! ! ! "#$%&'!()&&#!*+,! -*+!.*/*#$0! Blower Wheel Specification Matrics - Revision 8/24/12 Part No. 978 978-2 979 979-2 GD231-128-01 723 900 649 GA400-200 GA400-200-01 880 880-1 880-2 930 930-1 930-2 BW Type Single Single Single Single Double Double Double Double Single Single Double Double Double Double Double Double O.D.* 3.80" 3.80" 3.80" 3.80" 3.19 3.25 3.25 4.08 4.27 4.27 4.72 4.72 4.72 4.77 4.77 4.77 Width 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 3.80 3.48 3.77 3.44 2.00 2.00 3.21 3.21 3.21 5.03 5.03 5.03 Rot.** CCW CCW CW CW Both Both Both Both CCW CCW Both Both Both Both Both Both Blades 30 30 30 30 28 24 24 28 28 28 36 36 36 36 36 36 Bore Size 0.312 0.250" 0.312 0.250" 0.250" 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.313 0.250" 0.312 0.375 0.250" 0.312 0.375 0.250" "D" Flat 0.280" 0.280" 0.280" 0.280" 0.236" 0.280" 0.280" 0.280" 0.245" 0.236" 0.280" 0.280" 0.280" 0.280" 0.280" 0.280" 930-4 700 701 894 GA500-108-01 GA500-108-02 GA500-216-01 GA500-216-03 939 940 985 986 823 824 GA524-305-01 GA524-305-02 GA524-328-08 GA524-328-09 GA610-305-07 GA623-400 GD623-400 GA623-226-05 GA623-226-06 GA703-318-02 GA703-318-09 GA706-229-01 GA716-328-02 GA722-305-01 GA800-320-01 Double Single Single Double Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Double Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single 4.77 4.76 4.76 5.00 5.31 5.31 5.38 5.38 5.40 5.40 5.69 5.69 5.94 5.94 6.14 6.14 6.14 6.14 6.63 6.70 6.70 6.98 6.98 7.42 7.42 7.54 7.86 8.04 8.38 5.03 3.30 3.30 2.50 1.27 1.27 2.50 2.50 3.60 3.60" 3.62 3.62 2.57 2.57 3.16 3.16 3.88 3.88 3.16 4.00 8.00 2.80 2.80 3.55 3.55 2.91 3.88 3.16 3.63 Both CCW CW Both CCW CCW CCW CCW CW CCW CCW CW CCW CW CCW CCW CW CCW CCW CCW Both CW CCW CCW CW CW CCW CW CW 36 30 30 36 28 28 28 28 40 40 31 31 45 45 40 40 40 40 32 36 36 36 36 40 40 38 36 38 42 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.250" 0.218" 0.313 0.500" 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.375" 0.250" 0.500" 0.500" 0.500" 0.500" 0.500" 0.500" 0.500" 0.500" 0.500" 0.500" 0.500" 0.500" 0.500" 0.275" 0.280" 0.280" 0.280" 0.235" 0.188" 0.245" 0.460" 0.310"DD 0.310"DD 0.245"DD 0.245"DD 0.280" 0.280" 0.347" 0.235" 0.459" 0.459" 0.463" 0.463" 0.46 0.459" 0.459" 0.459" 0.459" 0.460" 0.459" 0.459" 0.451" Hub Matr'l Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Solid Plast. Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic GA808-500-1 GA822-400-11 Single Single 8.65 9.10 5.00 4.00 CW CW 42 42 0.500" 0.500" N/A 0.459" GA908-500-01 905 Single Double 9.65 9.88 5.00 9.50 CCW Both 38 43 0.500" 0.500" N/A 0.465 GA924-416-04 811 Single Double 10.30 11.00 4.54 8.00 CW Both 42 36 0.500" 0.500" 0.46 0.455 812 Double 11.00 8.00 Both 36 0.500" N/A GA1028-416-0 Single 11.37 4.52 CW 42 0.500" N/A 809 Double 13.19 6.00 Both 43 0.500" N/A Notes: 1. * O.D. is the outside diameter of the blower wheel rim. The blade diameter is usually less depending on the supporting rim thickness. 2. ** Rot. is the motor back end shaft rotation as looking at the backside of single inlet blower wheel plate. 3. Materials: Blower Wheels plastic materials are made from one of the following stocked materials: 13% GF Nylon-Black 25% GF Nylon-Black 30% GF Nylon-Black 20% Talc Filled Polypropylene-Black or Natural 40% Calcium Carbonate Polypropylene-Black Customer material preference is an option. For current prices and sample of blower wheel, please call us. ! Metal Hub Plastic Metal Hub Plastic Metal Hub Plastic Metal Hub Metal Hub Metal Hub ! ! "#$%&'!($&')! *&+,'-!./''&0! ! 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 GA400-200 T- 2.00" Injection Molded Blower Wheels Blade Oia. Height No of Blades BASE DATA 4.0" Ring Oia. 2.02" Rotation 28 4.27" CCW @ I~ r:.... ~ RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 20% Talc Filled Polypropylene HUB 0.128" Oia. "0" Style 0.250" Oia. "0" Style 0.313" Oia. "0" Style iT 1 ~~ b 0J 0 <:::t <:::t 1 _L PJ) Dimensional data is for reference only. For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering. OPTIONS With Compression Ring With Compression Ring With Compression Ring This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASHRAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a Lau standard housing without inlet duct and with discharge duct. FAN PERFOR.MANCE (Tested ina 08430103 Test Fi Ie L5952- CURVES housi ng) 31 0.400 0.040 0.3.60 0.036 0.320 .....,.. -;, 0,280 )0 I c c 0.240 I"-..... ......, '" ;:) ~ ~ 0.200 .__.