Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado ! ! ! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado Anjanette Hawkins, Jessica Kendrick, and Lyndsay Krisher Colorado School of Public Health Community Health Assessment CBHS 6624 ! May 8, 2013 May 8, 2013 1! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado Executive Summary ! Project Goals The primary goal of this project was to identify barriers and other factors related to adult healthcare access in Northwest Aurora (NW Aurora) and to establish a resource directory for Aurora Health Access (AHA) that would identify current health services and resources within the NW Aurora area. A comprehensive resource directory was created that includes healthcare services available within NW Aurora. The healthcare services that were collected include medical, dental, mental health, and specialty care as well as hospitals and urgent care facilities. Combining information obtained from key informant interviews, surveys of community members, investigation of clinics/providers available in the NW Aurora area, and data collected from the Aurora Community Health Assessment Group 1, we identified disparities in healthcare in NW Aurora. The disparities identified can enable AHA and other healthcare agencies to explore options to expand available healthcare services in NW Aurora. Overview of Partnership AHA partnered with the Colorado School of Public Health (CSPH) students and faculty from the Community and Behavioral Health Sciences 6624 Community Health Assessment class. AHA presented the three projects to the class and nine students elected to assist AHA with their projects. Three of the nine students chose to focus on the barriers and gaps of access to healthcare within NW Aurora. The timeframe for this specific project was consistent with the time allotted for the course. Master of Public Health students conducted the project under the supervision of their teaching assistant, Suzy Shimasaki, and Professor, Dr. Holly Wolf. Information on group members is included in the “Scope of Work” section found on page 8 and in Appendix I. Throughout the project, AHA team members provided our CSPH team with ongoing advice and support to enable successful engagement with the community. They identified key informants, disclosed relevant community health information, and communicated with our group in a timely manner. The project was also supported by several individuals throughout the area who were instrumental in providing their opinions and experiences as key informant interviewees about the healthcare resources ! May 8, 2013 2! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado available in NW Aurora. Key informant interviewees donated their time and energy to discuss their invaluable knowledge and perspectives on healthcare access within NW Aurora. Finally, community members who live and work in NW Aurora were critical to the success of this project by taking the time to complete a survey about healthcare access in NW Aurora. Their responses and comments were vital in understanding the barriers to accessing care and resources in NW Aurora. Methods Summary We met with AHA leadership in order to finalize the scope of work and provide an exchange of information regarding project development. There are many definitions of the geographical area of NW Aurora. For the purposes of this project, we defined NW Aurora as the area bound by Yosemite St. to the west, Potomac St. to the east, E. 6th Ave. to the South and E. Smith St. to the North. A map of this area is provided in Appendix II. We used existing and new data collection in order to fulfill the objectives of this project. In order to create the Resource Directory, existing data were collected through a web-based exploration of adult healthcare services available in the geographic area of NW Aurora. The data were summarized and categorized using Microsoft Excel. We then verified the information by calling each resource/service listed in the directory. We confirmed, corrected and/or added information about the services. The Resource Directory is located in Appendix X. In order to identify barriers related to access to care and further identify gaps in resources and services, new data were collected through key informant interviews and surveys of community members. Seven key informant interviews were conducted, four with leaders of community organizations and three with community members who live and thus have unique perspective on the healthcare services in NW Aurora. Interviews were conducted in person, except for one, which was conducted over the phone due to scheduling conflicts. Spanish interpreters were used for key informants who did not speak English. These interviews identified barriers to adult healthcare access, gaps in resources and services, and existing resources including organizations working to resolve disparities in healthcare access in NW Aurora. Eighty surveys of community members were conducted in English and in Spanish at various sites within NW Aurora. The two primary goals of the survey were to: 1) Determine if members of the community are aware of primary care, mental health, dental, and specialty care resources in NW Aurora. 2) Identify potential barriers to access to health care for adults in NW Aurora. Once all of the key informant interviews and surveys were completed, we performed a mixed methods analysis of the data. We identified themes surrounding the populations most at-risk of not having healthcare, barriers those populations may face in accessing healthcare services, gaps in services and resources in the community, organizations and agencies that provide services, and community perceptions of the services at the University of Colorado Hospital (UCH). The interview notes were then coded based on the themes identified. Those themes were counted in a table and then summarized in an extensive narrative. These summaries are provided in Appendix VI. The survey data were entered ! May 8, 2013 3! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado into an Excel spreadsheet and broken down by question number and whether the survey was in English or Spanish for comparison. The data were then analyzed based on frequencies of selected responses. The final component of the project was to deliver a presentation to the AHA staff in conjunction with the other two Aurora Community Health Assessment Groups. The presentation was given to AHA on April 17, 2013 at St. Therese Catholic Church in Aurora. Electronic and hard copies of the Resource Directory and report were provided to AHA in order to enable them to continue their assessment process of healthcare access and add necessary project components as needed in the future. The slides from the presentation can be viewed in Appendix IX. Key Findings Services Identified and Resource Directory A comprehensive clinic/provider directory was created for the NW Aurora area concentrating on adult health services. The search of clinics/providers within NW Aurora identified 71 clinics/providers. Consequently, most of the clinics/providers were specialists affiliated with University Hospital Colorado. Overall, there are 7 Primary Care providers/clinics, which encompass: Internal Medicine and Family Medicine clinics/providers; 7 Mental Health clinics/providers (addiction recovery, behavioral services, counseling services, and in patient treatment facilities); and 5 oral/dental clinics/providers. The most significant gaps identified in health services were in the areas of primary care, dental and mental health. This coincides with the numbers stated above and the key informant interviews and surveys that are described below. The search of existing data also identified only one urgent care clinic and one safety net clinic (MCPN). One provider who was contacted for the secondary data revealed that private practitioners within the community are having difficulties publicizing their practice to the general public. This practitioner stated private practitioners open their practice to help their community but many community members are unaware of their existence, which causes private practices to close. Another gap was identified between the community cognizance and practitioner advertising. Key Informant Interviews and Community Survey Our methods for new data collection involved the completion of key informant interviews and surveys of the NW Aurora community. We identified known barriers in access to healthcare, the most important resources in NW Aurora, as well as the gaps in services. Of the surveys conducted, 62% of respondents were female; the majority of respondents were between the ages of 26-45 and from a variety of racial and ethnic backgrounds. 48% of respondents identified themselves as Hispanic or Latino. Overall, only 31% feel there are enough good healthcare services in NW Aurora - among Spanish surveys, only 9% feel there are enough. The most commonly cited gap in services in both the interviews and surveys was in primary care. 24% of survey respondents did not know whether or not primary care services were available in NW Aurora. Among Spanish surveys, only 17% feel there are any services at all. The second most mentioned ! May 8, 2013 4! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado gap was in dental care - only 34% of respondents knew of any dental care availability in the community. 43% did not know if mental services were available. Specialty care was also an important concern, with only 29% of respondents knowledgeable of specialty services available. The complete data for these survey questions are displayed in Table 2 in Appendix VII and are described in more detail in this report. When key informants were asked which populations are most in need of better healthcare services, the most commonly cited were Hispanics and undocumented residents in the community. The barriers that these populations face are widespread, many of which came up multiple times during both the interviews and surveys. The most commonly mentioned were: • • • • • Lack of insurance Language barriers Cultural issues Transportation Cost Of these, cultural issues were most emphasized during interviews, as illustrated in Appendix VI. Surveys of community members identified many of the same barriers as the key informant interviews, particularly cost, lack of health insurance, difficulty getting an appointment, not knowing where to go for care, and lack of transportation. Cost and lack of insurance were the biggest barriers identified by the community. "Difficulty getting an appointment" was also brought up in an interview as a concern in the community, as well as a general uncertainty with the quality of care received due to some experience with rushed and distracted health providers. Along those lines, it was mentioned that there are not enough providers in general, and that continuity of care is an issue - it is unusual for many residents to see the same provider twice. Some specific organizations and resources were identified during key informant interviews as helping to address some of the barriers cited above. In particular, Aurora Mental Health Center, Tri-County Health, Moorhead Recreation Center, the Asian Pacific Development Center and some public school clinics were mentioned as being inclusive of residents and thus helping to address access to care concerns. The annual 9 News Health Fair came up several times as a critical resource for adult residents who are otherwise not seeking care. Recommendations There was a general consensus among interviewees that a holistic and inclusive community health clinic is needed in the NW Aurora community. The few clinics that exist can be difficult to navigate for many residents, in particular those who cannot speak English and those who have cultural differences that are at odds with the American healthcare system in general. Those without health insurance often feel they are treated differently and given less attention to their needs by providers and facility staff as a result of their status, and undocumented residents often choose not to seek care for ! May 8, 2013 5! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado fear of having to provide documentation of their residency in the United States. We believe that patient navigation services could go a long way for these populations. The UCH system does have patient navigation services available. However, the UCH system currently feels unknown and unapproachable to most residents of NW Aurora, despite the array of primary, dental, and specialty care services offered. Better outreach and an effort to engage in a stronger relationship with the community surrounding the medical campus would be an important step in improving these perceptions. Discussions with UCH regarding a medical student-run free clinic should be undertaken, as this would increase primary care options for NW Aurora. Similar discussions regarding free dental clinics should take place with the CU Dental School. A partnership with UCH would significantly increase the amount of services and resources available to the NW Aurora community. In general, there is a need to increase knowledge and trust in the community about the many resources that are currently available. While much needs to be done to improve access to care for adults in NW Aurora, many organizations in the community are making significant progress toward addressing those barriers that should be acknowledged and utilized to their full potential. Making our resource directory known and available in public places including AHA is a good first step in this process and we hope it can continue to be expanded upon as improvements in care are made in the community. ! ! ! May 8, 2013 6! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado Table of Contents Executive)Summary)..........................................................................................................................)2! Scope)of)Work)................................................................................................................................)10! Background)....................................................................................................................................)11! Methodology)..................................................................................................................................)12! Results:)Key)Informant)Interviews)..................................................................................................)15! Results:)Community)Survey)............................................................................................................)18! Services)Identified)and)Resource)Directory).....................................................................................)20! Limitations).....................................................................................................................................)22! References)......................................................................................................................................)24! Appendix)I:)Scope)of)Work:)Team)Information)................................................................................)25! Scope)of)Work:)Project)Deliverables)and)Scheduled)Delivery)Dates).................................................)27! Appendix)II:)Map)of)NW)Aurora)......................................................................................................)29! NW#Aurora#boundaries#are#defined#as#the#area#bound#by#Yosemite#St.#to#the#west,#Potomac#St.#to#the# east,#E.#6th#Ave.#to#the#South#and#E.#Smith#St.#to#the#North.#These#boundaries#are#visually#displayed# above#with#NW#Aurora#in#the#middle#of#the#surrounding#red#lines#on#the#map.)..................................)29! Appendix)III:)Key)Informant)Interview)Guide)T)Organizational)Level)................................................)30! Appendix)IV:)Key)Informant)Interview)Guide)T)Community)Resident)...............................................)32! Appendix)V:)Survey).........................................................................................................................)34! Appendix)VI:)Summary)of)Key)Informant)Interviews).......................................................................)38! Appendix)VII:)Survey)Data)..............................................................................................................)41! Appendix)VII:)Survey)Data)..............................................................................................................)42! Appendix)VIII:)Secondary)Data)Collection)Tools)..............................................................................)43! Appendix)IX:)Presentation)to)AHA)..................................................................................................)44! Appendix)X:)Resource)Directory)......................................................................................................)54! Addiction)Services)..........................................................................................................................)60! Alcoholism)Treatment)Program)......................................................................................................)61! Allergy)............................................................................................................................................)61! Burn)Care)Specialty)........................................................................................................................)62! Cardiology)(Heart))..........................................................................................................................)63! Dental)Services)...............................................................................................................................)63! ! May 8, 2013 7! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado Dermatology)(Skin)Disorders)).........................................................................................................)66! Endocrinology)(Metabolic)Disorders))..............................................................................................)66! Gastroenterology)(Digestion)Problems))..........................................................................................)67! Genetic)Testing)...............................................................................................................................)68! Hand)Care)......................................................................................................................................)68! Hematology)(Blood)Disorders))........................................................................................................)69! Home)Health)Care)Service)..............................................................................................................)69! Hospital)..........................................................................................................................................)70! Immunology)...................................................................................................................................)71! Infectious)Disease)...........................................................................................................................)72! Integrative)medicine)......................................................................................................................)72! Internal)Medicine)...........................................................................................................................)73! Mental)Health)................................................................................................................................)75! Nephrology)(Kidney)Problems)).......................................................................................................)78! Neurology)......................................................................................................................................)78! Obstetrics)&)Gynecology)................................................................................................................)79! Oncology)(Cancer))..........................................................................................................................)80! Ophthalmology)(Eye))......................................................................................................................)81! Orthopedics)(Bones)).......................................................................................................................)82! Otolaryngology)(Ear,)Nose)and)Throat))..........................................................................................)84! Pain)Management)..........................................................................................................................)84! Pharmacy).......................................................................................................................................)85! Physical)Therapy/Rehabilitation).....................................................................................................)86! Plastic)and)Reconstructive)Surgery).................................................................................................)88! Podiatry)(Feet))...............................................................................................................................)88! Primary)Care)..................................................................................................................................)89! Pulmonary)Disease)(Respiratory))....................................................................................................)93! Reproductive)Medicine)...................................................................................................................)95! Service)Dogs)...................................................................................................................................)95! Social)Services)................................................................................................................................)96! ! May 8, 2013 8! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado Spine)..............................................................................................................................................)97! Urgent)Care)....................................................................................................................................)98! Urology)..........................................................................................................................................)98! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! May 8, 2013 9! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado Scope of Work Project Description The primary goals of this project were to identify barriers and other factors related to adult access to health care in NW Aurora and to establish a resource directory to identify the services and resources currently available. The results from the project can then be used as a resource to better advocate for services in NW Aurora, raise necessary funds, and inform good policy for the community that aims to improve adult access to healthcare. While the resource directory will be used to assess current resources and potential gaps in service needs in the community, the new information collected from members of the community through the interviews and surveys assessed the barriers faced in actually accessing those services and resources. The resource directory contains information on adult primary, subspecialty, mental health and dental care as well as hospitals and urgent care facilities available in NW Aurora. The information reported about each site includes: 1) Basic information on the provider including name, address, telephone number, hours, location and website (if available) 2) Specific services provided 3) Languages spoken by staff and if interpreter services are available 4) Type(s) of insurance accepted 5) Disability access; and 6) Other services provided including transportation services, patient navigators, and community health workers. Methods for obtaining the information used in the report results and resource directory included internet-based search, contacting each facility by telephone, key informant interviews, surveying of community members, and meeting with local healthcare organizations. Seven key informant interviews were carried out with service providers in the community as well as with community residents and 80 community members were surveyed in order to identify barriers and access gaps in adult care. Team Organization ! May 8, 2013 10! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado The team was comprised of three Master of Public Health (MPH) students, two faculty members and the community client. Team member pictures and bios are provided in Appendix I. Anjanette Hawkins served as the principle editor for the project to ensure that all written reports were professional and thorough. She was also the lead for all secondary data collection and management for this project in producing the resource directory. Jessica Kendrick served as the presentation coordinator and ensured that all presentations were well organized and neat. She was also responsible for collecting and analyzing existing data for the project as well as collecting new data in regards to creating and conducting the survey and key informant interviews. Lyndsay Krisher served as the project coordinator, ensuring that all deliverables were completed in a timely and thorough manner. She also acted as the primary liaison between the team and the community client and community members, coordinating meetings, interviews and phone calls. She served as the lead on primary (new) data collection and analysis as part of completing the overall project objectives. Background Community Information NW Aurora is the most diverse neighborhood in metro Denver and is located adjacent and to the east of the city of Denver. The neighborhood went into an economic decline in the 1990s with the closures of the Lowry Air Force Base, Stapleton Airport and Fitzsimons Army Base. This resulted in a loss of over 4,000 jobs, decreases in rental values and increases in retail vacancy rates resulting in a greater influx of immigrants. By the year 2000, 35% of the population was foreign born and by 2010 Hispanics made up 57.1% of the population. Currently, approximately 52% of the families living in NW Aurora speak a language other than English in the home. The percentage of people living below the poverty level is double that of the rest of Aurora (34% vs. 16.7%) and 41% of the population has not graduated from high school. These economic changes within the neighborhood have created complexities for residents by means of safety, active living, access to healthcare, and transportation. Residents in NW Aurora have less access to healthcare than other areas in the state of Colorado. Fortyone percent of the population in NW Aurora does not have health insurance. This is dramatically higher than the uninsured rate of the state of Colorado, which is at 17%. Nearly half of all residents in NW Aurora have delayed seeking medical care in the past year because of cost. Furthermore, NW Aurora residents give worse self-reports than in other areas of the state on their health status as 34% describe their health status as poor or fair in comparison to good or excellent. Residents in NW Aurora also have ! May 8, 2013 11! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado higher incidences of chronic diseases than other nearby neighborhoods. Hence, numerous disparities exist in access to healthy lifestyles and availability of healthcare resources in NW Aurora. AHA is a collaboration of community agencies, community members and healthcare providers whose goal is to create a health care system in Aurora that meets the needs of all residents in the community. One of the main issues identified by AHA is that too many residents in NW Aurora have limited access to healthcare. This project was developed by AHA in order to identify the barriers related to adult access to healthcare and to identify gaps in resources and services in NW Aurora. This project resulted in three main outcomes: 1) A resource directory of services available in NW Aurora 2) Identification of barriers to adult healthcare access through interviews of key community leaders and members 3) An assessment of gaps in services and resources in NW Aurora Methodology Existing Data Collection There are many definitions of the geographical area of NW Aurora. For the purposes of this project, we defined NW Aurora as bound by Yosemite St. to the west, Potomac St. to the east, E 6th Ave. to the South and E. Smith St. to the north. A map of this area is provided in Appendix II. In order to determine the resources and services available in NW Aurora we performed a search using the zip codes 80010, 80045 and 80011 to account for resources in these geographic areas. We used the following search engines to explore publically available information regarding health services using search terms relevant to medical, mental and behavioral health, dental, and specific enabling health services: Table 1. Summary of Search Engines used for Existing Data Collection Search Engine URL Description General search terms for medical, dental, behavioral & mental health, and enabling services were combined with the geographical locations. General search terms for medical, dental, behavioral & mental health, and enabling services were combined with the geographical locations. Allows users to search specifically for Medicaid and CHP+ providers. Similar to a phone book, users input a location with a topic and the address and phone numbers of locations subscribing to the system are found. ! May 8, 2013 12! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado Search Engine URL Description Users can input their zip code on the Free/Sliding Scale/Low-Cost link in order to find service nearest them. Users can search the University of Colorado Hospital website to find primary care, specialty care and mental health clinics. From the sites listed in Table 1, we recorded information for the following areas: 1) Basic information: address, name, hours, email, website, phone number 2) Specific services provided 3) Eligibility criteria: age served, language services provided, type of insurance accepted, transportation services available, and disability access After completing the existing data collection, we then vetted the accuracy of the information using a telephonic verification process. We conducted phone call validations of the existing data using the script found in Appendix VIII. We confirmed the services available, hours, location, etc. We also confirmed information on types of insurance accepted and if self-pay, whether or not sliding fee scales were available. We made adjustments to the resource directory as needed. Contact attempts were limited to two calls per site. If we reached an answering service we recorded information as appropriate (hours, location, etc.) and confirmed that the service currently existed. This type of call was considered the minimum level of acceptable validation. We also examined data from existing health assessments on demographics of the population in NW Aurora including income, education level, health insurance status, and healthcare resources. Sources we used included the US Census Bureau, the Taking Neighborhood to Health to Heart Household Survey Results, the Colorado Health Access Survey and the Colorado Health Institute. We merged our findings with another group examining existing data in NW Aurora. New Data Collection Key Informant Interviews The main methods for new data collection were through the completion of key informant interviews and surveys of community members. The primary goals of the key informant interviews was to gain an informed perspective of the barriers adult community members face in regards to accessing healthcare and to identify gaps in resources and services in NW Aurora. AHA was the starting point for our group as they provided a list of contacts to interview, in addition to our Teaching Assistant at CSPH, Suzy Shimasaki. The contacts included individuals working in the community through various organizations and members of the community who reside in NW Aurora and have perspectives on the healthcare services in the area. We selected four key informants from the list and conducted interviews after Mr. McLean and Ms. Shimasaki made the initial introductions. Spanish interpreters were used for key informants who did not speak English. Interviews were conducted in person at an agreed-upon location, with the exception of one, which was conducted over the phone due to scheduling conflicts. The interview guides for the organizational level interviewees and for community members were approved for content and clarity by AHA and can be found in Appendices III and IV. ! May 8, 2013 13! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado Of the 10 informants identified, we were able to conduct interviews with four of them. Two of the informants who were contacted were either unavailable or unable to complete an interview during the available time period. In addition, we went out into the community and found three separate female residents who live in NW Aurora that were willing to be interviewed. We were conducting our survey of community members at a local park in NW Aurora where the first two women agreed to participate in the full interview. The third was identified after conducting surveys at Hope Lutheran Church where Aurora Community Connection, a local organization that serves low-income and immigrant populations, was hosting a English as a Second Language (ESL) class. From the key informant interviews, we identified barriers in access to healthcare, the most important resources in NW Aurora, as well as the resource and service gaps. To ensure anonymity of responses, the names of key informants are not included in this report. If AHA or others would like to contact any informants to discuss these issues further than the information provided in this report, a request may be made through our team to ask the informants for permission to make contact if they choose to be identified. Survey The other method of new data collection utilized was a survey of residents in the NW Aurora community. Based on the preliminary information we obtained in our key informant interviews, we developed a survey, with feedback from AHA, to identify barriers and gaps in resources related to healthcare access in NW Aurora. The two primary goals of the survey were to: 1) Determine if members of the community are aware of primary care, mental health, dental, and specialty care resources in NW Aurora 2) Identify potential barriers to access to health care for adults in NW Aurora We also collected information on race/ethnicity, age and gender. The survey was conducted in English and in Spanish. We read the survey questions and answers to respondents who were unable to read themselves. To conduct the surveys, our group went to various locations in the NW Aurora area including two grocery stores, King Soopers on 6th Avenue and Havana and Lowe’s Mercado on Colfax. Unfortunately the managers at these two grocery stores would not allow us to survey their customers. Some of the surveys completed were distributed at bus stops along Colfax, Peoria and Havana. We also surveyed community members at the Moorhead Recreation Center on Havana, went to parks in NW Aurora, an English as a Second Language (ESL) class at Hope Lutheran Church and finally a health education class for immigrants and refugees at the Asian Pacific Development Center (APDC). APDC staff helped our team facilitate the survey, as this group of respondents, largely refugees from Burma and Somalia, ! May 8, 2013 14! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado spoke little English and needed assistance in interpreting the concepts in the survey. Similarly, staff from Aurora Community Connection hosting the ESL class at Hope Lutheran assisted our team in facilitating the survey to this Spanish-speaking class. Ultimately we tried to ensure that we sampled the population of NW Aurora as thoroughly as possible in the time allowed. The surveys in English and in Spanish are included in Appendix V. New Data Analysis Once all key informant interviews and surveys were complete we performed a mixed methods analysis of the data (i.e., we examined survey results with numerical values combined with narrative information provided by interviewees). After some discussion we identified themes surrounding the populations most at-risk of not having healthcare, barriers these populations may face in accessing healthcare services, gaps in services and resources in the community, organizations and agencies that provide services, and community perceptions of the services at the University of Colorado Hospital. The interview notes were then coded based on the themes identified. Those themes were counted in a table and then summarized in a more in-depth narrative. The summaries are provided in Appendix VI. The survey data were entered into an Excel spreadsheet and broken down by question number and whether the survey was in English or Spanish for comparison. The data were then analyzed based on frequencies of selected responses. We conducted 80 surveys in total: 45 in English and 35 in Spanish. The data from the surveys are displayed in a table and figure in Appendix VII and described narratively and graphically below in this report. Results: Key Informant Interviews Demographics Of our seven key informant interviews, six were female and one was male. We did not collect information on age, race or ethnicity. Two informants spoke Spanish as a first language and therefore an interpreter was used during those meetings. Populations without adequate healthcare coverage All of the key informants clearly cited several populations who are living in NW Aurora without adequate healthcare coverage. The most commonly described populations were immigrants and undocumented residents. Refugees and the impoverished were also mentioned. The general consensus was that there is not enough adequate healthcare service coverage to accommodate the residents of NW Aurora. Barriers faced in accessing health services ! May 8, 2013 15! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado There were many barriers cited that informants feel are keeping community members from accessing adequate healthcare services in NW Aurora. Three themes related to barriers were brought up an equal number of times during the key informant interviews, as illustrated by Figure 1: • • • Cultural issues Cost Lack of insurance These were closely followed by language and transportation barriers, as well as issues around navigating the healthcare system in general. Of all barriers, "cultural issues" was the most emphasized by informants. Some of the cultural issues raised included gender differences, as some cultures are very uncomfortable being seen by a provider of the opposite sex. Other issues included privacy concerns, lack of trust, a general stigma around mental health services, and a general miscommunication regarding services and the healthcare system in general. This point is described in more detail in Appendix VI. Gaps in Services The most commonly cited gap in services among interviewees was in Primary care. In the NW Aurora area there are only 1.6 primary care providers per 10,000 residents, which is lower than the state of Colorado at 9 primary care providers per 10,000 residents. With a shortage in primary care providers comes difficulty in obtaining convenient appointment times, as well as the unlikelihood of seeing the same provider twice. This leads to inconsistent and ! Organizations providing services to help address barriers • • • • • • • • Aurora Mental Health Center Tri-County Health Public school clinics Moorhead Recreation Center Metro Community Provider Network Aurora Health Access Asian Pacific Development Center 9 News Health Fair The services provided by these organizations are described in more detail in Appendix VI. May 8, 2013 16! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado often insufficient care overall. Dental care was the next most commonly identified gap and was highly emphasized as a strong need for adults in the community. In the NW Aurora area there are only 1.1 dental providers per 10,000 residents compared to 6.5 dental providers per 10,000 residents in Colorado. Specialty care was also noted as particularly lacking. Other less commonly cited but important gaps: • Women's health • Mental health • Immunizations • Multicultural health education • Housing services • Patient navigation • Vision services • Support groups1! Perceptions of the University of Colorado Hospital Services Early on in the project it became clear to our group that we needed to gain a better understanding of the community's perceptions toward the University of Colorado Hospital (UCH) services on the Anschutz Medical Campus. Although UCH provides extensive services, residents of NW Aurora, for a variety of reasons, do not often utilize them. We added this question to our interview guide and received an array of responses. We determined that many residents do not actually know about the resources and services that are available at UCH, and there is a question regarding whether or not Medicaid patients are being accepted. In fact, most informants identified UCH as unapproachable or "the Ivory Tower." As a result of insufficient outreach to the surrounding community, residents of NW Aurora generally feel unwelcome going to UCH and feel that not enough effort is made to make its services culturally sensitive. High cost and long wait times were also noted. A significant issue having to do with the University's continual expansion into the surrounding community was !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 !It should be noted here that for refugee populations, which are highly prevalent in NW Aurora, the Asian Pacific Development Center provides a support group called Refugees Experience Stress Together (REST) that is aimed at stress management.!!! ! ! May 8, 2013 17! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado also raised. It has been realized that the University's efforts to gentrify the area around the campus is having a negative social and economic impact on the community, leading to many low-income residents having to relocate out of Aurora. Some fear that much of the work that has been done to address some of the social and health needs of the community will no longer be needed as the lowincome residents they serve will have been forced out of the area. Results: Community Survey Survey Demographics The majority of survey respondents were female (68%) and between 26 and 45 years of age (63%). Another 15% were between 46 and 55 years of age, and 9% between 56 and 65. 48% of respondents identified themselves as Hispanic or Latino. Those who Figure 2: Survey respondent race identified their race (78% of respondents) American!Indian/ Alaskan!Na2ve! are displayed in Asian! Figure 2. It should be noted that many of Black!or!African! the surveys that American! indicated "Other" also Na2ve!Hawaiian!or! identified themselves Other!Pacific!Islander! as Hispanic or Latino, White! while other Hispanic or Latino respondents Other! identified themselves as also being White. Languages spoken at home aside from English and Spanish included Persian, Karen (a language from Burma), and Somali. Therefore, it should be noted that the English survey respondents were not always native English speakers, as indicated previously with regards to the refugee population surveyed at APDC. Gaps in Services Table 2 (located in Appendix VII) displays the response rates to the first five questions of the survey, addressing our first goal: Goal 1: Determine if members of the community are aware of primary care, mental health, dental, and specialty care resources in NW Aurora ! May 8, 2013 18! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado Overall it was determined that community residents perceive a multitude of gaps in healthcare services in NW Aurora. Only 31% feel there are enough good healthcare services - among Spanish surveys, only 9% feel there are enough. 40% overall are unsure if there are enough good services. Regarding primary care, where residents can get a routine health check-up, 39% overall do not feel there are services. Among Spanish surveys, only 17% feel there are any services, and 14% are unsure. 53% of English survey respondents feel there are services for primary care. 24% overall are unsure if these services exist. In dental care, 43% of Spanish surveys feel there are not any services for adults. 63% of respondents overall feel there either are not any dental services or are unsure if any exist. As far as mental health resources, 43% of respondents overall were unsure if there are any services available in NW Aurora. 30% of respondents overall feel that mental health services are available. Of all of the questions, English and Spanish language residents responded most similarly to this question regarding mental health services. In specialty care, only 29% of respondents overall feel that services are available. 43% of respondents overall were not sure, and 24% responded that there are none. Only 17% of Spanish survey respondents feel there are specialty care services available. Barriers faced in accessing health services Goal 2: Identify potential barriers to access to healthcare for adults in NW Aurora Like the gaps in services, the survey data regarding barriers aligned strongly with the comments from key informants. Figure 3 below displays the response rates overall of the barriers to access to healthcare for adults in NW Aurora. The most commonly cited barriers were: • • • • • Cost Lack of health insurance Difficulty getting an appointment Don't know where to go for care Lack of transportation! Language barriers, poor services in NW Aurora (which aligns closely with comments from key informants regarding quality of care uncertainty), lack of childcare and inability to take time off of work were also frequently cited. In addition, several "other" barriers cited included not being treated as a "real patient" due to having discounted health insurance, such as Medicaid. Another respondent mentioned that not having a computer makes it difficult to access services. Cultural issues were a major barrier recognized by key informants that we did not specifically ask about in the survey; however difficulty getting an appointment was ranked higher in the survey data. ! May 8, 2013 19! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado There were some pronounced differences in the perceived barriers between English and Spanish survey respondents that can be viewed in the figure in Appendix VII. 91% of Spanish respondents cited lack of health insurance as a barrier, compared to 51% of English respondents. Cost and difficulty getting an appointment were each cited somewhat more frequently in Spanish respondents. Interestingly, transportation was cited by 64% of English respondents, compared to only 11% of Spanish. This may be attributable to the fact that many of the English respondents were refugees and therefore may be less likely to own a car than other residents. Not knowing where to go for care and lack of childcare services were cited somewhat more often among English respondents, and poor services in NW Aurora was cited more frequently among Spanish. Not able to take time off work was cited equally. Services Identified and Resource Directory Services Safety Net Clinics: MCPN is the only safety net clinic in the NW Aurora area. MCPN is a non-profit healthcare organization that provides medical, dental, mental health, substance abuse, pharmacy and community based services to patients in the NW Aurora area. No families or individuals are turned away because of an inability to pay. Residents in NW Aurora can receive emergency care regardless of ability to pay at UCH. Medical emergencies fall under the Federal Emergency Medical Where are members of the community going for primary healthcare? Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA). EMTALA requires most hospitals to provide an • Denver Health examination and stabilizing treatment, without • Commerce City clinic • MCPN consideration of insurance coverage or ability to • Stout Street clinic pay, when a patient presents to an emergency • Clinica Tepeyac room for an emergent medical condition. ! May 8, 2013 20! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado Primary Care: In the geographic area of NW Aurora there are only 7 primary care providers. Primary care providers include family medicine and internal medicine physicians. Some of these providers do accept Medicaid, Colorado Indigent Care Program (CICP) Colorado Indigent Care Program (CICP): CICP is not and have self-pay options. health insurance. CICP provides funding to clinics and hospitals so that medical services can be provided at a Dental Care: In the NW Aurora discount to Colorado residents that meet eligibility area there are 5 dental care requirements for CICP. To be eligible for CICP, the providers. There are two patient must meet the following requirements: providers who provide free to low • Must be a Colorado resident or migrant farm cost dental care in NW Aurora, worker and a U.S. citizen or legal immigrant the University of Colorado (CU) • Must have income and resources combined at or Dental School and Concorde below 250% of the Federal Poverty Level Career Dental Hygiene Clinic. • Cannot be eligible for the Medicaid Program or The Concorde Career Dental Child Health Plan Plus Clinic only provides dental cleanings at low cost. The CU To apply, the application must be completed by a clinic Dental School provides a full or hospital that is participating in CICP. The applicant range of dental care to residents must sign the application within 90 days of the date of at little to no cost. The CU Dental service. Under CICP, patients will not have to pay more School also has urgent/emergent than 10% of their income in a 12-month calendar period dental care available even for for medical services from a clinic or hospital participating people who are not currently in CICP. patients of the school. Patients are ! seen on a first come first serve basis. Medicaid is accepted. Mental Health Care: There are 7 mental health care providers in NW Aurora. The range of services for mental health includes addiction recovery, behavioral services, counseling services and inpatient treatment. UCH is one of the main providers of mental health in the area providing both outpatient and inpatient services. Specialty Care: UCH is the largest provider of specialty care in NW Aurora. All specialties are provided here including vision services. University of Colorado Hospital: UCH is the largest provider of specialty care and primary care in the area. UCH has numerous primary care clinics and specialty care clinics. In addition, the CU Dental School is located on the Anschutz Medical Campus. UCH does state they accept Medicaid and the CICP. UCH does provide financial assistance for patients. For an individual to be eligible for charitable care they must be uninsured, their family income must be 250 percent of the Federal Poverty Level or less ! May 8, 2013 21! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado and the services provided must not be eligible for discount under CICP. The financial assistance may include waiver of some or all of the patient’s financial responsibility for services received at UCH. Patients must apply for financial assistance. Limitations The timeframe for this project was limited so consequently we were unable to conduct focus groups as initially planned. Focus groups would have been a great way to reach many of the diverse cultures living in NW Aurora. However, we believe the survey we conducted was a sufficient alternative to the focus groups given the time allotted for the project. A second limitation to the project was the inability to have the survey in languages other than English and Spanish. Since a large portion of the population in NW Aurora speaks a language other than English and Spanish we were unable to survey these individuals. Third, we had difficulty finding support from local merchants to conduct the surveys. Many merchants that we contacted did not allow us to stand in front of their business to survey residents on how to improve the local healthcare. Therefore many of the community surveys were conducted at local bus stops along 6th Ave, Colfax Ave, Havana St, and Peoria St. Fourth, the majority of the individuals we surveyed were between the ages of 26 and 45 years. Hence, the survey results may not be generalizable to the elderly population of NW Aurora. Finally, contacting the local providers to add to the resource directory was difficult due to many businesses having varying business hours, disconnected phone numbers and many of the receptionists became defensive during the questions. Some of the receptionists would not answer the questions even though we introduced ourselves at the beginning of the phone call. Thus, some information is missing from the resource directory as we were unable to either obtain or verify it. ! Recommendations There was a general consensus among interviewees that a holistic and inclusive community health clinic is needed in the NW Aurora community. The few clinics that exist (including MCPN) can be difficult to navigate for many residents, in particular those who cannot speak English and those who have cultural differences that are at odds with the American healthcare system in general. Those without health insurance often feel they are treated differently and given less attention to their needs by providers and facility staff as a result of their status, and undocumented residents often choose not to seek care for fear of having to provide documentation of their residency in the United States. We believe that patient navigation services could go a long way for these populations. Federal and State Grants could be applied for to obtain patient navigation services in NW Aurora. Since patient navigation services are already available at UCH for many specialties, UCH could partner with the NW Aurora community in providing these services to the community. UCH is the largest provider of medical and dental services in the area. However, the community views UCH as unapproachable. Better outreach and an effort to engage in a stronger relationship with the community surrounding the medical campus would be an important step in improving these perceptions. The CU Dental School has an Advanced Clinical Training and Services (ACTS) program in which fourth-year dental students provide dental services for eight months in an underserved ! May 8, 2013 22! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado community. We recommend discussing with the Dental School the possibility of having students perform this work in NW Aurora. Similarly, a medical student-run free clinic that provides primary care services could be very helpful in NW Aurora. The student-run clinic could take place at a local community program/organization such as Moorhead Recreation Center. Health Resource and Administration (HRSA) pre-doctoral grants, AAMC student community service grants and other small grants could provide funding. UCH also may be willing to fund the student run clinic. Hence, a partnership with UCH could significantly increase the amount of services and resources to the NW Aurora community. We recommend that efforts be made to increase knowledge in the community about the many resources that are currently available. While much needs to be done to improve access to care for adults in NW Aurora, many organizations in the community are making significant progress toward addressing those barriers that should be acknowledged and utilized to their full potential. Making our resource directory known and available in public places is a good first step in this process and we hope it can continue to be expanded upon as improvements in care are made in the community. We recommend the resource directory be made directly available to community members by having copies of it at AHA, Moorhead Recreation Center, the Asian Pacific Development Center, the library, churches in the community, the Refugee Center and online at AHA’s website. We recommend the directory be disseminated in both English and in Spanish. Finally, the directory should be updated on a yearly basis to ensure the information is current and up-to-date. ! May 8, 2013 23! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado References 1. Taking Neighborhood Health to Heart (2007-2008) “Household Survey Results.” 2. Colorado Health Access Survey (2011). 3. U.S. Census Bureau (2000). American Fact finder. Selected Census Tracks in Adams County and City of Aurora, CO. ! May 8, 2013 24! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado Appendix I: Scope of Work: Team Information STUDENT TEAM MEMBERS Anjanette Hawkins Anjanette is a MPH candidate with a concentration in Community and Behavioral Health. She has eleven years of urban pre-hospital clinical experience and has been an EMT for thirteen years. She has previous work experience in disaster and emergency response; wilderness survival and recreational outdoor guiding; and wildlife biological research. Her interests in public health include emergency and disaster preparedness, injury prevention, rural health, health improvement, and environmental health. Jessica Kendrick, Jessica is a MPH candidate with a concentration in Community and Behavioral Health. She is a physician who specializes in Nephrology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and Denver Health Medical Center. Her interests in public health include disease prevention and development of management programs for kidney disease as well as health disparities, specifically reducing racial/ethnic disparities associated with chronic kidney disease. Lyndsay Krisher, Lyndsay is a MPH candidate with a concentration in Environmental and Occupational Health. She works with the Center for Worker Health & Environment at the Colorado School of Public Health, providing research and administrative support to several of the Center's programs and activities. Her public health interests include food safety, community health protection and health promotion, worksite wellness and health education. As part of her team responsibilities, Lyndsay acts as primary liaison with the community client. ! May 8, 2013 25! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado FACULTY TEAM MEMBERS Suzy Shimasaki, MPH – DrPH Student, Community and Behavioral Health, Colorado School of Public Health Suzy received her BA in Sociology from the University of California, Davis and her MPH in Health Services Policy and Management from the University of California, Los Angeles. Suzy most recently served as CoDirector of the Equality in Health Initiative and is now the Principal of Catalysts for Achieving Racial and Ethnic Equity, LLC (CARE Equity). Her interests include developing the capacities of organizations to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services and evaluating such strategies for reducing health disparities. Suzy also serves on the Board of Directors of the Colorado Public Health Association, the Board of Directors of the Mile High Japanese American Citizens League, and the Inclusiveness Project Committee and Basic Human Needs Committee of The Denver Foundation. Holly J. Wolf, PhD, MSPH -Colorado School of Public Health and CU Cancer Center Holly Wolf is an assistant professor in Community and Behavioral Health and Epidemiology in the Colorado School of Public Health and teaches community health assessment, program evaluation and project management. She is interested in public health and health reform, especially as it relates to chronic disease prevention and control and community mobilization. She directs the Colorado Colorectal Screening Program for the medical underserved and is principal investigator, project epidemiologist and/or project manager for several research and public health service programs focused on cancer prevention and control including several assessments around cancer screening and delivery of care. She is an active member of state and national coalitions, including the Colorado Cancer Coalition, serving as past Chair and executive committee member, as well as the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable steering committee and Co-Chair of the Policy Task force. She believes it is a very exciting time to increase the role of public health in improving the health of Americans and look forwards to working with you and your community. Roles and Responsibilities Primary Contacts: -Lyndsay Krisher served as the primary contact for the CSPH team -Rich McLean served as the primary contact for AHA Community clients’ roles and responsibility a. Communicate with team in a timely manner via email or phone b. Disclose demographics and health insurance status of population ! May 8, 2013 26! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado c. Disclose any existing patient/community surveys/assessments regarding health access in Aurora d. Identify key informants for interviews e. Identify referral agency for hospitalization discharges, if any f. Provide team with ongoing advice and support to enable successful engagement with the community as well as a useful final product g. Provide expectations regarding project deliverables Scope of Work: Project Deliverables and Scheduled Delivery Dates a. Final scope of work that has been investigated and agreed upon by student team, faculty advisors and AHA (March 6, 2013) b. Supporting Products i. Attend community engagement event to meet community and create contacts as well as to find out information on the community’s health (February 23, 2013) ii. Secondary data interpretation of existing assessments on demographics of population including health insurance status, health of the population, patient surveys which may identify gaps in picture of adult health (March 31, 2013) 1. Synchronization with group 1 (NW Aurora Health Status Project) to merge findings (April 1, 2013) iii. Contact list for key informants. Rich McLean provided the initial list (March 1, 2013) iv. Key Informant Interviews (April 9, 2013) v. Survey of Community Members (April 15, 2013) vi. Analysis of Key Informant Interviews (April 20, 2013) vii. Analysis of Survey Responses (April 20, 2013) viii. Identification of current service providers including primary care, subspecialty, mental health and dental care as well as hospitals and urgent care centers in NW Aurora (April 1, 2013) ix. Identification of other services including patient navigators, community health workers, transportation services, language services (April 1, 2013) x. Identification of programs available to help with access to care including the Colorado Indigent Care Program (CICP) (April 10, 2013) c. Resource Directory (Draft complete by March 25, 2013, Final by May 8, 2013) ! May 8, 2013 27! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado d. Project Final Report that details the methodology and approaches used to collect the resource information, limitations and an assessment of resource gaps within NW Aurora (Draft complete by April 17, 2013, Final May 8, 2013) e. Presentation to summarize the project and results to the client (April 17, 2013) ! May 8, 2013 28! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado Appendix II: Map of NW Aurora NW Aurora boundaries are defined as the area bound by Yosemite St. to the west, Potomac St. to the east, E. 6th Ave. to the South and E. Smith St. to the North. These boundaries are visually displayed above with NW Aurora in the middle of the surrounding red lines on the map. ! May 8, 2013 29! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado Appendix III: Key Informant Interview Guide - Organizational Level Key Informant Interview Guide- Organizational Level- Aurora Project #2 Introduction: I am [Name] and I am a student at the University of Colorado’s School of Public Health. I am part of a student project that is creating a resource directory of the health services within North Aurora. This is a project we are doing as part of our Community Health Assessment class in partnership with Aurora Health Access. By the end of this project, we are hoping to identify any and all health care services that are available to adults in North Aurora, as well as identify the barriers to healthcare access that those residents may be facing. As a result, we will produce a resource guide that can be used by Aurora Health Access and the community as a whole. We are conducting interviews in order to gain an informed, on-the-ground perspective of what some of these services' strengths or gaps may be, as well as the barriers affecting adult access to care, and will use the themes to inform the resource guide. While we will use themes from these interviews, the interviews themselves will be strictly anonymous. Your knowledge into the health system and supporting services of the community would (is) be very valuable, so thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us today. (for setting up interview time: and we hope that you will have time to conduct an interview. We anticipate this interview taking no more than 45 minutes. Could we schedule a time to meet?) Interviewee Information Name: Position/Title: Location (Clinic, organization, city): Length of time in Position: Length of time at Location: Q: What would you describe as your service area (geographically)? Q: How would you describe your service population? Prompts: Approximately how many people served? Age? Race/Ethnicity? Preferred language? Insured or Uninsured? Q: Are there locations or populations within North Aurora that you could identify that do not have adequate health care coverage? If so, which locations and/or populations? Prompts: This can be in medical services, specialty care, behavioral or mental health, dental, emergency services, etc. ! May 8, 2013 30! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado Q: Reflecting on the locations and populations you just mentioned, what do you perceive as the barriers they face in accessing health services? Prompts: Is there an issue with community members getting transportation to health care services, if so, how much of a concern do you believe this is within the community? - Other examples if needed: language, system navigation, cost/insurance, lack of convenient appointment times, childcare Q: Do you know of any organizations or agencies that provide services that can help address some of those barriers? Q: What facility or health care resource would you consider the most essential to the health of your community? Why do you think that they are the most essential? Q: What gaps in services do you see as a concern within the community? In other words, are there any healthrelated services that can help ensure a community's health that are missing in North Aurora? Prompts: This can be in medical services, behavioral or mental health, dental, pharmacy, emergency services, etc. Q: How do you and others in the community perceive the University Hospital services on the Anschutz Medical Campus? Prompts: Are services at UCH utilized by the community? Are community members comfortable accessing those services? Why or why not? If residents are not aware that they can access those services - why do you think that might be? Q: Is there anything else related to what we have discussed today related to health services and barriers to accessing those services that you'd like to share? Q: Are there any other people that you think we should talk to? (Community members) Have we covered everything that you think is important in understanding the health care needs of NW Aurora? Close. Thank you very much for your time; we recognize and appreciate that it is valuable and in short supply! We are hoping to be complete with our project by the beginning of May. ! May 8, 2013 31! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado Appendix IV: Key Informant Interview Guide - Community Resident Key Informant Interview Guide - Community Resident - Aurora Project #2 Introduction: I am [Name] and I am a student at the University of Colorado’s School of Public Health, on the Anschutz Medical Campus. I am part of a student project that is creating a resource directory of the health services within North Aurora. This is a project we are doing as part of our Community Health Assessment class in partnership with Aurora Health Access. By the end of this project, we are hoping to identify any and all health care services that are available to adults in North Aurora, as well as identify the barriers to healthcare access that those residents may be facing. As a result, we will produce a resource guide that can be used by Aurora Health Access and the community as a whole. We are conducting interviews in order to gain an informed, on-the-ground perspective of what some of these services' strengths or gaps may be, as well as the difficulties that adults face in accessing health care, and will use the themes to inform the resource guide. While we will use themes from these interviews, the interviews themselves will be strictly anonymous. Your knowledge into the health situation in NW Aurora and the experience of community residents is very valuable, so thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us today. (for setting up interview time: and we hope that you will have time to conduct an interview. We anticipate this interview taking no more than 45 minutes. Could we schedule a time to meet?) Interviewee Information Name: Occupation: Q: How long have you lived in NW Aurora? _____ years Q: How would you describe healthcare services in Northwest Aurora? Prompts: Are there adequate Primary Care services (to get a routine check up?) Dental? Mental Health? Q: Are there populations within North Aurora that you could identify that do not have adequate access to health care services? If so, which populations? Prompts: This can be in medical services, specialty care, behavioral or mental health, dental, emergency services, etc. Q: Reflecting on the populations you just mentioned, what do you perceive as keeping them from accessing health services? Prompts: Is there an issue with community members getting transportation to health care services, if so, how much of a concern do you believe this is within the community? - Other examples if needed: language, system navigation, cost/insurance, lack of convenient appointment times, child care - what is your experience? Q: Do you know of any organizations or agencies that provide services that can help address some of those barriers? ! May 8, 2013 32! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado Q: What facility or health care resource would you consider the most essential to the health of your community? Why do you think that they are the most essential? Q: What gaps in services do you see as a concern within the community? In other words, are there any healthrelated services that can help ensure a community's health that are missing in North Aurora? Prompts: This can be in medical services, behavioral or mental health, dental, pharmacy, emergency services, etc. Q: How do you and others in the community perceive the University Hospital services on the Anschutz Medical Campus? Prompts: Are services at UCH utilized by the community? Are community members comfortable accessing those services? Why or why not? If residents are not aware that they can access those services - why do you think that might be? Q: Is there anything else related to what we have discussed today related to health services and difficulties in accessing those services that you'd like to share? Q: Are there any other people that you think we should talk to? (Community members) Have we covered everything that you think is important in understanding the health care needs of NW Aurora? Close. Thank you very much for your time; we recognize and appreciate that it is valuable. We are hoping to be complete with our project by the beginning of May. ! May 8, 2013 33! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado Appendix V: Survey English Version Please help us better serve adults in Aurora! Hello! We are a group of students at the Colorado School of Public Health working on a class project to assess the health care services available for adults in North Aurora. We want to hear from residents of the community to better understand which health services are available in North Aurora and which areas need improvement. The survey should only take a few minutes and your responses will be kept anonymous. Thank you for your time! Please help us better serve adults in Aurora! The goal of this survey is to find out what people think and feel about adult health care services in North Aurora. There are no right or wrong answers. Please answer each question to the best of your ability by marking (þ) the response that best reflects your opinion. Your responses will remain anonymous. 1. Do you feel there are enough good health care services in North Aurora for adults? ! Yes ! No ! I’m not sure 2. Are there services in North Aurora where you can get a routine health check-up? ! Yes ! No ! I’m not sure 2a. What clinic do you usually go to? __________________________________________ 3. Are there oral health/dental health services available for adults in North Aurora? ! Yes ! No ! I’m not sure 4. Are there mental health services (e.g., mental health clinics, therapists) available for adults in North Aurora? ! Yes ! No ! I’m not sure 5. Is specialty care (example: heart doctors, diabetes doctors) available for adults in North Aurora? ! Yes ! No ! I’m not sure 6. If you or other adults you know have had difficulty getting to a doctor in North Aurora, what do you think is preventing them from seeing a doctor or getting health care services? (Please check all that apply.) ! May 8, 2013 34! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado ! Lack of health insurance ! Cost ! Difficulty getting an appointment ! Lack of transportation ! Lack of childcare ! Language barriers (please specify the language you speak at home): _______________________________ ! Not knowing where to go for care ! Not able to take time off of work ! Poor services in North Aurora (there is better health care outside of North Aurora) ! Other (please specify): __________________________________________________________ 7. What is your age? ___________ 8. What is your gender? ! Male ! Female 9. What is your race? (Please check all that apply.) ! American Indian/Alaskan Native ! Asian ! Black or African American ! Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander ! White ! Other (please specify): ________________ 10. What is your ethnicity? (Please check one.) ! Hispanic or Latino ! Not Hispanic or Latino Thank you! ! May 8, 2013 35! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado Spanish Version ¡Ayúdenos a atender mejor a los adultos en Aurora! ¡Hola! Somos un grupo de estudiantes de la Escuela de Salud Pública de Colorado y estamos trabajando en un proyecto escolar que consiste en evaluar los servicios de atención médica para los adultos en el norte de Aurora. Queremos conocer la opinión de los residentes de la comunidad para entender mejor qué servicios de salud están disponibles en el norte de Aurora y qué áreas necesitan mejorar. La encuesta sólo le tomará unos minutos y sus respuestas serán anónimas. ¡Muchas gracias por su tiempo! ¡Ayúdenos a atender mejor a los adultos en Aurora! El objetivo de esta encuesta es averiguar qué piensa y cree la gente acerca de los servicios de atención médica para adultos en el norte de Aurora. No hay respuestas correctas o incorrectas. Por favor responda cada pregunta lo mejor que pueda y marque (þ) la respuesta que mejor refleje su opinión. Sus respuestas serán anónimas. 1. ¿Cree usted que hay una cantidad suficiente de buenos servicios de atención médica para adultos en el norte de Aurora? ! Sí ! No ! No estoy seguro 2. ¿Existen servicios en el norte de Aurora a los que puede ir para que le hagan un examen médico general de rutina? ! Sí ! No ! No estoy seguro 2a. ¿A qué clínica acostumbra ir? __________________________________________ 3. ¿Hay servicios de salud oral o dental disponibles para adultos en el norte de Aurora? ! Sí ! No ! No estoy seguro 4. ¿Hay servicios de salud mental (por ejemplo, clínicas de salud mental, terapeutas) disponibles para adultos en el norte de Aurora? ! Sí ! No ! No estoy seguro 5. ¿Hay servicios de especialistas (por ejemplo, doctores que tratan enfermedades del corazón, diabetes, etc.) disponibles para adultos en el norte de Aurora? ! Sí ! No ! No estoy seguro ! May 8, 2013 36! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado 6. Si usted u otros adultos que conoce han tenido dificultades para ver a un doctor en el norte de Aurora, ¿qué cree usted que les impide ir al doctor o recibir los servicios de atención médica que necesitan? (Seleccione todas las opciones aplicables.) ! Falta de seguro médico ! Costo ! Dificultad para conseguir una cita ! Falta de transporte ! Falta de guarderías infantiles ! Barreras lingüísticas (especifique el idioma que habla en el hogar): _______________________________ ! No saber a dónde ir para que lo atiendan ! No poder ausentarse del trabajo ! Servicios deficientes en el norte de Aurora (hay mejor atención médica fuera del norte de Aurora) ! Otros (especifique): __________________________________________________________ 7. ¿Qué edad tiene? ___________ 8. ¿Cuál es su sexo? ! Hombre ! Mujer 9. ¿De qué raza es? (Seleccione todas las opciones aplicables.) ! Indio norteamericano/Nativo de Alaska ! Asiático ! Negro o afroamericano ! Nativo de Hawái o de otra isla del Pacífico. ! Blanco ! Otra (especifique): ________________ 10. ¿Cuál es su origen étnico? (Marque una opción.) ! Hispano o latino ! No hispano ni latino ¡Gracias! ! ! May 8, 2013 37! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado Appendix VI: Summary of Key Informant Interviews Q2: Are there populations within Northwest Aurora that you could identify that do not have adequate health care coverage? If so, which populations? All informants clearly cited several populations who are living in North Aurora without adequate healthcare coverage. The most commonly described populations were Immigrants (4 comments) and Undocumented residents (4 comments). Refugees and the Impoverished were also mentioned. The general consensus was that there is not enough adequate health care service coverage to accommodate the residents of Northwest Aurora. Q3: What do you perceive as the barriers they face in accessing health services? Many issues were raised in response to this question. Three barriers in particular were each cited five times: lack of insurance, cost, and cultural issues. Language and transportation were close behind with four comments each. Among these, cultural issues were the most emphasized. Lack of insurance can be tied to being an undocumented resident, but it could be for other reasons as well, particularly cost. Some of the cultural issues raised included gender differences - some cultures are very uncomfortable being seen by a provider of the opposite sex. Other issues included privacy concerns and lack of trust, a general stigma around mental health services, and a general miscommunication regarding services and the healthcare system in general. For some, particularly refugee populations, the concept of seeing a doctor or of preventive care is entirely foreign. Language is a particular problem with regards to the privacy and lack of trust piece, as many patients may feel uncomfortable speaking to their provider through an interpreter, which could result in inadequate care due to the fear of disclosing personal information (2 comments). Another cultural norm is the idea of needing childcare in order to see one's medical provider - it was explained that some cultures are uncomfortable with "handing their kids to just anyone" - referring to daycare services offered by some institutions (1 comment). Difficulty getting an appointment was noted as a concern in the community (2 comments), as well as a general uncertainty with the quality of care received (1 comment) due to some experience with rushed and distracted health providers. A general lack of understanding of how to navigate the healthcare system was also brought up as a major barrier to seeking healthcare, even with insurance (3 comments). Patient navigation services could go a long way with some populations, as we know and have seen through the interviews that the healthcare system can be very difficult to understand for a variety of cultural and linguistic reasons. Q4: Do you know of any organizations or agencies that provide services that can help address some of those barriers? Some organizations were specifically identified as being important in the community for providing services to address some of these barriers. Aurora Mental Health Center (3 comments), Tri-County Health (2 comments), and public school clinics (2 comments) were cited the most often. It was unclear whether or not the public school clinics are always useful to adults, or if having children in the school would be a prerequisite. The Moorhead Rec Center was identified as being centrally important to the ! May 8, 2013 38! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado community framework (1 comment). The MCPN clinic was mentioned as being a limited resource (2 comments), as well as Aurora Health Access services (1 comment). Denver Health clinics were noted once as being an important resource for residents lacking other options. Interestingly, the 9 News Health Fair was described as being an important resource that accommodates underserved populations, attracting hundreds of residents every year (1 comment). A Neighborhood Watch program was identified as helping to address inaccurate or unfounded negative perceptions of law enforcement by helping to engage those professionals with local residents, particularly newly arrived refugees and non-English speaking immigrants. The program holds several multicultural events every year, as well (1 comment). This is felt to be important, as perceptions around safety can be a significant factor in improving access to healthcare and particularly in regards to mental health. The Asian Pacific Development Center (APDC) (1 comment) provides a wide range of multicultural education classes that are available to low income, non-English speaking residents. The organization largely serves refugee populations - those currently with the highest need are Burmese and Somali. Anyone is welcome to utilize APDC services, which include English classes, Job Readiness, Life Skills, free private tutoring, citizenship, and health classes, among others. Colorado Community College also offers an English as a Second Language (ESL) program (1 comment), and the Spring Institute offers classes to address the language barrier, as well (1 comment). Importantly, one respondent was unsure whether or not there are any resources or organizations in the community helping to address some of the barriers referenced. Q5: What facility or healthcare resource would you consider most essential to the health of your community? Again, the 9 News Health Fair was brought up as a pivotal resource for healthcare services for adults in North Aurora (2 comments). Clinics such as these can provide a welcoming avenue for residents who might not otherwise be able to obtain primary or specialty care services due to lack of insurance, cost, and some of the other barriers cited earlier. School clinics were identified but again with the apprehensions cited earlier (2 comments). The mental health services provided by Aurora Mental Health Center were identified as being critically important for the community's underserved residents (3 comments). Moorhead Rec Center was noted as an essential resource (2 comments), as was the Asian Pacific Development Center, especially for refugee and immigrant populations (1 comment). It is felt that a clinic that operates in a holistic way, providing a variety of healthcare and community health services is a major need in the community as a whole (2 comments). The MCPN clinic was mentioned once, as well. Q6: What gaps in services do you see as a concern within the community? The most commonly identified gap in services was Primary Care (5 comments). It was explained that not only is there an issue with getting to see a primary care provider, but the inconsistency with seeing multiple providers (due to lack of insurance and other barriers) results in insufficient care and lack of follow-up that could help prevent illness. Dental care was the next most commonly identified gap (2 comments) and was highly emphasized. It was explained that there are dental services for low-income ! May 8, 2013 39! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado children in North Aurora, but not so for adults. Specialty care was also noted as particularly lacking (1 comment). Women's health, mental health, immunizations, multicultural health education, housing services, patient navigation, vision, and support groups were each identified once as being important needs in the community. For refugee populations, it is important to note that the Asian Pacific Development Center provides a support group program called Refugees Experience Stress Together (REST) that is aimed at stress management. Q7: How do you and others in the community perceive the University Hospital Services on the Anschutz Medical Campus? As the University Hospital on the Anschutz campus offers an array of services in a central location of North Aurora, it would be assumed that it would be an important resource to residents in the surrounding community. This was not found to be the case. In fact, many residents do not actually know about the resources and services that are available at the Hospital (4 comments), and there is a question regarding whether or not Medicaid patients are being accepted (1 comment). In fact, most respondents identified the University Hospital as unapproachable or "the Ivory Tower" (3 comments). It is not believed that the University Hospital system does any outreach to the surrounding community (3 comments). Residents generally feel unwelcome going to the University of Colorado Hospital (2 comment) and feel that not enough effort is made to make services culturally sensitive (2 comments). High cost and long wait times were each noted once. A significant issue having to do with the University's continual expansion into the surrounding community was raised (2 comments). It has been realized that the University's efforts to gentrify the area around the campus is having a negative social and economic impact on the community, leading to many low-income residents having to relocate out of Aurora. Some fear that much of the work that has been done to address some of the social and health needs of the community will no longer be needed as the low-income residents they serve will have been forced out of the area. Q8: Where are members of the community going for healthcare? Due to the current lack of adequate healthcare services in Northwest Aurora, many adult residents are travelling to Denver Health for care, often to the Emergency Department (4 comments) but also the refugee clinic (1 comment). Some may travel to a clinic in Commerce City that takes low-income patients (1 comment), and many also utilize the MCPN clinic in Northwest Aurora (2 comments). However, it was explained that the care at MCPN can be limited, as patients can only raise one health concern per clinic visit - a separate, subsequent appointment must be made to discuss another health problem or question. ! May 8, 2013 40! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado 41! Appendix VII: Survey Data ! Table 2: Responses to Survey Questions - English and Spanish ! Survey Question Yes (All) Yes (English) Yes (Spanish) No (All) No (English) No (Spanish) Not Sure (All) Not Sure (English) Not Sure (Spanish) No Answer (All) 1.!Do you feel there are enough good health care services in North Aurora for adults? 31% 49% 9% 40% 22% 63% 30% 36% 23% 4% 2.!Are there services in North Aurora where you can get a routine health check-up? 38% 53% 17% 39% 28% 51% 24% 24% 14% 8% 34% 44% 20% 30% 20% 43% 33% 42% 20% 30% 38% 20% 23% 20% 26% 43% 47% 40% 6% 29% 38% 17% 24% 16% 34% 43% 49% 34% 8% 3. Are there oral health/dental health services available for adults in North Aurora? 4.!Are there mental health services available for adults in North Aurora? 5. Is specialty care available for adults in North Aurora? n=80 (All) n=45 (English) n=35 (Spanish) ! May 8, 2013 6% Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado Appendix VII: Survey Data ! ! May 8, 2013 42! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado Appendix VIII: Secondary Data Collection Tools Telephone Questionnaire Template Hello. My name is ________________________, and I am a student at the University of Colorado’s School of Public Health. I am part of a student group that is conducting an inventory of the health services within Northwest Aurora as part of our Community Health Assessment class for Aurora Health Access. I am calling to verify a little information about your service. Do you have a moment for a couple questions? [If asked, “this information will be used to better inform what services are available within your county and to determine if there is a service that is currently not provided within you service area.”] ---------------------------------------1) First, can you verify some of the information that I have collected about your organization: Basic information: Name: Address: Phone numbers: Specialty: Email Website: Hours of operation: Specific services provided: (List) Eligibility criteria: What ages are served? What language services are provided? What type of insurance is accepted? Are there any transportation services available? Is there disability access? 2) What would you consider your service area or region? 3) Do you know of any other organization or provider within your region that provides similar resources, and can you provide the name of the facility or provider? That is all of the information that I wanted to verify. Thank you very much for your time. ! May 8, 2013 43! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado Appendix IX: Presentation to AHA ! May 8, 2013 44! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado ! May 8, 2013 45! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado ! May 8, 2013 46! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado ! May 8, 2013 47! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado ! May 8, 2013 48! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado ! May 8, 2013 49! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado ! May 8, 2013 50! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado ! May 8, 2013 51! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado ! May 8, 2013 52! Adult Healthcare Access in Northwest Aurora, Colorado ! May 8, 2013 53! ! Appendix X: Resource Directory NORTHWEST AURORA HEALTH RESOURCE DIRECTORY 2013 Produced by the Colorado School of Public Health Students: Anjanette Hawkins, Jessica Kendrick, and Lyndsay Krisher Faculty: Suzy Shimasaki and Holly Wolf ! Northwest!Aurora!Health!Resource!Directory! ! ! 55! Purpose The purpose of the resource directory is to identify what health care services are currently available within Northwest Aurora. This resource directory will also be provided by Aurora Health Access to the Northwest Aurora community as a health resource guide. Methodology The services inventoried within Northwest Aurora included medical, dental, behavioral, and any specialty services. For the purposes of this directory, Northwest Aurora was defined as the area bound by Yosemite St. to the west, Potomac St. to the east, E. 6th Ave. to the South and E. Smith St. to the North. The resource guide includes the following information: 1) Basic information: name, address, hours, email, website, phone number; 2) Specific services provided; 3) Eligibility criteria: age served, language interpretation provided, type of insurance accepted, transportation services provided by the clinic, disability (wheelchair) access, nearby bus routes, service area, and any additional notes. The following web addresses were used as search engines: To ensure consistency, accuracy and completeness in the services, telephone confirmation was done after initial data collection. All clinics and providers were confirmed through telephone calls by team members following a specific script. If the phone number was disconnected or no answering machine was available, then the clinic was removed from the list. If there was no answer, but an answering machine, then the services were identified as unknown. Disclaimer This resource guide is a reflection of the services that were available as of April 2013 and does not account for changes made thereafter. We regret any omissions or errors that may have occurred in generating the resource directory. Acknowledgment This research was supported by the Colorado School of Public Health, University of Colorado. ! ! M ay 8 , 20 13 Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Table of Contents Addiction)Services)__________________________________________________________________) 60! CeDAR5Center!for!Dependence,!Addiction!and!Rehabilitation! ____________________________________!60! Our!Inheritance!