Kopie von Flyer Int Symp PM V5

Governance and Leadership
Public Governance and Leadership:
Making Governance Changes Drivers
for ReRe-Constituting Leadership
International Symposium
University of Plymouth
United Kingdom
24–25 May, 2007
The overall purpose of this international symposium is to invite a
variety of academics, senior practitioners as well as consultants
from Australia, Britain, continental Europe as well as the US to let
tem discuss topical challenges of modernising management of state
and administration. In this respect, participants will be asked to
explore needs and opportunities of making visible changes in
concepts of “Public Governance” drivers for a more purposive
adaptation of management systems across all the levels down – and
thus giving the whole process of modernisation the needed more
strategic and in turn sustainable and also efficacy enhancing shape.
In this context, participants will in particular be asked to explore
political as well as managerial implications / side-effects to make
recent changes in the overall governance structure (also turns
towards an “enabling authority”-understanding) starting point for
adapting leadership practices across all the levels down to the
street level bureaucracy in a more output-oriented or even
entrepreneurial fashion.
Call for Contributions
This international symposium will be based on a series of roundtable discussions. Each
session will begin with two short presentations—positional statements—and followed by
remarks from a designated discussant. We are seeking an expression of interest from
individuals who might wish to present a positional statement (short paper) or act as a
discussant at this agenda-setting symposium of international experts. All expressions of
interest in either English or German should be directed to the co-chairs: Professors Rainer
Koch (Rainer.Koch@hsu-hh.de) and John Dixon (J.Dixon@Plymouth.av.uk) with a clear
indication of which session is the appropriate forum. Those wishing to present a positional
statement are asked to provide a 100 word abstract.
Symposium Programme
Symposium registration
10: 30
University of Plymouth welcome
Civic welcome
Opening address
Session 1: Connecting Strategic Management to Processes of Public
Governance Change
In terms of a general introduction this session will address from a pragmatic
or design-oriented point of view the role or function strategic management
has to play in the attempt to make governance changes purposively drivers
of modernisation of management of state and administration.
Session 2: Public Governance Changes as Challenge to re-define
Concepts / Practices of Political Leadership on a society-wide scale
In this section the symposium will explore the extent to which current
concepts of Public Governance change have already – in the wider context
of ongoing processes of decentralisation, fragmentation as well as selfregulation – proven to be successful in complementing current changes in
role and functions with some more suitable practices of mobilising political
consent on the part of the electorate or citizenry.
Book launch, Civic reception and conference dinner
Prof John Dixon / University of Plymouth / UK
Prof Rainer Koch / Helmut Schmidt University / Hamburg / Germany
In co-operation with:
Prof Peter Conrad, Helmut Schmidt University / Hamburg / Germany
Prof Frank Schirmer, Dresden University of Technology / Germany
German Research Council
Policy Studies Organisation
Governance and Leadership
Governance and Leadership
09: 00
Contact Details
Session 3: Public Governance Changes as Challenge to re-define
Leadership on a whole of government level
This session will explore the extent to which Public Governance changes at
the whole of government level have already (along with given
transfers/transitions of the classic bureaucratic structure of the state
apparatus into strongly decentred approaches of a network-organisation) led
to the development of leadership concepts giving enough scope of action to
the de-coupled service periphery on the one hand, but also providing means
(like with the multi-level performance management systems) for holding
single peripheral service units to use resources in full support of upper-level
political objectives.
Session 4: Public Governance Changes as Challenge to re-define
Concepts of Organisational Leadership
In this session the symposium will explore the extent to which overall
changes of the inherited governance structure (eg shifts towards an
“enabling authority” understanding) have already resulted into an adequate
adapting of patterns of organisational leadership – thereby figuring out as
how model-driven demands for a strongly improved cost-efficiency in
producing and delivering public services are already holding single countries
to use post-bureaucratic approaches of organisational structuring – or
approaches of contract management for positioning single delivery units as
“efficient players” within an increasingly competitively structured task
Session 5: Public Governance as Challenge to re-define Concepts of
personnel or individual leadership
This final session is aiming at demonstrating the extent to which “guiding
models” of Public Governance change (notably currently given changes
towards a stronger competitions- or at least output-oriented regime of
management) are giving rise for turning inherited (input-oriented) concepts of
individual leadership into some more entrepreneurial concepts of leadership.
Plenary and closing remarks
Conclusion of Symposium
Request for further information can be directed in German and English to:
Professor of Public Policy and Management
Faculty of Social Science and Business
School of Law and Social Science
University of Plymouth
Drake Circus
TEL: +44(0) 01752 23 3274
FAX: +44(0) 01752 23 3201
EMAIL: J.Dixon@plymouth.ac.uk
Helmut-Schmidt-Universität – Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg
Fachbereich Wirtschafts- und Organisationswissenschaften
Institut für Verwaltungswissenschaft
Holstenhofweg 85
22043 Hamburg
TEL: +49(0) 40 6541 2881
FAX: +49(0) 40 6541 2082
EMAIL: rainer.koch@hsu-hh.de
Book “Public Goverance and Leadership”
We are pleased to announce the launch of the follwing book regarding our symposium:
Rainer Koch (Hrsg.)
Gabler-Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2007
approx. 300 pages, hardcover, approx. 55,90 Euro
ISBN 3-8350-0176-0