A wideband current-commutating passive mixer for multi

Vol. 34, No. 1
Journal of Semiconductors
January 2013
A wideband current-commutating passive mixer for multi-standard receivers
in a 0.18 m CMOS
Bao Kuan(包宽), Fan Xiangning(樊祥宁)Ž , Li Wei(李伟), and Wang Zhigong(王志功)
Institute of RF-&OE-ICs, School of Information Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
Abstract: This paper reports a wideband passive mixer for direct conversion multi-standard receivers. A brief
comparison between current-commutating passive mixers and active mixers is presented. The effect of source
and load impedance on the linearity of a mixer is analyzed. Specially, the impact of the input impedance of the
transimpedance amplifier (TIA), which acts as the load impedance of a mixer, is investigated in detail. The analysis
is verified by a passive mixer implemented with 0.18 m CMOS technology. The circuit is inductorless and can
operate over a broad frequency range. On wafer measurements show that, with radio frequency (RF) ranges from
700 MHz to 2.3 GHz, the mixer achieves 21 dB of conversion voltage gain with a –1 dB intermediate frequency
(IF) bandwidth of 10 MHz. The measured IIP3 is 9 dBm and the measured double-sideband noise figure (NF) is
10.6 dB at 10 MHz output. The chip occupies an area of 0.19 mm2 and drains a current of 5.5 mA from a 1.8 V
Key words: CMOS; current-commutating passive mixer; linearity; source and load impedance; multi-standard
receiver; wideband
DOI: 10.1088/1674-4926/34/1/015003
EEACC: 2570
1. Introduction
The emerging various wireless communication systems
promote the necessity to design a single transceiver that is
compatible with multiple standardsŒ1 . Different kinds of software defined radio (SDR) receivers are proposed for applications like 3GPP-LTE, WCDMA, GPS, WLAN, and so onŒ2; 3 .
One key challenge in bringing out a multi-standard multimode
front-end lies in fulfilling the high level of integration and flexibility for reconfiguration. The direct-conversion (or zero IF)
transceiver has attracted widespread attention recently for its
simple design and easy integration with the baseband circuit,
as well as for its low power consumption and potentially low
manufacturing costsŒ4 .
Nevertheless, direct conversion designs have many problems including the flicker noise, dc offset, and second-order
intermodulationŒ5 . Those issues become more troublesome
when implemented in super-scaled CMOS technology, especially the flicker noise problemŒ6; 7 . As a result, it is necessary to design a mixer free of those obstacles. An active mixer
has intrinsic flicker noise problems due to its nonzero dc currentŒ8 , and the linearity of an active mixer cannot be very good
due to its vertical structure and critical voltage headroom problemŒ9 . In fact, current-commutating passive mixers have recently become a preferred choice in the literature for wireless
receivers thanks to their superior noise performance (especially
1/f noise) and their ability to linearly handle large unfiltered
blockersŒ2; 4; 6 . Several direct conversion receivers have been
published in which a current-commutating passive mixer is
employedŒ10 12 .
This paper gives a brief analysis on the advantages and
disadvantages of current-commutating passive mixers compared to their active competitors. The effect of source and load
impedance on the linearity of a passive mixer is analyzed with
special focus on the impact of the input impedance of the transimpedance amplifier (TIA), which acts as the load impedance
of the mixer. Afterwards, a wideband CMOS mixer based on a
passive current-commutating structure is designed for multistandard applications including GSM, WCDMA, GPS, and
Beidou. Complementary folded inputs are employed to achieve
a higher transconductance efficiency. No inductor has been
utilized in order to realize a wideband mixer. Without a high
impedance node, the mixer can achieve pretty high linearity
without using additional techniques like IM3 cancellation or
other distortion calibration techniquesŒ13; 14 .
2. Comparisons between current-commutating
passive mixers and active Gilbert mixers
Active Gilbert mixers have been commonly used due to
their good isolation between local oscillator (LO) and IF output, moderate gain, and moderate linearity performance. Recently, passive mixers have attracted more attention due to their
flexibility in direct conversion receivers. This section gives a
brief comparison between a typical current-commutating passive mixer and a typical active Gilbert mixer which are illustrated in Figs. 1(a) and 1(b) respectively. The comparisons are
carried out in aspects of gain, linearity, and noise performance.
* Project supported by the National Science and Technology Major Project (No. 2010ZX03007-002-01) and the State Key Development
Program for Basic Research of China (No. 2010CB327404).
