What are the requirements for a Home Network?

What are the requirements for a Home
Setting up a computer network in your home is not rocket science but it pays to
think about what you want/need before you start buying equipment or drilling
holes all over your house.
Often people don’t actually know what they want or need because the whole
concept of a “networked home” is alien to them. So, let me give you a bit of a
network primer before we get down to the nitty gritty of actually planning and
installing a home network: Home Networking, a primer for the different
As mentioned in the Network Primer above, a wired network is currently the only
robust means of moving large volumes of data around a network at decent
speeds. For streaming, whether it be audio streaming or video streaming, you
must have a constant, quality connection to maintain a constant stream of data.
If you don’t have this you’ll experience drop-outs or stuttering in the audio/video
Is it difficult to install a wired network?
Installing a wired network in your home is really not that tricky from a conceptual
point of view but you must think carefully about your requirements before you
even think about getting the drill out. Whilst you could call in the experts and get
everything installed professionally I personally think the job is something that
can be carried out by the competent DIYer. The job basically involves drilling into
walls, chasing channels and lifting floorboards so if you’ve never done any of this,
successfully, before and don’t feel confident doing so, then don’t. The last thing
you want to do is drill into a buried water pipe or a gas pipe or even a live electric
cable! You have been warned!!
For my network I set about considering the requirements for each room
individually. If you try and think about the network as a whole then you’ll likely
get yourself all confused and end up going around in circles._Once I’d considered
each room I could then think about how to get Ethernet cables into those rooms.
Once you’ve done that you can then think about the hardware you’ll need to buy
to accomplish your goal. The hardware consists of network outlet faceplates and
back boxes, cables, network switches, patch panels, RJ45 connectors, patch
leads, a crimping tool, network tester etc.
I've heard the term "Node Zero" but what is it?
In a traditional wired home network you should establish a “Node Zero”. A Node
Zero is a location somewhere in your house where all the network cables which
will run around your house come together. Try to find a location which is
convenient for cable runs. Some locations, such as under the stairs, are better
suited than others. You need to ensure this location is well ventilated; servers
and NAS devices will live longer if you provide adequate ventilation for them. The
location should ideally provide access for an incoming telephone line as well as a
TV feed (terrestrial/cable/satellite). It should also be free from dampness and
excessive heat.
So, do I have to have a Node Zero?
If you’re building a house from scratch then establishing a Node Zero is
something that is a little easier than if your home is already built and decorated.
Mine was the latter so I actually have more than one Node Zero. In my house, all
the network cables for the upstairs rooms run into a single 24-port gigabit switch
located in the loft. My server and NASes live in an upstairs cupboard and are
connected to this switch. The main living room and cinema room, both
downstairs, are also connected to the switch in the loft. The reason these two
downstairs rooms are connected to the “main” switch is because the bandwidth
requirements for these two rooms are much higher than the other rooms in my
house. Plus it was easier to run the cables from the loft into these two rooms!_All
other downstairs rooms are connected to another 24-port gigabit switch located
under the stairs. My broadband router is connected to the under-stairs switch to
provide internet access, wireless access plus it also handles the DHCP duties (ie.
it provides IP addresses for all my network devices) and I have a single Ethernet
cable connecting the two switches together.
How many network cables should I run to each
I seen this question asked many times and I’ve seen many different answers to
it. That’s because there really is no correct answer. Firstly, it depends on the
room; the network requirements for a typical bathroom differ greatly to the
network requirements for a typical study or your main living room. Secondly, it
depends on how easy it is to install network cables in that room; If it’s a simple
job to install cables without disturbing the décor in that room then you should
install as many cables as you need today knowing that you can easily add more
cables in the future as your requirements grow.
In my setup I aimed to install two network outlets by each mains socket in each
room. The reasoning behind this thinking is simply that most network devices
require power and so will be plugged into the nearest mains socket. They will
obviously also require a network connection. So, the most logical place for the
network outlet is by the mains socket. Not exactly rocket science really, is it!
The reason I aimed to install two network outlets by each mains socket, and not
just one, is simply for “future use”. Some people choose to also run a couple of
spare cables (thus making 4 cables per outlet) and to leave them un-terminated
behind the faceplate. I didn’t do that. I figured I could use one of the two cables
as a “guide cable” to pull extra cables through in the future. For some runs I
pulled a piece of string along with the Ethernet cables and will use that string if I
need to pull extra cables in the future._Since no one knows what the future holds
don’t fret over your choice too much. All I can say is to just install more than you
need for the foreseeable future and leave it at that.
In the main rooms (living room, cinema room, study) I installed more than two
by each socket since my needs today exceeded 2. If in the future I need more I
can always plug a network switch into one of the outlets to give myself a few
extra “ports”.
What sort of network switch should I buy? Do I need
a "managed" switch?
When it comes to network switches there really is no particular brand which
stands head and shoulders above the rest in terms of performance and/or build
quality, although that obviously doesn't stop everyone having their personal
A "managed" switch (a switch having configurable options) is more suited to
commercial use than home use and so unless you've very good reason to get a
managed switch (in which case you won't be reading this page in the first place)
then you should go for an unmanaged switch. Unmanaged switches are simple
plug and play devices and are generally much cheaper than managed switches.
