Detailed Contents Summary Contents vii List of Tables and Figuresxv Contributorsxix Intervieweesxxi Abbreviations xxv Introduction xxix Consumer ADR xxix The Different Meanings of ADR xxix The World of CADR xxx Policy Decisions xxxi The Research Question and Approach xxxii Plan of the Book xxxiii Methodologyxxxiv Consumer ADR at EU level 1. Alternative Dispute Resolution in the EU 1 Introduction1 Access to Justice and ADR at the International and Regional Level 2 Historic overview of key ADR Related Actions in the EU 3 Competences of the EU in Civil Justice and Consumer ADR 5 Specific EU Measures Regarding ADR 7 EU Cross-border Networks 13 EU-Wide Complaints Reporting 18 The European Commission’s Proposals on Consumer Adr and Odr20 Conclusions23 Consumer ADR in Selected Member States 2. Belgium The New FPS Economy and its Mediation Task Creation of Belmed Information Online Application CADR Agencies 25 25 26 27 29 34 3. France 37 Overview37 Hodges Consumer ADR in Europe.indb 9 4/19/12 9:19 AM x List of Chapters and Headings The Institutional Landscape for Consumer Issues 38 Consumer Claims and Mediation within the Court System 39 Consumer Complaints Boards 41 Types of Médiateur 43 Banking46 Insurance51 Energy56 Transport62 Electronic Communications 65 Internet68 Doctors69 Evaluation70 4. Germany 73 The National Context 73 Privatised Enforcement of Consumer Law 82 Overview of Consumer ADR Bodies 87 Chambers of Commerce 89 The Insurance Ombudsman 90 Doctors94 Transport96 Online Travel 99 Financial Services 100 Telecoms108 Lawyers112 The Failed ‘’ Scheme 113 Energy114 Conclusions115 5. Lithuania 117 Overview117 Courts117 Public Sector Ombudsman 121 Integrated Regulatory and ADR System 121 Conclusion 128 6. The Netherlands 129 Summary129 National Culture of Negotiated Settlement 130 The Geschillencommissie Structure 135 ANVR: Travel Sector 149 Thuiswinkel: Web Traders 152 Financial Services: KiFid 153 Discussion159 Overall164 Hodges Consumer ADR in Europe.indb 10 4/19/12 9:19 AM List of Chapters and Headings xi 7. Poland 167 Introduction167 Forms of ADR in Poland 168 ADR Bodies 178 Summary and Assessment of Lingering Problems 194 Evaluation196 8. Slovenia Mediation in Business Sectors General Consumer Arrangements Courts and ADR Small Claims Procedure in Regular Courts Evaluation 197 197 199 201 204 206 9. Spain 209 Introduction209 The Legal Framework and Consumer Claims within the Court System 209 Overview of the ADR System in Spain 212 ADR in Specific Sectors 219 Conclusions 227 10. Sweden 229 Introduction229 The Policy of Prioritising Consumer Advice 229 Private Sector ADR 231 The National Board for Consumer Disputes 239 Courts246 The Consumer Agency 248 Group Claims 249 Cross-border Claims 250 Evaluation251 11. The United Kingdom 253 Introduction253 Courts and Mediation 254 The Wide Culture of ADR 257 Models of Consumer ADR 258 ADR within Consumer Regulation 261 Private Sector ADR Bodies 266 Financial Services 272 Finance & Leasing Association 282 Pensions284 The Legal Ombudsman 289 Telecoms291 Energy307 General Consumer Trading Sectors: Resolution of Disputes under Codes of Business 312 Practice Hodges Consumer ADR in Europe.indb 11 4/19/12 9:19 AM xii List of Chapters and Headings Motor Codes 320 Travel Disputes: The ABTA Code and Schemes 328 Estate Agents 334 Evaluation338 12. Best Practice in Customer Care in the UK 339 Introduction339 Boots341 British Telecom 348 Procter & Gamble 350 13. Cross-border Consumer ADR 355 European Car Rental Conciliation Service 355 SELDIA: The European Direct Selling Association 356 European Energy Ombudsman Group 358 ODR358 ODR for Domain Names 360 EU ODR 364 UNCITRAL365 Findings 14. Empirical Findings 367 Incidence of Claims 368 By Country 369 By Sector 377 Thresholds and Limits 379 Case Fee for Consumers 380 Levels of Loss and Detriment 381 The Cost of Major CADR Schemes 382 WIPO384 Cost per Inquiry 384 Duration385 EU Consumer Complaint Data 386 15. Findings and Conclusions 389 Findings of the State of CADR in the EU 389 The Unique Concept of CADR 389 The Extent of CADR 389 Coverage390 Knowledge of CADR 391 The National Context of CADR schemes 392 The Historical Development of CADR Models and Techniques 394 Market Regulation, Reducing Cost and Maintaining Business Reputation as 395 Drivers for CADR CADR in the Context of DR 398 Models of CADR 400 Ombudsmen401 Hodges Consumer ADR in Europe.indb 12 4/19/12 9:19 AM List of Chapters and Headings xiii CADR with Business Codes of Practice 402 Modes and Techniques of Dispute Resolution in CADR Systems 403 The Sequencing of Dispute Resolution Pathways 405 The First Stage; Direct Contact with Traders 407 Advice, Information and Dispute Resolution 408 CADR and Collective Redress 409 Variations in Effect: Persuasive or Binding? 411 Conceptual issues with CADR 412 The Basis of CADR Decisions: Law and Fairness 412 Should CADR or Courts Decide the Law? 415 Binding and Non-binding Decisions 416 Compliance417 Due Process Issues for CADR 418 The Purpose and Nature of CADR 420 ADR as an Essential Aspect of Regulation and Behaviour Control 422 Capturing and Using Market Information 423 What Criteria Should Apply to CADR? 425 Proposed Essential Requirements and KPIs 426 Architectural Issues 429 Centralised and Sectoral Schemes 429 Maximising Usage: Unified Architecture, Visibility, Consistency and Trust 430 Filling Gaps to Extend Coverage 433 Best Operating Procedures 437 Confidence and Trust 437 Accessibility437 Language438 Access Cost 439 Efficiency439 Independence and Impartiality 440 Transparency445 Factors Affecting Cost, Efficiency and Incidence 446 Conclusions448 A Model for a National Consumer ADR Architecture 449 Appendices 1. Commission Recommendation of 30 March 1998 on the principles applicable to the bodies responsible for out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes (98/257/EC) 2. Commission Recommendation of 4 April 2001 on the principles for out-ofcourt bodies involved in the consensual resolution of consumer disputes (2001/310/EC) 3.European Code of Conduct for Mediators 4. French Charter of Consumer Mediation Hodges Consumer ADR in Europe.indb 13 455 463 471 475 4/19/12 9:19 AM