Ž Corresponding author. Email: xnfan@seu.edu.cn
c 2013 Chinese Institute of Electronics
Received 19 June 2012, revised manuscript received 25 July 2012
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Fig. 1. (a) A current-commutating passive mixer. (b) A conventional Gilbert active mixer.
2.1. Voltage conversion gain
Firstly, the active mixer depicted in Fig. 1(b) is taken into
consideration. The voltage conversion gain (VCG) of the active
mixer isŒ5
VCG D gm RL ;
where gm is the transconductance of the transconductor stage
composed by M1 and M2, RL is the load resistance, and coefficient 2/ is caused by the commutation behavior of the
switches stage. Since DC current flows vertically through RL ,
switches and transconductor transistors, a tradeoff inevitably
exits between voltage conversion gain and voltage headroom.
For example, we can increase RL to achieve a higher VCG.
However, the increased voltage drop on RL may force the transistors of the switches stage or transconductor stage out of saturation state. That is the reason why we can only have moderate
gain, typically 5 to 10 dB.
On the other hand, a passive mixer is accounted as no gain
but only lossŒ5 . A passive mixer with only four switches and
transistors definitely cannot provide any gain at all. Nonetheless, we can use a TIA to terminate the mixer in order to amplify the commutating current as shown in Fig. 1(a)Œ15 . The
TIA converts the commutated current into voltage, and thus
a considerable gain is generated due to the high gain of the
TIA. In a current-commutating passive mixer, the voltage conversion gain has more degrees of freedom thanks to the independent dc current flowing through each stage. The transconductor stage, switch stage, and TIA stage in the mixer can be
designed independently. So it is flexible to realize a high-gain
passive mixer without lowering its linearity. Moreover, this advantage also makes it convenient to realize gain reconfigurability for multi-standard receivers which need programmable
gains. It also partly explains why the current commutating passive mixer is preferred in software defined radio (SDR) receiversŒ2; 16; 17 .
2.2. Linearity
The vertical design of the active mixer degrades its linearity performance especially where the fast-lowering supply voltage for super-scaled CMOS technology is concerned.
Many techniques like IM3 cancellationŒ14 or distortion calibrationŒ18 are brought out to improve its linearity performance.
Fig. 2. Illustration of the source and load of a passive mixer.
But those techniques inevitably complicate its design procedure and may have some other penalty in aspect of gain or noise
In a current-commutating passive mixer, switch transistors only carry a signal current with negligible voltage swings
showing inside the mixer, which results in significantly better linearity. Actually, the switch transistors are embedded between a current source input and an output buffer with zero
input resistance. In the real situation, a transconductor acts as
a current source, and a transimpedance amplifier can terminate
the mixer in a low resistance as shown in Fig. 2. So the signals
only operate in current mode, and the small voltage swings before and after the switches guarantee its intrinsic high linearity.
The 2nd-order inter-modulation (IM2) is a critical challenge when designing direct conversion receivers. The achievable 2nd-order input intercept point (IIP2) has a fundamental
dependence on nonlinearity and mismatches in the switching
stage and improves with technology scalingŒ19 . In an active
mixer, the 2nd-order intermodulation products generated by
the input transconductor or due to self-mixing usually determine the IIP2. The parasitic capacitance loading the switchingstage common source plays a key role in the intermodulation
mechanisms, and this parasitic capacitance can be cancelled by
applying an inductor between themŒ20 . Fortunately, in a current commutating current mixer, ac coupling can be used to
pass RF signals while suppressing the low frequency IM2 component generated by the transconductor stage, which provides
a great benefit to IIP2Œ21 .
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Fig. 4. Simplified schematic of a commutating-current passive mixer.
Fig. 3. Illustration of TIA noise amplification issues.
3. Linearity analysis of the current-commutating
passive mixer
2.3. Noise
The flicker noise (1/f / of an active mixer, which is proportional to its dc current, can corrupt the integrated noise significantly. Fortunately, passive mixers will not introduce significant flicker noise since there is no dc current following through
the switches. However, a current output passive mixer has TIA
noise amplification issuesŒ7 as illustrated in Fig. 3.
The equivalent mixer output resistance, which can be expressed as a switched-capacitor resistance, is given asŒ21 :
Req D
Cp fLO
An equivalent circuit illustrated in Fig. 3 can be seen as
a simple proportional operational amplifier. The input noise is
amplified by a ratio related to ZL and Req . Consequently, the
output noise contributed from the TIA can be derived as:
4ZL 2 2
2 ;
D 1C
vn; eq D 1 C 4ZL fLO Cp vn;
where ZL is the parallel of RL and CL .
