14B-11 ALTD ORDERING INFORMATION Catalog Number* "ALTD06200R ALTD06200RL ALTD06150-H CONT. AMPS 600 600 600 BIL kV 200 200 150 POWER SYS1EMS MOMENTARY AMPERES 40,000 40,000 40,000 RATED ULTIMATE STRENGTH Ib. 15,000 15,000 15,000 WEIGHT Ib. 11 13 12 kg. 4.9 5.7 5.4 * Suffix "R" indicates the EPDM insulator, suffix "H" indicates the Epoxilator® insulator, suffix "RL" indicates EPDM insulator and 600-Amp Arc Chute interrupter. f RUS Listed. The Arc Chute Interrupter With the addition of the arc chute interrupter, the switch becomes a loadbreak device allowing the ALTD switch to interrupt load currents up to 600 amperes at 15.5kV recovery voltage. Switching of loop circuits up to 600 amps is another capability of the arc chute interrupter. The ALTD switch with arc chute interrupter is also rated for interruption of magnetizing current, line charging current, cable charging current, and capacitor switching. ALTD with factory mounted load-breaking arc chute interrupter and EPDM insulator. Extension link mounting on 15° standoff for vertical blade opening. Detail of link mounted on adapter positioned in clamp-top insulator to provide vertical blade opening. 12" / 5/8" x 1-1/2" /For 5/8" dia. pin IWI 0 L-ievis ri With Cotter Key Optional Extension Link/Adapter This optional assembly provides a twist-free application by attaching one end of the ALTD switch to a clamp-top insulator. The adapter portion enables the desired plane of blade movement to be attained regardless of the angle the supporting insulator makes with the pole. Also, blades can be made to operate in parallel planes or in different planes, if line configuration and ease of access make this advantageous. The desired plane of blade action can be set for use on poletop insulators, on horizontal or 5-degree standoffs and on 15or 30-degree side-mounted standoffs. To order these accessories at additional cost, add letter suffix indicated to switch number above. Also add accessory weight to switch weight. Items selected are packed with the switch and carton so marked. Example: For switch with four stainless-steel terminal bolts, Epoxilator® insulator and extension-link assembly, order ALTD06150-HE. Suffix B C E Description 4 stainless-steel terminal bolts Extension link/angle adapter B and C above Weight, Ib. 3 /4 BVz 4l/4 P r-o q u_3-7/&! n-n J 1 /O" . J^41-^' 3 UNC-2B All Holes HUBBELL / CHANCE - CENTRALIA, MISSOURI JULY 1996