TEAMWORK S E R I O U S LY AFFECTS YOUR BRAIN W H Y S T U DY AT AALBORG UNIVERSITY? AALBORG UNIVERSITY 1 A U NIQUE STU DY M ETHOD AN INTERN AT I ONA L E N V I RON M EN T AAU’s study method is called problem based project work, or the Aalborg Model for Problem Based Learning (PBL), and has been shown to be close to optimal for the learning process in an evaluation by the OECD. The method involves you working on a large written project every semester with a group of your fellow students. Together, you will work with real life problems, often in cooperation with a company. AAU has a student body of around 18,000 divided between AAU’s main campus in Aalborg and AAU’s campuses in Copenhagen and Esbjerg. 10 per cent of the student body is made up of international students. This makes for a highly international environment in which you will meet and work with other students from around the world. AC AD EM IC ENGLI S H AT A H I GH L EV EL W H Y S T U DY AT A A L B O R G U N I V E R S I T Y ? A A L B O RG U NI V ER S I TY ( AAU ) , BA S ED I N D ENMARK IN S CAN DINAVIA , OFFERS YOU Q UALITY ED UC ATION IN THE FIELD S O F T H E NAT URA L S CI ENCES , ENG I NEER I NG, H EALTH SC IENC ES, SOC IA L SC IEN C ES AN D HUM AN ITIES. THE C OMB IN ATION O F A AU ’ S F O CU S O N WO R L D CLAS S R ES EARCH A N D A AU’S U N IQUE ST UDY METHOD ENS U RES TH AT YO U WILL RECEIV E H I G H -Q UAL I TY TE ACH I NG W HILE GA IN IN G FIRST-HA N D KN OWLEDGE OF YO UR FIELD. FRIEND SHIPS THROUGH G ROU P WORK Working in groups gives you the opportunity of quickly getting to know your fellow students at AAU and thereby, you have the chance of building a network that you can use in your professional life and the chance of making friends. Professors at AAU hail from all over the world, but all teach in English at a high level. Even outside of the university, you will find that the Danes’ English proficiency level is very high, just as some Danes speak a number of other languages including German, French and Spanish. INFORMAL STU D ENT-TEAC HER RELATIONSHIP M ORE THA N 60 PRO G RAM M ES I N E N GLI S H At AAU, students and professors are at a first-name basis and you will always be encouraged to speak your mind during lectures. If you have any academic or practical questions, you are always welcome to ask. AAU offers a wide selection of both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in a number of areas. Areas include communication, international relations and culture; physics, engineering, chemistry and nanotechnology; economics, innovation and marketing; architecture, design, IT, programming and FIND YOUR P R O G R A M M E AT many more. W W W. S T U DY G U I D E . AAU.DK A UNIQUE STUDY METHOD TH E A ALB O RG M O D E L F O R PROBLEM BASED L EAR N I N G ( P BL ) I S A N I NT E RN AT I O N AL LY R E C OGN I SE D A DVA NCE D A ND E F F I CI E NT STUDY M E TH OD. IN FACT, UNE S CO H AS P L ACE D IT S O N LY DAN I SH C H AI R I N P BL AT A AU. P RO BL E M BASE D PROJE CT WO R K T EACH E S YO U TO D O I ND E PE N DE N T R E SE ARC H A N D G I V E S YO U TH E O P P ORT UNITY TO WO R K W I T H T H E TO P I C S T HAT YOU FIND MOST I NT E RE ST I NG. CHO O SE T HE TO P IC YO UR SE LVE S It is up to you and your group to decide what you want to examine. Usually, each semester follows a defined, but very broad thematic framework which your project must fit into. However, you have very loose reins in deciding the topic for your project. Although you are responsible for solving your problem yourselves, your group will be assigned a supervisor, i.e. a professor or teacher who will guide you through the process. P RO B L E M BA S E D P ROJ E CT WO RK CO L LABO R AT E WIT H BUSIN E SS When each semester, you and your group write a large project, you usually start out with a ‘why?’, meaning that you wonder why a certain situation is the way that it is and set out to examine it. The question is the basis of your project and will be your guiding point when you research your topic and solve the