ON THE ELECTROMAGNETIC LEVITATION OF SPHERICAL CONDUCTORS ll¥ I. R. CllUC 5:38.122: 621.3.013. Tile author obtaim lh<' approximate wlution of the pro1km of tl'.c elect1omagnetic levilalion of a conduclur in the sha1;e of very thin sphrrical shell, in the presence of a system of i i!iform circular turns, trough which a.c. curnnt flo\vs ,md whose common axis pasS<'S tl1ruugh the center of the spherical shell. Only <!Je case when lhc system of [urns is situated outside lhe spherical shell is dealt with. An exact solt;tion is also obtained for the same problem for tl;e casr of !he perfectly conducting sphere for which the statical stability upon vcrt:cal direction is likewise examined. The results obtained for this !attn cLse are c01r;pa1ed with those for the case of the solid sphere of finite conductivity [1 ]. 1. INTH.ODUCTIOX In problems of electromagnetic levitation the forces acting on massive conducting bodies are of a particular interest, forces that appear i:iJs. a sequence of the interaction between eddy currents induced in such bodies. and the external magnetic field variable in time, in which the massive conducting bodies are placed. These forces must be opposite to the gravitation forces, the case in which the resultant of t.he electromagnetic levitation forces and that of the gravitation forces cancel each other. Paper [l] has examined, by solving Maxwell's equation, the electromagnetic levitation of a solid conducting sphere in the presence of a system of co-axial filiform circular turns, with spherical conductor, through which an a.c. current is flowing. The electromagnetic levitation of a conductor in the shape of spherical shell has not been examined. It should be noticed that in [l] the numerical results were obtained for the case of high frequencies only, the asymptotic expressions of the modified Bessel functions of complex argument being used. The :present papr~r examines the problem of the electromagnetic levitation of a massive conductor in the shape of spherical shell in the presence of conducting circular turns assumed to be filiform, co-axial with the conductor, through which sinusoidal a.c. current flows. Rev. Roum. Sci. Tecnn. - Electrotecnn. et Energ., 14, 1, 21-35, Bucarest, 1969 22 I. R. CIRIC 2 Further, the paper examines the electroma.g,netic levitation of a conductor in the shape of very thin spherical shell and the electromagnetic levitation of a perfectly conducting sphere in the presence of conducting circular turns supposed to be filiform, coaxial with the spherical conductor, placed outside it, through which sinusoidal a.c. current flows. This latter problem iR of a particular interest due to the fact that in electromagnetic levitation systems frequencies of the order of tens and hundreds of thousands of Hz are used, leading to a very small penetration depth of the electromagnetic field, such that practically only a very thin layer at the surface of the levitated conductor participates in the interaction between the induced eddy currents and the excitation field, case for which the theoretical model of the perfectly conducting body can be successfully used. 2. PROBLEM OF THE ELECTROl\IAGNETIC LE\'ITATION OF A CONDli(:TOH IN THE SHAPE OF SPHERICAL SHELL vYe corn;ider a conducting spherical 8he11 of inner radius a and external radius b, situated in the magnetic field of some filiform conducting circular turns co-axial with the spherical shell, through which sinusoidal a.c. currents of the same frequency f = ~ 27t flow, and placed out- side the spherical shell. The system of co-ordinate axes is chosen as in Fig. J, such that the axis z corresponds to the common axis of the circular turns; r, 6 and qi are the spherical co-ordinates of a point, and the position of one of the circular turns is given by the co-ordinates r=r, and 6 = 6, of its points. Let i, = I. V2 sin cut be the electrical current which flows through turns s in the increasing sense of the co-ordinate qi. The material of the spherical shell is assumed linear, homogeneous and isotropic, the permeability µ and conductibility cs being constant and independent of the field ma.gnitude. The media in the shell inner cavity and outside it are non-conducting (cs=O) and non-magnetic, with permeability practically equal to the permeability of the vacuum µ 0 • The general problem of the determination of the electromagnetic field corresponding to this system has been accurately solved in [2]. These solutions can be however hardly used for determining the forces. 