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Technical Information
Blue BioSeq
The main principle:
Blue BioSeq combines several molecular analytical methods for identification and quantification of
almost all bacteria and micro-organisms, which can occur in drinking water, in the groundwater, in
surface water, in industrial water and in waste water. For the Analysis the same powerful methods of
DNA-analyses and gene sequencing are applied, which are used in medical methodology and which
have a long history of successful application. These methods enables detailed population analyses of
pathogenic microbes, fecal bacteria, environmental microorganisms as well as bio-corrosion inducing
bacteria. Several PCR methods such as PCR based techniques, the analysis of the 16S-rDNA and DNA
sequencing allow to identify up to 15,000 bacterial species per sample. With blue BioSeq it is possible
to find causes of and to establish relations between findings as well as to implement the so-called
„source tracking“. Here, local conditions are taken into account to create concepts for combating,
regenerating, reconstructing and technological relevance which may be implemented together with
other partners .
Drinking water analysis:
In contrast to the usual, legally required analyses,,
Blue BioSeq also offers additional insights which go
beyond the scope of common mandatory analyses.
Even in routine operation during production, preparation and distribution of drinking water unexpected findings of hygienically relevant bacteria, may
occur. Using modern molecular biological methods,
the finding and evaluation of hygienically relevant
bacteria and other organisms can be identified by
means of DNA analysis. This yields much more accurate results than would be possible using conventional microbiological techniques. This data can
immensely facilitate the investigation of findings
and reliably prove causal chains.
Source tracking using 16S-rDNA-analysis:
In a cost-saving first step, hygienically relevant bacteria are isolated and identified. At first, coliform
bacteria or Enterococcus strains commonly occurring in contaminated water networks are cultivated
using microbiological procedures. Subsequently, isolation and sequencing of the found strains 16SrDNA allows for a taxonomic classification. This mapping allows first conclusions about the possible
source of the contamination it can be deduced whether the organisms belong to the classic fecal
coliforms or whether they are „environmental coliforms“. Depending on the findings, a number of
bacteria is selected for DNA- sequencing.
Technical Information - Blue BioSeq
Source tracking using „Deep Sequencing“:
If questions remain open after 16S-rDNA- analysis, a second step is required. Here, already obtained sequence data of the bacterial populations from water samples will be compared to selected
environmental samples. Possible contamination pathways have to be thoroughly investigated. For
example animal feces of species found in that area, sediments, water from nearby water bodies,
insects or small animals from the wells etc. The samples are prepared for DNA-sequencing and the
contained populations are identified by employing worldwide genetic libraries. Up to 15,000 sequences or strains per sample are analyzed. If further question are present after this analysis, additional
genes and species can be included and checked in the sequence analysis.
Microbiological profiling (MPA)
A more preventative measure is the microbiological profile analysis. At key nodes in the water networks, large volume samples are taken in regular intervals and the detailed composition of populations is determined. In this way, critical changes or the occurrence of hygienically relevant bacteria can
be detected very early. The difference to the usual microbiological water analysis is a considerably
higher significance and sensitivity of this method. The results extend far beyond the hygienic drinking
water study. It is, for example possible, to directly detect potentially harmful bacteria or even monitor the development of corrosive and bio-film-forming bacteria.
Characterizing depositions and bio-films
A variety of precipitates and biofilms occur in water networks, on surfaces and other technical systems. With the Blue BioSeq methods described above and additional chemical analyses, most questions in this context can be answered.
Investigation with tracer gases
In the catchment area of wells and springs animal structures or geological features can lead to short
circuits, which cause recurring finding events. Blue Biolabs GmbH offers the investigation of possible
subsurface short circuits by means of tracer gases. This is done in cooperation with partner companies, whose physical results will be combined with the molecular biological findings.
Here, large quantities of a tracer gas are introduced into the source. Then, spatially resolved gas measurements are performed in the immediate vicinity. Thus, critical areas in the environment can be
found and, if necessary, sustainably eliminated by structural measures (e.g. animal fences).
Further reading:
Technical Information - Blue BioSeq
Contact Information
Blue Biolabs GmbH
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1 - BH 6-1
10587 Berlin
Phone: +49 (30) 314 73 178
Fax: +49 (322) 215 40 547
Web: www.bluebiolabs.de
E-Mail: info@bluebiolabs.de
Technical Information - Blue BioSeq
Contacts: Mrs. K. Bludau (Distribution)
Mr. O. Thronicker (CEO)
Mr. M. Popiol (CEO)