problem. You will learn not just to describe a problem, but to analyse and solve it, giving you a deeper understanding of your topic and perhaps the opportunity to contribute with new knowledge. Project work provides you with the opportunity to work with a company, an institution or perhaps an NGO. In that way, you have the opportunity to work hands-on with a real-life assignment during your studies, e.g. creating a new advertisement campaign for a company. Thereby, through project work, you develop skills and can create business contacts that may be useful when applying for a traineeship or a job. THE PBL APPROACH “From an academic perspective, problem based project work, which is the central part of the way of learning at Aalborg University, gives you a lot more freedom as you are not demanded just to memorise several books. Yet it offers a big challenge as you are asked to “create” something and solve a problem using your knowledge.” T O M R A E S , C U LT U R E , C O M M U N I C AT I O N A N D G L O B A L I Z AT I O N AALBORG UNIVERSITY AALBORG UNIVERSITY 4 5 FRIENDSHIPS THROUGH GROUP WORK W H E N YOU AR E WO RK I NG O N A P ROJ E CT, YOU WILL SP E N D A LOT O F T I M E W I T H YO U R G RO U P, SO YOU GE T TO KN OW EACH OT H E R V E RY W E L L . OF T E N , YO U WILL NOT O NLY BE D I S C U S S I NG ACADEMICS W I TH YOU R G RO U P, BU T A L S O F O R E X A M P L E G O TO PARTI E S O R T H E M OV I E S TO G E T H E R . IN T HAT WAY, G ROU P WO RK P ROV I D E S F O R A N E XC E L L E N T O P P ORTUNI T Y TO M A K E NE W F R I E ND S. L EAR N TO CO O P E RAT E Working in groups teaches you both how to cooperate and how to compromise. Sometimes, you may have to scrap your own ideas. On the other hand, working with others who share your interest and passion for a certain topic provides you with ideas and perspectives that you may not have acquired on your own, giving you a deeper understanding of your topic. STAN D OU T ON T HE L ABOU R MA R KET SH AR E YO UR I NT E RE ST S W I T H OT H ER S Learning how to cooperate and how to compromise is something you can utilise in many situations. In your professional life, you will often be cooperating with your colleges to solve tasks and in that way, both you and your future workplace will benefit from the skills you have acquired through group work at AAU. You form the group yourselves based on your shared interest in a certain topic. This means that you have the opportunity of working with other students with the same academic interests as you, which is a great basis for potential friendships. It also means that you have someone to discuss any academic or perhaps personal worries with. G R O U P W O R K AT A A U “Group work at AAU offered me the chance to interact with people from different academic backgrounds and different countries. The experience was very constructive because I could learn a lot from the others and share my knowledge with them. Likewise, I have gained a lot in terms of interpersonal skills and taking responsibility. And last but not least, group work can lead to beautiful friendships.” C O S M I N A P U L B E R E , D E V E L O P M E N T A N D I N T E R N AT I O N A L R E L AT I O N S AALBORG UNIVERSITY AALBORG UNIVERSITY 6 7 TEACHING METHODS PROJECT WORK IS THE CENTRAL PART OF AC QU IRING K NOWLED GE AT AAU. H OW EVER , YOU WILL ALSO EXPERIENC E M ORE TRAD ITIONAL TEAC HING M ETHOD S SUC H AS LECTU RES, WHERE YOU WILL BE INTROD U C ED TO NEW TOPIC S A ND NEW K NOWLED GE WITHIN YOUR FIELD THAT YO U CA N A PPLY TO YO U R PROJ ECT. D ED IC AT ED LECT UR ER S Your lecturers at AAU conduct research within the fields that they teach, and in that way, you will be presented with the most recent scientific knowledge within your field during lectures. At AAU, the teacher-student relationship is informal and dialog-based, and professors are very interested in hearing your opinions and ideas. At many study programmes, a number of guest lectures will also be organised, giving you the opportunity to meet