TE C HN I C AL RE P O RT Headroom Predictions Using B-Noise in MAPP XT UPQ Pink Noise at 1m: 1/3 Octave Spectrum A Weighted Average = 116 dB Z Peak = 131 dB MAPP Predictions using Pink Noise The Relationship of Headroom to Frequency The equal energy per octave nature of pink noise makes it an accepted reference source to predict the SPL and headroom of a loudspeaker or loudspeaker array. Pink noise is also an excellent, albeit conservative, means of estimating the SPL a system would linearly reproduce when driven with other types of inputs that have broad spectral content. Because the linear SPL capability of a loudspeaker is dependent on the spectral content of the input signal, measured SPL values for the same speaker will be different for each type of input. For example, the limited frequency content of speech presents different headroom demands on a loudspeaker than the broader frequency content of electronic dance music. Therefore, using only full-bandwidth pink noise to predict the SPL capability of a system would not expose that system’s higher potential for linear reproduction of a band-limited input signal. For speech-only systems, decisions based on a headroom curve derived from a pink noise input could lead to overspecification of the loudspeaker system design. When pink noise is applied to a Meyer Sound UPQ, the resulting headroom curve shows the amplitude the speaker can achieve over the range of audible frequencies before limiting at any given frequency. These pink noise-based predictions are extremely accurate and independently verifiable. When pink noise is applied to a system in the field, the results will track extremely closely to those predicted in MAPP. Meyer Sound Laboratories • 2832 San Pablo Ave. • Berkeley, CA, 94702 • +1.510.486.1166 • www.meyersound.com Introducing B-Noise To help our users understand how loudspeakers react to different input signals, users Headroom Predictions Using B-­‐Noise in MAPP XT react to different input signals, helpTITLE: our developed understand how loudspeakers Meyer To Sound has an additional input source for MAPP called B-Noise. Part Number: Meyer Sound has developed an additional input source for MAPP called B-Noise. Headroom Predictions Using B-Noise in MAPP XT Introducing B-Noise MEYER SOUND “Band-Limited Pink Noise” is pink noise that has been filtered using the “Band-Limited Pink Noise” is pink noise that has been filtered using the To help our formula: users understand how loudspeakers react to different input signals, following B-Contour following B-Contour formula: Introducing B-Noise Meyer Sound has developed an additional input source for MAPP called B-Noise. “Band-Limited Pink Noise” is pink noise that has been filtered To help our users understand how loudspeakers “Band-Limited Pink Noise” isreact pink noise that has been filtered using the using the following B-Contour formula: following to different input signals, MeyerB-Contour Sound hasformula: developed an dB Band-Limited Pink Noise at a given frequency f =f = 0.17 dB Band-Limited Pink Noise at a given frequency 0.17 ++ 20 20∗∗log(Rb(f)) log(Rb(f)) additional input source for MAPP called B-Noise. dB Band-Limited Pink Noise at a given frequency where: where: dB Band-Limited Pink Noise at a given frequency f = 0.17 + 20 ∗ log(Rb(f)) where: where: ! !∗ ! f! 12200 ∗ f 12200 ! ! f = ! ∗f = Rb Rb f Rb ! 12200 ! + 12200 ! + 158.5! !.! = f ! + 20.6 ! ! +f 12200 ! ! f ! f+ ! ! !.! f !f + 20.6 12200 158.5! !.! f + 20.6! f f ! + f ! + 158.5 the result: Giving Giving the result: Giving the result: Band-Limited Pink Noise (B) Band-Limited Pink Noise (B) Band-Limited Pink Noise (B) Band-Limited Pink Noise (B) 16 20 25 31 39 50 63 79 99 125 157 198 250 315 397 500 630 794 1000 1260 1587 2000 2520 3175 4000 5040 6350 8000 10079 12699 16000 6 0 -6 -12 -18 -24 -30 -36 dB Band-Limited Pink Noise (B) Frequency The above graph indicates that B-Noise has less spectral content in the extreme high frequencies and low frequencies than in the mid band. Now Meyer Sound users will be able to view the Frequency headroom of their systems from the perspective of two different input signals. Here is the result of a B-Noise input: 16000 16 20 25 31 16 39 20 50 25 63 31 79 39 99 50 125 63 157 79 99 198 125 250 157 315 198 397 250 500 315 630 397 794 500 1000 630 1260 794 15871000 20001260 1587 25202000 31752520 40003175 50404000 63505040 80006350 100798000 10079 12699 12699 16000 6 0 -6 -12 -18 -24 -30 -36 dB 6 0 -6 -12 -18 -24 -30 -36 dB Giving the result: Band-Limited Pink Noise (B) Frequency The above graph indicates that B-Noise has less spectral content headroom of their systems from the perspective of two different The above graphand indicates that B-Noise lesssignals. spectral content in the extreme in the extreme high frequencies low frequencies than in hasinput high frequencies and low frequencies than in the mid band. Now Meyer Sound the mid band. Now Meyer Sound users will be able to view the The above thatthe B-Noise has of less spectral content in perspective the extreme usersgraph will beindicates able to view headroom their systems from the of two different inputfrequencies signals. Here is the result of a B-Noise input: high frequencies and low than in the mid band. Now Meyer Sound Here is the result of a B-Noise input: users will be able to view the headroom of their systems from the perspective of two different input signals. Here is the result of a B-Noise input: UPQ B-Noise at 1m: A-weighted average = 114dB, Linear Peak SPL = 134dB UPQ B-Noise at 1m: A-weighted average = 114dB, Linear Peak SPL = 134dB UPQ B-Noise at 1m: 1/3 Octave Spectrum A Weighted Average = 120 dB Z Peak = 134 dB UPQ B-Noise at 1m: A-weighted average = 114dB, Linear Peak SPL = 134dB Real-World SPL The Pink Noise and B-Noise SPL predictions in MAPP XT are independently verifiable, and are intended to represent linear reproduction levels of real-world signals lasting hours, as opposed to test bursts lasting only a few milliseconds, which are the basis of the Max Peak SPL specification.The inclusion of 2 B-Noise and Linear Peak SPL information in MAPP XT ensures an accurate representation of our products’ capabilities. Meyer Sound makes extremely powerful loudspeakers and wishes to represent them with specifications based on repeatable, linear, real-world measurements. Copyright 2015, Meyer Sound Laboratories, Inc., All rights reserved. 18.908.202.01 A