TABLE 6.1 (REVISED NOVEMBER 2015) WORLD WINE CONSUMPTION (1) 2011 - 2014, % CHANGE 2014/2011, % CHANGE 2013/2014 AND PERCENT OF WORLD CONSUMPTION - 2014 QUANTITY (LITERS 000) COUNTRY/TERRITORY (2) WORLD TOTAL UNITED STATES FRANCE ITALY GERMANY CHINA UNITED KINGDOM SPAIN ARGENTINA RUSSIA AUSTRALIA ROMANIA CANADA PORTUGAL SOUTH AFRICA BRAZIL JAPAN SWITZERLAND NETHERLANDS GREECE CHILE Sweden AUSTRIA BELGIUM HUNGARY CZECH REPUBLIC UKRAINE CROATIA MEXICO BULGARIA MOLDOVA UZBEKISTAN SERBIA Angola URUGUAY AZERBAIJAN NEW ZEALAND SLOVENIA Norway SLOVAKIA MACEDONIA TUNISIA GEORGIA DENMARK PERU BELARUS HONG KONG BOSNIA/HERZEGOVINA ALGERIA Namibia Nigeria MOROCCO KAZAKHSTAN South Korea ARMENIA PARAGUAY Ivory Coast IRELAND United Arab Emirates FINLAND ALBANIA 2011 24,686,245 3,163,300 2,932,200 2,305,200 1,970,700 1,520,300 1,412,600 989,400 980,900 1,127,600 462,000 388,500 470,000 455,000 353,000 380,500 287,000 310,700 295,800 258,300 290,100 211,863 ` 210,900 237,100 241,200 193,000 244,200 223,400 144,600 142,400 117,000 108,683 108,200 108,065 109,800 96,900 89,900 77,000 82,176 97,600 84,144 83,094 72,900 72,900 68,500 57,400 73,600 57,700 79,400 31,263 35,800 33,400 29,800 26,633 27,200 27,623 27,700 16,371 27,500 23,699 2012 2013 2014 % CHANGE 2014/2011 24,945,409 24,579,072 24,701,440 0.06% 3,159,500 3,026,900 2,263,300 2,000,000 1,773,700 1,343,000 930,000 1,005,100 1,039,400 458,000 436,900 488,000 460,000 361,000 339,900 336,000 309,600 320,900 303,100 293,500 227,169 262,000 248,600 201,000 199,400 206,800 190,800 149,900 142,000 114,000 110,296 105,700 114,387 93,400 97,200 91,300 86,400 82,969 84,200 86,773 83,810 75,900 67,700 63,200 63,200 62,300 49,500 76,900 102 38,586 39,800 35,800 32,200 26,602 22,800 27,244 25,700 18,002 23,800 23,630 3,117,600 2,818,100 2,179,500 2,030,000 1,747,100 1,230,400 910,000 1,033,700 1,050,000 453,000 524,300 498,000 455,100 368,000 348,800 342,100 310,900 311,600 290,000 296,900 226,338 253,000 245,000 235,200 200,300 198,300 195,600 152,500 144,600 128,000 103,665 103,600 113,891 96,800 95,000 91,500 87,800 80,116 85,000 86,255 83,775 78,600 78,900 63,200 64,200 58,500 49,500 46,900 11,096 42,262 39,800 36,200 34,200 26,531 26,100 27,552 24,500 20,622 22,700 23,083 3,217,500 2,790,000 2,040,000 2,020,000 1,580,000 1,386,700 1,000,000 990,000 960,000 540,000 530,000 506,000 450,000 360,000 350,000 348,000 310,000 306,600 300,000 298,000 253,618 252,000 240,800 240,000 200,000 200,000 198,000 160,000 145,000 125,000 106,094 105,000 104,579 96,800 95,000 93,000 88,000 86,110 85,000 84,146 80,083 78,000 77,900 68,000 65,000 61,300 50,000 50,000 49,808 40,383 40,000 38,000 35,000 26,211 26,000 25,988 25,800 23,534 23,400 22,784 