some of the most prominent researchers in your field. LECTURES AT AAU The lectures at AAU are all centred around PBL and will provide you with more general knowledge and a broader understanding of your study field. The lectures can give you inspiration for your project, both in terms of choosing a topic and in terms of finding the right theories. By the end of each semester, you will defend your project in an exam, just as you will take a few individual exams based on some of the lectures throughout the semester. T E AC H I N G M E T H O D S AT A A U “The student-professor relationship at AAU is very close. The professors are extremely well prepared and always ready to help out. Just pass by their office with any inquiry and get the question answered. As well as that, courses are divided between lectures and group work, when students get to apply the knowledge they are introduced to during the lecture.” C ATA L I N A P E R J U , I N N O VAT I V E C O M M U N I C AT I O N T E C H N O L O G I E S A N D E N T R E P R E N E U R S H I P AALBORG UNIVERSITY AALBORG UNIVERSITY 8 9 TRAINEESHIP MOST POSTGRADUATE PROGRAM M ES AT AAU ALLOW YOU TO D O A TR AINEESHIP. IT IS A GREAT OPPORTU NITY FOR YOU TO GAIN WORK EXPERIENC E AND TO TEST YOU R ABILITIES IN PRACTICE. YOU DECIDE WHERE YO U WANT TO DO YOU R TR AINEESHIP, SO IT IS UP TO YO U WHETHER YOU WANT TO EXPLORE THE DANISH L ABOUR M ARK ET OR PERHAPS SEE M ORE OF THE WORLD. THE ADVANTAGES OF A TR AINEESHIP “I AM DOING MY TRAINEESHIP IN BRUSSELS” A traineeship gives you the opportunity to combine your theoretical knowledge with practice, and it may give you competencies invaluable for your career. You gain inside knowledge of the business world, and you have the chance to build a network that you may make use of later when searching for a job. “The traineeship is a good opportunity to gain professional experience, to find out what exactly you would like to do, and it prepares you for the real job search after graduation. The successful traineeship takes time, efforts and nerves, but in the end, you find out that it is worth it, not only because you expand your professional network, but also because you can meet great friends and live with inspiring people who might be like family in the end.” YOU DEC ID E W HERE TO G O Usually, you decide whether you wish to do your traineeship in Denmark or abroad and which type of company or organisation you prefer. In that way, you can choose everything from a multinational cooperation to an NGO, as long as it is relevant for your study field. JENI ORESHKOVA , EUROPEAN STUDIES F O R M O R E D E TA I L S O N T R A I N E E S H I P S , P L E A S E V I S I T : W W W. I N T E R N AT I O N A L O F F I C E . A A U . D K AALBORG UNIVERSITY AALBORG UNIVERSITY 10 11 STUDYING IN DENMARK DAN ISH VA LU E S A N D WE L FA R E SYSTEM Denmark enjoys a large degree of freedom, and tolerance and equality are very important values. Denmark has one of the world’s highest tax rates and living costs are relatively high. However, in turn, Danes enjoy a great deal of security and flexibility through the famous Scandinavian welfare system, e.g. free health care, which you as an international student with a residence permit for Denmark is likewise eligible for. A AL BO RG, ESBJE RG A N D CO P E N HAGEN The three cities in which AAU is placed offer a lot of opportunities. Combining city life with incredible nature experiences, Aalborg is the fourth largest city in Denmark with a population of 125,000, 20 per cent of which are students. Esbjerg is Denmark’s fifth biggest city with a population of 71,000. Located by the Danish Wadden Sea, it is a very attractive university town and has twice been voted ‘City of the Year’ in Denmark. Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, is a modern city with a population of 2 million, offering lots of cultural experiences and opportunities to socialise. D E N MAR K I S A R E L AT I V E LY S M AL L CO UN T RY W I TH AP P ROX I M AT E LY 5 . 