So, having decided on an unmanaged switch the other thing to decide is whether
to go for a Fast Ethernet switch (100Mb/s) or a gigabit switch (1000Mb/s)._Most
ADSL "routers" come with several Ethernet ports built in. More often than not
these ports are Fast Ethernet ports (well, this is how life was when I put this
page together). So, all devices plugged into these ports can communicate with
each other at speeds of up to 100Mb/s. However, if you plug a gigabit switch into
one of these ports and then plug all network devices into the switch (and not the
"router") then the devices can all communicate with each other at speeds of up
to 1000Mb/s. Assuming of course that these devices are fitted with gigabit
network interface cards.
So, if you intend streaming lots of HD video around your network then you'll have
plenty more headroom if you buy a gigabit switch rather than a fast Ethernet
switch. They do tend to be more expensive but the extra expense is well worth
There are UTP, STP, FTP, Solid & Stranded Cables. So
what sort do I need?
Ethernet cable is made up of four twisted pairs of cables (so 8 cables in total)
inside a single plastic jacket. Each of the 8 cables has a plastic insulator around
UTP = Unshielded Twisted Pair_The twisted pairs are not shielded. This is the
most common type of cable used in a home network environment.
STP = Shielded Twisted Pair. FTP = Foiled Twisted Pair._With these two
types the twisted pairs have a metal shielding around them in an attempt to
prevent electromagnetic interference (EMI). These cable types are typically used
in those commercial environments where EMI is an issue. They are bulkier and
more expensive than UTP cable and if not installed correctly actually provide zero
benefit over UTP cable. It’s rare to find the need to use shielded cable in a home
network environment.
Solid cable. Each one of the 8 cables is made with a solid piece of copper. i.e.
there are 8 solid copper wires inside a single Ethernet cable.
Stranded cable. Each one of the 8 cables is made up of many individual strands
of copper. Stranded cable is more flexible than solid cable but is more expensive.
The general rule of thumb for solid verses stranded cable is to use solid cable for
“building wiring”, that is the wiring which is normally installed inside walls and
under floors and connects a network switch (or patch panel) to a wall socket, and
to use stranded cable for “patch leads”. That is, the leads which connect a
computer/router/streamer etc. to a wall socket.
I've noticed there are cat5, cat5e and cat6 cables.
What is the difference?
These denote the "standards" that the cables are constructed to. In very simple
terms (so not 100% accurate but close enough!) cat5 is designed to operate at
"Fast Ethernet" speeds, i.e. 100Mb/s. cat5e is an enhanced version of cat5 and is
designed to operate up to gigabit speeds, so 1,000Mb/s. Cat6 is designed to
operate up to 10gigabit speeds, so 10,000Mb/s.
If you're installing a network today then forget about using cat5. The choice will
be between cat5e and cat6 cable.
Should I use cat5e cable or cat6 cable in my home
That's a tricky one, and you'll likely read many conflicting opinions. Again, there
is no correct answer to this question.
It is more difficult to install a cat6 network in your home than it is a cat5e
network. There are two main reasons for this: The first is the requirements for a
cat6 installation are more stringent than a cat5 installation. Secondly the cable
itself is more difficult to work with. It is thicker and less flexible than cat5e and
the cable is generally regarded as being more "delicate". The cable itself is more
expensive than cat5e cable plus you obviously need to use cat6 connectors, face
plates and patch panels all round._Furthermore, if you do not install a cat6
network correctly then you will be lucky if your installation even meets the cat5e
So, what should you use in your network? Well, I've used cat5e in my home for
the simple reason that it is more than adequate for my needs today. Streaming
blu-ray video across a network consumes around 50Mb/s of bandwidth. Cat5e is
more than plenty, remember it can run up to 1000Mb/s. I wouldn't be surprised if
"tomorrow's needs" required a fibre optic network so even cat6 won't be up to
the job.
I've seen the terms TIA/EIA-568B and T568A &
T568B. What's that all about?
TIA/EIA-568B is a standard for commercial building cabling. The thing we need to
be concerned about in this standard is the specification for cable termination.
That is, how we connect the 8 wires within an Ethernet cable to a patch panel or
RJ45 socket or face plate. There are two specifications: T568A & T568B. Just to
make matters confusing the TIA/EIA-568B standard specifies that cables should
be terminated using the T568A pin/pair assignments. However most people
follow T568B. It really doesn't matter which one you follow as long as you stick to
one specification or the other. In my network I've used T568B throughout.
Patch panels and RJ45 face plates are normally colour-coded with both standards
so you don't have to remember the above diagrams, simply remain consistent in
whichever wiring standard you choose. It's only when you come to wiring an
RJ45 connector for example that you're "on your own" and have to follow the
Should I use a patch panel?
Yet another question with no correct answer! In my opinion a patch panel (also
called a patch bay) in a home network environment is unnecessary, although I
must confess it does look very cool!_A patch panel, for those of you who don't
know, is a panel which is often rack-mounted and allows you to plug patch leads
(short, stranded-core Ethernet cables) into the front side of the panel and the
back side of the panel holds the longer, permanent (solid-core, "building wiring")
Ethernet cables. The patch leads are used to create "circuits". For example, to
connect an RJ45 faceplate (the cable for which would be connected to the back of
the patch panel) to a network switch.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with terminating one end of a "building wiring"
Ethernet cable with an RJ45 connector and plugging it directly into a network
switch, thus eliminating the need for a patch panel altogether. HOWEVER,
"standard" RJ45 connectors are designed for stranded-core Ethernet cables and
are not suitable for use with solid-core cable. You need to buy RJ45 connectors
which are specifically designed for solid core cable. As mentioned above,
solid core cables are not really designed to be moved around a lot so only plug
them directly into the switch if you don't plan on moving them afterwards. For
info I have used this method in my setup and have had no issues.