! RRE subscriber participants whose company is a current RRE subscriber should plan to bring the following to the session:! ! 1. A laptop computer to facilitate the mock recall! 2. 1 blank Word document titled, Press Release! 3. 1 blank Excel document titled, Ship To Retailer 1! 4. 1 blank Excel document titled, Ship To Retailer 2! 5. 1 small image of a product in a .jpeg format (file size no greater than 5 MB)! 6. 1 small image of a case (showing barcode), optional (file size no greater than 5MB)! 7. Plant location – can make up a location or use an actual facility! a. Location Name! b. Address! c. City, State, Zip & Country! d. UDSA Establishment Number/Plant Number, if applicable! 8. Product information! a. Product Name! b. GTIN/ UPC Number! c. Weight size per Consumer Unit – for example, 16! d. Weight Unit of Measure – for example, ounces! e. 1 or 2 Consumer Unit Lot/Batch Codes! f. Case GTIN/Barcode! g. Number of units per case! h. 1 or 2 Shipping Case Lot/Batch/Date Code(s)! 9. Product Handling Details! a. A brief statement to enter in this section (can copy and paste)! i. Special handling instructions overall and at different points in the supply chain (at store, at warehouse, in-transit, for consumers)! 10. Recall Contacts Information! a. Regulatory Contact! i. Name! ii. Phone number! iii. Email address! b. Customer Contact! i. Name! ii. Phone number! iii. Email address! ! Items #2 - #6 should be stored on the laptop in an easily accessible location." ! Items #7 - #10 should be jotted down on a piece of paper for EASY reference, with an electronic version of the information stored on the laptop in an easily accessible location to aid in ‘copy and paste.’" ! Please expect to receive system-generated emails from RRE in the coming days to prepare for the session.