5 M I L L I O N P E O PL E , BUT I T H AS A LOT TO O F F E R. I T I S S U RRO UN DE D BY SE AS , W H I C H P ROV I D E S F O R LO N G ST R ETCHES OF SA N DY B E ACH E S A N D S H I M M E R I N G WHITE D U N E S. TH E DA NI S H CO UN T RYS I D E W I T H GREEN H I LLS AN D D E E P F O R E ST S H O L D S I N C R EDIBLE B E AUTI E S, B U T D E NM A R K AL S O H A S A NUMBE R O F LA RG E R C I T I E S W I T H CA F E S , S H O P P IN G A N D N I GH TLI FE O P P O RT U NI T I E S . I T I S K N OWN FOR I TS F U N CTIO NA L I ST D E S I G N A ND F O C US ON R E N E WAB LE E NE RGY, T H E LAT T E R O F W HICH IS RE FLE CTE D I N T H E FACT T HAT W I ND M I L L S C AN BE SE E N T H RO U G H O UT TH E COU NT RY. LIVING IN DENMARK “I feel safe here in Denmark. You can always feel calm and secure no matter at which hour at night you have to come back home: either cycling or walking.” G R E TA M I N E L G A I T Ė , E N V I R O N M E N TA L ENGINEERING T RAN SP O RT AN D TR AVE L L IN G Regardless of whether you study at AAU in Aalborg, Esbjerg or Copenhagen, you will find that getting around in Denmark is easy. Within the cities, public transportation will take you wherever you need to go, and near all three cities you will find airports taking you to destinations in and outside of Europe. Denmark also has an excellent bike paths network that enables you to explore both the cities and the countryside. AALBORG UNIVERSITY AALBORG UNIVERSITY 12 13 S T U DY I N G AT A A L B O R G U N I V E R S I T Y AAU WILL D O ITS U TM OST TO HELP YOU SET TLE IN A ND HAVE A GREAT STAY IN D ENM ARK. AAU’S I NTERN ATIONAL OFFIC E WILL PROVID E YOU WITH PR ACTIC AL INFORMATION E.G. ON HOW TO APPLY AND WILL WELC OM E AND INTRODU C E YOU TO AAU WHEN YOU ARRIVE. STU DEN T ACT I V I T I ES At AAU, there are a number of opportunities for you to meet other students and get involved, e.g. as a volunteer at one of AAU’s campus cafés. AAU also offers free Basic Danish Language and Introduction to Scandinavia courses, which will not only give you an understanding of Danish and Scandinavian culture, history and politics, but also the opportunity of meeting other international students across faculties. ACCOMMODATION THE B UDDY P ROGR A M M E In both Aalborg and Esbjerg, you are guaranteed accommodation if you apply within the deadline. AAU’s International Accommodation Offices in Aalborg and Esbjerg will allocate accommodation to applicants and can help you with a number of questions. Finding accommodation in Copenhagen may be a bit more challenging and it is necessary to start searching in good time, but AAU will help you as much as possible. Studying abroad can be an overwhelming experience and it may be difficult getting to know a new city. Therefore, AAU has implemented the Buddy Programme. A Buddy is a Danish or an international student who has volunteered to be your contact person during your first weeks at AAU and help you with any questions, practical, academic or otherwise. F O R M O R E D E TA I L S , P L E A S E V I S I T : W W W. S T U D Y G U I D E . A A U . D K AC C O M M O DAT I O N I N E S B J E R G “The Accommodation Office at AAU Esbjerg was very helpful in finding me a place to live in Esbjerg. I just contacted them by mail before coming and sent them the money, so they could book my accommodation. Then they dealt with everything and I just came and got the keys.” PIERRE LEFEBVRE, OIL AND GAS TECHNOLOGY AALBORG UNIVERSITY AALBORG UNIVERSITY 14 15 D E F I N I N G A N I N T E R N AT I O N A L S T U D E N T YO U H AVE SE V E R A L D I F F E R E NT O P T I O NS IF YOU W I SH TO ST UDY AT A AU. YO U CA N C H O OSE TO STUDY AS A F UL L D E G RE E STU D E NT O R A S A G UE ST, E XC H A NG E O R ER A S MU S ST U D E NT. FOR A LL ST U D E N T S F RO M AN E U /E EA CO U N TRY OR SW I TZE R LAN D AS W E L L A S STU D E N T S E NROLLED AT O N E O F AAU ’S PA RT NE R U NI V E R S I T I E S OU TSIDE O F TH E EU /E EA , T U I T I O N AT A AU I S FRE E . DE G R E E ST UDE N T As a degree student at AAU, you