~ --- ,550 rpr L'-' L'-' t;; 0.120 1,550 rp!'n 0.024 '"' .c ..... 0.020 ~ ,100 rpr J<,... -- ..-~ ~ " 0.040 0.000 0 10 20 30 40 '" 1,100 rp!'n 0.080 50 '"<, 60 70 AIR FLO .... (cfm) 3 0.032 0.028 ~ ....... Q. C V ..... '" '":1 0.160 ~ and 80 0.016 0.Q12 '<. 90 0.008 ~ 100 'f\. 110 0.004 0.000 120 ffi :Q Q. 6 GASOO-108 Industries, Inc" rT Injection Molded Blower Wheels BASE DATA 5.03" Ring Oia. 1.27" Rotation 28 Blade Oia. Height No of Blades 5.31" CCW L.() L.() ~ I--- tr-- Dimensional data is for reference only. For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering. This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASH RAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a Lau standard housing without inlet duct and with discharge duct. CURVES (Tested ina 08430104 Test Fi Ie L5952- housi ng) 20 0.400 0.060 0.360 0.054 - 0.320 -;. 0.280 )I I co c 0.240 ........ ~ t-- 1,550 ....... ~ ~ I--I""'" VV ~ 1,550 ""- ::> 0.200 Woj CII: Q. r-r--. r-..... ""'- -e 0.120 1, 00 r m .... ........- ~ "" ......... CII: I- ...... ..- pm .-""" Woj 0.160 pm '"r-, pO 1,1 rp ~ 0.040 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0.042 '1'0 ...... Q, '" .c: <, 0.030 t-- , ~ 0 0.024 <, 0.018 r-, " "'- <, 50 55 AIR FLO ... (cfm) 4 60 65 ei )I r-, 0.G12 ~ r-, 10 ~ .._" 0.000 5 0.048 0.036 ~ ..- 0.080 D and Ring FA.N PERFORMANCE t;:; C") 0 LL }1 HUB OPTIONS 0.218" Oia. "0" Style With Compression 0.250" Oia. "0" Style Without Clamp !:! = C") .-- ........ \0- RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 20% Talc Filled Polypropylene ~ '3 @ 1"- 0.006 ~ 70 75 80 85 0.000 90 95 100 Q. GASOO-216 Industdes, Inc. Injection Molded Blower Wheels Blade Oia. Height No of Blades BASE DATA 5.0" Ring Oia. Rotation 2.5" 28 ~. 5.38" CCW ..._ .......,j I"- RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 20% Talc Filled Polypropylene HUB 0.313" Oia. "0" Style 0.313" Oia. "0" Style 0.500" Oia. "0" Style OPTIONS Without Clamp With Compression With Compression -... @ Co b ('() a L{) L{) LL )! Dimensional data is for reference only. For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering. Ring Ring and This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASHRAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a Lau standard housing without inlet duct and with discharge duct. FAN PERFORM.A.NCE CURVES (Tested ina 08430105 Test Fi Ie L5952- housi ng) 21 0.500 .....--- 1,550 r_r 0.450 1,550 rpm 0.400 -;, 0.350 :- ~ I-- I c:: - ............ I---" »> /' .......... 0.042 r-, 0.036 ...... CI. .c: <, IJ,j g,: ::::I ~ 0.250 '-' 0.030 .... IJ,j g,: 1,100 rpm a. !:l 0.200 C ~ ~ 0.150 0.100 V'"' "'r-, 0.050 0.000 0 20 40 0 0.024 a. 1,100 rpm I- 60 80 Ii IR FLO ... (cfm) 5 .~ <, -, -. -, 100 el )I ~ ..._ 0.054 0.048 ~ c 0.300 t;; r-.-, 0.060 r\ 120 140 0.Q18 0.Q12 -, 0.006 0.000 160 GAS24-30S Industries, Inc. Injection Molded Blower Wheels Blade Oia. Height No of Blades BASE DATA Ring Oia. 5.72" 3.16" Rotation 40 ~ ~ 6.14" CCW 8 "" RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 20% Talc Filled Polypropylene Lo ""~ Lo (">') ~ r-, ""l -o LCi ~ 11 .e:» JL Dimensional data is for reference only. For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering. HUB OPTIONS 0.250" Oia. "0" Style With Compression 0.375" Oia. "0" Style Without Clamp Ring This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASH RAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a Lau standard housing without inlet duct and with discharge duct. FAN PERFORMANCE CURVES (Tested ina 08430107 housi ng) Test Fi Ie L5952- 26 0.800 0.080 ~/ 0.720 0.640 .......... -.......... ....___ --~ )0 I ~ r-.... /' 0.480 Q,: / == ~ 0.400 '"" Q,: Q,. :! 0.320 ~ -e t;; 0.240 ~ ~ -...._ -- 0.160 »> ..- ..-' ---.. ,..... - 0.080 0 40 80 _./ 120 160 200 AIR FLOY 7 (cfm) 0.056 0.048 "" '" .c .._" 0.040 Q -, ~ 0.032 -, 0.024 \ -. 240 ffi )I 1,100 rpm "r-, 0.000 0.064 -. V 0.072 1,550 rpm V ~~ --____.. --- ->< 1 100 rpm /' / 1,550 rpm -;, 0.560 c '"" and 280 0.Q16 -, 320 0.008 0.000 360 Q,. GA524-328 Industries, Inc. 3.88" Blade Oia. Height No of Blades "" 6.14" Either ~ ~ 0 ""F RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 20% Talc Filled Polypropylene <0 iD iD ~ r-... -0 L{) ~ '>j d JJ II HUB OPTIONS 0.375" Oia. "0" Style With Compression 0.500" Oia. "0" Style With Compression y Dimensional data is for reference only. For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering. Ring Ring (Tested in 8 08430108 Test Fi Ie L5952- CURVES housi nl~) 27 0.800 0.080 0.720 <, 0.640 <; ';. 