Publications (referred)

Jayakody A. Sumith (M.Sc. Ph.D.)
Contact Information
Research Officer (SLAgS Class II, Grade I)
Office of the Registrar of Pesticides, Department of Agriculture,
1056, Getambe, P.O. Box 49, Peradeniya 20400, Sri Lanka
Tel/Fax: (+94) 81 2388135 (Office) Mobile: (+94) 772363824
B.Sc. (Agriculture) (2nd Class Upper), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 1992
Diploma (Environmental Chemicals), University of Kobe (affiliated), Japan, 2000
M.Sc. (Environmental Engineering), Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, 2007
Ph.D. (Aquatic Toxicology), University of New Brunswick, Canada 2012
Contribution made to pesticide management in the country
1. Assisted in extensive technical evaluation on toxicological aspects for prohibiting
Endosulfan from agricultural use, based on its inherent property to increase the
acute toxicity in the formulations marketed in Sri Lanka; This aspect was taken
for pesticide control, first time in the world (1997).
2. Assisted in identification of foreign independent toxicity testing laboratories as
non-reliable through extensive and vigilant evaluation of technical data submitted
in support of registration (viz. Jai Research Foundation, India; Indian Institute of
Toxicology, India) (1998).
3. Assisted in identification of foreign sources (at least in five instances) for untrustworthy, forged, un-reliable documents submitted in support of registration
through extensive and vigilant evaluation of registration dossiers (1998 - 2005).
4. Assisted in drafting of all regulations made under the COP Act after 1997;
 Regulations made under Section 26, read with Section 23 of the COP
Act No. 33 of 1980 as amended by the Act No. 6 of 1994. No. 961/15
of 2 February, 1997 (Amendment for fee structure) (1997).
 Regulations made under Section 26 of the COP Act No. 33 of 1980 as
amended by the Act No. 6 of 1994. No. 1113/15 of 5 January, 2000
(Regulation of Sales and Supply of pesticides) (2000).
 Cancellation made under sub-section (1) of the Section 11 and notified
by order under sub section (4) of the COP Act No. 33 of 1980 as
amended by the Act No. 6 of 1994. Gazette Extraordinary No. 1190/24
of June 29, 2001. (Cancellation of 26 pesticide active ingredients and
28 formulated products) (2001).
 Declaration made under Section 9 of the COP Act No. 33 of 1980 as
amended by the Act No. 6 of 1994. No. 1254/8 of September 18, 2002.
(Registered pesticide list and cancellation of 11 pesticide formulations)
 Notification made under Section 22, read with Section 27 of the COP
Act No. 33 of 1980 as amended by the Act No. 6 of 1994. No. 1293/21
of 19 June, 2003 (Notification of authorized analyst) (2003).
 Regulation made under the Section 26 (1) (vi) of COP Act No. 33 of
1980 as amended by the Act No. 6 of 1994. (Regulation of Pest
Control Services) (Final Draft stage) (2009).
 Regulation made under Section 26 of COP Act No. 33 of 1980 as
amended by the Act No. 6 of 1994. (Regulation of Sales and Supply)
(First Draft stage) (2010).
 Notification COP Act No. 33 of 1980 as amended by the Act No. 6 of
1994. (Regulation of Pest Control Services) (Final Draft stage) (2009).
 Cancellation made under sub-section (1) of the Section 11 and notified
by order under sub section (4) of the COP Act No. 33 of 1980 as
amended by the Act No. 6 of 1994. (Cancellation of Paraquat,
Dimethoate and Fenthion formulations) (First Draft stage) (2010).
5. Assisted in preparation and introducing an extensive guideline on pesticide
advertisements for the pesticide industry thereby upgrading the relevant
implementation standards while assuring user and the consumer safety against
mislead and to protect human health and the environment through judicious use
Services rendered as the officer-in-charge of pesticide advertisements from 19982005 and 2008-2009 (1998 - 2009).
6. Detailed guideline prepared (viz. Eco-Friendly Registration Approach; EFRA) in
order to identify safer pesticides on human health and environmental aspects and
expedite evaluation thereby to promote pesticide industry to offer safer pesticides
expeditiously (Draft stage) (1998).
7. Assisted in developing a pesticide evaluation guideline in order to upgrade the
registration standards while assuring a thorough evaluation of technical dossiers
submitted for registration (1999).
8. Assisted in extensive technical evaluations for banning of 26 highly hazardous
pesticides under the provisions of the Control of Pesticides Act (COP Act)
(Gazette Extraordinary No. 1190/24 of June 29, 2001) (2001).
9. Assisted in extensive technical evaluations for banning of another 39 highly
hazardous pesticide formulations (WHO hazard class Ia/Ib) based on
toxicological profiles (2001).
10. Assisted in publishing a complete list of pesticides registered in the country after
all preparatory work in all 3 languages comprising of 405 general pesticides, 107
of domestic pesticides and 107 of restricted pesticides through the Government
Gazette No. 1254/2 of September 18, 2002 (2002).
11. As an Authorized Officer appointed under the COP Act, actions were instituted
before the court of law, first time in the history to take such an action by an
Authorized Officer, against sale of an adulterated pesticide by a pesticide dealer at
Dambulla and attended for more than 25 proceedings until the case investigation
was completed (1998 - 2001).
12. Detailed guideline prepared on pesticide labels in order to guide pesticide industry
in preparation of pesticide labels that enabling the industry to comply and
harmonize with the legal framework while ensuring accommodating of vital
information for efficient and safe use of pesticides, which has been used as a
working document since 1998-2009 (Draft stage) (1998 - 2009).
13. Assisted in introducing user-friendly pesticide label layout for the pesticide
industry in order to harmonize overall labeling system among industry with
particular attention on placement and how to describe the specific items it carries
in order to assure optimum information required to the end user with uniform,
easy-to-locate product specific information that ensure safe and efficient use of
pesticides; Services rendered as the officer-in-charge of pesticide labels from
1997-2005 and 2008-2009 (1997 - 2009).
14. Assisted in preparation and introducing a coded pesticide selection guideline for
testing thereby upgrading relevant implementation standards while assuring safer
pesticides introduced for experimental purposes (1999).
15. Contributed for the preparation and upgrading on technical aspects of the
Pesticide Recommendation Manual of the Department of Agriculture (1997).
16. Contributed for upgrading technical aspects of the revised Pesticide
Recommendation Manual of the Department of Agriculture (2002-2009); Services
rendered as a co-editor of the Pesticide Recommendation Manual of the
Department of Agriculture (2009).
