Color Luminance File Format Specification

Color Luminance
File Format Specification
Version 1.5.0, 25. October 2013
This document specifies a file format especially defined to store luminance and color data of views
of automotive lighting systems. These image data could have been created by computer simulation or
with a high-dynamic-range luminance camera. The file format has to fulfill the following requirements:
 Due to the high dynamic nature of the luminance of automotive lighting systems, common
low dynamic range file formats as jpeg or bmp are not sufficient to store the data. A high
dynamic range data format is needed.
 Absolute physical quantities as the luminance and the chromaticity coordinates have to be
 In automotive lighting systems such as rear lamps or front lamps different light functions are
existing, where each light function has its own set of light sources. Preferably images of all
these functions together with the image created with ambient lighting are stored in a single
 Often views from different viewing angles, distances or at different times are made from the
lighting system. An appropriate file format should store these parameters to enable the
viewing program to navigate around the imaged object.
 The camera parameters have to be stored in order to reproduce the settings and to permit
the superposition of images which have been generated by different persons with different
As a basis for this image file format, which will be called color luminance format in the following,
the OpenExr file format[1] created by Industrial Light & Magic (ILM)[2] is used. It is an open standard with
an Open Source Licence. OpenExr offers the required possibility to store high-dynamic-range data in
different channels and layers. Furthermore, custom header attributes can be stored in the file. Version
1.7.0 (which allows long attribute names) or newer of openEXR has to be used. The current version 2.0.1
has also been tested and can be utilized.
In the following the specific attributes to store color luminance data are outlined.
General Definition
One view is stored in one OpenEXR file, where a view may contain several light functions, each is
stored in its own layer. In each layer a single colored luminance distribution can be stored in one
channel, or the three dimensional color coordinates X, Y, and Z in three channels. Single-colored layers
and multi-colored layers can be mixed in a file.
A sequence of images (for example a rotation of the viewing direction around the object) is stored
as a sequence of files in one directory, where each file contains the appropriate header attributes to
define the sequence parameters.
In the next two sections the header attributes, which have to be set are defined. The section Data
structure explains how the data is stored in layers and channels. The last section provides an example
source-code to show how the ILM library is used to write a color luminance file.
Mandatory OpenEXR Header Attributes
The following attributes are required in all OpenEXR files to ensure that the files can be read by
other programs. Most of them are automatically set by the ILM write routines to default values. In Table
1 these attributes have the value “set automatically”.
Table 1: Mandatory OpenEXR header attributes
Attribut Name
set automatically
set automatically
set automatically
set automatically
set automatically
set automatically ( = 1)
x and y coordinates of the window’s center
horizontal width of the image
The attribute screenWindowWidth is used to calculate the pixel coordinates in real space. For a
perspective view (the additional header attribute cameraType defines, whether a perspective or an
orthographic view is used, see next section) the width is the same as defined in the document “Technical
Introduction to OpenEXR” by ILM[3]: The screenWindowWidth is the width of the projected image at a
distance of 1 unitlength in front of the projection point (see Figure 1).
The horizontal and vertical viewing angles of a pixel can be calculated from the displayWindow DW
(which contains the horizontal and vertical image resolution Nx=DW.x_max – DW.x_min +1 and
Ny=DW.y_max – DW.y_min +1 respectively), the screenWindowCenter C, the pixelAspectRatio PA,
defined as width divided by height of a pixel[3] (which should be set to 1) and the screenWindowWidth
The viewing angle to the left border of the image is given by atan[-(W/2 –C.x)/1], the viewing angle
of the right border by atan[(W/2 + C.x)/1], where C.x is the x-coordinate of the screenWindowCenter.
The height H of the image can be calculated with
H= (Ny – 1)/(Nx – 1) * W/ PA.
