Application Report SLVA233A – April 2006 – Revised August 2006 Electrical Transient Immunity for Power-Over-Ethernet Jean Picard ................................................................................................................ Systems Power ABSTRACT Electrical overstresses can cause failure, permanent degradation, or temporary erratic behavior of electronic devices or systems. The trend to reduce circuit geometries for communication systems and applications results in an increasing sensitivity to such electrical transients. The suppression of these transients can be a challenge to designers because the origin and severity of the overvoltage may be unknown. To assist designers in coping with these issues, this application report defines simple design rules that can adequately protect the sensitive electronic parts of the system with cost-effective solutions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Contents Introduction .......................................................................................... 2 ESD................................................................................................... 3 EFT ................................................................................................... 4 Electrical Surge ..................................................................................... 7 Transients Protection Circuit Guidelines......................................................... 8 Circuit Protection Solutions for PoE .............................................................. 9 References ......................................................................................... 19 List of Figures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Typical PoE Application Diagram ................................................................. 2 Typical Waveform of Output Current of ESD Generator ...................................... 4 Voltage of EFT Into 50-Ω Load ................................................................... 5 General Graph of EFT (Fast Transient/Burst) .................................................. 6 EFT Test Setup ..................................................................................... 6 Typical Waveform of Open-Circuit Voltage of Surge Generator When Set to 1-kV Peak 7 Typical Waveform of Short-Circuit Current of Surge Generator When Set to 1-kV Peak with 2-Ω Source Impedance................................................................ 7 Interconnection of Transient Voltage Suppressor on Printed-Circuit Board ................ 9 Effect of ESD/EFT on PSE Power Switch When There is no Protection Circuitry ....... 10 Basic Circuit With Transient Protection ........................................................ 11 Current Path in Positive Polarity ESD/EFT Event Common Mode: Line-to-GND ........ 14 Current Path in Negative Polarity ESD/EFT Event Common Mode: Line-to-GND ....... 14 Current Path in Positive Polarity Surge Event Common Mode: Line-to-GND............. 15 Current Path in Negative Polarity Surge Event Common Mode: Line-to-GND ........... 15 Negative EFT Simulation on N Terminal With 56V Power Supply ON..................... 15 Negative EFT Simulation on N Terminal With 56V Power Supply OFF ................... 16 Negative EFT Simulation on N Terminal With 56V Power Supply OFF and With 3V Initially on C2 ...................................................................................... 16 Negative Surge Simulation on N Terminal With 56 V Power Supply ON .................. 17 Layout for a Dual Port PSE ...................................................................... 18 Interconnection to Clamping Devices .......................................................... 18 Layout for a Quad Port PSE ..................................................................... 19 SLVA233A – April 2006 – Revised August 2006 Submit Documentation Feedback Electrical Transient Immunity for Power-Over-Ethernet 1 Introduction List of Tables IEC61000-4-2 Test Levels ......................................................................... IEC61000-4-2 Waveform Parameters ........................................................... IEC61000-4-4 Severity Test Levels ............................................................. IEC 61000-4-5 Severity Levels ................................................................... 1 2 3 4 1 3 3 5 8 Introduction Electrical overstresses can cause failure, permanent degradation, or temporary erratic behavior of electronic devices or systems. The trend to reduce circuit geometries for communication systems and applications results in an increasing sensitivity to such electrical transients. The suppression of these transients can be a challenge to designers because the origin and severity of the overvoltage may be unknown. When designing an electronic circuit or when defining a complete system, it is important to identify the sources of those stresses and have a correct understanding of their mechanism, for a defined environment in which the system will operate. In so doing, it is possible to define simple design rules that can adequately protect the sensitive electronic parts of the system with cost-effective solutions This application report discusses the Ethernet network