17. Contributed for upgrading of technical crop bulletins of the Department of
Agriculture with respect to pesticide recommendations (1997 - 2009).
18. Initiated a scientific dialogue among relevant scientists responsible for pesticide
bio-efficacy evaluations on the existing irregularities of dosage-dilution
relationship in the pesticide recommendation procedure; This aspect has been
thoroughly discussed and necessary amendments have been done while
continuing on the new draft version (2004 - 2009).
19. Drafting of progress report to be published in the annual Administration Report of
the Department of Agriculture with respect to the chapter on “Office of the
Registrar of Pesticides” (1997 - 2005).
20. Major resource provider to the scientific and general community with respect to
various aspects of pesticides through mass media (printed/electronic); viz. No. of
scientific articles written/published-6; No. of technical articles written/published
in various fora-50; No. of electronic media discussions attended-7 (1997 - 2009).
21. Major resource provider to the agricultural extension service on pesticide
recommendations through hand-outs, lectures at pre-seasonal training programs,
other officer training programs, etc. (>52) in order to ensure most efficient
information flow and vested with most up-to-date information with respect to ever
developing pesticide market (1997 - 2009).
22. Leading role played in organizing 2 international workshopsviz.
1. Second technical workshop on Impact and Tranboundary Transport of
Persistent Toxic Substances in Indian Ocean Region, July 29-31, 2002,
Colombo (2002).
2. National Consultation on Ratification and Implementation of Rotterdam
Convention in Sri Lanka, April 17-21, 2005, Wadduwa (2005).
23. Leading role played in organizing 3 technical seminars on new pesticides in
agriculture for the extension sector, comprising of presentations covering product
specific information such as adverse health and environmental aspects, bioefficacy, mode-of-action and field performance with vast appreciation by the
participants (2002 - 2004).
24. Assisted in complete review of the status of 18 pesticide active ingredients
identified by the Presidential Committee on “Chemicals Used in Agriculture,
Health and Other Sectors” with special emphasis on international developments
regarding prohibitions and adverse health effects for additional regulatory
conclusions in addition to the routing screening program (2002).
25. Initiated and assisted in analyzing of regulatory concern over the status of
Paraquat use in Sri Lanka having concerned with associated reports of intentional
(suicidal/homicidal) and accidental poisonings; expert comments were invited
from three major disciplines (medical/health, industrial technology and regulatory,
marketing) in order to implement suitable procedures to protect the public,
especially to prevent Paraquat using as a suicidal tool (2003).
26. Involved in a collaborative work with the Ministry of Environment and Natural
Resources for the execution of the national Implementation Plan under the
Stockholm Convention in preparing a status report on POP pesticides in the
country and participated in the drafting and inventory preparation on POP
pesticides used in the country along with a complementary analytical survey to
assess the current contamination levels in some environmental compartments
(2003 - 2005).
27. Assisted in preparation and submitting government’s position on banning of 26
pesticides under the Rotterdam Convention for assured update information to be
published in the annual PIC Circular which is considered as the consolidated list
for each country’s position on banned pesticides for international awareness
28. Initiated and prepared formal notification to the PIC Secretariat of FAO/UNEP on
prohibition of import and distribution of Endosulfan 35% EC formulations as a
part of international coordination with regulatory activities for international
consideration (1999).
29. Initiated and completed a comprehensive field/laboratory study of field
performance of Propanil herbicide in wet-seeded rice with the Plant Protection
Center and first evidenced development of resistance in grass-weeds against
propanil in the country (AGTEC in brief, Vol. 2 No. 8, July 1997, p.4) (1997).
19. Assisted in the identification of several highly hazardous pesticide formulations
during continuous evaluation process such as Endosulfan, Chlorpyrifos,
Edifenphos, Carbosulfan, Quinalphos for phase-out from use as a human health
conservatory measure for which less hazardous formulations were introduced e.g.
(1) Edifenphos 30% EC over 50% EC and (2) Carbosulfan 50% SC over
Carbosulfan 50% EC (1998 - 2000).
20. Assisted in the screening of applications and identification of highly hazardous
Paraquat and Endosulfan formulations through extensive and vigilant evaluation
of registration dossiers, which led rejection of applications (1998).
21. Assisted in case investigations for evaluations of suspected highly toxic pesticide
formulation samples of Endosulfan and Carbosulfan sent to M/s SafePharm
Laboratory, United Kingdom for acute toxicity testing as against test results
declared in the reports previously submitted by the manufacturer which led
prohibition of sources based on actual test results (1998).
22. Assisted in introducing an incentive scheme in the registration system to promote
the industry to offer safer pesticides and conducted evaluation work thereby
number of safer chemicals as well as formulations were made available for the
farmer (1998 - 2008).
23. Initiated and assisted for identification of Propanil formulations that wrongly
categorizing in WHO hazard class III. Hitherto (until 2008) all Propanil 36% EC
formulations were considered as class III but actual toxicology profiles were
verified and identified as that they are come under class II. Necessary upgrading
of product labels was done accordingly (2008).
24. Initiated a scientific dialogue among relevant scientists and the pesticide industry
on the existing irregularities of pesticide applications e.g. nozzle types used and
crop water requirement etc. This aspect has been thoroughly discussed and
necessary follow up studies are progressing (2008 - 2009).
25. Assisted in preparing and decision making in registration requirements leading to
a guideline for biological pesticides such as Bacillus thurigiensis (Bt) for
mosquito control (2010).
26. Initiated and organized to introduce a display board in pesticide sales outlets with
the help of CropLife, Sri Lanka in order to differentiate certified and non-certified
outlets and at the same time, giving incentive for compliance (2010).
27. Prepared guidelines for registration of new pesticide industry (2012).
28. Prepared guidelines for source change in pesticides (2012).
29 Assisted in preparation of pesticide registration guideline advisory brochure
30. Prepared guidelines for the use of phosphine-releasing products in Sri Lanka
31. Designed a certificate of pest control services (2012).
32. Designed a pest control training course in consultation with the Agriculture
Education Unit of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya and
currently working as a facilitators and a resource person on pesticide regulations
33. Designed a logo for the Office of the Registrar of Pesticides (2012)
Scholarship offered by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for the
certificate training on “Risk Assessment and Monitoring for Environmental
Chemicals”, February 2000 - September, 2000.
