Electronic Personal Education Planner (ePEP) Education or training beyond high school is fast becoming a necessity for anyone in Florida who hopes to earn a livable wage. The electronic Personal Education Planner (ePEP) on FACTS.org helps students map out the coursework they need in high school to prepare them for the postsecondary education or training appropriate for their chosen career path. The creation of an ePEP as part of a Career and Education Planning course is a requirement for promotion from middle school to high school. Students who enter/ed high school in 2009 or later must review their ePEP at least once a year. Updates can be made as necessary. ePEP Highlights: Middle school students are guided through the process of creating an ePEP during a required Career and Education Planning class in 7th or 8th grade. The teacher/counselor provides students with the Login ID and temporary password FACTS.org created for them and when students access their account for the first time they are prompted to change their password to one of their own choosing. Students in 11-12th grade who do not already have a FACTS account can create one by clicking on the ePEP quick link on the high school page. A Login ID will be provided to them after they answer a few identifying questions. The ePEP is based on high school graduation requirements, and new versions are created as requirements change. Students are automatically presented with the correct requirements based on the year they enter/will enter 9th grade. The course lists are specific to the graduation plan and track, diploma type, and high school selected by the student. Dual Enrollment and Florida Virtual School courses can also be planned. The ePEP is managed by the student. Profile information and settings can be changed and courses can be added or deleted. However, schools or districts may “lock” the ePEP to avoid changes being made to a plan. A summary of the plan is provided at the bottom of the ePEP to help guide the student to plan the correct number and type of courses needed to graduate. High school transcript information appears on the ePEP for the first time in mid-October of the 9th grade year, and is updated 3 times a year. Students can use the “High School Evaluations” tab and check their progress toward high school graduation, State University System entrance requirements, and Bright Futures Scholarship awards. Educators can access their students’ ePEPs and evaluations, run summary reports for their school, and make comments to students about course selections and school-specific graduation requirements via the FACTS Student Activity System. For technical assistance, click on the “Need Help” link at the bottom of each page of the site, email facts@admin.usf.edu, or call the Helpdesk toll free at 1-866-324-2618.