P I P E R A I R C R A F T p ~ u ~r a m e r ~ a r w ~ m C O R P O RO ANT I INTRODUCTION This illustrated Parts Catalog i s designed to provide simple but positive identification of replacement parts for the Piper "CHEROKEE" Model PA-28, manufactured by the Piper Aircraft Corporation of Vero Beach, Florida. NOTE: UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THIS CATALOG BE USED FOR RIGGING AND INSTALLATION PURPOSES. It is suggested that this catalog be thoroughly studied to determine i t s arrangement prior to i t s utilization. 1. The catalog is divided into eleven (11) major sections described a s follows: a . Section I to X inclusive contains all replacement p a r t s for the complete airplane. Each section i s subdivided and each division includes a n illustration and a p a r t s listing. b. Section XI is the Miscellaneous Group. This Group includes a listing of the Optional Equipment Kits, Repair Kits and Special Tools. 2. The following i s a brief explanation of the columns in the p a r t s listing: a . The "FIGURE AND INDEX" column indicates the illustration figure number and i t s p a r t index number. Example: (2-1), the 2 i s the figure number and the 1 i s the index number. The figure number appears only a t the top of each p a r t s listing page o r a t the beginning of each new p a r t s listing. b . The "PART NUMBER" column contains the identifying special uses of the p a r t . An explanation of the letter must be shown on all Parts O r d e r s . c . The "CODE" column is for the purpose of indicating special u s e s of the p a r t . An explanation of the letter code used is shown below each listing. I ALL PARTS CODED WITH A "W" MUST BE PURCHASED FROM PIPER AIRCRAFT CORPORATION, LOCK HAVEN, PENNA . ALL PARTS NOT CODED WITH A "W" MUST BE PURCHASED FROM d. The "NOMENCLATURE" column indicates the p a r t name. This name must be shown on all Parts O r d e r s . e . The "NO. REQ." (Number required) column represents the total quantity of p a r t s used per a i r c r a f t p e r figure when the p a r t i s not indented and the quantity of p a r t s used p e r assembly when the part is indented. The symbol "AR" listed in this column means "As Required". Indention Example: Indentations of listings in the "Nomenclature column" indicate "assemblies" and "components" o r "parts", i n o r d e r of their indentations. EXAMPLE NOMENCLATURE I DOOR ASSEMBLY - Baggage compartment FRAME ASSEMBLY - Baggage compartment door HINGE ASSEMBLY Baggage door CLIP - Baggage door spring This listing is interpreted a s follows: If the DOOR ASSEMBLY (not indented) is ordered, it will include the three items listed under that item. If the FRAME ASSEMBLY (indented one space) is ordered, i t will include the two items listed under the sub-assembly. If you want only a HINGE ASSEMBLY o r CLIP, you o r d e r only that item. f . The "SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED" column indicates the p a r t application by airplane s e r i a l number. ISSUED: SEPTEMBER 1969 - i - PA-28 3. The "ATTACHING PARTS" such a s nuts, bolts, screws, e t c . , that a r e available as commercial hardware items, a r e not generally supplied by the Piper Aircraft Corporation. The catalog lists, f o r your convenience, those attaching p a r t s required for main assemblies and installations. The identifying number for these p a r t s appears after the p a r t name. 4 . All items of Optional Equipment a r e contained in the p a r t s l i s t in their proper sequence and sections. T h e s e items w e r e not marked optional, since they a r e fully identified by their descriptions. HOW TO IDENTIFY A PART I F YOU KNOW WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE AND KNOW WHERE IT IS LOCATED (1) Refer to Figure 1 on page viii to determine the Section number in which the p a r t is used. (2) Refer to the Table of Contents on page vi and locate the section. Note the figure numbers that illustrate the various subgroups of this main section. (a) Select the Figure title you think might contain the p a r t you wish to identify and turn to the page specified (3) Find the p a r t on the illustration and note the index number. NOTE: If you don't find the p a r t on this illustration t r y another figure in this group. (4) Refer to the "Figure and Index Number" in the Parts Listing f o r complete description of the p a r t HOW TO ORDER PARTS In ordering p a r t s for your Piper Airplanes, observe the following instructions which will a i d in your getting the right p a r t s required without delay: a . Place your o r d e r with the distributor o r dealer f o r your territory, since p a r t s a r e available only through our distributor organization. b. Always specify the model and s e r i a l number of your airplane. c . Always specify Part Number, Name, type and quantity required. d . Specify the method of shipment - freight, express, parcel post, a i r express, a i r freight, o r a i r parcel post. Where the nature of the shipment requires it o r when no instructions a r e given, we r e s e r v e the right to ship the most suitable way. GENERAL INFORMATION a . Shortages All o r d e r s a r e checked and rechecked before leaving our Shipping Department. A packing slip is enclosed with the shipment and claims f o r e r r o r s o r shortages must be made within t h r e e (3) days a f t e r receipt of o r d e r s . b . Returned Goods No material should be returned to us without f i r s t securing our written permission. Material sent in without notice will be held a t the owner's r i s k f o r thirty (30) days and will then be disposed of a s we s e e f i t . Transportation charges must be PREPAID on returned goods o r the shipment will be refused. c . Transportation Liabilities The Piper Aircraft Corporation cannot be held liable f o r damages to p a r t s in transit from the factory. If a shipment is received in a damaged condition, have the delivery man o r Transportation Company make a notation of the damage and file your claim with the C a r r i e r . In c a s e of concealed damage, do not attempt to remove the p a r t from the shipping container, o r endeavor to r e p a i r the damage, but call the C a r r i e r and have his Claim Agent inspect the damage before filing your claim with the C a r r i e r . ISSUED: SEPTEMBER 1969 P I P E R A I R C R A F T pin ~ u ~ o m a r a a r m ~ e e C O R P O R A O TNI REVISIONS The information compiled in this catalog will be kept c u r r e n t by revisions distributed periodically through the local distributor. It is imperative that this material be inserted i n the p a r t s catalog a t the time i t is received. T h e r e will be two (2) types of revisions used to keep this catalog c u r r e n t . I. Temporary Revision This type revision will be distributed a t a n y time i t is necessary to forward information to the field. Complete page replacements may be included in this type revision and shall be inserted in the p a r t s catalog p e r Paragraph 11. The temporary revision may be inserted in the front of the catalog. These revisions will include deletions and additions of p a r t s pertinent to different sections of the p a r t s catalog. Therefore, when the temporary revision i s received, review the catalog and m a r k the affected items with the date code of the latest revision for a ready reference. 11. Permanent Revision This type revision will be distributed periodically and will supersede a l l previous temporary revisions. These revisions will be complete page replacements and shall be inserted in the p a r t s catalog a s p e r the instructions given below. (1) Replace the obsolete pages with revised pages of the s a m e page number. (2) Insert pageswith page numbers followed by a small a r a b i c l e t t e r in direct sequence with the s a m e common page number. (3) Insert pages with page numbers followed by a capital arabic letter in direct sequencewith the s a m e common page number but after any pages with the s a m e common page number followed by a small arabic l e t t e r . ISSUED: SEPTEMBER 1969 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK http://stores.ebay.com/UserFriendlyCDs http://stores.ebay.com/UserFriendlyCDs PA-28 SERIAL NUMBER INFORMATION The following information should be kept in mind when ordering from this catalog: a. The s e r i a l numbers of the a i r c r a f t covered by this Parts Catalog a r e a s follows: Serial numbers of the 1961 PA-28- 150 and PA-28-160 Models a r e 28-1 to 28-84 inclusive. Serial numbers of the 1962 PA-28-150 and PA-28-160 Models a r e 28-85 to 28-670 inclusive. Serial numbers of the 1963 PA-28- 150 and PA-28- 160 Cherokee "B" Models a r e 28-725 to 28- 1760 inclusive. Serial numbers of the PA-28-180 Cherokee "B" Models a r e 28-671 to 28-1760 inclusive. Serial numbers of the PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 Cherokee "C" Models a r e 28-1761 to 28-4377 inclusive. Serial numbers of the PA-28-180 Cherokee "D" Models a r e 28-4378 to 28-5600 inclusive. Serial numbers of the PA-28-180 Cherokee "E" Models a r e 28-5601 to 28-5869 inclusive. Serial numbers of the PA-28-180 Cherokee "F" Models a r e 28-7105001 to 28-7105244 inclusive, Serial numbers of the PA-28-180 Cherokee "G" Models a r e 28-7205001 and up. Serial numbers of the PA-28-140 Models a r e 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive. Serial numbers of the PA-28-140 Cherokee "B" Models a r e 28-25000 to 28-26400 inclusive. Serial numbers of the PA-28-140 Cherokee "C" Models a r e 28-26401 to 28-26956 inclusive. Serial numbers of the PA-28-140 Cherokee "D" Models a r e 28-7125001 to 28-7125651 inclusive. Serial numbers of the PA-28-140 Cherokee "E" Models a r e 28-7225001 and up. Serial numbers of the PA-28-235 Models a r e 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive. Serial numbers of the PA-28-235 Cherokee "B" Models a r e 28-10720 to 28-11039 inclusive. Serial numbers of the PA-28-235 Cherokee "C" Models a r e 28-11040 to 28-11300 inclusive. Serial numbers of the PA-28-235 Cherokee "D" Models a r e 28-11301 to 28-11393 inclusive. Serial numbers of the PA-28-235 Cherokee "E" Models a r e 28-7110001 to 28-7110042 inclusive. Serial numbers of the PA-28-235 Cherokee "F" Models a r e 28-7210001 and up. Serial numbers of the PA-28R-180 Cherokee Models a r e 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, and 28-30483 to 28-31279 inclusive. Serial numbers of the PA-28R-180 Cherokee "B" Models a r e 28-7130001 to 28-7130019 inclusive. Serial numbers of the PA-28R-200 Cherokee Models a r e 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35830 inclusive. Serial numbers of the PA-28R-200 Cherokee "B" Models a r e 28-7135001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. Serial numbers of the PA-28R-200 Cherokee "11" Models a r e 28-7235001 and up. REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK http://stores.ebay.com/UserFriendlyCDs Click on a Figure number or title below STANDARD PAINT CHART a 0 w m ¥ 3 COm - à 'C 0 o 2. -. +.. ls3 00 1964 EXTERIOR ENAMEL Dayt ona Bahama Blue Phoenix Portland Green Pontiac Red El Paso Brown (M) Tampa G r e e n (M) Newport Blue (M) ACRYLIC LACQUER Daytona White Pontiac Red El Paso Brown (M) Tampa Green (M) Newport Blue (M) Monterey Maroon (M) Juneau White Lakeland Blue Orlando G r e e n Mocha Brown Denver Brown (M) Madrid Red Dakota Black Beaumont Blue (M) Bahama Blue Bimini Turquoise (M) Nassau Turquoise (M) Reno Gold (M) Lincoln Gray Dallas Yellow Ocala Orange Polar Gray (M) L a s Vegas Gold Avocado (M) - Metallic 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 MFG. NO. PIPER PART NUMBER QUART GALLON . STANDARD PAINT CHART (cont ) Y m Km 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MFG. NO. PIPER PART NUMBER QUART GALLON INTERIOR " 3$ ENAMEL Rapid City Black Dakota Black - Juneau White Austin Brown Ashland G r a y Mocha Brown Polar G r a y Glenwood G r a y Sandstone Berkshire Brown Mobile Blue Richmond Red Avocado L a s Vegas Gold 62 m W \o 0 o J -3940 H-6117 B-4243 W -8432 751 752 752 754 696 331 331 729 751 697 752 332 754 730 1 m MISCELLANEOUS Xl ELECTRONICS , POWER PLANT VI , CHASSIS Ill ELECTRICAL VI I INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 Figure 2. Wing Installation -1- WING INSTALLATION Figure and Index Numbe 2- -1 SECTION I Wing Group Port NOMENCLATURE Number DRAWING DRAWING DRAWING SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED - Wing Installation - Wing Assembly (Complete) - Wing Assembly (Complete) WING ASSEMBLY - Left WING ASSEMBLY - Left WING ASSEMBLY Left WING ASSEMBLY - Right WING ASSEMBLY - Right WING ASSEMBLY - Right LEADING EDGE ASSEMBLY - Wing, inboard, left LEADING EDGE ASSEMBLY Wing, inboard, right LEADING EDGE ASSEMBLY - Wing, outboard, left LEADING EDGE ASSEMBLY - Wing, outboard, left LEADING EDGE ASSEMBLY - Wing, outboard, left LEADING EDGE ASSEMBLY - Wing, outboard, right TRAILING EDGE ASSEMBLY - Wing aft section, left TRAILING EDGE ASSEMBLY - Wing aft section, left TRAILING EDGE ASSEMBLY - Wing aft section, left TRAILING EDGE ASSEMBLY Wing aft section, right TRAILING EDGE ASSEMBLY - Wing aft section, right TRAILING EDGE ASSEMBLY - Wing aft section, right RING - Tie down PAD - Jack BRACKET - Main gear cylinder, left BRACKET - Main gear cylinder, right SCREW (MS24694-S56) BUTTON ASSEMBLY - Plug, g e a r service access (with retaining ring) BRACKET ASSEMBLY Main gear truss, left BRACKET ASSEMBLY Main gear truss, right FITTING Lubricator, straight (AN944- 101) FITTING Lubricator, 90 (MS15001-4) EXTENSION ASSEMBLY - Wing, left EXTENSION ASSEMBLY - Wing, right - -2 -3 -4 - - -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 - 10 - 11 -lla - - A B C D E F G H W - - Used on PA-28-140, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28- 180 airplanes only, - Used on PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. - See Figure 3 for component parts. - Includes electrical wires and fuel and hydraulic lines. Left wing also includes pitot head. - See Figure 4 f o r component parts. See Figure 5 for component parts. - Used on PA-28R-200 airplanes only. These p a r t s ~t be ordered from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. - When ordering, alwoys specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 -2- WING INSTALLATION SECTION I Wing Group Figure and Index Numbe Part NOMENCLATURE Number SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED FLAP ASSEMBLY - Left FLAP ASSEMBLY - Right AILERON ASSEMBLY - Left AILERON ASSEMBLY - Left AILERON ASSEMBLY - Right AILERON ASSEMBLY - Right TANK ASSEMBLY - Fuel, wing tip, left TANK ASSEMBLY - Fuel, wing tip, right TANK ASSEMBLY - Fuel, wing, left TANK ASSEMBLY - Fuel, wing, right TIP - Wing, left TIP - Wing, right WING WALK - Safety, flap WING WALK - Safety, wing, front WING WALK Safety, wing, r e a r COVER - Wing bolt, left COVER Wing bolt, right BUSHING Flap hinge, center and outboard BUSHING - Flap hinge, inboard PLATE ASSEMBLY - Aft wing access, left PLATE ASSEMBLY Aft wing access, right MOULDING - Wing root COVER - Cylinder access, left COVER - Cylinder access, right CHANNEL - Gang (PS10062-2-3) CHANNEL - Gang (PS10062-2-2) COVER - Inspection COVER Inspection BUTTON Plug (#30-8PB) BOLT - (AN176-12A) WASHER - (AN960-616) NUT - (MS20365-624C) SHIM Wing attachment BOLT - (AN5-7A) WASHER (AN960-516) NUT - (MS20365-524C) BOLT - (AN176-14A) WASHER - (AN960-616) NUT (MS20365-624C) - - - - - - - - - - Used on PA-28-140, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 airplanes only. B - Used on PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes only. C - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. D - See Figure 7 for component parts. E - See Figure 6 for component parts. F See Figure 55 for component parts. G - See Figure 51, 52, 53, 54 o r 55 for component parts. W These parts m s be ordered from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. A - When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 -3- WING INSTALLATION Figure and Index Numbe 2-34 -35 -36 -37 -38 - 39 - 40 -41 -42 -43 - 44 SECTION I Wing Group Part NOMENCLATURE Number SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED BOLT - (AN176-13A) WASHER - (AN960-616) NUT - (MS20365-624C) BOLT - (AN4-7A) WASHER - (AN960-416) SCREW - (MS24694-S103) WASHER - (AN960-416L) NUT - (MS20365-428C) SCREW - (MS24693-C51) WASHER - (#A3135.017-24A) NUT - (#MU832-. 38-.025/.050-L-F10) SCREW - (AN525-10-8) WASHER - (AN960-10) NUT - (MS20365- 1032C) SCREW - (#8 x 1/2 L ) Type "B" NUT - (#A1789-8-3) SCREW - (MS27039-0812) SCREW - (MS27039-0809) BOLT - (AN3-11A) WASHER - (AN960-10) NUT - (MS20365-1032C) BOLT - (AN3-13A) WASHER - (AN960-10) NUT - (MS20365- 1032C) BOLT - (AN4- 14A) WASHER - (AN960-416L) (under head) WASHER - (AN960-416) (under nut) NUT - (MS20365-428C) 402 352 407 567 404 890 400 004 407 567 410 076 407 585 404 888 414 467 494 101 477 672 416 328 407 564 404 887 419 920 406 382 415 312 415 309 401 270 407 564 404 887 400 444 407 564 404 887 400 009 407 585 407 565 404 888 A W - Used on PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes only. - These p a r t s ~t be o r d e r e d f r o m Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1971 - 4 - REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 Figure 3. Wing Leading Edge Assembly -5- INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK WING LEADING EDGE ASSEMBLY SECTION I Wing Group - -- Figure and Index Numbei Part Number NOMENCLATURE 66595-00 66595-01 95639-02 95639-03 62021-00 62021-01 62022 - 00 62022-01 62084-00 62 085 - 02 62085-03 62086- 00 62086-01 62087- 00 62091-00 66761-00 66761-01 63900-30 66623-00 66623-01 68119-00 66621-00 68111-00 66620-00 62061-02 62066-00 66770-04 66770-00 66770-02 66770-01 62082-00 66771-00 62082-01 66771-01 62083-00 66772-04 62083-06 66772-00 62083-08 66772-02 62083-01 66772-01 62023-00 62023 -01 LEADING EDGE ASSEMBLY - Wing inboard, left LEADING EDGE ASSEMBLY - Wing inboard, right RIB - Wing nose, root, left RIB - Wing nose, root, right RIB - Wing nose, Sta. 49.25, left RIB - Wing nose, Sta. 49.25, right RIB - Wing nose, Sta. 57.00, left RIB - Wing nose, Sta. 57.00, right SKIN - Inboard wing SKIN - Leading edge, left SKIN - Leading edge, right SKIN ASSEMBLY - Bottom, inboard root, left SKIN ASSEMBLY - Bottom, inboard root, right SKIN ASSEMBLY - Top, inboard root, left STRAP - Fuel tank attachment FITTING - Forward spar, left FITTING - Forward spar, right BUSHING - Front spar attachment SPAR - Leading edge, inboard, left SPAR - Leading edge, inboard, right GASKET - Air duct DOUBLER - Forward s p a r DOUBLER - Air inlet TUBE ASSEMBLY - Air duct WING WALK - Forward, right RIB - Wing walk, right LEADING EDGE ASSEMBLY - Wing, outboard, left LEADING EDGE ASSEMBLY - Wing, outboard, left LEADING EDGE ASSEMBLY - Wing, outboard, left LEADING EDGE ASSEMBLY - Wing, outboard, right SKIN ASSEMBLY - Outboard, length 48.00, left SKIN ASSEMBLY - Outboard, length 47.30, left SKIN ASSEMBLY - Outboard, length 48.00, right SKIN ASSEMBLY - Outboard, length 47.30, right SKIN ASSEMBLY - Middle section, length 35.98, left SKIN ASSEMBLY - Middle section, length 36-58, left SKIN ASSEMBLY - Middle section, length 35.98, left SKIN ASSEMBLY - Middle section, length 36.58, left SKIN ASSEMBLY - Middle section, length 35.98, left SKIN ASSEMBLY - Middle section, length 36.58, left SKIN ASSEMBLY - Middle section, length 35.98, right SKIN ASSEMBLY - Middle section, length 36.58, right RIB - Wing nose, left RIB - Wing nose, right A SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED - Used on PA-28-140, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28- 180 airplanes only. B - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. C - Used on PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes only. D - Ascertain skin length and o r d e r accordingly. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1971 - 6 - SECTION I Wing Group WING LEADING EDGE ASSEMBLY Figure and Part Index Numbe Number 3-23 62024- 01 62024-00 62024-00 62024-01 62024-02 62024-03 62049-00 62049-01 62091-00 96610-10 96610-11 96610-06 96610-07 96610-08 96610-09 62024-00 62024-01 62115-02 62115-03 96437-00 - 24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 NOMENCLATURE SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED RIB - Wing nose, left RIB - Wing nose, right RIB - Wing nose, left RIB - Wing nose, right RIB - Wing nose, left RIB - Wing nose, r i g h t RIB - Wing nose, left RIB - Wing nose, right STRAP - Fuel tank attachment EXTENSION ASSEMBLY - Wing, left EXTENSION ASSEMBLY - Wing, right SKIN - Forward, left SKIN - Forward, right SKIN - Aft, left SKIN - Aft, right RIB - Nose, Sta. 185. 21, left RIB - Nose, Sta. 185. 21, right RIB - Aft, Sta. 185. 21, left RIB - Aft, Sta. 185. 21, right STIFFENER - Wing extension A - Used on PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l n u m b e r s 28-7235001 a n d up. When ordering, always specify Port Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 7 - REVISED: AUGUST 1971 Figure 4. Wing Trailing Edge Assembly -8- WING TRAILING EDGE ASSEMBLY SECTION I Wing Group Figure and Index Numbe Part Number NOMENCLATURE SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED FRAILING EDGE ASSEMBLY - Wing, left FRAILING EDGE ASSEMBLY - Wing, left FRAILING EDGE ASSEMBLY - Wing, right FRAILING EDGE ASSEMBLY - Wing, right STIFFENER - Outboard, left STIFFENER - Outboard, right STIFFENER - Inboard, left STIFFENER - Inboard, right SKIN ASSEMBLY - Top, outboard, left SKIN ASSEMBLY - Top, outboard, right SKIN ASSEMBLY - Top, inboard, left SKIN ASSEMBLY - Top, inboard, right SKIN ASSEMBLY - Bottom, outboard, left SKIN ASSEMBLY - Bottom, outboard, right SKIN ASSEMBLY - Bottom, inboard, left SKIN ASSEMBLY - Bottom, inboard, left SKIN ASSEMBLY - Bottom, inboard, right SKIN ASSEMBLY - Bottom, inboard, right RIB ASSEMBLY - Sta. 106.19, left RIB ASSEMBLY - Sta. 106.19, right RIB Sta. 36.22 and Sta. 49.25, left RIB Sta, 36.22 and Sta. 49.25, right RIB Sta. 86.03 and Sta. 147.00, left RIB Sta. 86.03 and Sta. 147.00, right RIB - Sta. 125.45, left RIB Sta. 125.45, right RIB Sta. 64.59, left . RIB - Sta. 64.59, right RIB Wing aft, tip, left RIB - Wing aft, tip, right RIB - Wing aft, butt, left RIB - Wing aft, butt, right SPAR ASSEMBLY - Wing, aft, left SPAR ASSEMBLY - Wing, aft, right SPAR - Aft, inboard, left SPAR - Aft, inboard, right SPAR - Aft, outboard PLATE - Aft s p a r DOUBLER - Aft spar, forward DOUBLER - Aft spar, r e a r , left DOUBLER - Aft spar, r e a r , right DOUBLER - Aft spar, outboard SPAR ASSEMBLY - Wing, main, left SPAR ASSEMBLY - Wing, main, left SPAR ASSEMBLY - Wing, main, right SPAR ASSEMBLY - Wing, main, right - A - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. B - Used on PA-28-140, PA-28-150, PA-28- 160 and PA-28-180 airplanes only. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1971 - 9 - INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK SECTION I Wing Group WING TRAILING EDGE ASSEMBLY - Figure and Index Numbei Part Number z 0 n 0 NOMENCLATURE 73 (I) (I) SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED J3 - SPAR ASSEMBLY - Main, inboard, left SPAR ASSEMBLY Main, inboard, r i g h t DOUBLER ASSEMBLY - Aft, left DOUBLER ASSEMBLY - Aft, left DOUBLER ASSEMBLY - Aft, right DOUBLER ASSEMBLY Aft, right DOUBLER ASSEMBLY - Forward, left DOUBLER ASSEMBLY - Forward, left DOUBLER ASSEMBLY - Forward, right DOUBLER ASSEMBLY - Forward, right T E E - Landing g e a r attachment SPAR - Main, outboard, left SPAR - Main, outboard, left SPAR - Main, outboard, right SPAR - Main, outboard, right SUPPORT ASSEMBLY - Flap outboard and c e n t e r BEARING - (#KP3A) SUPPORT ASSEMBLY - F l a p inboard, left SUPPORT ASSEMBLY - F l a p inboard, right BEARING - (#KP3A) SUPPORT ASSEMBLY - Aileron bellcrank, left SUPPORT ASSEMBLY - Aileron bellcrank, right HINGE ASSEMBLY - Aileron FITTING ASSEMBLY - Sta. 174.05 WING WALK - Aft, right - B A B A B A B A - B A B A A A B - Used o n PA-28-235 a i r p l a n e s only. - Used on PA-28-140, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 and PA-28-180 a i r p l a n e s only, When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1971 - 10 - REVISED: AUGUST 1971 11 - Figure 5. Wing T r a i l i n g Edge Assembly - INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK WING TRAILING EDGE ASSEMBLY SECTION I Wing Group - Figure and Index Numbei Part Number NOMENCLATURE SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED TRAILING EDGE ASSEMBLY - Wing, left TRAILING EDGE ASSEMBLY - Wing, right SKIN ASSEMBLY - Top, inboard, left SKIN ASSEMBLY - Top, inboard, right SKIN ASSEMBLY - Top, outboard, left SKIN ASSEMBLY - Top, outboard, right SKIN ASSEMBLY - Bottom, outboard, left SKIN ASSEMBLY - Bottom, outboard, right SKIN ASSEMBLY - Bottom, c e n t e r , left SKIN ASSEMBLY - Bottom, center, right SKIN ASSEMBLY - Bottom, inboard, left SKIN ASSEMBLY - Bottom, inboard, right HINGE - Main g e a r door, left HINGE - Main g e a r door, right BRACKET - Main g e a r up switch, left BRACKET - Main g e a r up switch, right RIB - Sta. 86.03 and Sta. 147.00, left RIB - Sta. 86.03 and Sta. 147.00, right RIB - Sta. 125.45, left RIB - Sta. 125. 