3. APPROXli\IATION OF SOJ,UTIO'.\!S IN THE CASE OF VERY THIN SPHEHICAL CONDI:CTOR Fig. 1. - Choosing of coordinates and notations. An approximation that simplifies the solution without departing too much from ac- ELECTROMAGNETIC LEVITATION 3 23 tuality is obtained in the case of the very thin spherical conductor by considering its thickness d = b - a infinitely small and working with the finite surface conductivity <J, = <J • d for the spherical conductor [2 ]. In such a case the conducting spherical shell will constitute a sheet of induced currents. Due to the axial symmetry of the problem the density of the current sheet depends only on the co-ordinate 8 and is given by [2] : J,(8) = b"" fl:,, P~ (1) (costl), n~l where P! (cos8) is the associated Legendre function of the first kind, order n and degree 1, and the coefficients a,. are given by the relation y2d ~" = _ ~(n,t l_)__ £ ], sin 8, (~) 1 + _!__!!!!!___ s~l r, 11 P! (cos 8,), (2) 2n+l where (j a+b r0 = --- = v-i), ~a,..__, (3) b, 2 11· = µ°' µ 0 being the vacuum permeability; the underlined symbols standing for the simplified representation in complex of the respective notations ; the summation index s refers to the N filiform conducting circular turns, having all the same axis which passes through the center of the conducting spherical shell, all the turns being outside it. In the case of the spherical shell of very small thickness, assumed however perfectly conducting, one should consider <J, = lim <Jd = w, (4) ri->0. Expression (2) of the coefficients a,. becomes now ~ .• = - 2n +1 -'b 1 z..· ___I ,sin, . 8 ( -r o )n P,. (cos 8,). + 1) r r, 2n (n 1 (2') 0 s-1 4. THE FORCE ACTI'.VG OF THE VERY TIIl'.V Sl'ERlCAL CO'.VDUCTOR OF Fl'VITE CONDUCTIVITY The force acting on the spherical conductor is determined having in view that it is equal and of opposite sense with the force acting on the system of turns through which electrical currents flow, according to the principle of action and reaction, if we take into account that the spherical conductor together with the circular turns form in quasi-stationary regime an isolated mechanical system. The force acting on the system of filiform conductors through which the electrical current i flows is determined by applying Laplace's formula ll.F =iii l X Bext, (5) 24 I. R. CIRIC where 6.Z is a vector whose modulus is equal to the length of the conductor element and is directed in the current sense, and Bext is the magnetic induction produced by all the field sources, except the current in the conductor whose force is calculated. The mean value (over a time period) of this force is ] lT (6) 6.Fmed = - , 6.F dt =Re [1_*6.lxBextJ· T ,o The mean force on the length unit of the turn k is 6.F1~ec; = f med = _____ 6.~ k = -~- Re{I: rk Sill 61, le - R e [I*ku-¥. . grad [rsin6 x B ext ] = • (4 - 4.l]}r~k,\• (7) o~~ where u 9 is the unit vector corresponding to the co-ordinate 9, oriented in the increasing sense of this one, and A is the resulting Yector potential from which we subtract A., the vector potential of the field produced by the current in the considered tmn; the expression should be taken at the points of the considered turn. The vector potential which depends only on the currents induced in the conducting spherical shell is determined as in [2] and for r >b"-'r0 is: A' - = oo 1 ( r µ r ~ - - _J!. OO.LJ9 1 r n~1..in + ·)n+ 1 a -" P~(cos 6). (8) The vector potential of the circular turn s , through which the electrical current I, flows, is [2] µ 01, A, = ___ - r, 2 . nv, ~ Sln .Li n~1 1 r"- pln (COS n) v, pln ( COS n) v , n(n+l) r;q (9) where r< and r > are the smallest and the greatest