Scholarship offered by the Parliamentary Scholarship Board, Government of Sri
Lanka for M.Sc. training on “Environmental Engineering and Management”,
January, 2006-December, 2007.
President’s Doctoral Tuition Award by University of New Brunswick for Ph.D.
training on Biology, May 2009 – May 2012.
International Differential Fee Scholarship Award, by University of New
Brunswick for Ph.D. training on Biology, May 2009 – May 2012.
Research Grant given by International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA), Austria
for the conductance of pesticide dynamics in agricultural catchments in relation to
the Pesticide Impact Ranking Index (PIRI) under the IAEA Research Contract No.
2008R150790 (approx. Rs. 2,000,000.00) 2009 - 2013.
Publications (referred)
Sumith, J.A., 2001. Are we facing devastation with Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals?
Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, Vol. 3: 399-400 pp.
Sumith, J.A., and J.M.R.S. Bandara. 2002. Effect of Potassium (K) in Relation to the
Development and Severity of Damping-off in Tobacco-Nicotiana tabacum (L.), Annals
of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, Vol. 4: 327-335 pp.
Sumith, J.A., Leadprathom, N. and Parkpian, P. 2008. Lethal and sub-lethal interactive
toxicity of endosulfan and lindane on black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon Fabricius).
Tropical Agricultural Research, Vol. 20: 12-24 pp.
Sumith, J.A., and Parkpian, P. 2008. Behaviour of endosulfan and lindane during
sediment elutriate and water spike toxicity tests under saline conditions. Annals of the
Department of Agriculture, Vol. 10: 231-243 pp.
Sumith, J.A., Leadprathom, N. and Parkpian, P. 2009. Dredging influenced sediment
toxicity of endosulfan and lindane on black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon fabricius) in
Chantaburi river estuary in Thailand. International Journal of Sediment Research, Vol. 24,
No. 4, 454-463 pp.
Sumith, J.A., and K.R. Munkittrick, 2011. Study design considerations for assessing the
health of fish populations impacted by agriculture in developing countries: a Sri Lankan
case study. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 13(8): 2069-2336 pp.
Sumith, J.A., and K.R. Munkittrick, 2011. Agricultural impact on reproductive
performance of Ceylon stone sucker (Garra ceylonensis Bleeker, 1863). Indian Journal of
Science and Technology, 4(S8): 249-250 pp.
Sumith, J.A., Munkittrick, K.R. and Athukorale, N. (2011) Fish assemblage structure of
two contrasting stream catchments of the Mahaweli River basin in Sri Lanka: hallmarks
of human exploitation and implications for conservation. The Open Conservation
Biology Journal 5, 25–44 pp.
Sumith, J.A. and Munkittrick, K.R. (2011) Determinants and externalities of pesticide
use practices in intensive mixed vegetable-rice growing areas in the Uma-oya catchment
in Sri Lanka. Tropical Agriculturist 159, 61-105 pp.
Sumith, J.A., Hansani, P.K.C., Weeraratne, T.C. and Munkittrick, K.R. (2012) Seasonal
exposure of fish to neurotoxic pesticides in an intensive agricultural catchment, Uma-oya,
Sri Lanka: linking contamination and acetylcholinesterase inhibition. Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry 31(7), 1501-1510 pp.
Leadprathom, N., Teangtarn, P., Ing-Kanorn, K., Sumith, J.A. and Sonthi, M. (2012)
Determining the effect of sediment resuspension from the activity of phenoloxidase in
Penaeid shrimp post larvae. American Journal of Environmental Sciences 8 (3), 304-310
Publications (Non-referred)
Amarasinghe, L, I.A. Ekneligoda and J.A. Sumith. 1997. Use of propanil in wet seeded
rice-Some recent observations. AG-TEC, Vol. 2, No. 8 July 1997. p. 4.
Sumith, J.A. 2002. Pesticide Management in Sri Lanka: Implementation Issues and Past
Experience. Economic Review, Vol. 28, No. 8/9: November/December 2002, 23-27 pp.
People’s Bank Publication.
Sumith, J.A. 2002. Soil Solarization: Prospects and Limitations. KRUSHI, Vol. 21, 2002.
Sumith, J.A. 2005. Pesticide Management in Sri Lanka. Paper submitted for the Asia
Regional Workshop on Implementation, Monitoring and Observance, International Code
of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides, Bangkok, Thailand 26-28 July,
2005, RAP Publication 2005/29.
Sumith, J.A. 2007. Assessment of Dredging Influenced Sediment Toxicity of Endosulfan
and Lindane using Black Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) in
Chantaburi Estuary in Thailand. M.Sc. Thesis: Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand,
December, 2007, 121 p.
Sumith, J.A. (2012) Philosophy of Science: Difference between science and cookedscience. Sri Lanka Plant Protection Industry Journal 5, August 2012, 48-52.
Sumith, J.A. (2012) Overview of causal factors of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in Sri
Lanka. Sri Lanka Plant Protection Industry Journal 5, August 2012, 75-79.
Sumith, J.A. (2012) Designing a Fish Assessment Program for High Pesticide Use
Agricultural Areas in Sri Lanka. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of New Brunswick,
Canada, May 2012, 272 p.
Technical articles (Popular Articles in Press &
Sumith J.A. æ#Æù$Áæ èÝó ´`ùÛ´ð µ×$÷À$èùßù$ ÆóÔÈ ÷ÀòÔ ùÚ<`Ø÷ÀÚ
÷À? DINAMINA krushi sangrahaya, Friday May 29th 1998. p. 9.
Sumith J.A. û}Úµý$ßøù$Áæ µÙßýÙµ×ùß &{õÚæ æØù à$ØæßÂ$<. DIVAINA
krushi sangrahaya, Friday December 28th 2001. p.13.
Sumith J.A. {ÚõÝ´õ×ð û}Úµý$ßøù$Áæ æÙ<È æØùßù äû$. DIVAINA krushi
sangrahaya, Friday August 31st 1998. p. 9.
Sumith J.A. {ÚõÝ´õ×ð û}Úµý$ßøù$Áæ æÙ<È æØùßù äû$. DINAMINA
krushi sangrahaya, Friday August 31st 1998. p. 6.
Sumith J.A. à${$Ø &ÔØæßÂÚõõ$<× &úÀ{$ û}Úµý$ßøù$Áæ. DINAMINA
krushi sangrahaya, Friday March 27th 1998. p. 6.