__________________________________________________________________________!60! Alcoholism)Treatment)Program)_______________________________________________________) 61! Alcoholics!Anonymous!____________________________________________________________________!61! Allergy)___________________________________________________________________________) 61! Allergy,!Asthma,!Immunology!and!Rheumatology!Clinic!at!University!of!Colorado!Hospital! ____________!61! Burn)Care)Specialty)_________________________________________________________________) 62! University!of!Colorado!Hospital!Burn!Center! __________________________________________________!62! Cardiology)(Heart)) _________________________________________________________________) 63! University!of!Colorado!Hospital!Cardiac!and!Vascular!Center! _____________________________________!63! Dental)Services)____________________________________________________________________) 63! Comfort!Dental!__________________________________________________________________________!63! Concorde!Career!College!Dental5Hygiene!Clinic!________________________________________________!64! MCPN!North!Aurora!Clinic,!Dental!&!Pharmacy!________________________________________________!64! Thomas!E.!Daniel!Family!Practice! ___________________________________________________________!65! University!of!Colorado!Hospital!Dental!Clinic!__________________________________________________!65! Dermatology)(Skin)Disorders)) ________________________________________________________) 66! Dermatology!Clinic!at!University!of!Colorado!Hospital! __________________________________________!66! Endocrinology)(Metabolic)Disorders)) __________________________________________________) 66! University!of!Colorado!Hospital!Endocrinology!Clinic! ___________________________________________!66! Gastroenterology)(Digestion)Problems)) ________________________________________________) 67! University!of!Colorado!Hospital!Comprehensive!Gastroenterology! ________________________________!67! Genetic)Testing)____________________________________________________________________) 68! Adult!Medical!Genetics!Clinic!_______________________________________________________________!68! Hand)Care)________________________________________________________________________) 68! University!of!Colorado!Hospital!Hand!Center!__________________________________________________!68! Hematology)(Blood)Disorders))________________________________________________________) 69! University!of!Colorado!Hospital!Hematology!Clinic! _____________________________________________!69! Home)Health)Care)Service) ___________________________________________________________) 69! ! May!10,!2013! 56! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Artek!Homecare! _________________________________________________________________________!69! Excellent!Personal!Home!Care!______________________________________________________________!70! Hospital)__________________________________________________________________________) 70! University!of!Colorado!Hospital!_____________________________________________________________!70! Immunology) ______________________________________________________________________) 71! Allergy,!Asthma,!Immunology!and!Rheumatology!Clinic!at!University!of!Colorado!Hospital! ____________!71! Infectious)Disease)__________________________________________________________________) 72! University!of!Colorado!Hospital!Infectious!Disease!Group!Clinic!___________________________________!72! Integrative)medicine)________________________________________________________________) 72! The!Center!for!Integrative!Medicine!at!University!of!Colorado!Hospital! ____________________________!72! Internal)Medicine)__________________________________________________________________) 73! Allergy,!Asthma,!Immunology!and!Rheumatology!Clinic!at!University!of!Colorado!Hospital! ____________!73! The!Care!Group,!P.C.!______________________________________________________________________!73! University!of!Colorado!Hospital!Internal!Medicine! _____________________________________________!74! Mental)Health)_____________________________________________________________________) 75! Aurora!Mental!Health!North!Aurora!Counseling!Center! _________________________________________!75! Community!Connections! __________________________________________________________________!75! Our!Inheritance!__________________________________________________________________________!76! Outpatient!Psychiatric!Clinic! _______________________________________________________________!76! Senior!Health!Center! _____________________________________________________________________!77! Nephrology)(Kidney)Problems)) _______________________________________________________) 78! Renal!Diseases!and!Hypertension!Clinic!at!University!of!Colorado!Hospital!__________________________!78! Neurology)________________________________________________________________________) 78! University!of!Colorado!Hospital!Neurosciences!Practice!_________________________________________!78! Obstetrics)&)Gynecology) ____________________________________________________________) 79! Colorado!Institute!for!Maternal!and!Fetal!Health! ______________________________________________!79! OB/GYN!Clinic!at!University!of!Colorado!Hospital! ______________________________________________!79! Oncology)(Cancer))__________________________________________________________________) 80! University!of!Colorado!Cancer!Center!at!University!of!Colorado!Hospital! ___________________________!80! University!of!Colorado!Hospital!Radiation!Oncology!!Clinic!_______________________________________!80! Ophthalmology)(Eye)) _______________________________________________________________) 81! Burcham!Eye!care!Center!__________________________________________________________________!81! ! May!10,!2013! 57! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! University!of!Colorado!Eye!Center!___________________________________________________________!82! Orthopedics)(Bones))________________________________________________________________) 82! University!of!Colorado!Hospital!Hand!Center!__________________________________________________!82! University!of!Colorado!Hospital!Orthopedic!Specialists!__________________________________________!83! University!of!Colorado!Hospital!Spine!Center!__________________________________________________!83! Otolaryngology)(Ear,)Nose)and)Throat))_________________________________________________) 84! University!of!Colorado!Hospital!Ear,!Nose!and!Throat!Clinic!______________________________________!84! Pain)Management) _________________________________________________________________) 84! The!Pain!Clinic!at!University!of!Colorado!Hospital!______________________________________________!84! Pharmacy) ________________________________________________________________________) 85! King!Soopers!Pharmacy! ___________________________________________________________________!85! MCPN!North!Aurora!Clinic,!Dental!&!Pharmacy!________________________________________________!86! Physical)Therapy/Rehabilitation)______________________________________________________) 86! Rehabilitation!Therapy!at!Anschutz!__________________________________________________________!86! Spalding!Rehabilitation!Hospital!____________________________________________________________!87! Plastic)and)Reconstructive)Surgery) ____________________________________________________) 88! University!of!Colorado!Hospital!Plastic,!Reconstructive,!Cosmetic!and!Hand!Surgery!Group!____________!88! Podiatry)(Feet)) ____________________________________________________________________) 88! University!of!Colorado!Hospital!Podiatry!Clinic! ________________________________________________!88! Primary)Care)______________________________________________________________________) 89! Asian!Pacific!Development!Center!___________________________________________________________!89! MCPN!North!Aurora!Clinic,!Dental!&!Pharmacy!________________________________________________!90! MCPN!Potomac!St!Health!Center!____________________________________________________________!90! The!Care!Group,!P.C.!______________________________________________________________________!91! University!of!Colorado!Hospital!Internal!Medicine! _____________________________________________!91! University!of!Colorado!Hospital!Seniors!Clinic! _________________________________________________!92! Women's!Integrated!Services!in!Health!(WISH)!Clinic!for!Women! _________________________________!92! Pulmonary)Disease)(Respiratory))______________________________________________________) 93! Allergy,!Asthma,!Immunology!and!Rheumatology!Clinic!at!University!of!Colorado!Hospital! ____________!93! COPD!Center!at!University!of!Colorado!Hospital! _______________________________________________!93! University!of!Colorado!Hospital!Pulmonary!Clinic! ______________________________________________!94! Reproductive)Medicine)______________________________________________________________) 95! ! May!10,!2013! 58! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Advanced!Reproductive!Medicine!Center!at!University!of!Colorado!Hospital!________________________!95! Service)Dogs) ______________________________________________________________________) 95! Canine!Partners!of!the!Rockies! _____________________________________________________________!95! Social)Services)_____________________________________________________________________) 96! Asian!Pacific!Development!Center!___________________________________________________________!96! Association5Community!___________________________________________________________________!96! Rights!for!All!People!______________________________________________________________________!97! Spine) ____________________________________________________________________________) 97! University!of!Colorado!Hospital!Spine!Center!__________________________________________________!97! Urology)__________________________________________________________________________) 98! Urology!and!Urodynamics!Clinic! ____________________________________________________________!98! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! May!10,!2013! 59! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Addiction Services CeDAR-Center for Dependence, Addiction and Rehabilitation 1693 N. Quentin St, Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-3000 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Scheduled Admissions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Services: Residential treatment for adults, comprehensive detoxification, medical stabilization and assessment services, professional four day residential evaluation, extended residential treatment 30, 60, and 90 day programs Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: No Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: Yes. Airport pickup at admission is easily arranged. Transportation is also available for all off-site appointments and meetings during primary treatment Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Nationwide Notes: N/A ! ____________________________________________________________________________! Our Inheritance 1532 Galena St Suite 210 Aurora, CO 80010 Phone: 303-537-4114 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday - Friday 9am-6pm Services: Drug and alcohol counseling: substance abuse counseling, group substance abuse counseling, relapse prevention, recovery maintenance, HIV testing, counseling HIV/AIDS, STD testing, DUI education/therapy, breathalyzers and urinalysis, alcohol and drug free social activities General counseling: mentoring, motivational speaking, anger management, stress management, cognitive thinking, parenting counseling, healthy relationships, peer coaching or mentoring, life skills, employment counseling, offender services, and faith based support Eligible Patients: All ages ! May!10,!2013! 60! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Interpretation Available: Spanish Insurance: Sliding scale Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 15, 15L, and 105 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! Alcoholism Treatment Program Alcoholics Anonymous 10242 E 16th Ave Aurora, CO 80010 Phone: (303) 366-3622 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Meeting times vary, please contact for more details Services: Helps achieve and maintain sobriety through fellowship with other men and women Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Spanish meetings available Insurance: No dues or fees required Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, 15, and 105 Disability Access: Not at this location, Contact central office for disability access: 303-322-5636, 303322-4440 (24 hour) Service Area: Nationwide Notes: N/A ! Allergy Allergy, Asthma, Immunology and Rheumatology Clinic at University of Colorado Hospital Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion 1635 Aurora Ct, 4th floor Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-1940 Website: ! May!10,!2013! 61! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30 pm Services: Joint aspirations, injections, allergy shots, allergy skin test, pulmonary function tests, skin biopsies, asthma, and immune diseases Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! Burn Care Specialty University of Colorado Hospital Burn Center Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion, 7th floor, 1635 Aurora Ct Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-0747 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm Services: Comprehensive wound care for all burns, frostbite, inhalation injury, chemical burns; routine consultation with acute pain service, occupation, physical and nutrition therapy, progressive resuscitation techniques, and an on-site physical rehabilitation unit Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ! May!10,!2013! 62! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Cardiology (Heart) University of Colorado Hospital Cardiac and Vascular Center Anschutz Inpatient Pavilion, 3rd floor North Wing, 1665 Aurora Ct Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-5300 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm Services: Treatments for heart diseases, heart birth defects, and heart conditions Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! Dental Services Comfort Dental 10401 E Colfax Ave Aurora, CO 80010 Phone: (303) 344-2273 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday- Friday 7:30 to 7:30, Saturday 7:30 to 1:30pm Services: Braces and Dental cleaning Eligible Patients: All ages Interpretation Available: Spanish only Insurance: All insurance plans accepted. Welcomes uninsured, underinsured, low income, and self-pay Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 15, 15L, and 105 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Nationwide Notes: N/A ! May!10,!2013! 63! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! ! ____________________________________________________________________________! Concorde Career College Dental-Hygiene Clinic 111 N Havana St Aurora, CO 80010 Phone: (303) 861-1151 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 10pm Services: Dental cleaning only Eligible Patients: All ages Interpretation Available: No translation services Insurance: All insurance accepted. Welcomes uninsured, underinsured, low income Transportation Available: Unknown Accessible Bus Routes: Route 105 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora Notes: N/A ____________________________________________________________________________! MCPN North Aurora Clinic, Dental & Pharmacy 3292 Peoria St Aurora, CO 80010 Phone: (303) 343-6130 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 8am-4:30pm, Wednesday 9:30am to 5pm CLOSED 12pm to 1pm Services: Immunizations, chronic disease management, prenatal care and services, clinical initiatives: diabetes, asthma, immunization, and Women's Health Education services: case management, AmeriCorps service learning programs, health education classes, and Healthy Start Project Eligible Patients: All ages Interpretation Available: Spanish Insurance: CICP, Medicaid, Medicare, and self-pay ! May!10,!2013! 64! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Transportation Available: Unknown Accessible Bus Routes: Route 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ____________________________________________________________________________! Thomas E. Daniel Family Practice 1101 Havana St Aurora, CO 80010 Phone: (303) 366-3577 Website: N/A Email: N/A Hours: Tuesday-Thursday 10am to 5pm, Friday 10am to 1pm Services: Cleanings, Crowns, Oral surgery, Braces, and X-rays Eligible Patients: Ages 6 and older Interpretation Available: None Insurance: All major insurance accepted. Does not accept HMO Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 10 and 105 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora Notes: N/A ! ____________________________________________________________________________! University of Colorado Hospital Dental Clinic 13065 E. 17th Ave Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (303) 724-5505 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm, CLOSED for lunch 12pm to 1pm Services: Low cost to no cost dental care that includes urgent/emergent dental cleanings, crowns, oral surgery, braces, and x-rays Eligible Patients: All ages ! May!10,!2013! 65! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: Located on the ground floor of the School of Dental Medicine ! Dermatology (Skin Disorders) Dermatology Clinic at University of Colorado Hospital Anschutz Cancer Pavilion, 3rd floor 1665 Aurora Ct Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-0500 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30pm Services: Conditions treated: acne, psoriasis, eczema, warts, hair loss, birthmarks, rosacea, spider veins, vitiligo, and increased sweating Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Yes Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! Endocrinology (Metabolic Disorders) University of Colorado Hospital Endocrinology Clinic Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion, 1635 Aurora Ct Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-2650 Website: Email: N/A ! May!10,!2013! 66! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am to 4:30 pm, Friday 8am to 4 pm Services: Conditions treated: diabetes, lipid disorders, menopause, obesity, osteoporosis, pituitary disorders, thyroid cancer, and thyroid disorders Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: Located on the ground floor of the School of Dental Medicine ! Gastroenterology (Digestion Problems) University of Colorado Hospital Comprehensive Gastroenterology Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion, 1635 Aurora Ct Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-2777 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30 pm Services: Conditions treated: acid reflux, crohn's disease, ulcers, gallstones, hepatitis, irritable bowl syndrome, celiac sprue disease, colitis, colon cancer, colon polyps, esophageal cancer, liver disease, liver cancer, liver transplant, pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis, and anal and rectal cancer, Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ! May!10,!2013! 67! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Genetic Testing Adult Medical Genetics Clinic Anschutz Inpatient Pavilion, 3rd floor 12605 E. 16th Ave Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-0782 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm Services: Testing for genetic disorders that examine the DNA molecule, enzymes, chromosomes, and proteins that determine inherited diseases or a person's ancestry Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! Hand Care University of Colorado Hospital Hand Center Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion, 1665 Aurora Ct, 4th floor Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-0485 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30 pm Services: Conditions treated: carpal tunnel syndrome, distal radius fractures, hand injuries, hand surgery, wrist reconstruction, limb preservation, and trigger finger Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 ! May!10,!2013! 68! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! Hematology (Blood Disorders) University of Colorado Hospital Hematology Clinic Anschutz Cancer Pavilion, 2nd floor, 1665 Aurora Ct Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-0300 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30pm Services: Conditions treated: anemia, bleeding disorders, clotting disorders, hemochromatosis, and leukemia Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! Home Health Care Service Artek Homecare 10333 E Colfax Ave Suite B Aurora, CO 80010 Phone: (720) 858-9200 Website: Email: Hours: Monday -Friday 8am to 5pm Services: Specializes with the elderly and disabled to provide home health care, personal care, home maker needs, and relative care ! May!10,!2013! 69! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Mongolian, Polish, and Armenian Insurance: Medicaid Transportation Available: Yes, depending on program Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 15, 15L, and 105 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ____________________________________________________________________________! Excellent Personal Home Care 9705 E Colfax Ave Aurora, CO 80010 Phone: (303) 343-3400 Website: Unknown Email: N/A Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 to 5pm Services: Primary care, personal care and homemaker services Eligible Patients: All ages Interpretation Available: Russian Insurance: Medicaid Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: N/A Disability Access: N/A- provide access at client's home Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! Hospital University of Colorado Hospital 1635 Aurora Ct, Suite 1101 Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-0000 Website: Email: N/A ! May!10,!2013! 70! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Services: Patient resource center, spiritual care, palliative care, patient representative, pharmacy services, social workers, and interpreting/translation services Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language translators available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ! Immunology Allergy, Asthma, Immunology and Rheumatology Clinic at University of Colorado Hospital Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion 1635 Aurora Ct, 4th floor Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-1940 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30 pm Services: Joint aspirations, injections, allergy shots, allergy skin test, pulmonary function tests, skin biopsies, asthma, and immune diseases Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ! May!10,!2013! 71! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Infectious Disease University of Colorado Hospital Infectious Disease Group Clinic Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion, 7th floor, 1635 Aurora Ct Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-0191 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 8am to 4:30 pm, Thursday 9am to 4:30 pm Services: HIV/AIDS primary care, antibiotic therapy program, sexually transmitted diseases, hospitalacquired infections, infections complication from organ transplants, and international traveler's health services Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language translators available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! Integrative medicine The Center for Integrative Medicine at University of Colorado Hospital Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion, 5th floor, 1635 Aurora Ct Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-1090 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30pm Services: Physician-managed care that emphasizes the wellness and healing of the entire person Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language translators available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 ! May!10,!2013! 72! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! Internal Medicine Allergy, Asthma, Immunology and Rheumatology Clinic at University of Colorado Hospital Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion 1635 Aurora Ct, 4th floor Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-1940 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30 pm Services: Joint aspirations, injections, allergy shots, allergy skin test, pulmonary function tests, skin biopsies, asthma, and immune diseases Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ! ____________________________________________________________________________! The Care Group, P.C. 750 Potomac St #111 Aurora, CO 80011 Phone: (303) 343-3121 Website: Email: Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm, special extended hours throughout month ! May!10,!2013! 73! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Services: Care of acute and chronic medical problems, physical examinations, preventive care, acupuncture, light therapy, massage therapy, nutritional counseling, hormone balancing, cholesterol and blood pressure screening, routine gynecological care: PAP smears and family planning, treatment of common skin disorders and occupational health problems, and minor outpatient surgical procedures Eligible Patients: 18 years and older Interpretation Available: No Insurance: All insurances EXCEPT Medicare or Medicaid Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 6 and 10 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ! ____________________________________________________________________________! University of Colorado Hospital Internal Medicine Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion 1635 Aurora Court Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-2300 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm, same day appointments available Services: Annual physicals, skin care, diabetes, emphysema, Women's health services, heart: prevention and disease wellness care, pulmonary care, sore throat, sports physicals, sprains, and urgent care Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language translators available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ! May!10,!2013! 74! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Mental Health Aurora Mental Health North Aurora Counseling Center 1646 Elmira St Aurora, CO 80010 Phone: (303) 617-2300 Website: Email: Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:00 am - 7:00 pm, Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Services: Individual and group therapy, couples therapy, older adult services, intensive outpatient and inpatient services, day treatment services, preventative and wellness classes, offenders program, residential program, psychological testing, psychiatric services, life coaching program Eligible Patients: All ages Interpretation Available: Spanish, Arabic, Please call to inquire about other language services Insurance: Medicaid, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, United Behavioral Health Care, and TRICOR Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, 105, 15, and 15L Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ! ____________________________________________________________________________! Community Connections 10004 E Colfax Ave Aurora, CO 80010 Phone: (303) 739-9631 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10am to 2:30pm Services: Drop-In counseling, personal empowerment and wellness, food bank, assessment and evaluation, outpatient treatment and counseling, job skills training, medication management, case management, dual diagnosis programs, wrap-around services, and emergency services Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: No Insurance: Medicaid ! May!10,!2013! 75! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Transportation Available: Yes- personal van for pick-up and drop-off Accessible Bus Routes: Route 15 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Adams and Arapahoe Counties Notes: N/A ! ____________________________________________________________________________! Our Inheritance 1532 Galena St Suite 210 Aurora, CO 80010 Phone: 303-537-4114 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday - Friday 9am to 6pm Services: Drug and alcohol counseling: substance abuse counseling, group substance abuse counseling, relapse prevention, recovery maintenance, HIV testing, counseling HIV/AIDS, STD testing, DUI education/therapy, breathalyzers and urinalysis, alcohol and drug free social activities General counseling: mentoring, motivational speaking, anger management, stress management, cognitive thinking, parenting counseling, healthy relationships, peer coaching or mentoring, life skills, employment counseling, offender services, and faith based support Eligible Patients: All ages Interpretation Available: Spanish Insurance: Sliding scale Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 15, 15L, and 105 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ! ____________________________________________________________________________! Outpatient Psychiatric Clinic Anschutz Medical Campus, Bldg. 500, 2nd floor West Wing, 13001 E. 17th Place Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (303) 724-1000 Website: ! May!10,!2013! 76! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Email: N/A Hours: Monday and Friday 8am to 5pm; Wednesday 1:30pm to 5pm; Tuesday and Thursday 9am to 6pm Services: Multisystem therapy, intensive family therapy, community based psychiatry, medication maintenance, relationships, treatment of all major psychiatric conditions Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ! ____________________________________________________________________________! Senior Health Center The Medical Center of Aurora, North Campus 700 Potomac St Aurora, CO 80011 Phone: (303) 306-4321 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday- Friday 8am to 5pm Services: Short-term intensive hospital based psychiatric treatment for seniors including 24-hour nursing care, medical support, structured activities, case management, assistance with daily living activities Eligible Patients: Ages 55 and older Interpretation Available: Spanish available Insurance: Medicaid, Medicare, accepts most major insurance plans. Self-pay option is also available. Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 6 and 10 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ! May!10,!2013! 77! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Nephrology (Kidney Problems) Renal Diseases and Hypertension Clinic at University of Colorado Hospital Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion, 7th floor, 1635 Aurora Ct Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-0749 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Tuesday and Wednesday 1pm to 5pm Services: Conditions treated: kidney diseases and hypertension Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language translators available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! Neurology University of Colorado Hospital Neurosciences Practice Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion, 1635 Aurora Ct Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-2080 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30 pm Services: Conditions treated: Alzheimer's Disease, back pain, brain cancer, carpal tunnel syndrome, dementia, vertigo, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson disease, pituitary tumors, sleep disorders, spine conditions, and stroke Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 ! May!10,!2013! 78! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! Obstetrics & Gynecology Colorado Institute for Maternal and Fetal Health Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion, 3rd floor 1635 Aurora Ct Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-1060 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday and Thursday 8am to 7pm, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 8am to 4:30pm Services: Pregnancy, childbirth and newborn care, high-risk pregnancy, and maternal fetal medicine Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ____________________________________________________________________________! OB/GYN Clinic at University of Colorado Hospital Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion, 3rd floor 1635 Aurora Ct Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-1060 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday and Thursday 8am to 7pm, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 8am to 4:30pm Services: Annual exams, birth control management, breast health, cervical dysplasia, female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery, menopause, high-risk pregnancy, menstrual disorders, pelvic organ prolapse, prenatal care, uterine disorders, and sexual concerns Eligible Patients: 18 and older ! May!10,!2013! 79! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! Oncology (Cancer) University of Colorado Cancer Center at University of Colorado Hospital Anschutz Cancer Pavilion 1665 Aurora Ct Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-0300 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30 pm Services: National Cancer Institute designated Comprehensive Cancer Center. Multidisciplinary team approach to care, treatment of all cancer types, cancer research Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ____________________________________________________________________________! University of Colorado Hospital Radiation Oncology Clinic Anschutz Cancer Pavilion 1665 Aurora Ct Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-0100 Website: Email: N/A ! May!10,!2013! 80! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 4pm Services: Stereotactic radiosurgery, brachytherapy, biologic-based radiotherapy, gamma knife therapy, tomotherapy Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! Ophthalmology (Eye) Burcham Eye care Center 750 Potomac St #223 Aurora, CO 80011 Phone: (303) 340-4600 Website: Email: Hours: Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm Services: Basic eye exams, medical eye exams (diabetic, double vision, dry eye evaluation, eye plug insertion, evaluation for retinal problems, glaucoma, infections and traumas of eye), eye surgeries (cataracts, eye muscle, LASIK, pteryugium surgery, reconstructive eye surgery, glaucoma treatment), and contact lens fittings Eligible Patients: All ages Interpretation Available: No Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 6 and 10 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora Notes: N/A ! ____________________________________________________________________________! ! May!10,!2013! 81! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! University of Colorado Eye Center 1675 Aurora Ct Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-2020 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30 pm Services: Routine/annual eye health exams, functional and cosmetic eye and eyelid surgery, glasses prescription exams, retina consultations, procedures and surgery, cornea consultations, procedures and surgery, glaucoma consultations, procedures and surgery, and refractive surgery (LASIK) Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! Orthopedics (Bones) University of Colorado Hospital Hand Center Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion, 1665 Aurora Ct, 4th floor Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-0485 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30 pm Services: Conditions treated: carpal tunnel syndrome, distal radius fractures, hand injuries, hand surgery, wrist reconstruction, limb preservation, and trigger finger Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes ! May!10,!2013! 82! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ____________________________________________________________________________! University of Colorado Hospital Orthopedic Specialists Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion, 1635 Aurora Ct Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-1900 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30pm Services: Conditions treated: joint replacement, meniscus tears, rotator cuff injuries, shoulder dislocation, sprains, strains, fractures, ligament and cartilage tears, tendonitis, bursitis, tennis elbow, arthritis Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ____________________________________________________________________________! University of Colorado Hospital Spine Center Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion 1635 Aurora Ct, St 4200 Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-1980 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30pm Services: Conditions treated: artificial disc, back pain, herniated disc, spinal stenosis Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions ! May!10,!2013! 83! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose and Throat) University of Colorado Hospital Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion, 6th floor, 1635 Aurora Ct Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-2820 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30pm Services: Conditions treated: allergies, ear mass growth treatment, deviated septum, vertigo, earaches, ear infections, eardrum perforations, facial paralysis, hearing loss, facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, sinusitis/sinus headache, speech rehabilitation, dysphagia, taste and smell disorders, tinnitus Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ! Pain Management The Pain Clinic at University of Colorado Hospital 1635 Aurora Ct, Suite 1101 Aurora, CO 80010 Phone: (720) 848-1970 Website: ! May!10,!2013! 84! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30pm, CLOSED 12pm to 1pm Services: Condition treated chronic pains, especially: neck and back pain, headaches, neuropathy, and terminal illness including cancer Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language Services provided please call for details Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! Pharmacy King Soopers Pharmacy 655 Peoria St Aurora, CO 80011 Phone: (303) 364-9196 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Sunday 10am to 6pm, Monday - Friday 8am to 9pm, Saturday 9am to 6pm Services: Prescription refill, order new prescriptions, diabetic needs, drug information, wellness services, vaccinations, health information, Medicare information, employer services, and health matters information Eligible Patients: All ages Interpretation Available: No Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 121, 6, and 10 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora Notes: N/A ! ____________________________________________________________________________! ! May!10,!2013! 85! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! MCPN North Aurora Clinic, Dental & Pharmacy 3292 Peoria St Aurora, CO 80010 Phone: (303) 343-6130 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30 pm CLOSED 12pm to 1pm Services: Immunizations, chronic disease management, prenatal care and services, clinical initiatives: diabetes, asthma, immunization, and Women's Health Education services: case management, AmeriCorps service learning programs, health education classes, and Healthy Start Project Eligible Patients: All ages Interpretation Available: Spanish Insurance: CICP, Medicaid, Medicare, and self-pay Transportation Available: Unknown Accessible Bus Routes: Route 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! Physical Therapy/Rehabilitation Concentra North Aurora Urgent Care 3350 Peoria St Suite 190 Aurora, CO 80010 Phone: (303) 340-3053 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 7am to 5 pm Services: Occupational, urgent care, physical therapy and wellness services Eligible Patients: All ages Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Route121 Disability Access: Yes ! May!10,!2013! 86! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Service Area: Aurora Notes: N/A !____________________________________________________________________________! Rehabilitation Therapy at Anschutz Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion, 1635 Aurora Ct, Suite 4200 Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-2000 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 7am to 6pm, Saturday 7am to 1pm Services: Physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, inpatient rehabilitation, aquatic therapy Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ____________________________________________________________________________! Spalding Rehabilitation Hospital 900 Potomac St Aurora, CO 80011 Phone: (303) 367-1166 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Scheduled admissions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Visiting hours vary, please contact for more information Services: Treatment programs including brain injury recovery and rehabilitation, rehabilitation from amputee, injury, and disease Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Contact for available language translation Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans, along with Medicare. Please contact for questions ! May!10,!2013! 87! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 6 and 10 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora Notes: N/A ! Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery University of Colorado Hospital Plastic, Reconstructive, Cosmetic and Hand Surgery Group Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion 6th floor, 1635 Aurora Ct Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-0800 Website: nstructiveSurgery/Pages/Welcome.aspx Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30pm Services: Reconstructive surgery for birth defects, developmental abnormalities, injury, infection, tumors; breast reconstruction surgery, liposuction, tummy tuck, weight loss surgery, and Botox injections Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! Podiatry (Feet) University of Colorado Hospital Podiatry Clinic Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion, 6th floor, 1635 Aurora Ct Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-2785 ! May!10,!2013! 88! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30 pm Services: Conditions treated: ankle disorders, ankle injuries, foot disorders, foot injuries, and toe problems Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! Primary Care Asian Pacific Development Center 1544 Elmira St Aurora, CO 80010 Phone: (303) 365-2959 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Unknown Services: Comprehensive screening and referral, co-location of services , navigation , primary medical care, behavioral health services, health literacy and wellness education, cultural sensitivity and competency, wellness and physical exams, pediatrics, immunizations for adults and children, care of acute illnesses, management of chronic illnesses, diabetes management, breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screenings, behavioral health services Eligible Patients: All ages Interpretation Available: Contact for available language translation Insurance: Sliding scale fee based on ability to pay, Medicaid/ Medicare accepted, Transportation Available: Unknown Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, 105, 15, and 15L Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora Notes: N/A ____________________________________________________________________________! ! May!10,!2013! 89! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! MCPN North Aurora Clinic, Dental & Pharmacy 3292 Peoria St Aurora, CO 80010 Phone: (303) 343-6130 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Family Health Services: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 8am to 4:30pm, Wednesday 9:30am-6pm; EXTENDED CARE CLINIC: Monday-Friday 11am to 8pm, Saturday 8am to 4pm Services: Immunizations, chronic disease management, prenatal care and services, clinical initiatives: diabetes, asthma, immunization, and Women's Health. Health Education services: case management, AmeriCorps service learning programs, health education classes, and Healthy Start Project Eligible Patients: All ages Interpretation Available: Spanish Insurance: CICP, Medicaid, Medicare, and self-pay Transportation Available: Unknown Accessible Bus Routes: Route 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ____________________________________________________________________________! MCPN Potomac St Health Center 700 Potomac St Suite A Aurora, CO 80011 Phone: (303) 360-3712 Website: Email: Hours: Monday - Friday 8am to 4:30pm, CLOSED 12pm to 1pm (EXCEPT Wednesday CLOSED 1pm to 2pm) Services: Immunizations, chronic disease management, prenatal care and services, clinical initiatives: diabetes, asthma, immunization, and Women's Health, health education services: case management, AmeriCorps service learning programs, Health education classes, and Healthy Start Project Eligible Patients: All ages Interpretation Available: Spanish Insurance: CICP, Medicaid, Medicare, Sliding Fee Scale based on income, and self pay Transportation Available: Unknown Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 6 and 11 ! May!10,!2013! 90! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ____________________________________________________________________________! The Care Group, P.C. 750 Potomac St #111 Aurora, CO 80011 Phone: (303) 343-3121 Website: Email: Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm, special extended hours throughout month Services: Care of acute and chronic medical problems, physical examinations, preventive care, acupuncture, light therapy, massage therapy, nutritional counseling, hormone balancing, cholesterol and blood pressure screening, routine gynecological care: PAP smears and family planning, treatment of common skin disorders and occupational health problems, and minor outpatient surgical procedures Eligible Patients: 18 years and older Interpretation Available: No Insurance: All insurances EXCEPT Medicare or Medicaid Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 6 and 10 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ____________________________________________________________________________! University of Colorado Hospital Internal Medicine Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion 1635 Aurora Court Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-2300 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm, same day appointments available Services: Annual physicals, skin care, diabetes, emphysema, Women's health services, heart: prevention and disease wellness care, pulmonary care, sore throat, sports physicals, sprains, and urgent care ! May!10,!2013! 91! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language translators available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ____________________________________________________________________________! University of Colorado Hospital Seniors Clinic Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion 1635 Aurora Court, 5th floor Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-3400 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am to 4:30pm Services: Anticoagulation therapy, pharmacy consulting, case management, family conferences, and assistance with decisions about home living status Eligible Patients: 75 years and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: Unknown Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ____________________________________________________________________________! Women's Integrated Services in Health (WISH) Clinic for Women Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion 1635 Aurora Court, 3rd floor Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-9474 Website: Email: N/A ! May!10,!2013! 92! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am to 5pm Services: Health screening evaluation, coordination of specialty care, and primary care Eligible Patients: Women 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! Pulmonary Disease (Respiratory) Allergy, Asthma, Immunology and Rheumatology Clinic at University of Colorado Hospital Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion 1635 Aurora Ct, 4th floor Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-1940 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30 pm Services: Asthma, immune diseases, pulmonary function tests, joint aspirations, injections, allergy shots, allergy skin test, and skin biopsies Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ____________________________________________________________________________! COPD Center at University of Colorado Hospital Anschutz Inpatient Pavilion 12605 E. 16th Ave Aurora, CO 80045 ! May!10,!2013! 93! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Phone: (720) 848-0748 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Thursday 1pm to 4:30pm Services: Help to quit smoking. Treatment and evaluation for pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary rehabilitation, lung transplant patients. Treatment of muscle wasting disorders and screening for early cancer detection Eligible Patients: All ages Interpretation Available: Language services provided please call for details Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ____________________________________________________________________________! University of Colorado Hospital Pulmonary Clinic Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion, 7th floor, 1635 Aurora Ct Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-1940 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 1 pm to 4:15 pm Services: Asthma, allergens, chronic pulmonary disease, lung transplant, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary rehabilitation, smoking cessation program Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! ! May!10,!2013! 94! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Reproductive Medicine Advanced Reproductive Medicine Center at University of Colorado Hospital Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion, 1635 Aurora Ct Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-1690 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm; Saturday and Sunday (ovulation monitoring only) 8:30am to 10:30am Services: Comprehensive evaluation, diagnosis and treatment for both male and female reproductive issues Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language services provided please call for details Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: Please Send Correspondences to P.O. Box 6510, Mail Stop F701 Aurora, CO 80045 ! Service Dogs Canine Partners of the Rockies 651 Potomac St Aurora, CO 80011 Phone: (303) 364-9040 Website: Email: Hours: Unknown Services: Dogs are placed with people who have spinal cord injuries, CP, MS, MD, rheumatoid arthritis and other mobility limiting conditions Eligible Patients: All ages Interpretation Available: Unknown Insurance: None, cash or limited funding available Transportation Available: No ! May!10,!2013! 95! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 6 and 10 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Colorado Notes: N/A ! Social Services Asian Pacific Development Center 1544 Elmira St Aurora, CO 80010 Phone: (303) 365-2959 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Unknown Services: Comprehensive screening and referral, co-location of services , navigation , primary medical care, behavioral health services, health literacy and wellness education, cultural sensitivity and competency, wellness and physical exams, pediatrics, immunizations for adults and children, care of acute illnesses, management of chronic illnesses, diabetes management, breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screenings, behavioral health services Eligible Patients: All ages Interpretation Available: Contact for available language translation Insurance: Sliding scale fee based on ability to pay, Medicaid/ Medicare accepted, Transportation Available: Unknown Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, 105, 15, and 15L Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora Notes: N/A ! ____________________________________________________________________________! Association-Community 9915 E Colfax Ave Aurora, CO 80010 Phone: (303) 366-6703 Website: Email: N/A ! May!10,!2013! 96! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Hours: Unknown Services: Unknown Eligible Patients: Unknown Interpretation Available: Unknown Insurance: Unknown Transportation Available: Unknown Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 15 and 15L Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora Notes: N/A ! ____________________________________________________________________________! Rights for All People 1400 Dayton St Aurora, CO 80010 Phone: (303) 893-3500 Website: Email: Hours: Unknown Services: Unknown Eligible Patients: Unknown Interpretation Available: Unknown Insurance: Unknown Transportation Available: Unknown Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 15 and 15L Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! Spine University of Colorado Hospital Spine Center Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion 1635 Aurora Ct, St 4200 Aurora, CO 80045 Phone: (720) 848-1980 Website: ! May!10,!2013! 97! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30pm Services: Conditions treated: artificial disc, back pain, herniated disc, spinal stenosis Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! Urgent Care Concentra North Aurora Urgent Care 3350 Peoria St Suite 190 Aurora, CO 80010 Phone: (303) 340-3053 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 7am to 5 pm Services: Occupational, urgent care, physical therapy and wellness services Eligible Patients: All ages Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Route121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora Notes: N/A Urology Urology and Urodynamics Clinic Anschutz Outpatient Pavilion, 3rd floor 1635 Aurora Ct Aurora, CO 80045 ! May!10,!2013! 98! Identifying!Health!Access!Barriers!with!Aurora,!Colorado! ! Phone: (720) 848-1800 Website: Email: N/A Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30 pm Services: Treatments for prostate, circumcisions, urinary tract diseases and conditions, male infertility testing, and vasectomies Eligible Patients: 18 and older Interpretation Available: Language line services available Insurance: Accepts most insurance plans. Please contact for questions Transportation Available: No Accessible Bus Routes: Routes 20, DM, 15, 15L, and 121 Disability Access: Yes Service Area: Aurora/Denver Metro Notes: N/A ! May!10,!2013! 99!