0.560 )I I .: i: 0.480 WJ 1:1:: ::I ./ 1,55~ 1,550 rprr ---- -- ?r-./ V :l 0.320 ~ -e t;; '<; ..... ...___ 0.160 0.080 1,100 rpm 0.000 --0 40 - ~ ./ y /' 0.056 120 Inn - > <, 160 0.048 ..... CI. ..: 0.040 ./ ~~ r--.. ~ 80 0.064 / ~ "'""'- ./ 0.240 0.072 / r-.._ ~ 0.400 Q. and This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASH RAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a Lau standard housing without inlet duct and with discharge duct. FAN PERFORMANCE WJ 1:1:: -1 IT 1 Injection Molded Blower Wheels BASE DATA 5.72" Ring Oia. 3.88" Rotation 40 ~dJ 200 AIR FLO.., (cfm) '" 240 280 -. -, 320 "" ffi )0 Q 0.032 Q. 0.024 -, 0.016 0.008 '" 360 0.000 400 8 _j GA61 0-305 r IT * 11 Industdes, Inc. Injection Molded Blower Wheels BASE DATA 6.31" Ring Oia. 3.16" Rotation 32 Blade Oia. Height No of Blades 6.63" CCW C0 = ~ -D -D ~ RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 20% Talc Filled Polypropylene 10% Glass Filled Polypropylene 1 3.16" C'f) Dimensional data is for reference only. For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering. HUB OPTIONS 0.500" Oia. "0" Style Without Clamp 0.500" Oia. "0" Style With Ring Clamp and This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASHRAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a Lau standard housing without inlet duct and with discharge duct. F A.N PERFOR.MANCE CURVES (Tested ina 08430107 housi ng) Test File L5952-6A 0.120 0.800 /./ 0.720 -----... 0.640 i'"'" ';. 0.560 -- 1,550 rprr ~ :-I c ;:; 0.480 ""~~ t:l / I---- ~ ..# 0.400 ""~ 11 100mm ~ 0.320 ~ -e ~ 0.240 V ..".. ~~ 0.160 0.080 - ~ ~ ....- ~ 0 ../ 40 80 j,; V -. -, "'" t\.. 120 160 200 AIR FLO.., (cfm) 9 0.084 0.060 240 280 f:l )I e 0.048 \ 1,100 rprr 0.000 o V ./' 0.096 /'1,550 rpr i'.... V ------ X __... Q. t;; 0.108 ,7 0.036 0.024 1\ \ 320 0.Q12 360 0.000 400 Q. Industdes, Inc" Injection Molded Blower Wheels Blade Oia. Height No of Blades BASE DATA 6.7" Ring Oia. 4.0" Rotation 36 6.7" CCW RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 10% Glass Filled Polypropylene Dimensional data is for reference only. For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering. HUB OPTIONS 0.500" Oia. "0" Style With Ring Clamp and This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASH RAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a Lau standard housing without inlet duct and with discharge duct. FAN PERFORMANCE (Tested ina 08430111 Test Fi Ie L5952- CURVES housi ng) 1 (I 0.200 1.200 1.080 0.960 r-. --......, ....___ ~ 0.840 ,550 rpn r--.... /' -.... )I r-..... ~ I C ;:; 0.720 "-l V ........ I:Ii:: ::I ~ ~ 0.600 "-l I:Ii:: 1:1. !::! 0.480 ~1 l- -e t; ---- --100 rpm --- 0.360 0.240 0.120 0.000 o 50 100 V ~ V ~ ".... -"'" - ~ 150 ~ 200 V ..... /' / 7 / 0.160 1,550 rptn V Q. 0.100 f'.... ~ ~ I-- 250 1,100 r rn ~ <, 300 350 AIR FLO .... (cfm) 11 0.140 0.120 ..... -. 400 ..c ..... ffi )I o 0.080 '" -, r-.... ..... 0.180 0.060 '" 0.040 "- 450 500 0.020 ~ 550 0.000 600 1:1. GA703-318 \AL0 r- -1 3,55" Industries, Inc. TT 11 Injection Molded Blower Wheels Blade Oia. Height No of Blades BASE DATA 7.06" Ring Oia. 3.55" Rotation 40 @ 7.42" Either RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 20% Talc Filled Polypropylene HUB 0.313" Oia. "0" Style 0.500" Oia. "0" Style 0.500" Oia. "0" Style 0.J ::0 <:j 0 r-, r-, Dimensional data is for reference only, For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering, OPTIONS Without Clamp With Ring Clamp With Metal Hub This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASHRAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a Lau standard housing without inlet duct and with discharge duct. FAN PERFORMANCE (Tested ina 08430112 Test Fi Ie L5952- CURVES housi ng) 14 0.250 1,200 1,080 r-, <, 0.960 0.225 "<, .............. -;. 0.840 ,550 rpr r-- ..... -- )I I 0::: 1,5/ ~ ~ ;;. 0,720 Lj,j cr: := Lj,j ~1 Q. :! 0.480 V ,100 rpm "-- ...._ ~ I-- .~ 0,360 0.240 ./ --- t-" ~ 0.120 V 0.175 ~ 0.150,..., '""- l--- l----' ~ ~ "' ~ ~ m .'" o 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 AIR FLO ... (cfm) 12 400 0.100 '"" 0.075 0,050 I\.. r-, 0,000 Q '\ i--'" 450 .0::: '" ..... el )0 l\... to-.... ~ 0.200 0.125 ~ -e t;:; "'"R<, V p/" _/ ~ 0.600 cr: and 500 550 0.025 ~ 0.000 600 Q. GA706-229 \Af5 r l 2.91" Industdes, Inc. IT Injection Molded Blower Wheels Blade Oia. Height No of Blades BASE DATA 7.19" Ring Oia. 2.91" Rotation 38 00 7.54" CW ;;;r Ii? 0- -, r-, 11 RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 20% Talc Filled Polypropylene Dimensional data is for reference only. For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering. HUB OPTIONS 0.500" Oia. "0" Style With Ring Clamp and This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASHRAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a Lau standard housing without inlet duct and with discharge duct. FAN PERFORMANCE (Tested ina 08430113 Test Fi Ie L5952- 1.000 0.180 0.900 0.162 ~ ~ 0.800 ..... ....... ~ -;, 0.700 )I I " ;:; 0.600 1,550 rprr --- 1,550 rpm ..... ~ CII: :::I ~ 0.500 ~ CII: Q. S:I 0.400 ~ r--- 0.300 i-'""" l.