Two-day IPC Global Event, 1-2 July 2014 Two-day IPC Global Event: Partner Consultation on the Use and Impact of IPC at the Global, Regional and Country Levels IPC for Decision Makers Seminar Series and Launch of the IPC Chronic Food Insecurity Phase Classification July 1-2, 2014, FAO HQs, Rome, Italy Information Note and AGENDA BACKGROUND The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) is a global, multi-partner initiative to facilitate decision-making with improved food security analysis. The IPC consists of a set of analytical tools and protocols for analyzing and classifying the severity and nature of food insecurity in order to inform multiagency response. There is evidence that the IPC application in 29 countries around the world has substantially increased the technical capacity of institutional stakeholders to utilize IPC analysis and dissemination tools. However, it is less clear how effective IPC information products and processes have been in positively influencing food security policies and programming among institutional partners, or what barriers must be overcome to ensure the longer-term effectiveness and sustainability of the IPC. In response, the IPC Global Steering Committee (SC) has called and embarked on an IPC Baseline Impact Study and subsequent development of a strategic stakeholder engagement plan for the IPC. Moreover, the IPC is in the process of integrating the IPC Acute and Chronic Food Insecurity Analysis as well as developing the IPC Nutrition Classification tool to inform a more comprehensive food and nutrition security response in both crisis and non-crisis developmental contexts. PURPOSE AND STRUCTURE OF THE EVENT Against this background, the IPC Global Steering Committee is organizing a two-day IPC Global Event under the theme Use and Impact of IPC at the Global, Regional and Country Level which will take place from July 1-2 2014, at FAO-HQs, Rome Italy. The IPC Global Event is structured as a two-day series of consultations and interactive seminars and consists of the following events: 1.) Partner & Donor Consultation is a targeted consultative forum to review, input and debate on preliminary findings of the IPC Baseline Use and Impact Study. The morning session is open to all interested; 2.) IPC for Decision Makers Seminar is an open-day to learn on the relevance and usefulness of IPC analysis for strategic decision making. This second event will be also the platform to launch the IPC Chronic Food Insecurity Phase Classification as well as to present the prototype of the new IPC Nutrition Phase Classification. Participants will include representatives of global IPC stakeholder, partner and donor agencies, Regional Inter-government Bodies (CILSS, SADC, IGAD, SICA and others), and relevant food security programming and policy organizations. IPC Regional Coordinators from Asia, Africa and Latin America will also participate, along with representatives for a selection of IPC Country Technical Working Groups. Further, the two-day event will be followed by the Meeting of the IPC Global Steering Committee that will utilize the outcomes of the workshop and seminar series to refine the strategic direction and action plan of the IPC Global Strategic Programme (2014-2016), focusing on the use of IPC for Decision-making. 1|P a g e Two-day IPC Global Event, 1-2 July 2014 DAY 1 1 JULY, 2014 Open session: 09:00 - 12:30 Closed session: 14:30 – 17:45 German Room (Building C, Room C269) FAO HQs, Rome, Italy PARTNER AND DONOR CONSULTATION WORKSHOP ON IPC USE AND IMPACT The first day will be dedicated to the targeted consultative workshop on the preliminary findings of the IPC Baseline Use and Impact Study. The IPC Baseline Use and Impact Study is an important element of the Vision and Action Plan for the IPC Global Strategic Programme (2014-2016). The baseline study will not only serve to provide a basis for assessing use of the IPC among key decision makers and the impact that use has on the effectiveness of policy and programming in emergency and development contexts. It will also contribute to development of a monitoring and evaluation framework within the broader context of the IPC Decision-Maker Strategic Engagement Plans at the global, regional and national levels. The purpose of partner and donor consultation is to promote a dynamic and interactive discussion among IPC users and senior level decision-makers in order to verify preliminary findings of the baseline study, highlight best practices in the use of IPC, and identify opportunities for strategic engagement of the IPC at the global, regional and country levels. The morning session is open to the