Voltage difference How can I efficiently deliver electrical power to your house? What do magnets have to do with electricity? Announcements • Power Transmission (today and Thursday) – Power loss to wires – Delivering Power (role of transformers) – Creating electrical current (role of generators) • Big Picture – Electronics: all about manipulating charges, transmitting power Lab #2 (Electromagnets and Transformers) this week. time Day 5:: Questions? Read Power transmission Blm 11.2 and Transformers Blm 11.3 Reminders/Updates: Labs Today! Build your own Electromagnet & Transformer Homework #2 due this Friday Make sure to do pre-lab on separate sheet ahead of time. Homework #2 on web page due on Friday at 5 pm. Problem Solving Sessions Thursday 2-4pm, Friday 1-2pm. * Sessions in the same room as labs! Must be in a group for clickers by end of week! Power distribution and generation Distributing Power Across the Country • Long wires from power generating plants to homes (100’s of miles) Why use AC power? 1. Energy loss in wires 2. Virtues of high voltage 3. Transformers and how they work Power system and how transformers work in it. • How much power will we lose in the wires? Where does the “lost” power go? Power generation (importance of Niagara Falls) Big ideas: • How can we minimize power lost in the wires? • Changing magnetic fields produce Voltages and currents • Currents produce magnetic fields. Explore what affects power loss. e Electron man! Compare the brightness of bulb #1 in both cases… 1) Lose energy by bumping into stuff in atoms. 2) Lose energy everywhere but in some parts more than others. 3) Voltage change across something represents amount of energy lost across it. A) Brighter in case i case i B) Brighter in case ii C) Same Brightness + 1.5 V 1 lots of energy at start. Lots of volts e Wires: glide down pretty easily, just a few bumps. Lose a little bit of energy. e e - e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 1 case ii 2 e e Usually small Rtotal = Rlight + Rwires e e e e e e e + e e e e e e e e e e e e Exhausted! energy used up getting through course. e e e e e e e e e e e e Light Bulb… high resistance like trudging through three feet of mud! takes lots of energy to get through. B) Brighter in case ii Two bulbs have more resistance than one RTotal = R1+R2 so less current flows by V = I R. Then Power = P = IV = I2R 1.5 V 1 “60 Watt” Bulb Light Bulb Invented by Thomas Edison (incandescent type) Tungsten filament with resistance R, gets hot and emits light This means when hooked up to 120 Volts (typical outlet), you get 60 Watts of Power [energy/time]. What is resistance of this filament? A) 60 Ohms B) 120 Ohms C) 240 Ohms D) 1000 Ohms Power = V I 60 = 120 I I = 0.5 Amps V = I R 120 = 0.5 R R = 240 Ohms “60 Watt” Bulb 120 Volts Wall Outlet 120 Volts AC No. So the name is given for 120 Volts… 240 Volts For a light bulb labeled “125 Watts” is the resistance of the filament higher or lower than for a “60 Watt” bulb? A) Higher B) Lower C) Same Power = V I = I^2 R “125 Watt” Bulb 120 Volts Thinking like an electron…. Lights and Power No matter what the path, electrons lose all Voltage (energy per electron) by the time they return to outlet. Wiring inside home Light 125 Watts Light Vpath1 = Vpath2 = Vbattery (approx. for ideal R=0 wires) 60 Watts + “Power Source” (We can vary voltage output) If you hooked up this “60 Watt” Bulb to a 240 Volt Battery (instead of 120 V), would you still get 60 Watts of power? What is different between a 60 Watt and a 125 Watt bulb? a. the Voltage difference (amount of energy lost by each electron) across the bulb b. the number of electrons passing through the filament each second c. Choice a and the resistance of the filament d. Choice b and the resistance of the filament e. Choice a and Choice b and the resistance of the filament ee ee e e e e e e e V1 = Vstart e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e V2 = Vstart e e - + e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Path 1 e e e e e e e Path 2 e No energy left Thought process: Same current must pass through both bulbs. Can figure out current from total resistance: Rtotal = (R 60 W bulb + R 120 W bulb + Rwires) current i = V / Rtotal Lights and Power Wall Outlet 120 Volts AC Wiring inside home “Power Source” (We can vary Voltage output) Assume wires don’t waste energy lots of energy at start. (V) e Wiring inside home + Light 125 Watts 60W Light 120W 60 Watts What if we hook a 60 Watt and a 125 Watt light bulb in series, which will be brighter? (Share reasoning before experiment) A) 125 Watt bulb will be brighter B) 60 Watt bulb will be brighter C) Same brightness for both lots of energy at start. e 60 Watt, Higher Resistance e e - e e Power = i2 R 125 Watt bulb So which one is brighter? Lower Resistance e e e e e e e + e 120 V e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 126 e 2 glide down easily, just a few bumps. Hardly any energy. Home Wiring e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e !?