Vaccines: HOME page for Vaccines and Immunizations site

Vaccines: HOME page for Vaccines and Immunizations site
Vaccines & Immunizations
Vaccine-preventable disease levels are at or near record lows. However, we cannot take high
immunization coverage levels for granted. To continue to protect America's children and adults, we
must obtain maximum immunization coverage in all populations, establish effective partnerships,
conduct reliable scientific research, implement immunization systems, and ensure vaccine safety.
In the Spotlight
Immunization Coverage in the U.S. reported for July 2006 - June 2007 is now available
( (March 27)
Updated for 2008: Instant Childhood Immunization Scheduler (for children six years and younger)
( (March 25)
ACIP Provisional Recommendations for the Prevention and Control of Influenza (recs/provisional/default.htm#acip) (March 21)
March 6, 2008: Media Availability on Vaccine Safety ( (March 7)
New training module, “WhatWorks” (focus on strategies to increase adult vaccination rates)
( (Mar. 6)
View all … (spotlight.htm)
Immunization Schedules
Flu website (
vaccine shortages and delays
(vac-gen/shortages/default.htm) , potential new
vaccines (vpd-vac/default.htm#newvacc) ,
vaccine basics (vpd-vac/vpd-vac-basics.htm) ,
...more (vpd-vac/default.htm)
Programs and Tools
For Parents: Why Immunize?
What You Should Know About the Flu
Child, adolescent, and catchup schedules
( , Vaccine
Understanding vaccines and their purpose
(recs/schedules/child-schedule.htm) ; adult
(spec-grps/parents.htm#purpose) , parents who
schedules (recs/schedules/adult-schedule.htm) ;
( vaccines
, Patient & Provider Education
instant scheduler for children (birth-6 years)
(spec-grps/parents.htm#question) , common
( (spec-grps/parents.htm#myths)
; adolescent and adult vaccine quiz
, ...more (
, parents guide to immunizations
( ,
(pubs/parents-guide/default.htm) , what risks are
...more (recs/schedules/default.htm)
parents taking in their child's healthcare?
(spec-grps/parents.htm#risks) , ...more
Recommendations & Guidelines
News (news/news-pubs.htm) , newsletters
(news/newsletters.htm) , press releases
For Specific Groups
Advisory Committee on Immunization
(news/press-rel/default.htm) , resources for the
media (news/media.htm) , ...more
Practices (ACIP) (recs/acip/default.htm) ,
Vaccine Information Statements (VIS)
Infants and toddlers (spec-grps/child-infant.htm)
(pubs/vis/default.htm) , vaccine administration
, pre-teens and adolescents
Calendars and Events (events/default.htm) (spec-grps/preteens-adol.htm) , adults
(recs/vac-admin/default.htm) , vaccine storage
and handling (recs/storage/default.htm) ,
(spec-grps/adults.htm) , pregnant women
Meetings, conferences, and campaigns
provisional recommendations
(spec-grps/pregnant.htm) , travelers
(recs/provisional/default.htm) , ACIP-VFC
, international adoptions
(programs/vfc/acip-vfc-resolutions.htm) ,
(spec-grps/intl-adopt.htm) , racial & ethnic
reminder systems (recs/reminder-sys.htm) ,
populations (spec-grps/racial-ethnic.htm) ,
recalled vaccines (recs/recalls/default.htm) ,
people with specific diseases/conditions
Publications (pubs/default.htm)
...more (recs/default.htm)
(spec-grps/conditions.htm) , ...more
Vaccine Information Statements (VIS)
Vaccines & Preventable Diseases
(pubs/vis/default.htm) , flyers and brochures
For Healthcare Professionals (hcp.htm)
(pubs/flyers-brochures.htm) , recommendations
What diseases are vaccine preventable
Resources (hcp.htm#res) , recommendations
(pubs/buttons-stickers-cds.htm) , posters
(vpd-vac/vpd-list.htm) , questions answered
(recs/default.htm) , Vaccines for Children
(pubs/posters.htm) , videos and webcasts
program (programs/vfc/default.htm) , patient
about the diseases and vaccines
(vpd-vac/faqs-vpd-vac.htm) , who should not be
education materials (ed/patient-ed.htm) ,