application, specifically Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) equipment which provides power to Ethernet remote equipment or powered device (PD) through the data cable (see Figure 1). RJ 45 Up to 100 m of CAT 5 RJ 45 4 4 5 5 PSE PD Spare Pair + 48 V 1 1 2 2 Rx Tx P TPS2384 Optional MSP430 Micro Controller VDD TPS2375 Signal Pair DET (1/4) SCL SDA-I SDA-O Ret PG ILIM CLASS 3 N 3 Rx VEE Tx 6 DC/DC Converter 6 Signal Pair + 48 V Return 7 7 8 8 Spare Pair Figure 1. Typical PoE Application Diagram In a PoE application, the environment can range from offices to industrial networks. Installations of Ethernet cables and/or equipment are located mostly indoors, but in some applications part of the installation can be outdoors. Many standards have been developed to simulate or represent the transient overvoltage environment in various applications, including telecom and industrial. For example, per IEC transient immunity standards, the transients can be classified into three categories: • IEC 61000-4-2: Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) • IEC 61000-4-4: Electrical Fast Transient/Burst (EFT) • IEC 61000-4-5: Surges These IEC standards also define immunity test methods applicable to each transient category. They provide to manufacturers of transient suppression components some standardized waveforms and overvoltage levels to which their components can be characterized and specified. 2 Electrical Transient Immunity for Power-Over-Ethernet SLVA233A – April 2006 – Revised August 2006 Submit Documentation Feedback ESD 2 ESD ESD (electrostatic discharge) results from conditions which allow the build up of electrical charge from contact and separation of two nonconductive materials, followed by the release of the corresponding energy when the charged body is brought into proximity to another object of lower potential. For example, a person walking across a carpet can charge to over 15 kV. ESD is first of all a common-mode electrical event; normally, ESD is a discharge from one unit to the chassis ground. One important design guideline is to clearly identify the path that is taken by the current and to ensure that this is not harmful to sensitive circuitry. It is even better to provide an alternate path for the discharge current to bypass this sensitive circuitry. The IEC 61000-4-2 standard simulates an ESD event of a human holding a metal implement, referred to as the Human/Metal Model. Discharge into equipment can be through direct contact (contact discharge) or through proximity (air discharge). The test levels of this model are listed in Table 1. A diagram showing the ESD waveform is presented in Figure 2.The waveform parameters of the ESD generator in contact mode are summarized in Table 2. The rise time can be expected to be less than 1 ns, which is extremely fast. The total duration of the current pulse is around 150 ns. Table 1. IEC61000-4-2 Test Levels CONTACT DISCHARGE AIR DISCHARGE LEVEL TEST VOLTAGE (kV) LEVEL TEST VOLTAGE (kV) 1 2 1 2 2 4 2 4 3 6 3 8 4 8 4 15 Table 2. IEC61000-4-2 Waveform Parameters LEVEL INDICATED VOLTAGE (kV) FIRST PEAK CURRENT OF DISCHARGE (A) RISE TIME tr WITH DISCHARGE SWITCH (ns) CURRENT AT 30 ns (A) CURRENT AT 60 ns (A) 1 2 7.5 0.7 to 1 4 2 2 4 15 0.7 to 1 8 4 3 6 22.5 0.7 to 1 12 6 4 8 30 0.7 to 1 16 8 SLVA233A – April 2006 – Revised August 2006 Submit Documentation Feedback Electrical Transient Immunity for Power-Over-Ethernet 3 EFT I 100% 90% I at 30 nsec I at 60 nsec 10% t 30 nsec 0.7 to 1 nsec 60 nsec Figure 2. Typical Waveform of Output Current of ESD Generator Another threat is identified as a cable discharge event (CDE). For example, this occurs when an Ethernet cable becomes charged and then is discharged into a circuit when the cable is connected to it. The cable could be charged primarily due to tribocharging (e.g., by dragging it on the carpet) or induction (e.g., from a charged person holding it). A standard to define a cable discharge event with test method has yet to be established, but most manufacturers use internal CDE test setups to evaluate their designs; a few deem it sufficient to test to the IEC Level-4 specifications to protect against such discharges. Note: 3 The idea of the equipment being able to withstand CDE if it passes IEC 61000-4-2 Level-4 discharges is not always correct. This is because the charged capacitances in the two tests are different, which is 150 pF for IEC ESD versus much larger capacitance depending on the length of the cable involved for CDE and the cable elevation over the earth GND. There is also a transmission line effect with some distributed capacitance as opposed to a lumped capacitance. CDE discharges typically dump more energy than IEC Level-4 discharges into the equipment under test. EFT EFT (electrical fast transient) occurs as a result of arcing contacts in switches and relays, with motors and other inductive loads, which is common in industrial environments. This type of transient is normally of common-mode type and is introduced on telecommunication cables by capacitive coupling. IEC 61000-4-4 defines this transient as a burst of fast and high-voltage spikes at a repetition rate of 5 kHz or 100 kHz. A diagram showing the EFT waveform, the EFT burst repetition rate, and burst period is presented in Figure 3 and Figure 4. Also, the voltage and current characteristics of the EFT burst generator are summarized in Table 3. Short-circuit current values are estimated by dividing the open-circuit voltage by the 50-Ω source impedance. 