Name Name(please (please print) print) Physics 132 Quiz # 18 1.1. Ampère’s Ampère’slaw lawgives givesthe themagnetic magneticfield fieldproduced producedby byaa distribution distributionof ofcurrents. currents.Which Whichcondition(s) condition(s)must mustbe be satisfied? satisfied? A. A.The Thedistribution distributionof ofcurrents currentsmust mustbe besteady. steady. B. B.In Inorder ordertotosolve, solve,the thedistribution distributionmust musthave have sufficient sufficientsymmetry. symmetry. C. C.both bothof ofthe theabove above D. D.neither neitherof ofthe theabove above 2.2. Gauss’s Gauss’slaw lawfor formagnetism magnetismstates statesthat thatthe thenet netflux fluxof of the thefield fieldthrough throughany anyclosed closedsurface surfaceisis A. A.proportional proportionaltotothe thecurrents currentspenetrating penetratingthe thesurface surface B. B.proportional proportionaltotothe thecurrents currentsof ofclosed closedloops loopsfully fully enclosed enclosedby bythe thesurface surface C. zero LECTURE 20 Concepts Concepts and and Topics Topics •• •• •• •• •• Field Field created created by by currents currents Interaction Interaction between between currents currents Ampere’s Ampere’s law law ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS Pick Pick up up your your graded graded assignments assignments Review Review session session on on Sunday, Sunday, March March 3rd 3rd at at 7pm 7pm ,, NSH NSH 123 123 Magnetic fields caused by currents µ0 2 I B= 4π R N S N S BEarth Concept ConceptTest: Test:After Afterclosing closingthe theswitch switchin inthe the above aboveexperiment, experiment,the thecurrent currentflows flows a.) a.)from fromthe theswitch switchtowards towardsthe thecompass compass b.) b.)from fromthe thecompass compasstowards towardsthe theswitch switch c.) c.)not notenough enoughinformation informationto todecide decide Concept Concept Test Test::AAbattery batteryestablishes establishesaasteady steady current currentaround aroundthe thecircuit circuitbelow. below.AAcompass compassneedle needle isisplaced placedsuccessively successivelyatatpoints pointsP,Q, P,Q,and andR. R.The The Relative Relativedeflection deflectionof ofthe theneedle, needle,in indescending descending order,is order,is P 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. P, Q, R Q, R, P R, Q, P P, R, Q Q, P, R Q R Concept Concept Test Test::Two Twovery verylong longfixed fixedwires wirescross cross each eachother otherperpendicularly perpendicularly(see (seefigure). figure).They Theydo do not nottouch, touch,but butare arevery veryclose closeto toeach eachother, other,as as shown. shown.Indicate Indicateall allthe thepoints pointswhere wherethe thenet net magnetic magneticfield fieldisiszero zero I I Force between two parallel wires µ 0 I1 B1 = 2π R µ 0 I1 I 2 F = I 2 B1 = 2π R l I Repulsive I Attractive I Concept Concept Test: Test: Two Twovery verylong, long,parallel parallelconducting conductingwires wirescarry carryequal equal currents currentsininopposite oppositedirections. directions. The Thenumbered numbered diagrams diagramsshow showend endviews viewsof ofthe thewires wiresand andthe the resultant resultantforce forcevectors vectorsdue duetotocurrent currentflow flowinineach each wire. wire. Which Whichdiagram diagrambest bestrepresents representsthe thedirection directionof of the theforces? forces? 1) 1) 2) 2) 3) 3) 4) 4) 5) 5) 11 22 33 44 55 Problem ProblemAArectangular rectangularloop loopisisplaced placednext nextto toaa straight straightwire wireas asshown shownin inthe thefigure. figure.What Whatisisthe the direction directionand andthe themagnitude magnitudeof ofthe thenet netmagnetic magnetic force forceacting actingon onthe theloop? loop? I d I w l Ampere’s Law r r ∫ B ⋅ dl = µ0 I C Example: Infinitely long wire B( 2πr ) = µ0 I C µ0 I B= 2π r Ampere’s Law: Applications Toroid Toroidwith withNNturns: turns: Calculate Calculateand andsketch sketchthe the magnetic magneticfield fieldaround aroundthe the toroid toroidas asaa function functionof of the theradial radialdistance distancerrfrom from its itscenter. center. B(r) a b r