45, r i g h t RIB - Sta. 172.05, left RIB - Sta. 172.05, right RIB ASSEMBLY - Sta. 49.25, left RIB ASSEMBLY - Sta. 49.25, r i g h t RIB ASSEMBLY - Sta. 106.19, left RIB ASSEMBLY - Sta. 106.19, right STOP ASSEMBLY - Aileron bellcrank RIB ASSEMBLY - Sta. 69.24, left RIB ASSEMBLY - Sta. 69.24, right RIB - Sta. 24.24, left RIB - Sta. 24.24, right ANGLE - Wheel well, left ANGLE - Wheel well, right SPAR ASSEMBLY - Wing, aft, left SPAR ASSEMBLY - Wing, aft, r i g h t SPAR - Aft, inboard, left SPAR - Aft, inboard, right SPAR - Aft, outboard PLATE - Aft s p a r DOUBLER - Aft s p a r , f o r w a r d DOUBLER - Aft s p a r , r e a r , left DOUBLER - Aft s p a r , r e a r , right DOUBLER - Aft s p a r , outboard SPAR ASSEMBLY - Wing, main, inboard, left SPAR ASSEMBLY - Wing, main, inboard, right DOUBLER ASSEMBLY - Forward, left DOUBLER ASSEMBLY - Forward, right DOUBLER ASSEMBLY - Aft, left DOUBLER ASSEMBLY - Aft, right CHANNEL - Gang 67045-00 67045-01 67672-00 67672-01 67060-00 67060-01 67061-00 67061-01 67062-00 67062-01 67690-04 67690-05 67095-00 67095-01 67096-00 67096-00 66598-00 66598-01 66598-01 66598-00 65020-06 65020-07 67682-00 67682-01 67055-00 67055-01 62843-00 67067-00 67067-01 95636-00 95636-01 67687-00 67687-01 62053-00 62053-01 62054-00 62054-01 62055-00 66762-00 62057-00 62058-00 62058-01 62 105- 00 67070-02 67070-03 62071-00 62071-01 62072- 00 62072-01 66529-00 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1971 - 12 - WING TRAILING EDGE ASSEMBLY Figure and Index Numbe Part Number SECTION I Wing Group NOMENCLATURE SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED SPAR - Main, outboard, left SPAR - Main, outboard, r i g h t CAP - F a l s e s p a r , top, left CAP - F a l s e s p a r , top, right STIFFENER - Left outboard STIFFENER - Right outboard STIFFENER - Left outboard STIFFENER - Right outboard SUPPORT ASSEMBLY - F l a p outboard and c e n t e r BEARING - (#KP3A) SUPPORT ASSEMBLY - Flap inboard, left SUPPORT ASSEMBLY - F l a p inboard, right BEARING - (#KP3A) HINGE ASSEMBLY - Aileron COVER - Control cable, left COVER - Control cable, r i g h t CAP - F a l s e s p a r , bottom, left CAP - F a l s e s p a r , bottom, r i g h t WEB - F a l s e s p a r , left WEB - F a l s e s p a r , right BRACKET - Wheel well, left BRACKET - Wheel well, right PAN - Wheel w e l l WEB - Wheel well BRACKET - Pulley, aft wing, left BRACKET - Pulley, a f t wing, r i g h t BRACKET ASSEMBLY - Pulley, aft wing, left BRACKET ASSEMBLY - Pulley, aft wing, r i g h t When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1971 - 13 - Figure 6. Aileron Assembly REVISED: AUGUST 1971 - 14 - AILERON ASSEMBLY Figure and Index Numbei SECTION I Wing Group Part Number NOMENCLATURE i SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED AILERON ASSEMBLY - Left AILERON ASSEMBLY - Left AILERON ASSEMBLY - Right AILERON ASSEMBLY - Right SPAR ASSEMBLY - Aileron, left SPAR ASSEMBLY - Aileron, right ANGLE - Push rod, inboard left aileron, outboard right aileron ANGLE - Push rod, outboard left aileron, inboard right aileron CHANNEL - Aileron push rod DOUBLER - Aileron, inboard left aileron, outboard right aileron DOUBLER - Aileron, outboard left aileron, inboard right aileron BALANCE WEIGHT ASSEMBLY - Left BALANCE WEIGHT ASSEMBLY - Right SKIN - Aileron, left SKIN - Aileron, left SKIN - Aileron, right SKIN - Aileron, right RIB - Aileron, left inboard, right outboard RIB - Aileron, right inboard, left outboard 66767-02 66767-00 66767-03 66767-01 62361-00 62361-01 62372-00 62372-01 62367-00 62373-00 62373-01 66766-00 66766-01 68106-02 68106-00 68106-03 68106-01 65265-00 65265-01 A - Used on PA-28-140, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28- 180 airplanes only. B - Used on PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes only. C - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 71 - 15 - REVISED: AUGUST 1971 Figure 7. - - Flap Assembly 16 FLAP ASSEMBLY Figure and Index Numbe SECTION I Wing Group z Part Number NOMENCLATURE 0 73 (I) SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED J3 - FLAP ASSEMBLY Left FLAP ASSEMBLY - Right SKIN - Flap, bottom, left, inboard SKIN - Flap, bottom, right, inboard SKIN Flap, bottom, left and right, outboard SKIN Flap, top, left and right, outboard HINGE - Flap, inboard, left HINGE - Flap, inboard, right BRACKET - Flap hinge center and outboard SPAR - Flap RIB - Left flap RIB - Right flap RIB - Left flap RIB - Right flap RIB - Flap, left, wing, Sta. 49 RIB - Flap, right, wing, Sta. 49 RIB - Flap, left RIB - Flap, right RIB - Flap, left, inboard RIB - Flap, right, inboard STRIP - Flap read edge SKIN - Flap, left, nose SKIN - Flap, right, nose SKIN - Flap, top, left, inboard SKIN - Flap, top, right, inboard CORRUGATION - Flap, top, right, inboard DOUBLER ASSEMBLY - Left DOUBLER ASSEMBLY - Right SKIN - Flap nose, left SKIN - Flap nose, right - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1971 - 17 - NOTE PAGES 1 8 THRU 26 HAVE BEEN DELETED. PLEASE REMOVE THESE PAGES FROM YOUR PARTS CATALOG AND INSERT THIS PAGE. REVISED: AUGUST 1971 - 18 - thru - 26 - INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ISSUED: SEPTEMBER 1969 F i g u r e 8. Complete Fuselage (PA -28-150-160-180 - S e r i a l Nos, 28-1 t o 28-4377 inclusive) (PA-28-235 - S e r i a l Nos. 28-10003 t o 28-1 1039 inclusive) (PA -28- 140 - S e r i a l Nos. 28-20002 and up) - 27 - INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK SECTION I1 Fuselage Group FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY (See Code "A") Figure and Index - Part Number NOMENCLATURE SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED Numbe 8- -1 -2 -3 -4 - Fuselage Assembly (Complete) - Fuselage Assembly (Complete) - Fuselage Assembly (Complete) - Fuselage Assembly (Complete) - Fuselage Assembly (Complete) - Fuselage Assembly (Complete) 62400 62299 65073 65445 62284 66665 DRAWING DRAWING DRAWING DRAWING DRAWING DRAWING 624 19 -00 62419 - 17 624 19 -2 1 62884-00 656 11-00 65611-11 65087 -00 65444-00 65476-00 65624-00 62285 -00 62882 -00 FUSELAGE FUSELAGE FUSELAGE FUSELAGE FUSELAGE FUSELAGE FUSELAGE FUSELAGE FUSELAGE FUSELAGE FUSELAGE FUSELAGE 62882 -03 FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY 66694 -00 66694 -05 66694 -07 66694 -09 99466 - 00 99466 -02 99466-03 99466-04 62419 -03 656 11-04 62419 -03 656 11-04 62419 -04 622 85 -02 624 19 - 10 62285 -03 FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY A F T SECTION - Fuselage A F T SECTION - Fuselage A F T SECTION - Fuselage A F T SECTION - Fuselage SKIN - Left side SKIN - Left side SKIN - Left side SKIN - Left side SKIN - Left side SKIN - Left side SKIN - Right side SKIN - Right side 28-1 to 28-1760 inclusive 28-1761 to 28-4377 inclusive 28-10003 t o 28-10486 inclusive 28-10487 t o 28 -11039 inclusive 28-20002 t o 28-24999 inclusive 28-25000 and up 28-1 t o 28-670 inclusive 28-671 to 28-990 inclusive 28-991 to 28-1760 inclusive 28-1761 t o 28-2477 inclusive 28 -2478 to 28-3377 inclusive 28 -3378 to 28 -4377 inclusive 28-10003 t o 28-10486 inclusive 28-10487 t o 28-10675 inclusive 28-10676 t o 28-10719 inclusive 28-10720 t o 28-11039 inclusive 28-20002 t o 28-20280 inclusive 28-20281 t o 28-21845 inclusive, 28-21931 t o 28 -21934 inclusive 28-21846 t o 28-2 1930 inclusive, 28-21935 t o 28-24999 inclusive 28-25000 t o 28 -26400 inclusive 28-26401 t o 28-26956 inclusive 28-7 125001 t o 28-7125651 inclusive 28-7225OOlandup 28-1 to 28-4377 inclusive 28-10003 t o 28-10719 inclusive 28-10720 t o 28-11039 inclusive ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY 28-20002 t o 28 -24999 inclusive 28 -25000 and up A - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 and up, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28 -4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28 - 10003 to 28 -1 1039 inclusive. B - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. C - Used on PA-28 -140 airplanes only. D - See Figure 15 for component p a r t s . E - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-2477 inclusive and PA-28 -235 with s e r i a l numbers 28 - 10003 t o 28 - 10675. F - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-2478 t o 28-4377 inclusive and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10676 to 28-11039. G - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 only. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1971 - 28 - FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY (See Code "A") SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe Part Number NOMENCLATURE 62419 -00 624 19- 18 624 19 -20 62884 -02 65611-02 65611-10 65087 -03 65444-02 65476-02 65624 -02 62285 -05 62882 -02 STUD - Fastener (#63316) (used with eyelet type baggage strap) STUD - Fastener (#XX-16362 x 318) (used with socket type baggage strap) COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage 62882 -04 COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage 66694 -02 66694-06 66694 -08 66694 - 10 624 19 -02 62419 -02 66694 -04 65087 -05 65087 -05 65611-07 624 19-05 62419 -06 624 19-07 624 19 - 16 62419-16 66694 -03 65087 -04 65087 -04 65611-06 624 19-08 62285 -04 COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage SKIN - Cockpit, left front SKIN - Cockpit, left front SKIN - Cockpit, left front SKIN - Cockpit, left front SKIN - Cockpit, left front SKIN - Cockpit, left front SKIN - Cockpit, left r e a r SKIN - Cockpit, top r e a r SKIN - Cockpit, right front SKIN - Cockpit, right front SKIN - Cockpit, right front SKIN - Cockpit, right front SKIN - Cockpit, right front SKIN - Cockpit, right front SKIN - Cockpit, right front SKIN - Cockpit, right side r e a r SKIN - Cockpit, right side r e a r 487 632 487 674 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-1 to 28-670 inclusive 28-671 to 28-990 inclusive 28-991 to 28- 1760 inclusive 28 -1761 to 28-2477 inclusive 28-2478 to 28-3377 inclusive 28-3378 to 28-4377 inclusive 28 -10003 to 28 -10486 inclusive 28-10487 to 28-10675 inclusive 28-10676 to 28-10719 inclusive 28-10720 to 28-11039 inclusive 28 -20002 to 28 -20280 inclusive 28-20281 to 28-21845 inclusive, 28-2 1931 to 28-21934 inclusive 28-2 1846 to 28-21930 inclusive, 28 -2 1935 to 28 -24999 inclusive 28 -25000 t o 2 8 -26400 inclusive 28 -26401 t o 28-26956 inclusive 28-7125001 to 28-7 125651 inclusive 28-7225001 and up 28-1 to 28-1760 inclusive 28-20002 t o 28-24999 inclusive 2 8 -25000 and up 28 -10003 to 28 -10675 inclusive 28-1761 to 28 -2477 inclusive 28-1 to 28-544 inclusive 28 -545 to 28- 1760 inclusive 28-20002 t o 28-24999 inclusive 28-25000 and up 28 - 10003 to 2 8 -10675 inclusive 28-1761 to 28-2477 inclusive A - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 and up, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-11039 inclusive. B - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. C - Used on PA-28 -140 airplanes only. D - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-2478 t o 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28 -10676 to 28-11039 inclusive. E - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 only. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 197 1 - 29 - SECTION I1 Fuselage Group FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY (See Code "A") Figure NOMENCLATURE SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED Number F G C UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Complete UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Complete UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Complete UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Complete UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Complete UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Complete UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Complete UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Complete UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Complete UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Complete UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Complete UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Complete SKIN - Upper cockpit, top center SKIN - Upper cockpit, top center SKIN - Upper cockpit, top center SKIN - Upper cockpit, top center SKIN - Upper cockpit, top center SKIN - Windshield, right side t r i m SKIN --Windshield, left side t r i m SKIN - Wlndow t r i m , left side center SKIN - Window t r i m , right side front SKIN - Upper cockpit, left side r e a r window SKIN - Upper cockpit, right side r e a r window SKIN ASSEMBLY - Upper cockpit assembly SKIN ASSEMBLY - Upper cockpit assembly SKIN ASSEMBLY - Upper cockpit asserrhly SKIN ASSEMBLY - Upper cockpit assembly PAN - Upper cockpit, outboard 28-1 t o 28-990 inclusive 28 -2 1846 t o 28 -2 1930 inclusive, 28-2 1935 t o 28-24999 inclusive 28 -25000 t o 28 -26400 inclusive 28-26401 t o 28-26956 inclusive 28-7125001 t o 28-7125651 inclusive 28-7225001 a n d u p 28-1761 to 28-3377 inclusive 28-3378 to 28-4377 inclusive 28 -10003 t o 28-10486 inclusive 28 - 10487 t o 28 -107 19 inclusive 28-10720 t o 28-11039 inclusive 28-20002 t o 28-24999 inclusive 28-25000 and up 28-10003 t o 28-10719 inclusive 28-10720 to 28-11039 inclusive 28-1 t o 28-1760 inclusive 28 -20002 t o 28-24999 inclusive 28-10003 t o 28 -10486 inclusive A - Used on PA-28 -140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 and up, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-4377 inclusive and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-11039 inclusive. B - Used on PA-28 -235 airplanes only. C - Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. D - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28- 1761 to 28 -4377 inclusive and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10487 t o 28-11039 inclusive. E - See Figure 10 for component p a r t s . F - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 only. G - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-991 to 28-1760 inclusive and PA-28 -140 with s e r i a l numbers 28 -20002 t o 28-2 1845 inclusive and 28 -2 1931 to 28 -2 1934 inclusive. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Seriol Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 197 1 - 30 - FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY (See Code "A") SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe Part Number SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED NOMENCLATURE UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward COVER - Forward upper cockpit COVER - Forward upper cockpit FILLER - Upper cockpit, forward FILLER - Upper cockpit, forward FILLER - Upper cockpit, forward SKIN - Instruments cover, left SKIN - Instruments cover, left SKIN - Instruments cover, left SKIN - Instruments cover, left SKIN - Instruments cover, left SKIN - Instruments cover, left SKIN - Instruments cover, left SKIN - Instruments cover, right SKIN - Instruments cover, right SKIN - Instruments cover, right SKIN - Instruments cover, right SKIN - Instruments cover, complete SKIN - Instruments cover, complete UPPER CENTER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY UPPER CENTER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY UPPER CENTER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY UPPER CENTER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY 28-1 to 28-1760 inclusive 28-20002 to 28-21845 inclusive, 28-21931 to 28-21934 inclusive 28-21846 to 28-21930 inclusive, 28-21935 t o 28-24999 inclusive 2 8 -25000 to 28 -26400 inclusive 28-26401 to 28-26956 inclusive 28-7125001 and up 28-1761 to 28-3377 inclusive 28-3378 to 28-4377 inclusive 28-10003 to 28-10486 inclusive 28-10487 to 28-10719 inclusive 28-10720 to 28-11039 inclusive 28-2053 to 28 -4377 inclusive 28-10591 t o 28-11039 inclusive 28-10003 to 28-10486 inclusive 28-10487 to 28-11039 inclusive 28-1761 to 28-4377 inclusive 28-1 to 28-1760 inclusive 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive 28-10003 to 28-10486 inclusive 28-1761 to 28-2052 inclusive 28-10487 to 28-10590 inclusive 28-2053 to 28-4377 inclusive 28-10591 and up 28-1 to 28-1760 inclusive 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive 28-10003 t o 28-10486 inclusive 28-25000 to 28-26956 inclusive 28-7125001 and up 28-1 to 28-990 inclusive 28-26401 and up 28-10720 t o 28-11039 inclusive - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 and up, PA-28-150, PA-28 -160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-11039 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1761 to 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28 -10487 to 28-11039 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-26400 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-991 to 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 only. - See Figure 12 for component p a r t s . - See Figure 10 for component parts. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: SEPTEMBER 1970 - 31 - SECTION I1 Fuselage Group FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY (See Code "A") Figure and Index - Part NOMENCLATURE Number SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED Numbe 8-25 -25a -26 -27 -28 -29 SKIN - Top front SKIN - Top front HANDLE - (66537-00) LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Complete LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Complete LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Complete LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Complete LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Complete LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Complete LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Complete LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Complete LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Complete LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Complete LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Complete LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Complete SKIN - Cockpit, center front, bottom SKIN - Cockpit, center front, bottom SKIN - Cockpit, center front, bottom SKIN - Cockpit, center front, bottom SKIN - Cockpit, center front, bottom SKIN - Cockpit, center front, bottom SKIN - Cockpit, center front, bottom SKIN - Cockpit, center front, bottom SKIN - Cockpit, front, bottom SKIN - Cockpit, front, bottom SKIN - Cockpit, front, bottom SKIN - Cockpit, front, bottom SKIN - Cockpit, front, bottom SKIN - Cockpit, front, bottom SKIN - Cockpit, front, bottom SKIN - Cockpit, front, bottom SKIN - Cockpit, center r e a r , bottom SKIN - Cockpit, center r e a r , bottom SKIN - Cockpit, center r e a r , bottom SKIN - Cockpit, center r e a r , bottom SKIN - Cockpit, center r e a r , bottom SKIN - Cockpit, center r e a r , bottom SKIN - Cockpit, center r e a r , bottom 62420-03 62873-04 464 036 62422-00 62315-00 65600-00 65089-00 65089-04 65467-00 65534-00 62422- 14 62314-00 62314-03 62314-06 62314-07 62422 - 02 62422-02 62422-02 62315-03 65467-03 65467-03 65467-03 65534-03 62422- 12 62422- 12 62314-04 65089-03 65089-03 65467-02 65467-02 65534-04 62422-04 62315-02 65089-02 65534-02 62422- 13 62314-02 62314-05 A B C D E I? 28-1 to 28-990 inclusive, 28-991 and up 28-1 to 28- 1760 inclusive 28-1761 to 28-2477 inclusive 28-2478 to 28-4377 inclusive 28-10003 to 28-10486inclusive 28-10487 to 28-10675 inclusive 28-10676 to 28-10719 inclusive 28-10720 to 28-11039 inclusive 28-20002 to 28-20280 inclusive 28-20281 to 28-24999 inclusive 28-25000 to 28-26956 inclusive 28-7125001 to 28-7125651 inclusive 28-7225001andup 28-1 to 28- 1760 inclusive 28-10003 to 28-10675 inclusive 28-20002 to 28-20280 inclusive 28-25000 and up 28-2478 to 28-4377 inclusive 28-10676 to 28-10719 inclusive 28-10720 to 28- 11039 inclusive 28-1 to 28- 1760 inclusive 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive 28-25000 and up 28-10003 to 28-10675 inclusive 28-1761 to 28-2477 inclusive 28-2478 to 28-4377 inclusive 28-10676 to 28-10719 inclusive 28-10720 to 28-11039 inclusive 28-1 to 28-1760 inclusive 28-1761 to 28-4377 inclusive 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive 28-10720 to 28-11039 inclusive 28-20002 to 28-20280 inclusive 28-20281 to 28-24999 inclusive 28-25000 and up - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 and up, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-4377 inclusive and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28- 10003 to 28- 11039 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 2 8 - 2 0 2 8 1 ~ ~ 28-24999 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1761 to 28-2477 inclusive. See Figure 13 and 14 f o r component parts. - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 only. - When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 32 - FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY (See Code "A") SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe 8-30 -3 1 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -4 1 -42 Part Number NOMENCLATURE 6254 1-00 62541-01 68539 -00 62538-00 62538-00 68540 -00 68540-01 62549 -00 66609 -00 66609 -00 65 130 -00 68569 -00 65556-00 65556-00 65556 -02 DOUBLER - Cockpit, left DOUBLER - Cockpit, right DOUBLER ASSEMBLY - Lower cockpit DOUBLER - Lower cockpit assembly, left DOUBLER - Lower cockpit assembly, right DOUBLER ASSEMBLY - Lower cockpit, left DOUBLER ASSEMBLY - Lower cockpit, right DOUBLER - Lower cockpit SCOOP - Cabin a i r exhaust SCOOP - Cabin a i r exhaust DOUBLER - Forward lower cockpit, left DOUBLER - Forward lower cockpit, left DOUBLER - Lower cockpit a i r scoop DOUBLER - Lower cockpit a i r scoop DOUBLER - Lower cockpit a i r scoop ( l e s s 4" hole) COVER PLATE - Doubler assembly GASKET - Cover plate LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Aft LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Aft LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Aft LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Aft LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Aft SKIN ASSEMBLY - Bottom center SKIN ASSEMBLY - Bottom center SKIN ASSEMBLY - Rear bottom center SKIN - Rear left, bottom SKIN - Rear right, bottom STEP ASSEMBLY 66679 -00 68584 -00 62660 -00 62660 - 12 62277 -00 62277 -02 62277 -03 62660 -06 62660-06 62660- 13 62660-04 62660 -05 65384 -00 4 - 3 - 2 3 - 5 - F - - 4 - J - < - SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-20002 t o 28-24999 inclusive 28-10720 28-25000 28 -10003 28-10720 28 -10720 28 -25000 33 - inclusive inclusive inclusive 28-20002 t o 28-24999 inclusive 28-25000 t o 28-7125651 inclusive 28 -722500 1 and up 28 -20002 t o 28 -20909 inclusive 28-20910 and up Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 and up, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-4377 inclusive and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-11039 inclusive. Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. Used on PA-28 -140 airplanes only. Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-152 1 t o 28-4377 inclusive and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28- 10233 to 28-11039 inclusive. See Figure 14 for component p a r t s . Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 only. See Figure 32D if Cabin Overhead Air Vent Installation i s made. Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 t o 28-2477 inclusive and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10675 inclusive. Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-25000 and up, PA-28-150, PA-28 -160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-2478 to 28-4377 inclusive and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10676 t o 28 -11039 inclusive. Order Part No. 65556-02 if Air Conditioning is installed. - inclusive 28 -7 125472 and up 28 -25000 and up 2 8 -2 5000 and up When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1971 t o 28-11039 and up t o 28-107 19 t o 28-11039 t o 28 -11039 and up REVISED: AUGUST 197 1 F i g u r e 9. Complete Fuselage (PA-28-180 - S e r i a l Nos. 28-4378 and up) (PA-28R-180 - S e r i a l Nos. 28-30005 t o 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 and up) (PA-28-235 - S e r i a l Nos. 28-11040 and up) (PA-28R-200 - Serial Nos. 28-30482, 28-35001 and up) - 34 - , ..I PA-28-180 PA-28-235 PA-28R- 180 PA -28R -200 FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY (See Code "A") SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe 9- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 Part Number NOMENCLATURE SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING - Fuselage Assembly (Complete) DRAWING - Fuselage Assembly (Complete) FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY A F T SECTION - Fuselage SKIN - Cockpit, top r e a r STUD - F a s t e n e r (#XX16362 x 3/8) COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage A - Used on PA-28-180 B - C D E - F G H - J - K - 28-7235001andup 28-4378 to 28-4877 inclusive 28-4878 to 28-5600 inclusive 28-5601 to 28-5869 inclusive 28-7105001 to 28-7105244 inclusive 28-7205001 and up 28-11040 to 28-11300 inclusive 28-11301 t o 28-11393 inclusive 28-7110001 to 28-7110042 inclusive 28-7210001 a n d up 28-7235001andup 28-4378 to 28-4877 inclusive 28-4878 to 28-5600 inclusive 28-5601 to 28-5869 inclusive 28-7105001 to 28-7105244 inclusive 28-7205001 and up 28-11040 to 28-11300 inclusive 28-11301 to 28-11393 inclusive 28-7110001 to 28-7110042 inclusive 28-7210001andup with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30679 tc 28-31250 inclusive and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 t o 28-35600 inclusive. Used on PA-28-180 airplanes only. Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-31251 tc 28-31279 inclusive and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l n u m b e r s 28-35601 to 28-35830 inclusive. See Figure 15 f o r component p a r t s . Used on PA-28R-200 airplanes only. Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7130001 t o 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7135001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 tc 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 t o 28-30678 inclusive. Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 a n d up, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 35 - SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe 9-6 -7 -8 -9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY (See Code "A") Part NOMENCLATURE Number SKIN - Cockpit, left r e a r SKIN - Cockpit, left side SKIN - Cockpit, left side SKIN - Cockpit, left side SKIN - Cockpit, left side SKIN - Cockpit, left front SKIN - Cockpit, right front SKIN - Cockpit, right side UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage SKIN - Upper cockpit, top center SKIN - Windshield trim, left side SKIN - Windshield trim, right side SKIN - Window trim, left side SKIN - Window trim, right side SKIN ASSEMBLY - Window trim, left side SKIN ASSEMBLY - Window trim, right side PAN - Door trim, right side 67250-04 67250-06 65830-03 65611-04 76111-03 65611-07 65611-06 67250-05 67251-00 67251-12 67251-14 99390-02 76130-00 67251-09 67251-13 67251-15 99390-00 99390-06 69251-00 69251-03 99389-00 99389-03 67251-05 62420-22 62420- 11 62490-00 62491-00 67263-00 67263-01 62493-00 A B C D E F G H J K SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-7235001andup 28-4378 to 28-4877 inclusive 28-4878 to 28-5600 inclusive 28-5601 to 28-5869 inclusive 28-7105001 to 28-7105244 inclusive 28-7205001 and up 28-11040 to 28-11300 inclusive 28-11301 to 28-11393 inclusive 28-7110001 to 28-7110042 inclusive 28-7210001 and up - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. - Used on PA-28R-180 airplanes only, - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7130001 to 28-7130013 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7135001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28R-200 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-31251 to 28-31279 inclusive and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-35601 to 28-35830 inclusive. - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-30678 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-180 airplanes only. Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30679 t o 28-31250 inclusive and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35600 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482. 