1.71% (4.85%) (11.50%) 2.50% 3.93% (1.83%) 1.07% 0.93% (14.86%) 16.88% 36.42% 7.66% (1.10%) 1.98% (8.02%) 21.25% (0.23%) 3.65% 16.14% 2.72% 19.71% 19.49% 1.56% (0.50%) 3.63% (18.10%) (11.37%) 10.65% 1.83% 6.84% (2.38%) (2.96%) (3.23%) (11.84%) (1.96%) 3.45% 14.29% 4.79% (12.91%) 0.00% (3.62%) 7.00% 6.86% (0.73%) 13.24% (16.71%) (13.34%) (37.03%) 29.17% 11.73% 13.77% 17.45% (1.58%) (4.41%) (5.92%) (6.86%) 43.75% (14.91%) (3.86%) % CHANGE 2014/2013 0.50% % OF WORLD CONSUMPTION 2014 (3) 100.00% 3.20% (1.00%) (6.40%) (0.49%) (9.56%) 12.70% 9.89% (4.23%) (8.57%) 19.21% 1.09% 1.61% (1.12%) (2.17%) 0.34% 1.72% (0.29%) (1.60%) 3.45% 0.37% 12.05% (0.40%) (1.71%) 2.04% (0.15%) 0.86% 1.23% 4.92% 0.28% (2.34%) 2.34% 1.35% (8.18%) 0.00% 0.00% 1.64% 0.23% 7.48% 0.00% (2.44%) (4.41%) (0.76%) (1.27%) 7.59% 1.25% 4.79% 1.01% 6.61% 348.89% (4.44%) 0.50% 4.97% 2.34% (1.20%) (0.38%) (5.68%) 5.31% 14.12% 3.08% (1.30%) 13.03% 11.29% 8.26% 8.18% 6.40% 5.61% 4.05% 4.01% 3.89% 2.19% 2.15% 2.05% 1.82% 1.46% 1.42% 1.41% 1.25% 1.24% 1.21% 1.21% 1.03% 1.02% 0.97% 0.97% 0.81% 0.81% 0.80% 0.65% 0.59% 0.51% 0.43% 0.43% 0.42% 0.39% 0.38% 0.38% 0.36% 0.35% 0.34% 0.34% 0.32% 0.32% 0.32% 0.28% 0.26% 0.25% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.16% 0.16% 0.15% 0.14% 0.11% 0.11% 0.11% 0.10% 0.10% 0.09% 0.09% PAGE 48 Copyright: Trade Data And Analysis (TDA) TABLE 6.1 (REVISED NOVEMBER 2015) WORLD WINE CONSUMPTION (1) 2011 - 2014, % CHANGE 2014/2011, % CHANGE 2013/2014 AND PERCENT OF WORLD CONSUMPTION - 2014 QUANTITY (LITERS 000) COUNTRY/TERRITORY (2) Lebanon Taiwan Malaysia Thailand SINGAPORE CYPRUS POLAND INDIA Colombia Vietnam Mozambique TURKEY Dominican Republic Cameroon Madagascar Ghana Burkina Faso Botswana Philippines Venezuela MALTA Togo Swaziland Costa Rica Panama Israel Guinea-Bissau Equatorial Guinea Gabon Kenya LATVIA Cuba Zambia New Caledonia Macau Ecuador Senegal Benin Lesotho Congo Republic of LUXEMBOURG Cape Verde Tanzania Iceland Congo Dem. Rep. Andorra Sao Tome & Principe LITHUANIA Estonia Bahamas Indonesia Zimbabwe Mauritius Jamaica Guatemala Trinidad & Tobago French Polynesia Aruba Mongolia Qatar Puerto Rico (U.S.) Cambodia 2011 20,122 20,696 11,398 14,167 14,200 16,700 14,508 14,300 13,512 12,668 12,517 13,700 10,510 10,892 11,824 26,645 12,836 2012 9,283 15,312 9,900 11,113 453 6,120 7,862 8,252 7,100 12,246 9,272 7,306 4,900 5,464 3,933 5,399 10,291 4,215 8,065 10,034 20,754 18,601 11,927 15,731 14,100 15,900 16,392 14,300 16,225 12,644 12,054 14,100 10,816 10,987 12,027 30,656 14,031 124 9,917 17,224 9,700 12,066 402 5,986 7,645 7,463 7,101 13,176 7,576 6,608 6,400 5,885 3,917 5,347 7,190 5,154 6,839 5,882 3,890 4,887 4,685 2,691 4,211 4,465 4,291 4,024 3,800 3,715 3,098 3,078 