------ ~ I"""'" - ~ -~ 0.100 ~ ..~ 50 100 150 200 ........ 1,100 rpm AIR n,n... (efm) 13 300 350 0.144 0.126 0.108 ...... ~ ..: ._. 0.090 <, "' <, 250 V / el )I e 0.072 " -. '" 0.054 0.036 \ ~ ... 0.000 o »:--K r-....... ~ --.. C 0.200 -- .,/ 1,100 rpm V ...... / ./ ~ ~ t;; CURVES housi ng) 9A 400 450 -, 0.018 0.000 500 Q. GA716-328 l 3.875" Industdes, Inc. Injection Molded Blower Wheels Blade Oia. Height No of Blades BASE DATA 7.47" Ring Oia. 3.88" Rotation 36 7.86" CCW RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 20% Talc Filled Polypropylene HUB OPTIONS 0.500" Oia. "0" Style With Ring Clamp Dimensional data is for reference only. For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering. and This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASHRAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a Lau standard housing without inlet duct and with discharge duct. FA.N PERFORMANCE CURVES (Tested ina 08430 I 15 housi ng) Test File L5952-11 .-------~------_.--------r_------._------~------_.------_,r_------,0.300 1.200 -+--------+--------+--------f_------+_-------+--------+---:>II"/-----+--------+ 1.080 0.270 1,550rp~/ +---,~~~_=-+--:--.-_--l---I___--l-- 0.960 / /~---l-----l- 0.240 • -............. 1,550 rpm /' ';, 0.840-+--------+--------+------~~------+_-------b~-----+------~f_------+0.210 )I ~/ I c: c 0.720+--------+-------_+_--------f---------l'I ..... X---".,e:...___,f---------t--------+--------+0.180""' I<,j ~~ " CII: ::::I ~ 0.600-+--------+--------+--------f_/----~'+--------"""""""""'-------+------~f-------+ I<,j CII: Q. 1,100 rpm '" ! 0.150~o !::l 0.480+-::..-~=~-o;;::::_---+--------f7"'~----+_------+--~---+------___1f_------+ 0.120Q. l- ..- -e t;; ----.~ 0.360-+--------+--------+~~~~~------~~~---+-----~~------~f_------+0.090 ~ ~/ i~~,100rpm \, o .240-+--------b.,.....,."-----+-------:;;;1'I-""-----~:t_-------+--------+-"r----~f_------+ ____ -~ ~~ l"- \ _\. \ 0.1 20 -F--------+-....,..-;:;;_~-+--------I__------+_~,------+--------+----\---___1I__------+ 0.000+--------+-------_+_--------f--------+-----...__-+-------_+_----_.__--If--------+ 300 400 500 600 700 100 200 o AIR FLO ... (cfm) 15 0.060 0.030 0.000 800 GA722-305 Industdes, Inc. Injection Molded Blower Wheels Blade Dia. Height No of Blades BASE DATA 7.67" Ring Dia. 3.16" Rotation 38 @ 8.04" CW '<;t 0 00 N r-... -.0 r-... _U RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 20% Talc Filled Polypropylene Dimensional data is for reference only. For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering. HUB OPTIONS 0.500" Dia. "D" Style With Ring Clamp and This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASHRAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a Lau standard housing without inlet duct and with discharge duct. FAN PERFORMANCE (Tested ina 08430116 Test Fi Ie L5952- 1.500 0.400 1.350 0.360 1.200 I--.... ...... -;, 1.050 r-., )0 I C c 0.900 Lol ~ ./ -- --- ~ 0.750 Lol ~ Q" :! 0.600 ---... l- -e --.... ....._ ,100 rpm .......... ------ ----- '" -, ~ 0.150 0.000 o 100 0.240 "" c:r. ..c: 0.200 ~n 300 400 AIR FLO ... (cfm) 16 500 el Q 0.120 \ ~ 200 "'" )I 0.160 '\ <, _,. ~ 0.300 / 0.280 1,550 rpm "> -, V :/ ~ 0.450 0.320 / 1,550 rpn ::I t;:; CURVES housi ng) 13 600 \ 0.080 -, 700 0.040 0.000 800 Q" GA800-320 \_\efj -1 3.625" Industdes, Inc. Injection Molded Blower Wheels Blade Oia. Height No of Blades BASE DATA 7.97" Ring Oia. 3.63" Rotation 42 8.38" CW ,1 RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 20% Talc Filled Polypropylene f-----------i' Dimensional data is for reference only. For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering. HUB OPTIONS 0.500" Oia. "0" Style With Ring Clamp 0.500" Oia. "0" Style With Metal Hub This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASH RAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a Lau standard housing without inlet duct and with discharge duct. FAN PERFORMANCE (Tested ina 08430118 Test Fi Ie L5952- CURVES housi ng) 28 0.500 1.200 1.080 0.960 <; 1,550 rpm )I I C CI:: Q. ::l 0.480 ""-et;; r-.... I,/",~ ", -, <, ' " k-- ~ 0.400 0.350 0.300,...., ~ ..:: .