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. - When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 36 - FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY (See Code "A") SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe Part Number NOMENCLATURE - UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - F o r w a r d UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward SKIN - F o r w a r d upper cockpit, top SKIN - Forward upper cockpit, top FILLER - F o r w a r d upper cockpit, top DOUBLER - F o r w a r d upper cockpit, top 9-17 - 18 - 19 -20 A B C D E F G H J K L M N SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-7235001andup 28-4378 to 28-4877 inclusive 28-4878 to 28-5600 inclusive 28-5601 to 28-5869 inclusive 28-7105001 and up 28-11040 to 28-11300 inclusive 28-11301 to 28-11393 inclusive 28-7110001andup - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. - See Figure 11 for component p a r t s . - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7130001 to 28-7130013 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7135001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. - See F i g u r e 10 f o r component p a r t s . - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-31251 to 28-31279 inclusive and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-35601 to 28-35830 inclusive. - Used on PA-28R- 180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-30678 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-180 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30679 t o 28-31250 inclusive and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l n u m b e r s 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35600 inclusive. - Used on PA-28R-200 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 to 28-5869 inclusive, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-31275 inclusive, PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35830 inclusive and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 to 28-11393 inclusive. - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7130001 a n d up and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7135001 and up. - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7105001 a n d up and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7110001 and up. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 37 - FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY (See Code "A") SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Part NOMENCLATURE Number SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED Numbe UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Center UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Center UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Center UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Center UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Center SKIN - Upper cockpit, top front SKIN - Upper cockpit, top front HANDLE - Upper cockpit (66537-00) LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Fuselage SKIN - Lower cockpit, front SKIN - Lower cockpit, front SKIN - Lower cockpit, front SKIN Lower cockpit, front 28-7235001andup 28-11040 to 28-11300 inclusive 28-11301 and up 28-7235001andup 28-4378 to 28-5869 inclusive 28-7105001 to 28-7105244 inclusive 28-7205001 and up 28-11040 to 28-11393 inclusive 28-7110001 to 28-7110042 inclusive 28-7210001andup - A B C D E F G H J K L M - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. - See Figures 13 and 14 f o r component parts. - Used on PA-28R- 180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-180 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-5601 and up, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-31251 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-35601 to 28-7135238 inclusive. - See Figure 12 f o r component parts, - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 to 28-5600 inclusive, PA-28R- 180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-31250 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35600 inclusive. - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7130001 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7135001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. - Used on PA-28R-200 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-31279 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35830 inclusive. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 37a - SECTION I1 Fuselage Group FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY (See Code "A") -- Figure and Index Numbe Part Number SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED NOMENCLATURE SKIN - Lower cockpit, center front SKIN - Lower cockpit, center front SKIN - Lower cockpit, center front SKIN - Lower cockpit, center r e a r SKIN - Lower cockpit, center r e a r SKIN - Lower cockpit, center r e a r DOUBLER - Lower cockpit, left DOUBLER - Lower cockpit, right DOUBLER ASSEMBLY - Lower cockpit DOUBLER ASSEMBLY - Lower cockpit, left DOUBLER ASSEMBLY - Lower cockpit, right DOUBLER ASSEMBLY - Lower cockpit DOUBLER - Lower cockpit DOUBLER - Lower cockpit a i r scoop DOUBLER - Lower cockpit a i r scoop (less 4" hole) DOUBLER - Lower cockpit a i r scoop (less 4" hole) SCOOP - Cabin a i r exhaust LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Aft LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Aft LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY Aft LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Aft LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Aft SKIN ASSEMBLY - Lower cockpit, center SKIN - Lower cockpit, left r e a r SKIN - Lower cockpit, right r e a r DOUBLER - Lower cockpit, left COVER - Bottom skin STEP ASSEMBLY - Fuselage 65467-03 76112-03 65534-03 67252-03 67252-04 65534-02 62541-00 62541-01 68539-00 68540-00 68540-01 76127-00 62549-00 65556-00 65556-02 65556-02 66609-00 62660-00 62660-00 62660- I 5 62660- 12 62660-16 62660-06 62660-04 62660-05 68569-00 63386-00 65384-00 - A B C D E F G H J K 28-7235001andup 28-7205092 and up 28-7105001 to 28-7105244 inclusive 28-7205001 and up 28-10003 to 28-7110042 inclusive 28-7210001 and up - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. - See Figure 32D if Cabin Overhead Air Vent Installation is made. - Used on PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28- 180 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. - See Figure 14 for component parts. - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-7 130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. - Used on PA-28R-200 airplanes only. Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. - Order Part No. 65556-02 if a i r conditioning is installed. - When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft ADDED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 37b - F i g u r e 10. Upper F o r w a r d Cockpit Assembly ISSUED: SEPTEMBER 1969 - 38 - INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK SECTION I1 Fuselage Group UPPER FORWARD COCKPIT ASSEMBLY Figure and Index Numbe 10-1 -2 Part Number SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED NOMENCLATURE JPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward JPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward JPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward JPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward JPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward JPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward JPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward JPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward JPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward JPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward JPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward JPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward JPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward JPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward JPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward JPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward JPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward FRAME ASSEMBLY - Firewall FRAME ASSEMBLY - Firewall FRAME ASSEMBLY - Firewall FRAME ASSEMBLY - Firewall - -- FRAME- ASSEMBLY - Firewall FRAME ASSEMBLY - Firewall FRAME ASSEMBLY - Firewall FRAME ASSEMBLY - Firewall FRAME ASSEMBLY - Firewall A B FRAME ASSEMBLY - Firewall FRAME FRAME FRAME FRAME FRAME - Firewall Firewall Firewall Firewall Firewall ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY - - --- 28-21846 t o 28-21930 inclusive, 28 -2 1935 to 28-24999 inclusive 28-25000 to 28-26400 inclusive 28-26401 t o 28-26956 inclusive 28-7125001 and up 28-1761 to 28-3377 inclusive 28-3378 to 28-4377 inclusive 28-10003 t o 28-10486 inclusive 28-10487 to 28-10719 inclusive 28-10720 to 28-1 1039 inclusive 28-4378 to 28-4877 inclusive 28-11040 to 28-11300 inclusive 28-11301 t o 28-11393 inclusive 28-7110001 and up 28-4878 to 28-5600 inclusive 28-5601 to 28-5869 inclusive 28-7105001 and up 28-1 to 28-1520 inclusive 28-1521 to 28-1760 inclusive 28-20002 to 28 -20520 inclusive 28-10003 t o 28-10486 inclusive 28-1761 t o 28-3377 inclusive 28-3378 to 28-4377 inclusive 28-10487 t o 28-10719 inclusive 28-10720 t o 28-11039 inclusive 28-20521 to 28-21845 inclusive, 28-21931 to 28-21935 inclusive 28-2 1846 t o 28-21930 inclusive, 28-21935 t o 28-22095 inclusive 28-22096 t o 28-24999 inclusive 28-25000 and up 28-4378 to 28 -4877 inclusive 28-4878 and up 28 -1 1040 and up Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 only. Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 t o 28-1760 inclusive, and PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-21845 inclusive. C - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. D - Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. E - Used on PA-28-180 airplanes only. - - W h e n ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: SEPTEMBER 1970 - 39 - UPPER FORWARD COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - -- - Figure and Index Numbe SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Part Number NOMENCLATURE CHANNEL - Upper cockpit assembly, firewall CHANNEL - Upper cockpit, firewall, left CHANNEL - Upper cockpit, firewall, right CHANNEL - Upper cockpit, firewall, left CHANNEL - Upper cockpit, firewall, right BEAM - Upper cockpit, firewall BEAM - Upper cockpit, firewall BEAM - Upper cockpit, firewall BEAM - Upper cockpit, firewall BEAM - Upper cockpit, firewall BEAM - Upper cockpit, firewall CHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Toe brake reinforcement CHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Toe brake reinforcement CHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Toe brake reinforcement CHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Toe brake reinforcement SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-25000 and up 28-10720 to 28-11039 inclusive 28-4378 to 28-4877 inclusive 28-4878 and up 28-11040 and up 28-25000 and up 28-4378 and up 28-11040 and up A - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 only. B - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-4377 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive. C - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. D - Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. E - Used on PA-28 -140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-20520 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28 -10486 inclusive, and PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-1760 inclusive. F - Used on PA-28-180 airplanes only. 3 - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20521 to 28-24999 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with serial numbers 28-1761 to 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10487 to 28-11039 inclusive. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: SEPTEMBER 1970 - 40 - UPPER FORWARD COCKPIT ASSEMBLY SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe 10-7 -8 -9 - 10 -11 -12 -12a -12b -12c - 12d -12e Part Number NOMENCLATURE PANEL ASSEMBLY - Instrument PANEL ASSEMBLY - Instrument PANEL ASSEMBLY - Instrument PANEL ASSEMBLY - Instrument PANEL ASSEMBLY - Instrument PANEL ASSEMBLY - Instrument PANEL ASSEMBLY - Instrument PANEL ASSEMBLY - Instrument PANEL ASSEMBLY - Instrument PANEL ASSEMBLY - Instrument PANEL ASSEMBLY - Instrument PANEL ASSEMBLY - Instrument PANEL ASSEMBLY - Instrument PANEL ASSEMBLY - Instrument PANEL ASSEMBLY - Instrument PANEL ASSEMBLY - Instrument BUSHING - Control wheel "150" and "160" BUSHING - Control wheel "150" and "160" PLATE - Control wheel SPACER - Control wheel PLATE - Control wheel WASHER - Control wheel PLATE - Control wheel PLATE - Control wheel PLATE - Control wheel BUSHING - Control wheel "0" RING - Control wheel (MS28775 -218) 62521 -14 62154-00 62154-00 67120-04 67120-07 67120-11 65140-00 62881-00 62881 -00 63765 -00 637 65 -02 63765 -00 63765 -03 67120-02 67 120 -06 67120-10 62788-00 62870-00 62869-00 6287 1-00 6252 1-09 6252 1- 15 68272 -02 68272-03 68272 -04 68273-02 484 792 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-1 to 28-1230 inclusive 28-1231 to 28-1760 inclusive 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive 28-25000 to 28-26400 inclusive 28-26401 to 28-26956 inclusive 28-7125001 and up 28-10003 to 28-10486 inclusive 28-10487 to 28-10660 inclusive 28-1761 to 28-2422 inclusive 28-10661 to 28-10719 inclusive 28-10720 to 28-11039 inclusive 28-2423 to 28-3377 inclusive 28-3378 to 28-4377 inclusive 28-1 to 28-840 inclusive 4 - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 only. 3 - Used on PA-28-150 and PA-28-160 with s e r i a l numbers 28-841 to 28-3377 inclusive, PA-28-180 witt s e r i a l numbers 28-671 to 28-3377 inclusive, PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive, and PA-28 -235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive. Z - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. 0 - Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. E Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-5601 to 28-5869 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l number 28-11301 to 28-11393 inclusive. F - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-25000 and up, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-3378 and up, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10720 and up. 3 - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-3377 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive, and PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive. H - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 to 28-5600 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l number 28-11040 to 28-11300 inclusive. J - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7105001 and up, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7110001 and up. - When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: SEPTEMBER 1970 - 41 - UPPER FORWARD COCKPIT ASSEMBLY Figure and Index Numbei 10-12f - 12g -12h -12j - 13 - 14 -15 -16 - 17 -18 - 19 -20 -2 1 -22 Part Number SECTION I1 Fuselage Group NOMENCLATURE CHANNEL - Hand brake CONTROL ASSEMBLY - Heat and defroster CONTROL ASSEMBLY - Heat and defroster CONTROL ASSEMBLY - Heat and defroster RETAINER - Instrument PLATE - Control wheel lock FITTING - Engine mount center, left FITTING - Engine mount center, right LONGERON - Upper, left LONGERON - Upper, left LONGERON - Upper, left LONGERON - Upper, left LONGERON - Upper, left LONGERON - Upper, right, front CHANNEL - Left CHANNEL - Right WEB - Fuselage, left side WEB - Fuselage, right side FRAME ASSEMBLY - Upper forward cockpit, left, Sta. 73 ZEE - Upper forward cockpit, left ZEE - Upper forward cockpit, left ZEE - Upper forward cockpit, left ZEE - Upper forward cockpit, left ZEE - Upper forward cockpit, right FITTING - Upper forward cockpit, Sta. 73 PLATE ASSEMBLY - Voltage regulator support, left PLATE ASSEMBLY - Voltage regulator support, left 67125-00 67390-03 69283-03 99019-02 66695 -00 6693 1-00 62425 -00 62425-01 62472 -00 62472 -00 62472 -00 65571 -00 65571 -00 62473 -00 62485-00 62485-01 62498 -00 62499-00 62653 -00 62674-00 62674-00 62674-00 62674-02 62674 -01 62522 -00 63275 -00 66541-00 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-4378 to 28-4877 inclusive 28-25000 and up 28-1 to 28-4377 inclusive 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive 28-10720 and up 28-4378 and up 28-1 to 28-4377 inclusive 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive 28-10003 to 28-11039 inclusive - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 only. 3 - Used on PA-28 -140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-3377 inclusive, and PA-28 -235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive. 2 - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. 3 - Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. E - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7125001 and up, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7 105001 and up, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7110001 and up. F - Used on PA-28-180 airplanes only. 3 - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-3377 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive, and PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive. Hi - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-25000 and up, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up. J - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-25000 to 28 -26956 inclusive, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4878 to 28-5869 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 to 28-11393 inclusive. K - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-26401 and up, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-5601 and up, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11301 and up. 4 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: SEPTEMBER 1970 - 42 - SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe UPPER FORWARD COCKPIT ASSEMBLY Part NOMENCLATURE Number FLANGE - Nose cowl attaching, left FLANGE - Nose cowl attaching, left FLANGE - Nose cowl attaching, left FLANGE - Nose cowl attaching, right FLANGE - Nose cowl attaching, right FLANGE - Nose cowl attaching, right FLANGE - Nose cowl attaching, top FLANGE - Nose cowl attaching, top FLANGE - Nose cowl attaching, top ANGLE - Stiffener, upper forward cockpit ANGLE - Stiffener, upper forward cockpit ANGLE - Stiffener, upper forward cockpit FLANGE - Nose cowl attaching, bottom, left FLANGE - Nose cowl attaching, bottom, left FLANGE - Nose cowl attaching, bottom, left FLANGE - Nose cowl attaching, bottom, right FLANGE - Nose cowl attaching, bottom, right FLANGE - Nose cowl attaching, bottom, right CHANNEL - Brake support, forward CHANNEL - Brake support, forward CHANNEL - Brake support, aft CHANNEL - Brake support, aft BRACE - Ash r e c e i v e r box SCOOP - Air, AutoFlite cooling BOX ASSEMBLY - Ventilator, AutoFlite cooling SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-10003 t o 28-10486 inclusive 28-1761 and up 28-10487 and up 28-10003 t o 28-10486 inclusive 28-1761 and up 28-10487 and up 28-10003 to 28-10486 inclusive 28-1761 and up 28-10487 and up 28 -25000 and up 28-25000 and up 28-1761 and up 28-10003 to 28-10486 inclusive 28-10487 and up 28-1761 and up 28-10003 t o 28-10486 inclusive 28-10487 and up A - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 only. B - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive, PA-28 -150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 t o 28-2477 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10675 inclusive. C - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. D - Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. E - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up, and PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-25000 and up. F - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28- 1231 to 28- 1760 inclusive, and PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive. G - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-251 to 28-4377 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28 -10003 t o 28-11039 inclusive, and PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive. H - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-25000 to 28-26956 inclusive, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 t o 28-5869 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 to 28-11393 inclusive. W - These parts z t be o r d e r e d from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: SEPTEMBER 1970 - 43 - UPPER FORWARD COCKPIT ASSEMBLY SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Part SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED NOMENCLATURE Number Numbe HOSE - AutoFlite cooling (12") HOSE - Radio cooling (28 1/2") HOSE - Radio cooling (33") TUBE - Radio cooling HOSE - Radio cooling TUBE ASSEMBLY - Radio cooling TUBE ASSEMBLY - Radio cooling TUBE ASSEMBLY - Radio cooling TUBE ASSEMBLY - Radio cooling CHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Brake support, CHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Brake support, CHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Brake support, CHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Brake support, RATCHET - Brake handle 10-35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 28-1 to 28-1230 inclusive right right left left 28-251 and up A - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up, and PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-25000 and up. B - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-251 to 28-4377 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-11039 inclusive, and PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 t o 28-24999 inclusive. C - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 t o 28-1760 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10486 inclusive, and PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 t o 28-24999 inclusive. D - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1761 to 28-2477 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10487 t o 28-10675 i n c h sive. E - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-2478 t o 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10676 t o 28-11039 inclusive. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft ADDED SEPTEMBER 1970 - 43a - F i g u r e 11. Upper F o r w a r d Cockpit A s s e m b l y ISSUED: SEPTEMBER 1969 - 44 - INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK UPPER FORWARD COCKPIT ASSEMBLY SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe 11-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 10 -11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - - 16 Part Number 67251-02 67251-10 67251-16 99390-04 76130-02 67253-00 67253-02 67257-00 67257-01 63436-00 63436-01 67266-00 67266-02 63423-04 67255-00 67120-00 67120-05 67120-09 68272-02 68272-03 68272-04 68273-02 484 792 67125-00 67390-00 69283-00 99018-00 66931-00 NOMENCLATURE JPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward JPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward JPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward JPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward JPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Forward FIREWALL ASSEMBLY - Upper cockpit FIREWALL ASSEMBLY - Upper cockpit CHANNEL - Firewall, left CHANNEL - Firewall, right CHANNEL - Firewall, left CHANNEL - Firewall, right BEAM - Firewall BEAM Firewall CHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Firewall WHEEL WELL ASSEMBLY - Firewall PANEL ASSEMBLY - Instrument PANEL ASSEMBLY - Instrument PANEL ASSEMBLY - Instrument PLATE - Control wheel PLATE - Control wheel PLATE - Control wheel BUSHING - Control wheel "0" RING - Control wheel (MS28775-218) CHANNEL - Hand brake CONTROL ASSEMBLY - Heat and defroster CONTROL ASSEMBLY - Heat and defroster CONTROL ASSEMBLY - Heat and defroster PLATE - Control wheel lock - A B C D E F G H J SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-7235OOlandup 28-30679 and up 28-30679 and up - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30679 to 28-31250 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35600 inclusive. - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-31251 and up, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-35601 and up. - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-31250 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35600 inclusive. - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30679 to 28-31279 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35830 inclusive. - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7130001 and up, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7135001 and up. - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-31251 to 28-31279 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-35601 to 28-35830 inclusive. - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-30678 inclusive. - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7130001 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive - Used on PA-28R-200 airplanes only. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 45 - UPPER FORWARD COCKPIT ASSEMBLY SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index - Part NOMENCLATURE Number SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED Numbe 11-17 - 18 - 19 -20 -21 - 22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 - 32 -32a -32k -33 - 34 - 35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 - 42 65571-00 62473- 00 62485-00 62485-01 62498- 00 76136-00 62499 - 00 62674-02 62674-01 62653-00 62653-03 62522-00 66541-00 62506-00 62517-00 67258-00 67259-02 67260-00 65134-02 65134-03 65134-04 62425-00 62425-01 76135-00 76137-00 67365-00 67137-00 63354-00 67138-00 67139-00 67140-00 67448-00 67469-00 63633-47 454 985 65134-06 65134-05 LONGERON - Upper forward cockpit, left LONGERON - Upper forward cockpit, right CHANNEL - Upper forward cockpit, left CHANNEL - Upper forward cockpit, right WEB - Upper forward cockpit, left WEB - Upper forward cockpit, left WEB - Upper forward cockpit, right ZEE - Upper forward cockpit, left ZEE - Upper forward cockpit, right FRAME ASSEMBLY - Upper forward cockpit, left FRAME ASSEMBLY - Upper forward cockpit, left FITTING - Upper forward cockpit, left PLATE ASSEMBLY Voltage regulator support, left CLIP - Upper cockpit, left CLIP - Upper cockpit, right ANGLE - Stiffener, upper forward cockpit ANGLE - Stiffener, upper forward cockpit ANGLE - Stiffener, upper forward cockpit FLANGE - Nose cowl attaching, top left FLANGE - Nose cowl attaching, top right FLANGE - Nose cowl attaching, top center FITTING ASSEMBLY - Engine mount, left FITTING ASSEMBLY - Engine mount, right SPLICE - Longeron, upper cockpit CHANNEL - Station 73. 