7,773 2,620 2,191 2,277 1,057 3,458 1,578 2,922 1,827 2,086 1,301 4,275 4,836 4,627 4,286 4,139 2,956 3,947 3,763 3,400 3,731 3,391 2,783 5,258 2,568 2,619 2,719 1,223 3,073 1,869 2,873 1,679 2,168 1,625 2013 22,763 17,801 12,562 16,115 1,500 16,700 13,590 14,600 14,317 12,223 11,709 14,100 11,618 11,148 11,948 20,298 7,570 1,524 9,649 7,538 9,500 8,965 2,416 6,967 9,099 7,160 6,558 5,969 7,878 8,173 6,800 6,179 4,522 5,517 5,234 4,413 5,263 4,153 421 4,155 5,100 3,717 3,468 4,214 3,888 3,852 3,309 3,600 3,491 3,346 2,708 2,922 2,692 2,866 2,678 1,754 2,527 2,214 2,222 2,479 2,184 1,493 2014 21,284 20,831 19,589 17,326 17,300 17,000 15,971 15,000 14,702 14,667 14,284 14,000 12,862 12,411 11,858 11,609 11,025 10,810 10,588 9,584 9,500 9,204 9,049 7,978 7,887 7,838 7,673 7,648 7,289 7,181 7,000 6,855 6,115 6,099 6,020 5,776 5,564 5,550 5,231 5,079 5,000 4,855 4,781 4,594 3,982 3,936 3,927 3,900 3,558 3,330 2,920 2,901 2,829 2,812 2,694 2,588 2,557 2,259 2,095 2,069 2,039 1,933 % CHANGE 2014/2011 % CHANGE 2014/2013 5.78% 0.65% 71.86% 22.30% 21.83% 1.80% 10.08% 4.90% 8.81% 15.78% 14.11% 2.19% 22.38% 13.95% 0.29% (56.43%) (14.11%) (6.50%) 17.02% 55.94% 7.51% 1053.33% 1.80% 17.52% 2.74% 2.69% 19.99% 21.99% (0.71%) 10.70% 11.33% (0.76%) (42.81%) 45.64% 609.32% 9.73% 27.15% 0.00% 2.66% 274.61% 14.50% (13.32%) 9.47% 17.00% 28.13% (7.48%) (12.13%) 2.94% 10.95% 35.21% 10.55% 15.03% 30.87% 5.70% 33.64% 1143.09% 22.25% (1.96%) 30.63% 37.83% 9.02% 2.43% 2.19% 18.65% 8.33% 1.94% (0.48%) 7.84% (0.75%) 5.12% (1.89%) 0.59% 47.57% 1.19% 2.00% (5.71%) (16.56%) (6.65%) 29.44% 14.05% (37.41%) (4.04%) (17.18%) 1897.19% 30.36% 0.31% (5.02%) 8.07% (37.55%) (21.39%) (1.71%) 42.86% 25.47% 55.48% 12.96% (41.50%) 37.03% (31.02%) (44.69%) 30.56% 2.31% 3.63% 77.63% 9.09% (10.82%) (8.28%) (2.42%) 2.63% (4.21%) 7.50% (5.13%) (62.68%) 8.00% 28.33% 18.32% 144.78% (26.06%) 43.16% (28.30%) 13.21% (2.26%) 48.54% % OF WORLD CONSUMPTION 2014 (3) 0.09% 0.08% 0.08% 0.07% 0.07% 0.07% 0.06% 0.06% 0.06% 0.06% 0.06% 0.06% 0.05% 0.05% 0.05% 0.05% 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% PAGE 49 Copyright: Trade Data And Analysis (TDA) TABLE 6.1 (REVISED NOVEMBER 2015) WORLD WINE CONSUMPTION (1) 2011 - 2014, % CHANGE 2014/2011, % CHANGE 2013/2014 AND PERCENT OF WORLD CONSUMPTION - 2014 QUANTITY (LITERS 000) COUNTRY/TERRITORY (2) Barbados Bermuda Bolivia Guinea St. Lucia Sri Lanka El Salvador Curacao Uganda Seychelles Haiti Honduras Malawi Netherlands Antilles Cayman Islands Maldives Fiji Niger Ethiopia Bahrain Antigua & Barbuda Libya Ceuta Melilla Gibraltar Sierra Leone Laos East Timor Greenland Liberia Sint Maarten Burma Papua New Guinea Nepal Chad Suriname Turks & Caicos Faroe Islands Virgin Islands (U.S.) Montenegro Virgin Islands (British) Mali Grenada Jordan Belize Reunion Oman Gambia Rwanda Vanuatu Kyrgyzstan Kosovo British Terr. (Central Amer.) Liechtenstein Egypt St. Pierre & Miquelon Bangladesh French Oceania Dutch Terr. in America Cook Islands Guam St. Vincent & the Grenadines 2011 1,492 1,474 2,085 1,125 1,324 1,052 1,233 638 961 1,720 813 1,315 1,171 2,375 862 1,262 834 777 694 1,028 779 1,034 1,223 564 840 658 371 900 837 159 706 561 639 2,175 529 608 472 334 385 453 576 244 551 251 344 459 134 156 197 147 235 237 146 421 209 179 378 100 140 468 104 2012 1,532 1,517 2,774 1,300 1,198 1,103 1,147 988 1,005 1,075 942 1,256 1,090 2,269 891 1,137 1,150 1,323 616 871 839 438 1,169 1,100 651 717 443 518 873 616 213 688 890 611 1,978 380 536 441 363 719 440 543 271 502 350 455 533 164 170 287 333 343 223 135 259 254 77 165 27 196 271 105 2013 1,758 1,474 1,046 1,491 1,360 1,031 1,346 1,365 1,285 1,260 1,018 1,199 1,356 727 1,064 1,206 1,206 747 793 960 940 194 1,128 954 726 1,096 597 517 814 964 694 787 609 513 546 619 453 458 432 433 446 405 324 423 374 331 353 158 479 261 647 269 217 143 269 221 121 352 164 191 157 116 2014 1,616 1,590 1,561 1,532 1,510 1,340 1,310 1,297 1,295 1,277 1,243 1,232 1,171 1,170 1,169 1,156 1,109 1,089 1,083 1,047 1,035 1,016 991 820 799 798 758 758 745 710 678 673 633 626 615 552 551 472 455 442 409 394 391 373 357 334 323 303 299 297 277 270 254 231 225 206 197 190 174 174 162 148 % CHANGE 2014/2011 % CHANGE 2014/2013 8.32% 7.89% (25.12%) 36.16% 14.02% 27.39% 6.27% 103.49% 34.77% (25.77%) 52.86% (6.29%) 0.02% (50.76%) 35.66% (8.44%) 32.97% 40.09% 56.01% 1.83% 32.78% (8.08%) 7.84% 49.26% 2.81% 11.06% 30.03% (2.66%) (4.95%) 0.73% 1.33% 22.10% 2.79% (13.67%) 60.93% 9.93% (4.16%) (8.05%) 45.83% 36.59% 9.05% 10.03% 424.09% (12.19%) (14.10%) 9.96% (27.21%) 27.05% 46.56% (8.46%) (26.35%) (2.28%) (14.54%) 3.84% 21.98% 12.67% (10.77%) 21.80% 3.21% 5.45% 2.20% (8.23%) (2.76%) 20.62% (11.84%) (4.60%) 0.88% (8.45%) 91.94% (37.59%) 13.71% (57.15%) 0.62% 16.85% 60.99% (16.39%) (6.93%) 62.80% (45.96%) 5.84% (8.97%) 3.59% 27.06% (4.16%) (32.98%) 41.56% (5.06%) 15.23% 104.49% (17.22%) (15.14%) 326.52% (4.70%) 12.81% (2.16%) (71.71%) 4.43% (9.31%) 0.05% 36.23% 14.95% (9.72%) (31.66%) 60.17% (32.35%) 41.93% (3.00%) (29.61%) 126.61% 91.50% 50.48% 88.98% 15.07% 6.83% 57.94% (46.65%) (1.81%) 10.23% (49.68%) 73.52% 24.60% (65.29%) 41.99% % OF WORLD CONSUMPTION 2014 (3) 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% PAGE 50 Copyright: Trade Data And Analysis (TDA) TABLE 6.1 (REVISED NOVEMBER 2015) WORLD WINE CONSUMPTION (1) 2011 - 2014, % CHANGE 2014/2011, % CHANGE 2013/2014 AND PERCENT OF WORLD CONSUMPTION - 2014 QUANTITY (LITERS 