CLIN. CHEM.23/9, 1548-1550 (1977) PhospholipidCompositionof BloodPlasma, Erythrocytes,and “Ghosts” in Sickle Cell Disease Henry P. Schwarz, Miriam B. Dahike, and Lorraine Dreisbach We examined the phospholipid composition of the plasma, of whole erythrocytes, and of “ghosts” of the erythrocytes from healthy volunteers, patients with sickle cell disease without crisis, and such patients in crisis, and found that phosphatldylglycerol In the plasma and “ghosts” was very significantly Increased in sickle cell crisis but not in the absence of crisis. The significance of these findings Is discussed. AddItIonal Keyphrase: phatidyiglycerol . crisis-associated increase In phosphosphoilpid content of erythrocytes prostaglandins The factors precipitating the clinical event known as sickle cell crisis are not clear, either to the clinicians or to the molecular biologists. A patient with sickle cell disease may be asymptomatic Presumably, erythrocytes for long periods of time. painful crisis occurs because of sickling of within body organs. The in vivo changes responsible for this catastrophic event are presumed, but not proven, to be anoxia, increased osmolarity, and (or) slowing of blood flow. One would have to assume that these factors are present at the time of crisis but absent during the asymptomatic interval. Data on these variables, obtained during the crisis, are not impressive (1). More than 25 years ago Pauling et a!. (2) suggested that the sickling phenomenon might be due to the presence of a chemically different type of hemoglobin, which on deoxygenation would aggregate into rods and thereby twist the cells out of shape. Later it was shown that the only difference between hemoglobin S and normal hemoglobin is that, in the former, a glutamyl residue in position six of each beta-chain is replaced by one valine residue (3). It has been questioned how such an apparently minute difference, involving only two of the 574 amino acid residues, could alter the threedimensional structure of the hemoglobin molecule to cause sickling. The possible involvement of a co-factor was stressed recently by Johnson et al. (4), who showed that prostaglandin E2 can induce sickling in sickle cell anemia erythrocytes under conditions of reduced oxygen ten- Department of Clinical Pathology, Philadelphia General Hospital, Philadelphia, I?a. 19104. Address correspondence to H.P.S., at The Dorchester, Apt. 2410, 226 W. Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103. Received June 18, 1976; accepted June 1, 1977. 1548 CLINICALCHEMISTRY,Vol.23,No. 9, 1977 sion. Its effect was only on intact erythrocytes and was not observed in a hemoglobin lysate. These changes were taken as presumptive evidence for the involvement of the membrane in the sickling event. That the deformability of normal erythrocytes may be decreased by prostaglandin E2 was shown by Allen and Rasmussen (5), who suggested that the erythrocyte may be the primary receptor of prostaglandin stimuli. Unrelated studies of the effect of various prostaglandins on the phospholipids of plasma and tissues in rats showed that administration of prostaglandins to rats increased the concentration of certain phospholipids, particularly phosphatidylglycerol, in their plasma and certain tissues of the rats (6). It thus appeared of interest to investigate the phospholipid composition of whole erythrocytes, their membranes (“ghosts”), and the plasma of healthy volunteers, patients with sickle cell disease but not in crisis, and patients in crisis. Material and Methods We studied adult patients with sickle cell disease, proven to be homozygous by hemoglobin electrophoresis on cellulose acetate and proven to have normal hemoglobin content per cell and normal to high-normal cell size as determined by the Coulter Model S counter. Samples from patients were taken during asymptomatic intervals consisted than 45 h The mean and during symptomatic crisis; the latter of visceral, bone, or joint pain lasting for more and required hospital visits or hospitalization. absolute reticulocyte counts for both groups were the same. None of the patients had been transfused during the preceding six months. Controls consisted of healthy men of ages 21, 25, and 35, and two women of ages 21 and 40, all with a normal hemoglobin concentration, normal erythrocyte indices, and 98% or more hemoglobin A by electrophoresis. The blood specimens were drawn into heparinized tubes from the resting subjects about 4 h after the last meal, and the erythrocytes were separated from the plasma by centrifugation for 15 mm at 1200 X g at 4 #{176}C. The erythrocytes were hemolyzed