm drainage layer will prevent loss of retained soils during fluctuation in water level. As with all geogrid soil reinforced Keystone walls, the spacing of the geogrid should not exceed 600mm, to prevent bulging between the grid layers. Suitability of Keystone Blocks in a Seawall Application It is recommended that if the Keystone units are submerged in salt water, then marine grade Keystone units should be used. Minimum order quantities apply to these units. NOTE: Product colours will be different due to the use of marine grade cement. Loss of Material through Wall Face Differential Water Pressures Fluctuations in water levels and rapid draw down may induce differential water pressures across the face of the wall and need to be addressed. Test Reports Tests have been carried out on the high velocity flow effects, wave action and sudden draw down and Manning’s ‘n’ determination. These test results are available on request. 300mm Impermeable soil layer Filter Fabric Keystone Cap Unit 10-20mm crushed rock, fill cores and voids of Keystone units Free draining granular material (less than 10% passing the #200 sieve, no organic material) Keystone block Typical 1900mm Geogrid as per design Nonwoven filter fabric Native soil Water level 150 - 200mm rip-rap 150mm min. Compacted aggregate or crushed rock 600mm min. Fig F6 — Typical Construction Detail — Keystone Seawall Application PAGE BOOK Custom Engineered Wall Systems 4 F9 Typical Terraced Wall Application Layout When terracing walls, they are effectively being split into sections. This is done for a number of reasons. For example, to level off a sloping front or backyard, to increase the aesthetic appeal of the garden and in some instances to reduce the single wall heights where by they still act as gravity walls and thus minimise the need for geogrid. In such instances, however, the upper terrace wall can put pressure on the lower terrace if the walls are too close together. Multiple terrace walls in close proximity to each other, can have structural stability issues related to the lower walls not having the capacity to carry the loads developed by the upper walls. Question: How far apart do the terrace walls have to be to perform as individual gravity walls? Answer: As a rule of thumb, the minimum distance between the wall terraces must be at least 1.5 times the height of the lower wall. Example: If the lower gravity wall is 1.2m tall, then the minimum recommended spacing between terraces is 1.8m. This rule also applies to walls with more than two terraces. The distance between any two terraces must be at least twice the height of the lower adjacent terrace wall for multiple terraces. NOTE: This simple rule of thumb does not address global stability issues where walls are built on steep slopes or over poor soils of low friction strength. If these conditions exist, then contact your engineer. Question: What if there isn’t enough room to space the terraces according to this rule (1.5 x H1 minimum)? Answer: The wall can still be built, but the effect of the upper terrace on the lower terrace and overall stability must be taken into account when designing the walls. When the terraces are close together, the design analysis may model the structure as a single taller wall to account for the added load from the upper terrace wall on the lower walls. Keystone or Pyrmont wall H2 Cap unit Keystone or Pyrmont wall L = 1.5 x (H1) L = minimum distance between terraces H1 Fig F7 — Typical Construction Detail — Terraced Wall Application 4 PAGE BOOK Custom Engineered Wall Systems F10 Typical Fencing Application Layout Fences can be incorporated into the Keystone Retaining Wall System by placing fence posts into the Keystone cores or behind the wall. NOTE: The following recommendations are suitable for fences with no wind loadings. Fence posts should be embedded through a minimum of three courses (600mm minimum) and then core filled with concrete. Only those units with the fence posts need to be core filled with concrete, the remaining filled with drainage material. Fence posts positioned behind the wall should be embedded 700mm minimum and encased in concrete. When constructing a soil reinforced wall, the Geogrid may be cut to allow for placement of fence posts as per the Geogrid manufacturer specifications. It is important that these walls be designed to accommodate any additional wind loads from fencing (eg. extra embedment). 1824mm max. 900mm 700mm Fig F8 — Typical Fencing Detail PAGE BOOK Custom Engineered Wall Systems 4 F11 Typical Railing and Barrier Application Layout Railing, guard rail, and traffic barrier requirements for retaining walls are not clearly defined in design codes nor are they properly addressed in many site plans. Many times railings and barriers are added as an afterthought which can become a costly and logistical issue when no provisions are made in the original retaining wall layout and site design. Guards and barriers require a common sense approach by the site designer considering the proximity of a wall structure to people and traffic. Sufficient space must be reserved for such installations. It is important that these walls be designed to accomodate any additional loading these guards and barriers may impose on the Keystone wall. Load Load Typical 900mm Typical 900mm 900mm min. 150mm Additional Geogrid layer turned upwards and wrapped around void former at 400mm below ground level Railing – offset Railing – offset Load Load 1000mm min. Typical 800mm Guardrail Traffic Barrier Fig F9 — Railing and Barrier Details Customer support South Australia 1. Stock colours Colours other than stock colours are made to 6. Important notice Please consult with your local council for order. Not all colours displayed in this brochure are available in all design regulations prior to the construction of your wall. Councils states. (Contact your nearest Boral Masonry office for your area’s in general require those walls over 1m in height and/or where stock colours.) A surcharge applies to orders less than the set there is loading such as a car or house near the wall be designed minimum quantity. and certified by a suitably qualified engineer. 2. Brochure colours The printed colours in this Masonry Design ® — Heathstone and Pyrmont are registered trademarks of Boral Guide are only a guide. Please ask to see a sample of your Masonry Limited. colour/texture before specifying or ordering. ® — Keystone and Gardenwall are each registered trademarks 3. Colour and texture variation The supply of raw materials can of Keystone Retaining Wall Systems, Inc. under licence by Boral vary over time. In addition, variation can occur between product Masonry Limited. ABN 13 000 223 718 types and production batches. © Boral Masonry - all rights reserved 2007. 4. We reserve the right to change the details in this publication without notice. 5. For a full set of Terms and Conditions of Sale please contact your nearest Boral Masonry sales office. Orders, product samples and sales enquiries Other regional sales offices SA NSW NQ Main North Road, Clunies Ross Street, Cairns Pooraka, Prospect, NSW 2148 8 Palmer Street, SA 5095 Tel (02) 9840 2333 Portsmith, Tel (08) 8262 3529 Fax (02) 9840 2344 QLD 4870 Tel (07) 4035 1888 VIC Fax (07) 4035 1208 Level 1 Townsville 17-47 Turner Street, 360 Bayswater Road, Port Melbourne, Garbutt, VIC 3207 QLD 4814 Tel (03) 9681 9722 Tel (07) 4725 6285 Fax (03) 9681 9766 Fax (07) 4725 6043 QLD Mackay 62 Industrial Ave, Wacol, QLD 4076 Tel (07) 3271 9292 Fax (07) 3271 1581 For technical assistance: Call Specifier Line on 1300 360 255 Visit David Muir Street, Slade Point, QLD 4740 Tel (07) 4955 1155 Fax (07) 4955 4130 V260907 eBC 03119 Sep 07 Fax (08) 8260 3011