ALLQ QUIP SMAR RT CO OOLER R Whaat is it and why w does it work? w The Allquip A Smarrt Cooler is a simple piece of machineery which wh hen utilised with w a workiing diesel engine in agricultural cool and con situaations is ablee to capture, ndense dieseel engine exh haust emissio ons into a nu utrient rich, moist m carbon nic acid vapo our and throu ugh the use of commonlyy used agricu ultural seeding equipment can deliveer this wastee atmospheriic pollu utant deep into the soil where w it has an incrediblle stimulatin ng effect on soil s biology, triggering a rapid and lasting bene eficial effect on soil healtth and nutrittion transferrring directly to strong an nd pest free crop c growth.. It is common c kno owledge thatt many fertilisers are a by‐product off petroleum and gas refin neries. Durin ng the processs of oil and gas g refinery certain elem ments are pro oduced as waste and mu ust be capturred and remo oved from th he chemical reacttions. These elements caan be refined d further to produce p prod ducts which are in demand. Modern agriculture has h deve eloped a stro ong demand for these pro oducts for usse as fertiliseers to increase crop yield ds. Durin ng the proceess of creatin ng these agricultural fertiilisers raw fu uel products are subjecteed to conditio ons of extrem me pressure and heaat and subse equent coolin ng during wh hich moleculees are broke en down into o their compo onent elemeents whicch through ch hemical proccesses can bee separated, collected an nd reconstitu uted as fertiliser. The conditions c w within the combustion ch hamber of an ny diesel engine very clossely replicatee those withiin fuel refine eries and fertiliser factoriees. Fuel and air a compresss and explodee creating exxtreme presssure and heaat, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon atom ms are freed of their moleecular bondss and as presssure is releaased and coo oling begins are a attracted d to one another to rapid dly reform in nto new mole ecular structtures as in fertiliser facto ories. Scien ntists do nott dispute thatt exhaust em missions are rich r in nutrieents but it is well accepte ed among aggricultural sciientists that the amount of fertiliser produced in the common heavy dutyy diesel engine when app plied per hecctare during seeding is on nly a fraction of the amou unt generallyy accepted as being neceessary to achieve profitab ble crop yield ds. Therre is also a grrowing realissation amongg agronomistts worldwidee that the cu urrently accepted practise of applyingg the heavvy rates of high concentration chemiccal fertiliserss required to o produce currently profittable yield taargets are reeleasing store ed soil carbo on, dismantling soil structtures and deecimating soiil biology at an a alarming and unsustainable rate. There is also a grass rootss realisation among farm mers worldwiide that by reeducing fertiilisers dramaatically and concentrating c g on prom moting biologgical soil heaalth by inoculating with beneficial b soiil biology target yields caan be maintained while incre easing organic soil carbon n and remnaant nutrient availability a so much so th hat only a fraaction of thee amount of fertiliser f tradiitionally applied is requirred to produce target yie elds. Currently accepted best pracctice farmingg methods off no till, high rate, high co oncentration n chemical feertiliser and chemical c herb bicide applicaation (Conventional Meth hods) are haaving another unintended d and little understood u d detrimental effect e on soil health h and plant nutrition. Most farm mers are familiar with thee effect of nitrogen draw wdown causeed by high orrganic mattter bacterial decomposition within th he soil. Whatt is less undeerstood by faarmers and agronomists a alike is that fungus can and a should also a play a siggnificant rolee in decomposition of organic matterr and that un nlike bacteriaa, fungal deco omposition d does not resu ult in the losss of any soil nitrogen at all, a in fact alm most all the nitrogen n min neralised by fungi durin ng the decom mposition prrocess is storred within the fungal organic structurre and can be made available in crop p to the grasss host crop. Instead of prromoting thee vital soil ro oot fungus co onventional fertiliser f app plications stro ongly promo ote PH H: 1800 0 228 685 6 FAX X: 1800 0 429 642 6 w www.con questgrou u INNO OVATIV VE ENG GINEER RING SOLUT S TIONS bacterial populattion growth within the so oil, outperforming sloweer growing fu ungus and ou ut competingg for resources at the expe ense of funggus and supp pressing the establishment of healthyy fungal populations. In a healthy h soil iit is accepted d that 50% of o decomposition should result from bacterial acttivity and 50% % from fungal activvity. This reduces nitrogeen draw down and allowss for slow rellease of stored fungal nittrogen to thee host crop right r through the grow wing season. Allquip Smartt Cooler in co onjunction with w a program of biologiccal inoculatio on it is possible to apply low By uttilising the A ratess of fertiliserr at nano parrticle size at extremely e lo ow concentraation but at massive m coveerage not po ossible with granular g or liq quid applicattion methods and at minimal cost. Byy combining this method d of nutrient application, coating soil particles and seed with a nutrient rich h moisture vaapour with a mycorrhizall fungi seed treatment we w can avoid overstimulaating the bacterial populattion and we can assist in the establishment of a strong s and active soil fun ngi. Myco orrhiza, (roo ot fungi) havee a symbioticc relationship p with their ggrass plant hosts. h Since the t fungi livee in the soil they t have e no capacityy for photosyynthesis whicch is the process that plaants use to caapture energgy from lightt which is sto ored within the plant as sugar or carbohydrate c es, thereforee fungus is en nergy poor. Mycorrhiza M d have an amazing do a ability through enzymes they produ uce which haave the capaccity to unlock nutrients such s as phosphate from molecular m bo onds form med through soil chemistry with other elements such s as iron. As such we have the eneergy poor bu ut nutrient ricch fungus forming a mateship with w the enerrgy/sugar rich but nutrient poor grass host. The knowledge k of this processs is some ething that h has unfortun nately been neglected n in the educatio on of farmers during the green revolu ution created d by fertilisers and their sales persons of the last century. basic of the syymbiotic ben nefits gained d by both orgganisms from m this relatio onship. Plantss in their effo orts to This is only the b attraact and prom mote healthy soil root fun ngi deliberate ely leak sugaars and other stimulants from their ro oots. These sugars s or caarbohydratess are carbon rich and can n rapidly incrrease the orgganic carbon n content of the t soils theyy grow in. Th his carbon acts as a major soil im mprover, reducing non wetting, w assistting amelioration of fertiliser sterilisaation and nu utrient reten ntion. Apartt from the beenefits to both, the plantt, soil and fungi from thiss relationship p is the sequestration of massive quan ntities or carbon from the e atmospherre. It has bee en shown thaat soil carbon can be incrreased rapid dly and that the t soil is the largest poten ntial carbon sink s of the global environ nment. MAN NUFACTUR RED BY: PH H: 1800 0 228 685 6 FAX X: 1800 0 429 642 6 w www.con questgrou u INNO OVATIV VE ENG GINEER RING SOLUT S TIONS