-"~ 0.600 "'-I CI:: 0.450 ~ 0.720 "'-I =t::l -- ~ -;, 0.840 c and ~ 1,100 rpm .7_ L---- ~ 0.360 - <, ~ 0.120 '<; 0.000 o 100 200 Q 0.200 \ 1,10~ 300 400 AIR FLO .... (cfm) 17 500 0.150 -, ~ 600 '"' ffi )I ~ ~ 0.240 0.250 700 0.100 0.050 0.000 800 Q. GASOO-400 Industdes, Inc. Injection Molded Blower Wheels BASE DATA 8.0" Ring Oia. 4.0" Rotation 42 Blade Oia. Height No of Blades IT .. 8.38" Either f'... 4.06" ---1 lo q (Y) co RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 20% Talc Filled Polypropylene r tAcj CD 1_1Dimensional data is for reference only. For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering. HUB OPTIONS 0.500" Oia. "0" Style With Metal Hub and This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASH RAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a Lau standard housing without inlet duct and with discharge duct. FAN PERFORMANCE CURVES (T ested ina 08430 1 19 housi ng) Test Fi Ie L5952- 3 1.200 1.080 0.960 0.600 - "- ~ -~ ."..",... ,550 rprr i"-.. I I: ~ 0.720 w,j w,j ~ Q. !:! 0.480 l- -- e t;; r-, . 0.360 - _.,/ ....... ~/ ---- >< V k_ ~ ,100 rp!!) __..- .> o 100 300 400 "./ "" 0.420 0.360 ...... 1:1. ..:: .._, . '\ \ 500 0.480 1,550 rp n ~ 0.000 200 0.540 \. ~ ~ ~ 0.120 --- -,nn. ~ 0.240 / ~ ) ~ 0.600 " ... -;, 0.840 ~ ::I # ./' 600 700 AIR FLO ... (cfm) 18 800 900 \ \ 0.300 III 0.240 Q. 0.180 0.120 \ \ 1000 0.060 1100 0.000 1200 > e GASOS-SOO r- Industdes, Inc. Blade Oia. Height No of Blades @ 8.65" CW -----1 IT jl Injection Molded Blower Wheels BASE DATA 8.21" Ring Oia. 5.0" Rotation 42 5,00" ~ Lo 0j co -o 0Cl RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 20% Talc Filled Polypropylene Dimensional data is for reference only. For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering, HUB OPTIONS 0.500" Oia. "0" Style With Metal Hub and This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing, Tested in accordance with ASH RAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a Lau standard housing without inlet duct and with discharge duct. FAN PER.FORMANCE CURVES (Tested ina 08430120 housi nq) Test File L5952-16 1.500 1.000 1.350 - 1,550r~f"'"" 1.200 ~. )I I C ;:; 0.900 r-.. Q. !::l 0.600 -. ....... ~ 0.750 1:1: \ /' ""'--" l- -e t;:; ~ V \ \ ..._ / -;, 1.050 ~ 1:1: ~ 1:l ~ 0.900 \100 0.450 - """ rpm 0,300 V ~ 0.150 0.000 o =----200 400 ~ / ............ >< I-' /' V "/ A 1 .100 rnrr ~ 0.600,...., ,;a, .c 0,500 800 AIR FLO ... (cfm) 19 1000 0.400 0.300 \ -., 0.200 \ \ 1200 '"" ffi :e "-, \ 600 0.700 /' '\ ....... ..... ~ 0.800 1,57 1400 0.100 0.000 1600 Q. GA822-400 L\V r -l 4,00" Industdes, Inc. 1 ) Injection Molded Blower Wheels Blade Oia. Height No of Blades BASE DATA 8.69" Ring Oia. 4.0" Rotation 42 @ 9.1" CW 0- 0- C() -0 il RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 20% Talc Filled Polypropylene 30% Glass Filled Polypropylene HUB 0.500" Oia. "0" Style 0.500" Oia. "D" Style 0.500" Dia. "0" Style b Dimensional data is for reference only. For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering. OPTIONS Without Clamp With Ring Clamp With Metal Hub This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASH RAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a Lau standard housing without inlet duct and with discharge duct. FAN PERFORMANCE (Tested ina 08430122 Test Fi Ie L5952- CUR.VES housl ng) SA 1.500 1.000 -- 1.350 1,550 rpm 1.200 ___., .. »> <, -;. 1.050 )I I C ;; 0.900 LI.j 1:1: = LI.j 1,100 rpm 1:1: Q. ...-e 0.600 ~ OA50 .......... /' ~ -.K/' / -. '- .... :..-"" "" ~ 0.300 0.150 0.900 1,550 rprr V --- 0.000 o / .i-> _..--- ------200 400 \ 1 100 rpm 0.600 0.500 i\ \ \ AIR FLO.", (cfm) 21 1000 ei o '> -, 800 =.c: )I OAOO ~ 600 '"' .._" ~ ~ 0.800 0.700 ./ ~ 0,750 :! and 1200 0.300 0.200 \ 1400 0,100 0.000 1600 Q. 'Ace; GA924-416 r Industdes, Inc. Blade Dia. Height No of Blades -I IT Injection Molded Blower Wheels BASE DATA 9.76" Ring Dia. 4.5" Rotation 42 4,54" 10.2" CW RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 20% Talc Filled Polypropylene Dimensional data is for reference only, For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering, HUB OPTIONS 0.500" Dia. "D" Style With Ring Clamp 0.500" Dia. "D" Style With Metal Hub and This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASHRAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a Lau standard housing without inlet duct and with discharge duct. FAN PERFORMANCE CURVES (Tested ina 08430124 housi ng) Test Fi Ie L5952-1 1 ,200 2,000 1,800 1,600 " -, --- 1 ,080 -- 1,550 rpm ...