Sumith J.A. æ#Æù$Áæ èÝó ´`ùÛ´ð µ×$÷À$èùßù$ ÆóÔÈ ÷ÀôÔ ùÚ<`’÷ÀÚ
÷À? DIVAINA krushi sangrahaya, Friday May 29th 1998. p. 13.
Sumith J.A. û}Úµý$ßøù$Áæ ûÍ{Øó×
Friday September 25th 1998. p. 13.
Sumith J.A. èÝó <`± µ÷À$&ß àòÔ µæ$µ{$Ö æ#Æù$Áæ. DINAMINA krushi
sangrahaya, September 26th 2002. p. 17.
Sumith J.A. µûØ à&ß<ùÔ æ$Ù× ý`{`Ø æÚε´ùß íùõ$<µèß µ&[ç]ð
õÌíù×æß. SANASA September, 2001. p. 4.
Sumith J.A. û}Úµý$ßøù$Áæ ûÜõÚµØ$ß¾õ$<× <`}`æßÒ´ð ùÈ...DIVAINA
krushi sangrahaya, Friday March 26th, 1999. p. 17 and Friday April 30th 1999. p.
Sumith J.A. û}Úµý$ßøù$Áæ þ$Ñõ×. LANKA, Issue 6, Vol.6, July 1999. p. 12-14.
Sumith J.A. à${$Ø &ÔØæßÂÚõõ$<× &úÀ{$
sangrahaya, Friday March 27th 1998. p. 21.
Sumith J.A. Pesticide Management in Sri Lanka; Need for Multidisciplinary Approach.
DAILY NEWS, Thursday September 03rd 2002. p. 15.
Sumith J.A. àòÔ Ñ×÷À´æÚùß <è$< à$ØæßÂ$ æØ è`ùÛ´ð äßæ$ý÷Àßø
û}Úµý$ßø û$Ùù×. ARUNA September 2002, Ministry of Agriculture and
Livestock. p. 4.
Sumith J.A. Ñ æ|´ µÈ&×ð à`Ñõß. DINAMINA arogya, Tuesday September
2002. p. 12.
Sumith J.A. û}Úµý$ßøù$Áæ <ÙÚùß µõ$Ø à${$Ø×æß &úÀ{$. NAWALIYA,
Monday September 03rd 2002. p. 28.
Sumith J.A. û}Úµý$ßøù$Áæ ù&$ ä}<_-û}õÝØ` à${$Ø×ð è`ùÛ´ð
µù${`æÚ÷À? SIRIKATHA, Monday October 21st 2002. p. 6.
Sumith J.A. ûÍ&Ø×ð {ÚõæØ û}Úµý$ßø×ùßð à{ÚõæØ <$óÚí Ñþ<×æß à`õÚ
µæ$µ{$Ö æ#Æù$Áæ. DINAMINA aswanna, Tuesday November 5th 2002. p.
Sumith J.A. èÝó <`± µ÷À$&ß àòÔ µæ$µ{$Ö æ#Æù$Áæ. PASA-DIYA, Vol. 1,
Issue 2, 2002. p. 23-26.
Sumith J.A. û}Úµý$ßøù$Áæ <Ù ÷À$×æõß<× è`ù àûÚ µ{$úÀÚùß
÷À`ùÔ<õß ÷À? VIDUSARA, Wednesday August 07th 2002. p. 11.
Sumith J.A. µæ$µ{$Ö æ#Æù$Áæ ùÚû÷À<$ µ<µ}úÀ µû$Ù í× èõ {`æÚ ´è.
DINAMINA aswanna, Tuesday November 19th 2002. p. 12-13.
Sumith J.A. þ$Ñõ× ûÍ&ß&Æùß
December 17th 2002. p. 12.
DINAMINA aswanna,
Sumith J.A. õÚõßõ µæ$µ{$Ö è`ù Æ{ÚÍ æö$<æß. VIDUSARA, Wednesday
January 08th 2003, p. 8-9.
Sumith J.A. µýµù$ÆÙß àò‘èÝ ÷ÀÚÙÛØù$Áæ &Û´$ µæµÌ. DIVAINA krushi
sangrahaya, Friday February 23rd 2001. p. 13.
Sumith J.A. ý× ù`õÚ< µ<µ}úÀµû$} ûÜÁßó æØùßù ûÔØ`÷¸ <ùßù.
SIRIKATHA, Monday January 27th 2003. p. 11.
Sumith J.A. åý æ|´ð èùßµùß ä}<_, û}õÝØ`÷À û}Úµý$ßøù$Áæ÷À?
BIRINDA, Monday February 10th 2003. p. 3.
Sumith J.A. æ#ÂÚæ$ÌÆæ µý$ßè <è$µÓ ÷ÀÛ äßæ$ý÷Àßø û}Úµý$ßø û$Ùù
&‘æÙßû &´è û|µ{ù Ø&$×ùÚæ ´Ì÷Àù ûÚ}Úµ<õß. ECONOMIC
REVIEW, Volume 28, September/October 2002 Number 8/9 p. 24-30 People’s
Bank Publication.
Sumith J.A. æÝò$ ÷ÀØ`<ùß }êÚùß ´÷¸Ø` ÷ÀêØ õýùßù äû$. NAWALIYA,
Monday March 03rd 2003. p. 39.
Sumith, J.A. àÑë$Ø<õß æ$µý$\Ú×ÔØ$ùß ûÍ{Øóµ×ùß ´{íù µ&[ç]×õß
ûÍ&Ø×õß àùõݵÌ. VIDUSARA, Wednesday March 19th 2003, p. 10.
Sumith, J.A. ´÷¸Ø`<ùßð äµØ{Ú µù$ù<õÚù Ø&$×ùÚæ àØèÙ×.
NAVAYUGAYA, December 2003, p. 65-69.
Sumith, J.A. &ß<$þ$Ñæ {$ æ#õÜÛ´ û}Úµý$ßøù$Áæ àõØ àõØ´‘ <ù
û$͵þ$ßèÚæ×$. NAVAYUGAYA, May 2004, p. 48-50.
Sumith, J.A. <®ù$ ÆùÚ&ß ¶Ñõ Æ}Úù æØù û}Úµý$ßøù$Áæ ØæÝ&$ û`Ø÷ÀÒ´:
û}Úµý$ßøù$Áæ ´èÚùß &Ú×÷ÀÚÑ ù&$ èùßù$ ´‘ à{ÔØù ùÛõÚ äß
&úÀ{$ µæµõæß ÷¸Øð
ãûæ$Î Ò õÚµÅ÷À? PASA-DIYA, Special Issue,
January 2004, p. 48-52.