04 SHIELD - Nose wheel hydraulic cylinder ZHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Brake support, left RATCHET - Brake handle ZHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Brake support, right ZHANNEL - Brake support, forward ZHANNEL - Brake support, aft KJBE ASSEMBLY - Radio cooling TUBE ASSEMBLY - Radio cooling tIOSE - Radio cooling ZLAMP - Radio cooling hose (#H-10000) FLANGE - Nose cowl attaching, b t t o m left FLANGE - Nose cowl attaching, b t t o m right - 4 - Used 3 - Z kV - 28-30005 to 28-30242 inclusive 28-30243 and up on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-31279 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35830 inclusive, Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. Used on PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7235001 and up. These p a r t s m s be ordered from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 46 - REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 47 - Figure 12. Upper Center Cockpit Assembly - INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK http://stores.ebay.com/UserFriendlyCDs SECTION I1 Fuselage Group UPPER CENTER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY Figure and Index Numbe 12- 1 -2 -3 -4 -5 Part Number NOMENCLATURE 62420- 15 62873-02 62873-08 76130-04 62873-09 65563-07 65563-08 62512-00 62420- 16 62873-03 76130-05 62496-00 62420- 13 62873-06 76130-07 62497-00 62420- 12 62873-05 62873-06 62479-00 76132-00 UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Center UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Center UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Center UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Center UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Center LJPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Center UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Center PAN ASSEMBLY - Upper center PAN ASSEMBLY - Upper center PAN ASSEMBLY - Upper center PAN ASSEMBLY - Upper center PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN CHANNEL - Left front window, top CHANNEL - Left front window, top A - B - C - D - E G - H - F SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-7235001 and up 28-26401 and up 28-10720 to 28-11300 inclusive 28-11301 and up 28-1 to 28-370 inclusive 28-371 to 28-990 inclusive 28-7235OOlandup 28-1 to 28-370 inclusive 28-371 to 28-990 inclusive 28-7235OOlandup 28-1 to 28-370 inclusive 28-371 t o 28-990 inclusive Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-990 inclusive. Used on PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive, PA-28-140, PA-28-150, PA-28-160, PA-28-180, PA-28R-180, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-991 and up. Used on PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive, PA-28-140, PA-28-150, PA-28-160, PA-28-180, PA-28R-180 and PA-28-235 airplanes only. Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-5601 and up, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-31251 to 28 -7 130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-35601 to 28-7135238 inclusive. Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-26400 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-991 to 28-5600 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-31250 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35600 inclusive. Used on PA-28R-200 airplanes only. When ordering, always specify Port Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircroft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 48 - UPPER CENTER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY Figure and Index Numbei 12-6 -7 -8 -9 - 10 -11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 15a - 16 - 17 Part Number SECTION I1 Fuselage Group NOMENCLATURE FRAME ASSEMBLY - Fuselage, Sta. 108.16 FRAME ASSEMBLY - Fuselage, Sta. 108. 16 FRAME ASSEMBLY - Fuselage, Sta. 108. 16 CHANNEL - Fuselage frame, left CHANNEL - Fuselage frame, right CHANNEL - Fuselage frame, right CHANNEL - Splice plate PAN ASSEMBLY - Side PAN PAN PAN ASSEMBLY - Side PAN PAN CHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Door latch CHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Door latch CHANNEL - Support CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, left CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, left CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, right CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, right CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, right CHANNEL - Door latch 62426-00 62426-03 62426-05 62427-00 62427-01 62427-02 62429-00 62511-02 62494-02 62495-02 62511-02 62494-00 62495-00 63038-00 76134-00 63038-02 62480-00 76131-00 62480-01 62480-02 76131-01 63049-00 A B C D E E G SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-10720 and up - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-990 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l n u m k r s 28-991 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 and up, PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 and up, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 and up, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-991 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28- 10003 to 28- 10719 inclusive, PA-28R- 180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive, PA-28-140, PA-28- 150, PA-28- 160, PA-28- 180, PA-28R- 180 and PA-28-235 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28R-200 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-991 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 and up, PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 and up, PA-28R-180with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 49 - UPPER CENTER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY SECTION 11 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe 12-18 - 19 -20 -21 - 22 -23 Part NOMENCLATURE Number 62481-00 66968-00 62676-00 66968-01 62237-00 67555-00 62518-00 62518-16 62518-02 62518-14 62518-03 62518-15 62420-08 65563-04 62420- 10 65563-05 62415-00 402 057 407 586 404 837 63900-47 CHANNEL - Upper center fuselage, left CHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Upper center fuselage, left CHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Upper center fuselage, right CHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Upper center fuselage, right DOUBLER - Antenna DOUBLER Antenna FRAME ASSEMBLY - Canted, fuselage, Sta. 85. 6 FRAME ASSEMBLY - Canted, fuselage, Sta. 85. 6 CHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Left CHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Left CHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Right CHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Right RETAINER - Windshield, left RETAINER - Windshield, left RETAINER - Windsheld, right RETAINER Windshield, right BRACKET ASSEMBLY - Upper door hinge attachment BOLT Eye, upper door hinge attachment (AN44-17A) WASHER - (AN960-516L) NUT (MS20364-524C) BUSHING - Upper door hinge SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED - - - - A B C D E E W 28-10720 and up 28- 10720 and up 28-1 to 28-544 inclusive 28-545 and up 28-545 and up 28-545 and up 28-545 and up - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 and up, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only, - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-26400 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-5600 inclusive, PA-28R- 180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-31250 inclusivf PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35600 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-11300 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20081 to 28-22645 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1681 to 28-3977 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10353 to 28-10885 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-3978 and up, PA-28-235 with serii numbers 28-10886 and up, PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-22646 and up, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l n u m k r s 28-26401 anc up, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-5601 and up, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-31251 and up, PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-35601 and up, a n PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11301 and up. - These p a r t s m s be ordered from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Seriol Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 50 - UPPER CENTER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Part NOMENCLATURE Number SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED Numbe 62416-00 402 057 407 586 404 837 63900-46 21741-00 62412-00 62412-02 62410-00 62410-01 62430-00 62474 -00 62474-00 65572-00 65572-01 62477-00 62477-01 62476-00 62476-00 62476-00 65426-00 65426-00 65426-00 67262-02 62476-01 62476-01 62476-01 65426-01 65426-01 65426-01 67262-03 62509-02 62505-00 62423-00 63037-00 BRACKET ASSEMBLY - Lower door hinge attachment BOLT - Eye, lower door hinge attachment (AN44-17A) WASHER - (AN960-516L) NUT (MS20364-524C) BUSHING - Lower door hinge BUSHING - Serrated door hinge FRAME ASSEMBLY - Fuselage, Sta. 128. 737, upper FRAME ASSEMBLY - Fuselage, Sta. 128. 737, upper CHANNEL - Upper frame, left CHANNEL - Upper frame, right CHANNEL - Splice plate LONGERON - Upper center cockpit LONGERON - Upper center cockpit LONGERON - Upper center cockpit, left LONGERON - Upper center cockpit, right CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, left CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, right CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, top left CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, top left CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, top left CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, top left CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, top left CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, top left CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, left CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, top right CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, top right CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, top right CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, top right CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, top right CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, top right CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, right HAT ASSEMBLY - Windshield BRACKET - Windshield FITTING - Upper engine mount LOOP ASSEMBLY - Door latch - A B C D E F G W 28-1 to 28-544 inclusive 28-545 and up 28-545 and up 28-545 and up 28-545 and up 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive 28-1 to 28- 1680 inclusive 28-10003 to 28-10352 inclusive 28-20002 to 28-20080 inclusive 28-1681 to 28-4377 inclusive 28-10353 to 28-11039 inclusive 28-20081 and up 28-1 to 28-1680 inclusive 28-10003 to 28-10352 inclusive 28-20002 to 28-20080 inclusive 28-1681 to 28-4377 inclusive 28-10353 to 28-11039 inclusive 28-20081 and up 28-991 and up - Used - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 only. on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 and up, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28- 10003 to 28-10719 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-235 with s e r i a l n u m k r s 28-10720 and up, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28R- 180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-4377 inclusive. - Used on PA-28- 140 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. - These p a r t s m x be ordered from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 51 - UPPER CENTER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbel 12-36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 Part Number 63040-00 68353-00 63293-02 62475-00 65570-00 63475-01 65570-01 62639-00 62639-01 62638-00 62638-01 67291-00 67291-01 62478-00 62478-01 67265-00 67265-01 62504-00 65117-00 65115-00 62677-00 62677-00 NOMENCLATURE PLATE - Door latch PLATE - I k o r latch PLATE - Striker CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, left CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, left CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, right CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, right CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, left CHANNEL - Upper center cockpit, right STRINGER - Upper center cockpit, left STRINGER - Upper center cockpit, right STRINGER Upper center cockpit, left STRINGER - Upper center cockpit, right ANGLE - Upper center cockpit, left ANGLE - Upper center cockpit, right ANGLE - Upper center cockpit, left ANGLE - Upper center cockpit, right GUSSET - Upper center cockpit GUSSET - Upper center cockpit, left GUSSET - Upper center cockpit, right STIFFENER - Left side, r e a r STIFFENER - Right side, r e a r SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED - A B C D E F G H 28- 1to 28-990 inclusive 28-991 and up 28-991 and up 28-20095 and up - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-3378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a numbers 28-10720 and up, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 and up, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-991 to 28-3377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 and up, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l n u m h r s 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200. - Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 and up, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-11039 inclusive. Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up, and PA-28R- 180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20095 and up, PA-28-180, PA-28R-180, PA-28R-200 and PA-28-235 airplanes only. - When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 52 - SECTION I1 Fuselage Group UPPER CENTER CC€K.P ASSEMBLY Figure and Index Numbel 12-44 -45 -46 -47 -47a -47b -48 -49 -49a - 50 -51 -52 -53 -54 Part Number 62640-00 99421-00 62641-00 62640-00 99421-00 625 10- 00 76139-00 62492-00 62493-00 76139-02 76139-03 62656-00 62501-00 76138-00 62644-00 62637-00 62635-00 62634-00 62636-00 NOMENCLATURE SUPPORT - Rear, left SUPPORT - Rear, left SUPPORT - Front, left SUPPORT - Front, left SUPPORT - Front, left PAN ASSEMBLY - Lower, upper cockpit PAN ASSEMBLY - Lower, upper cockpit PAN - I n b a r d PAN - Outboard PAN ASSEMBLY - Inboard and outboard, front PAN ASSEMBLY - l n b a r d and outboard, r e a r ANGLE ASSEMBLY - Door holder CHANNEL Door frame splice CHANNEL - Pan upper cockpit WEB - Upper center fuselage, left CHANNEL - Fuselage r e a r , left CHANNEL - Baggage door frame, top, inner CHANNEL - Ehggage door frame, top, outer CHANNEL - Baggage door frame, front SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED - 28-7235001 and up A - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7125001 and up, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7105001 and up, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7130001 and up, PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7135001 and up, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7110001 and up, B - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-1760 inclusive, and PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive. C - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-1760 inclusive and 28-560: to 28-5869 inclusive, PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-26956 inclusive, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-31251 to 28-31279 inclusive, PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-35601 to 28-35830 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11301 to 28-11393 inclusive. D - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-25000 to 28-26956 inclusive, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-5601 to 28-5869 inclusive, PA-28R-180 with seria: numbers 28-31251 to 28-31279 inclusive, PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-35601 to 28-35830 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11301 to 28- 11393 inclusive. E - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160, PA-28-180, PA-28R-180, PA-28R-200 and PA-28-235 only. F - Used on PA-28R-200 airplanes only. G - Used on PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive, PA-28-140, PA-28-150, PA-28-160, PA-28-180, PA-28R-180, PA-28-235 airplanes only. When ordering, always specify Port Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 53 - SECTION I1 Fuselage Group UPPER CENTER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY Figure and Index Numbe 12-55 -56 -57 -58 -59 - 60 -61 - 62 - 63 - 64 - 65 Part Number 62631-00 69269-00 69269-00 62632-00 62633-00 62483-00 68229-04 68274-00 67318-00 67267-00 67267-01 67268-00 67268-01 67292-00 67292-00 62419-11 62571-00 NOMENCLATURE GUSSET - Baggage door frame, GUSSET - Baggage door frame, GUSSET - Baggage door frame, GUSSET - Baggage door frame, GUSSET - Baggage door frame, CHANNEL - Right door, front, CHANNEL - A r m r e s t support CHANNEL - A r m r e s t support CHANNEL - A r m r e s t support CHANNEL - Support, left CHANNEL - Support, right ANGLE - Support, left ANGLE - Support, right ANGLE - Support, left ANGLE - Support, right HINGE HALF - Baggage door GUSSET - Baggage door frame, A B C D E F G H top, r e a r top, r e a r top, r e a r top, front bottom, front Sta. 72. 6 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-11040 and up 28-7235001andup 28-10720 to 28- 11039 inclusive bottom, r e a r - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160, PA-28-180, PA-28R-180, PA-28R-200 and PA-28-235 only. - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 to 28-5600 inclusive, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-31250 inclusive, PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35600 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 to 28-11300 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 to 28-5600 inclusive, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-30481 incusive, 28-30483 to 28-31250 inclusive, PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35600 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10720 to 28-11300 inclusive. - Used on PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28- 10003 to 28- 11039 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160, PA-28-180 and PA-28R-180 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28R-200 airplanes only. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 53a - UPPER CENTER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY Figure and Index Numbe 12-66 - 67 - 68 - 69 -70 -71 - 72 - 73 SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Customer Services Part Number NOMENCLATURE 99690-00 99686-00 99690-01 99686-01 99692-00 99688-00 99741-00 99741-01 99691-00 99687-00 99691-01 99687-01 99693-00 99689-00 68364-00 96866-00 96873-00 CHANNEL - Upper cockpit, left CHANNEL - Upper cockpit, left CHANNEL - Upper cockpit, right CHANNEL - Upper cockpit, right DOUBLER - Shoulder harness DOUBLER - Shoulder harness GUSSET - Headliner attachment, left GUSSET - Headliner attachment, right CHANNEL - Upper cockpit, r e a r , left CHANNEL - Upper cockpit, r e a r , left CHANNEL Upper cockpit, r e a r , right CHANNEL - Upper cockpit, r e a r , right DOUBLER - Shoulder harness, r e a r DOUBLER - Shoulder harness, r e a r CHANNEL - Upper cockpit PLATE - Striker, lower door latch PLATE - Striker, upper door latch SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED - - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7205001 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7210001 and up, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7235001 and up. B - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7225001 and up. C - Used on PA-28R-200 airplanes only. A When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft ADDED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 53b - REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 Figure 13. Lower Forward Cockpit Assembly SECTION I1 Fuselage Group LOWER FORWARD COCKPIT ASSEMBLY Figure and Index Numbe 13-1 -2 -3 Part Number 62422 - 00 62315-00 65600-00 62422- 14 62314-00 62314-03 62314-06 62314-07 65089-00 65089-04 65467-00 65534-00 65534-05 65534-06 67252-00 67252-05 76112-00 65600-02 65600-03 65600-04 62422-09 76112-04 62422- 09 67270-00 76116-00 62527-00 62221-00 76114-00 NOMENCLATURE SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-1 to 28-1760 inclusive 28-1761 to 28-2477 inclusive 28-2478 to 28-4377 inclusive 28-20002 to 28-20280 inclusive 28-20281 t o 28-24999 inclusive 28-25000 to 28-26956 inclusive 28-7125001 to 28-7125651 inclusive 28-7225001 and up 28-10003 to 28-10486 inclusive 28-10487 to 28-10675 inclusive 28-10676 to 28-10719 inclusive 28-10720 to 28-11393 inclusive 28-7110001 to 28-7110042 inclusive 28-7210001andup COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Lower , COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Lower COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Lower COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Lower COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Lower COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Lower COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Lower COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Lower COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Lower COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Lower COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Lower COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Lower COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Lower COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Lower COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Lower COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Lower COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Lower COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Lower COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Lower COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Lower HAT ASSEMBLY - Inboard, left HAT ASSEMBLY - Inboard, left HAT ASSEMBLY - Inboard, right HAT ASSEMBLY - Inboard, right HAT ASSEMBLY - Inboard, right HAT HAT HAT 28-7235001 and up 28-4378 to 28-5869 inclusive 28-7105001 to 28-7105244 inclusive 28-7205001 and up A - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 only. B - Used on PA-28- 140 airplanes only. C - Used on PA-28-235 a i r p l a n e s only. D - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1601 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a numbers 28-10233 and up, PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 and up, PA-28R- 180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. E - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-1600 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 t o 28-10232 inclusive. F - Used on PA-28R-180with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 t o 28-31279 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35830 inclusive. G - Used on PA-28- 180 airplanes only. H - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7130001 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7135001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. J - Used on PA-28R-200 airplanes only. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 55 - SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe LOWER FORWARD COCKPIT ASSEMBLY Part Number SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED NOMENCLATURE - FAIRING - Front, left FAIRING - Front, left FAIRING - Front, right FAIRING - Front, right FAIRING - Front, right (with jack pad fitting) FAIRING - R e a r HAT ASSEMBLY - Outboard, left HAT ASSEMBLY - Outboard, left HAT ASSEMBLY - Outboard, right HAT ASSEMBLY - Outboard, right HAT - Front, left HAT - Front, right HAT - Rear, left HAT - Rear, left HAT - Rear, right HAT - Rear, right FAIRING - Center, left FAIRING - Center, right FAIRING - Rear, left and right FAIRING - Front, left FAIRING - Front, right FITTING - Engine, lower, left FITTING - Engine, lower, right FRAME ASSEMBLY - Fuselage, Sta. 73. 04 FRAME ASSEMBLY - Fuselage, Sta. 73. 04 STRINGER - R e a r of s p a r box, left STRINGER - R e a r of s p a r box, right LONGERON - Lower cockpit, left LONGERON - Lower cockpit, left LONGERON - Lower cockpit, right CHANNEL - Longeron, left CHANNEL - Longeron, right 13-4 EH ABC DH G -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 - 10 -11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 15a A B C D - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 - Used on PA-28-140 a i r p l a n e s only. E - F - G H J K - 28-7235001andup 28-7235001 and up 28-7235001 a n d u p 28-7235001andup 28-1 to 28-1760 inclusive 28-1761 and up 28-7235001andup 28-7235001 a n d up only. - Used on PA-28-235 a i r p l a n e s only. - Used on PA-28-140 - with s e r i a l numbers 28-7125472 a n d up, and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7205092 and up. Used on PA-28-140with s e r i a l numbers 28-7125472 a n d up, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7205092 a n d up, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7235001 and up. Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-31279 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l n u m b e r s 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35830 inclusive. Used on PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes only. Used if a i r conditioning i s installed. Used on PA-28R-200 a i r p l a n e s only. Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-7130019 inclusive, a n d PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l ' numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 56 - LOWER FORWARD COCKPIT ASSEMBLY SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED NOMENCLATURE Index Numbe - GUSSET - Lower cockpit, left GUSSET - Lower cockpit, right BRACKET ASSEMBLY - Pulley mounting BRACKET ASSEMBLY - Pulley mounting CHANNEL - Lower cockpit, left CHANNEL - Lower cockpit, right BRACKET - Lower cockpit, right BRACKET - Lower cockpit, right BRACKET - Lower cockpit, left PLATE ASSEMBLY - Tunnel PLATE ASSEMBLY - Tunnel VENT ASSEMBLY - Battery HAT ASSEMBLY - Seat belt attachment, HAT ASSEMBLY - Seat belt attachment, HAT ASSEMBLY - Seat belt attachment, HAT ASSEMBLY - Seat belt attachment, HAT ASSEMBLY - Seat belt attachment, HAT ASSEMBLY - Seat belt attachment, HAT ASSEMBLY - Seat belt attachment, HAT ASSEMBLY - Seat belt attachment, BRACKET - Seat belt attachment BRACKET - Seat belt attachment BRACKET - Seat belt attachment 13-16 - 17 - 18 - 19 -20 -21 - 22 -23 -23a 28-10720 and up left left left left left right right right - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 - Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. 