-- """- -;, 1 .400 )I ...... <, <, I C ;; 1,200 )( WoI ~ ::I ~ 1,000 -, WoI ~ ~ :! 0,800 1,100 rpm /' l- -e t;:; 0,600 ">< /' --- ~ 0,200 0,000 o 200 400 .> 1:1. .c: ._, 0,600 _.............. ~ ~ Q ~ "\" -, <, 600 800 1000 AIR FLO .... (cfm) 23 1200 ei )0 '\ V r- 0,720,..., -, /" 0,960 0,840 /' V 0.400 V 1,55~ 0.480 -, 0,360 -, 0,240 0,120 ~ 1400 1600 0,000 1800 e, GA1028-416 \\~) r -I 4.52" Industries, Inc. IT 1 Injection Molded Blower Wheels Blade Dia. Height No of Blades BASE DATA 10.85" Ring Dia. 4.52" Rotation 42 @ 11 .37" CW "- Co «) 0:) ~ ~ RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 20% Talc Filled Polypropylene 30% Glass Filled Polypropylene ::: Dimensional data is for reference only. For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering. HUB OPTIONS 0.500" Dia. "D" Style With Ring Clamp 0.500" Dia. "D" Style With Metal Hub This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASHRAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a Lau standard housing without inlet duct and with discharge duct. FAN PERFORMANCE (Tested ina 08430125 Test Fi le L5952- CURVES housi ng) 15 2.500 2.250 2.000 -;. 1.750 )0 I C c 2.500 2.250 " 1,550 rpn r--.. ....... ~ ,/ '" 1.500 101 I:lI: ~ t:l 1.250 101 I:lI: Q. !:! 1.000 r-; .............. -e 0.750 .,..... /' 0.500 ------ ---- -~ 0.250 0.000 o 200 400 <, V ./ 1,100 rpr l- t;; and 600 / D<" r-, 1200 r- ... II. 1.250 e , 1.000 -, r-, 0.750 0.500 \ "- 1600 1800 "'" ffi )I 1..100 rpr ~ 1400 AIR FLO ... (cfm) 24 1.500 "" <, "1000 >< -, 2.000 1.750 p/'" 1,/ V ___. .--- 800 ./ '/ 2000 2200 \ 0.250 0.000 2400 Q. "A---jtJ GA90S-SOO r- Industdes, Inc. IT Injection Molded Blower Wheels Blade Oia. Height No of Blades BASE DATA 9.21" Ring Oia. 5.0" Rotation 38 5,00" 9.65" CCW RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 20% Talc Filled Polypropylene Dimensional data is for reference only, For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering, HUB OPTIONS 0.500" Oia. "0" Style With Metal Hub and This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASHRAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a Lau standard housing without inlet duct and with discharge duct. FAN PERFORMANCE CURVES (Tested ina 08430123 housi ng) Test Fi Ie L5952- 2 1,800 1,500 1,550 rpm 1,620 1.440 -;, 1,260 )0 I I: ;:; ~ ~ " V _..... ......... -....... ~ ~ 1,100 rprr Q. 0,720 ~ ~ -e ~ r-, 1,080 ::I ~ 0,900 ~ r-.<, 1,350 r-- »> - ~ 0,540 -> .>: ----~ 0,360 ~ 0,180 -....... 0,000 o 200 400 ~ - 600 -. -: / \ 1,550 rpr -: 800 C. 0,750 Q \ ..... AIR FLO .... (cfm) 22 0.450 0,300 \ 1\ 1400 e:i )0 0,600 " -, 1200 "" .#. ....., \ Y """ 1000 1,050 -, _.. 1,200 0,900 1,100 rpm ~ / 1600 1800 0,150 0,000 2000 Q. ! ! "#$%&'!()&'*! +&#,'-!./''&0! ! 38 39 40 41 42 43 ! ! "#$%!#$&! '()*+,,+(%! ! 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 GQ10.744-6 Industdes, Inc. Injection Molded Propellers Blade Dia. Pitch Width No of Blades BASE 10.75" 3.25" 6 ~* 'I DATA Ring Dia. Pitch Angle Rotation ~u 11.5" 440 CW LO r-r-- ( RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 20% Talc Filled Polypropylene 40% Calcium Filled Polypropylene HUB OPTIONS 0.500" Dia. "D" Style Without Clamp 0.500" Dia. "D" Style With Ring Clamp Dimensional data is for reference only. For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering. and This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASHRAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a sharp edged orifice. FAN PERFORM.ANCE CURVES (Tested in a 10.87S" dia. Sharp edge orifice) Test Fi Ie LS872- 4 r--i--::;:;;:1=::::::r---r--i---r--T---i--T--i 1.200 --r---- r-....... 1,550 RPtv 1.050 +----+---+----+---+----""....,..""""'--+---_+---1----_+--__~_ 0.200 0.150 ----r---_ .--,_...-4----t ,.., 0.900 +---_+---+---_+---+---_+---+---_+---1-----+--__1_ 0.100 ! ~ 0.750 +_~==t=::::=tl:,~10~0~R~P~Mt_~~~~~~h=~~~---~--~---~--_t 0.050 ~ ~'"= 0.'" -- +---_+--~~~~~-~~---+----+---t----+--~I-----+----I-O.OOO - ;: 0.450 +----+---+----+---'P'>....----+---+-----+----t----+-----+ ~ ~~ -0.050 0.300 +--="""I-"'""=--........,:::---+----t---t----t-=-.,;::--t----t----t_---t-----t- -0.100 ~...1.:100RPtv " 1,550RP 0.150 +----+---+----+.:::!Ooo.....,..-+----+---+---~...::_--t_--_+--_+ -0.150 -"""'""---r-- ~...