4 Electrical Transient Immunity for Power-Over-Ethernet SLVA233A – April 2006 – Revised August 2006 Submit Documentation Feedback EFT Table 3. IEC61000-4-4 Severity Test Levels Open-Circuit Output Test Voltage, Short-Circuit Current, and Repetition Rate of the Impulses LEVEL POWER-SUPPLY PORT I/O SIGNAL, DATA, AND CONTROL PORTS OPEN-CIRCUIT VOLTAGE PEAK (kV) SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT PEAK (A) OPEN-CIRCUIT VOLTAGE PEAK (kV) SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT PEAK (A) REPETITION RATE (kHz) 1 0.5 10 2 1 20 0.25 5 5 or 100 0.5 10 3 2 5 or 100 40 1 20 5 or 100 4 4 80 2 40 5 or 100 It is worth noting that even though it is a power signal that is transmitted on the PoE cable, this transmission is still on a communication data cable, which means that it is considered as such when installed and used. Consequently, it belongs to the I/O signal, data, and control ports category. The following equation gives a good approximation of the EFT voltage waveform: V EFT(t) + A with: A + 1.270 Vp ǒ ǒ ǓǓ 1 * exp *t t1 t 1 + 3.5 ns ǒ Ǔ exp *t t2 t2 + 55.6 ns (1) EFT Waveform 1100 1000 V( t90%) 900 volt 800 700 Volt 600 500 50 nsec Duration 400 300 200 V( t10%) 5 nsec Rise Time 100 volt 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 t - Time - nsec Figure 3. Voltage of EFT Into 50-Ω Load SLVA233A – April 2006 – Revised August 2006 Submit Documentation Feedback Electrical Transient Immunity for Power-Over-Ethernet 5 EFT V Pulse t Burst V 15 msec Burst Duration 0.75 msec if at 100 kHz t Burst Period 300 msec Figure 4. General Graph of EFT (Fast Transient/Burst) Per IEC61000-4-4, a capacitive coupling clamp over the communication cable is the preferred method for coupling the test voltage in communication ports, and this includes an Ethernet cable. This means that the coupling is done without any galvanic connection to the port. POE Cable EUT EFT Generator GND Reference Plane Figure 5. EFT Test Setup Another acceptable means is directly through a 100-pF discrete capacitor. It is worth noting that because of their repetitive nature, EFT events can also result in erratic behavior of a communication system. 6 Electrical Transient Immunity for Power-Over-Ethernet SLVA233A – April 2006 – Revised August 2006 Submit Documentation Feedback Electrical Surge 4 Electrical Surge These transients are the most severe of all, in terms of peak current and duration, although they are the least severe in terms of rate of rise. They are caused by lightning strikes (direct strike or induced voltages and currents due to an indirect strike) and switching on power systems (also includes load changes and short circuit). The degree of severity of the transient can change depending on if the cable installation is inside or outside the building. This type of transient is either of common-mode type or differential-mode type. It is introduced on telecommunication cables by capacitive or magnetic coupling. Remember that in PoE applications, the DC power is transmitted by using both wires of each transmit and receive pair which means, for example, that the positive P-side of DC voltage could be on the TX pair while the return N-side would be on the RX pair. On a twisted-pairs cable, the two wires of each pair are twisted together, but there is no twisting between pairs at all (in fact, each pair is well separated from its neighbors). Consequently, a differential-mode transient between P and N is likely with that type of cable, and this tandem of pairs can be considered as an unbalanced line as far as the test voltages are concerned. IEC 61000-4-5 defines this transient as two surge waveforms: the 1.2 × 50-µs open-circuit voltage waveform and the 8 × 20-µs short-circuit current waveform. See Figure 6, Figure 7, and Table 4. The following equation gives a good approximation of the surge short-circuit current waveform: I surge(t) + Ai I p t 3 exp *t t ǒ Ǔ with: t + 3.911 Ai + 0.01243 ms 3 ms (2) SURGE VOLTAGE WAVEFORM 1100 1000 T1 = 1.207 ms, V t90% 1.666T = 1.202 ms, T2 = 49.972 ms 900 800 volt 700 600 500 400 V t30% 300 T2 volt 200 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 T t - Time - ms T1 Figure 6. Typical Waveform of Open-Circuit Voltage of Surge Generator When Set to 1-kV Peak SURGE CURRENT WAVEFORM 600 550 T1 = 8.039 msec, 1.25T = 8.028 msec, T2 = 19.934 msec 500 Amps 450 400 I t 90% amp 350 300 250 200 150 T2 100 50 0 0 I t10% amp 5 T T1 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 t -Time - msec Figure 7. Typical Waveform of Short-Circuit Current of Surge Generator When Set to 1-kV Peak with 2-Ω Source Impedance SLVA233A – April 2006 – Revised August 2006 Submit Documentation Feedback Electrical Transient Immunity for Power-Over-Ethernet 7 Transients Protection Circuit Guidelines Table 4. IEC 61000-4-5 Severity Levels TEST LEVELS INSTALL CLASS POWER-SUPPLY UNBALANCED OPERATED CIRCUITS/LINES, LONG DISTANCE BUS COUPLING MODE 1 Voltage Line to Line Zs = 42 Ω Line to GND Zs = 42 Ω Line to Line Zs = 42 Ω Line to GND Zs = 42 Ω Line to Line Zs = 42 Ω Line to GND Zs = 42 Ω N/A 0.5 kV N/A 0.5 kV N/A 0.5 kV N/A N/A