18d E 18d Class: Name: ( ) Date: Simple transformer Apparatus You will make a simple transformer by winding wires round two C-cores. You will then study how a transformer works. • 1 galvanometer • 1 pair of double C-cores with a clip • 1 battery box • 1 switch Procedure • 1 low voltage power supply 1 • 1 demountable transformer, complete with a U-core and a 2400-turn coil Wind 10 turns of wire round a C-core and 25 turns of wire round another C-core. Clip the two C-cores together. 2 (a) Connect the 10-turn coil (the primary coil) to a switch and a battery box, and the 25-turn coil (the secondary coil) to a centre-zero galvanometer (Fig 18d-1). • 2 2.5 V lamps • several PVCcoated wires (b) Close the switch and then open it. (c) Observe the effect on the galvanometer. primary coil (10 turns) switch secondary coil (25 turns) galvanometer Fig 18d-1 As we close the switch, the pointer deflects to one side, then returns to zero position. As we open the switch, the pointer deflects to the other side, then returns to zero position. induced current An is produced in the secondary coil when the primary current is switched on or off. 42 New Physics at Work (Second Edition) © Oxford University Press 2006 18c Class: Name: Note: The switching action of the battery is replaced by a 1 V a.c. supply which reverses the direction of current in the primary coil at a certain frequency (50 Hz). ( 3 ) Date: 18d (a) Connect the primary coil to an a.c. power supply, and the secondary coil to a 2.5 V lamp (Fig 18d-2). (b) Connect another 2.5 V lamp to the a.c. supply. (c) Switch on the a.c. supply and compare the brightness of the two lamps. a.c. supply primary coil (10 turns) secondary coil (25 turns) Fig 18d-2 brighter The lamp in the secondary coil is (brighter/dimmer) than the lamp in the primary coil. This means that the secondary voltage is Here the 220 V a.c. mains supply has to be stepped down to 2.5 V a.c. (voltage ratio being 220 : 2.5) and so a turns ratio of 2400 : 28 is required. At least 28 turns have to be wound before the lamp is lighted up to its normal brightness. To produce a dramatic effect, get the class to count, in chorus, the number of turns wound on the core. Also, partially black out the laboratory to enable the class to see the initially dimly lit lamp. 4 higher (higher/lower) than the primary voltage. (a) Place a 2400-turn coil in one arm of the U-core of a demountable transformer and connect it to the a.c. mains (Fig 18d-3). (b) Connect a wire of 2 m long to a 2.5 V lamp. (c) Switch on the mains and wind the long wire turn by turn round the other arm of the U-core. (d) Wind at least 28 turns. 2400-turn coil to mains supply demountable transformer Fig 18d-3 As more turns are wound, the lamp © Oxford University Press 2006 is lit, first dimly, then more brightly. New Physics at Work (Second Edition) 43 18d Class: Name: ( ) Date: Discussion What is the function of the double C-cores? The double C-cores enable the field lines produced by the primary coil to go into the secondary coil. 1 A current is induced in a coil when current through a neighbouring coil is changing mutual inductance . This effect is called . 2 The voltage in the primary and secondary coils of a transformer depends on 44 New Physics at Work (Second Edition) turns ratio in the coils. © Oxford University Press 2006