___ 0.000 +----+---+----+---+-----+---="""'-+-----+----t-----'f"----+ -0.200 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 11 00 1200 AIR FLO .... (cfm) 3 GQ1131-6 Industdes, Inc. Injection Molded Propellers Blade Oia. Pitch Width No of Blades BASE 10.97" 2.5" 6 DATA Ring Oia. Pitch Angle Rotation * 12.45" 310 CW RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 40% Calcium Filled Polypropylene I Dimensional data is for reference only. For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering. HUB OPTIONS 0.500" Oia. "0" Style Without Clamp 0.500" Oia. "0" Style With Ring Clamp and This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASH RAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a sharp edged orifice. FAN PER.FORMANCE (Tested ina CURVES ".125" dia. Sharp edge orifice) Test Fi Ie L5872- 6 1.600.---~----,----.----,----.----,----.----,----.----.----.----.----.--~0.160 1.400+_--_+--~~~_+----+_--_+----+_--_+----+_--~----+_--~----+_--~--__+0.120 ..................__t--.__ +-__ +-__ - =r~:t:::::t:=:t:==t==l==t:=-1----r_--r----r_--r--1 r",_1...... -+ + 1.200 ""~ )I 1 .....5 w,j ~ I -+1 __ ·~ __f~==~~~~1~,~55:0~FfP~tM~~~~~~~==~k:~:t===_+ 0.080 1,100 R ~1 1.000 0.040 ::::I ~ 0.800+_--_+----+_--_+----+_----+----+_----+----+_--~----+_--~----+_--~--__+ 0.000 w,j ~ Il.. '~ (.) '~ ................_r---- _ ;:: 0.600+----!-----+----""I.::----+----+-----+----+-----+----!------+-----j------+-----!------+ -e lt/) -0.040 ..... 0.400+_--_+----+_--_+----+_-----t'~_..:::+_----+----+_--~----+_--~----+_--~--__+ ~~ ,100RM 0.200 ~ -0.080 .2,550F PM ---1 __ ---.r---.-.....t--4_~1 ......_......__ r--............ ........ r--_ o .000+_---!-----+----!-----+-----+----+----+-----t-=''''''---!------+----~----+-----j-----='''--+ 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 AIR FLO ... (cfm) 4 -0.120 650 700 750 800 850 -0.160 900 Industdes, Inc. Injection Molded Propellers Blade Oia. Pitch Width No of Blades BASE 12.04" 2.87" 6 DATA Ring Oia. Pitch Angle Rotation 13.5" CW RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 40% Calcium Filled Polypropylene ABS HUB 0.500" Oia. "0" Style 0.500" Oia. "0" Style 0.500" Oia. "0" Style Dimensional data is for reference only. For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering. OPTIONS Without Clamp With Ring Clamp With Metal Hub and This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASHRAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a sharp edged orifice. FA.N PERFORMANCE CURVES (Tested in a 12.375" die. Sharp edge orifice) Test Fi Ie L5872- 8 .-----r----:=c--...------,---,.-----.------,r----,.-----,---.-----,-----,--~ r--r--.. r--............._ 0.240 1,550 R M +-----1--_+--+-----1--_+-__;;:"""" ---......_ __---1~--+---+---~--+----1------+ 0.180 i"1--f-_--l-_.+ 0.120 +-----if___-_+--+_--f___--+--+_--I_--+--+_--I_-_+--_4_-__l_ 1,100 RFt'1 +-~~~::=t::::~~~~---+~~~~~b:==~--~--~--+--~---t0.060 -~ +-----1--_+-"".._..... :+~---+---+-----1---+---+-----1----I---+-----I----+ 0.000 +-----i--_+--+_----i~f___-4......".-+_--1_-_+--+_--1_-_+--_4_-__l_ -0.060 """"" ~,_ +--~ ...... ""--:-+t___..--+---+--+---+---~ ............. ,.....-~---+--~~---+--~----II -""r--...._ I ---.. r--.- ~ 1,100 R M -0.120 1,550 PM i"-.... +--+--+--+--+-:::;o..",.d:-~"":;__-+r--.--+--+--+----=""'-::+-~--+--+--+ 0.000 +-_---4__ 200 300 -+__ 400 +-_---i __ 500 600 -0.180 _+--+-----Ir---.~--=~--+_--I_-_+i"-..---+---____I_ 700 800 900 AIR FLO ... (cfm) 5 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 -0.240 1500 GQ1328-6 2.3" \\CJ Industdes, Inc. Injection Molded Propellers Blade Dia. Pitch Width No of Blades BASE 13.0" 2.3" 6 DATA Ring Dia. Pitch Angle Rotation Lo N 14.25" 28° CW "'" C") r-- r-- RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 20% Talc Filled Polypropylene 40% Calcium Filled Polypropylene Dimensional data is for reference only. For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering. HUB OPTIONS 0.500" Dia. "D" Style Without Clamp 0.500" Dia. "D" Style With Ring Clamp and This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASHRAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a sharp edged orifice. FAN PERFORMANCE CURVES (Tested in a 13.S" die. Sharp edge orifice) Test Fi Ie LS872- 10 --- 1.600 1 AOO 0.240 r--- .......... 1,550 RFM r--- 1.200 '"')~ I .S 1.000 ...... - --- 0.180 0.120 1,100 RP~ 0.060 Lj,j CIt: ::::I ~ 0.800 0.000 <; Lj,j CIt: Q. ~ U ;::: 0.600 -e ~ (,Q OAOO ........ r----r----r-.:- "" 1,100 RP'1 0.200 ...... "---... 0.000 300 400 500 600 700 -0.060 --- --- 800 900 ~ 1000 AIR FLO ... (cfm) 6 -0.120 ............. 