The noise amplification problem can be overcome by increasing the equivalent output impedance of the mixer Req Œ21 .
The equivalent output impedance Req of the mixer is dominated by the switched-capacitor resistance Cp operating at LO
frequency. The switched-capacitor resistance is inversely proportional to the operating frequency and the switched-capacitor
value. A large portion of Cp is the parasitic capacitance from
the transconductor output stage. Therefore, the mixer output
impedance can be increased if the capacitance associated with
transconductor output can be removed. The noise contribution
from the TIA stage can be more than 50%. So it is of significant
sense to minimize it.
What’s interesting is that this switched-capacitor effect is
very small in active mixers. That’s because the switch transistors remain in the saturation region during the whole LO
period. The large output impedance of the switch transistors
operating in the saturation region then connects in series with
the switched-capacitor resistance Req , so the noise gain of the
baseband amplifier remains small.
TIA; out
The above analysis give us an intuition that a
commutating-current passive mixer is inherently highly
linear thanks to the fact that there is no high impedance node
in the mixer. The switches and transistors only carry current
signals. In addition, the current signals are terminated by a
TIA with very low input impedance which minimizes the
signal loss. However, in a real situation, the output impedance
of the transconductor is not sufficiently high, and the input
impedance of the TIA is not sufficiently lowŒ22 . Thus signal
loss and linearity degradation cannot be avoided. In this
section the effect of the source and load impedance on the
mixer will be analyzed in detail.
3.1. Effect of source impedance on mixer linearity
As depicted in Fig. 4, the transconductor stage is modeled by an ideal current source irf with a frequency dependent
source impedance ZS .!/. The TIA stage is modeled as the load
impedance of mixer ZL .!/. Considering the impact of ZS .!/
and ZL .!/, the closed-form expressions for IIP2 and IIP3 for a
current commutating passive mixer have been derived using a
Volterra-series analysis in Ref. [22]. The relationship between
the impedance of source and load and the linearity of the mixer
is expressed as Eqs. (4) and (5):
ZL .!1 /ZS .!1 !2 /
ZL .!1 !2 /
f ŒZL .!LO
!1 /
ZL .!LO !1 /ZS .2!1 !2 /
ZL Œ!LO .2!1 !2 / gŒZL .!LO
!1 /
where !1 and !2 represent the RF frequencies of two near input tones, and !LO represents the LO frequency. Equation (4)
suggests that a quite large ZS (!1 !2 / is desired for a good
IIP2. In order to have a high ZS (!1 !2 /, it is crucial to decrease the parasitic capacitance at the transconductor–switches
interface. Parasitic capacitance can be easily tuned out by an
inductor for all the possible operating frequencies in narrow
band designs. However, in wideband designs inductors cannot be used in that fashion because the input frequency is so
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transimpedance of the TIA are derived as:
Zin; TIA .j!/ D
Zf .j!/ C Zout .j!/
; (6)
1 C A.j!/ C j!Cgs ŒZf .j!/ C Zout .j!/
Zout .j!/ Zf .j!/A.j!/
1 C A.j!/ C j!Cgs ŒZf .j!/ C Zout .j!/
where Zf and Zout are:
ZTIA .j!/ D
Fig. 5. Equivalent small signal circuit for the analysis of the TIA’s
input impedance.
wide. DC coupling of current from transconductor to switches
can be used to minimize the parasitic capacitance in the output
node of the transconductor stageŒ15 . However, the absence of
DC-blocking capacitors results in a non-zero DC bias current
flowing through the switches. This amount of current should
be minimized in order to reduce the 1/f noise contributions
from the switches.
The other method is that we apply an ac coupling capacitor
CC between the transconductor stage and the switches stage,
which will boost the mixer source impedance at !1
!2 ,
while passing the RF signal. Actually, CC here eliminates
IM2 dramatically and consequently improves the IIP2 of the
mixer. Similarly, Equation (5) reflects that, to improve IIP3,
the source impedance at the RF signal frequency (2!1 !2 /
should be as high as possible. Frequencies !1 and !2 shown
in Eqs. (4) and (5) are two closely spaced radio frequencies.
Consequently, !1 !2 is near DC, and 2!1 !2 is a pretty
high frequency. High IIP3 and IIP2 both require a large source
impedance at low and high frequencies. So it is essential to
make the output resistance of the transconductor as large as
possible and also the parasitic capacitance at this node as small
as possible. It causes a tradeoff when choosing the size of the
transistors because a large resistance needs a longer channel
length while small parasitic capacitance prefers transistors with
a small size.