000) COUNTRY/TERRITORY (2) 2011 Djibouti North Korea St. Kitts & Nevis Central African Republic St. Helena Saudi Arabia Falkland Islands Sudan Dominica Marshall Islands Solomon Islands Turkmenistan Tuvalu Norfolk Island Burundi Kiribati Guyana Anguilla French Terr. ( Africa) Kuwait Tonga Comoros Wallis & Futuna Islands Vatican City State Pakistan Mayotte Brunei Darussalam Martinique Christmas Island Afghanistan Tajikistan Palau Mauritian Syria Niue Montserrat Eritrea Yemen American Samoa 325 126 86 508 165 202 104 92 126 18 82 22 66 101 249 19 113 61 215 19 57 154 81 52 120 804 77 37 33 194 5 18 39 288 15 4 58 7 10 24,686,245 WORLD TOTAL 2012 2013 2014 532 10,558 110 294 51 81 108 87 123 36 110 93 102 87 199 37 81 102 37 36 60 146 75 62 71 744 58 31 15 149 10 28 41 24 12 10 3 10 2 834 0 122 48 368 106 109 61 182 60 109 80 79 96 221 19 83 87 20 44 76 272 61 41 157 699 87 15 31 59 9 19 29 30 14 7 17 9 1 141 138 128 125 117 114 112 111 107 102 99 98 95 93 93 88 84 78 74 67 66 65 54 45 37 35 34 30 28 25 24 18 18 15 12 10 9 6 2 24,945,409 24,579,072 24,701,440 % CHANGE 2014/2011 % CHANGE 2014/2013 (56.65%) 9.62% 49.06% (75.35%) (28.77%) (43.33%) 7.73% 21.09% (14.95%) 453.72% 20.48% 355.11% 44.52% (8.06%) (62.68%) 353.13% (25.87%) 27.95% (65.56%) 243.65% 14.97% (57.99%) (33.33%) (12.55%) (68.67%) (95.63%) (55.80%) (17.52%) (16.63%) (87.04%) 438.49% 1.07% (53.85%) (94.86%) (23.20%) 172.89% (83.85%) (16.58%) (77.68%) (83.10%) ######### 5.11% 159.09% (68.16%) 8.17% 2.81% 80.75% (40.80%) 70.51% (9.07%) 22.81% 19.48% (2.69%) (58.03%) 362.51% 0.27% (11.09%) 262.14% 51.91% (13.40%) (76.27%) (11.94%) 9.64% (76.06%) (94.96%) (61.00%) 100.33% (11.62%) (57.69%) 159.06% (7.37%) (37.93%) (51.42%) (17.27%) 37.05% (45.33%) (28.92%) 98.07% 0.06% 0.50% % OF WORLD CONSUMPTION 2014 (3) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% (1) Tables 6.2 includes wine consumption in 225 countries during the period 2011-2014. Consumption data for 57 countries in "UPPER CASE BOLD FONT". Countries included in this group are primarily wine producing countries where relatively reliable data is available from government sources. There are 168 countries listed in Tables 6.1 and 6.2 "lower case font". Wine consumption data for these countries is not available. Consumption has been estimated by TDA by aggregating the EXPORTS of the major wine producing countries to each individual country. The aggregation includes 41 countries including the EU 28, Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, Chile, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Ukraine, United States Uruguay. The November 2015 revision pertains to Sweden. (2) Ranked by quantity 2014 PAGE 51 Copyright: Trade Data And Analysis (TDA)