2015-2016 RESEARCH ASSISTANT TUITION ALLOWANCE TABLES Standard Graduate Tuition Rate Funded by a Med School PTA 81% charged to source, 19% charged to School Standard Graduate Tuition applies to graduate programs in the Schools of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences; Education; Humanities & Sciences; PhD and MS programs in the School of Medicine (except Bioengineering); and PhD programs in the School of Business. Academic Year and Summer Assistantships Equal to or Less than 50% % of time appointed 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 TGR Hours of Work/Week 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 4-20 Units TAL Provides * 3 4 5 6 7 * 8, 9, or 10 0-3 Total Tuition 1,982 2,973 3,964 4,955 5,946 6,937 7,928 9,910 2,973 Charge to Source 1,605 2,408 3,211 4,014 4,816 5,619 6,422 8,027 2,973 School Contribution 377 565 753 941 1,130 1,318 1,506 1,883 - * Separately, 10% and 40% Assistantships do not provide tuition allowance sufficient to cover the corresponding 1,2,3 and 8,9,10 tuition rates. Combined, they do equal a 50% Assistantship and cover the 8,9,10 unit tuition rate. Summer Assistantships Greater than 50% The maximum Assistantship appointment for Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters is 50%. Assistantships greater than 50% are allowed during Summer Quarter only, up to a maximum Assistantship of 90%. Eligibility for Assistantships during Summer Quarter is no different than for other quarters, except that the enrollment requirement (minimum of 8 units enrollment) becomes 1 unit in the Summer Quarter. % of time appointed 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Hours of Work/Week 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 Units TAL Provides * 7 6 5 4 3 3 Total Tuition 7,928 6,937 5,946 4,955 3,964 2,973 2,973 Charge to Source 6,422 5,619 4,816 4,014 3,211 2,408 2,408 School Contribution 1,506 1,318 1,130 941 753 565 565 Tuition Allowance for Assistantships greater than 50% and up to 90% will decrease proportionately as the Assistantship increases. Wherever possible, Summer Assistantships of over 50% should be established as a single Assistantship, rather than a combination of smaller Assistantships so the TAL is calculated correctly. * Similar to a 40% Assistantship during the Academic year, a 60% Summer Assistantship will NOT provide the full tuition for a student enrolled in 8, 9 or 10 units. FAO March 2015