Improving the red wavelength sensitivity of CCDs Paul R Jorden 27 June 2010 Paul Jorden, Andrew Harris, Andrew Kelt, Pritesh Mistry, Pash Patel e2v technologies, Chelmsford, UK Mark Downing ESO, Garching, Germany SPIE San Diego AS10 June 2010 Conf 7742 High Energy, Optical, and Infrared detectors for Astronomy IV Introduction CCD imagers offer very high performance for astronomical imaging and spectroscopy. ÆInfrared sensors also offer very high performance but are not available in the variety (and prices!) available for CCD sensors. ÆThe cross-over point between the two sensor types is in the region of 1 µm wavelength. ÆTraditional CCDs have finite silicon thickness and therefore limited absorption (and efficiency) at wavelengths close to 1 µm. The range of application for CCDs can be extended by increasing the silicon thicknessThick silicon devices are described- for use up to the silicon cut-off of 1.1 µm A new “high-rho” scientific sensor is introduced- the CCD261 Use of an extended wavelength range requires higher performance antireflection coatingsDevelopments of wide range multi-layer AR coatings are described SPIE 7742-19 27 June 2010 Slide 2 Contents •Introduction to thicker silicon CCD development •“Bulk” CCDs Intermediate thickness devices with enhanced red response •“High-rho” CCDs Fully depleted sensors with silicon thickness > 100 µm •Anti-reflection coatings Multi-layer coating developments for highest QE over a wide range •Summary SPIE 7742-19 27 June 2010 Slide 3 Thick CCD sensors- 1 A progression of thickness and red wavelength response•Traditional CCDs- low resistivity silicon; 10- 16 µm thick; limited red QE Epitaxial silicon; well established; excellent performance •e2v “deep depletion” CCDS- higher resistivity; 40 µm thick; better red QE Epitaxial silicon; excellent performance; risk of minor blue PSF degradation •e2v “bulk” CCDs- highest resistivity; 70 µm thick improved red QE Bulk silicon; good performance; any device type can be made in this material •e2v “high-rho” CCDs- highest resistivity; > 100 µm thick; maximum red QE Bulk silicon; good performance; requires custom design and HV BSS operation At a wavelength of 1000 nm QE is almost proportional to device thickness SPIE 7742-19 27 June 2010 Slide 4 Thick CCD sensors- 2 A progression of thickness and red wavelength responseQE versus thickness; at -100°C; e2v astro multi-1 coating 100% 90% 80% QE(%) 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Wavelength (nm) standard Si: 16µm SPIE 7742-19 27 June 2010 Slide 5 Thick CCD sensors- 3 A progression of thickness and red wavelength responseQE versus thickness; at -100°C; e2v astro multi-1 coating 100% 90% 80% QE(%) 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Wavelength (nm) standard Si: 16µm SPIE 7742-19 deep depletion Si: 40µm 27 June 2010 Slide 6 Thick CCD sensors- 4 A progression of thickness and red wavelength responseQE versus thickness; at -100°C; e2v astro multi-1 coating 100% 90% 80% QE(%) 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Wavelength (nm) standard Si: 16µm SPIE 7742-19 deep depletion Si: 40µm bulk Si: 70µm 27 June 2010 Slide 7 Thick CCD sensors- 5 A progression of thickness and red wavelength responseQE versus thickness; at -100°C; e2v astro multi-1 coating 100% 90% 80% QE(%) 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Wavelength (nm) standard Si: 16µm deep depletion Si: 40µm SPIE 7742-19 bulk Si: 70µm high-rho Si: 150µm 27 June 2010 Slide 8 “Bulk” CCD devices- 1 •Bulk silicon (non epitaxial) offers higher resistivity and therefore larger depletion depth and thicker silicon thickness. •Any existing device could be made using this material- offering better QE than standard epitaxial devices. •Operation at normal voltage levels (eg 10V clocks and 0V substrate) limits depletion depth and therefore limits device thickness- to about 70 µm for typical bulk silicon •Bulk silicon does not benefit from intrinsic gettering of epitaxial silicon and can have poorer cosmetic quality. •Bulk silicon CCD44-82 devices (2k X 4k) have been previously evaluated. See Downing et al, “Bulk silicon CCDs…”, Devices worked wll, but required -120°C operation for best white defect performance. •Here, we report on latest refinements to the manufacturing quality of these deviceswhich now demonstrate improved cosmetic performance- this allows lower white defect levels and an elevation of operating temperature Æ -100°C increases red QE SPIE 7742-19 27 June 2010 Slide 9 “Bulk” CCD devices- 2 Performance summary