by adding an equal volume of water, and the stromata (“ghosts”) were separated by centrifugation at 12000 X g and washed thoroughly with water. Aliquots of the erythrocytes or plasma containing at least 100 g of lipid phosphorus were extracted with chloroform/methanol (2/1 by vol) TABLE I Phospholipid Composition of Plasma, Whok Red Blood Cells and Ghosts from Control Volunteers and Persons with Sickle Cell Disease - Without Cris,,sand in Crisis’ PLASMA Control CELLS 7 No.cases lipid phosphorus 1432±68 Crisis In Crisis 5 2062±59 7 5 7 3906±4l 3942±158 1335± l23l±36b 1187±23’ 1472±25 25± I 27± 3 29± 351±12 Phosphatidylserine 11± I 11± I 17± 2’ Cardiolipin 21± I 20± I 8± 2 Phosphatidic acid 9± 0.3 7 1827±40’ 2 182± 5 71± 198± 5 22± I 3 80± 2 12± I 156±3 167±5 Phosphatidylglycerol 30± I 26± 2 38± I”’ 103± Phosphatidylinositide 61± 2 65± 66± 3 175±11 5 37” 388±11 6 7 2547±70 951±38 983±54 5 280± 3” 261± 185± 4 138± 4 191± 6” 183± 4” 78± 2 62± I 75± 6” 74± 2” 95± 5 143± 7” 133± 4” 149±5 114± 7 154± 9’ 59± 2 51± 2 83± 5 l20±l I 110± 9 2l8±I I” 299±15’ 62± 415±17 364±18 448±22’ 272± 9 314± 8 289± 4’ 679±14 662±18 649±19 411±11 Alkyl ethers 32± 2 34± I 37± I 149± 5 156± 3 147± 6 90± Unknowns 39± 3 27± 2” 39± I’ 73± 5 87± 7 85± 8 55± 4 c d e p<O.O2. control vs sickle cell p<O.OI, control vs sickle cell p<O.OI, sickle cell no crisis vs sickle cell in crisis I p<O.O5. sickle cell no crisis vs sickle cell in crisis g p<O.O2. sickle cell no crisis vs sickle cell in crisis 6”’ 110± 4 Values are expressed as micromoles p<O.OS, control vs sickle cell 999±24 225± 83± a b 7 2653±43 340± 3’ 298± I” I” 95± 202± 1597±58’ In Crisis 5 2540±63 Sphingomyelin Plasmalogens 64± 2 7 4030±66 Cell Patients Without Crisis In Crisis l828±59b Phosphatidylethanolaminc Lecithin Sickle Control Without Without Crisis Total Sickle Cell Patients Control Sickle Cell Patients GHOSTS’ 340±l5” 7 5”’ 2 360±13’ 58± 6 63± 2” 42± 46± 2 3” per liter, mean ± SEM for 24 h at room temperature and in darkness. The protein precipitates from cells or plasma were filtered out on sintered-glass and the filtrates containing the extracted lipids were evaporated under reduced pressure at 35 #{176}C in a stream of nitrogen. The residue was dissolved in chloroform/methanol/ water (60/30/4.5 by vol) and this solution was passed through a glass column packed with 2 g of Sephadex G-25 (fine) for removal of nonlipid impurities (7). The eluate was again evaporated in a stream of nitrogen and the residue was dissolved in 25 ml of chloroform. The chloroform solution was passed through a column containing about 6 g of silicic acid to remove neutral lipids, and the phospholipids were eluted with methanol. Separation and analysis of the individual phospholipid fractions was done in duplicate as described by Dawson et a!. (8, 9). Aliquots of the just-purified phospholipids were subjected to mild alkaline hydrolysis with 0.03 molt liter NaOH in ethanol for 20 mm, with shaking, at 37 C, The hydrolysate was neutralized with ethyl formate and again evaporated in a nitrogen stream. The residue was distributed between two volumes of isobutanol/chloroform (1/2 by vol) and one volume of water, and the two phases were separated by centrifugation. An aliquot of the water phase containing the deacylated (alkali-labile) phospholipids was spotted on Whatmann 3 MM paper and the glycerol phosphate components were first separated by descending chromatography in phenol saturated with water/acetic acid/ethanol (50/5/6 by vol) for 6 h. The solvents then were removed and separation in the second dimension was done by high-voltage ionophoresis in pyridine! acetic acid buffer at pH 3.6, with a current of 100-125 mA at 2000 V for 1.5 h with a Savant instrument. The chromatograms were dried and then sprayed with nmhydrin reagent to locate amino lipids and afterwards with acid molybdate reagent (8) to determine the phosphorus compounds. The phospholipids that were resistant to the mild alkaline hydrolysis (plasmalogens, sphingomyelins, and alkyl ethers) contained in the chloroform phase were determined as described (9). The individual chromatographic spots were identified by RF values found with deacylated authentic standards. In the case of phosphatidylglycerol, pure phosphatidylglycerol isolated from human plasma (10), 14C-labeled Scenedesmus albi cans (11) prepared in our own laboratory, or phosphatidyiglycerol from Applied Science Laboratories (State College, Pa. 16801) were used. Phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylserine was supplied by Calbiochem (La Jolla, Calif. 