can choose to apply for a Bachelor’s degree of three years and/or a Master’s degree of two years. You can find AAU’s many degree programmes on E XCH AN G E STU DE N T If you are enrolled in a university that has a bilateral agreement with AAU, you can study one or two semesters at a number of AAU’s study programmes. Please consult with your own university to see if it has an agreement with AAU. ER ASMU S STUDE N T If you are enrolled at a university that participates in the Erasmus Programme, you can apply for enrolment at AAU for 6-12 months. For more information, please consult your own university or AAU’s International Office. G UE ST ST UDE N T If you are enrolled at a university that does not have a cooperation agreement with AAU, you can study as a guest student at AAU for one or two semesters. You will need to pay tuition fee in accordance with the study programme you apply for. For more information, please contact your own university or AAU’s International Office. AALBORG UNIVERSITY AALBORG UNIVERSITY 16 17 T H E I N T E R N AT I O N A L O F F I C E T H E I N TE R N AT I O N A L OF F I C E I S R E S P O NSIBLE FOR A N UMB E R O F S E RV I CE S AND ACT I VITIES A I ME D AT I N T E RNAT I O N AL ST UD E NT S , I NCLUDIN G TH E AD MI NI ST RAT I O N O F T H E A P P L I C ATION P ROC E SS, TH E W E LCO M E AND I NT E G R ATION OF N E W STU DE N T S , A N I NT E RNAT I O NA L CAMP U S E N VI RON ME N T, S E ND I NG ST UD E NT S ABROA D O N IN TE R N SH I P S O R AN E XCH A NG E STAY AT ONE OF O UR PARTN E R UNI V E R S I T I E S , A ND P ROV IDIN G AC C OMMO DAT I O N F O R I NT E RNAT I O NAL ST UD E NT S A ND STA F F. campus and in our three cities. The purpose of the Welcome Week is to ensure that you get a good sense of what it means to be part of the university and become familiar with Aalborg University’s study method Problem Based Learning. T HE IN T E R N AT IO NAL ACCO MMO DAT IO N OFFIC E In addition to these services, the International Office runs an International Accommodation Office in Aalborg City and at the Esbjerg campus, and there is also some accommodation services in Copenhagen. In Aalborg, we can offer you more than 600 student accommodation units ranging from rooms in student halls of residence (dormitories), to rooms in big apartments in central Aalborg, to self-contained flats. W E A R E H E RE TO H E L P F I ND YOU R P ROG R AM M E H ER E: A N E XCHA N G E STAY AT A PARTNER UN IVERSITY In relation to the application process, the International Office offers all the necessary information in order to apply for admission to a given study programme at Aalborg University. This includes details on entry requirements, how to apply, fees and finance as well as advice on residence permit, accommodation etc. If you are interested in a traineeship outside of Denmark or in studying abroad, you can seek information and assistance at the International Office. The International Office administers the cooperation agreements between Aalborg University and foreign universities as well as other educational institutions in relation to student and staff exchange. You can benefit from more than 1000 exchange agreements with universities worldwide. W E LCO M E A ND I NT E G RAT I O N As a new international student arriving at Aalborg University, you can take part in the ‘Welcome Week‘ at the semester start in September and February. During this period, staff from the International Office is ready to introduce you to life as a student in Denmark and at Aalborg University, present you with the accommodation you may have chosen, and introduce you to the various social and sports offerings that you can find at F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N A B O U T T H E I N T E R N AT I O N A L O F F I C E O R T H E I N T E R N AT I O N A L A C C O M M O D AT I O N O F F I C E , P L E A S E V I S I T : W W W. I N T E R N AT I O N A L O F F I C E . A A U . D K AALBORG UNIVERSITY 18 W W W. S T U D Y G U I D E . A A U . D K AALBORG UNIVERSITY 20