1,550 R M ~ 1100 r---1200 -0.180 ~ 1300 1400 -0.240 1500 GQ1335-6 Industdes, Inc. Injection Molded Propellers Blade Oia. Pitch Width No of Blades BASE 13.0" 2.78" 6 DATA Ring Oia. Pitch Angle Rotation L() . 14.25" 35° CW N ('I) "'f r-- r-- RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 20% Talc Filled Polypropylene 40% Calcium Filled Polypropylene Dimensional data is for reference only. For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering. HUB OPTIONS 0.500" Oia. "0" Style Without Clamp 0.500" Oia. "0" Style With Ring Clamp This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASH RAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a sharp edged orifice. FAN PERFORMANCE (Tested ina CURVES 13.3125" die. Sharp edge orifice) Test Fi Ie L5872-7 1.600 0.320 ......____ ~50RPM 1.400 -r--- - r---.... .-. 1.200 ;II ) 0.240 0.160 1,100 RPM I .S 1.000 0.080 ...." Woj 1:1:: . ::::I ~ 0.800 ............._, 1:1:: Q. ~ (.) ~ 0.000 '"'" Woj 0.600 -- ------ -e Itil 0.400 0.200 ...... ""'" -0.160 ~ 600 ~RM 1,100 RPM ~ ~ 400 -0.080 ~ 0.000 200 and 800 1000 AIR FLOY (cfm) 7 -0.240 - 1200 ~ 1400 r--1600 -0.320 1800 GQ1440-6 Industdes, Inc. Injection Blade Dia. Pitch Width No of Blades Molded Propellers BASE 14.0" 3.5" 6 ~ 'f// DATA Ring Dia. Pitch Angle Rotation 00 15.0" 40° CW Lo ~ ~ r-- r-- LL RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 20% Talc Filled Polypropylene 40% Calcium Filled Polypropylene Dimensional data is for reference only. For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering. HUB OPTIONS 0.500" Dia. "0" Style Without Clamp 0.500" Dia. "0" Style With Ring Clamp and This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASHRAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a sharp edged orifice. FA.N PERFORMA.NCE CURVES (Tested in a 14.375" die. Sharp edge orifice) Test File L5872-1 1.600 0.600 ..... ...........__ r--- 1.400 1.200 '"'~ " I ,5 1.000 '-' 1.1.1 - - 0.450 -- 1,550 RPt 1,100 RPM a,: ..... ::::I ~ 0.800 1.1.1 a,: 0.150 0.000 <, r-; I:L. ~ 0.600 -e -0.150 '''''''I I- ~ ....... 0.400 -- ~ ~ ..........__ 0.200 800 1000 ~ -0.300 ~ ~ 1,100 RPI" ---..__, 0.000 600 0.300 1200 ----..........._. 1400 1600 AIR FLO .... (cfm) 8 1,550 RP r-..;. -0.450 ~ ~ 1800 2000 2200 2400 -0.600 2600 GQ14.S43-6 Industdes, Inc. Injection Molded Propellers Blade Oia. Pitch Width No of Blades BASE DATA 14.5" Ring Oia. 4.8" Pitch Angle Rotation 6 ~vg 15.5" ~ LO 43° CW ~[ Lo ~ r-- V RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 40% Calcium Filled Polypropylene ABS ~ IcC j Dimensional data is for reference only. For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering. HUB OPTIONS 0.500" Oia. "0" Style With Metal Hub and This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASH RAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a sharp edged orifice. FAN PERFORM.ANCE CURVES (Tested ina 14.875" dia. Sharp edge orifice) Test Fi Ie L5872- 9 2.400 --- 2.100 1.000 1,550 RFf'1 ~ ............__ 0.750 r---..... !.o- 1.800 0.500 "...., '") 1,100 RP1 I .5 1.500 0.250 "" Lj,j '"~ t::l ......__,. 1.200 Lj,j '" CI.. 0.000 -..,.._ ~ (.) ;:: 0.900 -e l(/) ........__ 0.600 --...... 0.300 -~ -0.250 " ~~ ~ ,100 RP~ -........... 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 '-.... r--- ~ 0.000 600 -0.500 1,550 R M 1800 2000 AIR FlOY (cfm) 9 2200 .. ~ 2400 -0.750 r-2600 ~ 2800 -1.000 3000 GQ10.430-5 2.6251.~,~~ Industries, Inc. Injection Molded Propellers Blade Oia. Pitch Width No of Blades BASE 10.42" 2.63" 5 = 1/ II DATA Ring Oia. Pitch Angle Rotation 00 LO. ~1 12.58" 30° CW N r-- N oo:::t . ~ m ~ V 1~ RAW MATERIAL OPTIONS 40% Calcium Filled Polypropylene Dimensional data is for reference only. For certified product dimensions application assistance, call Lau Engineering. HUB OPTIONS 0.500" Oia. "0" Style Without Clamp 0.500" Oia. "0" Style With Ring Clamp and This test data was obtained in a laboratory registered by AMCA for AMCA 210 air performance testing. Tested in accordance with ASH RAE 51-1985, AMCA Standard 210-85 in a sharp edged orifice. FA.N PERFOR.MANCE CURVES (Tested ina 10.875" die. Sharp edge orifice) Test Fi Ie L5872- 5 -... 1.200 0.100 ~ 1.050 ---._ ...__ ----r--- - 0.075 1,550 RFf1 .....~ 0.900 )0 I ,5 ...., 0.750 r--.. 0.050 1,100 RP '1 0.025 LoJ '":= ~ 0.600 <, ........ LoJ '"a. I.l j: 0.450 -e ICf) 0.000 -0.025 <, " ---I'-... 0.300 ~ ~ 0.150 ........_ -0.050 ............. 1 ,550 RPf1 r-- ~ 1,100 RP~ r--r-- 0.000 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 AIR FLOY 2 550 (cfm) r--... 600 ---- -- - 650 700 750 -0.075 -0.100 800