M Microssoft Dyna amiccs CR RM Pow wer yourr sales pro oductivity ty Speend more time selliing and leess time o on adm ministrative tasks b by using tthe familia ar and inteelligent sa ales capab bilities of Microsoftt Dyn namics® CRM bussiness softtware. Takke advvantage of o embedd ded Micro osoft® Off ffice cap pabilities, full lead--to-cash vvisibility, g guided sales pro ocesses, an nd actionable anallytics to op ptimize yyour salees efforts. B Become a Dynamiic Businesss Y Your People e: Spend Mo ore Time Sellling G Give your sales team a CR RM solution th hat is n amiliar so the ey can spend more natural and fa ttime selling. With W the native Microsoft O Outlook® client, built-in M Microsoft Offfice ffeatures, conttextual data vvisualizationss, and m mobile accesss, Microsoft D Dynamics CR RM m usy work and puts the righ ht minimizes bu iinformation in your sales professionals p s’ hands. Y Your Processses: Drive Sa ales Efficiency S Streamline ap pprovals, auttomate manu ual ttasks, and en nforce best practices across the ssales organizzation. With p powerful w workflows, guided sales dialogs, d and sstreamlined goal g tracking g, Microsoft Dynamics CR RM helps you ur sales o organization consistentlyy implement b best p d streamline tthe sales pro ocess. practices and Y Your Ecosysstem: Maxim mize Revenu ue O Opportunitiies Help sales people p spend le ess time looking g for information and more time puttin ng it to use with powerful datta visualization capabilities and a familiar Microsoft Outloo ok user experien nce. Meaningful interactions with custom mers a and partnerss lead to new w revenue o opportunitie es. By arming g your sales p professionals with a 360 0-degree customer vview, holisticc lead and opportunity ttracking, and d insightful a analytics, Microsoft Dynamics CR RM helps your sales staff focus o on the right opportunitie es, productss, and ccustomers. “By taking t advan ntage of the ease e of use and flexibility of Micrrosoft Dynam mics CRM, w we were e able to red duce the costt of sa ales by 3% in n just three mon nths and incre rease sales stafff productivityy by %-20%, in turn rn driving 15% higher profit marrgins and h flow.” maxximizing cash RON PART TRIDGE Group VP of Global Sale es eting and Marke Panduit FAM MILIAR: SALES TOOLS THA AT ARE NATU URAL AND PE ERSONAL Lead d to Cash Visiibility: Track in nteractions, co ommunications, offers, and o orders through hout the sales cycle so you can drive sales excellence with every interaction. Nattive Outlook E Experience: Ce entrally manag ge email messages, appointm ments, tasks, conttacts, and custtomer informa ation right with hin Microsoft O Outlook for im mproved prod ductivity. Holistic Account Management: Better unde erstand your cu ustomers’ need ds and prefere ences h a 360-degree e customer vie ew and easy-to o-use segmenttation tools. with Miccrosoft Office Productivity:: Drive efficien ncy gains with embedded Miicrosoft Office features like Excel® export/imp port, built-in m mail-merge, con ntextual ribbon ns, and more. Intu uitive Filtering g: Help your sa ales staff to qu uickly access th heir most impo ortant recordss with mosst recently used lists, record pinning, and rreal-time data filtering. Data Access: Makke sure the right people havve easy access to your valuab ble sales data with w ws, and field-le evel security. role-based forms, personal view INT TELLIGENT: IN NFORMATION N THAT IS INSIGHTFUL AN ND ACTIONA ABLE “Our sales manag gers can mee et with o our reps on tthe road or in n their office and, with w one click, k, get a complete re eport on whatt leadss we sent the em, what’s been n followed up on, or what need ds to be follow wed up.” RANDY NIIEDERER Director of Marketing Unico Inte elligent Lead Management M t: Easily converrt leads and au utomatically ro oute them to the mosst effective resource with intuitive lead ma anagement and d flexible saless territories. Morre Effective Se elling: Identify o optimal produccts and pricing,, track opportu unity and comp petitor deta ails, and instanttly create quote es with deep op pportunity man nagement capa abilities. Guid ded Dialogs: Drive efficacy, increase convversion rates, a and better cap pitalize on crosss-sell and up-sell opporrtunities with g guided dialogss and sales-foccused call scrip pts. Actiionable Analy ytics: Visualize e key performa ance indicatorss (KPIs) with re eal-time dash hboards. Zero in on key data a points with d drill-down analysis and inline e data visualization. Stre eamlined Goa al Managemen nt: Instantly de efine and trackk sales quotas at individual, team, terriitory, and orga anization levels with intuitive e goal manage ement capabiliities. Rea al-Time Foreca asts: Keep you ur pulse on sales performancce and improvve financial planning with h real-time sale es forecasts an nd pipeline rep ports. Com mprehensive A Auditing: Imp prove visibility into the sales process and h help identify arreas for iimprovement w with system-w wide auditing. CON NNECTED: A SALES ORGA ANIZATION THAT T IS UNIT TED AND COLLABORATIV VE “With h the native O Outlook clien nt and rrobust featurre set of Micro osoft Dynam mics CRM, we e were e able to incre ease our use er adop ption by 90%, increase tim me for se elling activitie es by 15%, a and increase cross-se elling ortunities by 2 200%.” oppo BART HER RMANS Project Lea ader CRM ISS Belgium m Insightful Conne ections: Uncovver new opporttunities and trrack influencerrs in the sales proccess with the C Connections fe eature and the e Social Connector. Imp proved Team Selling: Enable greater interrnal collaborattion and team selling with te eambase ed record own nership and rea al-time communication tools. Cen ntralized Docu ument Manag gement: Stream mline the man nagement of quotes, proposals, orde ers, invoices, a and other saless documents w with holistic do ocument mana agement capa abilities. Mob bile Productiv vity: Continue e to work the deal, d engage w with customerss, and manage your sales pipeline with h offline suppo ort and robust mobile device e solutions. Con nsistent Proce esses: Streamline approvals, automate follo ow-up tasks, a and enforce be est pracctices across th he sales organ nization with fle exible workflows. Rob bust Portal So olutions: Bette er collaborate with w partners and a customerss through easyy-touse portal solution ns for Microso oft Dynamics C CRM. Online Data Sourrces: Maximize e the power off online data sources s throug gh pre-built partners such a as Hoovers, InssideView, Zoom mInfo, and ma any more. integration with p GET T STARTED TO ODAY Try Microsoft Dyna amics CRM tod day:http://crm.dynamics.com m Expllore the Microssoft Dynamics CRM Marketpllace: http:///www.microsofft.com/dynamiics/marketplacce Join the Microsoft Dynamics CRM M Community:: http://crm.dyynamics.com/e enus/com mmunities/crm m-community.a aspx MICROSOFT MAKES NO WA ARRANTIES, EXPRESS,, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. © 2010 0 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved d. oft Dynamics logo, an Microso oft, Excel, Microsoft D Dynamics, the Microso nd Outlook are trademarks of the Microso oft group of companies.