Sumith, J.A. ÆùÚ&ß &‘{õÚµ×ß ´{$ µ¤÷À<$ëæ×æ µ&ß×$ àõ }ê:
àùõØ$&Ìè µ{$ß̵´$ßù àòûó æØù Ø&$×ùÚæ ûÍ&Ø ÷¼Âæ×ùß àõØ
´ÔÙß õ`ùð. PASA-DIYA, Vol. 2, Issue 3-2003, p. 1-6.
Sumith, J.A. ´÷¸Ø` ´^ù ÷ÀêØ. NAVAYUGAYA, June 2003, p. 58-60.
Sumith, J.A. áùß÷ÀÚ×$ùÔ &$èØ æÙ$û× µ÷À à$æ$Ø×æÚùß Ø&$×ùÚæ
÷¼Âóµ×ß. VIDUSARA, Wednesday May 21st 2003, p. 5.
Sumith, J.A. áùß÷ÀÚ×$ùÔ &$èØ æÙ$ûµ×ß Ø&$×ùÚæ ÷¼Âó×ð õÚõ õ`Ä´ð
{`æÚ µÓ÷À? VIDUSARA, Wednesday May 28th 2003, p. 15.
Sumith, J.A. &ß<$þ$Ñæ {$ æ#õÜÛ´ û}Úµý$ßøù$Áæ àõØ àõØ´‘ <ù
û$͵þ$ßèÚæ×$. VIDUSARA, Wednesday June 30th 2004, p. 15.
Sumith, J.A. û}Úµý$ßøù$Áæ µÙßýÙµ×ùß &{æÚæ æØù à$ØæßÂ$<. Navadella,
LAKBIMA, May 28, 2004, p. 15.
Sumith, J.A. µý$ßè <è$<ð µæ$µ{$Ö æ#Æù$Áæ. Navadella, LAKBIMA, June
2004, p.15.
Sumith, J.A. û}Úµý$ßøù$Áæ àùõÝØ` &{Úõ×Ú. ûܵÓÁµ´ùß ûÍ{Øó×
æØùßù. PASA-DIYA, Vol. 3-2, Issue 2-2003, p. 14-15.
Sumith, J.A. û}Úµý$ßøù$Áæ <ÙÚùß µõ$Ø à${$Ø×æß. PASA-DIYA, Vol. 3-2,
Issue 2- 2003, p. 27-28.
Sumith, J.A. ý× ù`õÚ< µ<µ}úÀµû$Ù ûÜÁßó æØùßù, PASA-DIYA, Vol. 3-2,
Issue 2- 2003, p. 7.
Sumith, J.A. û}Úµý$ßøù$Áæ ÑÂ, Ñ ´`ùÛ´ {$ ÑÂ ÒµÈ µ<ù&. Technical
Monograph, November 2004, pp. 23.
Sumith, J.A. Ø&$×ùÚæ ûÍ&Ø ÷¼¼Âó× à<´ æÚδð {Íõ Ø&$×ù× õÝ}Úùß
µ÷À$µ}$&ß <`÷À|Ø`È æÜÚ×$æ$Î µ×$ßíù$. Soba (Environment
Publication), Volume X, Issue 12-2004, p. 47-51.
Sumith, J.A. Ø&$×ùÚæ<Ù ÷ÀÚ×Ò ×ù µÙ$ßæ µµí< ÑÑøõß<×. VIDUSARA,
Wednesday May 18th 2005, p. 16-17.
Sumith, J.A. Ø&$×ùÚæ ûÍ&Ø ÷¼¼Âó× ùÚ&$ Ñù$Á <ù µµí< ÑÑøõß<×.
NAVAYUGAYA, February 2005, p. 25-31.
Sumith, J.A. æ#ÂÚæ$ÌÆæ à<Á]õ$<×ùß &´è µù$ è`®× ×ÔõÝ Ø&$×ùÚæ
´÷¸Ø` û$Ùù×. PASA-DIYA, Vol. 3, Issue 2- 2004, p. 31-36.
Sumith, J.A. <®ù$ ¶Ñõ ÆÙÚù æØù û}Úµý$ßøù$Áæ û`Ø÷ÀÒ´. VIDUSARA,
Wednesday February 4th 2004, p. 15.
Sumith, J.A. ûÍ&Ø ÷¼¼Âó× à<´ æÚÎµÈ {Íõ Ø&$×ù µ÷À$µ}$&ß <`÷À|Ø`È
µ×$ßíù$. VIDUSARA, Wednesday March 16th 2005, p. 15.
Sumith, J.A. û}Úµý$ßøù$Áæ ÑÂ, Ñ ´`ùÛ´ {$ ÑÂ ÒµÈ µ<ù&. Surakemu,
Technical Publication of the Office of the Registrar of Pesticides, Volume 1, Issue
1, January-March, 2005. p. 2.
Sumith. J.A. Pesticide Label Guide, Control of Pesticides Act No. 33 of 1980.
Guideline Booklet, December 2010.
Sumith, J.A. <®ù$ ñksia ¶Ñõ wl,g ÆÙÚù æØù û}Úµý$ßøù$Áæ. GOVIKAM
SANGARAWA, 42(3), 2012, ISSN 1391-5703, pp. 25-31.
Sumith, J.A. &ß<$þ$Ñæ {$ æ#õÜÛ´ û}Úµý$ßøù$Áæ àõØ àõØ´‘ <ù
û$͵þ$ßèÚæ×$. GOVIKAM SANGARAWA, 42(3), 2012, ISSN 1391-5703, pp.
Short Courses Followed
Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides: 13-17 October, 1997 by ZENECA
Agrochemicals, Marawila, Sri Lanka.
Toxic Chemicals, Environment and Health: 21-26 July, 1997 by World Health
Organization, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Training Course on HPLC, LC-MS, GC-MS: 10-14 April, 2000 by Shimadzu
Sanjo Works, Kyoto, Japan.
Workshop on Environmental Related Issues for the Agricultural Sector: 07 June,
2002 by the Center for Environmental Studies, University of Peradeniya.
Stewardship Workshop on Rodenticides: 26-27 February, 2004 by SYNGENTA
and University of Reading, UK.