The height the vertical viewing angles can be calculated similar to the horizontal angles as outlined
For an orthogaphic view the width of the image in the units of the header attribute lengthUnit (see
below) shall be saved as the screenWindowWidth. In this case the 2D Cartesian coordinates of a pixel in
the camera coordinate system can be calculated from the screenWindowWidth, pixelAspectRatio,
displayWindow resolution and screenWindowCenter.
Figure 1 illustrating the screenWindowWidth, the screenWindowCenter and the camera coordinate system, taken from
the Technical Introduction to OpenEXR .
Specific Header Attributes
In addition to the mandatory OpenEXR header attributes, additional attributes have to be given to
store the parameters of the image creation as detailed as possible.
Table 2: Specific Header Attributes
Attribute Name
tonemapping.[Name of
the tm].[Name of the
version of the color luminance format
file comments
name of the owner of the image
the date when the image was created
or captured, formatted as
YYYY:MM:DD hh:mm:ss
Tells the program to interpret RGB
data as CIE XYZ
Luminance is stored by default
Lengths are given in meter by default
Name of the default layer
Coordinates of the camera origin
Coordinates of viewing target
Unit Vector pointing in camera-up
perspective or orthographic
Focal length of the camera’s lens in
the camera's lens aperture, in f-stops
(focal length of the lens divided by the
diameter of the iris opening)
the camera's focus distance, in meters
(u,v,w) used for the mouse control,
values between 0 and 1
(au,av,aw) physical coordinates for
the corresponding orderParameter
(eu,ev,ew) units of the physical
Description of the view parameter
Name of the tone mapping
Value of the tone mapping parameter
v3i (3 integer)
Default Value
v3f (3 floats)
v3f (3 floats)
v3f (3 floats)
v3f (3 floats)
v3f (3 floats)
stringvector (3 (“”,””,””)
stringvector (3 (“”,””,””)
versionCLF contains the version of the color luminance format used to store the data. The
three integers are interpreted as versionCLF(0).versionCLF(1).versionCLF(2), i.e. the current
Information on the data types can be found in
version would be stored as (1,5,0). The attribute can be used to ensure downward
The attribute valueUnit depicts the unit of the stored data, which is by default cd/m².
lengthUnit is by default set to meters (m). It specifies the unit of the screenWindowWidth,
when the cameraType is orthographic.
The attributes cameraOrigin, cameraTarget, cameraUpDirection and cameraType together
with screenWindowWidth and displayWindow ensure that a recalculation of a simulated
image by a different user and with a different simulation program is possible and will give
the same display window. cameraOrigin, cameraTarget and cameraUpDirection are stored
in the coordinate system and units of the data to be visualized for simulated data or of the
laboratory when the data has been taken by a camera.
focalLength, aperture and focus are parameters which can be set if the image was taken by
a real or a simulated real camera. The sensor width s can be calculated from the focalLength
f and the screenWindowWidth w with the relation s = w * f.
dynamicView.order, dynamicView.view, dynamicView.unit and dynamicView.description
are used to order and to navigate through an associated set of images. For example, the set
might consist of several images taken from different camera positions. The viewing
direction is stored in the dynamicView.view attribute (e.g. horizontal viewing angle, vertical
viewing angle, 0)). The corresponding units of the dynamicView.view are stored in
dynamicView.unit (in this example (“degree”, “degree”, “”)). The parameter
dynamicView.description stores the label of the view direction to be displayed in the
viewing program (e.g. “horizontal viewing angle”, “vertical viewing angle”, “”). The
dynamicView.order is a mapping of the dynamicView.view to the interval [0, 1]. It can be
used in a viewing software to relate mouse-drag (or scroll wheel movement) to a change of
the images thereby navigating around the object. It is also possible to store images created
at different times in the set, in this case one parameter would be the time.