of bulk CCD44-82 tests Property Performance Notes Format 2048 X 4096; 15 µm pixels; full frame Build standard Bulk silicon, 70 µm thick; Backthinned Spectral response astro multi-2 AR coating (multi-layer) See figure Cosmetic quality Grade-0 quality See below Responsivity 6.0 µV/e- Readout noise 3.1 e- rms (at 20 kHz) Dark current 0.2 e-/pixel/ hour (at -120°C) Other formats possible Nominal Scaled from -100°C measurement Fe55 measurement (whole clock triplet) CTE Parallel Serial 99.9998% 99.9996% Non-linearity <0.3% up to 100 ke-; < 1% up to 175 ke- PSF ~ 1 pixel (400- 700 nm wavelength) Operating voltages Nominal; 0 to +10V clocks; Vss= 0V; OD= 31V Operating mode Non-inverted mode operation (NIMO or non-MPP) 220 ke- pixel full well Not measured on this sample [See Downing et al; 2009] Full scientific quality demonstrated SPIE 7742-19 27 June 2010 Slide 10 “Bulk” CCD devices- 3 Sample manufactured with e2v astro multi-2 AR coating (see later also) Measured QE at -100°C, Bulk Silicon (70µm), Astro Multi-2 AR coating 100% 90% 80% QE (%) 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Wavelength (nm) Predicted QE Measured QE QE matches expected value SPIE 7742-19 27 June 2010 Slide 11 “Bulk” CCD devices- 4 2 minute dark frame Cosmetic defect type Number measured Specification level White pixel defects: 0 Threshold level >100 e/pixel/hour at -120°C White column defects: 0 At white pixel threshold; > 100 pixels long Dark pixel defects: 209 Threshold level > 20% below local mean Dark column defects: 1 At black pixel threshold ; > 100 pixels long Traps: 3 Above 200 e- 650 nm flat field At -100°C Excellent cosmetics: Standard scientific defect specs achieved SPIE 7742-19 27 June 2010 Slide 12 “High-rho” fully depleted CCD development- 1 High rho technology Depletion region needs to extend from front to back to ensure no PSF degredation High voltage back bias (BSS) needed to create full depletion Front side (output circuits) need to operate at normal low voltage (FSS) No leakage current must flow from BSS to FSS; guard diode is important Front substrate p+ Front substrate p+ Guard diode VGD Guard diode VFS VGD VFS CCD electrodes CCD electrodes p-type substrate material VBS Large leakage current Buried channel Back-surface p+ Optical input Depleted silicon (a) Leakage current SPIE 7742-19 Buried channel Depletion edges meet VBS Back-surface p+ Depleted silicon Optical input (b) Guard diode depletion isolates front and back 27 June 2010 Slide 13 “High-rho” CCD development- 2 The CCD261-84 high-rho device An evolution of previous e2v high rho sensorssee Jorden et al, Proc SPIE 6276 (2006) First Sample Results (June 2010) B1 B1 Image Section B B2 B2 2048 x 2048 pixels Each 15 µm square B3 B3 A1 Item Key Parameters Format 2048 X 4104; 15 X 15 µm ; 30.7 X 61.6 mm image Package Buttable; 40 pin PGA connector; 20 µm flatness Outputs 2; split register- read from one or both outputs Responsivity 12 µV/ e- Read-noise <2 e- noise floor Pixel capacity 200,000 e- (design; measured to 100ke- so far) Dark signal Same as standard silicon devices (Non-inverted operation mode) CTE 99.9995% expected (for 3-phase triplet) QE 40% QE at 1000nm wavelength Cosmetics Grade-1 quality achieved at -100°C Operating temp. -100°C typical A1 Image Section A A2 A2 2048 x 2056 pixels Each 15 µm square A3 A3 TGA TGA OSE Register section E E1 E2 EF3 F2 F1 Register section F OSF SPIE 7742-19 27 June 2010 Slide 14 “High-rho” CCD development- 3 CCD261 BI Readout noise RØ1 RØ2 SW OG ØR RD TGA 6 OD Clamp Reset Noise ( e- rms) JD 4 OS Output OS CN OP External load First stage load Signal charge Node 0V 2 Output Internal load 10k Ohms RL External load FS 0V 0V BS 0 10 100 1000 10000 2-stage output circuit optional JFET buffer Pixel frequency (kHz) predicted noise measured noise Responsivity: 12 µV/ eRead-noise: 3.5 e- rms at 500 kHz System noise (3.5 e-) subtracted in quadrature < 2 e- noise floor design Measured by photon transfer- with care to use low signals see Downing et al, Proc SPIE 6276 (2006) Reset drain current measurement gives same result high responsivity, very low noise amplifier SPIE 7742-19 27 June 2010 Slide 15 “High-rho” CCD development- 4 Dark current Dark current 10000000 Measured from -20°C to -80°C 1000000 0V BSS & -70V BSS- no significant change in dark current 100000 Trend line drawn; exp (-6600/T) : 5 e-/hr expected at -100°C e/pix/hr 10000 I.e. very similar dark current to standard silicon devices 1000 100 Lower temperature tests in progress 10 1 0.1 0.01 