N/A 0.5 kV 42 A 12 A 0.5 kV 1.0 kV 0.5 kV 1.0 kV Current 250 A 83 A 12 A 24 A 3 Voltage 1.0 kV 2.0 kV 1.0 kV 2.0 kV Current 500 A 167 A 24 A 48 A 4 Voltage 2.0 kV 4.0 kV 2.0 kV 4.0 kV Current 1 kA 333 A 48 A 95 A 2.0 kV 4.0 kV 48 A 95 A Voltage Current COUPLING MODE L8ine to GND Zs = 12 Ω Voltage 5 SHORT DISTANCE DATA BUS (Less Than 30 m) Line to Line Zs = 2 Ω Current 2 COUPLING MODE BALANCED OPERATED CIRCUITS/LINES Depends on class of local power supply system 12 A N/A 1.0 kV 24 A N/A 2.0 kV N/A 2.0 kV 12 A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 48 A 48 A N/A 4.0 kV 95 A IEC 61000-4-5 classes 3 to 5 are applicable to outdoor applications and higher threat-level conditions. In the majority of PoE applications, only indoor cable installation (office environment) is considered. Also, the IEEE 802.3 requires the networks to withstand a 1500-V dielectric test to earth. As a result, only Class 2 (semi-protected environments) is applicable. Also, for an Ethernet cable used for PoE, the categories applicable are the unbalanced and balanced circuits/lines. Note that for a balanced line, there is no explicit line-to-line test, but this is implicitly done with a line-to-GND test setup using coupling through arrestors instead of capacitors; this setup is such that it does not influence the specified functional condition of the circuit to be tested. Other possible standards are the ITU-T recommendations K.20, K.21, K.44, and K.45, and in some cases the GR-1089-CORE (intra-building lightning surge specification). Another typical telecommunication standard is the 10/700-µs voltage waveform. This standard is not applicable for Ethernet networks because it only applies in situations of long-distance telecommunication signal lines, with both indoor and outdoor installation. 5 Transients Protection Circuit Guidelines Many guidelines apply to voltage transients protection for electronic systems. The following is a list of some practical rules along with circuits design strategies. • The source of transient voltage can be of differential- or common-mode type or both. • The main categories of protection techniques against transient voltages are shielding and grounding, filtering, isolation, and nonlinear devices. • A well-designed circuit protection interface is normally the result of a good combination of blocking and diverting techniques. • The selected voltage suppressor must have the speed/robustness (short-circuit current and waveform) required for the application. Shunt (line-to-earth GND) capacitors that may take direct transient hits should be rated for high voltage (≥ 2 kV). These capacitors must also have the following characteristics: low ESR at high frequency and low parasitic inductance. • The protection circuit should not interfere with the normal behavior of the circuitry to be protected. • The protection circuit should be able to prevent any voltage transient from causing an erratic (repetitive or not) behavior of the complete system. EFT is an example. Use common-mode chokes when 8 Electrical Transient Immunity for Power-Over-Ethernet SLVA233A – April 2006 – Revised August 2006 Submit Documentation Feedback Circuit Protection Solutions for PoE • necessary. The basic rules of circuit layout design are: – Define a low-impedance path that diverts any transient current/voltage away from sensitive components. Do not let ESD find its way to earth GND by itself. – Have a good, solid, and low-impedance earth ground connection onboard. – Keep the transient current density and the current path impedances as low as possible by using multipoint grounds where the current is designed to flow, and single-point grounds where it is not. – The loop within which the fast-rising currents have to circulate must be a small area. For fast transients, use local ceramic capacitors whenever necessary, particularly when clamping diodes to a power-supply rail are used. See Figure 20. – Create physical separation between high-voltage/current transients area, in close proximity to I/O connectors, and the sensitive circuitry. The high-current suppressors must be located in that I/O area, as well as the switches, LEDs, and displays – Put all the connectors on one edge of the circuit, if possible. Place sensitive circuitry at the center of the printed-circuit board, if possible. – Route each protected signal from the suppressor to the sensitive circuitry in parallel with its individual return signal in order to prevent any inadvertent transformer effect. – Use surface-mount package for suppressors. Use 4-terminal connection type in order to mitigate parasitic inductance effect. See Figure 8 and Figure 20. – Mitigate parasitic capacitances bypassing blocking series elements. However, having parasitic inductance in series with blocking elements is not a problem. From Transient Source Suppressor Device to be Protected From Transient Source Device to be protected Suppressor GOOD BAD Figure 8. Interconnection of Transient Voltage Suppressor on Printed-Circuit Board 6 Circuit Protection Solutions for PoE Only secondary protection, usually deployed within the equipment to be protected, is discussed in this document. However, it is worth noting that where telecommunication cable is run outside, primary telecommunication protectors (PTC thermistors, SIDACtors, etc.) must