The Modification of Existing Provision Version 2 Author Head of ASQ Approved date March 2014 – to reflect move to faculties Approved by UQEC Review date March 2015 Page 1 of 13 Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 3 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 3 Low risk approval – on line task process............................................................................................. 3 Medium risk approval – Modifications Process .................................................................................. 3 Higher risk approval – Major Change ................................................................................................. 3 The process ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Deadlines............................................................................................................................................. 4 Exceptional changes to modules and courses .................................................................................... 4 Stages within the process (see process diagrams) ............................................................................. 5 Approval to Proceed ....................................................................................................................... 5 Submit online task........................................................................................................................... 5 Submit supporting documents........................................................................................................ 5 Consideration of documents........................................................................................................... 5 Response and resubmission............................................................................................................ 5 Modification approval ..................................................................................................................... 6 Approval memo............................................................................................................................... 6 Record modification........................................................................................................................ 6 Appendix 1 Modifications Process Flow ............................................................................................. 7 Appendix 2 Major Change Process Flow ............................................................................................. 8 Appendix 3 – extent of change ........................................................................................................... 9 Appendix 4 – course amendment template ..................................................................................... 12 Page 2 of 13 Introduction The processes detailed in this document fulfil the expectations of Chapter B8 of the QAA Quality Code - Programme monitoring and review that “Higher education providers have effective procedures in place to routinely monitor and periodically review programmes.” The following Expectation from Chapter A4: Approval and review is also relevant to this topic: “Higher education providers have in place effective processes to approve and periodically review the validity and relevance of programmes” Scope The processes in this document include the following • • Minor modifications to existing provision Major change to existing provision These changes will be effected through FQEC processes. The following processes are not covered by this document, but are available in The Validation, Approval, Accreditation and Deletion of Provision: • • • • • • • • Approval of existing provision – (i.e. review or change of delivery) Approval of provision for delivery with a collaborative partner Approval of provision incorporating a PSRB Validation of new provision Validation of new provision for delivery with a collaborative partner Validation of new provision incorporating a PSRB Accreditation of externally delivered provision Deletion of provision These changes may be effected through FQEC or UQP processes as determined at the planning approval stage. Low risk approval – on line task process The lowest risk activity comprises changes to modules which have no impact on the course specification. These are submitted through the online amendment task. Medium risk approval – Modifications Process Some lower risk changes made to modules may also require a change to be made to an existing course specification. Module changes are submitted through the online amendment task. Higher risk approval – Major Change Where the proposed change to existing provision during an academic year is considered to be significant (see Appendix 3), the major change process comes into effect. This allows for a greater Page 3 of 13 degree of external scrutiny prior to approval and University level approval may be required before this can proceed. The process When considering proposals for modifications, it is the responsibility of FQEC to: • nominate a member of FQEC to lead on modification work (Chair); this person will be the main contact person for the ASQ Officer managing the approval process; • confirm, annually, the constituency of the team working with the Chair and Officer to consider modifications; • confirm the appropriateness of academic standards (taking into account external comment as appropriate); • ensure academic standards, as validated, are maintained on existing courses; • assure the integrity of existing validated courses; • confirm the appropriate planning approval has been gained before the approval process progresses; • confirm that appropriate management mechanisms are in place to establish, monitor and maintain appropriate academic standards for all provision, including provision delivered in collaboration with other providers; • confirm the appropriateness of teaching, learning and assessment methods; • confirm the resources supporting the provision are fit for purpose; • ensure that other faculties and collaborative partners, who may be affected, are consulted on the proposed changes; • ensure that