2 - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. D - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 4 28-10003 to 28-7110042 inclusive 28-20281 to 28-7125651 inclusive only. B E F 2 H J K with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 t o 28-1760 inclusive and PA-28- 140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-20280 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-7125651 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 t o 28-7105244 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 ti 28-7110042 inclusive, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-7130019 inclusive and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1761 t o 28-7105244 inclusive. - Used on PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28- 180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7225001 and up, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7205001 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7210001 and up, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7235001 and up. - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with serial numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 57 - LOWER FORWARD COCKPIT ASSEMBLY SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe 13-24 -25 -26 -27 Part Number SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED NOMENCLATURE - BOX ASSEMBLY Spar, lower cockpit BOX ASSEMBLY - Spar, lower cockpit BOX ASSEMBLY - Spar, lower cockpit BOX ASSEMBLY - Spar, lower cockpit BOX ASSEMBLY - Spar, lower cockpit BOX ASSEMBLY - Spar, lower cockpit BOX ASSEMBLY - Spar, lower cockpit BOX ASSEMBLY - Spar, lower cockpit BOX ASSEMBLY - Spar, lower cockpit BOX ASSEMBLY - Spar, lower cockpit BOX ASSEMBLY Spar, lower cockpit BOX ASSEMBLY - Spar, lower cockpit BOX ASSEMBLY - Spar, lower cockpit CHANNEL - Spar box, top CHANNEL - Spar box, bottom WEB - Spar box, front WEB - Spar box, front WEB - Spar box, front WEB - Spar box, front WEB - Spar box, front WEB - Spar box, front WEB - Spar box, front WEB - Spar box, front WEB - Spar box, front 62687-00 62687-03 66689-00 66689-03 62687-05 65536-00 67280-00 99126-00 99126-02 99127-00 99127-02 99129-00 99129-02 62539-00 62540-00 62553-00 62553-00 66688-00 62553-00 62553-02 65538-00 62553-00 67281-00 67281-02 28-25000 to 28-7125651 inclusive 28-7225001andup 28-10661 to 28-10719 inclusive 28-10720 to 28-11393 inclusive 28-7110001 28-7210001 28-7105001 28-7205001 - A B C D E P G H J K - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 - Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only, - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 28-7235001 and up 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive 28-25000 and up 28-10003 to 28- 10660 inclusive 28-10661 t o 28-107 19 inclusive 28-10720 to 28-7110042 inclusive 28-7210001andup only. with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-1760 inclusive and PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-20280 inclusive. - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7130001 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7135001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. - Used on PA-28R-200 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-7 130019 inclusive,, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-31279 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35830 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1761 to 28-5869 inclusive, PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20281 to 28-24999 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10660 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-180 airplanes only. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 58 - to 28-7110042 inclusive and up to 28-7105244 inclusive and up LOWER FORWARD COCKPIT ASSEMBLY Figure and Index Numbe 13-28 -29 -30 -31 -31a Part SECTION I1 Fuselage Group NOMENCLATURE Number WEB - Spar box, r e a r WEB - Spar box, r e a r WEB - Spar box, r e a r WEB - Spar box, r e a r WEB - Spar box, r e a r WEB - Spar box, r e a r BRACKET - Flap r e t u r n s p r i n g BRACKET - Flap r e t u r n s p r i n g CHANNEL - Spar box, right CHANNEL - Spar box, lower cockpit CHANNEL - Spar box, lower cockpit CHANNEL - Spar box, left CHANNEL - Spar box, left CHANNEL - Spar box, right 62559-00 99123-00 65537-00 99122-00 67282-00 67282-02 62668-00 99045-00 62545-00 62546-00 68562-00 62546-00 62428-00 62428-01 A B C D E F G H J SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-7105001 a n d u p 28-10720 t o 28-11393 inclusive 28-7110001andup 28-10720 and up - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7105001 a n d up, PA-28R- 180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7130001 a n d up, PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7135001 a n d up, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7110001 and up. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 and up, PA-28- 150, PA-28-160 and PA-28- 180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-5869 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-11393 incusive, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-31279 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35830 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7130001 a n d up and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7135001 and up. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 and up, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l n u m b e r s 28-1 to 28-5869 inclusive and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-180 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l n u m b e r s 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-31279 inclusive, a n d PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35830 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 and up, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 and up, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 59 - SECTION I1 Fuselage Group LOWER FORWARD COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Figure and Part Index Numbe Number 13-32 62536-00 62536-02 62536-01 62536-03 62550-00 62550-01 62583-00 62583-01 62584-00 65050-00 62585-00 65003-03 400 443 400 451 407 694 407 564 404 887 62763-00 6242 1-00 62421-01 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 0 Q NOMENCLATURE (D -c SUPPORT - R e a r s e a t bottom, left SUPPORT - R e a r s e a t bottom, left SUPPORT - R e a r seat bottom, right SUPPORT - R e a r seat bottom, right SUPPORT - R e a r s e a t bottom, left SUPPORT - R e a r s e a t bottom, right PLATE - Flap torque tube support, left PLATE - Flap torque tube support, right BLOCK - R e a r s e a t support, left and right BLOCK - R e a r s e a t support, left and right CLIP - R e a r s e a t support, left and right BUSHING - R e a r s e a t support BOLT - (AN3-12A) BOLT - (AN3-20A) WASHER - (AN960-D10) WASHER - (AN960-10) NUT - (MS20365 - 1032) SUPPORT - Torque shaft center FITTING - Flap torque tube assembly, left FITTING - Flap torque tube assembly, right D c D A B A B Aft BM A BM w SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-1 to 28-1410 inclusive 28-1 to 28-1410 inclusive 28-1 to 28-1410 inclusive 28-1 to 28-1410 inclusive A - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 only. B - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1411 t o 28-5869 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-11393 inclusive, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-31279 inclusive and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35830 inclusive. C - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-7125651 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-7105244 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 ti 28-7110042 inclusive, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. D - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7225001 and up, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7205001 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7210001 and up and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7235001 and up. W - These p a r t s m n be o r d e r e d f r o m Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 60 - LOWER FORWARD COCKPIT ASSEMBLY SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe 13-41 41a - 42 -43 - 44 -45 Part Number NOMENCLATURE CHANNEL - Tunnel, side, left CHANNEL - Tunnel, side, left CHANNEL - Tunnel, side, left CHANNEL - Tunnel, side, left CHANNEL - Tunnel, side, right CHANNEL - Tunnel, side, right CHANNEL - Tunnel, side, right CHANNEL - Tunnel, side, right CHANNEL - Tunnel, side extension CHANNEL - Tunnel, side extension PLATE - Tunnel, top front PLATE - Tunnel, top front PLATE - Tunnel, top front ANGLE - Tunnel, heat duct, left ANGLE - Tunnel, heat duct, right ANGLE - Tunnel, heat duct, left ANGLE - Tunnel, heat duct, left ANGLE - Tunnel, heat duct, right ANGLE - Tunnel, heat duct, right ANGLE - Tunnel, heat duct ANGLE - Tunnel, heat duct ANGLE - Tunnel, heat duct 62596- 00 62596-02 67274-00 76118-00 62596-01 62596-03 67274-01 76118-01 76119-00 76119-01 62601-00 62601-03 67275-00 62603-00 62603-01 62604-00 99418-00 62604-01 99418-01 62605-00 99417-00 99417-00 A B C D E F G H J K L SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-7235001andup 28-7235001andup 28-7235001 a n d up 28-1 to 28-1021 inclusive 28-1022 and up - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 only. Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only, Used on PA-28R- 180 a n d PA-28R-200 airplanes only. Used on PA-28- 140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-26956 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-5869 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 tc 28-11393 inclusive, PA-28R- 180 with s e r i a l n u m b e r s 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-31279 inclusive, and PA-28R -200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35830 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-7125651 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 t o 28-7105244 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-7110042 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7225001 and up, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7205001 and up, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7210001 a n d up. - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 t o 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. - Used on PA-28R-200 a i r p l a n e s only. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7125001 and up. - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7105001 a n d up, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7130001 to 28-7130019 inclusive, PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7135001 to 28-7135238 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7110001 and up. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 60a - LOWER FORWARD CG€KP ASSEMBLY SECTION I1 Fuselage Group -- Figure and Index Numbe Part Number NOMENCLATURE BRACKET - Pulley BRACKET ASSEMBLY - Pulley, bottom BRACKET ASSEMBLY - Pulley, bottom BRACKET - Pulley, top BRACKET - Pulley, top COVER ASSEMBLY - Inspection STIFFENER - Lower cockpit, right STIFFENER - Lower cockpit, right STIFFENER - Lower cockpit, left STIFFENER - Lower cockpit, left BASE ASSEMBLY - Fuel selector COVER ASSEMBLY - Fuel selector a c c e s s COVER ASSEMBLY - Fuel pump a c c e s s COVER ASSEMBLY - Fuel pump a c c e s s BOX ASSEMBLY - Fuel pump BOX ASSEMBLY - Fuel pump BOX ASSEMBLY - Fuel pump COVER ASSEMBLY - Fuel pump COVER ASSEMBLY - Fuel pump box COVER - F u e l pump h x HAT ASSEMBLY - Battery b x support, front HAT ASSEMBLY - Battery h x support, r e a r BOLT - Top forward (AN3- 10A) BOLT - Ebttom forward and r e a r (AN3-5A) WASHER - (AN960-DlO) NUT - (MS20365- 1032) BOLT - Clevis (AN23-10A) WASHER - (AN960-DlO) NUT - (MS20365- 1032) BOLT - Clevis (AN23-11A) WASHER - (AN960-DlO) NUT - (MS20365-428) SUPPORT - Landing g e a r o v e r r i d e SUPPORT - Diaphragm A B C D E W SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-30005 28-30879 28-30005 28-30879 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive 28-10720 and up 28-10003 to 28-10062 inclusive 28-10063 to 28-10719 inclusive 28-10720 and up 28- 10003 to 28- 10062 inclusive 28-10063 to 28-10719 inclusive 28- 10720 and up - Used on PA-28-150, - Used on PA-28-140 - Used on PA-28-235 - PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 only. airplanes only. airplanes only. Used on PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes only. Used on PA-28R-200 airplanes only. These parts be o r d e r e d f r o m Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft ADDED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 60b - to 28-30878 inclusive and up to 28-30878 inclusive and up LOWER FORWARD COCKPIT ASSEMBLY SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Customer Services Figure and Index Numbe 13-61 - 62 - 63 - 64 - 65 Part NOMENCLATURE Number LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY CHANNEL - Sta. 67, 68, left CHANNEL - Sta. 67. 68, right 'LATE - Tunnel, top r e a r PLATE - Tunnel, top r e a r 'LATE - Tunnel, top r e a r 'LATE - Tunnel, top r e a r 'LATE - Tunnel, top r e a r ?LATE - Tunnel, top r e a r 'LATE - Tunnel, top r e a r ?LATE Tunnel, top, center r e a r ?LATE - Tunnel, top, center r e a r PLATE - Tunnel, top, center front PLATE - Tunnel, top, center front PLATE - Tunnel, top, center front PLATE - Tunnel, top, center front 62660-00 62660- 15 62660-12 62660- 16 62277- 00 62277-02 62277-03 76120-00 76120-01 62597-00 63286-00 63286-00 63286-00 65634-00 65634-00 76121-00 62599-00 63287-00 62600-00 63288-00 65409-00 69095-00 Aft Aft Aft Aft Aft Aft Aft SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-7205001 and up 28-10003 to 28-7110042 inclusive 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive 28-25000 to 28-7125651 inclusive 28-7225OOlandup 28-7235OOland up 28-7235OOlandup 28-1 to 28-670 inclusive 28-671 t o 28-4377 inclusive 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive 28-10720 and up 28-7235OOlandup 28-1 to 28-670 inclusive 28-671 and up 28-1 to 28-670 inclusive 28-671 and up 28-10003 to 28-10785 inclusive 28-10786 and up - - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 only. - Used on PA-28-140 only. Z - Used on PA-28-235 only. D - Used on PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 only. E - See Figure 14 f o r component p a r t s . F - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and A B G H J K up, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive, - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-7105244 inclusive, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive, - Used on PA-28-180 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7210001 and up, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7235001 and up. - Used on PA-28R-200 airplanes only. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft ADDED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 60c - Figure 14. Lower Aft Cockpit Assembly REVISED: AUGUST 197 1 - 61 - LOWER A F T COCKPIT ASSEMBLY Figure and Index Numbe 14- 1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -6a -7 -8 Part Number 62660-00 62660- 15 62660-12 62660- 16 62277-00 62277-02 62277-03 62535-00 66796-00 62660-08 62660-07 62660-08 62531-00 62530-00 66795-00 62695-00 62695-02 62263-00 62263-02 62263-03 62411-00 62411-02 62448-00 62448-01 SECTION I1 Fuselage Group NOMENCLATURE LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Aft LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Aft LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Aft LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Aft LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Aft LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Aft LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY - Aft CHANNEL - Baggage compartment, right CHANNEL - Eaggage compartment, right CHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Right STRINGER ASSEMBLY - Left CHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Right HAT - Baggage floor FLOOR - Baggage compartment FLOOR - Baggage compartment FRAME ASSEMBLY - Lower, Sta. 128.737 FRAME ASSEMBLY - Lower, Sta. 128. 737 FRAME ASSEMBLY - Lower, Sta. 128.737 FRAME ASSEMBLY - Lower, Sta. 128.737 FRAME ASSEMBLY - Lower, Sta. 128.737 CHANNEL - Lower cockpit CHANNEL - Lower cockpit FITTING - Lower cockpit, left FITTING - Lower cockpit, right SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-7205001 a n d up 28- 10003 to 28-7110042 inclusive 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive 28-25000 t o 28-7125651 inclusive 28-7225OOlandup 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive 28-25000 to 28-7125651 inclusive 28-7225OOlandup A - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160, PA-28-180, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 a i r p l a n e s only. 6 - Used on PA-28-235 a i r p l a n e s only. C - Used on PA-28-140 a i r p l a n e s only. D - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7225001 a n d up. E - Used if baggage door does not have push button latch. F - Used if baggage door h a s push button latch. G - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-7125651 inclusive. H - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l n u m k r s 28- 1t o 28-7 105244 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-7110042 inclusive, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l n u m b e r s 28-30005 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. J - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7205001 a n d up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7210001 a n d up, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l n u m b e r s 28-7235OOlandup. K - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 t o 28-7105244 inclusive, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-7 130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l n u m b e r s 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive L - Used on PA-28-180 airplanes only. M - Used on PA-28-235 with s e r i a l n u m k r s 28-7210001 a n d up, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7235001 and up. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number af Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 62 - LOWER AFT COCKPIT ASSEMBLY SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe 14-9 - 10 -11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 16a - 17 - 18 - 19 -20 -21 Part Number NOMENCLATURE BRACKET - Lower cockpit, left BRACKET - Lower cockpit, right BRACKET - Rear seat belt support, left BRACKET - Rear seat belt support, left BRACKET - Rear seat belt support, right BRACKET - Rear seat belt support, right BAR - Support LINK - Seat support, center STIFFENER - Lower cockpit f r a m e STIFFENER - Lower cockpit f r a m e ANGLE - Lower cockpit frame HINGE HALF Baggage floor CHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Seat belt tie down DOUBLER - Seat belt attachment BLOCK - Seat support, center PLATE - Seat support block, center BRACKET - EQggage compartment BRACKET - Baggage compartment, left BRACKET - Baggage compartment, right BRACKET - Baggage compartment, right 62563-00 62563-01 62567-00 99700-00 62567-01 99700-01 62570-00 65054-00 62258-00 62258-02 62261-00 62262-00 65511-00 99701-00 62568-00 62569-00 62529-00 62618-00 62618-01 62619-00 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-20002 to 28-7125651 inclusive 28-7225OOlandup - A B C D E F G H J 28-20910 and up 28-1 to 28-1410 inclusive 28-1 to 28-1410 inclusive - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160, PA-28-180, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28- 140 airplanes only. Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-20909 inclusive if Kit 756 962 has k e n installed. - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1411 to 28-7105244 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-7110042 inclusive, PA-28R- 180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7225001 and up. Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-7125651 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-7105244 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-7110042 inclusive, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7205001 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7210001 and up, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7235001 and up, - - When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 62a - LOWER A F T COCKPIT ASSEMBLY SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe 14-22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 Part Number NOMENCLATURE DOUBLER ASSEMBLY - Step DOUBLER ASSEMBLY - Step SUPPORT ASSEMBLY - Seat belt tie down SUPPORT ASSEMBLY - Seat belt t i e down SHELF ASSEMBLY - Electronics ANGLE - Electronics shelf ANGLE - Electronics shelf LINK - Seat belt attachment CHANNEL - Seat belt attachment ANGLE - Lower cockpit 65382-00 65383-00 65506-00 65506-02 66730-00 66728-00 66729-00 99702-00 99699-00 62859-00 A B C D E F G SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-20910 t o 28-7125651 inclusive 28-7225001andup 28-25000 and up 28-25000 and up 28-25000 and up - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-7130019 inclusive, PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive, PA-28- 150, PA-28- 160 and PA-28- 180 airplanes. - Used on PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 and up, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7235001 and up. Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-20909 inclusive if Kit 756 962 has been installed. - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7205001 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7210001 and up, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7235001andup. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7225001 and up. - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-5600 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. - When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft ADDED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 62b - P I P E R A I R C R A F T pm Customerservices C O R P O R A T I Figure 15. Fuselage Aft Section REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 63 - O N SECTION I1 Fuselage Group FUSELAGE AFT SECTION Figure and Index Numbel 15- -1 -2 3 - -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 - 10 -11 - 12 - 13 Part Number NOMENCLATURE - 99466 99549 DRAWING DRAWING 99466-00 99466-02 99466-03 99466-04 99466-05 99468-00 99470-00 99470-01 99549-08 99549-07 99559-00 99559-01 99471-00 99471-02 99471-01 99471-03 99469-03 99549-09 62442- 00 65640-00 62442-04 62658 - 00 62661-00 62665-02 62630-00 62443-00 62662-00 FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY - Aft section FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY - Aft section FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY - Aft section FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY - Aft section FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY - Aft section SKIN - Upper SKIN ASSEMBLY - Side, left SKIN ASSEMBLY - Side, right SKIN ASSEMBLY - Side, left SKIN ASSEMBLY - Side, right LOUVER - Air conditioning exhaust, left LOUVER - Air conditioning exhaust, right SKIN - Lower side, left SKIN - Lower side, left SKIN - Lower side, right SKIN - Lower side, right SKIN ASSEMBLY - Lower center SKIN ASSEMBLY - Lower center BULKHEAD ASSEMBLY - Fuselage, Sta. 156.00 BULKHEAD ASSEMBLY - Fuselage, Sta. 156. 00 BULKHEAD ASSEMBLY - Fuselage, Sta. 156. 00 FAIRLEAD FAIRLEAD FAIRLEAD CHANNEL - Baggage door, right BULKHEAD ASSEMBLY - Fuselage, Sta. 191.00 FAIRLEAD A B C D E - Used - Used F G - H J SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED Fuselage Assembly, Aft Section Condenser F r a m Installation, Air Conditioning 28-1 to 28-4377 inclusive 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive 28-10720 to 28-11039 inclusive on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 only. on PA-28-235 only. Used on PA-28-140 only. - Used on PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. Used if a i r conditioning is installed. Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-4377 inclusive and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10720 and up, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7125472 and up, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7205092 and up, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7235001andup. - When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 64 - FUSELAGE AFT SECTION SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index - Part NOMENCLATURE Number SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED Numbei 15-14 - 15 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 -20 -21 - -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 - 32 -33 - 34 -35 -36 -37 62444 - 03 62753-00 62817-00 62453-00 66955-00 62445- 00 62451-00 62452-00 62452-01 62455-00 62457-00 62457-01 62696-03 65558-00 67367-00 62702-00 65557-00 67366-00 62463-00 62464-00 62465 -00 62471-00 63947-00 66769-00 400 438 407 694 401 266 407 564 404 887 401 266 407 564 404 887 65343-00 66974-00 65114-00 BULKHEAD ASSEMBLY - Fuselage, Sta. 228.30 BRACKET - Stabilator t r i m BRACKET - Stabilator t r i m indicator pulley FITTING - Frame, Sta. 228.30 DOUBLER - Frame, top, Sta. 228. 30 BULKHEAD ASSEMBLY - Fuselage, Sta. 255. 125 STRINGER ASSEMBLY Hat section BRACKET Stabilator pulley, left BRACKET - Stabilator pulley, right STRINGER ASSEMBLY - Hat section BRACKET - Stabilator pulley, left BRACKET - Stabilator pulley, right SHELF ASSEMBLY - Battery SHELF ASSEMBLY - Battery SHELF ASSEMBLY Battery WEB Battery shelf WEB Battery shelf WEB Battery shelf CHANNEL - Battery shelf, inboard CHANNEL - Battery shelf, outboard CHANNEL - Battery shelf, front SPACER - Tail skid VENT ASSEMBLY - Battery SKID ASSEMBLY Tail BOLT - (AN3-4A) WASHER (AN960-D10) BOLT - (AN3-5A) WASHER - (AN960-10) NUT (MS20365-1032C) BOLT - (AN3-5A) WASHER (AN960-10) NUT - (MS20365- 1032C) CLIP Antenna mount STRINGER - Top, Sta. 191 to Sta. 228. 