of the magnitudes r and r,. Owing to the axial symmetry of the system under examination the resulting forces acting on each turn and on the shell will be oriented upon the axis z. As it may be easily observed, for the calculation of the resulting force acting on the spherical shell we must sum up the forces which would act on each turn through which the current flows assuming that the turns lie in the magnetic field which depends only on the currents induced in the conducting spherical Rhell, Rince the forces acting on the turns with electrical current conditioned by the magnetic field of other turns compensate each other, beim:· in1E~n::J forces in the system of the considered system of turns. Taking into acco·m' expression (7), for the mean resulting force acting on the conrluetin:c:· :;r1herical :;;hell, one may use the expres8ion '£ r ~; COil e __!/.- (r sin64') - 8in6 _!!__ (8in6 A')j, {lO)i 1.~1 l iJr ae r~r;: where k is the unit vector co1TeRponding to the axis z. "" Fmed = -k 2r::Re e~o ELECTROMAGNETIC LEVITATION 25 ·when performing the calculation account should be taken of the recurrence relations for the associated Legendre functiom. Considering the orientation on the negu,tive sense of the axi::; z (i.e. upwards), we get for the mean resulting force acting on the conducting spherical shell the following expression ll ~I.· ll ~k ..f~·llll\l--= -·])~I*. '"hl ce l...1 - • Slnvk L.i ·' ::;1n v, L.i _,. ,~.1 k=l ""~! (~)n'l(!:_i_)"r1( .,ll)V( 8) • I .. n co.~v, LL,, cos .t ,. 1. \ 1,, (11 where the currents I" and I, are considered directed in the sense of the tangential vector u'<, while k,. ancl X, (cos 0J have the expressions 2dr 0 k cc-=~ y " - (2n+l) + y 2 dr 0 X,.(cos ek)== }_ f (12} (2 ---1- ) cose. P~(COfl8i}-P~, I (cos 8Jj. (13} n+l ·when there exists a single turn p, through which the electrica,l current JP flows, in the presence of the conducting spherical shell, the summatiom over k and s are no longer made and we get n ·' (14) where rp and ep are the corresponding spherical co-ordinates of the points of the circular turn p. It may be observed that in relations (ll) and (14) the only one complex magnitude is~. (see (12) ) whose real part is d 2 r~ 1 )2 d2 rg n++----( 2 (15} i)4 where i3 is the penetration depth of the electromagnetic field in the = V conducting spherical shell material, i3 _1ix = w~o cr · Further, we assume that the same electrical current flow;;; through the turns in series l.1 = I2 = ... =IN =I. (16) It should be considered however that for the :,;o-called "stabilization" turns which are mounted either above the spherical conductor, or below it, through which the electrical current flows in opposite direction with respect to the sense of the electrical current in the so-called "main" turns which are always mounted under the spherical conductor, the forces act in the sense opposite to the forces due to the "main" turns. In order to take this into account we introduce a coefficient e:"( e:.) which has the 26 I. R. 6 CIRIC value + 1 for each "main" turn and - 1 for each ''stabilization" turn. Expressions (11) and (14) become Fmed = 7t[Lol2k~l sine,, s~l E.,e,sine, n~l q. l-:~-r+I( :~ r P:(cos e,)X. (cos 6,) (11') .and (14') respectively. 5. FOHCES ACTI~G O~ THE PERFECTLY COX DUCTING SPHERE In this case in relations (11') and (14') we replace qn = 1 and r 0 = b and we get Fmed = 7t[Lol2 .tl sine. tl Ekes sine, n~I (-:,, r+I (~. r p;, (cos 0,) X,, (cos o.) (11") and Fmed = 7tµ 0I2 sin 2 0p ~ (__!!_·)?.n+ n==-..01 1 P;, (cosO,,) X" (cos 6p), (14") rv respectively. 