Time-Varying Fields and Maxwell’s Equations Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction (I) Overview y So far ∇ × E = 0, ∇ ⋅ D = ρv . D = ε E for linear and isotropic media. y Fro the magnetostatic model, ∇ ⋅ B = 0, ∇ × H = J. B = μ H for linear and isotropic media. y In a conducting medium, static electric and magnetic fields may both exist and form an electromagnetostatic field. E → J → H JHLin, EM Wave; Faraday's Law 2 Overview y Static electric and magnetic fields do not give rise to waves that propagate and carry energy and information. y In this chapter we will see that a changing magnetic field induces an electric field, and vice versa. y The two curl equations need to be modified in order to be consistent with the law of conservation of charge. y Maxwell’s equations. y Wave equations. JHLin, EM Wave; Faraday's Law EM wave 3 Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction y A major advance in EM theory was made by Michael Faraday in 1831. y y Faraday’s law: d ∂B d d E ⋅ l = − B ⋅ s ∇ × E = − Or . v∫ C dt ∫∫S ∂t Lenz’s law – the negative sign in above equations is an assertion that the induced emf will cause a current to flow in the closed loop in such a direction as to oppose the change in the linking magnetic flux. y A Stationary Circuit in a Time-Varying Magnetic Field The emf induced in a stationary loop caused by a timevarying magnetic field is a transformer emf. JHLin, EM Wave; Faraday's Law 4 Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction y Example 6-1 (7-1) JHLin, EM Wave; Faraday's Law 5 Transformers y v1 N1 = v2 N 2 i1 N 2 = i2 N1 y Impedance transformation 2 ⎛N ⎞ ( Z1 )eff = ⎜ 1 ⎟ Z L. ⎝ N2 ⎠ JHLin, EM Wave; Faraday's Law 6 Transformers y Real transformers have real-life conditions: 1. leakage flux 2. noninfinite inductances 3. nonzero winding resistances 4. hysteresis 5. eddy-current losses 6. nonlinear nature of the ferromagnetic core y In transformers eddy-current power loss is undesirable. 1. high μ and low σ (Ferrites) 2. laminated cores JHLin, EM Wave; Faraday's Law 7 A Moving Conductor in a Static Magnetic Field y Motional emf (flux-cutting emf) Fm = q u × B 2 V21 = ∫ (u × B) ⋅ dl 1 V ′ = v∫ (u × B) ⋅ dl C y Example 6-2 (7-2) JHLin, EM Wave; Faraday's Law 8 A Moving Conductor in a Static Magnetic Field y JHLin, EM Wave; Faraday's Law 9 A Moving Conductor in a Static Magnetic Field y Example 6-3 (7-3) JHLin, EM Wave; Faraday's Law 10