If a default layer is used (see next section) , the name of the default layer is set with the
attribute defaultLayerName
The optional parameters starting with tonemapping. account for the fact, that the high
dynamic range data, which is stored in the file, has always to be mapped to low dynamic
range in order to be displayed. The tone mapping parameters are stored in the file to
guarantee the reproducibility of this operation. The name of the tone mapping is saved in
the attribute The parameters of this tone mapping are stored in the
attributes tonemapping.[Name of the tone mapping].[Name of the parameter] (for example
“tonemapping.OpenEXRTMO.Exposure”). Since the name and the type of the parameters
depend on the selected tone mapping algorithm, these values are not defined in this
Table 3 shows attributes which can be set for each layer in the openEXR file. They start with [Name of
the layer], where “[Name of the layer]” is replaced by the name of the corresponding layer.
Table 3: Layer specific attributes
Attribute Name
[Name of the
[Name of the layer].CIExy
[Name of the
[Name of the
Comments for the considered layer
Default Value
CIE 1931 chromaticity coordinates x and
y for single-colored luminance data
Luminous flux of the light source
v2f (2 Floats)
scaling factor for data of [Name of the
If a layer contains only one channel with luminance data, the attribute CIExy is used to
assign a color to this layer.
The attribute luminousFlux for the [Name of the layer] stores the luminous flux of the lightsource(s) used to create the image-data of this layer.
scaleFactor scales the data in the layer’s channels. This might be useful, if the data is stored
with half data-types and it the range of the half-data type does not cover the absolute
luminance of the data.
Default values are given for the attributes where a viewer requires an input in order to display an
image. Where no default value is given, the attribute is ignored by the viewer.
Data Structure
Luminance, i.e. the Y-component, has to be stored in cd/m². X and Z have to be stored with
corresponding units.
Single-colored luminance data are stored in a channel with the name “Y”, as specified in the
Technical Introduction to OpenEXR[5]. Multi-colored data shall be saved as CIE XYZ tristimulus values,
where the pixels’ components X, Y, and Z are stored in the R, G and B channels. In addition the header
has to contain the chromaticities attribute (1,0, 0,1, 0,0, 1/3,1/3) to indicate that RGB is interpreted as
Different light functions or lit and unlit appearance can be stored together in a single file. In this case
different layers shall be used for each image. The name of the layer should reflect the name of the light
function. There are specific header attributes for each layer ([Name of the layer].comments, [Name of
the layer].CIExy, [Name of the layer].luminousFlux, [Name of the layer].scaleFactor). Here the name
“[Name of the layer]” shall be replaced by the name of the corresponding layer. As an example the
tristiumulus values for a multi-color luminance image of a turn indicator could be stored with the names
“turnindicator.R”, “turnindicator.G”, “turnindicator.B” and the chromaticites attribute as defined
above. A single-colored luminance image would be stored as “turnindicator.Y” together with the
turnindicator.CIExy attribute to define the color.
If there are several layers in a file a general OpenEXR viewing software, which has not been
customized to display color luminance data, might not display any of the layers. To provide a default
layer for these programs it is possible to define the default layer by omitting the layer name in the
channel name string, i. e. by just defining “R”, “G” and “B” for multi-colored data or “Y” for singlecolored data as the name string. In this case the layer name has to be stored in the header attribute
In each file the header attributes for the camera and the dynamicView attributes are stored only
once. This implies that one OpenEXR file is only for one view and the multiView attribute[6] is not set.
An exception are stereo views. Here the stereo view could be interpreted as a single view with a
stereo camera, one image for the left, the other for the right eye. Yet, the details of the stereo camera
remain to be defined, which is a task for the future.
Source Code Example
A detailed documentation on how to define layers and channels in practice can be found on the
openEXR web page ( in the document “Reading and Writing OpenEXR Image
Files with the ilmlmf Library”[7]. As an alternative a source code example of a color luminance file write
routine is shown in the following.