00 The infinite series 1: in formulas (11") and (H") may be summated n~I if we observe that the magnetic field induced by the electrical turns with electrical current and placed in the exterior of a perfectly conducting sphere, co-axial with the circular turns, is identical with the magnetic field induced outside the sphere by the given turns through which electrical current flows and by their "imagm;" with respect to the surface of the given sphere. By "image" of a filiform circular turn through which the electrical current iv flows, with respect to the surface of a sphere of radius r=b, the circular turn being co-axial with the considered sphere and having the spherical co-ordinates of its points r=rv and 6= 6p, we also understand a filiform circular turn co-axial with the sphere r=b, through which however the electrical current flows i~ = - i !Lin a sense opposite to the p b sense of the electrical current ip, and having the spherical co-ordinates of its points r; = ...!!:... and e; = Op • rp The interaction force between two filiform circular turns, having the same axis and the electrical currents ip and i'J> is given by the for- ELECTROMAGNETIC LEVITATION 7 -------- -------------------- 27 mula [3] where K and E are complete elliptical integral of the first and second kind, respectively, having the mode k whose square has the expression - - - -4bpb~ -----. 2 (bp z2 1.2 - /\, (18) +b;) + The interaction force P between these two co-axial turns is oriented upon their common axis, the turns being attracted if the currents ip and i; have the same sense and reJected if the two currents have opposite seme. In expreR:;;ions (17) and (18), µ is the permeability of the medium in which the two turns are situated, l is the distance between the parallel planes of the two turns and bp and b; are the radii of the two circular turns. Expression (17) may be 8et under the following form, mon: convenient for calculations P = u.i i' ~_Z __ k [-K(k 2 ) ' p p 2(bp b~)'1, + 2 2 -k 2(1-k 2 ) E(k 2 ) ] . (17') In view of the observMiom m::iide above and taking into account the Rimple geometrical relations between the elements shown in Fig. 1, we get for relations (Jl") and (14") the following expressiom µ~I_ 2 ~ F meu _ L.J 2b 2 1.-~1 ,, ; . 1 k l..J ~ ~ r,r, cos 8, - b CJ,,; CS , (r,.r, «oi Slll 8k 2 e,. C08 __ • Sln OJ'' 1• [-K( 1 .~ fiSk . h!S,.J -l-I 2 + -9 - k',. 2(1 - E ( k; )] , k;,) (19) k where 4r,r, sin 8k8in e_, =-( " '') ., b l+-k - ' -2r,r,cos(8,+8J b2 b2 . r~ (20) r~ 2 and Fmed = µ 0 l2 2b2 (r! - b ) cos8v k [-K(k 2 ) -f- 2 - k; E(k 2 )·1. . 8 v v 9.(l--k2) v Slll p P. 2 (21) J in which 4r; Rin 2 8v - - - 7.~ fup b2l'1 + _r!) b4 - 2r cos 28 2 p p (22) 28 I. R. CIRIC 8 An important conclusion which may be drawn is that for the case in which the system of inducting turns lies in the interior of a spherical cavity made in a perfectly conducting medium, the same current flowing through the turns which have the same position as the above "images", the mean force acting on the cavity walls and the losses by the Joule effect in the walls of this cavity, assuming that they have a finite surface conductivity, are the same as those met with in the case in which the system of inducting turns is mounted in the exterior of the perfectly conducting sphere which would occupy just the eavity volume. 6. LOSSES IN THE \iERY THIN CONDUCTI'.\G SPHERICAL SHELL Under the approximation of the very thin spherical conductor of finite conductivity (see section 3), the losses by the Joule effect may be directly estimated -- 2 nr02 p, r· ~ .l..J 2n(n+l) I' an.12] , n=l 2n+l - where p, (p, is the resistivity ~') = and the coefficients (23) ~. have the expression (2). It may be ovserved tJ:at I i:!n [2 I: [ = r5 2 1 lfn [ lf (~)n P! (cos0.)] 2 n+l 2n(n + 1) f 2 RinO, r, s=1 2 (24) It results P = n I 2 p, ~ 2 n+l q. [ n=ln(n+l) ~ sinO, (~)" P! (cose,)] S=l r, 2 , (25) in which we have replaced d 2 r~ i ~. 12 o4 = _(_ _l_)_2_a_2_r~.,--, n+2 = q. (15') +o4 according to relation (15). !n the case in which there is a single tnrn through which the electrical current flows in the presence of the spherical conducting she!l~ expression (25) becomes P = "" -2n+l r ) nI 2 p, sin 2 0p ~ - - - q. ( ___<!_ n=l n(n + 1) rp 2 " [ P!