be deployed at points where exposed twisted pairs enter a building or residence. In a PoE application, the PSE (power source equipment) is powered from a 48-V power supply, which normally has some common-mode capacitances connected to earth ground; those capacitances can be either discrete capacitors and/or capacitance between layers in the printed-circuit board. Therefore, because the PSE is not really floating, any common-mode voltage transient applied on the data connector can result in a voltage breakdown of PSE components, and particularly the PSE port power switch. Figure 9 presents an example of the effect of such a transient, along with the high-current path which results in the destruction of the PSE power switch when no appropriate protection is implemented. C_CM represents the capacitance between the 48-V lines and chassis GND. Such capacitance can be either on the + or – line of the 48 V, but in order to simplify the illustration, C_CM is shown only on the – line. The configuration shown is applicable when the AC disconnect circuitry is used, which requires the use of D1. This is the worst case for transient protection. SLVA233A – April 2006 – Revised August 2006 Submit Documentation Feedback Electrical Transient Immunity for Power-Over-Ethernet 9 Circuit Protection Solutions for PoE D1 Schottky STPS1H100A +48 V 220 nF 48 V SW D5 SMJ58 To RJ45 C1 0.1 mF 220 mF P N +48 V Voltage Breakdown C _ CM V48 Common Mode (Parasitics and Capacitors in 48 V Power Supply) Ret Figure 9. Effect of ESD/EFT on PSE Power Switch When There is no Protection Circuitry In • • • • general, the categories of protection techniques against transient voltages are: Shielding and grounding Filters: capacitors, inductors, ferrite beads, chokes, etc. Nonlinear devices, including clamping diodes, TVSs, varistors, etc. Isolation In an actual application, where RJ-45 cables are used, cable shielding is usually not an available solution. The following solution is proposed in order to adequately protect the PSE integrated circuit. See Figure 10. This configuration is applicable when the AC disconnect circuitry is used. If this is not the case, then D1 and D3 are not used. 10 Electrical Transient Immunity for Power-Over-Ethernet SLVA233A – April 2006 – Revised August 2006 Submit Documentation Feedback Circuit Protection Solutions for PoE Ethernet TX OUT Ethernet TX IN To RJ 45 Ethernet RX OUT Ethernet RX IN D3 TVS 8V ½ PSOT08C (Protek) +48V 48V SW IN D5 SMJ58 D1 Schottky STPS1H100A or MBRS1100 T3 FB1 220nF/ 100V C2 C1 0.1uF D2 ¼ SR70 or ES2BA or STTH102 220uF/ 100V Ferrite beads Fair-Rite See Note below 2512066017Y1 FB2 10nF/ 200V 10nF/ 200V P 75 ohms N +48V D4 ¼ SR70 (Protek & Semtech) or STPS1H100A or STTH102 V48 Ret Bob Smith terminations ESD capacitor 75 ohms 1nF/ 2kV C4520X7R3D102K Note: The proposed fuse configuration is just an example of implementation. Some systems configurations and safety requirements might also require the fuse to be installed in series with N terminal instead of P. Figure 10. Basic Circuit With Transient Protection The major elements of this protection circuit are: • Clamping diodes D2 and D4: key parameters are the forward recovery time and capability to handle transient currents for a specific duration, as mentioned in the previous ESD, EFT, and surges sections. The resultant forward voltage transient must be acceptable. Within the selected diodes, the SR70 has the additional advantage of a small package. • TVS D3: key parameters are response time and current-handling capability along with low impedance. D3 is required only if D1 is used (for AC disconnect function). • Note: If the application requires the consideration of more severe surges like the ones defined in the GR-1089-CORE (intra-building lightning surge specification) standard, it is recommended to use the STPS1H100A or STTH102 for D2 and D4 and a 1500-W TVS (SMCG8.0, for example) for D3, which are more robust. • Schottky diode D1: using a Schottky provides a fast protection against negative voltage transients, in addition to improving efficiency of the PSE. • Bob Smith terminations or line-to-GND capacitors: the initial ESD/EFT transient hits circulate through those terminations to earth ground. • Ferrite beads: these provide blocking impedance. – The main function of the ferrite beads is to provide isolation at high frequency between the Bob Smith terminations and the internal capacitor placed between P and N. Without these beads, the SLVA233A – April 2006 – Revised August 2006 Submit Documentation Feedback Electrical Transient Immunity for Power-Over-Ethernet 11 Circuit Protection Solutions for PoE • • • • terminations might not work correctly. – The ferrite beads also play an important role against ESD. Fuse: – Note that the fuse must be selected so it will withstand, without opening, the energy associated to the normal transients. The worst case happens during a surge event applied in differential from N to P. In this case, the I2t can reach 10 × 10-3 A2 sec within 35 µs. A good design rule is to select a fuse with ensured capacity of at least 2 times that I2t. – Also, some systems configurations and/or safety requirements might also require the fuse to be installed in series with the N-terminal instead of the P-terminal. Decoupling capacitor (100 nF) on 48-V bus and on PN: these must be low-impedance ceramic types. It is important to locate C1 close to the clamping diodes and preferably use one such capacitor per group of two (or perhaps four) ports. Also important is the location of C2 in close proximity to the same circuitry. TVS on input 48-V bus: this TVS is normally located close to the 48-V input connector, as well as the 220- µF. All the components selected feature a surface-mount package for low parasitic inductance. As can be seen, the protection components keep any transient current from flowing through the N-to-RTN or the P-to-RTN of the IC, in either positive or negative polarity. However, those transient currents may follow different paths depending on the source of the transient. This is illustrated from Figure 11 to Figure 14. The case of ESD or EFT, which are fast and common-mode events, is illustrated in Figure 11 and Figure 12. The case of surges, which are much slower, is illustrated in Figure 13 and Figure 14; both common and differential (between P and N pairs) mode surges are handled by the circuitry although only the first (common-mode) type is illustrated. One interesting point is that the DC voltage levels on C1 and C2 just prior to the transient event directly effect the paths that those transient currents follow. For example, with a negative EFT event on N while the PSE power switch is OFF, consider the following scenarios: • In all scenarios, at the beginning of every EFT pulse, the current circulates for a short time in the Bob Smith termination. • If the 56-V power supply is ON just prior to the event: the transient current only circulates through the path of D1, C1, and C2, and does not circulate at all through the clamping diode D4. • If the 56-V power supply is OFF but still connected and if C2 is not charged: during the first EFT pulses of that event, the current circulates through D1, C1, and C2. The capacitor C2 accumulates some charge, and its voltage increases from one EFT pulse to the next one. • If the 56-V power supply is OFF but still connected and if C2 is charged to a certain level: the current follows two paths depending on the voltage accumulated in C2, and from one EFT pulse to the next one, the C2 path takes a higher proportion of that current. • This is illustrated at the left in Figure 12. Simulation results are also shown in Figure 15 to Figure 17. Simulation results in Figure 18 also show a similar behavior but with a surge, which is much slower than EFT. On ESD or EFT simulations, it is clear that the BS termination, along with the ferrite beads, play an important role in ESD/EFT suppression. BS terminations are first of all used for EMC reasons. The pair-to-pair relationship of a Cat-5 cable form transmission lines in themselves, which need BS terminations in order to avoid multiple reflections and standing wave problems. Secondly, those terminations clearly define the first path that an ESD or EFT strike will follow. Note that substituting BS terminations with capacitors to chassis ground without any series matching (or damping) resistor results in a low pair-to-pair matching impedance which might result in even stronger EMC problems. 12 Electrical Transient Immunity for Power-Over-Ethernet SLVA233A – April 2006 – Revised August 2006 Submit Documentation Feedback Circuit Protection Solutions for PoE It is interesting to note that for the mentioned threat levels and based on simulation results, the maximum possible voltage on a line-to-earth GND capacitor is approximately 1 kV; so, a 2-kV-rated capacitor is a safe choice. Simulations indicate that with 8-kV ESD applied and with a150pF/330-Ω human/metal model, the resultant voltage on the 1 nF of the Bob Smith termination is less than 100 V. The worst-case high voltage on this capacitor occurs during the surge test which is at 1 kV for Class-2. Similarly, a 200-V rating for the 10 nF is a safe choice. Tests have been performed with the clamp diodes plus Bob Smith termination and ferrite beads. The results have been satisfactory and demonstrate that the TPS2384 and its circuitry can tolerate some forward voltage drop on D2 and D4 while supporting high transient currents. Examples of suggested board layouts are shown in Figure 19 and Figure 21. Note that the optional common mode choke can be used in situations where EFT events cause erratic behavior of the system. In order for this choke to be effective, all signals have to pass through it, which means the Ps, Ns, the 48 V and the GND connection. Clearly, the following components and the connectors (power input and RJ-45) must be close together in order to keep the area of the transient current loop (and its impedance) as small as possible: D2, D4, D3, D1, C1, and C2. For example, the effectiveness of the clamping diode D2 is greatly reduced if C1 is not located nearby in ESD or EFT application. In applications with multiple ports, it is recommended to have one such C1 per group of ports (preferably two or four) and to place it physically close to its group of components. It is also important to provide sufficient copper area for the suppressor device in order to facilitate heatsinking. Note that Ethernet interface circuitry usually also requires data line protectors for the data line driver circuitry. However, this