Workshop on Health Effects of Pesticides: 5-9 September, 2005 by the University
of Alabama at Birmingham, USA.
Training course on Workplace Standard First Aid with CPR C and AED, Level C
CPR/AED, June 10, 2009 (expiry date June 10, 2012) by St. John Ambulance,
Training course on River Ecology and Hydraulics, 12-21 August, 2010 by
University of New Brunswick, Canada at Biological Research Station, Queens
University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Workshop on MV Statistical Methods for Prediction & Hypothesis-testing: Case
Studies by Roger H. Green, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton NB
Canada, March 7-8, 2011.
International Workshops/Seminars Attended
UNEP sub-regional awareness raising workshop on the Rotterdam Convention on
the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals
and Pesticides in International Trade, Bangkok, Thailand, 8–11 December, 1998.
NSF National Seminar on Pesticide Poisoning – Present Knowledge and Urgency
for Future Research, Wednesday 4th August 1999, Gannoruwa, Sri Lanka.
Second technical workshop on Impact and Trans-boundary Transport of Persistent
Toxic Substances in Indian Ocean Region, July 29–31, 2002, Colombo, Sri
UNEP regional workshop on the Implementation of the Stockholm Convention on
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), Hanzhou, P.R. China, 14–21 October,
National Consultation on Ratification and Implementation of Rotterdam
Convention in Sri Lanka, April 17–21, 2005, Wadduwa, Sri Lanka.
UNEP Asia regional workshop on Implementation, Monitoring and Observance
of International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides,
Bangkok, Thailand, 26–28 July, 2005.
International Scientific workshop on Riverscape in Sri Lanka: Current knowledge
and future challenges, Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka, June
09, 2008.
Seminar on Fate and Effects of Pulp and Paper Mill Effluents (7th Meeting) by
International Water Association, Canadian rivers Institute, University of New
Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada, 14–17 July, 2009.
Third Research Coordination Meeting for Coordinated Research Project D5.20.35,
Integrated Analytical Approaches to Assess Indicators of the Effectiveness of
Pesticide Management Practices, Vienna, Austria, 06–10 December, 2010.
National Workshop on Updating the National Chemical Profile of Sri Lanka,
Central Environmental Authority, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 20 March, 2013.
International Conference on Waste management: Towards Waste Free Sri Lanka.
King’s Court, Cinnamon Lakeside, Colombo 01, Sri Lanka. 22 March, 2013.
Training on Chemical Accident Prevention and Preparedness. Cinnamon Lakeside,
Colombo 01, Sri Lanka. 16–18 September, 2013.
The ninth meeting of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee
(POPRC-9), and a joint meeting of the POPRC and the Rotterdam Convention’s
Chemical Review Committee. FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy. 14–20 October
Consultant Workshop with Stakeholders on Curriculum Revision, Rajarata
University of Sri Lanka. Hotel Topaz, Kandy, Sri Lanka. 03 April, 2014.
Roundtable Meeting on Issues Related to Imports/Exports of Biological Samples,
Consumables and Equipment. Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration
(SLIDA), Colombo, Sri Lanka. 09 April, 2014.
The Coordination meeting of the Chair of the Small Intersessional Working
Group (SIWG) on Persistent Organic Pollutants, Geneva, Switzerland, 21-23
May 2014.
The workshop on enabling activities to review and update the National
Implementation Plan (NIP) for the Stockholm Convention on POPs in Sri Lanka.
Palm Village Hotel, Hendala, Sri Lanka. 25-27 June 2014.
The workshop on GEF National Dialogue Initiatives in Sri Lanka. Pegasus Reef
Hotel, Hendala, Sri Lanka. 17-18 July 2014.
The workshop on new alternative method to control mosquito menace in Sri
Seminar/Workshop Presentations
Legal Aspects of Agriculture and Biotechnology: Regulations Governing
Pesticide Usage in Sri Lanka – Workshop on Legal Aspects of Agriculture and
Biotechnology, Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya.
POP Pesticides and their Regulatory Status in Sri Lanka – Workshop on Global
Day of Action on POPs in Sri Lanka; Impact of open burning and elimination of
persistent organic pollutants (POPs), 29th April 2005, Sri Lanka Association for
the Advancement of Science (SLAAS), Colombo.
Designing a Fish Assessment Program for High Pesticide Use Agricultural Areas
in Sri Lanka - 2009-2010 NWRI Seminar Series, Thursday, July 29, 2010,
National Water Research Institute-Burlington, Ontario, Canada.
Safe Use of Aluminium Utensils and Pesticides - A residential workshop on safe
use of aluminium utensils and pesticides conducted for school teachers and
students in Galenbindunuwewa region in the Anuradapura District on 18-19,
September, 2008 at the National Resort in Anuradapura.
River Health upon Dredging: A case study from Chantaburi river estuary in
Thailand on black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon Fabricius)- Biology Seminar
Series, June 12, 2009, University of New Brunswick, Canada.
Pesticide Regulatory Management in Sri Lanka: An Overview - Regional
Stewardship Workshop of CropLife Asia, Wednesday 29th September, 2010,
Kandalama Hotel, Dambulla.
Regulatory Issues and Current Research: Assessing Pesticide Impacts in Sri
Lanka – Visit of Bayer CropScience AG research facility, Monheim, Monday,
30th August, 2010, Bayer CropScience, Monheim, Germany.
Regulatory Issues and Current Research: Assessing Pesticide Impacts in Sri
Lanka – Visit of Bayer CropScience AG research facility, Sophia-Antipolis,
France, Wednesday, 02nd September, 2010, Bayer CropScience, Sophia-Antipolis,
Regulatory Issues and Current Research: Assessing Pesticide Impacts in Sri
Lanka – Visit of Alterra Research facility, Wageningen University, The
Netherlands, Thursday, 03rd September, 2010, Wageningen University and
Research Station, Wageningen,The Netherlands.
Disposal of Pesticides/Wastes in Cement Kilns: Personnel’s Right-to-Know about
Pesticides, Awareness Raising – GeoCycle, Holcim Lanka Ltd., Colombo 03,
Friday 29th October, 2010.
Designing a Fish Assessment Program for High Pesticide Use Agricultural
Areas in Sri Lanka – (Public lecture) Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy, Sri
Lanka, Wednesday 10th November, 2010.
Regulation of Pesticides in Sri Lanka-an Overview- (Lecture), Postgraduate
Institute of Medicine, Department of Community Medicine, University of
Colombo, Sri Lanka, Sunday 07th November, 2010.
