A LINGUISTICALLY-INFORMATIVE APPROACH TO DIALECT RECOGNITION USING DIALECT-DISCRIMINATING CONTEXT-DEPENDENT PHONETIC MODELS* Nancy F. Chen, Wade Shen, Joseph P. Campbell MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA, USA nancyc@mit.edu, swade@ll.mit.edu, jpc@ll.mit.edu ABSTRACT We propose supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms to extract dialect discriminating phonetic rules and use these rules to adapt biphones to identify dialects. Despite many challenges (e.g., sub-dialect issues and no word transcriptions), we discovered dialect discriminating biphones compatible with the linguistic literature, while outperforming a baseline monophone system by 7.5% (relative). Our proposed dialect discriminating biphone system achieves similar performance to a baseline all-biphone system despite using 25% fewer biphone models. In addition, our system complements PRLM (Phone Recognition followed by Language Modeling), verified by obtaining relative gains of 15-29% when fused with PRLM. Our work is an encouraging first step towards a linguistically-informative dialect recognition system, with potential applications in forensic phonetics, accent training, and language learning. Index Terms— dialect recognition, phonetic rules 1. INTRODUCTION Dialect is an important, yet complicated, aspect of speaker variability. A dialect is the language characteristics of a particular population, where the categorization is primarily regional. Linguistic studies in dialects are limited to small-scale populations due to timeconsuming manual analyses [1]. While these studies provide insight into how humans identify dialects, large-scale population testing is required to establish statistical significance. On the other hand, automatic dialect recognizers are typically trained on many speakers and efficiently process large amounts of data. However, current automatic dialect recognizers do not explicitly model the underlying rules that define dialects, making it difficult to interpret system models and recognition results in a linguistically-meaningful manner. In forensic phonetics, it is important that recognition results of a dialect recognizer are justifiable on linguistic grounds [2]. The goal of this work is thus to bridge the gap between the linguistic and engineering approaches by constructing an informative system that *This work is sponsored by the Command, Control and Interoperability Division (CID), which is housed within the Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate under Air Force Contract FA872105-C-0002. Opinions, interpretations, conclusions and recommendations are those of the authors and are not necessarily endorsed by the United States Government. Nancy Chen is also supported by the NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Award. 978-1-4244-4296-6/10/$25.00 ©2010 IEEE 5014 discovers dialect-discriminating pronunciation patterns and explicitly uses them to recognize dialects. These dialect-specific patterns are phonetic rules interpretable by humans. Many of these rules are phonetic-context dependent; e.g, /w/ in Indian English is often dropped when in the middle of a word, so “towel” sounds like “tall”. There are many challenges in designing an informative dialect recognizer that incorporates phonetic rules. (1) Standard phone recognizers inadequately capture acoustic differences across dialects. For example, in Indian English there is retroflex /d/, but a typical phone recognizer may not capture the retroflexness. The retroflex /d/ might be recognized as a typical /d/, /r/, or some phone less interpretable. (2) State-of-the-art phone recognizers are still far from perfect when there are no word transcriptions to force-align to. As a result, transcriptions generated by phone recognizers are noisy estimates of the true acoustic units. Though these limitations make it challenging to interpret dialect-specific phonetic rules, our work demonstrates a first step towards an informative dialect recognizer. Some researchers have investigated phonetic variations between native and non-native speech (e.g. [3, 4]), focusing on phoneticcontext independent rules, and on improving speech recognition. [5] modeled trajectories of acoustic observations to classify accents, but these models are difficult to interpret at the phonetic level as the observations are multi-dimensional. [6] analyzes accents with articulatory models, which complements phoneitc analyses in our work. Many techniques in dialect identification are ported from language identification [7]. These methods usually fall into two categories: (1) Acoustic modeling which often uses Gaussian mixture models (GMM) or Hidden Markov Models (HMM) [8, 9, 10, 11]; (2) Language modeling (LM), which captures statistics of phonotactic distributions; e.g., phone recognition followed by language modeling (PRLM) [12]. Since linguistics literature suggests that dialect differences often occur in certain phonetic contexts [13], we extend adapted phonetic models (APM) [9] to consider phonetic contexts and select phonetic contexts that are dialect-discriminating. The contributions of this paper are multifold: (1) we propose algorithms to discover dialect-specific context-dependent rules with and without using transcriptions; (2) despite many challenges in our dialect recognition task (e.g., sub-dialects in Indian English, lack of word transcriptions to obtain forced-aligned phones), we discovered dialect-specific rules compatible with the linguistic literature while achieving a 7.5% relative gain over a baseline monophone1 system; 1 “Phone” usually refers to “monophone”, where a phone’s surrounding phones do not affect the identity of the phone of interest; e.g., monophone [t] is always referred to as [t], regardless of its surrounding phones. A biphone is a monophone in the context of another monophone; e.g., biphone [t+a] is ICASSP 2010 (3) our proposed system complements PRLM, verified by obtaining relative gains of 14.6-29.3% in fusion experiments. Our work is an important step towards bridging linguistic and engineering approaches to analyzing dialects, and is potentially useful in applications such as forensic phonetics and accent training tools. 2. METHODS We exploit the fact that for a given phone recognizer, biphones have different recognition precision across dialects due to acoustic differences. Modeling the acoustics of these dialect discriminating biphones allows us to distinguish between dialects. 2.1. Supervised Learning 2.1.1. Selecting Dialect Discriminating Biphone Models We pass a phonetically-labeled speech sequence from dialect d ∈ {d1 , d2 } through a root phone recognizer λ that models monophones [9]. Let α be a recognizer-hypothesized phone and g(α) be the ground-truth phone corresponding to α. Biphone αβ is defined as the phone α that is followed by phone β. We consider biphone αβ to be dialect discriminating between dialect d1 and d2 if λ’s recognition precision of biphone αβ is different for the two dialects: |P (g(α) = α|αβ , λ, d1 ) − P (g(α) = α|αβ , λ, d2 )| ≥ θ0 (1) for some preset threshold θ0 and if there is sufficient occurrences of biphone αβ . 2.2. Unsupervised Learning We now discuss the case if the ground-truth phones from the pronunciation dictionary are not given as in Section 2.1. 2.2.1. Adapt All Biphone Models We use the 1-best hypothesis of root phone recognizer λ as groundtruth and then perform adaptation of Eq (3) for all biphones αβ ∈ {biphone set} labeled by λ. 2.2.2. Select Dialect Discriminating Biphone Models For each dialect d ∈ {d1 , d2 }, we denote yd,αβ to be all the acoustic observations of biphones labeled as αβ by the root recognizer λ in the training corpus. Let Td,αβ be the total duration of yd,αβ . Consider the log likelihood ratios ! P (yd1 ,αβ |λbi d1 ,αβ ) 1 d1 log (4) zαβ = Td1 ,αβ P (yd1 ,αβ |λbi d2 ,αβ ) ! P (yd2 ,αβ |λbi d1 ,αβ ) 1 d2 log . (5) zαβ = Td2 ,αβ P (yd2 ,αβ |λbi d2 ,αβ ) The greater the value of zαd1β , the better the acoustics of biphone bi αβ is modeled by λbi d1 ,αβ relative to λd2 ,αβ . Similarly, the smaller d2 the value of zαβ , the better the acoustics of biphone αβ is modeled bi d1 d2 by λbi d2 ,αβ relative to λd1 ,αβ . If zαβ is in general greater than zαβ , then biphone αβ is dialect discriminating between dialects d1 and d2 . Therefore, we define biphone αβ to be dialect discriminating if zαd1β − zαd2β ≥ θ 2.1.2. Adaptation of Dialect Discriminating Biphone Models (a) Monophone Adaptation. Since the root recognizer λ was trained on a different corpus from our data, for each monophone α, we first adapt its acoustic model λ(α) to a dialect specific one [9], where for d ∈ {d1 , d2 }, adapt λ(α) −→ λd (α) (2) (b) Biphone Adaptation. Using standard monophone to biphone adaptation methods in standard speech recognition systems, we adapt the dialect-specific monophone model λd (α) to a dialect specific biphone model λbi d (αβ ) for dialect discriminating biphones αβ defined by Eq (1), i.e., adapt λd (α) −→ λbi d (αβ ) (3) The adaptation process in Eq (3) is similar to that in Eq (2) except the adaptation data are now observations corresponding to biphone αβ . 2.1.3. Dialect Recognition Dialect recognition is accomplished via a likelihood ratio test by using the adapted biphone models to compute per-frame log likelihoods. Non-dialect discriminating biphones that occur in the test utterances are modeled as dialect-specific monophones obtained from Eq (2). defined as the monophone [t] followed by monophone [a]. 5015 (6) where θ is the decision threshold. 2.2.3. Dialect Recognition Dialect recognition is accomplished as in Section 2.1.3. 2.2.4. Remarks This method can still be used when we have ground-truth phones: the root recognizer’s 1-best hypotheses in Section 2.2.1 are replaced with ground-truth g from the dictionary pronunication. The learned biphones are expected to be more interpretable, since there are no longer phone recognition errors. 