vaccinated (vpd-vac/should-not-vacc.htm) ,
vaccine shortages & delays
images of diseases (vpd-vac/photo-all-vpd.htm) ,
(vac-gen/shortages/default.htm) , vaccine
storage & handling (recs/storage/default.htm) ,
vaccine administration
(recs/vac-admin/default.htm) , ...more (hcp.htm)
Education & Training (ed/default.htm)
Immunization Information Systems(IIS)
(programs/iis/default.htm) ,
Netconferences (ed/netconferences.htm) ,
Basics and Common Questions
Vaccines for Children (VFC)
broadcasts & webcasts (ed/broadcasts.htm) ,
(programs/vfc/default.htm) ,
podcasts (ed/podcasts.htm) , self-study courses
(ed/self-study.htm) , current courses and
Common questions (vac-gen/common-faqs.htm)
(programs/stop/default.htm) ,
materials (ed/course-materials.htm) , patient
, why immunize (vac-gen/why.htm) , how
vaccines prevent disease (vac-gen/howvpd.htm) Vaccine Management Business Improvement
education materials (ed/patient-ed.htm) , "You
, immunity types (vac-gen/immunity-types.htm) , Program (VMBIP) (programs/vmbip/default.htm) Call the Shots" (ed/youcalltheshots.htm) ,
...more (ed/default.htm)
common misconceptions
Vaccine Management System (VACMAN)
(vac-gen/6mishome.htm) , life-cycle of an
For Program Managers
immunization program (vac-gen/life-cycle.htm) , (programs/vacman/default.htm)
...more (vac-gen/default.htm)
Immunization Scheduler (birth to 6 yrs)
Immunization Program Operations Manual
Requirements / Laws
( (vac-gen/policies/ipom/default.htm) ,
vaccine contract guidelines (.pdf)
Adolescent and Adult Quiz (11 yrs & up)
School requirements
( ,
(vac-gen/laws/default.htm#school) , state
, Vaccines for Children (VFC)
Assessment, Feedback, Incentives, &
(programs/vfc/default.htm) , AFIX (grantee
requirements (vac-gen/laws/state-reqs.htm) ,
Exchange (AFIX) (programs/afix/default.htm) ,
assessment) (programs/afix/default.htm) ,
exemptions and consent forms
Comprehensive Clinic Assessment Software
(vac-gen/laws/default.htm#exempt) , HIPAA
IIS/Registry (programs/iis/default.htm) ,
Application (CoCASA)
(vac-gen/policies/hipaa/default.htm) , vaccine
program manager contact list
(programs/cocasa/default.htm) , ...more
information statements (VIS)
, ...more (program-mgrs.htm)
(pubs/vis/default.htm) , ...more
Vaccination Records
Interpreting, recording, finding
(recs/immuniz-records.htm) , ...more
Vaccine Side Effects
(vac-gen/side-effects.htm) & Safety
Statistics and Surveillance
Immunization coverage rates
(stats-surv/imz-coverage.htm) , school and
childcare vaccination surveys
(stats-surv/schoolsurv/default.htm) , data
definitions (stats-surv/data-def.htm) , other
surveillance websites
(stats-surv/surv-sites.htm) , related articles
(stats-surv/surv-articles.htm) , worksheets
(stats-surv/worksheets.htm) , ...more
Possible vaccine side-effects
(vac-gen/side-effects.htm) , concerns about the
safety of vaccines
, vaccine safety research
, vaccine safety datalink project
, report a vaccine adverse reaction
, ...more (vac-gen/safety/default.htm)
and Human Services
1 of 1
Partners' Sites & Materials (partners.htm)
Other immunization websites
(partners.htm#related) , partners' websites
(partners.htm#partners) , state & local health
depts. (partners.htm#state) , related
government agencies (partners.htm#govt) ,
...more (partners.htm)
Global Immunizations & Vaccinations
Global measles goals
(programs/global/measlesgoal.htm) , global
measles initatives
(programs/global/measlesinitiative.htm) , global
polio eradication (vpd-vac/polio/global.htm) ,
...more (programs/global/default.htm)
Site Map (site-map.htm)
Links to all major sections and areas on the
Vaccines & Immunizations site.
Department of Health
This page last modified on March 27, 2008
Content last reviewed on June 7, 2007
Content Source: National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases
4/4/08 9:44 AM