//Array Pointer definitions
Array2D<float> exrData_Y (rows, columns);
float *yPixels = &exrData_Y[0][0];
Array2D<float> exrData_unlit_R (rows, columns);
Array2D<float> exrData_unlit_G (rows, columns);
Array2D<float> exrData_unlit_B (rows, columns);
float *rPixels_unlit = &exrData_unlit_R[0][0];
float *gPixels_unlit = &exrData_unlit_G[0][0];
float *bPixels_unlit = &exrData_unlit_B[0][0];
//Header Definitions
Header header (columns, rows);
header.insert("comments", StringAttribute ("Comment on the creation of the image"));
header.insert("owner", StringAttribute ("Automotive Lighting Reutlingen GmbH"));
header.insert("capDate", StringAttribute ("2013:01:01 16:01:00 "));
V3i versionCLF(1,5,0);
header.insert("versionCLF", V3iAttribute (versionCLF));
Chromaticities XYZ_STD_Chroma(red,green,blue,white);
header.insert("chromaticities",ChromaticitiesAttribute (XYZ_STD_Chroma));
header.insert("valueUnit", StringAttribute ("cd/m^2"));
header.insert("lengthUnit", StringAttribute ("m"));
V3f Origin(0.0, 0.0, 3.0);
header.insert("cameraOrigin", V3fAttribute (Origin));
V3f Up(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
header.insert("cameraUpDirection", V3fAttribute (Up));
V3f Target(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
header.insert("cameraTarget", V3fAttribute (Target));
header.insert("cameraType", StringAttribute ("orthographic "));
V3f View(45.0, 18.0, 0.0);
header.insert("dynamicView.view", V3fAttribute (View));
V3f OrderParam(0.5, 0.2, 0.0);
header.insert("dynamicView.order", V3fAttribute (OrderParam));
StringVector unitparameterString;
header.insert("dynamicView.unit", StringVectorAttribute(unitparameterString));
StringVector unitdescriptionStr;
unitdescriptionStr.push_back("horizontal view direction");
unitdescriptionStr.push_back("vertical view direction");
header.insert("dynamicView.description", StringVectorAttribute(unitdescriptionStr));
//Channel definitions + layer specific header definitions
// single colored data is stored as luminance in the Y channel.
// the color of this layer is stored in the attribute Lit.CIExy
header.channels().insert ("Lit.Y", Channel (FLOAT));
V2f SingleColor(0.312, 0.554);
header.insert("Lit.CIExy", V2fAttribute (SingleColor));
float layerLitFlux = 1100.0;
header.insert("Lit.luminousFlux",FloatAttribute (layerLitFlux));
multicolored data is stored as the trisitmulous values X, Y, Z
in the channels R, G and B
by setting the attribute "chromaticities" to the values given below
the software knows that R, G, B is interpreted as X, Y, Z
header.insert("defaultLayerName", StringAttribute ("Unlit"));
header.channels().insert ("R", Channel (FLOAT));
header.channels().insert ("G", Channel (FLOAT));
header.channels().insert ("B", Channel (FLOAT));
float layerUnLitFlux = 4.0e28;
header.insert("Unlit.luminousFlux",FloatAttribute (layerUnLitFlux));
FrameBuffer frameBuffer;
frameBuffer.insert ("Lit.Y",Slice (FLOAT,
(char *) yPixels,
// base
sizeof (*yPixels) * 1,
sizeof (*yPixels) * columns));
frameBuffer.insert ("R",Slice (FLOAT,
(char *) rPixels_unlit,
// base
sizeof (*rPixels_unlit) * 1,
sizeof (*rPixels_unlit) * columns));
frameBuffer.insert ("G",Slice (FLOAT,
(char *) gPixels_unlit,
sizeof (*gPixels_unlit)
sizeof (*gPixels_unlit)
frameBuffer.insert ("B",Slice (FLOAT,
(char *) bPixels_unlit,
sizeof (*bPixels_unlit)
sizeof (*bPixels_unlit)
OutputFile file (fileName, header);
file.setFrameBuffer (frameBuffer);
file.writePixels (rows);
// type
// type
// base
// type
// base