( cos Op) 2]. (26) In the case of the perfectly conducting sphere one may take into account for the caleulation of losses a certain finite surface conductivity of the ELECTROMAGNETIC LEVITATION 9 spherical conductor cr; = - 1 p,; , using however 2!) the distribution of electrical current from the ideal case of the perfectly conducting sphere. By using expression (2') for the coefficient '!:n we get 00 p = 7tl2p; ~ n=l 2n + 1 n(n+l) l N ~ S=l sin 6, ( - b r, )n P! (cos 6.) ]2 (27) and for the case in which there is a single turn in the presence of the perfectly conducting sphere (28) 7. APPLICATIOXS 7.1. The very thin conducting spherical shell. The sums appearing in the expression of the mean force acting on the conductor in the shape of very thin spherical shell (11'), (24') as well as in the expressions of losses due to the Joule effect in this conductor (25), (26), cannot be carried out exactly. The calculations of the mean force and losses by the Joule effect can be made approximately by retaining a sufficiently great number of terms in the sums that intervene. In the expressions of the mean force and of losses by the Joule effect, 1'0 rn r0 d 2N + 2 dimensionless parameters~ , ... ~ , -, ... ,-. r1 r,... b1 bN a a intervene, N being the number of co-axial turns of the inducting enwraping. The surface conductivity intervening in the calculation of losses must be considered -· G, = Gd G, = cr€l for for d Cl < €), > a. For the very thin conducting spherical shell d G, = (29) < a, and accordingly rrd. r· The series intervening in expressions (11 '), (l 4 '), (25) and (26) have the convergence ensured by the subunitary factors ( :: which decrease rapidly with n. The convergence of these series worsen when the ratio r, approaches unity. 30 I. R. cmIC 1(} Calculations have been made for the case of low frequencies, for 2 r5. negligible . . with re8pect to (1 + 1 ) 2 = 2.2.5, when one can which d~IS 2 approximate (see expression (15)) d 2 r~ q,. . -ro C ons1"d ermg ~ b = -12 0!. ~ -(--]-)on + -2-" 1 . . . an d re t a1n1ng o., - 6 terms in the sums mter- " vening in expressions (14'), we obtain the following results : 30° Fme<I 1)4 ----- µOJ2 1.887~10- 3 45° 60° 33.85x10- 3 48. 75.00- 3 d2ro2 For example, for a copper spherical shell having r 0 =~ J:_ cm, d =b-a= 2 = J:_ 2 mm, p = 2.10-s n cm in the presence of a single . tnrn with bp = 1 cmt the angle 6,, being of 60°, we get in the MKSA unit system d2 0 r(j ?)4 F me<l = = 0.2435:oo- 6j2, 1. 493xl0- 14 J2 1 2 • 7.2. The perfectly conducting sphere. We observe that for the body made of perfectly conducting material, the expressions obtained for the distribution of the induced current, for the mean force acting on the body and for the losses by the Joule effect in the body in which a finite surface conductivity has been assumed, are the same both for the solid sphere and for the spherical shell. It may be also observed that the results obtained in the case of the perfectly conducting sphere may be also used for the sphere of finite conductivity at high frequencies, when the penetration depth is very small with respect to the sphere radius and the distribution of the induced current at the periphery of the conducting sphere is very close to that from the case of the perfectly conducting sphere. Accordingly, at very high frequencies one may use for the calculation of losses by the Joule effect in the sphere of finite conductivity the expressions (27) and (28) for the case of perfectly conducting sphere, in which the surface conductivity is taken "' cr,I = 1- = cr6. p; For the calculation of the mean force acting on the perfectly conducting sphere we use formulas (19) and (21). 31 ELECTROMAGNETIC LEVITATION 11 In expressions (19), (21), (27) and (28) 2 N dimensionless parameters intervene..!_, ... ..!_, ..!_, ... ..!_ , N being the number of co-axial turns r1 b1 rN bN of the inducting enwraping. A useful parameter for drawing the graphs and for comparing the results with those obtained in [1] is h (ri - bi)112 = = cotg el, bl (30) ru el and bl = 1\ sin el refer to the lowest turn of the turn system considered (see Fig. 2). Calculations have been carried out for two systems of inducting .. 'h t h e rat10 . - b = -1 an d t h e other turns. One consists ma. smg1e turn wit bp 2 consists of three co-axial turm placed on the surface of a cone with the vertex downwards, the angle between the generatrix and the axis being (3 (see Fig. 2), for the following particular cases ..!