A personnel’s Right-to-Know about Pesticides: Awareness Raising on Use and
Disposal of Pesticides/Wastes – GeoCycle, Holcim Lanka Ltd., Holcim Cement
Works, Puttlam, Tuesday 30th November, 2010.
Integrated Analytical Approaches to Assess Indicators of the Effectiveness of
Pesticide Management Practices in the Uma-oya Catchment, Sri Lanka.
International Atomic Energy Authority, F08 22, Vienna, Austria, 06-10
December, 2010.
Relative toxicity of pesticides in the developing world: do toxicity data (LD50)
from animals predict human toxicity of pesticides? BIOL Seminar Series,
University of New Brunswick, Saint John, Canada, Thursday 24th February,
Relative toxicity of pesticides in the developing world: do toxicity data (LD50)
from animals predict human toxicity of pesticides? Invited seminar presentation,
University of Prince Edward Island, Department of Biology, Charlottown,
Canada, Wednesday 13th April, 2011.
Agricultural impact on reproductive performance of Ceylon stone sucker (Garra
ceylonensis Bleeker, 1863), Presentation at the 9th International Symposium on
Reproductive Physiology of Fish, Cochin, India, August 9 – 14, 2011.
Rotterdam Convention: Opportunities & Challenges, Workshop on
Environmental Sustainability in Sri Lanka Multilateral Environmental
Agreements: Opportunities and Challenges, 8-10 May 2012, Sri Lanka
Foundation Institute, Colombo.
Ecological Impact of Neurotoxic Insecticides Used in Agriculture- a case study in
the Uma-oya, Presentation at the Entomology Working Group Meeting, ISTI,
Gannoruwa, Peradeniya, October 19, 2012.
Present status of unintentional contamination of mercury through pesticides,
Status Verification Workshop on Mercury, 5-6 September 2012 at HARTI,
Sponsored by the Ministry of Environment.
Pesticides for the Control of Termites and their Human and Ecological Impacts.
Invited Lecture, Training of Trainers on Termite Control in Buildings, 05 April,
2013 at In-Service Training Institute, Gannoruwa.
Arsenic, Chronic Kidney Disease and Agriculture. Invited Presentation, The
Organization of Professional Association of Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 07
May, 2013.
Proper Labeling of Plant Growth Regulators. Presentation for the industry
personnel under patronage of the Committee of Plant Growth Regulators,
Department of Agriculture, at In-service Training Institute, Gannoruwa. 07 June,
Aspects of Pesticide Regulation & Management in Sri Lanka. Invited Lecture for
Sri Lanka Administrative Service Officers, at In-service Training Institute,
Gannoruwa. 10 June, 2013.
Aspects of Pesticide Regulation & Management in Sri Lanka. Invited Lecture for
Graduate Recruits in Batticaloa District, District Secretariat, Batticaloa, 11 June,
Pesticides and Social Security, Lecture for the Police Officers in-charge of
Environment Division, Sri Lanka Police Department (North-Central Province),
Anon Rest, Dambulla, 15 August, 2013.
Safe Use of Pesticides. Invited lecture for farmers and technical officers, Uva
Province Department of Agriculture, Badulla, 22 August, 2013.
Safe Use of Pesticides. Invited lecture for the technical officers in the Mahaweli
Authority-System C, Dehiattakandiya, 03 September, 2013.
Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides. Invited lecture for Agricultural Instructors in
the Uva Province, Bibile, 28 October, 2013.
New Regulations on Pesticide Advertising, Promotion, Transportation, Handling
of Expired Stocks at Retail Outlets. Invited Lecture for the Training Workshop
CIC Technical Officers. Mas Fabric Park, Thulhiriya, 11 March 2014.
Sri Lankan Pesticide Legislation: Ready to Support Food Safety for Domestic and
Export FFVs? Invited Lecture for the Workshop for Improving the Safety and
Quality of Sri Lanka Fruits and Vegetables. WTO/ITC Project, The Ceylon
Chamber of Commerce, Renuka Hotel, Colombo, 14 March, 2014.
Regulation and Registration of Environmentally-friendly Pesticides. Invited
Lecture for the Seminar on Agrochemicals: Their Analysis, Impact on Human
Health and Environment and Remedial Measures. Institute of Chemistry, Ceylon,
Colombo, 29 May 2014.
Media Repercussions: CKDu & Pesticides. Invited Lecture for the Unit &
Divisional Heads of Agricultural Extension and Communication Center,
Department of Agriculture. Plant Genetic Resources Center, Gannoruwa. 06 June,
Pesticide Use Issues & Newly Recommended Pesticides. Invited lecture for Plant
Protection Officers in the Department of Agriculture. In-service Training Institute,
Gannoruwa. 23 June, 2014.
Safe Use of Pesticides. Invited presentations for two farming groups in
Pathahewaheta area under AFACI Project, Department of Agriculture, 24 June,
Novel pesticides and safe use initiatives. Invited lecture for Agriculture
Instructors, Nuwara Eliya District, In-service Training Institute, Gannoruwa. 12
September, 2014.
Pesticides and Social Security, Lecture for the Police Officers in-charge of
Environment Division, Sri Lanka Police Department (North-Western Province),
Hotel Blue Sky, Kurunegala, 22 September, 2014.
Pesticides and Social Security, Lecture for the Police Officers in-charge of
Environment Division, Sri Lanka Police Department (Southern Province),
Hemalie Reception Hall, Matara, 30 September, 2014.
Novel pesticides and safe use initiatives. Invited lecture for Agriculture
Instructors, Matale District, In-service Training Institute, Gannoruwa. 03 October,
Overview of banned pesticides and newly recommended pesticides and safe use
initiatives. Invited lecture for Farm Managers of the Department of Agriculture,
In-service Training Institute, Gannoruwa. 14 October, 2014.
Formulation types and application technologies. Invited lecture for B.Sc. (Export
Agric.) final year undergraduates of the Uva Wellassa University, Horticultural
Crop Training & Development Institute, Bibile. 16 October, 2014.
Negative impacts of application of agrochemicals in an unsafe manner on
agriculture (Lecture I). Invited lecture for Farmers and Extension Officers in
Puttlam District. Organized by the Science Education Committee/SLAAS.
Kalpitiya. 10 November, 2014.
Safe usage of chemical pesticides (Lecture II). Invited lecture for Farmers and
Extension Officers in Puttlam District. Organized by the Science Education
Committee/SLAAS. Kalpitiya. 10 November, 2014.