3.2. Effect of the TIA’s input impedance on the linearity of
passive mixers
In a real current commutating passive mixer, the input
impedance of the TIA acts as the load impedance of the mixer,
i.e. ZL (!) as illustrated in Fig. 4. A very low ZL (!) is desired
to avoid a big voltage swing at the input of the TIA. We also
expect that the commutated signal current will be completely
fed to the TIA. However, the input impedance of the TIA is not
always as low as expected and signal loss due to the nonzero
input impedance of TIA is inevitable. The mechanism of non
ideality of input impedance of the TIA is illustrated in Fig. 5.
In Fig. 5, Cgs , Gm , Rout , and Cout stand for the input capacitance, transconductance, output resistance and output capacitance of a typical OTA, respectively. The input impedance and
Zf .j!/ D RF ==
Zout .j!/ D Rout ==
and A(j!) is the open loop gain of the OTA.
At a relatively high intermediate frequency, the finite OTA
gain-bandwidth will cause a significant open loop gain decrease. The denominator of Eq. (6) will decrease due to the
dropped A(j!). As a result, Zin; TIA will get bigger. A bigger Zin; TIA is not desired because it will cause a large voltage
swing at the TIA input, and introduces nonlinearity from both
the mixer and the TIA. With a second glance to Eq. (6), we
found the numerator of Eq. (6) will also decrease due to the
decreasing Zf , which is a parallel combination of RF and CF .
The decreasing Zf can partly cancel the effect of decreasing
A(j!) and give a compensation for Zin; TIA .
Simulation results of Zin; TIA and ZTIA with different Zf
are illustrated in Fig. 6. Simulation is based on a typical two
stages miller compensated OTA with a unit gain bandwidth of
350 MHz and RF of 2 k. The Cf ranges from 0 to 8 pF. It’s
clearly seen from Fig. 6(a) that CF has a dramatic compensation effect for the input impedance of the TIA. Let’s check it at
300 MHz, the Zin; TIA with 0 pF CF is 1.8 k, while less than
100  with 8 pF CF . This phenomenon provides us a way to
decrease Zin; TIA with a moderate area-consuming penalty. Additionally, the transimpedance characteristic is also affected by
the changing CF as shown in Fig. 6(b). The –3 dB bandwidth
decreases with increasing CF , which has a great impact on the
IF bandwidth of the mixer. So a careful tradeoff needs to be
considered to achieve a relatively low Zin; TIA while maintaining a good gain bandwidth for the mixer.
Considering a multi-standard receiver compatible with the
WCDMA standard, the baseband bandwidth is 3.84 MHz,
whereas the strongest jammer, due to TX leakage, is down converted to 135 MHz. If the TIA input impedance is very large
at 135 MHz, the linearity performance will be poor due to a
big voltage swing at the input of the TIA. As suggested by
Eqs. (4) and (5), the TIA input impedance, which acts as the
load impedance of the switches, contributes to IIP2 and IIP3,
making the high load impedance at the down converted jammer frequency the single most dominant factor in degrading
the passive mixer linearity. Hence, instead of placing an interstage RF filter, it’s worthy to figure out a way to decrease the
load impedance of the switches.
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Fig. 6. (a) Input impedance and (b) transimpedance of the TIA versus frequency with different CF .
Consequently, it’s very necessary to bias the 4 transconductor
transistors in the deep saturation region to guarantee the large
resistance of the channel. What’s more, the sizes of M1–M4
need to be careful optimized to achieve a proper gm and an
acceptable parasitic capacitance Cdd . In the presented circuits,
the bias of the PMOS transistors is generated by a common
feedback circuit which can also stabilize the output common
voltage level.
4.2. Switches stage
Fig. 7. Transconductor stage for the passive mixer.
4. Circuit design
Motivated by the comparison between active mixers and
current-commutating passive mixers, this section describes the
design considerations of the presented circuits with an emphasis on tradeoff among linearity, noise, gain, and power consumption. Moreover, the effect of source and load impedance
of the core mixer will be kept in mind when designing the circuits. In this section, we will focus on the implementation of
mixer’s main building blockers including the transconductor
stage, switches stage, and TIA stage.