_ = _! , tg{3 = 0; 0.2; 2 bl 0.4 and 0.8. In the case of the system with a single turn we have used formula (21)written under the form in which h = b2)1 '2 ( 2 rp - p bp = cotg op' in compliance with relation (30)t" as well as expression (22) written under the form 9 k; 4 ~ ( ~ )\1+h'J' + ( :J-2(h'-1) (32} The results obtained are given in Fig. 3. In the case of the system of three co-axial turns, placed as shown in Fig. 2, we have used formula (19) written under the form Fmeu = µ 012 2 t t (!!J__) ({3z+h~) 2 k~l s~l b h • r- ( ..!_ hk · b1 ~~ ( {3k {3,) 1 + M k,.[-K(k;k)+ 2 -k;k- E(k;k) ] , + -- (33) k;k) 2(1 - where {3k = 1 k-1 +- tg{3, ' 4 hk = h - k-1 4 ' 'k = 1,2,3' (34} 32 I. R. 12 CIRIC in compliance with relation (30), as well as expression (20) written under the form (:J 4~k~s 2 [ 1 1 + (~ r(~~+M) (~;+h;)]-2(hkh,-~.~,). (35) The results are given in Figs. 3 and 4. ,....-L --·- - __... __,., _.__ --____ - - - -r--___ Fmed I µ012 W Fmed (a single turn) ( µo/2- (three turns) O.~l----J;,.,_~-~-~--1 1.2 I I Fig. 2. - System of three inducling turns (dashes show the possible position for the stabilization turn). Fig. 3. - Dependence of the magnitude Fmed - - on the parameter h : µ0/2 - - - a sigle turn, - - - - three 1 b = bp b - ; 2 1 turns = - tg ~=0.4. ' b1 2' fmedr--.-~~~-~~ JlofZ lr-----1-~-.t---t--+---1 · de F med . 4 . - Dcpen d ence o f t h e magmtu - on th e F 1g. µ0/2 parameter h for the three turn syslem: - 1 b = - : 2 (/) tg ~ = O; (II) tg ~ = 0.2; (III) tg ~ = 0.4; (IV) tg ~ = 0.8. bl 0.11 - c.z _l_--+-~~.......-1 I The height at which the conducting sphere is to be placed in order that the electromagnetic levitation force be maximum corresponds to the values h for which the maximum of the functions plotted in Figs. 3 and 4 is obtained. ELECTROMAGNETIC LEVITATION 13 33 The minimum current for levitation is obtained by equalizing the mean force acting on the sphere to its weight, when the sphere is at the height corresponding to the electromagnetic levitation maximum force. For instance, for a copper sphere having the radius b = _.!._ cm 2 and the weight G = 0.0457 N in the presence of a single turn of radius bp = 1 cm, we obtain from Fig. 3 a current of I = 913 .A necessary for levitating the sphere at 1 cm above the turn (h=l). For the same sphere, in the presence of a system of three inducting turns as shown in Fig. 2 (without "stabilization" turns) with b1 = 1 cm, tg [3 = 0.4, we obtain from Fig. 3 a current of only I = 255 .A for levitating the sphere at the same height of only 1 cm above the turn (h=l). 7.3. Static stability. The static stability of the considered systems is achieved below only for the case of the perfectly conducting sphere and only upon vertical direction. From Figs. 3 and 4 one may observe that the space above the system of inducting turns is divided into two by the value h = hm corresponding to the maximum value of the function F'med • For h < hm , the µJ2 levitation is statically unstable since a small displacement of the sphere upon the vertical direction leads to a further displacement of the sphere in the samA sense. For h > hm the statically stable levitation is possible since after any small displacement from the equilibrium position upon vertical direction, the sphere tends to be restored to equilibrium. The lateral stability (in the horizontal plane) is practically obtained by conveniently disposing the "main" turns, e.g., such that they be placed on a cone with downwards directed vertex (see Fig. 2) and by using some "stabilization" turns mounted usually above the conducting sphere, through which the electrical current flows in the sense opposite to that in the "main" turns. 