#%, bridge out, stuck. e e e e energy used up getting through course. Vigor (V) Wiring inside home e e lots of energy at start. Wall Outlet 120 Volts AC e e e Light HEATER 60 Watts \/\/\/\/\/ Wiring inside home e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e lots of energy at start. e e e deep mud! (bulb) energy used up getting through course. Vigor (V) e e e pretty easy e e e e e’s piled up down both routes, so still divide up and go down both, just end up faster on bridge route What happens when bridge gets fixed so have another route? e e e e Power into bulb = current x voltage drop in bulb = 0.5 Amps x 119.95 Volts = 59.975 Watts e e e Total resistance of wires = 0.1 Ohms Resistance of lightbulb = 240 Ohms Total resistance = Rwires + R bulbs = 240.1 Ohms e’s piled up down both routes, so still divide up and go down both, just end up faster on bridge route What happens when bridge gets fixed so have another route? e e Voltage drop in wires = Current x resistance = 0.5 Amps x 0.1 Ohms = 0.05 Volts Power into wires = Current x Voltage drop in wires = 0.5 Amps x 0.05 Volts = 0.025 Watts Light bulb dims. Why? Discuss with your group and come up with possible reasons. Share with class. e e e How much power and where is it going? Work through together. Plug voltage = 120 Volts Current = Plug Voltage / Total R = 120 Volts / 240.1 Ohms = 0.5 Amps Turn on Heater (close switch), observe light bulb. e e exhausted! 1500 Watts 120 V e e “Power Source” (We can vary voltage output) e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e deep mud! (bulb) energy used up getting through course. Vigor (V) e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e exhausted! e’s piled up down both routes, so still divide up and go down both, just end up faster on bridge route What happens when bridge gets fixed so have another route? e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e lots of energy at start. e e e deep mud! (bulb) energy used up getting through course. Vigor (V) e e e pretty easy e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e HINT: this is tricky – REMEMBER… the wires have small resistance! I. Current through upper wire is now larger II. Voltage drop across upper wire is now larger III. Voltage drop around whole circuit is now larger IV. Current through bulb is smaller V. Voltage drop across bulb is smaller e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e b. I and II c. I, II, V d. I, II, IV, V e. I, II, III, IV, V What will make bulb even dimmer? I. Shorter wires II. Longer wires III. Adding another heater IV. Thinner wires V. Fatter wires e e e e What changes compared with bridge out (heater off) ? a. I and III e e exhausted! What changes compared with bridge out (heater off) ? A)Current through upper wire is now larger B) Current through the upper wire is the same C) Current through the upper wire is smaller D)It depends on the kind of wire e pretty easy e e e e e e lots of energy at start. e exhausted! a. I and V d. II, III, V. b. I, II, and III e. III only. c. II, III, and IV a. Can go easy path across bridge. Moves faster through (higher current). b. Have to go down entry and exit road much faster. Lose more energy in wires hitting bumps at high speed than when no heater. c. Ones that pick mud path have a little less energy to get through it than they did without bridge path, so get through it slower. Answer is C. Anything that either increase resistance of wires (e.g. thinner or longer) OR increases current through the wires (e.g. adding another heater). Current through mud, I = (V - Vroad)/R, but going faster so Vroad bigger than before, go through mud slower than if bridge out. I smaller. (Vroad = I Rroad) 3 Power distribution and generation Why use AC (Alternating Current) power? 1. Loss in wires 2. Virtues of high voltage 3. Transformers and how they work Power system and how transformers work in it... •Changing magnetic fields produce Voltages and currents •Currents (moving charges) produce magnetic fields Why is High Voltage Good Power Plant want thick wires, no longer than necessary, still have some small Example: Deliver 100 Watts to house, P = IV V = 10 V, I has to be 10 A. V= 100 V, I has to be 1 A V= 1000 V, I has to be? 0.1A What is power loss in wires for each Voltage if R wire = 1 Ohm? P = I Vdrop in wire (note: this is not Vcircuit) P = I (IR)= I2R = (I2) 1 Ohm 10A P= 100 Watt = same as power to house 1A P = 1 W 0.1A P = 0.01 W = 0.0001 x power to house. so tremendous advantage to transmitting power at high V! 4