all interested while the participation to the afternoon session is reserved to core IPC partners. Workshop Objectives • Discuss preliminary findings of the baseline study in terms of the use and impact of IPC for resource allocation, policy and program development, advocacy and strategic planning in selected regions and countries. • Identify common challenges, opportunities and lessons learned regarding IPC use and understand important differences among participating IPC regions and countries. • Discuss implications of the baseline study for the IPC Global Strategic Programme (2014-2016) in order to improve the use of IPC and to develop the IPC Strategic Engagement Plans at the global, regional and country levels. The Consultation is expected to generate the following outcomes: • Refinement, improvement and validation of preliminary findings of the IPC Impact baseline study. • Inputs and recommendations to improve the use of IPC in serving and informing decisionmaking in food security. • Proposed actions to be included in the IPC Global Strategic Programme workplans and to inform the development of the IPC Strategic Engagement Plans at the global, regional and country levels Consultative Workshop Format • Presentation of and question and answer session on preliminary findings of baseline study. • Panel discussion involving diverse stakeholders (donors, technical working group members, regional inter-governmental bodies) on common challenges, opportunities and lessons learned regarding use of IPC. • Identification and discussion of IPC best practices in select countries. • Working group and plenary discussions of the implications of preliminary baseline study findings on IPC Global Strategic Programme (2014-2016) and IPC Strategic Engagement Plans. Draft Agenda of the Consultative Workshop is provided in Annex 1. 2|P a g e Two-day IPC Global Event, 1-2 July 2014 DAY 2 2 JULY, 2014 Morning session: 09:00 - 12:30 Special Sessions: 14:00 – 15:30 15:30-17:00 Iran Room (Building B, room 116) FAO HQs, Rome, Italy IPC FOR DECISION MAKERS SEMINAR SERIES INCLUDING: Launch of the IPC Chronic Food Insecurity Phase Classification Presentation of the prototype of the IPC Nutrition Phase Classification The second day is an IPC open-day dedicated to a series of technical seminars which are specifically designed and targeted to advisers, decision makers and users of IPC products and information. The seminar series will help better understand and utilize the information generated from the various IPC products to inform decision-making by covering a series of IPC topics with brief overviews, real practical examples and case studies. All seminars’ sessions are complementary and lead to a comprehensive understanding of how and why IPC is an important tool that can help advisors, users and decision makers prioritize short, medium and long-term programming and policies to address the global challenge of ending hunger and food insecurity. On this occasion, two special sessions are also included to launch the Version 1.0 of IPC Chronic Food Insecurity Phase Classification and present the prototype of the IPC Nutrition Phase Classification. Objectives The specific objectives of Day 2 include: 1. Explain the relevance and usefulness of the information generated in the IPC Products and Outputs for strategic decision making 2. Describe how Analyses are conducted in IPC and how to utilize IPC products and outputs for strategic decision making 3. Explain why the IPC is promoted as Model of IPC Partner Collaboration with Country Impact 4. Illustrate the new tools and procedures for IPC Chronic Food Insecurity Analyses. The seminar morning sessions are: 1.) Session 1 - Proven Successes of IPC –Panel discussion on use of IPC What is IPC and what are the indications that IPC has been successfully useful and will carry on in being highly relevant? 2.) Session 1 - Needs of Decision Makers and IPC What is IPC and why is IPC crucial for Decision Makers 3.) Session 3 - IPC in Practice What are the essential Analytical Elements of IPC that will help decision makers better interpret and utilize findings? Special sessions: Launch of the V1.0 of the IPC Chronic Food Insecurity Classification What’s new – the V.1.0 of the IPC Chronic Food Insecurity Classification IPC Prototype of Nutrition Phase Classification What’s new – the prototype of the IPC Nutrition Phase Classification For a detailed programme – see Annex 2 and 3. The Two-Day IPC Global Event is organized by the IPC Global Steering Committee Partners through the IPC Global Support Unit (GSU) which is hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO). IPC Global