4.1. Transconductor stage
As shown in Fig. 7, a fully differential current reused
transconductor is employed to convert the input RF voltage signal to RF current. Then, the current signal is fed to the doublebalanced passive current commutating mixer. As analyzed in
Section 3, the transconductor stage acts as a current source in
front of the switches. A large output impedance ZS (j!) is desired to minimize the signal loss and enhance its linearity performance according to Eqs. (4) and (5). Considering the real
implementation of this circuit, the channel resistance rds1 4
and the parasitic capacitance at the drain of transistors M1–M4
constitute the output impedance of the transconductor stage.
Figure 8(a) illustrates the schematic of the double balanced
switches stage. The RF transistors implemented in the deep Nwell are used as switches due to their attractive high frequency
performance. Triple-well process, as shown in Fig. 8(b), makes
it convenient to bias the body at the same voltage level as the
sourceŒ5; 21 . The buried deep N-well provides good isolation
between the substrate and the active area of transistors and the
bias of its body is not limited to ground any more. Indeed, connecting the body and source reduces the body effect, and also
can reduce the dc bias voltage as well. However, on the other
hand, the inside P-substrate and the buried deep N-well form
a reverse-biased diode which has quite a big parasitic junction
capacitance CJ due to the large area in touch. This big parasitic
capacitor will be connected into the signal path if the body and
source of the transistor are directly connected together, which
will dramatically impact the high frequency performance of the
switches stage.
So, the body of switches and transistors in the presented
mixer is simply connected to the ground. Although the threshold voltage of the transistors gets bigger, the junction capacitor
CJ has no impact on the switching signal path.
4.3. TIA stage
The TIA stage serves as the load, current to voltage converter and anti-aliasing filter for the mixer. The active-RC TIA
stage will provide very low impedance at the mixer output, so
that nearly all the signal current that comes from the mixer
core follows into the feedback RC. A two stage miller compensated OTA topology is chosen for the TIA design as shown
in Fig. 9. This structure can obtain both a high output voltage
swing and low input-referred noise. Considering the noise am-
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Fig. 8. (a) Switches stage of the passive mixer. (b) Cross picture of the deep N-well transistors.
Fig. 9. (a) Structure of the TIA. (b) Two-stage OTA used in the TIA.
plification effect as discussed in Section 2, noise contribution
from TIA nearly dominates the noise performance of the mixer,
especially the 1/f noise. It is essential to minimize noise generated from the TIA stage. The input-referred noise density of
the OTA is derived asŒ15 :
2 2
KP gmP
f Cox .W L/N
.W L/P gmN
Vn;2 OTA D 8kT (10)
where KP and KN are process-dependent constants, ˛ is the
ratio gm /gds0 , and Cox is the gate oxide capacitance per unit
area. In order to reduce the OTA noise contribution, the input
nMOS transistors are sized to have a high W=L ratio with a
along channel length, while the pMOS has a low W =L ratio
with a long channel length. The output stage of the amplifier
is simply a common-source amplifier and provides an almost
rail–rail output swing.
The voltage conversion gain of the mixer is VCG D gm ZF
/2, where ZF is the feedback impedance CL parallel with
RL as shown in Fig. 9(a). So the low frequency VCG of the
mixer is determined by gm and RL . The voltage conversion
gain has more degrees of freedom thanks to the independent
dc current flowing through each stage as discussed in Section 2. So, it is flexible to realize a high-gain passive mixer
without lowering its linearity, which is a big advantage compared to active mixers. In this design, we use a RF of 2 k
to provide about a 20 dB gain. However, conventional active
mixers usually cannot use a load resistance as large as several
kilo ohms, because of critical voltage headroom problems. The
feedback capacitors CF are chosen with the consideration of
both minimizing the input impedance of the TIA at high frequency and the area consumption of the circuits. Although using large feedback capacitors creates a low-frequency gain rolloff at the baseband output, this can be characterized and corrected in later stages as long as the noise figure is low and the
gain is high enough for the baseband frequency of interest. The
TIA draws a total of 3.5 mA from the supply.
5. Measurement results
The wideband current-commutating passive mixer is fabricated in TSMC 0.18 m RF CMOS technology. The chip
photograph of the fully-integrated wideband mixer is shown in
Fig. 10. The core chip size is 460 410 m2 . On-wafer measurement is carried out by mounting the wafer on a Cascade
Summit 11000 probe station. The voltage conversion gain is
measured using an Agilent E4440A Spectrum Analyzer, and
the noise figure is measured by an Agilent N8975A NF Analyzer. The measured dc current is 5.5 mA from a 1.8 V supply
The voltage conversion gain is measured using an Agilent
E4440A spectrum analyzer. Considering the wideband applications of the mixer, LO signals with frequencies of 0.7 GHz,
1.57 GHz, and 2.2 GHz are applied respectively. With each
fixed LO signal, we change the frequency of the input RF sig-
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Fig. 10. Chip photograph of the fully-integrated wideband mixer.