Pesticide Formulations Pesticide Registration Procedure in Sri Lanka. Invited
Lecture for the Newly Recruited Entomologists to the Ministry of Health/Anti
Malaria Campaign. Regional Malaria Office, Kandy. 19 November, 2014.
Pesticides and Social Security, Lecture for the Police Officers in-charge of
Environment Division, Sri Lanka Police Department (Colombo District, Western
Province), Hector Kobbekaduwa Agricultural Research & Training Institute,
Colombo 07. 27 November, 2014.
Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides. Invited lecture for Science and Technology
Officers, Ministry of Technology and Research, Kandy. 05 December, 2014.
Pesticide regulation in Sri Lanka: Current situation of pesticide use, issues
pertaining and recommendations. Invited lecture for B.Sc. (Agriculture) Year IV
Semester students s of the Rajarata University, Department of Plant Science,
Anuradhapura. 11 December, 2014.
Public health pesticide regulation and handling. Invited presentation at the
product launch of Optigard Ant Gel and Optigard Cockroach Gel by M/s
Chemical Industries Colombo PLC. Hilton Colombo Residences, Colombo 02. 10
February, 2015.
How safe is the chemical you use? Using pesticides safely in urban environment.
Invited presentation at the Agro Services Pvt. Ltd., Araaroot Vila/ 5th Floor,
Haveeree Hingun, Male, Maldives.26 January, 2015.
Introductory overview of pesticide container management in Sri Lanka. Technical
presentations to Agriculture Officers at the Central Province. In-service Training
Institute, Gannoruwa. 02 March 2015.
Introductory overview of pesticide container management in Sri Lanka. Technical
presentations to Agriculture Officers at the North-western Province. Wayaba
Training Center, Wariyapola. 16 March 2015.
Introductory overview of pesticide container management in Sri Lanka. Technical
presentations to Agriculture Officers at the North-central Province. In-service
Training Institute, Maha-illuppallama. 27 March 2015.
National update on POP pesticide in Sri Lanka. Committee presentation on 2nd
National Steering Committee of the project on enabling activities to review and
update the NIP for Stockholm Convention on POPs, Ministry of Mahaweli
Development & Environment, Battaramulla, 31 March, 2015.
Technical Contributions
Team Leader: POP Pesticides-National Implementation Plan under the
Stockholm Convention on POPs for Sri Lanka, Ministry of Environment, Sri
Report Compiler: POP Pesticides-National Implementation Plan under the
Stockholm Convention on POPs for Sri Lanka, Ministry of Environment, Sri
Lanka - supplemented with “Preliminary Inventory of POP Pesticides, June 2006,
ISBN 955-9120-64-8, 36 p.
Report Compiler: Working sub-committee appointed by the Pesticides Technical
Advisory Committee (PeTAC) to investigate into Ethylene Oxide (IARC Group A
suspected human carcinogen) for possible registration in Sri Lanka (2008).
Course Instructor: Pesticide Module, Diploma in Toxicology, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka (2013, 2014).
Course Instructor: Pesticide Module, Diploma in Occupational Health and
Safety, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka (2012, 2013,
Course Instructor: Pesticide Module, Certificate Course in Pest Control
Techniques, Agricultural Education Unit, Faculty of Agriculture, University of
Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (2013, 2014).
Consultant (Chemical Management): The project on National Portfolio
Formulation Exercise (NPFE) for the Preparation of Project Proposals for GEF
Cycle-V, Ministry of Environment (2012).
Member: Committee on the evaluation of Plant Growth Regulators in the
Department of Agriculture (2013-2014).
Technical Contribution: Integrated Pest Control in Vegetable Cultivation for Sri
Lankan Farmers (Sinhala language), Book Published by the Department of
Agriculture, S.S. Weligamage (Author), 2012. 69 p.
Co-investigator and Project Coordinator: Pilot study on Severely Hazardous
Pesticide Formulations (SHPF) under Rotterdam Convention, (2012/2013).
Principle Investigator: The pesticide dynamics in agricultural catchments in
relation to the Pesticide Impact Ranking Index (PIRI) under the IAEA Research
Contract No. 2008R150790 by International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA),
Austria (2009 – 2013).
Sub-committee Member (2012, 2013), Annual Symposium of the Department of
Agriculture (Technical Sessions).
Member (Persistent Organic Pollutant Review Committee, Term 2014 May2018 May), United Nations Environment Program, Geneva, Switzerland.
Member (Term 2013-2014), Technical Advisory Group of the Global
Environment Facility/Small Grants Program, United Nations Development
Program (UNDP), Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Member (Term 2014), Intersessional Working Group (SIWG) on Persistent
Organic Pollutants, United Nations Environment Program, Geneva, Switzerland.
Member, National Coordinating Committee for the Implementation of Montreal
Protocol, Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energy.
Member, National Coordinating Committee on Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm
(BRS) Conventions, Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energy.
Member/Representative, National Steering Committee for Implementation of
the Chemical Weapons Convention in Sri Lanka, Ministry of Industry and
Session Chairperson, International Agricultural Research Symposium 2014, Sri
Lanka Council for Agricultural Research Policy.
Technical Contribution I: Good Agricultural Practices for Bitter Gourd, Ridge
Gourd & Snake Gourd in Sri Lanka. Book Published by the Department of
Agriculture, I. G. Tilakaratne (Compiler), 2013. 34 p.
Technical Contribution II: Good Agricultural Practices for Mango Cultivation
in Sri Lanka. Book Published by the Department of Agriculture, I. G. Tilakaratne
(Compiler), 2013. 34 p.
Report Compiler: POP Pesticides-2nd National Implementation Plan under the
Stockholm Convention on POPs for Sri Lanka, Ministry of Mahaweli
Development & Environment, Sri Lanka - supplemented with “Preliminary
Inventory of POP Pesticides, March 2015, 69 p.
Technical Contribution I: Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic
Pollutants, Nine Listed POPs (in Sinhala), Ministry of Environment 2012, 17 p.
Technical Contribution II: Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic
Pollutants, Revision 2009 (in Sinhala), Ministry of Environment & Renewable
Energy 2014, 83 p.
Technical Contribution III: Guidelines on Stockholm Convention on Persistent
Organic Pollutants, Revision 2009 (in Sinhala), Ministry of Environment &
Renewable Energy 2014, 25 p.