discussion has mainly focused on protection techniques applicable to Power-Over-Ethernet circuitry. SLVA233A – April 2006 – Revised August 2006 Submit Documentation Feedback Electrical Transient Immunity for Power-Over-Ethernet 13 Circuit Protection Solutions for PoE ESD/EFT on P ESD/EFT on N D3 TVS 8V ½ PSOT08C (Protek) +48V 48V SW D5 SMJ58 D3 TVS 8V ½ PSOT08C (Protek) D1 Schottky STPS1H100A or MBRS1100 T3 220nF/ 100V C1 0.1uF +48V FB1 D2 ¼ SR70 or ES2BA or STTH102 220uF/100V FB1 220nF/ 100V Fair-Rite 2512066017Y1 48V SW FB2 D5 SMJ58 C1 0.1uF D2 ¼ SR70 or ES2BA or STTH102 220uF/100V TTDLF2500 N 1nF/ 2kV D4 ¼ SR70 (Protek & Semtech) or STPS1H100A (ST) or STTH102 (ST) V48 Fair-Rite 2512066017Y1 FB2 10nF 10nF 75 ohms +48V Ferrite beads 10nF 10nF P D1 Schottky STPS1H100A or MBRS1100T3 Ferrite beads 75 ohms ESD capacitors P 75 ohms N 1nF/ 2kV +48V 1nF/ 2kV D4 ¼ SR70 (Protek & Semtech) or STPS1H100A (ST) or STTH102 (ST) C4520X7R3D102K V48 Ret 75 ohms ESD capacitors 1nF/ 2kV C4520X7R3D102K Ret Figure 11. Current Path in Positive Polarity ESD/EFT Event Common Mode: Line-to-GND ESD/EFT on P ESD/EFT on N D3 TVS 8V ½ PSOT08C (Protek) D3 TVS 8V ½ PSOT08C (Protek) +48V 48V SW D5 SMJ58 D1 Schottky STPS1H100A or MBRS1100 T3 220nF/ 100V C1 0.1uF +48V FB1 D2 ¼ SR70 or ES2BA or STTH102 220uF/100V D1 Schottky STPS1H100A or MBRS1100T3 FB1 Ferrite beads 220nF/ 100V Fair-Rite 2512066017Y1 48V SW FB2 D5 SMJ58 C1 0.1uF D2 ¼ SR70 or ES2BA or STTH102 220uF/100V 10nF 10nF Ferrite beads Fair-Rite 2512066017Y1 FB2 10nF 10nF P 75 ohms N P 1nF/ 2kV +48V D4 ¼ SR70 (Protek & Semtech) or STPS1H100A (ST) or STTH102 (ST) V48 75 ohms ESD capacitors 1nF/ 2kV 75 ohms N 1nF/ 2kV +48V D4 ¼ SR70 (Protek & Semtech) or STPS1H100A (ST) or STTH102 (ST) C4520X7R3D102K V48 75 ohms ESD capacitors 1nF/ 2kV C4520X7R3D102K Ret Ret Figure 12. Current Path in Negative Polarity ESD/EFT Event Common Mode: Line-to-GND 14 Electrical Transient Immunity for Power-Over-Ethernet SLVA233A – April 2006 – Revised August 2006 Submit Documentation Feedback Circuit Protection Solutions for PoE Surge on N Surge on P D3 TVS 8V ½ PSOT08C (Protek) D3 TVS 8V ½ PSOT08C (Protek) +48V 48V SW D1 Schottky STPS1H100A or MBRS1100 T3 D5 SMJ58 220nF/ 100V C1 0.1uF +48V FB1 Fair-Rite 2512066017Y1 D2 ¼ SR70 or ES2BA or STTH102 220uF/ 100V 48V SW FB2 FB1 75 ohms N 1nF/ 2kV +48V D4 ¼ SR70 (Protek & Semtech) or STPS1H100A (ST ) or STTH102 (ST) V48 D5 SMJ58 220nF/ 100V C1 0.1uF Ferrite beads Fair-Rite 2512066017Y1 D2 ¼ SR70 or ES2BA or STTH102 220uF/ 100V FB2 10nF 10nF P D1 Schottky STPS1H100A or MBRS1100T3 Ferrite beads ESD capacitors 10nF 10nF 75 ohms P 75 ohms N 1nF/ 2kV +48V 1nF/ 2kV 75 ohms D4 ¼ SR70 (Protek & Semtech) or STPS1H100A (ST) or STTH102 (ST) C4520X7R3D102K V48 ESD capacitors 1nF/ 2kV C4520X7R3D102K Ret Ret Figure 13. Current Path in Positive Polarity Surge Event Common Mode: Line-to-GND Surge on N Surge on P D3 TVS 8V ½ PSOT08C (Protek) D3 TVS 8V ½ PSOT08C (Protek) +48V 48V SW D5 SMJ58 D1 Schottky STPS1H100A or MBRS1100 T3 Fair-Rite 48V SW 2512066017Y1 D2 ¼ SR70 or ES2BA or STTH102 220uF/ 100V FB1 D5 SMJ58 C1 0.1uF Fair-Rite 2512066017Y1 D2 ¼ SR70 or ES2BA or STTH102 220uF/ 100V FB2 P 75 ohms 75 ohms N 1nF/ 2kV +48V 1nF/ 2kV +48V D4 ¼ SR70 (Protek & Semtech) or STPS1H100A (ST) or STTH102 (ST) V48 ESD capacitors 10nF 10nF 10nF 75 ohms N Ferrite beads 220nF/ 100V FB2 10nF P D1 Schottky STPS1H100A or MBRS1100 T3 Ferrite beads 220nF/ 100V C1 0.1uF +48V FB1 D4 ¼ SR70 (Protek & Semtech) or STPS1H100A (ST) or STTH102 (ST) 1nF/ 2kV V48 C4520X7R3D102K 75 ohms ESD capacitors 1nF/ 2kV C4520X7R3D102K Ret Ret Figure 14. Current Path in Negative Polarity Surge Event Common Mode: Line-to-GND 20A 10A Negative EFT with 56V present : the current circulates at first in BS termination and then in the schottky diode (not at all in the parallel SR70) (11.012n,-9.2771) The series ferrite bead also plays an important role 0A -10A (16.140n,-16.146) SEL>> -20A 1 58V 2 400V 56V -I(D15) I(R30) I(V13) I(V29) 0V (11.012n,-658.583) 54V -400V (26.220n,54.394) 52V >> -800V 0s 1 10ns V(D15:2) 2 20ns V(L1:1) 30ns 40ns 50ns 60ns 70ns 80ns 90ns 100ns Time NOTE: Upper graph: BS termination current (blue), upper SR70 diode current (green), Schottky diode current (yellow) Lower graph: N (drain) terminal voltage of PSE power switch (green), BS termination voltage (red) Figure 15. Negative EFT Simulation on N Terminal With 56V Power Supply ON SLVA233A – April 2006 – Revised August 2006 Submit Documentation Feedback Electrical Transient Immunity for Power-Over-Ethernet 15 Circuit Protection Solutions for PoE 20A 10A Negative EFT on N and 56V OFF (but connected) : the current circulates at first in BS termination and then mainly in the schottky diode (a little bit in the parallel SR70) (11.012n,-9.2771) The series ferrite bead also plays an important role 0A (24.300n,-1.8923) -10A SEL>> -20A 1 5.0V 2 400V (16.260n,-14.796) -I(D15) I(R30) I(V13) I(V29) From one EFT pulse to the next one, the 0.22uF is gradually charged and the current will be gradually shared between the parallel SR70 and the schottky Note also that the delta V on the 0.22uF during an EFT pulse will decrease as its initial voltage increases so that a lot of cycles are required before all current circulates in the SR70 only 0V 0V (91.140n,740.152m) -400V (11.100n,-713.398) -5.0V >> -800V 0s 1 10ns 20ns V(D15:2) V(C19:2,L1:2) 2 (25.060n,-1.4844) 30ns V(L1:1) 40ns 50ns 60ns 70ns 80ns 90ns 100ns Time NOTE: Upper graph: BS termination current (blue), upper SR70 diode current (green), Schottky diode current (yellow) Lower graph: voltage on N (drain) terminal of PSE power switch (green), voltage on capacitor C2 (across P and N) (red), BS termination voltage (blue). Figure 16. Negative EFT Simulation on N Terminal With 56V Power Supply OFF 20A Negative EFT on N and 56V OFF (but connected) : the current circulates at first in BS termination and then mainly in the schottky diode (a little bit in the parallel SR70) (11.012n,-9.2771) (15.740n,-6.9017) The series ferrite bead also plays an important role 0A (21.780n,-9.2046) SEL>> -20A 1 5.0V 2 400V -I(D15) I(R30) I(V13) (0.000,3.0000) I(V29) From one EFT pulse to the next one, the 0.22uF is gradually charged and the current will be (85.500n,3.2107) gradually shared between the parallel SR70 and the schottky 0V 0V Note also that the delta V on the 0.22uF during an EFT pulse will decrease as its initial voltage increases so that a lot of cycles are required before -400V (11.100n,-713.398) all current circulates in the SR70 only (19.340n,-3.9544) Vinitial of 0.22uF : 3V -5.0V >> -800V 0s 1 10ns 20ns V(D15:2) V(C19:2,L1:2)2 30ns V(L1:1) 40ns 50ns 60ns 70ns 80ns 90ns 100ns Time NOTE: Upper graph: BS termination current (blue), upper SR70 diode current (green), Schottky diode current (yellow) Lower graph: voltage on N (drain) terminal of PSE power switch (green), voltage on capacitor C2 (across P and N) (red), BS termination voltage (blue) Figure 17. Negative EFT Simulation on N Terminal With 56V Power Supply OFF and With 3V Initially on C2 16 Electrical Transient Immunity for Power-Over-Ethernet SLVA233A – April 2006 – Revised August 2006 Submit Documentation Feedback Circuit Protection Solutions for PoE 40A (3.9619u,22.638) Negative Surge test on PSE with complete protection except CM choke : 0.1uF = C22 = C25 The current circulates at first through the schottky for a while and then through the parallel SR70 since the 0.22 uF gets recharged (the behaviour will be different if the 56V is not present) 0A (3.2692u,-19.973) -40A 60V I(D15) I(V13) I(C36) I(V16) 40V The SR70 is not a perfect low impedance but it is enough 20V (3.9219u,-8.2581) 0V SEL>> -10V 0s V(R32:2) 5us 10us 15us 20us 25us 30us 35us 40us 45us 50us Time Upper graph: lower SR70 diode current (green), Schottky diode current (yellow) Lower graph: voltage on N (drain) terminal of PSE power switch (green) Figure 18. Negative Surge Simulation on N Terminal With 56 V Power Supply ON SLVA233A – April 2006 – Revised August 2006 Submit Documentation Feedback Electrical Transient Immunity for Power-Over-Ethernet 17 Circuit Protection Solutions for PoE Bob Smith terminations FB1 1 per port Ferrite beads FB2 D3 TVS 8V ½ PSOT08C Earth GND POE transformers 2 TX & 2 RX GND plane 48V-GND planes Fuses + ferrite beads Diodes and caps CM TPS2384 Fuses + ferrite beads BST D1 Schottky POE transformers 2 TX & 2 RX L1 D4 ¼ SR70 RJ45 out 48V IN 48V N1 D4 ¼ SR70 0.1uF Earth GND RJ45 out Earth GND +48V RJ45 in 48V suppressor D5 SMJ58 N1 GND P1 +48V BST P1,P2 N1,N2 GND,48V P1 RJ45 in 220uF /100V Lx Optional common mode choke Figure 19. Layout for a Dual Port PSE To Sensitive Circuit { To Sensitive Circuit BAD { GOOD Figure 20. Interconnection to Clamping Devices 18 Electrical Transient Immunity for Power-Over-Ethernet SLVA233A – April 2006 – Revised August 2006 Submit Documentation Feedback References FB1 1 per port Bob Smith terminations Ferrite beads FB2 Earth GND POE transformers 2 TX & 2 RX BST RJ45 in RJ45 out D3 TVS 8V ½ PSOT08C Earth GND POE transformers 2 TX & 2 RX GND plane 48V-GND planes P3, P4 N3,N4 GND TPS2384 P1 GND CM Diodes and caps CM Diodes and caps Fuses + Fuses + ferrite ferrite beads beads L1 BST N1 POE transformers 2 TX & 2 RX Lx Optional common mode choke P1 +48V D1 Schottky BST Fuses + Fuses + ferrite ferrite beads beads P1,P2 N1,N2 GND,48V RJ45 in BST RJ45 out D4 ¼ SR70 48V IN N1 D4 ¼ SR70 0.1uF Earth GND 48V RJ45 out Earth GND RJ45 in +48V 48V suppressor D5 SMJ58 220uF /100V RJ45 Earth GND out Earth GND POE transformers 2 TX & 2 RX RJ45 in Figure 21. Layout for a Quad Port PSE 7 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Protection of Electronic Circuits from Overvoltages, Ronald B. Standler, Dover Publications inc., 2002 IEC 61000-4-2, 2001-04 IEC 61000-4-4, 2004-7 IEC 61000-4-5, 2001-4 ITU-T recommendations K.20, K.21, K.44, and K.45 GR-1089-CORE, Issue 4. Design in Transient Protection for Power-Bus and Data Lines, David W. Hutchins, Electronic Design, July 1990 8. Electrical-Transient Immunity: a Growing Imperative for System Design, O. Melville Clark and Donald E. Neill, Electronic Design, January 1992 9. TVS Diode Application Note, Semtech AN96-07, Revision 02/4/2002 10. Method to Enhance the Performance of Category 5 Cable in the Electromagnetic Environment, Bob Smith, January 25th, 1993 SLVA233A – April 2006 – Revised August 2006 Submit Documentation Feedback Electrical Transient Immunity for Power-Over-Ethernet 19 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment. TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. 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