8. COXCLUSIONS In this paper, we have obtained the approximate solution for the problem of the electromagnetic levitation of a conductor in the shape of very thin spherical shell in the presence of a system of co-axial circular turns, which are placed in the exterior of the conducting spherical shell and through which sinusoidal a.c. currents of the same intensity and frequency flow. Likewise, we have obtained the exact solution of the same problem for the case of the perfectly conducting sphere. The turns of the inducting enwraping have been assumed filiform. The results obtained are practically valid provided the cross-section radius of the inducting turn conductor be negligible with respect to the radius of these turns and with the radius of the levitated conducting sphere. From Fig. 4 one may observe the effect of the angle [3 at the vertex of the cone surface on which the system of the three inducting turns is 3-c. ll M 34 I. R. CIRIC 14 mounted, the dimensions being indicated in Fig. 2 ; with the increase of the angle ~ the ratio 1J'med decreases. The maximum electromagnetic fLol2 levitation force is obtained if the inducting turns are enwraped on the surface of a cone with upward directed vertex of a certain angle. However, for technical reasons related to the levitation of a liquid state conductor as well as to the stability of the respective systems, it is required that the inducting turns be mounted on the surface of a cone with downward directed vertex, of a certain angle. From formulae (11'), (14'), (25), (26), as well as from the application 7.1, it results that the mean force and the losses due to the Joule effect on spherical conductors for sufficiently low frequencies are practically proportional with the frequency square. This result is similar to that obtained in paper [6] for the case of cylindrical conductors. For sufficiently high frequencies, as it results from paper [1 ], the mean force acting on the induced conductors is practically independent of frequencies, and the losses by the Joule effect in the same conductors are practically proportional to the frequency square root. In all cases the mean force and the losses by the Joule effect are proportional to the square of the intensity of electrical current in the inducting enwraping. If the numerical results obtained for the perfectly conducting sphere are compared with those obtained in [1], when the solid sphere of finite conductivity is considered, we observe that they are practically similar, no differences being noticed at frequencies of the order of hundreds o thousands Hz, for which the calculations are performed in [1 ]. Consequently, for frequencies (of the order of hundreds of thousands of Hz) which intervene in problems of electromagnetic levitation, the electromagnetic levitation force, the electrical current, necessary for achieving the electromagnetic levitation, the height reached by the conducting sphere in electromagnetic levitation as well as the regions in which the stable static equilibrium is possible may be calculated with high accuracy by using the theoretical model of the perfectly conducting sphere. Likewise, the losess by the Joule effect in the sphere of finite conductivity are practically the same in the frequency domain indicated above as the losses corresponding to the perfectly conducting sphere assumed to have a finite surface conductivity. The main conclusion which may be drawn from this paper, as well as from paper [6], is that for solving problems of electromagnetic levitation one may use successfully, for massive bodies of finite conductivity, the theoretical model of the same bodies having however perfect conductivity. Received July 3, 1968 Institute of Power Engineering, Academy of the Socialist Republic of Romania ELECTROMAGNETIC LEVITATION 15 35 REFERENCES BRIESLEY, B. S. THORNTON; Electromagnetic levitation calculations for axially symmetric systems. Brit. J. Appl. Phys., 1963, 14, 10, 682-686. A. TuGULEA. I. R. Crn1c, Cimpul electromagnetic al unor spire parcurse de curent alternativ fn prezenfa unor coji sferice conducloare. St. <'ercet. energ., 1968, 18, 2. \V. R. SMYTHE, Static and dyr.amic electricity. New York, Toronto, London, 1950. ,. Tables of Associated Legendre Functions. Columbia University Press, New York, 1945. E. JANKE, F. EMDE, F. LoscH, Tafeln hOherer Funktionen. B.G. 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