30 STRINGER - Top, Sta. 156 to Sta. 191 - - - - 28-10720 to 28-11039 inclusive 28-10720 to 28-11039 inclusive - - - - - A - Used on PA-28-150, B C - D - W PA-28-160, PA-28-180, PA-28-235, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with serial numbers 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive. Used on PA-28-180 with serial numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with serial numbers 28-11040 and up, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. - These parts e t be ordered from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 65 - FUSELAGE AFT SECTION Figure and Index Numbe 15-38 - 39 -40 -41 -42 -43 - 44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 - 52 -53 - 54 - 55 -56 -57 -58 -59 - 60 -61 SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Part Number 62645-00 62645 - 04 452 394 62413-00 62413-01 63078- 08 65494- 00 62414-00 62414-01 99813-00 99805-00 22482-00 99615-00 99615-01 99631-00 99496-00 99561-00 99272-00 99273-00 99278-00 99552-02 99552-00 99558-00 99545-00 99555-00 99487-00 99487-01 99488-00 99280-00 99280-01 99498-00 99609-00 NOMENCLATURE SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED FITTING ASSEMBLY - Stabilator attachment FITTING ASSEMBLY - Stabilator attachment BEARING - (DW4K2) FITTING ASSEMBLY - Upper, left FITTING ASSEMBLY - Upper, right DISC - Closeout PLATE ASSEMBLY - Aft fuselage closeout FITTING ASSEMBLY - Lower, left FITTING ASSEMBLY - Lower, right DOUBLER - Antenna mount, forward DOUBLER - Antenna mount, aft SCOOP - Evaporator vent COVER - Air conditioning exhaust louver, left COVER - Air conditioning exhaust louver, right FILTER - Air conditioning exhaust BRACKET ASSEMBLY - Condenser door actuation BEARING ASSEMBLY Condenser door actuation CHANNEL - Condenser door f r a m e STIFFENER Condenser door f r a m e ZEE ASSEMBLY - Condenser door f r a m e BRACKET ASSEMBLY - Condenser door bellcrank, left BRACKET ASSEMBLY - Condenser door bellcrank, right BRACKET - Motor mount, condenser actuator BRACKET ASSEMBLY - Motor support BRACKET - Brace BRACE - Condenser frame, left BRACE - Condenser frame, right GUSSET - Condenser frame, forward GUSSET - Condenser frame, aft, left GUSSET - Condenser frame, aft, right MOUNT - Closed limit switch VENT ASSEMBLY - Evaporator - - A B C D W - Used on PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10720 and up, PA-28-140, PA-28-150, PA-28-160, PA-28-180, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-4377 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-140, PA-28-235, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7125472 and up, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7205092 and up, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7235001 and up if a i r conditioning is installed. - These p a r t s ~t be ordered from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 66 - REVISED: AUGUST 197 1 Figure 16. Instrument Panel Installation (PA-28-150-160-180 - Serial Nos. 28-1 to 28-4377 inclusive) (PA-28-235 - Serial Nos. 28-10003 to 28-11039 inclusive) (PA-28-140 - Serial Nos. 28-20002 t o 28-24999 inclusive) - 67 - INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK http://stores.ebay.com/UserFriendlyCDs SECTION I1 Fuselage Group INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTALLATION (See Code "A") Figure and Index Numbe 16 - -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 - 10 -11 - 12 Part NOMENCLATURE Number - Instruments Installation - Instruments Installation - Instruments Installation - Instruments Installation - Instruments Installation - Instruments Installation 63204 62156 62935 62898 65437 65446 DRAWING DRAWING DRAWING DRAWING DRAWING DRAWING 20596 -00 62378-00 571 069 20589 -00 62358 -00 484 385 453 141 18875-06 13950-00 18467 -00 415 145 407 562 404 909 450 765 415 151 450 762 450 793 550 618 450 799 550 600 550 617 DOOR ASSEMBLY - Glove compartment DOOR ASSEMBLY - Glove compartment KNOB - Glove compartment door COMPARTMENT ASSEMBLY - Glove COMPARTMENT ASSEMBLY - Glove RETAINER - Ash box BOX - Ash KNOB - Ash box PLATE - Ash box PLATE - Ash box r e t a i n e r SCREW - (AN526R-6-5) WASHER - (AN960-6) NUT - (MS20365 -632) INSTRUMENT - Compass SCREW - (AN526 -632R12) INSTRUMENT - Airspeed (63205 -00) INSTRUMENT - Airspeed (63205 -02) INSTRUMENT - Airspeed (63205 -03) INSTRUMENT - T r u e airspeed, adjustable (62143-00) INSTRUMENT - T r u e a i r s p e e d , adjustable (62143-02) INSTRUMENT - T r u e airspeed, adjustable (62143-03) SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-1 t o 28-1230 inclusive 28-1231 t o 28-1760 inclusive 28-1761 t o 28-4377 inclusive 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive 28-10003 t o 28-10486 inclusive 28-10487 t o 28-11039 inclusive A - Used on PA-28 -140 with s e r i a l numbers 28 -20002 t o 28-24999 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28 -180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 t o 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 t o 28-11039 inclusive. B - Used on PA-28 -140 a i r p l a n e s only. C - Used on PA-28-235 a i r p l a n e s only. D - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 t o 28-24999 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 t o 28-1760 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 t o 28-10486 inclusive. E - Used on PA-28-150. PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1761 t o 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10487 t o 28-1 1039. F - Used on PA-28-150. PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 t o 28-1760 inclusive, and PA -28- 140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 t o 28-24999. G - Used on PA-28-140, PA-28 -150 and PA -28-160 airplanes only. H - Used on PA -28 - 180 a i r p l a n e s only. J - Optional equipment. K - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 airplanes only. W - These p a r t s must b e o r d e r e d f r o m Service S p a r e s Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED SEPTEMBER 1969 - 68 - f4m INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTALLATION (See Code "A") Figure and Index Numbei SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Customer Services Part Number NOMENCLATURE SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED - INSTRUMENT - Directional gyro (31699-00) INSTRUMENT - Directional gyro (3 inch) SCREW - (AN526R-8-24) INSTRUMENT - Gyro horizon (31698-00) INSTRUMENT - Gyro horizon (3 inch) INSTRUMENT - Tachometer (13621-04) INSTRUMENT - Tachometer (62177-02) INSTRUMENT - Tachometer (62177-02) INSTRUMENT - Tachometer (13621-06) SHAFT - Tachometer (#1536463) (32 1/2" L) SHAFT - Tachometer (#6409944) (26" L) SHAFT - Tachometer (#6451955) (28" L) SHAFT - Tachometer (#1568859) (30" L ) WASHER - Tachometer shaft PLATE ASSEMBLY - Cover GAUGE - Suction GAUGE - Suction GAUGE - Suction GAUGE Suction INSTRUMENT --Rate of c l i m b INSTRUMENT - Altimeter, standard (PAC 11343) INSTRUMENT - Altimeter, sensitive (Scale i n inches of Mercury) INSTRUMENT - Altimeter, sensitive (Sacle i n Millibars) INSTRUMENT - Clock (AN5743-L2) INSTRUMENT - T u r n and bank (#A-5) INSTRUMENT - T u r n and bank (#A-2475-2) e l e c t r i c INSTRUMENT - Pictorial r a t e of t u r n (#52D69) INSTRUMENT - T u r n coordinator - A 28-1 to 28-1230 inclusive 28-1231 to 28-4377 inclusive 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive 28- 10003 to 28- 11039 inclusive 28- 10003 to 28-10486 inclusive 28- 10487 to 28- 10719 inclusive 28- 10720 to 28- 11039 inclusive 28-1 to 28-1444 inclusive 28-10003 to 28-10152 inclusive 28-1445 and up 28-10153 to 28-11039 inclusive - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28- 11039 inclusive. B - Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. C - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only, D - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-2423 to 28-4377 inclusive, PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-21446 to 28-24999 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10661 to 28-11039 inclusive if Electric T u r n and Bank i s installed. E - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4085 to 28-4377 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10927 t o 28-11039 inclusive, and PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-23348 to 28-24999 inclusive. F - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 only. G - No longer available. W - These p a r t s z t be o r d e r e d f r o m Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1971 - 69 - SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe 16-25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 Part Number 63922 -00 63922 -02 63426-00 63426-02 63922 -02 65201 -00 68809 -00 752 070 752 081 752 112 752 113 752 100 752 101 752 055 752 076 752 097 752 057 752 078 752 096 752 058 752 079 752 084 752 099 752 121 752 099 752 121 752 071 752 082 752 114 752 098 752 103 752 102 NSTRUMENT PANEL INSTALLATION (See Code "A") 0 n NOMENCLATURE n> E E G E B c c F IF G G c c FW IFV H FW IFV H FW IFV IF G E c c F 3F G c c c ;LUSTER ASSEMBLY - Instrument ¥LUSTE ASSEMBLY - Instrument ;LUSTER ASSEMBLY - Instrument ;LUSTER ASSEMBLY - Instrument :LUSTER ASSEMBLY - Instrument :LUSTER ASSEMBLY - Instrument ;LUSTER ASSEMBLY - Instrument INSTRUMENT - Fuel gauge INSTRUMENT - Fuel gauge INSTRUMENT - Fuel gauge, left tank INSTRUMENT - Fuel gauge, right tank INSTRUMENT - Fuel gauge, left main INSTRUMENT - Fuel gauge, right main INSTRUMENT - Fuel p r e s s u r e INSTRUMENT - Fuel p r e s s u r e INSTRUMENT - Fuel p r e s s u r e INSTRUMENT - Oil t e m p e r a t u r e INSTRUMENT - Oil t e m p e r a t u r e INSTRUMENT - Oil t e m p e r a t u r e INSTRUMENT - A m m e t e r (40 - 0 + 40) INSTRUMENT - A m m e t e r (40 - 0+40) INSTRUMENT - A m m e t e r (0 20 40) INSTRUMENT - A m m e t e r (0 20 40) INSTRUMENT - A m m e t e r (0 30 60) INSTRUMENT - A m m e t e r (0 20 40) INSTRUMENT - A m m e t e r (0 30 60) INSTRUMENT - Oil p r e s s u r e INSTRUMENT - Oil p r e s s u r e INSTRUMENT - Oil p r e s s u r e INSTRUMENT - Oil p r e s s u r e INSTRUMENT - Fuel gauge, left t i p INSTRUMENT - Fuel gauge, right tip SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28 -1 t o 28-507 inclusive 28 -508 t o 28-1760 inclusive 28-3378 t o 28-4377 inclusive 28 -20002 t o 28-20550 inclusive 28-10003 t o 28-10719 inclusive 28-10720 t o 28-11039 inclusive 28 -3378 to 28 -4377 inclusive 28 -10003 t o 28-10719 inclusive 28-10720 t o 28-1 1039 inclusive 4 - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l n u m b e r s 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA -28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l n u m b e r s 28-1 t o 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 t o 28-11039 inclusive. B - Used on PA -28-140 a i r p l a n e s only. C - Used on PA -28 -235 a i r p l a n e s only. D - White lettering. E - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 a i r p l a n e s only. F - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l n u m b e r s 28-1 t o 28-1760 inclusive, and PA-28-140 with s e r i a l n u m b e r s 28-20002 t o 28-20550. G - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l n u m b e r s 28-1761 t o 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20551 t o 28-24999. H - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l n u m b e r s 28-1761 t o 28-4377 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 t o 28-11039 inclusive, and PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20551 t o 28-24999 inclusive. W - These parts z t b e o r d e r e d f r o m Service S p a r e s Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: SEPTEMBER 1969 - 70 - INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTALLATION (See Code "A") SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe Part Number NOMENCLATURE PLATE ASSEMBLY - Cover PLATE ASSEMBLY - Cover PLATE ASSEMBLY - Cover PLATE ASSEMBLY - Cover PLATE ASSEMBLY - Cover PLATE ASSEMBLY - Cover PLATE ASSEMBLY - Cover PLATE ASSEMBLY - Cover PLATE ASSEMBLY - Cover PLATE ASSEMBLY - Cover PLATE - Adapter, 3" gyro horizon AMPLIFIER ASSEMBLY - Mixture control gauge LIGHT - Stall warning BULB PANEL - Cover, left PANEL - Cover, left PANEL - Cover, left PANEL - Cover, left (used with 3" gyros) PANEL - Cover, left PANEL - Cover, left PANEL - Cover, left PANEL - Cover, left PANEL - Cover, left PANEL - Cover, left (used with 3" gyros) PANEL - Cover, left (used with 3" gyros) PANEL - Cover, right PANEL - Cover, right PANEL - Cover, right PANEL - Cover, right PANEL - Cover, right PANEL - Cover, right SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-1 to 28-97 inclusive 28-98 to 28-2011 inclusive 2 8 -20 12 and up 28-2012 and up 28 -2012 to 28 -4377 inclusive 28-20002 to 28 -205 11 inclusive 28 -205 12 to 28 -24999 inclusive 28-10003 to 28-10062 inclusive 28-10063 t o 28-10486 inclusive 28-10487 to 28-11039 inclusive 28-23348 to 28-24999 inclusive 28-1 to 28-1410 inclusive 28-1411 to 28-1760 inclusive 28 -20002 to 28 -23347 inclusive 28-23348 t o 28-24999 inclusive 28 -10003 t o 28 -10486 inclusive 28-1761 to 28-3377 inclusive 28-10487 to 28-10719 inclusive 28-3378 to 28-4084 inclusive 28 -10720 to 28 -10926 inclusive 28-3266 to 28-4377 inclusive 28-10720 to 28-11039 inclusive 28-1761 to 28-3377 inclusive 28-10003 to 28-10486 inclusive 28-10487 to 28-10719 inclusive 28-10720 to 28-11039 inclusive 28 -3378 to 28-4377 inclusive A - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-11039 inclusive. B - Used on PA-28 -140 airplanes only. C - Used on PA-28 -235 airplanes only. D - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 only. E - Used on PA-28-160 airplanes only. F - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-1760 inclusive, and PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive. G - Used on PA-28-150 airplanes only. W - These p a r t s x t be ordered from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 197 1 - 71 - INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTALLATION (See Code "A") SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbel Part Number NOMENCLATURE PLACARD - Operating limitations PLACARD - Operating limitations PLACARD - Operating limitations PLACARD - Operating limitations PLACARD - Operating limitations PLACARD - Stall warning PLACARD - Stall warning PLACARD - Stall warning SCREW - Cover panel attachment (AN526-632R10) WASHER - Cover panel attachment (AN960-8L) RIVNUT - Cover panel attachment (A6K-3F -75) SCREW - ( 8 x 1/2, Type "B") Sheet metal, Tinnerman NUT - (A1789-8-3) Tinnerman RETAINER - Instrument panel cover RETAINER - Instrument panel c o v e r RETAINER - Instrument panel cover STIFFENER - Instrument panel cover, LH STIFFENER - Instrument panel cover, LH STIFFENER - Instrument panel cover, LH STIFFENER - Instrument panel cover, RH STIFFENER - Instrument panel cover, RH STIFFENER - Instrument panel cover, RH COVER - Radio opening, top COVER - Radio opening, top COVER - Radio opening, top COVER - Radio opening, top COVER - Radio opening, bottom COVER - Radio opening, bottom COVER - Radio opening, bottom SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-22575 to 28-24999 inclusive 28-10003 t o 28-10486 inclusive 28-10003 t o 28-10486 inclusive 28-1 t o 28-1760 inclusive 28-20281 t o 28-24999 inclusive 28-10003 t o 28-10486 inclusive 28-20281 to 28-24999 inclusive A - Used on PA-28 - 140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 t o 28-24999 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 t o 28-4377 inclusive, and PA -28 -235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 t o 28-11039 inclusive. B - Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. C - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. D - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1761 t o 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10487 t o 28-11039 inclusive. E - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 airplanes only. F - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 t o 28-1760 inclusive, and PA-28- 140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 t o 28-24999 inclusive. G - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 t o 28-1760 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 t o 28-10486. H - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-671 t o 28-4377 inclusive, PA-28-150 andPA-28-160 a i r p l a n e s . J - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-3793 t o 28-3803, 28-3806, 28-3833 to 28-4377 inclusive. W - These p a r t s must be o r d e r e d f r o m Service S p a r e s Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED SEPTEMBER 1969 - 72 - INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTALLATION (See Code "A") SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe Part NOMENCLATURE Number PLACARD - Take-off and landing check l i s t PLACARD - Take-off check l i s t PLACARD - Take -off check l i s t (Used when 3" g y r o s a r e installed) PLACARD - Rough a i r o r maneuvering PLACARD - Rough a i r o r maneuvering PLACARD - Rough a i r o r maneuvering PANEL - AutoFlite t r i m PANEL - AutoFlite t r i m PLACARD - Landing check list PLACARD - Landing check l i s t PLACARD - Landing check l i s t PLACARD - Oil cooler winterization COVER - Radio opening, c e n t e r ADAPTER ASSEMBLY - Instrument c l u s t e r COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel GAUGE ASSEMBLY - Mixture control indicator (Delta) GAUGE ASSEMBLY - Mixture control indicator (Delta) THERMOCOUPLE ASSEMBLY - (With mounting kit) (Delta) THERMOCOUPLE - ( L e s s mounting kit) (Delta) CLAMP - Thermocouple probe attachment (Delta) CLAMP ASSEMBLY - Probe attachment (Delta) MOUNTING SLEEVE - Probe attachment (Delta) WIRE ASSEMBLY - Mixture control gauge (Delta) GAUGE - A i r t e m p e r a t u r e (#NHM -70) COVER - Pictorial r a t e of t u r n PLATE - Pictorial r a t e of t u r n A SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-1 t o 28-1410 inclusive 28-1411 and up 28-671 t o 28-1410 inclusive 28-1411 and up 28-1231 t o 28-1410 inclusive 28-1411 and up 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive 28-10720 t o 28-11039 inclusive 28-1761 t o 28-4377 inclusive 28-2423 t o 28-4377 inclusive 28-10661 t o 28-11039 inclusive Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l n u m b e r s 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA -28- 180 with s e r i a l n u m b e r s 28 - 1 t o 28 -4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 t o 28-11039 inclusive. B - Used on PA-28-140 a i r p l a n e s only. C - Used if Mixture Control Gauge Amplifier i s not installed. D - Used if Mixture Control Gauge A m p l i f i e r i s installed. E - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 a i r p l a n e s only. F - Used on PA-28-235 a i r p l a n e s only. G - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1761 t o 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10487 t o 28-11039 inclusive. W - These p a r t s b e o r d e r e d f r o m Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna . -- When ordering, alwoys specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 197 1 - 73 - 1 - 74 - F i g u r e 17. Instrument Panel Installation (PA-28-180 - S e r i a l Nos. 28 -4378 and up) (PA-28R-180 - S e r i a l Nos. 28-30005 t o 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 and up) (PA-28-235 - S e r i a l Nos. 28-11040 and up) (PA-28-140 - S e r i a l Nos. 28-25000 and up) (PA-28R -200 - S e r i a l Nos. 28 -30482, 28-35001 and up) REVISED: AUGUST 197 1 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK http://stores.ebay.com/UserFriendlyCDs ~LWF SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe 17- -1 INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTALLATION (See Code "A") Customer Services Part Number SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED NOMENCLATURE - 67110 66691 DRAWING DRAWING 67230-07 66983-08 66983-07 66983-09 66983-13 66983-12 66983-06 66983- 15 ;OVER ;OVER ;OVER ;OVER ;OVER ;OVER ;OVER ;OVER 67920-02 67920-03 67920-05 67920-04 67920-00 67920-06 COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument A B C D E F G H J K L Instrument Panel Installation Instrument Panel Installation ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, - Instrument panel, - Instrument panel, - Instrument panel, - Instrument panel, - Instrument panel, - Instrument - Instrument lower left, lower left, lower left, lower left, lower left, lower left, panel, lower left, panel, lower left, blue/green panel, lower left, panel, lower left, panel, lower left, panel, lower left, panel, lower left, panel, lower left, blue/green brown red blue tan white black green red tan white black green 28-7235001andup 28-7235001andup 28-7235001andup 28-7235001andup 28-7235001 and up - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-25000 and up, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-31250 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35600 inclusive. - Used on PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-31251 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-31251 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-35601 to 28-7135238 inclusive. - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7130001 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7135001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up. - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-3 1279 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35830 inclusive. Used on PA-28- 140 airplanes only, Used on PA-28R- 180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 tc 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive - Used on PA-28R-200 airplanes only. - When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 75 - SECTION I1 Fuselage Group INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTALLATION (See Code "A") Figure and Index Numbe Part Number SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED NOMENCLATURE - Instrument - Instrument - Instrument - Instrument - Instrument - Instrument - Instrument - Instrument panel, lower left, panel, lower left, panel, lower left, panel, lower left, panel, lower left, panel, lower left, panel, lower left, panel, lower left, blue/green COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower left, PLACARD - Gear switch PLACARD - Pitch t r i m COVER COVER COVER COVER COVER COVER COVER COVER A B C D E F G H ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY brown red blue tan white black green black - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-25000 and up, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 to 28-5600 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l number 28-11040 to 28-11300 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up. - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-5601 and up, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11301 and up. - Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only, - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 to 28-5869 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l number 28-11040 to 28-11393 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7105001 and up, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7110001andup. - Used on PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes only. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 76 - INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTALLATION (See Code "A") SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe 17-3 Part SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED NOMENCLATURE Number 67231-06 67231-07 67231-08 67231-09 67231-24 67231-22 67231-21 67231-29 COVER COVER COVER COVER COVER COVER COVER COVER 67231-11 67231-12 67231-13 67231-14 67231-15 67231- 16 67231-17 67231-18 COVER COVER COVER COVER COVER COVER COVER COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, blue/green ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, brown blue red tan green white black brown blue red tan brown blue red tan A - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up, PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-25000 and up, PA-28R- 180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. B - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. C - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-31251 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. D - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 to 28-5042 inclusive and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 to 28-11085 inclusive. E - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-31250 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35600 inclusive, F - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-31251 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-35601 to 28-7135238 inclusive. G - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-31279 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35830 inclusive. H - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7130001 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7135001 to 28 -7135238 inclusive. J - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-5043 to 28-5600 inclusive and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11086 to 28-11300 inclusive. K - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-5043 to 28-7105244 inclusive and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11086 to 28-7110042 inclusive. L - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-5043 to 28-5869 inclusive and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11086 to 28-11393 inclusive. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 77 - INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTALLATION (See Code "A") Figure and Index Numbe 17-3 Part Number 67231-25 67231-27 67231-26 67231-30 66735-00 99671-00 99672-08 99672- 10 99672-13 99672-12 99672-11 99672-09 99672- 14 99672 - 16 99672- 19 99672- 18 99672- 17 99672- 15 - 3a -3b 69545-00 65835-00 69544-00 99667-02 99667-04 99667-07 99667-06 99667-05 99667-03 p v SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Customer Services NOMENCLATURE ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, green ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, white ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, black ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, blue/green COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, black COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, black COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, r e d COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, tan COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, g r e e r COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, white COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, black COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, blue/green COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, r e d COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, tan COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, g r e e r COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, white COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, black COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, lower right, blue/green PLACARD - Alternate a i r PLACARD - Carburetor heat PLACARD - Carburetor heat COVER ASSEMBLY - Circuit breaker panel, r e d COVER ASSEMBLY - Circuit b r e a k e r panel, tan COVER ASSEMBLY - Circuit breaker panel, green COVER ASSEMBLY - Circuit breaker panel, white COVER ASSEMBLY - Circuit breaker panel, black COVER ASSEMBLY - Circuit breaker panel, blue/green SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED COVER COVER COVER COVER 28-25000 to 28-7125651 inclusive 28-7225001 a n d u p 28-7235001and up 28-7235001 and up 28-7235001 and up 28-7235001andup 28-7235001andup 28-7235001and up A - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up, PA-28- 140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-25000 and up, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. B - Used on PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes only. C - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7225001 and up. D - Used on PA-28- 140 airplanes only. E - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-5601 to 28-7105244 inclusive and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28- 11301 to 28-7110042 inclusive. F - Usedon PA-28-180 with s e r i a l n u m b e r s 28-5043 and u and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11086 and up. G - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7205001 and up and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-721000 a n d up. H - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 to 28-5042 inclusive and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 to 28-11085 inclusive. J - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7105001 t 28-7105244 inclusive and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7110001 to 28-7110042 inclusive. K - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7205001 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7210001t and up, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7235001 and up. L - Used on PA-28R-200 airplanes only. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 78 - SECTION I1 Fuselage Group INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTALLATION (See Code "A") Figure and Index Numbe Part Number SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED NOMENCLATURE COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, COVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, PLACARD - Landing check list PLACARD - Landing check list PLACARD - Landing check list PLACARD - Landing check list PLACARD - Landing check list PLACARD - Landing check list PLACARD - Take-off check list PLACARD - Take-off check l i s t PLACARD - Take-off check l i s t PLACARD - Take-off check l i s t PLACARD - Take-off check l i s t PLACARD - Take-off check l i s t left left left left left left left left left 28-25000 to 28-26400 inclusive 28-26401 to 28-7125651 inclusive 28-7225001andup A - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up, PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-25000 and up, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. B Used on PA-28R-200 airplanes only. C - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 to 28-5600 inclusive and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 to 28-11300 inclusive. D - Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. E - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-5601 to 28-7105244 inclusive and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11301 to 28-7110042 inclusive. F - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 t o 28-31250 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35600 inclusive. 5 - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-31251 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-35601 to 28-7135238 inclusive. H - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-25000 to 28-7125651 inclusive. J - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7225001 and up. K - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7205001 and up and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-721000. and up. - When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 PA-28-140 PA-28-180 p# INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTALLATION (See Code "A") Figure and Index Numbe Part SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Customer Services SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED NOMENCLATURE Number 67229-00 67229-04 67229-04 67229-06 99513-00 67241-00 99484-00 67227-05 67227-07 67227-10 67227-08 67227-10 65839-03 ;OVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, right :OVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, right :OVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, right :OVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, right :OVER ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel, r i g h t PLACARD - Heater and d e f r o s t e r PLACARD - Climate control c e n t e r :OVER ASSEMBLY - Upper instrument panel, :OVER ASSEMBLY - Upper instrument panel, :OVER ASSEMBLY - Upper instrument panel, :OVER ASSEMBLY - Upper instrument panel, :OVER ASSEMBLY - Upper instrument panel, :OVER ASSEMBLY - Upper instrument panel, 65839-06 :OVER ASSEMBLY 67227- 12 67227- 17 :OVER ASSEMBLY - Upper instrument panel, black :OVER ASSEMBLY - Upper instrument panel, tan 4 - 28-25000 to 28-7125471 inclusive black black black black black black Upper instrument panel, black 28-30879 t o 28-31279 inclusive 28-7130001andup 28-7135001andup 28-4378 to 28-5129 inclusive, 28-5181 to 28-5227 inclusive 28-5130 to 28-5180 inclusive, 28-5228 to 28-5869 inclusive 28-7105001 t o 28-7105244 inclusive 28-7205001andup - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up, PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-25000 a n d up, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. B - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7125472 and up, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7205092 a n d up, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7235001 and up if a i r conditioning i s installed. E - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 to 28-5600 inclusive and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 to 28-11300 inclusive. D - Used on PA-28- 140 a i r p l a n e s only. E - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-5601 to 28-7105244 inclusive and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11301 to 28-7110042 inclusive. F - Used o n PA-28R- 180 with s e r i a l n u m b e r s 28-30005 tc 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-31250 inclusive, a n d PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35600 inclusive. G - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-31251 tc 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-35601 to 28-7135238 inclusive. H - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 7125472 a n d up, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7205001 a n d up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 7210001 and up, a n d PA-28R-200 with serial numbers 28-7235001 and up. J - Used on PA-28R-200 a i r p l a n e s only. K - Used on PA-28-180 airplanes only. L - Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 t( 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 t o 28-30878 inclusive. M - Used on PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35830 inclusive. N - Used on PA-28R-180 airplanes only. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 80- SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe 17-9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 12a - 12t: - 12c - 12d - 13 - 14 - 15 (See Code "A") Part Number NOMENCLATURE ;OVER ASSEMBLY - Upper instrument panel, black ;OVER ASSEMBLY - Upper instrument panel, black ;OVER ASSEMBLY - Upper instrument panel, tan ;OVER ASSEMBLY - Upper instrument panel, black :OVER ASSEMBLY - Upper instrument panel, black ;OVER ASSEMBLY - Upper instrument panel, tan COVER ASSEMBLY - Upper instrument panel, black STIFFENER - Upper instrument panel, left STIFFENER - Upper instrument panel, right STIFFENER - Upper instrument panel PLACARD - Maneuvers limitations PLACARD - Maneuvering speed PLACARD - Maneuvering speed PLACARD - Maneuvering speed PLACARD - Crosswind component PLACARD - Operating limitations PLACARD Operating limitations PLACARD - Oil cooler winterization COMPASS ASSEMBLY - Red light (#C-2400-L4P) COMPASS ASSEMBLY - Blue-white light (#C-2400-L4P-B) INSTRUMENT - Tachometer assembly (550 731) INSTRUMENT Tachometer assembly (550 828) INSTRUMENT - Tachometer assembly (550 630) INSTRUMENT - Tachometer assembly (550 631) INSTRUMENT - Tachometer assembly (62177-02) INSTRUMENT - Tachometer assembly (550 517) INSTRUMENT - True airspeed indicator (550 729) INSTRUMENT - True airspeed indicator (62143-02) INSTRUMENT - True airspeed indicator (62143-03) INSTRUMENT - True airspeed indicator (62143-00) SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-11040 to 28-11393 inclusive 28-7110001 to 28-7110042 inclusive 28-7210001andup 28-25000 to 28-26956 inclusive 28-7125001 to 28-7125651 inclusive 28-7205001andup 28-7125174 and up - - A B C D E F G H J K W 28-7125174 and up - Used on PA-28-140 with serial numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28- 11040 and up, PA-28-140 with serial numbers 28-25000 and up, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. - Used on PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes only. Used on PA-28-180 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. Used on PA-28-180 with serial numbers 28-4378 to 28-4677 inclusive and PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-30478 inclusive. Used on PA-28-180 with serial numbers 28-4678 and up, PA-28R-180 with serial numbers 28-30479 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 and up, PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up and PA-28-140 with serial numbers 28-25000 and up. Used on PA-28-140 Flite Liner Model. Used on PA-28R-200 airplanes only. Used on PA-28R-180 airplanes only. - These parts e t be ordered from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. - - - When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 81 - INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTALLATION (See Code "A") SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe - Part Number 17-16 67434-02 450 793 550 618 450 762 63205- 11 - 17 99021-00 99022-00 751 118 99010-02 755 427 755 428 550 492 - 18 - 19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 550 490 450 788 550 782 41711-02 99478-00 472 649 67431-00 67431-04 67431-00 67475-00 69242-00 66645-00 453 687 69169-00 67466-00 NOMENCLATURE INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENT - Airspeed - Airspeed - Airspeed - Airspeed - Airspeed SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED indicator indicator indicator indicator indicator (550 730) (63205-02) (63205-03) (63205-00) (scale in knots) (550 591) INSTRUMENT - Manifold p r e s s u r e and fuel flow gauge INSTRUMENT - Manifold p r e s s u r e and fuel flow gauge INSTRUMENT - Manifold p r e s s u r e gauge (AN5770-1A) INSTRUMENT - Rate of climb INSTRUMENT - Directional gyro (3 inch) INSTRUMENT - Gyro horizon (3 inch) INSTRUMENT - Altimeter, sensitive (scale in inches of mercury) INSTRUMENT - Altimeter, sensitive (scale in millibars) INSTRUMENT - Turn and bank INSTRUMENT - Pictorial r a t e of turn INSTRUMENT ASSEMBLY - Turn coordinator INSTRUMENT - Clock LIGHTER - Cigar PLATE - Instrument panel PLATE - Instrument panel PLATE ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel PLATE ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel PLATE ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel PLATE ASSEMBLY - Instrument panel BUTTON - Plug (#SS-48189) PLATE ASSEMBLY - Pictorial r a t e of turn COVER - Pictorial r a t e of turn - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up, PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-25000 and up, PA-28R- 180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. B Used on PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes only. C - Used on PA-28-180 airplanes only. D - Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only, E - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only, F - See Figure 86A if AutoFlite I1 i s installed. G - Used on PA-28R-200 airplanes only. H - Used on PA-28R-180 airplanes only. W These p a r t s m x be ordered from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. A - - When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 82 - INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTALLATION (See Code "A") SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and I ndex Numbe 17-31 - 32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -38a -39 -40 -41 -42 Part NOMENCLATURE Number 67441-02 67441-03 65852-02 95241-02 95241-03 95241-04 95241-05 95241-07 755 408 755 409 755 410 752 097 755 418 755 411 755 412 755 436 755 414 757 851 755 419 755 420 472 051 751 912 755 015 757 310 756 617 756 616 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED ;LUSTER ASSEMBLY - Instrument, left ;LUSTER ASSEMBLY - Instrument, right CLUSTER ASSEMBLY - Instrument, right CLUSTER ASSEMBLY - Instrument, left CLUSTER ASSEMBLY - Instrument, right ;LUSTER ASSEMBLY - Instrument, right ;LUSTER ASSEMBLY - Instrument, right CLUSTER ASSEMBLY - Instrument INSTRUMENT - Fuel gauge, left main INSTRUMENT - Fuel gauge, right main INSTRUMENT - Fuel pressure INSTRUMENT - Fuel pressure INSTRUMENT Fuel pressure INSTRUMENT - Voltmeter INSTRUMENT - Oil temperature INSTRUMENT - Oil pressure INSTRUMENT Ammeter COVER - Instrument cluster INSTRUMENT - Fuel gauge, left tip INSTRUMENT - Fuel gauge, right tip BULB - (#53R) GAUGE - Mixture control indicator (Alcor) 3AUGE - Mixture control indicator (Alcor) PROBE ASSEMBLY - Mixture control (Alcor) WIRE ASSEMBLY - Mixture control 50" (Alcor) WIRE ASSEMBLY - Mixture control 90" (Alcor) - - A B C D E F G H J K L - Used on PA-28-180 with serial numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with serial numbers 28-11040 and up, PA-28-140 with serial numbers 28-25000 and up, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. - Used on PA-28-180 with serial numbers 28-4378 and up. - Used on PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-180 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. Used on PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30738 and up and PA-28R-200 with serial numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 and up. - Used on PA-28R-180 with serial numbers 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-30737 inclusive. Used on PA-28-180 with serial numbers 28-4378 to 28-4877 inclusive. Gauge is calibrated for 90" lead wire. - Gauge is calibrated for 50" lead wire. - - When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 83 - SECTION I1 Fuselage Group INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTALLATION (See Code "A") Figure and Index Numbei 17-43 - 44 -45 -46 -47 Part Number SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED NOMENCLATURE GAUGE GAUGE COVER COVER COVER COVER COVER COVER COVER COVER COVER COVER COVER COVER A B C D E W - Air - Air - - - - temperature (#NHM-70) temperature (#2716) Radio opening, 6.56 x 3.25, Radio opening, 6.56 x 3.25, Radio opening, 6. 56 x 3.25, Radio opening, 6. 56 x 2. 90, Radio opening, 6. 56 x 2. 90, Radio opening, 6, 56 x 2, 90, Radio opening, 6.56 x 3.56, Radio opening, 6.56 x 3.56, Radio opening, 6. 56 x 3.56, Radio opening, 6.44 x 1. 78, Radio opening, 6. 44 x 1. 78, Radio opening, 6.44 x 1. 78, black black tan black black tan black black tan black black tan - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up, PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-25000 and up, PA-28R- 180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-25000 to 28-26956 inclusive, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 to 28-5869 inclusive, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-31279 inclusive, PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35830 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 to 28-11393 inclusive. Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7125001 and up, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7105001 and up, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7130001 and up, PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7135001 and up, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7110001andup. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7125001 and up, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7105001 to 28-7105244 inclusive, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7130001 to 28-7130019 inclusive, PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7135001 to 28-7135238 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7110001 to 28-7110042 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7225001 and up, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7205001 and up, PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7235001 and up, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7210001 and up. - These p a r t s m z be ordered from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. - When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 83a - INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTALLATION (See Code "A") SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe 17-48 -49 -50 -51 2 Port Number NOMENCLATURE 0 73 (I) a COVER - Radio opening, 6.56 x 3.25, black COVER - Radio opening, 6.56 x 3.25, black COVER Radio opening, 6. 56 x 3.25, tan COVER - Radio opening, 6. 50 x 3. 70, black COVER Radio opening, 6.50 x 3. 70, black COVER - Radio opening, 6. 50 x 3. 70, tan COVER - Radio opening, 6.50 x 1.25, black COVER - Radio opening, 6. 50 x 1. 25, black COVER - Radio opening, 6.50 x 1.25, tan COVER - Radio opening, 6.50 x 60, black COVER - Radio opening, 6.50 x , 60, tan GAUGE - Suction (#AW1821AF03) GAUGE - Suction (#1G10-1) COVER - Mixture control gauge PLATE - Mixture control gauge 62943-00 99060-00 99060-04 695 17- 00 99064-00 99064-04 69520-00 99066-00 99066-04 69518-00 69518-04 550 629 99480-00 67466-00 69169-00 - . A - Used on PA-28-180 B - C D E F G SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 with serial numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with serial numbers 28-11040 and up, PA-28-140 with serial numbers 28-25000 and up, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. Used on PA-28-140 with serial numbers 28-7125001 and up, PA-28-180 with serial numbers 28-7105001 and up, PA-28R-180 with serial numbers 28-7130001 and up, PA-28R-200 with serial numbers 28-7135001 and up, and PA-28-235 with serial numbers 28-7110001 and up. - Used on PA-28-140 with serial numbers 28-7125001 and up, PA-28-180 with serial numbers 28-7105001 to 28-7105244 inclusive, PA-28R- 180 with serial numbers 28-7130001 to 28-7130019 inclusive, PA-28R-200 with serial numbers 28-7135001 to 28-7135238 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with serial numbers 28-7110001 to 28-7110042 inclusive. Used on PA-28-140 with serial numbers 28-7225001 and up, PA-28-180 with serial numbers 28-7205001 and up, PA-28R-200 with serial numbers 28-7235001 and up, and PA-28-235 with serial numbers 28-7210001 and up. Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-140 with serial numbers 28-25000 to 28-26956 inclusive, PA-28-180 with serial numbers 28-4378 to 28-5869 inclusive, PA-28R-180 with serial numbers 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-31279 inclusive, PA-28R-200 with serial numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35830 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with serial numbers 28-11040 to 28-11393 inclusive. Used on PA-28-140 with serial numbers 28-25000 to 28-7125651 inclusive, PA-28-180 with serial numbers 28-4378 to 28-7105244 inclusive, PA-28-235 with serial numbers 28- 11040 to 28-7110042 inclusive, PA-28R-180 with serial numbers 28-30005 to 28-7130019 inclusive, and PA-28R-200 with serial numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive. - - - When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft ADDED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 83b - SECTION I1 Fuselage Group INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTALLATION (See Code "A") Figure and Index Numbe 17-52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 - 59 Part Number NOMENCLATURE SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED ;HAFT - Tachometer (#1536463) ;HAFT - Tachometer (#1536403) ;HAFT - Tachometer (#446156-43) WASHER - Tachometer shaft INSTRUMENT - Ammeter ZONNECTOR - Manifold p r e s s u r e gauge (W/H 48 x 4) SPACER - Air temperature gauge, inner SPACER - Air temperature gauge, outer 3AUGE Cylinder head temperature 3AUGE - Cylinder head temperature SENDER - Cylinder head temperature SPRING - Circuit breaker panel 486 570 486 575 486 594 85012-14 66696-00 460 682 99465-00 99465-02 550 548 550 543 550 549 99670-00 - A - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up, PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-25000 and up, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. B - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-25000 to 28-26956 inclusive, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 to 28-5869 inclusive, PA-28R- 180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 to 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 to 28-31279 inclusive, PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35830 inclusive and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 to 28-11393 inclusive. C - Used on PA-28-140, PA-28-180, PA-28R-180 and PA-28-235 airplanes only. D - Used on PA-28R-200 airplanes only. E - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7225001 and up, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7205001 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7210001 and up, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7235001 and up. F - Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. G - Used on PA-28R-180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes only. H - Used on PA-28- 180 airplanes only. J - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft ADDED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 83c - REVISED: AUGUST 1971 84 - Figure 18. Vacuum System Installation (PA-28-140 - Serial Nos. 28-20002 t o 28-24999 inclusive) (PA-28 - 150- 160-180 - Serial Nos. 28-1 t o 28-4377 inclusive) (PA-28-235 - Serial Nos. 28-10003 t o 28-11039 inclusive) - VACUUM SYSTEM INSTALLATION (See Code "A") Figure and Index Numbe 18- - Part Number 0 n -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 NOMENCLATURE (I SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED D DRAWING - Vacuum Pump Installation B B E -1 SECTION I1 Fuselage Group DRAWING - Vacuum Pump Installation DRAWING - Vacuum Pump Installation ( 3 inch gyros) DRAWING - Vacuum Pump Installation 28-21162 t o 28-24999 inclusive 28-23384 t o 28-24999 inclusive IKW KIT - Vacuum pump d r i v e (#69439) c KIT - Vacuum pump drive (#79005) FW PUMP - Dry vacuum (#113A5) w PUMP - Dry vacuum (#200CC) w GASKET - Vacuum pump mounting (B3001A1) COUPLING ASSEMBLY - Pump drive (Bl-9-1) GW w FILTER ASSEMBLY - Air (25230-00) Lw TUBE ASSEMBLY - Vacuum pump exhaust J W HOSE - Vacuum pump exhaust LW NUT - Coupling (AN818-8D) CLAMP - (GS8) J LW ELBOW - (AN822-8D) H W ELBOW - (1K8-6-8) A - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to B C D - E - F - G H - J - K L - W - 28-24999 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 t o 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-11039 inclusive. Used on PA -28 -140 airplanes only. Used on PA -28 -235 airplanes only. Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 t o 28-3265 inclusive, PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 t o 28-21161 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 t o 28-10720 inclusive. Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-3266 t o 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10721 t o 28-11039. Vacuum pump 481 681 (#113A5) not available. Pump 481 692 (#200CC) will be supplied a s a replacement. Used with Vacuum pump #200CC only. Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1761 to 28-4377 inclusive, PA -28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10313 t o 28-11039 inclusive, and PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20281 t o 28-24999 inclusive. Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1761 t o 28-4377 inclusive, PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20281 to 28-24999 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10313 to 28-11039 inclusive. Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 only. Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 t o 28-1760 inclusive, PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 t o 28-20280 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 t o 28-10312 inclusive. These p a r t s must be ordered from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna . When ordering, alwoys specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 197 1 - 85 - VACUUM SYSTEM INSTALLATION (See Code "A") SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe 18-9 - 10 -11 - 12 - 13 - 14 -15 -16 - 17 -18 - 19 -20 -2 1 -22 -23 Part Number 458 958 63913-09 63913-28 63212-00 63212-04 63913-44 63913-47 554 889 492 065 751 815 454 837 63913-08 63913-05 458 945 558 912 453 616 458 893 458 948 458 948 458 945 558 912 458 893 458 948 458 948 NOMENCLATURE ELBOW - (1K1-6-10) HOSE HOSE FITTING - Vacuum hose "Y", (restricted) FITTING - Vacuum hose "Y", (unrestricted) HOSE - Vacuum "Y" to directional gyro HOSE - Vacuum regulator to directional gyro CLAMP - (GS -8) VALVE - Suction regulating (#133A4) FILTER - Regulating valve (#B-3-5 -1) CLAMP - (#H-78000) HOSE - Vacuum, "Y"t o turn and bank HOSE - Vacuum, regulator valve to "Y" fitting ELBOW - Directional gyro (#lKl-4-6) ELBOW - Directional gyro (#1K9 -4 -6) REDUCER - (AN912 -lD) ELBOW - Suction gauge (AN822 -3D) ELBOW - Suction gauge (1K1-2 -4) ELBOW - Suction gauge (1K1-2 -4) ELBOW - Gyro horizon (#lKl-4-6) ELBOW - Gyro horizon (#1K9 -4-6) ELBOW - Directional gyro (AN822 -3D) ELBOW - Directional gyro (1K1-2 -4) ELBOW - Directional gyro (1K1-2 -4) A B C D E F G H J K L W SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-1 t o 28-1110 inclusive 28-21 162 to 28-24999 inclusive 28-21162 to 28-24999 inclusive - Used on PA-28-140 with serial numbers 28-20002 t o 28-24999 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28 -160 and PA-28-180 with serial numbers 28-1 t o 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with serial numbers 28-10003 t o 28-11039 inclusive. - Used on PA-28- 140 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1111 to 28-4084 inclusive, PA-28-235 with serial numbers 28-10003 to 28-10926 inclusive, and PA-28-140 airplanes. - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 t o 28-3265 inclusive, PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 t o 28 -21 161 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with serial numbers 28-10003 to 28-10720 inclusive. - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-3266 to 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10721 t o 28-11039. - Used when vacuum turn and bank i s installed. - Used when 3" instruments a r e not installed. - Used when 3" instruments a r e installed. - Used when electric turn and bank i s installed. - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 airplanes only. - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. - These parts be ordered from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: SEPTEMBER 1970 - 86 - SECTION I1 Fuselage Group VACUUM SYSTEM INSTALLATION - - - Figure and Index Numbe z Part NOMENCLATURE Number 0 73 (I) SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED £ LINE ASSEMBLY - Suction gauge LINE ASSEMBLY - Suction gauge LINE ASSEMBLY - Suction gauge HOSE ASSEMBLY - Suction gauge HOSE ASSEMBLY - Suction gauge HOSE ASSEMBLY - Suction gauge VALVE ASSEMBLY - Air regulating VALVE ASSEMBLY - Air regulating VALVE ASSEMBLY - Air regulating VALVE ASSEMBLY - Air regulating CLAMP - Suction gauge hose (NPC-8) HOSE - Air filter to directional gyro HOSE - Air filter to gyro horizon HOSE - Regulator valve to gyro horizon WASHER - (AN960 - 10) NUT - (MS20365-1032C) SCREW - (AN526-832R6) NUT - (#A190-832 -1) ELBOW - Gyro horizon (AN844-6D) ADAPTER - Gyro horizon (1K10-4-6) ELBOW - Gyro horizon (1K9 -4-6) ELBOW - Directional gyro (AN844-6D) ADAPTER - Directional g y r o (1K10 -4-6) ELBOW - Directional gyro (1K9-4-6) -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 28-20002 t o 28 -2 1161 inclusive 28 -2 1162 t o 28 -24999 inclusive 2 8 -20002 t o 28 -2 116 1 inclusive 28 -2 1162 t o 28 -24999 inclusive A - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 t o 28-24999 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 t o 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 t o 28-11039 inclusive. B - Used when 3" instruments a r e installed. C - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-3266 t o 28-4377 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10721 to 28-11039 inclusive, and PA-28 - 140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-2 1162 t o 28 -24999 inclusive. D - Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. E - Used when 3" instruments a r e not installed. F - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-3266 t o 28-4377 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10721 t o 28-11039 inclusive, and PA-28 -140 with s e r i a l numbers , 28-2 1162 t o 28-24999 inclusive. G - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1761 t o 28-3265 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10487 t o 28-10720 H - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-3266 to 28 -4084 inclusive, and PA-28 -235 with s e r i a l numbers 28 - 1072 1 t o 28 -10926 J - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28- 1 to 28 -1760 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28 -10003 t o 28 -10486 b e ordered f r o m Service Spares W - These parts Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 197 1 - 87 - Figure 19. Vacuum System Installation (PA-28-180 - Serial Nos. 28-4378 to 28-5121, 28-5123 to 28-5129, 28-5180 to 28-5227 inclusive) (PA-28R-180 - Serial Nos. 28-30005 to 28-30481, 28-30483 to 28-30878 inclusive) REVISED: AUGUST 197 1 - 88 - SECTION I1 Fuselage Group VACUUM SYSTEM INSTALLATION (See Code "A") Figure and Index Numbe Part Number NOMENCLATURE SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING - Vacuum System Installation KIT - Vacuum pump d r i v e (#69439) PUMP - Dry vacuum (#200CC) COUPLING ASSEMBLY - Pump drive (Bl-9- 1) GASKET - Vacuum pump mounting (#B3 - 1-2) NUT - (PS10024-420) WASHER - (AN960 -416) VALVE - Suction regulating (# 133A4) FILTER - Regulating valve (#B3 -5 - 1) HOSE - Gyro horizon to a i r filter HOSE - Gyro horizon to regulating valve HOSE - Directional gyro to a i r filter HOSE - Directional gyro t o regulating valve HOSE - Regulating valve t o vacuum pump HOSE - Vacuum pump exhaust ADAPTER - (#1K10-4-6) ELBOW - (#1K8-6-8) ELBOW - (# 1K1-6- 10) ELBOW - (# 1K9-4-6) FILTER ASSEMBLY - A i r (66673-00) CARTRIDGE - A i r filter (#D9-18-1) CLAMP - (SAE # 11) CLAMP - (#H 15160) CLAMP - (#GS-6) SWITCH - Vacuum (#22 - 1280-04) BULB - Indicator light (#330) LIGHT - Indicator (Lo Vac) LIGHT - Indicator (Hi Vac) A - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 t o 28-5121, 28-5123 t o 28-5129, 28-5180 t o 28-5227 inclusive, and PA -2 8R - 180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30005 t o 28-30481 inclusive, 28-30483 t o 28-30878 inclusive. be ordered f r o m Service Spares W - These p a r t s Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 197 1 - 89 - - 90 - Figure 19A. Vacuum System Installation (PA-28 -140 - Serial Nos. 28 -25000 t o 28-26956 inclusive) (PA-28-235 - Serial Nos. 28-11040 t o 28-11393 inclusive) (PA-28-180 - Serial Nos. 28-5122, 28-5130 to 28-5 179, 28-5228 to 29-5869 inclusive) (PA-28R - 180 - Serial Nos. 28-30879 to 28-3 1279 inclusive) (PA-28R-200 - Serial Nos. 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-35830 inclusive) REVISED: AUGUST 197 1 VACUUM SYSTEM INSTALLATION (See Code "A") SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe Part Number SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED NOMENCLATURE DRAWING - Vacuum System Installation KIT - Vacuum pump drive (#69439) KIT - Vacuum pump drive (#79005) PUMP - Dry vacuum (#200CC) GASKET - Vacuum pump mounting (#B3 - 1-2) COUPLING ASSEMBLY - Pump drive (Bl-9-1) NUT - PS10024-420 WASHER - (AN960 -4 16) FILTER ASSEMBLY - A i r (66673 -00) CARTRIDGE - A i r filter (#D9-18- 1) VALVE - Suction regulating (#133A4) FILTER - Regulating valve (#B3 -5 - 1) HOSE - Directional g y r o to regulating valve HOSE - Directional g y r o t o a i r filter HOSE - Regulating valve to vacuum pump HOSE - Regulating valve t o vacuum pump HOSE - Gyro horizon t o a i r filter HOSE - Gyro horizon to regulating valve HOSE - Directional gyro t o suction gauge HOSE - Vacuum pump exhaust ELBOW - (# 1K 1-2 -4) ELBOW - (#1K8-6-8) ELBOW - (# 1K 1-6 - 10) ELBOW - (#1K9-4-6) ADAPTER - (# 1K 10 -2 -4) CLAMP - GS-4 CLAMP - GS-6 CLAMP - (SAG #11) CLAMP - HI5160 CLAMP - NPC #8 ADAPTER - (#1K10-4-6) A - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-25000 to 28-26956 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 t o 28-11393 inclusive, PA-28-180 with s e r i a numbers 28-5122, 28-5130 t o 28-5179 inclusive, 28-5228 to 28-5869 inclusive, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30879 t o 28 -31279 inclusive, and PA-28R -200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 t o 28-35830 inclusive. B - Used on PA-28-140, PA-28-180, PA-28R-180 and PA-28R -200 airplanes only. C - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. W - These parts b e ordered f r o m Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna . When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1971 - 91 - REVISED: AUGUST 197 1 Figure 19B. Vacuum System Installation (PA-28-140 - Serial Nos. 28-7125001 and up) (PA-28-235 - Serial Nos. 28-7110001 and up) (PA-28-180 - Serial Nos. 28-7 105001 and up) (PA-28R-180 - Serial Nos. 28-7130001 and up) (PA-28R-200 - Serial Nos. 28-7135001 and up) VACUUM SYSTEM INSTALLATION (See Code "A") Figure and Index Numbe 19B- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 - 10 -11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 -20 -2 1 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 Part pa NOMENCLATURE Number SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Customer Services 69272 DRAWING - Vacuum System Installation 450 380 754 575 481 692 751 859 753 910 404 004 407 565 460 888 757 899 492 065 751 815 639 13-06 639 13-07 63913 -65 63913 -28 639 13-44 639 13-47 639 13-49 63904 -29 458 958 558 900 558 912 451 881 451 939 460 836 554 820 554 985 554 861 554 888 554 958 KIT - Vacuum pump d r i v e (#69439) KIT - Vacuum pump d r i v e (#79005) PUMP - Dry vacuum (#200CC) GASKET - Vacuum pump mounting (#B3 - 1-2) COUPLING ASSEMBLY - Pump drive (Bl-9- 1) NUT - (PS10024-420) WASHER - (AN960-416) FILTER ASSEMBLY - Air (66673 -00) CARTRIDGE - A i r filter (#D9 - 18 -1) VALVE - Suction regulating (# 133A4) FILTER - Regulating (#B3 -5 - 1) HOSE - Directional g y r o to regulating valve HOSE - Directional g y r o t o a i r f i l t e r HOSE - Regulating valve t o vacuum pump HOSE - Regulating valve t o vacuum pump HOSE - Gyro horizon to a i r filter HOSE - Gyro horizon to regulating valve HOSE - Gyro horizon to suction gauge HOSE - Vacuum pump exhaust ELBOW - (# 1K 1-6 - 10) ELBOW - (#1K8-6-8) ELBOW - (# 1K9 -4-6) ADAPTER - (# 1K 10 -2 -4) ADAPTER - (# 1K 10 -4 -6) FITTING - (# 1K31-1) CLAMP - (H15160) CLAMP - (SAG #11) CLAMP - GS-4 CLAMP - GS-6 CLAMP - NPC #8 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED A - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7125001 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7 11000 1 and up, PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7105001 and up, PA-28R-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28 -7 130001 and up, and PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7135001 and up. B - Used on PA-28-140, PA-28-180, PA-28R-180 and PA -28R -200 airplanes only. C - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. W - These p a r t s ~t b e o r d e r e d f r o m Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 197 1 - 91B - ISSUED: SEPTEMBER 1969 F i g u r e 20. Pitot Static System Installation (PA-28-140 - S e r i a l Nos. 28-20002 t o 28-24999 inclusive) (PA-28-150-160-180 - S e r i a l Nos. 28-1 t o 28-4377 inclusive) (PA-28-235 - S e r i a l Nos. 28-10003 t o 28-11039 inclusive) PITOT STATIC SYSTEM INSTALLATION (See Code "A") Figure and Index Numbe Part Number SECTION I1 Fuselage Group NOMENCLATURE 20 - DRAWING DRAWING DRAWING DRAWING DRAWING DRAWING DRAWING DRAWING -1 -2 - Airspeed Pitot Tube Installation Pitot Static System Installation Pitot Static System Installation Pitot Static System Installation (Instruments) - Heated Pitot Static System Installation - Tubes Installation, Instrument Static Vent - Tubes Installation, Instrument Static Vent - Tubes Installation, Instrument Static Vent PITOT TUBE ASSEMBLY HEAD ASSEMBLY - Pitot static HEAD ASSEMBLY - Heated pitot HEAD - Pitot static (for unheated head assembly) HOSE - Pitot HOSE - Static TUBE - Pitot and static hose CONNECTOR - (W/H 68 x 3) Heated pitot head CLAMP - (GS4) TUBE ASSEMBLY - Static HOSE - Plastic TUBE - Aluminum TUBE - Aluminum HOSE - Plastic TUBE - Aluminum -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 - 10 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-1 t o 28-1760 inclusive 28-20002 t o 28-20280 inclusive 28- 10003 t o 28-10486 inclusive 28-1 t o 28-1500 inclusive 28-1501 t o 28-1760 inclusive 28-20002 to 28-20280 inclusive 28-10003 to 28 -10208 inclusive 28- 10209 t o 28 - 10486 inclusive A - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 t o 28-24999 inclusive, PA-28 -150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 t o 28 -4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-11039 inclusive. B - Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. C - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. D - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 t o 28-20280 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-1760 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10486 inclusive. E - Used on PA -28- 140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20281 t o 28-24999 inclusive, PA -28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1761 to 28-2477 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with serial numbers 28-10487 t o 28-10675 inclusive. F - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with serial numbers 28-2478 to 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with serial numbers 28-10676 to 28-11039 inclusive. G - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with serial numbers 28-2515 to 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with serial numbers 28-10676 to 28-11039 inclusive. H - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 airplanes only. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: SEPTEMBER 1969 - 93 - PITOT STATIC SYSTEM INSTALLATION (See Code "A") SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbel Part Number NOMENCLATURE SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED GROMMET - (AN931 -4-7) TUBE ASSEMBLY BUSHING CLAMP - (A4980-S3-91) SCREW - (AN526-1032R-16) WASHER - (AN960-10L) NUT - (MS20365 - 1032) HOSE - Plastic TUBE - Aluminum PLATE ASSEMBLY PAD HOSE - Plastic TUBE - Aluminum CLAMP - (#A4980-S4-9 1) TUBE ASSEMBLY - Static TUBE ASSEMBLY - Static TUBE ASSEMBLY - Pitot TUBE ASSEMBLY - Pitot CLAMP - (SAE #6) TUBE ASSEMBLY - Airspeed static HOSE - Airspeed ELBOW - (AN823 -3D) 20-11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 -16 - 17 -18 - 19 -20 -2 1 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 A - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 t o 28-24999 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28 -160 and PA -28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 t o 28-11039 inclusive. B - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 t o 28-1500 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10208 inclusive. C - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1501 to 28-1760 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10209 inclusive, and PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 t o 28-20280 inclusive. D - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 t o 28-20280 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with serial numbers 28-1 t o 28-1760 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10486 inclusive. E - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20281 t o 28-24999 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1761 t o 28-2477 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10487 to 28-10675 inclusive. F - Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-2478 to 28-4377 inclusive, and PA -28 -235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10676 to 28-1 1039 inclusive. W - These parts z t be ordered from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED SEPTEMBER 1969 - 94 - PITOT STATIC SYSTEM INSTALLATION (See Code "A") Figure and Index Numbe Part Number Jrn NOMENCLATURE TUBE ASSEMBLY - Static TUBE ASSEMBLY - Static TUBE ASSEMBLY - Static TEE - (AN825 -3D) TUBE ASSEMBLY - Static TUBE ASSEMBLY - Static TUBE ASSEMBLY - Static TUBE ASSEMBLY - Static TUBE - Pitot HOSE - Static CLAMP - (GS4) GASKET - Pitot head SWITCH - Heated pitot (AN3021 -2) TIP - Heated pitot switch (blue) (#207 -10-701-53) NUT - Heated pitot switch (#9011) CIRCUIT PROTECTOR - Pitot switch (#lo9 -215 -102) SPACER - Circuit protector NIPPLE - (AN816-3D) NIPPLE - (AN91 1-lD) TEE - (AN917-1D) TEE - (AN826-3D) A - B - C - D - E F - G - W - SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Customer Servieee SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-20002 t o 28-20897 inclusive 28-20002 t o 28-20897 inclusive Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 t o 28-24999 inclusive, PA -28-150, PA-28 -160 and PA -28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 t o 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 t o 28-11039 inclusive. Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-3728 t o 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10786 t o 28-11039 inclusive. Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with serial numbers 28-1761 to 28-4377 inclusive, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10487 t o 28-11039 inclusive, and PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20281 to 28-24999 inclusive. Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-1760 inclusive, and PA 28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 t o 28-10486 inclusive. Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with serial numbers 28-2515 to 28-4377 inclusive, PA-28-235 with serial numbers 28-10676 t o 28-11039 inclusive, and PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20898 to 28-24999 inclusive. Used on PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1761 to 28-2514 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with serial numbers 28-10487 to 28-10675 inclusive. These parts c t be ordered from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: SEPTEMBER 1969 - 95 - F i g u r e 21. Pitot Static System Installation (PA-28-180 - S e r i a l Nos. 28-4378 and up) (PA-28R- 180 - Serial Nos. 28-30005 to 28 -30481 inclusive, 28-30483 and up) (PA-28-235 - S e r i a l Nos. 28-11040 and up) (PA-28-140 - S e r i a l Nos. 28-25000 and up) (PA-28R-200 - Serial Nos. 28-30482, 28-35001 and up) REVISED: SEPTEMBER 1970 - 96 - PITOT STATIC SYSTEM INSTALLATION (See Code "A") Figure and Index Numbe SECTION I1 Fuselage Group -- Part Number NOMENCLATURE DRAWING DRAWING DRAWING DRAWING SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED - Pitot Static System Installation (Instruments) - Pitot Static System Installation (Wing) - Heated Pitot Static System Installation - Alternate Static System Installation HEAD ASSEMBLY - Pitot static HEAD ASSEMBLY - Heated pitot HEAD Pitot static (for unheated head assembly) HOSE - Pitot HOSE - Static TUBE - Pitot and static hose CONNECTOR - (W/H 68 x 3) Heated pitot head CLAMP - (GS-4) TUBE ASSEMBLY - Static HOSE - Static HOSE - Static HOSE - Pitot HOSE - Pitot HOSE - Static TUBE ASSEMBLY - Static TUBE ASSEMBLY Pitot TEE - (AN825-3D) CLAMP - (#GS-4) GASKET - Pitot head SWITCH - Heated pitot, beige (#8911K597) SWITCH - Heated pitot, gray (#8911K589) BRACKET ASSEMBLY - Air valve mounting VALVE Alternate static a i r (#CCA-7450) PLACARD - Alternate static source HOSE - Alternate static NIPPLE Alternate static (AN816-3D) NIPPLE - Alternate static (AN911-1D) ELBOW Alternate static (1K1-2-4) TEE - Alternate static (AN917-1D) CLAMP - Alternate static (#GS-4) TUBE - Airspeed pitot - - - A - Used on PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4378 and up, PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-11040 and up, PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-25000 and up, PA-28R- 180 and PA-28R-200 airplanes. B - Used on PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-30482, 28-35001 to 28-7135238 inclusive, PA-28-140, PA-28-180, PA-28R-180 and PA-28-235 airplanes. C - Used on PA-28R-200 with s e r i a l numbers 28-7235001 and up. W - These p a r t s m z be ordered from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: NOVEMBER 1971 - 97 - REVISED: SEPTEMBER 1970 F i g u r e 22. Fuselage E n c l o s u r e Installation (PA-28-140-150-160 - S e r i a l Nos. 28-1 and up) (PA-28-180 - S e r i a l Nos. 28-671 t o 28-4377 inclusive) (PA-28-235 - S e r i a l Nos. 28-10003 to 28-11039 inclusive) - 98 - FUSELAGE ENCLOSURE INSTALLATION (See Code "A") SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbe 22 - -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 - 10 -11 - 12 - 13 -14 -15 - 16 - 17 Part NOMENCLATURE Number DRAWING - Windshield Installation DRAWING - Windshield Installation DRAWING - Window Installation DRAWING - Window Installation SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-10720 to 28 -11039 inclusive 28-10720 t o 28-11039 inclusive WINDSHIELD - Left WINDSHIELD - Left WINDSHIELD - Right WINDSHIELD - Right COLLAR - Inside, left COLLAR - Outside, left COLLAR - Outside, right COLLAR - Inside, right TRIM STRIP - Windshield, center ZEE - Windshield attachment, right ZEE - Windshield attachment, left RETAINER - Windshield attachment, right RETAINER - Windshield attachment, left SCREW - (AN526-632R8) ANCHOR NUT - (NAS686A06K) RIVET - (MS20426-AD3 -4) SCREW - (AN526-832R10) RIVNUT - (#A8K-75) SCREW - Type "E" #4 1/2 x 1/2 L SCREW - (AN526-632R10) RETAINER - Left, front, front window RETAINER - Left, front, front window RETAINER - Left, top, front window RETAINER - Left, top, front window RETAINER - Left, top, r e a r window RETAINER - Left, top, r e a r window RETAINER - Right, top, r e a r window RETAINER - Right, top, r e a r window RETAINER - Left, r e a r , r e a r window RETAINER - Left, r e a r , r e a r window RETAINER - Right, r e a r , r e a r window RETAINER - Right, r e a r , r e a r window 28-7125001 and up 28-7125001 and up 28-25000 and up 28-25000 and up 28-10720 to 28-11039 inclusive 28-10720 t o 28-11039 inclusive 28-10720 to 28 -11039 inclusive 28-10720 to 28-11039 inclusive 28-10720 to 28-11039 inclusive 28-10720 to 28-11039 inclusive A - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28720002 and up, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 t o 28-11039 inclusive. B - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. C - Used on PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive, and a l l PA-28-140, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 airplanes. D - Used on PA-28 -140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-24999 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 t o 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive. E - Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. F - Used if g r a y tinted windshield i s installed. W - These p a r t s ~t b e ordered from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: SEPTEMBER 1970 - 99 - FUSELAGE ENCLOSURE INSTALLATION (See Code " A ) SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Figure and Index Numbet Part Number NOMENCLATURE DETAINER - Left, bottom, r e a r window DETAINER - Left, bottom, r e a r window DETAINER - Right, bottom, r e a r window DETAINER - Right, bottom, r e a r window DETAINER - Right, front, r e a r window DETAINER - Right, front, r e a r window DETAINER - Left, front, r e a r window RETAINER - Left, front, r e a r window RETAINER - Left, r e a r , front window RETAINER - Left, r e a r , front window RETAINER - Left, bottom, front window RETAINER - Left, bottom, front window RETAINER - Left, bottom, front window SCREW - Type "A" PK. CSK. #4 x 1/2 SCREW - Type "A" Recessed head 44 x 3/8 WASHER - #4 Finishing WINDOW ASSEMBLY - Front, left WINDOW ASSEMBLY - Front, left WINDOW ASSEMBLY - Front, left WINDOW ASSEMBLY - Front, left WINDOW - Front, left WINDOW - Front, left WINDOW - Front, left WINDOW - Front, left FRAME ASSEMBLY - Storm window BUSHING - Storm window f r a m e RIVET - (MS20426-AD3-6) SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-10720 t o 28-11039 inclusive 28-10720 to 28-11039 inclusive 28-10720 t o 28-11039 inclusive 28-10720 to 28-11039 inclusive 28 - 10720 to 2 8 - 11039 inclusive 28-10720 t o 28-11039 inclusive 28-10720 t o 28-11039 inclusive 28-7 125001 and up 28-7125001 and up A - Used on PA-28 -140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 and up, PA-28-150, PA-28 -160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-11039 inclusive. B - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. C - Used on PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive, and a l l PA-28-140, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 airplanes. D - Used on PA-28 -140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 to 28-2 1749 inclusive, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-2E PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 t o 28-3361 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-11039 inclusive. E - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-21750 and up, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l n u m b e r s 28-3362 and up. F - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-21750 to 28-22962 inclusive, and PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-3362 t o 28-3999 inclusive. G - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-22963 and up, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 2 8 -4000 and up. H - Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. J - Used if g r a y tinted windows a r e installed. W - T h e s e p a r t s must b e ordered from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. When ordering, olwoys specify Port Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: SEPTEMBER 1970 - 100 - FUSELAGE ENCLOSURE INSTALLATION (See Code "A") Figure and Index Numbe 22-29 -30 -3 1 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -4 1 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 Part Number 13945 -40 2 1025 -04 63744-09 2 1027 -00 65745 -00 65896-00 65896 -02 65742 -00 65741 -00 65003 - 10 415 151 408 823 477 696 63073 -00 63073 -02 65642 -02 65642 -03 65642 -04 65642 -05 65659 -00 65660-00 65661 -00 65673 -00 65675 -00 65643 -00 65644-00 65563-04 65563-05 SECTION I1 Fuselage Group Customer Services NOMENCLATURE STRIP - Rubber, s t o r m window f r a m e s e a l PIN - Storm window hinge PIN - Storm window hinge WINDOW ASSEMBLY - Storm WINDOW ASSEMBLY - Storm WINDOW ASSEMBLY - Storm WINDOW ASSEMBLY - Storm LATCH - Storm window SPACER - Storm window latch BUSHING - Storm window latch SCREW - (AN526-632R12) WASHER - Shakeproof (#3502 -10 -7 1) NUT - Dome (#8061-NP) NINDOW - Rear WINDOW - R e a r WINDOW - Rear, outer, left WINDOW - Rear, outer, right WINDOW - Rear, inner WINDOW - Front, inner, left TRIM - Window, left r e a r TRIM - Window, right r e a r TRIM - Window, left front TRIM - Windshield, right TRIM - Windshield, upper RETAINER - Inner window, left front 'LIP - Inner window retainer RETAINER - Windshield mounting, left RETAINER - Windshield mounting, right SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28-7 125001 and up 28-7 125001 and up 28-10720 t o 28-11039 28-10720 t o 28-11039 28-10720 to 28-11039 28-10720 to 28-11039 28-10720 t o 28-11039 28-10720 t o 28-11039 28-10720 t o 28-11039 28-10720 to 28-11039 28-10720 to 28-11039 28-10720 to 28-11039 28-10720 to 28-11039 28-10720 t o 28-11039 28-10720 t o 28-11039 A. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 and up, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-4377 inclusive, and PA-28 -235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28 -11039 inclusive. 3 - Used on PA-28-235 airplanes only. 2 - Used on PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 to 28-10719 inclusive, and a l l PA-28-140, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 airplanes. 3 - Used on PA-28 -140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-21750 and up, PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-3362 and up. 5 - Used on PA-28-140 airplanes only. F - Used if g r a y tinted windows a r e installed. - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-22963 and up, PA-28-150, PA-28 -160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-4000 and up. 3 - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-20002 t o 28-21749 inclusive, PA-28 -150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-1 to 28-3361 inclusive, and PA-28-235 with s e r i a l numbers 28-10003 t o 28-11039 inclusive. J - Used on PA-28-140 with s e r i a l numbers 28-21750 to 28-22962 inclusive, and PA-28-150, PA-28-160 and PA-28-180 with s e r i a l numbers 28-3362 t o 28-3999 inclusive. - T h e s e p a r t s ~t b e ordered from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: SEPTEMBER 1970 - 101 - inclusive inclusive inclusive inclusive inclusive inclusive inclusive inclusive inclusive inclusive inclusive inclusive inclusive