where a course is accredited or recognised by a professional body that the appropriate level of consultation has taken place; • ensure that all modifications are completed within University deadlines so that students are not disadvantaged and staff have sufficient time to implement the proposed amendments; Faculties should be mindful of the impact of modifications on timetabling, and must ensure revised course records reflect student diets, as this constitutes part of the University’s public information. Deadlines The deadline for the completion of modifications to courses or modules is the end of April for changes to be implemented in the following academic year. Exceptional changes to modules and courses It may occasionally be necessary to effect a change to a course or module after the standard 30th April deadline. The usual trigger for making such a change will be as a result of receiving comments from an external examiner at an assessment board, but may also be due to external factors such as PSRB feedback. The decision to make a change to a course or module in order to improve the student experience needs to be balanced against the potential disruption the change may cause to students who will already have been able to enrol on their course and register for their module diet. There may also be disruption to the timetabling of any affected modules. Where the Chair of FQEC agrees a proposed change can be submitted to the Officer for approval the evidence for the need to make the change should be included with the proposal. Page 4 of 13 The process for approving the change should be completed no later than 31st July for assessment weightings and 31st August for all other changes. Stages within the process (see process diagrams) Approval to Proceed There are various methods through which approval to proceed may be confirmed. This will depend on the level of risk to the institution and the impact on students if the provision were to be modified / validated / approved / accredited/ deleted. FQEC Officers will also be able to advise, but the various methods include the following processes: • • • • Academic Planning Approval; FLOW; Major change memo; Consent from FQEC Chair and Officer to proceed. Submit online task Routine changes may be made to modules without recourse to quality processes. This takes place each time a module runs and is effected by the module leader through the online module guide task on e:vision. Some sections of the module, however, cannot be updated through this mechanism as they require scrutiny by FQEC before the proposed changes can be made. The mechanism for this is the online module task on e:vision. Module leaders complete the relevant sections of the task and submit it for approval to the ASQ Officer. Submit supporting documents Where changes are proposed to a course or where the changes made to a module impact on a course, an amended course specification should be submitted for approval to the ASQ Officer. Consideration of documents It is expected that FQECs will devolve responsibility for overseeing modifications to a Working Group who will manage the process via an online process. Membership of this group should include as a minimum a Chair, the FQEC Officer, academic representation and members able to contribute specialist knowledge (i.e. Learning Support, Teaching and Learning etc.). As the Officer receives the submission documentation, it will be uploaded to the WOLF topic. Once all the documentation has been received, the Officer will advise members of the deadline for reading and commenting on the documentation and members, in turn, will submit their comments via the WOLF topic blog. Response and resubmission It is the responsibility of the Proposer to read the feedback and comments produced by the Working Group members and to respond via the WOLF topic. If, as a result of responding to the feedback, it is necessary to make amendments to the documentation, this should be updated and forwarded to the Officer. Page 5 of 13 Modification approval The previous stage is an iterative process and may be repeated until the final version of the documentation is produced to the satisfaction of the Chair. Unless the documentation needs to be submitted to a Professional Statutory or Regulatory Body (in the UK or overseas) for further comment, at this stage the Chair and Officer will approve any new modules through the online task. Approval memo An approval memo is only required for that provision covered by the major change process. This is circulated by the Officer and a template for the memo is available. Record modification In order for FQEC to maintain an overview of the modifications being undertaken across the Faculty, an annual report on the modifications completed by the Working Group will be received for information. In order that UQEC can maintain an overview of the modifications being undertaken across the University, this reports will, in turn will be ratified by UQEC. A template for this annual report is available. Page 6 of 13 Appendix 1 Modifications Process Flow Approval to proceed Consideration of documents Submit online task Submit supporting documents Response and resubmission Modification Approval Record modifcation Page 7 of 13 Appendix 2 Major Change Process Flow Approval to proceed Consideration of documents Approval Memo Submit online task Submit supporting documents Response and resubmission Modification Approval Record modifcation Page 8 of 13 Appendix 3 – extent of change Activity Extent of change University Planning Approval Process Other External input Unlimited Not required On line modifications task the brief module description of a module Unlimited Not required On line modifications task the designated pre-requisites for a module Unlimited Not required On line modifications task the prohibited module combinations for a module the weighting of a module assessment task Unlimited Not required On line modifications task Unlimited Not required On line modifications task a module’s availability (custom, semester or year-long delivery) course learning outcomes Unlimited Not required Modification Does not impact on course