Partners 2014 EUROPEAN UNION The organization of the Two-Day IPC Global Event is made possible by the support of the European Commission Development and Cooperation – EuropeAid (EC DEVCO) within the framework of the wider EC-FAO Programme pursuing Improved Global Governance for Hunger Reduction. The Two-Day IPC Global Event is also possible thanks to the support of the UK Government (DFID) to the IPC Global Strategic Programme (2014-2016) outcome of increasing the demand and use of IPC analysis to inform policy and programming in emergency and development contexts. IPC Website Contact: 3|P a g e Two-day IPC Global Event, 1-2 July 2014 Annex 1: Draft Agenda of the Partner/Donor Consultation Workshop (1 July) DAY 1 MORNING SESSION 8:30 – 9:00 Registration and collection of FAO building passes Invited Participants 9:00 – 9:30 Opening Remarks Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Assistant Director-General, FAO Economic and Social Development Department (ES) 1 July, German Room (Building C, room 269), FAO HQs, Rome, Italy Ambassador Laurence Argimon Pistre, Permanent Representative of the Delegation of the European Union John Barrett Deputy Director, Research and Evidence Division, DFID 9:30-10:00 Welcome a. IPC Achievements and Purpose of the Consultation b. Overview of Key Findings of the Baseline Study Presenters: Cindy Holleman, IPC Global Programme Manager Tim Frankenberger, TANGO International 10:00 – 10:30 IPC Use and Impact Baseline Study a. IPC Study Purpose & Methodology b. Factors influencing Use and Impact of IPC among individual regions, countries and stakeholders 10:30 – 11:00 Tea & Coffee Break 11:00-11:45 Panel Discussion – Country Perspectives a. Evolution of IPC Institutionalization and Use • Hemraj Regmi, Under Secretary, Ministry of Agricultural Development – Nepal • Yvonne Mavhunga, Representative of Food and Nutrition Council – Zimbabwe • James Oduor, Chief Executive Officer National Drought Management Authority – Kenya • Landry Brou, Chargé de Sécurité Alimentaire, FAO-DRC – DRC Presenters: Tom Spangler, IPC Impact Evaluation Officer Chair: Felix Lee, FEWS NET Chair IPC Global Steering Committee Panelists: Country Representatives Moderator: Tom Spangler, IPC Impact Evaluation Officer Question and Answers 11:45 – 12:30 12:30 – 13:00 Presentation of Preliminary Findings: Influence of the IPC on Decision Making a. Food Security Policy b. Allocation of Resources c. Programme Design d. Monitoring and Evaluation e. Coordination and Collaboration among Stakeholders Presenters: Tim Frankenberger, TANGO International Consultation: Open Discussion on Preliminary Findings Chair: Patricia Palma de Fulladolsa, SICA- PRESANCA IPC Global Steering Committee Member Tom Spangler, IPC Impact Evaluation Officer Moderator: Tim Frankenberger, TANGO International 13:00-14:00 Lunch 4|P a g e Two-day IPC Global Event, 1-2 July 2014 DAY 1 AFTERNOON SESSION 14:00-15:30 Stakeholder Perspectives: Challenges and Best Practices • Challenges in applying IPC for improved decision making • Best practices among participating regions and countries Chair: Luca Russo, FAO IPC Global Steering Committee Member Country Perspectives (TBC) (Video Link) Moderators: Tim Frankenberger, TANGO International • • 1 July, German Room (Building C, room 269), FAO HQs, Rome, Italy Sue Lautze, Head of Office, FAO in South Sudan; UN South Sudan Deputy Humanitarian Coordinator Hygeia Ceres Catalina Gawe, Chief, Nutrition Surveillance Division, National Nutrition Council (NNC) – Philippines Tom Spangler, IPC Impact Evaluation Question and Answers Global Stakeholders (TBC) (Panel Discussion) • • • • • • Nongnooch Deetae – ASEAN Project Manager Food Security Information System (AFSIS), South-East Asia Abdallah Samba - CILSS, Centre du Centre Régional AGRHYMET, West Africa Gianpietro de Cao – Programme Officer, EC DEVCO John Barrett – Deputy Director, Research and Evidence Division, DFID Patricia Palma de Fulladolsa - Director of PRESANCA II, SG-SICA, Central America Michele McNabb - Programme Manager, USAID FEWSNET Question and Answers 15:30-16:00 Tea & Coffee Break 16:00-16:45 Round Table Discussions – Implications of Preliminary Findings for IPC Implementation a. Implications for the IPC with respect to specific topics of the Baseline Study b. Identification of priority actions for the IPC going forward Chair: Cindy Holleman, IPC Global Programme Manager 16:45-17:30 Plenary Discussion a. Plenary discussions of Round Table perspectives on Baseline Study implications Moderator: Tim Frankenberger, TANGO International 17:30-17:45 Closing a. Next Steps b. Closing of consultative workshop Speakers: Cindy Holleman, IPC