2.3. Comparison with PRLM In Eq.(1), the biphone recognition precision difference across dialects is generated by an acoustic difference that is dialect-specific. We use this dialect-specific information directly in the supervised method (Section 2.1), and implicitly in the unsupervised method (Section 2.2). In contrast, PRLM models differences in biphone occurrence frequency, and is consequently blind to dialect-specific acoustic differences. Therefore, our approach and PRLM complement each other. 3. EXPERIMENTS Experimental Setup. We evaluated our system on the NIST LRE07 English dialect task [18]. Our system was trained on 104 hours of Callfriend, LRE05 test set, OGI’s foreign accented English, and 3.1. Pilot Study: Analyzing Dialect-Specific /r/ Biphones We discuss a pilot study where we analyze hundreds of labeled /r/ using the supervised method in Section 2.1. 40 Miss probability (in %) LDC’s Mixer and Fisher corpora [14, 15, 16, 17]. The LRE07 test set includes 80 trials of American English and 160 trials of Indian English. Since the test set is small, it was difficult to conclusively interpret detection error trade-off (DET) curves. Therefore, we used two test sets: (1) Test-LRE07 (the official NIST LRE07 30-second test trials). Results are obtained by pooling [18] and a backend classifier [19]. (2) Test-Linc: 1,498 trials of 30-second segments from Mixer and LRE05; 233 trials are Indian English, and 1,265 trials are American English. Neither of these test sets were included in training. Pooling was not used because it is inappropriate to consider the classes to be independent in closed-set two-way classification. Pooling was used in Test-LRE07 for comparison with NIST LRE07. The baseline APM and PRLM system configurations are the same as [9]; the root HMM modeled 47 English monophones (3 states/phone, 128 Gaussians/state) using 23 hours of transcribed words from Switchboard-II phase 4 (Cellular). monophones r−biphones all biphones proposed biphones PRLM PRLM + proposed PRLM + all biphones 20 10 5 2 1 1 2 5 10 20 False Alarm probability (in %) 40 Fig. 1. DET curve results of Test-Linc. 3.1.1. Rule Extraction Conditioned on Phonetic Context A small data set was phonetically labeled manually to analyze the dialect-specific context-dependent phonetic rules of /r/2 . In the Indian English training set, 200 recognizer-hypothesized /r/ were labeled. 50% of them were incorrectly hypothesized, but showed no bias toward any phone. In the American English training set, 500 hypothesized /r/ were labeled; 80% were correctly hypothesized, and the remaining showed no bias toward any phone. We observe that in certain phonetic contexts, the phone recognition precision of /r/ is dialect-specific, supporting the hypothesis that some biphones are dialect-specific. For example, if the root recognizer hypothesizes a segment to be /r/ followed by /dx/, then the recognition accuracy of /r/ is 0% for Indian English, but 90% for American English. Dialect discriminating /r/ biphones were selected by setting θ0 in Eq (1) to be one standard deviation above the mean of the empirical distribution of |P (g(α) = α|αβ , λ, d1 ) − P (g(α) = α|αβ , λ, d2 )| for all α, β and if the biphone occurs more than the average occurrences of all biphones. Table 1. System comparison in EER %. System Test-LRE07 Test-Linc monophone APM 13.8 10.5 r-biphones 12.5 10.4 unfiltered biphones 14.7 9.4 filtered biphones (proposed) 15.6 9.7 PRLM 12.8 9.7 PRLM+unfiltered biphones 10.6 6.6 PRLM+proposed 10.9 6.9 3.1.2. Results and Discussion Dialect-specific /r/ biphones extracted in Section 3.1.1 were adapted according to Section 2.1.2. /r/ in other contexts and all other phones were modeled as monophones. The equal error rate (EER) of the rbiphone system improves monophone APM by 9.1% on Test-LRE07 and 1.5% on Test-Linc, (see Table 1). The DET plot of Test-Linc in Fig. 1 show that the r-biphone system improves detection error of monophone APM when false alarms are penalized heavily. DET plots of Test-LRE07 are not shown due to space constraints. Below are possible reasons why /r/ biphones learned in Section 3.1.1 resulted in inconsistent improvement. (1) The labeled data only corresponds to 1 min of speech, so the rules may not be general. (2) The labeled Indian English /r/ were mainly from speakers whose first language is Hindi, but the first language of speakers in the test set may be other Indian languages, which may possess different dialectspecific rule. While it is more difficult to resolve (2), as it depends on documentation of the given corpora, (1) can be resolved by using more data. Thus, we take an unsupervised approach to study more data in the next section. 3.2. Unsupervised Learning of Dialect-Specific Biphones We now use the unsupervised method in Section 2.2 to learn phonetic rules. We focus our discussion on Test-Linc because it is a larger data set resulting in more robust results. We will however comment on Test-LRE07 when possible. 