record Does not impact on course record Does not impact on course record Does not impact on course record Does not impact on course record Impacts on course record External offered opportunity to comment External offered opportunity to comment External offered opportunity to comment External offered opportunity to comment External offered opportunity to comment External offered opportunity to comment One learning outcome Not required Modification Impacts on course record the diet of a course by adding or deleting modules Up to 60 credits of change; no more than 40 credits at any one level Unlimited Not required Modification Impacts on course record External offered opportunity to comment External offered opportunity to comment Not required as long as the course overall is still available by blended learning Not required Modification Impacts on course record External offered opportunity to comment Modification Impacts on course External offered Changing module learning outcomes the mode of delivery of a module e.g. conversion from blended to distance learning the module type (standard, Up to 60 credits of Page 9 of 13 project, placement) the status of a module (core to option or vice versa the title of a module the type of module assessment task course learning outcomes the diet of a course by adding or deleting modules the module type (standard, project, placement) the status of a module (core to option or vice versa the title of a module change; no more than 40 credits at any one level Up to 60 credits of change; no more than 40 credits at any one level Up to 60 credits of change; no more than 40 credits at any one level Unlimited Two or more learning outcomes More than 60 credits of change and /or more than 40 credits at any one level More than 60 credits of change and /or more than 40 credits at any one level More than 60 credits of change and /or more than 40 credits at any one level More than 60 credits of change and /or more than 40 credits at any one level record opportunity to comment Not required Modification Impacts on course record External offered opportunity to comment Not required Modification Impacts on course record External offered opportunity to comment Not required Modification Impacts on course record Major change memo – ASQ process Major change memo – ASQ process Major change (MC1) Impacts on course spec Major change (MC2) Impacts on course spec External offered opportunity to comment External approval required External approval required Major change memo – ASQ process Major change (MC3) Impacts on course spec External approval required Major change memo – ASQ process Major change (MC4) Impacts on course spec External approval required Major change memo – ASQ process Major change (MC5) Impacts on course spec External approval required Validation of Flexible Learning at the University of Wolverhampton – FLOW 5 credit units Unlimited FLOW Modification May impact (FLOW 1) on course record Page 10 of 13 External offered opportunity a named short course Unlimited FLOW Major change (FLOW 2) Impacts on course record a new Flexible Learning Award Unlimited FLOW Major change (FLOW 3) Impacts on course record to comment External approval required External approval required The credit rating, level and code of a module cannot be changed; a new module would need to be validated in all of these cases Flexible Learning Awards The University has a range of qualifications designed to meet an increasing demand for awards that in credit terms are smaller than the traditional range of awards. This enables the University to provide accredited programmes and recognised qualifications that meet a wider range of learning needs such as continuing professional development, professional/skills updating and work based learning. University Certificate University Diploma Advanced University Diploma Graduate Certificate Statement of University Credit 60 credits at level 4 60 credits at level 5 60 credits at level 6 (where the student does not hold a first degree) 60 credits at level 6 (where the student already holds a first degree) Minimum of 20 credits at level 3, 4 , 5 , 6 or 7 Page 11 of 13 Appendix 4 – course amendment template Faculty Quality Enhancement Committee Rationale for modifications to courses and modules Responsibility for approving modifications to courses and modules not requiring University planning approval lies with FQEC. For more information on what constitutes a minor change and the modifications process, please see The Modification of Existing Provision. Most module level changes can now be undertaken through the online module task, if however you wish to undertake a change affecting a course, please complete this template and forward an electronic copy to your FQEC Academic Standards and Quality (ASQ) Officer. (tick all that apply A. Type of change proposed Short course validation a) Validation of a new short course (60 credits or less) Change to an existing course (no new modules) b) Addition or deletion of an existing module (or modules) or amendment of an existing module which impacts on the course specification c) Amendment of an existing module which impacts on the course specification Validation of a new module d) Validation of a new module which will not contribute to a course (CPD) e) Validation of a new module to contribute to existing course(s) f) Validation of 5 credit units (and their associated credit bearing module) B. Rationale Please provide a brief rationale for the proposed change. Page 12 of 13 C. Confirmation of consultation Yes I have approval from the Faculty to make this modification I have submitted a major change memo The External Examiner has been offered the opportunity to comment on the proposed change The PSRB will need to be involved in this activity There has been consultation with the other Faculties which contribute to this provision and they have given approval to proceed. There has been consultation with the collaborative partner(s) which contribute to this course and they have given approval to proceed. D. Contact Details Name of proposer Telephone number Faculty Date rationale submitted to ASQ Page 13 of 13 No N/A