Fig. 11. Measured voltage conversion gain with different input RF
nal, so that the output IF frequency can be swept from near
DC to 50 MHz. Figure 11 illustrates the voltage conversion
gain versus different IF frequency with 3 LO frequencies. It is
clearly seen from Fig. 11 that the conversion gain with three
LO frequencies are all above 20 dB with a –1 dB bandwidth of
about 10 MHz.
Figure 12(a) illustrates the 3rd order intermodulation phenomenon of the presented mixer. Two sinusoidal signals with
frequencies of 2213 MHz and 2213.5 MHz are applied to the
input of the mixer with a power of –20 dBm, and a LO frequency of 2.2 GHz. The 3rd order intermodulation product
is about –72 dBm. In the same fashion, we increase the input power, and the output linear term and 3rd order intermodulation term is measured respectively. The measured and
post-simulated output linear term and IM3 term is depicted in
Fig. 12(b). With the extension of the two curves, the measured
IIP3 is achieved with a value of 9 dBm while the simulated
IIP3 is 11.6 dBm.
The flick noise in the current-commutating passive mixer
is inherently low thanks to its zero dc current in the switches
transistors. The simulation results shows that the flick noise
corner frequency of the presented mixer is 60 kHz as shown
in Fig. 13(a), while its active competitor typically has a 1/f
Fig. 12. (a) Measured 3rd order intermodulation phenomenon with
fRF D 2.2 GHz, Pin D –20 dBm. (b) Post-simulated and measured
IIP3of the mixer.
noise corner frequency of hundreds of kHz or several MHz. It
makes the passive mixer very attractive in direct conversion
receivers. Figure 13(a) shows the simulation results with fLO
D 2.2 GHz. Because the minimum measurable frequency using an Agilent N8975A noise figure analyzer is 10 MHz, the
low frequency characteristics of the presented mixer cannot be
measured. Figure 13(b) shows the measured noise figure with
an output frequency from 10 to 50 MHz. The NF grows from
about 30 MHz due to the decreasing conversion gain and no
ideality of the chip and the measurement equipments. However, the NF measured at 10 to 25 MHz matches well with the
simulated result. The measured NF is 10.6 dB at 10 MHz IF.
The performance of the proposed passive mixer and other
recently published passive mixers are summarized in Table 1.
The comparison shows that the presented mixer achieves a
wide RF bandwidth and wide IF bandwidth along with competitive linearity, noise figures, and power consumption compared
to the other recently published mixers.
6. Conclusions
This paper presents a wideband passive mixer for the
direct conversion of multi-standard receivers. The currentcommutating structure is chosen considering the comparisons
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Table 1. Performance comparison.
This work
TMTT 2010Œ21
JSSC 2007Œ15
RF frequency (GHz)
VCG (dB)
IF bandwidth (MHz)
Noise figure (dB)
1/f noise corner (kHz)
Supply voltage (V)
Total bias current (mA)
0.18 m CMOS
One mixer
0.18 m CMOS
IQ mixer
0.13 m CMOS
6 33
IQ mixer C Divider
0.13 m CMOS
One mixer
J. Semicond.
0.13 m CMOS
LNA C IQ mixer
sured IIP3 is 9.0 dBm and the measured double-sideband NF
is 10.6 dB at 10 MHz IF. The chip drains a current of 5.5 mA
from a 1.8 V supply. The characteristics of low 1/f noise,
high linearity, flexible gain and moderate power consumption
make this implementation a suitable alternative for multi-band,
multi-standard radio applications.
We are grateful for encouraging discussions and technique
assistance from the whole team in the Institute of RF- & OEICs, Southeast University.
Fig. 13. (a) Simulated NF of the mixer. (b) Measured NF of the mixer.
between the current commutating passive mixers and active
mixers. The effect of the mixer’s source and load impedance
on its linearity was investigated in detail with special consideration given to the impact of input impedance of the TIA, which
acts as the load impedance of the mixer. The analysis is verified
by a mixer implemented in 0.18 m CMOS technology. Measurement results shows that with the RF frequency ranges from
700 MHz to 2.3 GHz, the proposed mixer achieves 21 dB of
conversion voltage gain. Also, the measured intermediate frequency bandwidth is more than 10 MHz around dc. The mea-
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