3.2.1. System Setup and Analysis 2 /r/ was chosen because it showed high acoustic likelihood differences between the American and Indian English adapted monophone recognizers. 5016 We use θ = 0.1 in Eq (6) on Test-Linc to obtain a selected biphone set. This biphone set is used to evaluate the performance of the dialect discriminating biphone system on Test-LRE07. Similarly, we use θ = 0.1 in (6) on Test-LRE07 to obtain a selected biphone set for Test-Linc; the resulting dialect discriminating biphone system uses Equal error rate (EER) % of Test−Linc 11.2 11 10.8 amount of pruned biphones vs. EER monophone APM EER performance proposed biphone system (θ = 0.1) challenges (e.g., sub-dialect issues and no transcriptions), we discovered dialect-specific biphones compatible with the linguistic literature, while outperforming a baseline monophone system by 7.5% (relative). These results suggest that if word transcriptions are provided, we can potentially retrieve more dialect-specific rules, demonstrating our work is an encouraging first step towards a linguistically-informative dialect recognizer. In addition, our proposed system obtains relative gains of 14.6-29.3% when fused with PRLM, indicating it complements phonotactic approaches. Applications of this work include forensic phonetics and language learning. 10.6 10.4 10.2 10 9.8 9.6 9.4 10 15 20 25 30 35 Amount of pruned biphones (%) determined by sweeping θ on Test−LRE07 40 Fig. 2. EER of Test-Linc as a function of pruned biphones determined by Test-LRE07. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Jim Glass, Reva Schwartz, and Ken Stevens for their input. 25% fewer biphone models (2,381 to 1,789) than the all-biphone system, while achieving comparable performance (EER difference is 2.9%). It turns out that 90% of the dialect discriminating /r/ biphones extracted by the supervised method are retained by the unsupervised method, rather than 75% which would be expected if the process were completely random. Henceforth, the results we present use this value of θ unless stated otherwise. For the purpose of analysis, we display in Fig. 2 the EER of TestLinc as a function of pruned biphones determined by Test-LRE07. The lowest EER was obtained when 18% biphones were pruned, so our choice of θ is not optimal with respect to EER. Another observation is that with 29% pruned biphone models in the dialect discriminating biphone system, EER becomes that of monophone APM. On the Test-Linc data set, the proposed dialect discriminating biphone system outperforms the monophone APM system by 7.5% (see Table 1). However, on Test-LRE07, the monophone APM outperforms the dialect discriminating biphone system. We suspect this is due to the small test set, because monophone APM even outperforms the all-biphone case. Discussion of Learned Rules. Though it is challenging to interpret the learned rules because of phone recognition errors, we find some rules consistent with linguistic knowledge. For example, [dx+r], [dx+axr], and [dx+er] were selected as dialect discriminating biphones. In American English, the intervocalic /t/ is often implemented as a flap consonant [dx] (e.g. “butter”), while this is uncommon in Indian English. Since Indian English has British influence, other biphones such as [ae+s] and [ae+th] might be from words such as “class” and “bath”, which are produced differently in American and British accents. [aw+l] was also a selected biphone. In some Indian languages there are no [w], and thus [w] is often deleted in word-medial positions (e.g. “towel”). Biphones such as [r+dx] learned in Section 3.1.1, though less interpretable, were also selected by the unsupervised method. 5. REFERENCES 3.2.2. Fusion with PRLM To empirically verify if the proposed system complements PRLM as described in Section 2.3, we fuse our filtered-biphone system with a PRLM system [9], resulting in relative gains of 14.6% and 29.3% on Test-LRE07 and Test-Linc with a backend [19]. In addition, the EER performance of the filtered-biphone and unfiltered-biphone systems are still comparable after fusing with PRLM (see Table 1 & Fig. 1). 4. CONCLUSION We present systematic approaches to discover dialect-specific biphones, and use these biphones to identify dialects. Despite many 5017 [1] Labov, W. et al,“The Atlas of North American English: Phonetics, Phonology, and Sound Change,” Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, 2006. [2] Rose, P., “Forensic Speaker Identification, Taylor and Francis, 2002. [3] Fung, P., Liu, Y., “Effects and Modeling of Phonetic and Acoustic Confusions in Accented Speech,” JASA, 118(5):3279-3293, 2005. [4] Livescu, K., Glass, J., “Lexical Modeling of Non-Native speech for automatic speech recognition”, ICASSP, 2000. [5] Angkititrakul, P., Hansen, J., “Advances in phone-based modeling for automatic accent classification,” IEEE TASLP, vol. 14, pp. 634-646, 2006. 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