Global Programme Manager Facilitator: Tom Spangler, IPC Impact Evaluation Felix Lee, FEWS NET IPC Global Steering Committee Chair 5|P a g e Two-day IPC Global Event, 1-2 July 2014 Annex 2 –IPC for Decision Makers Seminar Series: Morning sessions IPC for Decision Makers Seminar Series 2 July, Iran Room (Building B, room 116) FAO HQs, Rome, Italy 9:00 – 9:15 Opening Remarks Kostas Stamoulis, FAO Director of the Agricultural Development Economics Division (ESA) Daniele Donati, Response Team Leader, FAO Emergency and Rehabilitation Division (TCE) 9:15-9:30 Welcome: • Purpose of the IPC Open Day • IPC worldwide application and increasing country demand Presenter: Cindy Holleman, IPC Global Programme Manager 9:30 – 10:00 Session 1 – Panel Discussion on use of IPC Chair: Roy Stacy, Senior Advisor, former USAID Representative Decision Makers’ perspectives: • Patricia Palma de Fulladolsa - Director of PRESANCA II, SG-SICA, Central America • Bentry Chaura - Director SADC FANR Agriculture Information Management System (AIMS) • Gianpietro de Cao - Programme Officer EuropeAid C1 Food Security, Rural Development, Nutrition, DG DEVCO • John Barrett - Deputy Director, Research and Evidence Division, DFID 10:00 – 10:30 Question & Answers Panelists Moderator: Roy Stacy, Senior Advisor, former USAID Representative 10:30 – 11:00 Tea & Coffee Break 11:00 – 11:30 Session 2 - IPC in Practice What is IPC and what is its added value for Decision Makers? • • • • 11:30-12:00 Presenter: Kaija Salmela-Korpi, IPC Food Security Officer Why is IPC needed? What is IPC What are the Key Elements of IPC (Functions, Tools and Procedures)? What is it the added Value of IPC? Question & Answers Moderator: Emily Henderson, Oxfam, IPC Global Steering Committee Member 12:00 – 12:30 12:30 – 13:00 Session 3 - Needs of Decision Makers and IPC Presenter: Why is IPC Crucial for Decision Makers & Current Use • What 7 Core Questions that IPC answers? - Identification and prioritization of target areas and populations (map & pop table) - Identification of appropriate types of Intervention (short, medium or long-term objectives (acute or chronic) - Selection of Priorities Response Objectives (severity/phases) - Limiting Factors Analysis - Timely delivery of response (current vs projected) - Lobbing with assurance (reliability, confidence, quality assurance) • Examples of Current Use of IPC in Decision Making? Josè Manuel Veiga,IPC Regional Coordinator for Latin America Question & Answers Moderator: Alexis Hoskins, WFP IPC Global Steering Committee Member 6|P a g e Two-day IPC Global Event, 1-2 July 2014 Annex 3 – Launch of the IPC V1.0 Chronic Food Insecurity Phase Classification and Presentation of the IPC Prototype Nutrition Phase Classification Launch of the IPC V.1.0 Chronic Food Insecurity Phase Classification 2 July, Iran Room (Building B, room 116), FAO HQs, Rome, Italy 14:00 – 14:15 Welcome and Opening Remarks Kostas Stamoulis, FAO Director of the Agricultural Development Economics Division John Barrett Deputy Director, Research and Evidence Division, DFID Gianpietro de Cao Programme Officer EuropeAid C1 Food Security, Rural Development, Nutrition, DG DEVCO 14:15 – 15:00 IPC version .1.0 of the Integrated Chronic Food Insecurity Phase Classification (IPC-Chronic) • Overview of the IPC Approach • IPC for Classification of Acute and Chronic Food Insecurity (IPC-Acute and IPC-Chronic) • Development Process of IPC-Chronic • Technical Overview and Key Analytical Components of IPCChronic • Roll-out of IPC-Chronic Presenter: Leila Oliveira, IPC Food Security Officer Anne Claire Thomas Food Security Assessment Team, European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC) Question and Answers 15:00 – 15:30 Stakeholder Perspectives with Question & Answers Panel: IPC Global Chronic Working Group • • • • • 15:30 – 16:00 Moderator: Owen Calvert, Project Director, ICF International Anne Claire Thomas, EC-JRC Alexis Hoskins World Food Programme Joanne Grace, Save the Children Mark Smulders, FAO Ricardo Sibrian, PRESISAN II, SG-SICA Tea & Coffee Break Presentation of the IPC Prototype Nutrition Phase Classification 2 July, Iran Room (Building B, room 116), FAO HQs, Rome, Italy 16:00-16:30 What’s new – Prototype of the IPC Nutrition Phase Classification • Development Process & Partnerships (2014-2016) • Technical Overview: Prototype Tool & Key Components • What is the Added Value? • IPC – Where are We Going Presenter: Douglas Jayasekaran, IPC Nutrition Officer 16:30-16:45 Question & Answers Moderator: Warren Lee, FAO Senior Nutrition Officer 16:45-17:00 Closing remarks Felix Lee, FEWS NET IPC Global Steering Committee Chair 7|P a g e