92037) and cardiolipin by Difco, Detroit, Mich. 48232. Individual phospholipid fractions were measured by digesting the stained spots with perchioric acid/water (720 g/liter) and subsequent determination of inorganic phosphorus (12, 13). The percentage recovery of eluates from the chromatograms of plasma samples was 98%, from the cells, 96%, and from the chromatograms of “ghosts” 98.4%. Results Table 1 summarizes the phospholipid composition of the plasma, whole erythrocytes, and “ghosts” from CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 23, No. 9, 1977 1549 controls, patients with sickle cell disease not in crisis, and patients in crisis. Results for choline plasmalogen, ethanolamine plasmalogen, and serine plasmalogen have been combined to simplify the table. Blood plasma. The phospholipid values of the plasma from sickle cell cases not in crisis resembled those of the normal controls. The plasma phospholipids from the patient in crisis, however, showed a 46% increase in phosphatidylglycerol, while values for other phospholipids (lecithin, sphingomyelin) were slightly lower, or unchanged. Whole erythrocytes. Compared with the considerable increase in phosphatidyiglycerol in the blood plasma of the patients in sickle cell crisis, relatively minor changes of the phospholipid values in whole erythrocytes from these patients were noted (Table 1), but will not be discussed in detail here. “Ghosts”. Most of the phospholipids of the whole normal erythrocytes are in the “ghosts.” About 59 to 75% of the lecithin, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylglycerol of the whole cells were contained in the “ghosts.” In patients with sickle cell disease not in crisis, the values for phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidic acid were somewhat higher, but values for other phosphatides, such as phosphatidylglycerol, were somewhat lower in “ghosts” from asymptomatic patients. In the patient in sickle cell crisis most of the phospholipid values for the “ghosts” resembled those found in the cases not in crisis. However, the phosphatidylglycerol value for “ghosts” from the patients in crisis showed a strikingly significant increase of 42% and 63% as compared with figures for the normal controls or the asymptomatic patients. position of the plant material was quite distinct from that of human phosphatidylglycerol, which showed a relatively high concentration of arachidonic acid not seen in plant phosphatidylglycerol. Because such fatty acids as arachidonic acid are precursors of prostaglandins, our finding of increased phosphatidylglycerol in plasma and erythrocyte “ghosts” (membranes) appears to be consistent with the postulated role of prostaglandins in sickle cell disease. We propose that this increase of arachidonic acid is accompanied by increased prostaglandins in erythrocyte membranes, which in turn produces aggregation of the erythrocytes seen in sickling. Discussion Biochem. J. 75,45 (1960). Previous work on the phospholipid composition of erythrocytes failed to detect such important components as phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidic acid, or cardiolipin. Reed et al. (18), using separation of lipids on silicic acid impregnated paper, had phosphatidylglycerol and other components partly contained in their polyglycerol phosphatide fraction. Blomstrand et al. (19), who combined separation of phospholipids on silicic acid impregnated paper by the method of Dawson et al. (9) and phosphorus determination by neutron activation, also did not detect these components. We believe that separation and identification may be better by the technique we suggest in this paper. Phosphatidylglycerol, found to be so remarkably increased in the blood plasma and “ghosts” of sickle cell patients in crisis, was first identified by Maruo and Benson (14) in chloroplasts of plants, and subsequently was found in various species of bacteria (15), in liver particulates (16), and in blood plasma and erythrocytes (10). Haverkate and Van Deenen succeeded in isolating enough of the pure compound from spinach leaves for complete chemical characterization (17), and Schwarz and Dreibach obtained chemically pure phosphatidylglycerol from blood plasma (10) of humans and determined its complete structure. The fatty acid com- provements in the methods of determining individual phospholipids in a complex mixture by successive chemical hydrolysis. Biochem. .1. 84, 497 (1962). 10. Schwarz, H. P., and Dreisbach, L., Isolation and chemical char- 1550 CLINICALCHEMISTRY,Vol.23,No.9,1977 This work was supported by Contract from the Office of Naval Research. 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