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 Temp (°C) Meas 0 BSS Meas -70 BSS trend -70 BSS Dark current follows typical scale law; no change with HV back bias; 5 e-/hr expected at -100°C Quantum Efficiency Not measured yet. QE expected to correspond to device design (thickness & coating) See later SPIE 7742-19 27 June 2010 Slide 16 “High-rho” CCD development- 5 Cosmetics White defects analysed (below) Dark defects not yet analysed Defect type Number of defects Specification level -120°C frames BSS = 0V BSS = -70V White pixels 8 9 >100 e-/pix/hr @ -120°C White columns 0 3 > 100 pixels long White defects Small change with full BSS voltage (a) -70V, -80°C (b) -70V, -100°C (c) -70V, -120°C (d) 0V, -100°C 300 s dark images- showing effect of temperature and BSS voltage (d Æ b): Minor change of white defects as BSS increases (cÆbÆa): Modest progression of white defects with temperature (b): High scientific quality even at high BSS and -100°C SPIE 7742-19 Cosmic rays dominate white defects in long exposures 27 June 2010 Slide 17 “High-rho” CCD development- 6 Summary Full operation of new CCD fully depleted sensor Demonstrated with• 2048 X4096 format device CCD261-84 • -100°C operation typical • Good cosmetic performance • Low read-noise and low dark current • Performance to design parameters Future plans Complete characterisation of CCD261-84 Commercial supply of devices Intended 4096 X 4096 format variant Alternate thickness and AR coating variants SPIE 7742-19 27 June 2010 Slide 18 “High-rho” QE Designed for very high red wavelength response and maintaining high UV QE Quantum Efficiency A multi-layer AR coating optimised for 330 to 1000 nm Predicted high-rho (Si: 150µm) QE at -100°C Multi-layer AR (optimised for 330-1000 nm) 100% “astro multi”: 90% Using existing process 80% QE (%) 70% 60% “optimum multi”: 50% Optimised process 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 300 QE at -100°C 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 >40% for 330 - 1000 nm >70% for 400 - 950 nm Wavelength (nm) astro multi 1100 optimum multi SPIE 7742-19 27 June 2010 Slide 19 Anti-reflection coating refinement- 1 Extended red response and desire for blue response (U-Z bands) requires wider-range anti-reflection coatings QE at -100°C, Silicon thickness: 150µm, alternate AR coating types 100% 90% 80% QE (%) 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Wavelength (nm) astro BB astro multi-1 astro multi-2 astro multi-3 Spectral response of single layer (BB) compared to three e2v multi-layer coatings SPIE 7742-19 27 June 2010 Slide 20 Anti-reflection coating- 2 Enhanced coatings designs tested with new materials and multi layers Sample standard silicon multi-2 AR coating QE at +20°C, Silicon thickness: 109µm 100 100% 90% 90 80% 80 70 QE at -100°C Silicon thickness: 150µm multi-layer optimised 60 60% QE (%) QE (%) 70% 50% 100% 40% 30% 40 90% 30 20% 10% 80% 0% 70% 50 20 10 450 astro multi-2 550 QE (%) 350 650 60% 750 850 950 0 300 1050 400 500 600 Wavelength (nm) Theory multi-2 50% +20C measured 700 800 900 1000 wavelength (nm) +20C T= -100C predicted -88C Minimal change on cooling ( +20°C to -88°C) 40% performance (at +20°C) Almost perfect 30% 20% 10% 0% 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Wavelength (nm) Predicted performance of optimised coating SPIE 7742-19 27 June 2010 Slide 21 Anti-reflection coating- 3 AR Summary • Wide wavelength range (U-Z) benefits from multi-layer coatings e2v has developed advanced multi-layer coatings: High performance at red wavelengths together with maintained UV response • Multi layer AR coatings have advantages over single layer Hafnia (traditional) coatings: Single layers give good peak response; multi-layers broaden range (with slight dip in middle) • •Latest coatings show close to theoretical performance •Coating design is adjusted for application area •Secondary benefitsMinimised reflectivity (ghosts/ scattered light) Minimised fringing SPIE 7742-19 27 June 2010 Slide 22 Summary Progression of development towards thicker CCDs for higher red QE • Commercially available device types Standard “Bulk” CCD44-82 (2K X 4K) shows excellent performance • Operates at standard voltages; drop-in upgrade path New “high-rho” CCD261-84 (2K X 4K) shows scientific performance • Highest red response; good performance with one HV bias Multi-layer AR coatings • Enhanced performance for wide wavelength range Acknowledgements Ray Bell, Steve Bowring, David Burt, Paul Jerram, Andrew Pike, and Peter Pool SPIE 7742-19 27 June 2010 Slide 23